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* Copyright 2019 Spotify AB.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package com.spotify.scio.extra
import java.lang.Math.floorMod
import java.util.UUID
import com.spotify.scio.ScioContext
import com.spotify.scio.annotations.experimental
import com.spotify.scio.coders.Coder
import com.spotify.scio.extra.sparkey.instances.{
import com.spotify.scio.util.Cache
import com.spotify.scio.values.{SCollection, SideInput}
import com.spotify.sparkey.{CompressionType, SparkeyReader}
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.{DoFn, View}
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PCollectionView
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3
* Main package for Sparkey side input APIs. Import all.
* {{{
* import com.spotify.scio.extra.sparkey._
* }}}
* To save an `SCollection[(String, String)]` to a Sparkey fileset:
* {{{
* val s = sc.parallelize(Seq("a" -> "one", "b" -> "two"))
* // temporary location
* val s1: SCollection[SparkeyUri] = s.asSparkey
* // specific location
* val s1: SCollection[SparkeyUri] = s.asSparkey("gs:////")
* }}}
* // with multiple shards, sharded by MurmurHash3 of the key
* val s1: SCollection[SparkeyUri] = s.asSparkey("gs:////", numShards=2)
* }}}
* The result `SCollection[SparkeyUri]` can be converted to a side input:
* {{{
* val s: SCollection[SparkeyUri] = sc.parallelize(Seq("a" -> "one", "b" -> "two")).asSparkey
* val side: SideInput[SparkeyReader] = s.asSparkeySideInput
* }}}
* These two steps can be done with a syntactic sugar:
* {{{
* val side: SideInput[SparkeyReader] = sc
* .parallelize(Seq("a" -> "one", "b" -> "two"))
* .asSparkeySideInput
* }}}
* An existing Sparkey file can also be converted to a side input directly:
* {{{
* sc.sparkeySideInput("gs:////")
* }}}
* A sharded collection of Sparkey files can also be used as a side input by specifying a glob path:
* {{{
* sc.sparkeySideInput("gs://///part-*")
* }}}
* `SparkeyReader` can be used like a lookup table in a side input operation:
* {{{
* val main: SCollection[String] = sc.parallelize(Seq("a", "b", "c"))
* val side: SideInput[SparkeyReader] = sc
* .parallelize(Seq("a" -> "one", "b" -> "two"))
* .asSparkeySideInput
* main.withSideInputs(side)
* .map { (x, s) =>
* s(side).getOrElse(x, "unknown")
* }
* }}}
* A `TypedSparkeyReader` can be used to do automatic decoding of JVM types from byte values:
* {{{
* val main: SCollection[String] = sc.parallelize(Seq("a", "b", "c"))
* val side: SideInput[TypedSparkeyReader[MyObject]] = sc
* .typedSparkeySideInput("gs:////", MyObject.decode)
* val objects: SCollection[MyObject] = main
* .withSideInputs(side)
* .map { (x, s) => s(side).get(x) }
* .toSCollection
* }}}
* A `TypedSparkeyReader` can also accept a Caffeine cache to reduce IO and deserialization load:
* {{{
* val main: SCollection[String] = sc.parallelize(Seq("a", "b", "c"))
* val cache: Cache[String, MyObject] = ...
* val side: SideInput[TypedSparkeyReader[MyObject]] = sc
* .typedSparkeySideInput("gs:////", MyObject.decode, cache)
* val objects: SCollection[MyObject] = main
* .withSideInputs(side)
* .map { (x, s) => s(side).get(x) }
* .toSCollection
* }}}
package object sparkey extends SparkeyReaderInstances {
/** Enhanced version of [[ScioContext]] with Sparkey methods. */
implicit class SparkeyScioContext(private val self: ScioContext) extends AnyVal {
private def singleViewOf(basePath: String): PCollectionView[SparkeyUri] =
self.parallelize(Seq(SparkeyUri(basePath, self.options))).applyInternal(View.asSingleton())
private def shardedViewOf(basePath: String): PCollectionView[SparkeyUri] =
.parallelize(Seq[SparkeyUri](ShardedSparkeyUri(basePath, self.options)))
* Create a SideInput of `SparkeyReader` from a [[SparkeyUri]] base path, to be used with
* [[com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection.withSideInputs SCollection.withSideInputs]].
* If the provided base path ends with "*", it will be treated as a sharded collection of
* Sparkey files.
def sparkeySideInput(basePath: String): SideInput[SparkeyReader] = {
val view = if (basePath.endsWith("*")) {
val basePathWithoutGlobPart = basePath.split("/").dropRight(1).mkString("/")
} else {
new SparkeySideInput(view)
* Create a SideInput of `TypedSparkeyReader` from a [[SparkeyUri]] base path, to be used with
* [[com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection.withSideInputs SCollection.withSideInputs]].
