com.spotify.missinglink.maven.CheckMojo Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2015 Spotify AB
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.spotify.missinglink.maven;
import com.spotify.missinglink.ArtifactLoader;
import com.spotify.missinglink.Conflict;
import com.spotify.missinglink.Conflict.ConflictCategory;
import com.spotify.missinglink.ConflictChecker;
import com.spotify.missinglink.Java9ModuleLoader;
import com.spotify.missinglink.datamodel.Artifact;
import com.spotify.missinglink.datamodel.ArtifactBuilder;
import com.spotify.missinglink.datamodel.ArtifactName;
import com.spotify.missinglink.datamodel.ClassTypeDescriptor;
import com.spotify.missinglink.datamodel.DeclaredClass;
import com.spotify.missinglink.datamodel.Dependency;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.apache.maven.model.Exclusion;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.ResolutionScope;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
@Mojo(name = "check", requiresDependencyResolution = ResolutionScope.COMPILE_PLUS_RUNTIME,
defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.PROCESS_CLASSES)
public class CheckMojo extends AbstractMojo {
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${project}", readonly = true, required = true)
protected MavenProject project;
@Parameter(property = "missinglink.skip")
protected boolean skip = false;
* Controls whether the Maven build should be failed if any dependency conflicts are found.
* Defaults to false.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "false", property = "failOnConflicts")
protected boolean failOnConflicts;
* Log verbose output. Defaults to false. When false, logs at debug instead, so use `mvn -X` to
* see output.
@Parameter(property = "verbose", defaultValue = "false")
protected boolean verbose;
* Limit the conflict output to only the specified categories. If not set, uses all categories of
* conflicts.
@Parameter(property = "missinglink.includeCategories")
protected List includeCategories = new ArrayList<>();
* Include dependencies with the following scopes in conflict checks. Default is "compile, test".
@Parameter(property = "missinglink.includeScopes", defaultValue = "compile,test")
protected List includeScopes = new ArrayList<>();
* Dependencies of the project to exclude from analysis. Defaults to an empty list. The
* dependency should be specified as an {@link Exclusion} containing a groupId and artifactId.
* Classes in these artifacts will not be checked for conflicts.
protected List excludeDependencies = new ArrayList<>();
* Optional list of packages to ignore conflicts in where the source of the conflict is in one of
* the specified packages.
* This parameter does not exclude those packages from analysis, but the plugin will not
* output the conflicts that are found in those packages when the caller side of the conflict is
* in this package, and they will not count against the {@link #failOnConflicts} setting.
* For example, if the package "" is in ignoreSourcePackages, then any conflict
* found originating in a class is ignored. This is mostly the same behavior as {@link
* #excludeDependencies} but operates at a package name level instead of a groupId/artifactId
* level.
protected List ignoreSourcePackages = new ArrayList<>();
* Optional list of packages to ignore conflicts in where the destination/called-side of the
* conflict is in one of the specified packages.
* This parameter does not exclude those packages from analysis, but the plugin will not output
* the conflicts that are found in those packages when the called side of the conflict is in this
* package, and they will not count against the {@link #failOnConflicts} setting.
* For example, if the package "" is in ignoreDestinationPackages, then any conflict
* found having to do with calling a method in a class in is ignored.
protected List ignoreDestinationPackages = new ArrayList<>();
* Optional: can be set to explicitly define the path to use for the bootclasspath
* containing the java.* / standard library classes. Note that this value is expected to look like
* a classpath - various file paths separated by the path separator.
* When not set, the bootclasspath is determined by examining the "sun.boot.class.path" system
* on java 8 and below. On java 9 and above will use the modules.
* property.
