org.apache.spark.sql.QualitySparkUtils.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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A Spark library for managing in-process data quality rules via Spark SQL
The newest version!
package org.apache.spark.sql
import com.sparkutils.quality.impl.util.DebugTime.debugTime
import com.sparkutils.quality.impl.util.PassThrough
import com.sparkutils.quality.impl.{RuleEngineRunner, RuleFolderRunner, RuleRunner}
import org.apache.spark.sql.QualityStructFunctions.UpdateFields
import org.apache.spark.sql.ShimUtils.{toSQLExpr, toSQLType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.{Analyzer, ResolveCatalogs, ResolveHigherOrderFunctions, ResolveInlineTables, ResolveLambdaVariables, ResolvePartitionSpec, ResolveTimeZone, ResolveUnion, Resolver, TimeWindowing, TypeCheckResult, TypeCoercion, UnresolvedAttribute, UnresolvedExtractValue}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.SessionCatalog
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors.TreeNodeException
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{CodegenContext, CodegenFallback, ExprCode}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Alias, Attribute, BindReferences, CreateNamedStruct, EqualNullSafe, Expression, ExpressionSet, ExtractValue, GetStructField, If, IsNull, LeafExpression, Literal, UnaryExpression, Unevaluable}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{LogicalPlan, UnaryNode}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.Rule
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, StructField, StructType}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
* Set of utilities to reach in to private functions
object QualitySparkUtils {
* 3.2 backported
* @param key
def isStaticConfigKey(key: String) =
* Where resolveWith is not possible (e.g. 10.x DBRs) it is disabled here.
* This is, in the 10.x DBR case, due to the class files for UnaryNode (FakePlan) being radically different and causing an IncompatibleClassChangeError: Implementing class
* @param orig
* @return
def resolveWithOverride(orig: Option[DataFrame]): Option[DataFrame] =
* Resolves expressions against a dataframe, this allows them to be swapped out after name checking - spark cannot then
* simply optimise the tree so certain things like constant folding etc. won't show up.
* @param dataFrame resolve's must be against a given dataframe to keep names matching
* @param expr the expression to resolve
def resolveExpression(dataFrame: DataFrame, expr: Expression): Expression = {
val sparkSession = SparkSession.getActiveSession.get
val plan ="*").logicalPlan // select * needed for toDF's etc. from dataset to force evaluation of the attributes
val res = debugTime("tryResolveReferences"){
tryResolveReferences(sparkSession)(expr, plan)
val fres = debugTime("bindReferences"){BindReferences.bindReference(res, plan.allAttributes)}
def execute(logicalPlan: LogicalPlan, batch: Batch) = {
var iteration = 1
var curPlan = logicalPlan
var lastPlan = logicalPlan
var start = System.currentTimeMillis
var continue = true
val analyzer = SparkSession.getActiveSession.get.sessionState.analyzer
// Run until fix point (or the max number of iterations as specified in the strategy.
while (continue) {
curPlan = batch.rules.foldLeft(curPlan) {
case (plan, rule) =>
val startTime = System.nanoTime()
val result = rule(plan)
iteration += 1
if (iteration > batch.strategy.maxIterations) {
// Only log if this is a rule that is supposed to run more than once.
if (iteration != 2) {
val endingMsg = if (batch.strategy.maxIterationsSetting == null) {
} else {
s", please set '${batch.strategy.maxIterationsSetting}' to a larger value."
