spinoco.protocol.http.Uri.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package spinoco.protocol.http
import java.net.{URLDecoder, URLEncoder}
import scodec.{Attempt, Codec, Err, codecs}
import codec.helper._
import scodec.bits.BitVector
import spinoco.protocol.common.util._
import spinoco.protocol.common.codec._
import spinoco.protocol.common.Terminator
import spinoco.protocol.http.codec.RFC3986
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* Internet Uri, as defined in http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986
* All values are decoded (no % escaping)
sealed case class Uri(
scheme: Scheme
, host: HostPort
, path: Uri.Path
, query: Uri.Query
) { self =>
/** replaces query with one specified **/
def withQuery(query: Uri.Query): Uri =
self.copy(query = query)
/** appends supplied param to uri **/
def withParam(k: String, v: String): Uri =
self.copy(query = self.query :+ (k, v))
/** if this is valid Uri, yields to string representation of this Uri **/
lazy val stringify: Attempt[String] = {
Uri.codec.encode(self) flatMap { bytes =>
Attempt.fromEither(bytes.decodeUtf8.left.map(rsn => Err(s"Failed to decode UTF8: $rsn")))
/** throws if this cannot be encoded to Uri **/
def stringifyUnsafe: String =
stringify.fold(err => throw new Throwable(s"Failed to stringify: ${err.message}"), identity)
object Uri {
def http(host: String, path: String): Uri =
Uri(HttpScheme.HTTP, HostPort(host, None), Uri.Path.fromUtf8String(path), Query.empty)
def http(host: String, port: Int, path: String): Uri =
Uri(HttpScheme.HTTP, HostPort(host, Some(port)), Uri.Path.fromUtf8String(path), Query.empty)
def https(host: String, path: String): Uri =
Uri(HttpScheme.HTTPS, HostPort(host, None), Uri.Path.fromUtf8String(path), Query.empty)
def https(host: String, port: Int, path: String): Uri =
Uri(HttpScheme.HTTPS, HostPort(host, Some(port)), Uri.Path.fromUtf8String(path), Query.empty)
def ws(host: String, path: String): Uri =
Uri(HttpScheme.WS, HostPort(host, None), Uri.Path.fromUtf8String(path), Query.empty)
def ws(host: String, port: Int, path: String): Uri =
Uri(HttpScheme.WS, HostPort(host, Some(port)), Uri.Path.fromUtf8String(path), Query.empty)
def wss(host: String, path: String): Uri =
Uri(HttpScheme.WSS, HostPort(host, None), Uri.Path.fromUtf8String(path), Query.empty)
def wss(host: String, port: Int, path: String): Uri =
Uri(HttpScheme.WSS, HostPort(host, Some(port)), Uri.Path.fromUtf8String(path), Query.empty)
/** parse supplied string and receive Uri, if supplied string is valid **/
def parse(uriString: String): Attempt[Uri] =
val pathQueryCodec:Codec[(Uri.Path, Uri.Query)] = {
val queryCodec: Codec[Query] = {
val d = (codecs.byte.unit('?') ~> Query.codec)
Codec(q => if (q.params.isEmpty) attempt(BitVector.empty) else d.encode(q), d.decode _)
bytesUntil(_ != '?').codedAs(Path.codec) ~
codecs.optional(codecs.bitsRemaining, queryCodec).xmap(_.getOrElse(Query.empty), Some(_))
val hostPortCodec: Codec[HostPort] = bytesUntil(_ != '/').codedAs(HostPort.codec)
val codec: Codec[Uri] = {
val hostPathQueryCodec:Codec[(HostPort, Uri.Path, Uri.Query)] = {
(bytesUntil(b => b != '/' && b != '?').codedAs(HostPort.codec) ~ pathQueryCodec).xmap(
{ case (hp, (path, query)) => (hp, path, query) }
, { case (hp, path, query) => (hp, (path, query)) }
(terminated(Scheme.codec, Terminator.constantString1("://")) ~ hostPathQueryCodec)
{ case (scheme, (host, path, query)) => Uri(scheme, host, path, query) }
, uri => (uri.scheme, (uri.host, uri.path, uri.query))
sealed case class Path(initialSlash: Boolean, trailingSlash:Boolean, segments: Seq[String]) { self =>
def / (s: String) =
self.copy(trailingSlash = false, segments = self.segments :+ s)
def / =
self.copy(trailingSlash = true)
def stringify:String = {
val sb = new StringBuilder()
if (self.initialSlash) sb.append("/")
if (self.trailingSlash) sb.append("/")
object Path {
private val PlusRegex = "\\+".r
/** constructs relative path without initial slash (`/`) **/
def relative(s: String) : Path =
Path(initialSlash = false, trailingSlash = false, segments = Seq(s))
/** constructs absolute path with initial slash (`/`) **/
def absolute(s: String) : Path =
Path(initialSlash = true, trailingSlash = false, segments = Seq(s))
def / (s: String) : Path = absolute(s)
def fromUtf8String(path: String):Uri.Path = {
val trimmed = path.trim
val segments = trimmed.split("/").filter(_.nonEmpty).map { s =>
// avoid URLDecoder turning a + into a space
val segment = PlusRegex.replaceAllIn(s, "%2B")
URLDecoder.decode(segment, "UTF-8")
initialSlash = trimmed.startsWith("/")
, segments = segments.toIndexedSeq
, trailingSlash = trimmed.endsWith("/") && segments.nonEmpty
val codec : Codec[Uri.Path] = {