@Parameter(property = "misslink.bootClasspath")
protected String bootClasspath;
// TODO 6/1/15 mbrown -- how to hook into the Plexus container for proper DI lookups and the conventional maven plugin way of how to set up things like this
protected ArtifactLoader artifactLoader = new ArtifactLoader();
protected ConflictChecker conflictChecker = new ConflictChecker();
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
if (skip) {
getLog().info("skipping plugin execution since missinglink.skip=true");
// when verbose flag is set, log detailed messages to info log. otherwise log to debug. This is
// so that verbose output from this plugin can be seen easily without having to specify mvn -X.
final Consumer log = verbose ? msg -> getLog().info(msg)
: msg -> getLog().debug(msg);
final Set categoriesToInclude;
try {
categoriesToInclude =
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(
"Invalid value(s) for 'includeCategories': " + includeCategories + ". "
+ "Valid choices are: " + Joiner.on(", ").join(ConflictCategory.values()));
Collection conflicts = loadArtifactsAndCheckConflicts();
final int initialCount = conflicts.size();
conflicts = filterConflicts(conflicts, categoriesToInclude);
if (conflicts.isEmpty()) {
getLog().info("No conflicts found");
} else {
String warning = conflicts.size() + " conflicts found!";
if (initialCount != conflicts.size()) {
warning += " (" + initialCount + " conflicts were found before applying filters)";
if (failOnConflicts) {
final String message = conflicts.size() + " class/method conflicts found between source "
+ "code in this project and the runtime dependencies from the Maven"
+ " project. Look above for specific descriptions of each conflict";
throw new MojoFailureException(message);
private void logDependencies(Consumer log) {
// project.getDependencies() only lists the declared dependencies, use .getArtifacts for
// the transitive dependencies as well
final ArrayList
mavenDependencies = Lists.newArrayList(project.getArtifacts());
Collections.sort(mavenDependencies, Ordering.usingToString());
log.accept("Project has " + mavenDependencies.size() + " dependencies");
.map(art -> "Dependency: " + art.toString())
private Collection filterConflicts(Collection conflicts,
Set categoriesToInclude) {
if (!categoriesToInclude.isEmpty()) {
getLog().debug("Only including conflicts from categories: "
+ Joiner.on(", ").join(categoriesToInclude));
conflicts = filterConflictsBy(conflicts, categoriesToInclude::contains,
num -> num + " conflicts removed based on includeCategories="
+ Joiner.on(", ").join(includeCategories) + ". "
+ "Run plugin again without the 'includeCategories' parameter to see "
+ "all conflicts that were found.");
if (!ignoreSourcePackages.isEmpty()) {
getLog().debug("Ignoring source packages: " + Joiner.on(", ").join(ignoreSourcePackages));
final Predicate predicate = conflict -> !packageIsIgnored(ignoreSourcePackages,
conflicts = filterConflictsBy(conflicts, predicate,
num -> num + " conflicts found in ignored source packages. "
+ "Run plugin again without the 'ignoreSourcePackages' parameter to see "
+ "all conflicts that were found.");
if (!ignoreDestinationPackages.isEmpty()) {
"Ignoring destination packages: " + Joiner.on(", ").join(ignoreDestinationPackages));
final Predicate predicate = conflict -> !packageIsIgnored(ignoreDestinationPackages,
conflicts = filterConflictsBy(conflicts, predicate,
num -> num + " conflicts found in ignored destination packages. "
+ "Run plugin again without the 'ignoreDestinationPackages' parameter to see "
+ "all conflicts that were found."
return conflicts;
* Repeated logic for filtering the collection of Conflicts based on a predicate.
* @param conflicts conflicts to filter
* @param predicate predicate to filter by
* @param logMessage a function that when give the difference in size between the original
* collection and filtered collection, produces a message that will be logged
* as a warning to the user.