val message = s"Max iterations (${iteration - 1}) reached for batch ${}" +
if (Utils.isTesting || batch.strategy.errorOnExceed) {
throw new TreeNodeException(curPlan, message, null)
} else {
continue = false
if (curPlan.fastEquals(lastPlan)) {
continue = false
lastPlan = curPlan
var stop = System.currentTimeMillis
//println(s"did $iteration iterations to execute the plan in ${stop-start}ms")
case class Strategy(
maxIterations: Int, errorOnExceed: Boolean = false, maxIterationsSetting: String = null
case class Batch(name: String, strategy: Strategy, rules: Rule[LogicalPlan]*)
def resolution(analyzer: Analyzer, sparkSession: SparkSession) = {
val conf = sparkSession.sqlContext.conf
val fixedPoint = new Strategy(
errorOnExceed = true,
maxIterationsSetting = SQLConf.ANALYZER_MAX_ITERATIONS.key)
import analyzer._
val v1SessionCatalog: SessionCatalog = catalogManager.v1SessionCatalog
Batch("Resolution", fixedPoint,
//ResolveTableValuedFunctions ::
ResolveNamespace(catalogManager) ::
new ResolveCatalogs(catalogManager) ::
ResolveUserSpecifiedColumns ::
ResolveInsertInto ::
ResolveRelations ::
ResolveTables ::
ResolvePartitionSpec ::
AddMetadataColumns ::
ResolveReferences ::
// ResolveCreateNamedStruct ::
ResolveDeserializer ::
ResolveNewInstance ::
ResolveUpCast ::
ResolveGroupingAnalytics ::
ResolvePivot ::
ResolveOrdinalInOrderByAndGroupBy ::
ResolveAggAliasInGroupBy ::
ResolveMissingReferences ::
ExtractGenerator ::
ResolveGenerate ::
ResolveFunctions ::
ResolveAliases ::
ResolveSubquery ::
ResolveSubqueryColumnAliases ::
ResolveWindowOrder ::
ResolveWindowFrame ::
ResolveNaturalAndUsingJoin ::
ResolveOutputRelation ::
ExtractWindowExpressions ::
GlobalAggregates ::
ResolveAggregateFunctions ::
TimeWindowing ::
ResolveInlineTables ::
ResolveHigherOrderFunctions(v1SessionCatalog) ::
ResolveLambdaVariables ::
ResolveTimeZone ::
ResolveRandomSeed ::
ResolveBinaryArithmetic ::
ResolveUnion ::
: _*)
// below based on approach from delta / discussed with Alex to use a Project, LeafNode should be fine
protected def tryResolveReferences(
sparkSession: SparkSession)(
expr: Expression,
child: LogicalPlan): Expression = {
val analyzer = sparkSession.sessionState.analyzer
def forExpr(expr: Expression) = {
val newPlan = FakePlan(expr, child)
execute(newPlan, resolution(analyzer, sparkSession))
match {
case FakePlan(resolvedExpr, _) =>
// Return even if it did not successfully resolve
case _ =>
// This is unexpected
throw new Exception(
s"Could not resolve expression $expr with child $child}")
// special case as it's faster to do individual items it seems, 36816ms vs 48974ms
expr match {
case r @ RuleEngineRunner(ruleSuite, PassThrough( expressions ), realType, compileEvals, debugMode, func, group, forceRunnerEval, expressionOffsets, forceTriggerEval) =>
val nexprs =
RuleEngineRunner(ruleSuite, PassThrough( nexprs ), realType, compileEvals, debugMode, func, group, forceRunnerEval, expressionOffsets, forceTriggerEval)
case r @ RuleFolderRunner(ruleSuite, left, PassThrough( expressions ), resultDataType, compileEvals, debugMode, variablesPerFunc,
variableFuncGroup, forceRunnerEval, expressionOffsets, dataRef, forceTriggerEval) =>
val nexprs =
RuleFolderRunner(ruleSuite, left, PassThrough( nexprs ), resultDataType, compileEvals, debugMode, variablesPerFunc,
variableFuncGroup, forceRunnerEval, expressionOffsets, dataRef, forceTriggerEval)
case r @ RuleRunner(ruleSuite, PassThrough( expressions ), compileEvals, func, group, forceRunnerEval) =>
val nexprs =
RuleRunner(ruleSuite, PassThrough( nexprs ), compileEvals, func, group, forceRunnerEval)
case _ => forExpr(expr)
case class FakePlan(expr: Expression, child: LogicalPlan)
extends UnaryNode {
override def output: Seq[Attribute] = child.allAttributes.attrs
override def maxRows: Option[Long] = Some(1)
protected def mygetAllValidConstraints(projectList: Seq[Expression]): Set[Expression] = {
var allConstraints = Set.empty[Expression]
projectList.foreach {
case a @ Alias(l: Literal, _) =>
allConstraints += EqualNullSafe(a.toAttribute, l)
case a @ Alias(e, _) =>
// For every alias in `projectList`, replace the reference in constraints by its attribute.
allConstraints ++= transform {
case expr: Expression if expr.semanticEquals(e) =>
allConstraints += EqualNullSafe(e, a.toAttribute)
case _ => // Don't change.