trimmedUtf8String.xmap(fromUtf8String, _.stringify)
val Root: Path = Path(initialSlash = true, segments = Nil, trailingSlash = false)
val Empty: Path = Path(initialSlash = false, segments = Nil, trailingSlash = false)
sealed case class Query(params: List[QueryParameter]) { self =>
def append(param: QueryParameter): Query = self.copy(params = self.params :+ param)
def append(k: String, v: String): Query = append(QueryParameter.single(k, v))
def append(flag: String): Query = append(QueryParameter.flag(flag))
def :+(param: QueryParameter): Query = append(param)
def :+(k: String, v: String): Query = append(QueryParameter.single(k, v))
def :+(flag: String): Query = append(QueryParameter.flag(flag))
def hasFlag(flag: String): Boolean =
collectFirst { case QueryParameter.Flag(`flag`) => true }.getOrElse(false)
def valueOf(k: String): Option[String] =
collectFirst { case QueryParameter.Single(`k`, v) => v }
def collectFirst[A](pf: PartialFunction[SingleOrFlagParameter, A]): Option[A] = {
val lifted = pf.lift
def go(rem: List[QueryParameter]): Option[A] = {
rem.headOption match {
case Some(p) => p match {
case QueryParameter.Multi(p1, p2, tail) => go(p1 +: p2 +: (tail ++ rem))
case param: SingleOrFlagParameter => lifted(param) match {
case None => go(rem.tail)
case Some(a) => Some(a)
case None => None
def collect[A](pf: PartialFunction[SingleOrFlagParameter, A]): List[A] = {
val lifted = pf.lift
def go(rem: List[QueryParameter], acc: Vector[A]): List[A] = {
rem.headOption match {
case Some(p) => p match {
case QueryParameter.Multi(p1, p2, tail) => go(p1 +: p2 +: (tail ++ rem), acc)
case param: SingleOrFlagParameter => go(rem.tail, acc ++ lifted(param))
case None => acc.toList
go(self.params, Vector.empty)
object Query {
import scodec.codecs._
val empty = Query(List.empty)
def apply(k:String, v:String): Query = empty :+ (k,v)
def apply(flag: String): Query = empty :+ flag
private def urlDecode(s: String) = attempt(URLDecoder.decode(s.trim, "UTF-8"))
private def urlEncode(s: String) = attempt(URLEncoder.encode(s, "UTF-8"))
val codec: Codec[Query] = {
val `=` = BitVector.view("=".getBytes)
val `;` = BitVector.view(";".getBytes)
val urlEncodedString:Codec[String] =
utf8.exmap(urlDecode, urlEncode)
val param: Codec[QueryParameter] = {
import QueryParameter._
val flag: Codec[Flag] = {
listDelimited(`=`, urlEncodedString).narrow(
case a :: Nil => Attempt.successful(Flag(a))
case a :: b :: Nil if b.trim.isEmpty => Attempt.successful(Flag(a))
case other => Attempt.failure(Err(s"Failed to decode flag, must be flag alone or followed by `=` : $other"))
, flag => List(flag.name)
val single: Codec[Single] = {
listDelimited(`=`, urlEncodedString).narrow(
case a :: b :: Nil if b.trim.nonEmpty => Attempt.successful(Single(a,b))
case other => Attempt.failure(Err(s"Single paramter must be from key and value, both separated by `=` character: $other"))
, single => List(single.name, single.value)
val multi: Codec[Multi] = {
val multiParam: Codec[SingleOrFlagParameter] = {
, flag.upcast[SingleOrFlagParameter]
listDelimited(`;`, multiParam).narrow(
case p1 :: p2 :: tail => Attempt.successful(Multi(p1, p2, tail))
case other => Attempt.failure(Err(s"Uri Query multi-parameter must be seprated by `;` and must have at least two parameters: $other"))
, multi => List(multi.p1, multi.p2) ++ multi.tail
, single.upcast[QueryParameter]
, flag.upcast[QueryParameter]
spinoco.protocol.http.codec.helper.delimitedBy(amp,amp, param).xmap(Query(_), _.params)
sealed trait QueryParameter {
import QueryParameter._
def append(param: SingleOrFlagParameter): Multi
def append(k: String, v: String): Multi = append(Single(k, v))
def append(flag: String): Multi = append(Flag(flag))
def :+ (param: SingleOrFlagParameter): Multi = append(param)
def :+ (k: String, v: String): Multi = append(Single(k, v))
def :+ (flag: String): Multi = append(Flag(flag))
sealed trait SingleOrFlagParameter extends QueryParameter {
object QueryParameter {
def single(k: String, v: String): Single = Single(k, v)
def flag(flg: String): Flag = Flag(flg)
def multi(p1: SingleOrFlagParameter, p2: SingleOrFlagParameter): Multi = Multi(p1, p2, Nil)
final case class Single(name: String, value: String) extends SingleOrFlagParameter {
def append(param: SingleOrFlagParameter): Multi = Multi(this, param, Nil)
final case class Flag(name: String) extends SingleOrFlagParameter {
def append(param: SingleOrFlagParameter): Multi = Multi(this, param, Nil)
final case class Multi(p1: SingleOrFlagParameter, p2: SingleOrFlagParameter, tail: List[SingleOrFlagParameter]) extends QueryParameter {
def append(param: SingleOrFlagParameter): Multi = copy(tail = tail :+ param)
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