com.spotify.scio.extra.rollup.syntax.SCollectionSyntax.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2021 Spotify AB.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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package com.spotify.scio.extra.rollup.syntax
import com.spotify.scio.coders.BeamCoders
import com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection
import com.twitter.algebird.Group
trait SCollectionSyntax {
implicit final class RollupOps[U, D, R, M](self: SCollection[(U, D, R, M)]) {
* Takes an [[SCollection]] with elements consisting of three sets of dimensions and one measure
* and returns an [[SCollection]] tuple, where the key is a set of dimensions and the value the
* summed measure combined with a distinct count.
* This is to be used when doing a count distinct for one key over a set of dimensions, when
* that key can be present in multiple elements in the final dataset, such that there is a need
* to provide additional rollups over the non-unique dimensions where distinct counts are not
* summable.
* U - Unique key, this is what we want to count distinct occurrences of D - Dimensions that
* should not be rolled up (these are either unique per U or we are not expected to sum U over
* these dimensions, eg. a metric for different dates) R - Dimensions that should be rolled up M
* - Additional measure that is summable over all dimensions
* @param rollupFunction
* A function takes one element with dimensions of type R and returns a set of R with one
* element for each combination of rollups that we want to provide
def rollupAndCount(
rollupFunction: R => Set[R]
)(implicit g: Group[M]): SCollection[((D, R), (M, Long))] = {
implicit val (coderU, coderD, coderR, coderM) = BeamCoders.getTuple4Coders(self)
val doubleCounting = self
.transform { { case (_, dims, rollupDims, measure) =>
((dims, rollupDims), (measure, 1L))
.flatMap { case (dims @ (_, rollupDims), measure) =>
.map((x: R) => dims.copy(_2 = x) -> measure)
val correctingCounts = self
.transform { { case (uniqueKey, dims, rollupDims, _) =>
((uniqueKey, dims), rollupDims)
.filterValues(_.size > 1)
.flatMapValues { values =>
val rollupMap = collection.mutable.Map.empty[R, Long]
for (r <- values) {
for (newDim <- rollupFunction(r)) {
// Add 1 to correction count. We only care to correct for excessive counts
rollupMap(newDim) = rollupMap.getOrElse(newDim, 1L) - 1L
// We only care about correcting cases where we actually double-count
rollupMap.iterator.filter(_._2 < 0L)
.map { case ((_, dims), (rollupDims, count)) => ((dims, rollupDims), (, count)) }
.unionAll(List(doubleCounting, correctingCounts))