* @return filtered conflicts
private Collection filterConflictsBy(Collection conflicts,
Predicate predicate,
Function logMessage) {
final Set filteredConflicts =
if (filteredConflicts.size() != conflicts.size()) {
final int diff = conflicts.size() - filteredConflicts.size();
return filteredConflicts;
* Tests if the Conflict represented by this ClassTypeDescriptor (whether on the source-side or
* destination-side) is ignored based on the collection of IgnoredPackages. Reusable logic
* between
* ignoring source/destination packages.
private boolean packageIsIgnored(Collection ignoredPackages,
ClassTypeDescriptor classTypeDescriptor) {
final String className = classTypeDescriptor.getClassName().replace('/', '.');
// this might be missing some corner-cases on naming rules:
final String conflictPackageName = className.substring(0, className.lastIndexOf('.'));
.anyMatch(p -> {
final String ignoredPackageName = p.getPackage();
return conflictPackageName.equals(ignoredPackageName) ||
(p.isIgnoreSubpackages() && conflictPackageName
.startsWith(ignoredPackageName + "."));
private Collection loadArtifactsAndCheckConflicts() {
// includes declared and transitive dependencies, anything in the scopes configured to be
// included
final List projectDeps =
.filter(artifact -> includeScopes.contains(Scope.valueOf(artifact.getScope())))
getLog().debug("project dependencies: " +
Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
// artifacts in runtime scope from the maven project (including transitives)
final ImmutableList runtimeProjectArtifacts = constructArtifacts(projectDeps);
getLog().debug("constructing runtime artifacts took: " + asMillis(stopwatch) + " ms");
// also need to load JDK classes from the bootstrap classpath
final String bootstrapClasspath = bootClassPathToUse();
final List bootstrapArtifacts = loadBootstrapArtifacts(bootstrapClasspath);
getLog().debug("constructing bootstrap artifacts took: " + asMillis(stopwatch) + " ms");
final ImmutableList allArtifacts = ImmutableList.builder()
final ImmutableList runtimeArtifactsAfterExclusions = ImmutableList.copyOf(
.filter(artifact -> !isExcluded(artifact))
final Artifact projectArtifact = toArtifact(project.getBuild().getOutputDirectory());
if (projectArtifact.classes().isEmpty()) {
getLog().warn("No classes found in project build directory"
+ " - did you run 'mvn compile' first?");
getLog().debug("Checking for conflicts starting from " +;
getLog().debug("Artifacts included in the project: ");
for (Artifact artifact : runtimeArtifactsAfterExclusions) {
getLog().debug(" " +;
final Collection conflicts = conflictChecker.check(
projectArtifact, runtimeArtifactsAfterExclusions, allArtifacts);
getLog().debug("conflict checking took: " + asMillis(stopwatch) + " ms");
getLog().debug(conflicts.size() + " total conflicts found");
return conflicts;
private List loadBootstrapArtifacts(final String bootstrapClasspath) {
if (bootstrapClasspath == null) {
return Java9ModuleLoader.getJava9ModuleArtifacts((s, ex) -> getLog().warn(s, ex));
} else {
return constructArtifacts(Arrays.asList(
private String bootClassPathToUse() {
if (this.bootClasspath != null) {
getLog().debug("using configured boot classpath: " + this.bootClasspath);
return this.bootClasspath;
// Maven executes plugins with a customized ClassLoader to provide isolation between
// plugins and the Maven installation. If we tried to inspect the 'java.class.path' property,
// all we would see is a single entry for plexus-classworlds.jar.
// (more info at )
// To be able to load the Java platform classes (i.e. java.util.*), we have to look at the
// bootstrap class path - not sure about the standard way to find this.