override lazy val validConstraints: ExpressionSet = ExpressionSet(mygetAllValidConstraints(Seq(expr)))
* Adds fields, in order, for each field path it's paired transformation is applied to the update column
* @param update
* @param transformations
* @return a new copy of update with the changes applied
def update_field(update: Column, transformations: (String, Column)*): Column =
new Column(
transformations.foldRight(update.expr) {
case ((path, col), origin) =>
UpdateFields.apply(origin, path, col.expr)
protected def transformFields(exp: Expression): Expression =
exp.transform { // simplify, normally done in optimizer UpdateFields
case UpdateFields(UpdateFields(struct +: fieldOps1) +: fieldOps2) =>
UpdateFields(struct +: ( fieldOps1 ++ fieldOps2) )
* Drops a field from a structure
* @param update
* @param fieldNames may be nested
* @return
def drop_field(update: Column, fieldNames: String*): Column =
new Column(
fieldNames.foldRight(update.expr) {
case (fieldName, origin) =>
UpdateFields.apply(origin, fieldName)
object QualityStructFunctions {
/* Below is lifted from 3.4.1 complexTypeCreator. The 3.1.3 version does not support testSimpleProductionRulesReplaceDebug and ..DebugSet cases due to
org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors.package$TreeNodeException: The structural integrity of the input plan is broken in org.apache.spark.sql.internal.BaseSessionStateBuilder$$anon$1., tree:
'Project [ArrayBuffer(foldedFields).*]
+- Project [product#1037, account#1036, subcode#1038, foldedFields#1022]
+- Project [foldedFields#1022, account#1036, product#1037, subcode#1038]
+- Project [foldedFields#1022, tempFOLDDEBUG#1032, tempFOLDDEBUG#1032.account AS account#1036, tempFOLDDEBUG#1032.product AS product#1037, tempFOLDDEBUG#1032.subcode AS subcode#1038]
+- Project [foldedFields#1022, element_at(foldedFields#1022.result, -1, false).result AS tempFOLDDEBUG#1032]
+- Project [foldedFields#1022]
+- Project [product#1012, account#1013, subcode#1014, RuleFolderRunner(((product#1012 = edt) AND (subcode#1014 = 40)), (product#1012 = eqotc), product#1012 LIKE %fx%, (product#1012 = eqotc), funn(refexpressionlazytype(com.sparkutils.quality.impl.imports.RuleFolderRunnerImports$$Lambda$2253/635236790@6a056d13, true), lambdafunction(update_fields(lambda thecurrent#1023, WithField(subcode, 1234)), lambda thecurrent#1023, false), None, false, false), funn(refexpressionlazytype(com.sparkutils.quality.impl.imports.RuleFolderRunnerImports$$Lambda$2253/635236790@4b11a972, true), lambdafunction(update_fields(lambda thecurrent#1024, WithField(subcode, 6000), WithField(account, concat(lambda thecurrent#1024.account, _fruit))), lambda thecurrent#1024, false), None, false, false), funn(refexpressionlazytype(com.sparkutils.quality.impl.imports.RuleFolderRunnerImports$$Lambda$2253/635236790@77c0457f, true), lambdafunction(update_fields(lambda thecurrent#1025, WithField(account, to)), lambda thecurrent#1025, false), None, false, false), funn(refexpressionlazytype(com.sparkutils.quality.impl.imports.RuleFolderRunnerImports$$Lambda$2253/635236790@1035ec3c, true), lambdafunction(update_fields(lambda thecurrent#1026, WithField(account, from)), lambda thecurrent#1026, false), None, false, false)) AS foldedFields#1022]
+- LocalRelation [product#1012, account#1013, subcode#1014]
* Represents an operation to be applied to the fields of a struct.
trait StructFieldsOperation extends Expression {
val resolver: Resolver = SQLConf.get.resolver
override def dataType: DataType = throw new IllegalStateException(
"StructFieldsOperation.dataType should not be called.")
override def nullable: Boolean = throw new IllegalStateException(
"StructFieldsOperation.nullable should not be called.")
* Returns an updated list of StructFields and Expressions that will ultimately be used
* as the fields argument for [[StructType]] and as the children argument for
* [[CreateNamedStruct]] respectively inside of [[UpdateFields]].
def apply(values: Seq[(StructField, Expression)]): Seq[(StructField, Expression)]
* Add or replace a field by name.
