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# Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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# General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
# and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License").  You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  You can
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# language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
# When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
# file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.
# GPL Classpath Exception:
# Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath"
# exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License
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# Modifications:
# If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields
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# {0} - full classname
autodiscoverable.configuration.failed=Configuration of {0} auto-discoverable failed. control is null.
callback.method.invocation.failed=Invocation of a {0} method on a request execution callback has failed on thread {1}. provider has already been initialized. setup buffering as bytes have already been written to the output stream. The entity buffering can be initialized only before first bytes are written to the entity output stream. component instance cannot be null. component class cannot be null.
component.type.already.registered=Cannot new create registration for component type {0}: Existing previous registration found for the type.
component.contracts.empty.or.null=Attempt to register component of type {0} to null or empty array of contracts  is ignored.
configuration.not.modifiable=The configuration is not modifiable in this context.
contract.not.assignable=Contract {0} can not be registered for component {1}: Contract not assignable to component.
contract.not.supported=Contract {0} can not be registered for component {1}: Contract type not supported. is null. is null.
dependent.class.of.provider.format.error={0}. A dependent class of the class {1} implementing the provider {2} is malformed. The provider implementation is ignored. Check if the malformed class is part of a stubbed jar that used for compiling only.
dependent.class.of.provider.not.found=A dependent class, {0}, of the class {1} implementing the provider {2} is not found. The provider implementation is ignored. tag is null.
error.caught.while.loading.spi.providers=Error caught while loading SPI providers. input stream has already been closed.
error.entity.provider.basictypes.character.morechars=A single character expected in the entity input stream.
error.entity.provider.basictypes.constructor=Error converting entity to {0} type by single String constructor.
error.entity.provider.basictypes.unkwnown=Unsupported basic type {0}.
error.finding.exception.mapper.type=Could not find exception type for given ExceptionMapper class: {0}.
error.interceptor.reader.proceed=Last reader interceptor in the chain called the method proceed.
error.interceptor.writer.proceed=Last writer interceptor in the chain called the method proceed.
error.mbr.isreadable=MesssageBodyReader {0} threw exception in isReadable - skipping.
error.mbw.iswritable=MesssageBodyWriter {0} threw exception in isWritable - skipping.
# {0} - Arbitrary localized message, e.g.: [NONFATAL] ; source=
error.msg=WARNING: {0}
error.newcookie.expires=NewCookie Expires header value ({0}) cannot be read.
error.notfound.messagebodywriter=MessageBodyWriter not found for media type={0}, type={1}, genericType={2}.
error.notfound.messagebodyreader=MessageBodyReader not found for media type={0}, type={1}, genericType={2}.
error.parsing.entity.tag=Error parsing entity tag: {0}
error.processing.messagebody=Exception during processing (read/write) of the message body.
error.provider.constrainedTo.wrong.package=A registered provider {0} is constrained (via @ConstrainedTo) to {1} runtime but does not implement any provider interface usable in the runtime.
error.provider.constrainedTo.wrong.runtime=A provider {0} registered in {2} runtime is constrained (via @ConstrainedTo) to {1} runtime.
error.provider.and.resource.constrainedTo.ignored=Due to constraint configuration problems the implementations of providers in the resource class {0} will be ignored. However, the resource class will be loaded and used as an resource.
error.provider.constrainedTo.ignored=Due to constraint configuration problems the provider {0} will be ignored.
error.provider.registered.wrong.runtime=A provider {0} registered in {1} runtime does not implement any provider interfaces applicable in the {1} runtime. reading entity from input stream.
error.reading.entity.missing=Missing entity.
error.resolving.generic.type.value=Unable to resolve generic type value of {0} for an instance of {1}.
error.service.locator.provider.instance.feature.context=Incorrect type of feature context instance {0}. Parameter must be a default Jersey FeatureContext implementation.
error.service.locator.provider.instance.feature.writer.interceptor.context=Incorrect type of writer interceptor context instance {0}. Parameter must be a default Jersey WriterInterceptorContext implementation.
error.service.locator.provider.instance.feature.reader.interceptor.context=Incorrect type of reader interceptor context instance {0}. Parameter must be a default Jersey ReaderInterceptorContext implementation. character "{0}" at position {1} is not allowed after a name in a path template "{2}". character "{0}" at position {1} is not allowed as a part of a name in a path template "{2}". character "{0}" at position {1} is not allowed as a start of a name in a path template "{2}".
error.template.parser.invalid.syntax=Invalid syntax for the expression "{0}" associated with the name "{1}" in a path template "{2}".
error.template.parser.invalid.syntax.terminated=Invalid syntax in the template "{0}". Check if a path parameter is terminated with a "}". name "{0}" is declared more than once with different regular expressions in a path template "{1}".
error.unmarshalling.jaxb=Error un-marshalling JAXB object of type: {0}.
