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com.spotify.mobius.Mobius Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* -\-\-
* Mobius
* --
* Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Spotify AB
* --
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* -/-/-
package com.spotify.mobius;
import static com.spotify.mobius.internal_util.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import com.spotify.mobius.disposables.Disposable;
import com.spotify.mobius.functions.Consumer;
import com.spotify.mobius.functions.Producer;
import com.spotify.mobius.runners.WorkRunner;
import com.spotify.mobius.runners.WorkRunners;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
public final class Mobius {
private Mobius() {
// prevent instantiation
private static final Init, ?> NOOP_INIT =
new Init() {
public First init(Object model) {
return First.first(model);
private static final EventSource> NOOP_EVENT_SOURCE =
new EventSource() {
public Disposable subscribe(Consumer eventConsumer) {
return new Disposable() {
public void dispose() {}
private static final MobiusLoop.Logger, ?, ?> NOOP_LOGGER =
new MobiusLoop.Logger() {
public void beforeInit(Object model) {
/* noop */
public void afterInit(Object model, First result) {
/* noop */
public void exceptionDuringInit(Object model, Throwable exception) {
System.err.println("error initialising from model: '" + model + "' - " + exception);
public void beforeUpdate(Object model, Object event) {
/* noop */
public void afterUpdate(Object model, Object event, Next result) {
/* noop */
public void exceptionDuringUpdate(Object model, Object event, Throwable exception) {
"error updating model: '" + model + "' with event: '" + event + "' - " + exception);
* Create a {@link MobiusLoop.Builder} to help you configure a MobiusLoop before starting it.
* Once done configuring the loop you can start the loop using {@link
* MobiusLoop.Factory#startFrom(Object)}.
* @param update the {@link Update} function of the loop
* @param effectHandler the {@link Connectable} effect handler of the loop
* @return a {@link MobiusLoop.Builder} instance that you can further configure before starting
* the loop
public static MobiusLoop.Builder loop(
Update update, Connectable effectHandler) {
//noinspection unchecked
return new Builder<>(
(MobiusLoop.Logger) NOOP_LOGGER,
new Producer() {
public WorkRunner get() {
return WorkRunners.from(Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(Builder.THREAD_FACTORY));
new Producer() {
public WorkRunner get() {
return WorkRunners.from(Executors.newCachedThreadPool(Builder.THREAD_FACTORY));
* Create a {@link MobiusLoop.Controller} that allows you to start, stop, and restart MobiusLoops.
* @param loopFactory a factory for creating loops
* @param defaultModel the model the controller should start from
* @return a new controller
public static MobiusLoop.Controller controller(
MobiusLoop.Factory loopFactory, M defaultModel) {
return new MobiusLoopController<>(loopFactory, defaultModel, WorkRunners.immediate());
* Create a {@link MobiusLoop.Controller} that allows you to start, stop, and restart MobiusLoops.
* @param loopFactory a factory for creating loops
* @param defaultModel the model the controller should start from
* @param modelRunner the WorkRunner to use when observing model changes
* @return a new controller
public static MobiusLoop.Controller controller(
MobiusLoop.Factory loopFactory, M defaultModel, WorkRunner modelRunner) {
return new MobiusLoopController<>(loopFactory, defaultModel, modelRunner);
private static final class Builder implements MobiusLoop.Builder {
private static final MyThreadFactory THREAD_FACTORY = new MyThreadFactory();
private final Update update;
private final Connectable effectHandler;
private final Init init;
private final EventSource eventSource;
private final Producer eventRunner;
private final Producer effectRunner;
private final MobiusLoop.Logger logger;
private Builder(
Update update,
Connectable effectHandler,
Init init,
EventSource eventSource,
MobiusLoop.Logger logger,
Producer eventRunner,
Producer effectRunner) {
this.update = checkNotNull(update);
this.effectHandler = checkNotNull(effectHandler);
this.init = checkNotNull(init);
this.eventSource = checkNotNull(eventSource);
this.eventRunner = checkNotNull(eventRunner);
this.effectRunner = checkNotNull(effectRunner);
this.logger = checkNotNull(logger);
public MobiusLoop.Builder init(Init init) {
return new Builder<>(
update, effectHandler, init, eventSource, logger, eventRunner, effectRunner);
public MobiusLoop.Builder eventSource(EventSource eventSource) {
return new Builder<>(
update, effectHandler, init, eventSource, logger, eventRunner, effectRunner);
public MobiusLoop.Builder logger(MobiusLoop.Logger logger) {
return new Builder<>(
update, effectHandler, init, eventSource, logger, eventRunner, effectRunner);
public MobiusLoop.Builder eventRunner(Producer eventRunner) {
return new Builder<>(
update, effectHandler, init, eventSource, logger, eventRunner, effectRunner);
public MobiusLoop.Builder effectRunner(Producer effectRunner) {
return new Builder<>(
update, effectHandler, init, eventSource, logger, eventRunner, effectRunner);
public MobiusLoop startFrom(M startModel) {
LoggingInit loggingInit = new LoggingInit<>(init, logger);
LoggingUpdate loggingUpdate = new LoggingUpdate<>(update, logger);
return MobiusLoop.create(
MobiusStore.create(loggingInit, loggingUpdate, checkNotNull(startModel)),
private static class MyThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory {
private static final AtomicLong threadCount = new AtomicLong(0);
public Thread newThread(Runnable runnable) {
Thread thread = Executors.defaultThreadFactory().newThread(checkNotNull(runnable));
String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "mobius-thread-%d", threadCount.incrementAndGet()));
return thread;