* We extend [[Unevaluable]] here to ensure that [[UpdateFields]] can include it as part of its
* children, and thereby enable the analyzer to resolve and transform valExpr as necessary.
case class WithField(name: String, child: Expression)
extends UnaryExpression with StructFieldsOperation {
override def foldable: Boolean = false
override def apply(values: Seq[(StructField, Expression)]): Seq[(StructField, Expression)] = {
val newFieldExpr = (StructField(name, child.dataType, child.nullable), child)
val result = ArrayBuffer.empty[(StructField, Expression)]
var hasMatch = false
for (existingFieldExpr@(existingField, _) <- values) {
if (resolver(, name)) {
hasMatch = true
result += newFieldExpr
} else {
result += existingFieldExpr
if (!hasMatch) result += newFieldExpr
override def prettyName: String = "WithField"
protected def withNewChildInternal(newChild: Expression): WithField =
copy(child = newChild)
override protected def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = ???
* Drop a field by name.
case class DropField(name: String) extends LeafExpression with StructFieldsOperation {
override def apply(values: Seq[(StructField, Expression)]): Seq[(StructField, Expression)] =
values.filterNot { case (field, _) => resolver(, name) }
override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any = ???
override protected def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = ???
* Updates fields in a struct.
case class UpdateFields(children: Seq[Expression])
extends Expression with CodegenFallback {
val structExpr = children.head
val fieldOps: Seq[StructFieldsOperation] = children.drop(1).map(_.asInstanceOf[StructFieldsOperation])
override def checkInputDataTypes(): TypeCheckResult = {
val dataType = structExpr.dataType
if (!dataType.isInstanceOf[StructType]) {
TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckFailure(message =
s"UNEXPECTED_INPUT_TYPE, requiredType StructType, inputSql ${toSQLExpr(structExpr)}, inputType ${toSQLType(structExpr.dataType)}"
} else if (newExprs.isEmpty) {
TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckFailure(message =
} else {
protected def withNewChildrenInternal(newChildren: IndexedSeq[Expression]): Expression =
copy(children = newChildren)
override def dataType: StructType = StructType(newFields)
override def nullable: Boolean = structExpr.nullable
override def prettyName: String = "update_fields"
private lazy val newFieldExprs: Seq[(StructField, Expression)] = {
def getFieldExpr(i: Int): Expression = structExpr match {
case c: CreateNamedStruct => c.valExprs(i)
case _ => GetStructField(structExpr, i)
val fieldsWithIndex = structExpr.dataType.asInstanceOf[StructType].fields.zipWithIndex
val existingFieldExprs: Seq[(StructField, Expression)] = { case (field, i) => (field, getFieldExpr(i)) }
fieldOps.foldLeft(existingFieldExprs)((exprs, op) => op(exprs))
private lazy val newFields: Seq[StructField] =
lazy val newExprs: Seq[Expression] =
lazy val evalExpr: Expression = {
val createNamedStructExpr = CreateNamedStruct(newFieldExprs.flatMap {
case (field, expr) => Seq(Literal(, expr)
if (structExpr.nullable) {
If(IsNull(structExpr), Literal(null, dataType), createNamedStructExpr)
} else {
override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any = evalExpr.eval(input)
object UpdateFields {
private def nameParts(fieldName: String): Seq[String] = {
require(fieldName != null, "fieldName cannot be null")
if (fieldName.isEmpty) {
fieldName :: Nil
} else {
* Adds/replaces field of `StructType` into `col` expression by name.
def apply(col: Expression, fieldName: String, expr: Expression): UpdateFields =
updateFieldsHelper(col, nameParts(fieldName), name => WithField(name, expr))
* Drops fields of `StructType` in `col` expression by name.
def apply(col: Expression, fieldName: String): UpdateFields =
updateFieldsHelper(col, nameParts(fieldName), name => DropField(name))
private def updateFieldsHelper(
structExpr: Expression,
namePartsRemaining: Seq[String],
valueFunc: String => StructFieldsOperation): UpdateFields = {
val fieldName = namePartsRemaining.head
if (namePartsRemaining.length == 1) {
UpdateFields(Seq(structExpr, valueFunc(fieldName)))
} else {
val newStruct = if (structExpr.resolved) {
val resolver = SQLConf.get.resolver
ExtractValue(structExpr, Literal(fieldName), resolver)
} else {
UnresolvedExtractValue(structExpr, Literal(fieldName))
val newValue = updateFieldsHelper(
structExpr = newStruct,
namePartsRemaining = namePartsRemaining.tail,
valueFunc = valueFunc)
UpdateFields(Seq(structExpr, WithField(fieldName, newValue)))
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