# {0} - List of localized messages, e.g.: [FATAL] ; source=
errors.and.warnings.detected=Following issues have been detected: {0}
exception.caught.while.loading.spi.providers=Exception caught while loading SPI providers.
exception.mapper.supported.type.unknown=Unable to retrieve the supported exception type for a registered exception mapper service class "{0}".
feature.has.already.been.processed=Feature [{0}] has already been processed.
hint.msg=HINT: {0}
hints.detected=The following hints have been detected: {0}
hk2.reification.error=HK2 service reification failed for [{0}] with an exception:\n{1}
hk2.unknown.error=Unknown HK2 failure detected:\n{0}
hk2.failure.outside.error.scope=HK2 failure has been detected in a code that does not run in an active Jersey Error scope.
http.header.comments.not.allowed=Comments are not allowed.
http.header.end.of.header=End of header. characters between the separators "{0}" and "{1}". end separator "{0}".
http.header.unbalanced.comments=Unbalanced comments.
http.header.unbalanced.quoted=Unbalanced quoted string.
http.header.whitespace.not.allowed=White space not allowed.
http.headers.was.not.set=HttpHeaders was not set.
http.headers.was.already.set=HttpHeaders was already set.
ignored.custom.request.executor.providers="Multiple custom request executor provider registrations found. Following provider registrations will be ignored: [{0}]"
illegal.config.syntax=Illegal configuration-file syntax.
illegal.initial.capacity=Illegal initial capacity: {0}.
illegal.invocation.context.state=Invocation context is in illegal state "{0}" for "{1}" operation.
illegal.load.factor=Illegal load factor: {0}. provider-class name: {0}.
injection.error.suitable.constructor.not.found=Could not find a suitable constructor in {0} class.
injection.error.local.class.not.supported=Cannot instantiate {0} class. Instantiation of local classes is not supported.
injection.error.nonstatic.member.class.not.supported=Cannot instantiate {0} class. Instantiation of non-static member classes is not supported. stream has been closed. host name.
invalid.port=Invalid port value.
invalid.spi.classes=Supplied provider class(es) do not implement the expected {0} SPI: [{1}]
invocation.failed=Invocation of a {0} method on a request execution callback has failed. is null. is null.
matrix.param.null=One or more of matrix value parameters are null.
# {0} - class name body reader ({0}) is trying to close the entity input stream. Not closing.
# {0} - class name body writer ({0}) is trying to close the entity output stream. Not closing. type is null.
message.content.buffering.failed=Failed to buffer the message content input stream. closing message content input stream.
message.content.buffer.reset.failed=Error resetting the buffered message content input stream.
method.not.getter.nor.setter=Method is neither getter nor setter.
multiple.matching.constructors.found=Found {0} constructors with {1} parameters in {2} class. Selecting the first found constructor: {3} cookie is null.
no.container.available=No container available. is no error processing in scope.
not.supported.on.outbound.message=Method not supported on an outbound message. to open an input stream for resource {0}. error occurred while processing resource stream {0}. output stream has already been closed. that overrides {0} cannot be found on class {1}.
param.null="{0}" parameter is null.
# {0} - value to string; {1} - type of value; {2} - desired value type/class is no way how to transform value "{0}" [{1}] to type [{2}]. property name "{0}" usage was found. Please use "{1}" instead. class {0} implementing provider {1} could not be loaded: {2} class {0} implementing provider {1} could not be instantiated: {2}
provider.not.found=The class {0} implementing the provider {1} is not found. The provider implementation is ignored.
query.param.null=One or more of query value parameters are null.
response.closed=Response is closed.
request.cancel.failed=Failed to cancel request invocation context in state "{0}".
request.execution.failed=Request execution has failed.
request.executor.factory.closed=The request executor factory [{0}] has been closed already.
request.suspend.failed=Failed to suspend request invocation context in state "{0}".
request.suspended.response.ignored=Request processing suspended - response returned by inflector ignored: {0}
request.was.already.set=Request was already set.
request.was.not.set=Request was not set. feature XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING cannot be set on a SAXParserFactory. \
  External general entity processing is disabled but other potential security related features will not be enabled. features for the SAX parser could not be enabled. XDK. No security features will be enabled for the SAX parser.
security.context.was.already.set=SecurityContext was already set.
security.context.was.not.set=SecurityContext was not set.
