com.sporniket.libre.javabeans.seeg.ExtractionWorkspacePostgresql Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.sporniket.libre.javabeans.seeg;
import static com.sporniket.libre.javabeans.seeg.StringHelper.camelCaseCapitalizedFromSnakeCase;
import static com.sporniket.libre.javabeans.seeg.StringHelper.undoublequote;
import static;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;
* Building of the internal representation that is specific to PostgreSql.
* © Copyright 2012-2020 David Sporn
* This file is part of The Sporniket Javabeans Project – doclet.
* The Sporniket Javabeans Project – seeg is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
* the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* The Sporniket Javabeans Project – seeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
* License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with The Sporniket Javabeans Library –
* core. If not, see 2
* @author David SPORN
* @version 20.07.00
* @since 20.04.01
public class ExtractionWorkspacePostgresql extends ExtractionWorkspaceBase implements ExtractionWorkspace
private static final Map PGSQL_TYPE_MAP = Arrays.asList(//
new String[][]
"bigserial", "long"
"serial", "integer"
"int8", "long"
"int4", "integer"
"float8", "float"
"bool", "boolean"
"varchar", "String"
"date", Date.class.getName()
"time", Date.class.getName()
"timestamp", Date.class.getName()
.collect(toMap(e -> e[0], e -> e[1]));
private static final Map PGSQL_TYPE_MAP_NULLABLE = Arrays.asList(//
new String[][]
"bigserial", "Long"
"serial", "Integer"
"int8", "Long"
"int4", "Integer"
"float8", "Float"
"bool", "Boolean"
.collect(toMap(e -> e[0], e -> e[1]));
private static final Map PGSQL_TEMPORAL_ANNOTATION = Arrays.asList(//
new String[][]
"date", "@javax.persistence.Temporal(javax.persistence.TemporalType.DATE)"
"time", "@javax.persistence.Temporal(javax.persistence.TemporalType.TIME)"
"timestamp", "@javax.persistence.Temporal(javax.persistence.TemporalType.TIMESTAMP)"
.collect(toMap(e -> e[0], e -> e[1]));
public void registerColumn(final String table, final String column, final String type, final String nullable,
final String autoinc, final String isGenerated, final String comment, final String defaultValue, String typeEnum)
if (!regClasses.containsKey(table))
registerClass(table, null, typeEnum);
DefTable _parent = regClasses.get(table);
DefColumn _c = new DefColumn();
_c.nameInDatabase = column;
_c.comment = comment;
_c.nameInJava = camelCaseCapitalizedFromSnakeCase(column);
final boolean _useSequence = null != defaultValue && defaultValue.startsWith("nextval(");
final boolean _autoIncrement = "YES".equals(autoinc);
_c.generated = _autoIncrement || _useSequence;
_c.notNullable = !_c.generated && "NO".equals(nullable);
if (_c.generated)
// supports only identity and sequence strategy, for now
if (_useSequence)
_c.generationStrategy = "javax.persistence.GenerationType.SEQUENCE";
// should have a default value like : nextval('schema."seq_name"...
int _nameStart = defaultValue.indexOf('"') + 1;
int _nameEnd = defaultValue.indexOf('"', _nameStart);
_c.sequenceGenerator = defaultValue.substring(_nameStart, _nameEnd);
_c.generationStrategy = "javax.persistence.GenerationType.IDENTITY";
_c.dbType = type;
if (PGSQL_TYPE_MAP.containsKey(type))
_c.javaType = PGSQL_TYPE_MAP.get(type);
if ((!_c.notNullable || _c.generated) && PGSQL_TYPE_MAP_NULLABLE.containsKey(type))
_c.javaType = PGSQL_TYPE_MAP_NULLABLE.get(type);
if (PGSQL_TEMPORAL_ANNOTATION.containsKey(type))
_c.temporalMapping = PGSQL_TEMPORAL_ANNOTATION.get(type);
// enum value
String[] _path = type.split("\\.");
String _enum = _path[_path.length - 1];
_enum = undoublequote(_enum);
_c.javaType = regEnums.get(_enum).nameInJava;
_c.isEnum = true;
_parent.useEnums = true;
_parent.columns.put(column, _c);