// (
// TODO 6/4/15 mbrown -- warn users that bootclasspath might be a different version (JAVA_HOME probably) than what they use for javac
final String bootClasspath = System.getProperty("sun.boot.class.path");
getLog().debug("derived bootclasspath: " + bootClasspath);
return bootClasspath;
private String mavenCoordinates(org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact dep) {
dep.getGroupId() + ":" + dep.getArtifactId() + ":" + dep.getVersion() + ":" + dep
private boolean isExcluded(Artifact artifact) {
if ( instanceof MavenArtifactName) {
MavenArtifactName name = (MavenArtifactName);
// excluded if the exclusions lists contains a match
.anyMatch(excl -> excl.getGroupId().equals(name.groupId())
&& excl.getArtifactId().equals(name.artifactId()));
return false;
private static long asMillis(Stopwatch stopwatch) {
return stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
private void outputConflicts(Collection conflicts) {
Map descriptions = new EnumMap<>(ConflictCategory.class);
descriptions.put(ConflictCategory.CLASS_NOT_FOUND, "Class being called not found");
descriptions.put(ConflictCategory.METHOD_SIGNATURE_NOT_FOUND, "Method being called not found");
// group conflict by category
final Map> byCategory =
byCategory.forEach((category, conflictsInCategory) -> {
final String desc = descriptions.getOrDefault(category,'_', ' '));
getLog().warn("Category: " + desc);
// next group by artifact containing the conflict
final Map> byArtifact =
byArtifact.forEach((artifactName, conflictsInArtifact) -> {
getLog().warn(" In artifact: " +;
// next group by class containing the conflict
final Map> byClassName =
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(c -> c.dependency().fromClass()));
byClassName.forEach((classDesc, conflictsInClass) -> {
getLog().warn(" In class: " + classDesc.toString());
.forEach(c -> {
final Dependency dep = c.dependency();
getLog().warn(" In method: " + dep.fromMethod().prettyWithoutReturnType()
+ optionalLineNumber(dep.fromLineNumber()));
getLog().warn(" " + dep.describe());
getLog().warn(" Problem: " + c.reason());
if (c.existsIn() != ConflictChecker.UNKNOWN_ARTIFACT_NAME) {
getLog().warn(" Found in: " + c.existsIn().name());
// this could be smarter about separating each blob of warnings by method, but for
// now just output a bunch of dashes always
getLog().warn(" --------");
private String optionalLineNumber(int lineNumber) {
return lineNumber != 0 ? ":" + lineNumber : "";
private Artifact toArtifact(String outputDirectory) {
return new ArtifactBuilder()
.name(new ArtifactName("project"))
.classes(Files.fileTreeTraverser().breadthFirstTraversal(new File(outputDirectory))
.filter(f -> f.getName().endsWith(".class"))
private DeclaredClass loadClass(File f) {
try {
return com.spotify.missinglink.ClassLoader.load(new FileInputStream(f));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw Throwables.propagate(e);
private ImmutableList constructArtifacts(Iterable entries) {
final List list =, false)
// don't inspect paths that don't exist.
// some bootclasspath entries, like sunrsasign.jar, are reported even if they
// don't exist on disk - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
return ImmutableList.copyOf(list);
private boolean filterValidClasspathEntries(String element) {
return filterValid(new File(element));
private boolean filterValid(File file) {
if (file == null) {
return false;
final boolean isJarFile = file.isFile() && file.getName().endsWith(".jar");
final boolean isClassDirectory = file.isDirectory();
return isClassDirectory || isJarFile;
private boolean filterValidClasspathEntries(org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact artifact) {
return filterValid(artifact.getFile());
private ImmutableList constructArtifacts(
List mavenDeps) {
final List list =
return ImmutableList.copyOf(list);
private Artifact filepathToArtifact(String path) {
getLog().debug("loading artifact for path: " + path);
return doArtifactLoad(() -> artifactLoader.load(new File(path)));
private Artifact mavenDepToArtifact(org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact dep) {
final File path = dep.getFile();
getLog().debug("loading artifact for path: " + path);
final MavenArtifactName name = new MavenArtifactName(
return doArtifactLoad(() -> artifactLoader.load(name, path));
private Artifact doArtifactLoad(ArtifactSupplier supplier) {
Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
Artifact artifact;
try {
artifact = supplier.load();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw Throwables.propagate(e);
getLog().debug("artifact loading took " + asMillis(stopwatch) + " ms");
return artifact;
// workaround for java.util.function.Supplier not allowing exceptions to be thrown
private interface ArtifactSupplier {
Artifact load() throws IOException;