# {0} - fully qualified name of connector class; {1} - header names
some.headers.not.sent=There are some request headers that have not been sent by connector [{0}]. Probably you added \
those headers in WriterInterceptor or MessageBodyWriter. That feature is not supported by the connector. Please, \
do not modify headers in WriterInterceptor or MessageBodyWriter or use default HttpUrlConnector instead.\n\
Unsent header changes: {1}
ssl.ctx.algorithm.not.supported=Error creating SSL context (algorithm not supported).
ssl.ctx.init.failed=Error initializing SSL context (operation failed).
ssl.ks.cert.load.error=Cannot load key store certificates.
ssl.ks.file.not.found=Cannot find key store file "{0}".
ssl.ks.impl.not.found=Error initializing key store (implementation not available).
ssl.ks.integrity.algorithm.not.found=Error initializing key store (algorithm to check key store integrity not found).
ssl.ks.load.error=Error loading key store from file "{0}".
ssl.ks.providers.not.registered=Error initializing key store (provider not registered).
ssl.kmf.algorithm.not.supported=Error initializing key manager factory (algorithm not supported).
ssl.kmf.init.failed=Error initializing key manager factory (operation failed).
ssl.kmf.unrecoverable.key=Error initializing key manager factory (unrecoverable key). key password nor key store password has been set for {0} key store. \
  Ignoring the key store configuration and skipping the key manager factory initialization. \
  Key manager factory will not be configured in the current SSL context."provider based""byte array based"
ssl.kmf.provider.not.registered=Error initializing key manager factory (provider not registered).
ssl.ts.cert.load.error=Cannot load trust store certificates.
ssl.ts.file.not.found=Cannot find trust store file "{0}".
ssl.ts.impl.not.found=Error initializing trust store (implementation not available).
ssl.ts.integrity.algorithm.not.found=Error initializing trust store (algorithm to check trust store integrity not found).
ssl.ts.load.error=Error loading trust store from file "{0}".
ssl.ts.providers.not.registered=Error initializing trust store (provider not registered).
ssl.tmf.algorithm.not.supported=Error initializing trust manager factory (algorithm not supported).
ssl.tmf.init.failed=Error initializing trust manager factory (operation failed).
ssl.tmf.provider.not.registered=Error initializing trust manager factory (provider not registered).
stream.provider.null=Stream provider is not defined. It must be set before writing first bytes to the entity output stream. is null.
template.param.null=One or more of template keys or values are null. conversion not supported for: {0}.
too.many.header.values=Too many "{0}" header values: "{1}" to parse "{0}" header value: "{1}"
uri.builder.scheme.part.null=Supplied scheme-specific part parameter is null.
uri.builder.scheme.part.unexpected.component=Supplied scheme-specific URI part "{0}" contains unexpected URI Scheme component: {1}.
uri.builder.uri.part.fragment=Supplied scheme-specific URI part "{0}" contains URI Fragment component: {1}.
uri.builder.class.path.annotation.missing=The class, {0} is not annotated with @Path.
uri.builder.methodname.not.specified=The method named "{0}" is not specified by {1}.
uri.builder.annotatedelement.path.annotation.missing=The annotated element "{0}" is not annotated with @Path.
uri.builder.schema.part.opaque=Schema specific part is opaque.
uri.builder.path.segment.null=Path segment is null.
uri.component.encoded.octet.invalid.digit=Malformed percent-encoded octet at index {0}, invalid hexadecimal digit ''{1}''.
uri.component.encoded.octet.malformed=Malformed percent-encoded octet at index {0}.
uri.component.invalid.character=The string "{0}" for the URI component {1} contains an invalid character, ''{2}'', at index {3}. is null. was already set. was not set.
uri.parser.component.delimiter=Component does not end by a delimiter ''{0}'' at index {1}.
uri.parser.not.executed=The parser was not executed yet. Call the parse() method first.
uri.parser.scheme.expected=Expected scheme name at index {0}: ''{1}''.
using.custom.request.executor.provider="Using custom request executor provider [{0}]."
using.default.request.executor.provider="No custom request executor provider registrations found - using default: [{0}]."
# {0} - Arbitrary localized message, e.g.: [FATAL] ; source=
warning.msg=WARNING: {0}
warning.provider.constrainedTo.wrong.package=A registered provider {0} constrained (via @ConstrainedTo) to {1} runtime implements interface {2} which is only usable in a {3} runtime context.
# {0} - List of arbitrary localized messages, e.g.: [FATAL] ; source=
warnings.detected=The following warnings have been detected: {0}