com.spotify.scio.extra.annoy.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2019 Spotify AB.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package com.spotify.scio.extra
import java.util.UUID
import com.spotify.scio.ScioContext
import com.spotify.scio.annotations.experimental
import com.spotify.scio.values.{SCollection, SideInput}
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.{DoFn, View}
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PCollectionView
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
* Main package for Annoy side input APIs. Import all.
* {{{
* import com.spotify.scio.extra.annoy._
* }}}
* Two metrics are available, Angular and Euclidean.
* To save an `SCollection[(Int, Array[Float])]` to an Annoy file:
* {{{
* val s = sc.parallelize(Seq( 1-> Array(1.2f, 3.4f), 2 -> Array(2.2f, 1.2f)))
* }}}
* Save to a temporary location:
* {{{
* val s1 = s.asAnnoy(Angular, 40, 10)
* }}}
* Save to a specific location:
* {{{
* val s1 = s.asAnnoy(Angular, 40, 10, "gs:///")
* }}}
* `SCollection[AnnoyUri]` can be converted into a side input:
* {{{
* val s = sc.parallelize(Seq( 1-> Array(1.2f, 3.4f), 2 -> Array(2.2f, 1.2f)))
* val side = s.asAnnoySideInput(metric, dimension, numTrees)
* }}}
* There's syntactic sugar for saving an SCollection and converting it to a side input:
* {{{
* val s = sc
* .parallelize(Seq( 1-> Array(1.2f, 3.4f), 2 -> Array(2.2f, 1.2f)))
* .asAnnoySideInput(metric, dimension, numTrees)
* }}}
* An existing Annoy file can be converted to a side input directly:
* {{{
* sc.annoySideInput(metric, dimension, numTrees, "gs:///")
* }}}
* `AnnoyReader` provides nearest neighbor lookups by vector as well as item lookups:
* {{{
* val data = (0 until 1000).map(x => (x, Array.fill(40)(r.nextFloat())))
* val main = sc.parallelize(data)
* val side = main.asAnnoySideInput(metric, dimension, numTrees)
* main.keys.withSideInput(side)
* .map { (i, s) =>
* val annoyReader = s(side)
* // get vector by item id, allocating a new Array[Float] each time
* val v1 = annoyReader.getItemVector(i)
* // get vector by item id, copy vector into pre-allocated Array[Float]
* val v2 = Array.fill(dim)(-1.0f)
* annoyReader.getItemVector(i, v2)
* // get 10 nearest neighbors by vector
* val results = annoyReader.getNearest(v2, 10)
* }
* }}}
package object annoy {
sealed abstract class AnnoyMetric
case object Angular extends AnnoyMetric
case object Euclidean extends AnnoyMetric
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)
* AnnoyReader class for approximate nearest neighbor lookups. Supports vector lookup by item as
* well as nearest neighbor lookup by vector.
* @param path
* Can be either a local file or a GCS location e.g. gs:///
* @param metric
* One of Angular (cosine distance) or Euclidean
* @param dim
* Number of dimensions in vectors
class AnnoyReader private[annoy] (path: String, metric: AnnoyMetric, dim: Int) {
require(dim > 0, "Vector dimension should be > 0")
import com.spotify.annoy._
private val index = {
val indexType = metric match {
case Angular => IndexType.ANGULAR
case Euclidean => IndexType.EUCLIDEAN
new ANNIndex(dim, path, indexType)
/** Gets vector associated with item i. */
def getItemVector(i: Int): Array[Float] = index.getItemVector(i)
/** Copies vector associated with item i into vector v. */
def getItemVector(i: Int, v: Array[Float]): Unit = index.getItemVector(i, v)
/** Gets maxNumResults nearest neighbors for vector v. */
def getNearest(v: Array[Float], maxNumResults: Int): Seq[Int] =
index.getNearest(v, maxNumResults).asScala.toSeq.asInstanceOf[Seq[Int]]
/** Enhanced version of [[ScioContext]] with Annoy methods. */
implicit class AnnoyScioContext(private val self: ScioContext) extends AnyVal {
* Create a SideInput of [[AnnoyReader]] from an [[AnnoyUri]] base path, to be used with
* [[com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection.withSideInputs SCollection.withSideInputs]]
* @param metric
* Metric (Angular, Euclidean) used to build the Annoy index
* @param dim
* Number of dimensions in vectors used to build the Annoy index
def annoySideInput(path: String, metric: AnnoyMetric, dim: Int): SideInput[AnnoyReader] = {
val uri = AnnoyUri(path, self.options)
val view = self.parallelize(Seq(uri)).applyInternal(View.asSingleton())
new AnnoySideInput(view, metric, dim)
implicit class AnnoyPairSCollection(@transient private val self: SCollection[(Int, Array[Float])])
extends AnyVal {
* Write the key-value pairs of this SCollection as an Annoy file to a specific location,
* building the trees in the index according to the parameters provided.
* @param path
* Can be either a local file or a GCS location e.g. gs:///
* @param metric
* One of Angular (cosine distance) or Euclidean
* @param dim
* Number of dimensions in vectors
* @param nTrees
* Number of trees to build. More trees means more precision & bigger indices. If nTrees is
* set to -1, the trees will automatically be built in such a way that they will take at most
* 2x the memory of the vectors.
* @return
* A singleton SCollection containing the [[AnnoyUri]] of the saved files
def asAnnoy(path: String, metric: AnnoyMetric, dim: Int, nTrees: Int): SCollection[AnnoyUri] = {
val uri = AnnoyUri(path, self.context.options)
require(!uri.exists, s"Annoy URI ${uri.path} already exists")
self.transform { in =>
in.groupBy(_ => ())
.map { case (_, xs) =>"Saving as Annoy: $uri")
val startTime = System.nanoTime()
val annoyWriter = new AnnoyWriter(metric, dim, nTrees)
try {
val it = xs.iterator
while (it.hasNext) {
val (k, v) =
annoyWriter.addItem(k, v)
val size = annoyWriter.size
val elapsedTime = (System.nanoTime() - startTime) / 1000000000.0"Built index with $size items in $elapsedTime seconds")
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>
throw e
* Write the key-value pairs of this SCollection as an Annoy file to a temporary location,
* building the trees in the index according to the parameters provided.
* @param nTrees
* Number of trees to build. More trees means more precision & bigger indices. If nTrees is
* set to -1, the trees will automatically be built in such a way that they will take at most
* 2x the memory of the vectors.
* @return
* A singleton SCollection containing the [[AnnoyUri]] of the saved files
def asAnnoy(metric: AnnoyMetric, dim: Int, nTrees: Int): SCollection[AnnoyUri] = {
val uuid = UUID.randomUUID()
val tempLocation = self.context.options.getTempLocation
require(tempLocation != null, s"--tempLocation arg is required")
val path = s"$tempLocation/annoy-build-$uuid"
this.asAnnoy(path, metric, dim, nTrees)
* Write the key-value pairs of this SCollection as an Annoy file to a temporary location,
* building the trees in the index according to the parameters provided, then load the trees as
* a side input.
* @param metric
* One of Angular (cosine distance) or Euclidean
* @param dim
* Number of dimensions in vectors
* @param nTrees
* Number of trees to build. More trees means more precision & bigger indices. If nTrees is
* set to -1, the trees will automatically be built in such a way that they will take at most
* 2x the memory of the vectors.
* @return
* SideInput[AnnoyReader]
def asAnnoySideInput(metric: AnnoyMetric, dim: Int, nTrees: Int): SideInput[AnnoyReader] =
self.asAnnoy(metric, dim, nTrees).asAnnoySideInput(metric, dim)
/** Enhanced version of [[com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection SCollection]] with Annoy methods */
implicit class AnnoySCollection(@transient private val self: SCollection[AnnoyUri])
extends AnyVal {
* Load Annoy index stored at [[AnnoyUri]] in this
* [[com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection SCollection]].
* @param metric
* Metric (Angular, Euclidean) used to build the Annoy index
* @param dim
* Number of dimensions in vectors used to build the Annoy index
* @return
* SideInput[AnnoyReader]
def asAnnoySideInput(metric: AnnoyMetric, dim: Int): SideInput[AnnoyReader] = {
val view = self.applyInternal(View.asSingleton())
new AnnoySideInput(view, metric, dim)
private class AnnoySideInput(val view: PCollectionView[AnnoyUri], metric: AnnoyMetric, dim: Int)
extends SideInput[AnnoyReader] {
override def get[I, O](context: DoFn[I, O]#ProcessContext): AnnoyReader =
context.sideInput(view).getReader(metric, dim)