* The provided decoder function will map from the underlying byte array to a JVM type, and
* the optional [[Cache]] object can be used to cache reads in memory after decoding.
def typedSparkeySideInput[T](
basePath: String,
decoder: Array[Byte] => T,
cache: Cache[String, T] = null
): SideInput[TypedSparkeyReader[T]] =
sparkeySideInput(basePath).map(reader => new TypedSparkeyReader[T](reader, decoder, cache))
* Create a SideInput of `CachedStringSparkeyReader` from a [[SparkeyUri]] base path, to be used
* with [[com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection.withSideInputs SCollection.withSideInputs]].
def cachedStringSparkeySideInput[T](
basePath: String,
cache: Cache[String, String]
): SideInput[CachedStringSparkeyReader] =
sparkeySideInput(basePath).map(reader => new CachedStringSparkeyReader(reader, cache))
private val DefaultNumShards: Short = 1
private val DefaultSideInputNumShards: Short = 64
private val DefaultCompressionType: CompressionType = CompressionType.NONE
private val DefaultCompressionBlockSize: Int = 0
private def writeToSparkey[K, V](
uri: SparkeyUri,
maxMemoryUsage: Long,
compressionType: CompressionType,
compressionBlockSize: Int,
elements: Iterable[(K, V)]
)(implicit w: SparkeyWritable[K, V], koder: Coder[K], voder: Coder[V]): SparkeyUri = {
val writer = new SparkeyWriter(uri, compressionType, compressionBlockSize, maxMemoryUsage)
val it = elements.iterator
while (it.hasNext) {
val kv =
w.put(writer, kv._1, kv._2)
/** Enhanced version of [[com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection SCollection]] with Sparkey methods. */
implicit class SparkeyPairSCollection[K, V](@transient private val self: SCollection[(K, V)]) {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)
* Write the key-value pairs of this SCollection as a Sparkey file to a specific location.
* @param path where to write the sparkey files. Defaults to a temporary location.
* @param maxMemoryUsage (optional) how much memory (in bytes) is allowed for writing
* the index file
* @param numShards (optional) the number of shards to split this dataset into before writing.
* One pair of Sparkey files will be written for each shard, sharded
* by MurmurHash3 of the key mod the number of shards.
* @return A singleton SCollection containing the [[SparkeyUri]] of the saved files.
def asSparkey(
path: String = null,
maxMemoryUsage: Long = -1,
numShards: Short = DefaultNumShards,
compressionType: CompressionType = DefaultCompressionType,
compressionBlockSize: Int = DefaultCompressionBlockSize
w: SparkeyWritable[K, V],
koder: Coder[K],
voder: Coder[V]
): SCollection[SparkeyUri] = {
require(numShards > 0, s"numShards must be greater than 0, found $numShards")
if (compressionType != CompressionType.NONE) {
compressionBlockSize > 0,
s"Compression block size must be > 0 for $compressionType"
val tempLocation = self.context.options.getTempLocation()
val tempPath = s"$tempLocation/sparkey-${UUID.randomUUID}"
val basePath = if (path == null) tempPath else path
val nonShardedUri = SparkeyUri(basePath, self.context.options)
require(!nonShardedUri.exists, s"Sparkey URI $nonShardedUri already exists")
val uri = ShardedSparkeyUri(basePath, self.context.options)
require(!uri.exists, s"Sparkey URI $uri already exists")"Saving as Sparkey with $numShards shards: $basePath")
self.transform { collection =>
val shards = collection
.groupBy { case (k, _) => floorMod(w.shardHash(k), numShards).toShort }
.map { case (shard, xs) =>
shard -> writeToSparkey(
uri.sparkeyUriForShard(shard, numShards),
val shardsMap = shards.asMapSideInput
val uris = shards.context
.parallelize((0 until numShards).map(_.toShort))
.map { case (shard, sideContext) =>
uri.sparkeyUriForShard(shard, numShards),
Iterable.empty[(K, V)]
.map { _ =>
if (numShards == 1) {
val src = FileSystems
.`match`(basePath + "/*")
.sortWith(_.getFilename < _.getFilename)
val dst = SparkeyUri.extensions
.map(ext => FileSystems.matchNewResource(s"$basePath$ext", false))
FileSystems.rename(src, dst)
} else {
* Write the key-value pairs of this SCollection as a Sparkey file to a temporary location.
* @return A singleton SCollection containing the [[SparkeyUri]] of the saved files.
def asSparkey(implicit
w: SparkeyWritable[K, V],
koder: Coder[K],
voder: Coder[V]
): SCollection[SparkeyUri] = this.asSparkey()
* Convert this SCollection to a SideInput, mapping key-value pairs of each window to a
* `SparkeyReader`, to be used with
* [[com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection.withSideInputs SCollection.withSideInputs]]. It is
* required that each key of the input be associated with a single value.
* @param numShards the number of shards to use when writing the Sparkey file(s).
def asSparkeySideInput(
numShards: Short = DefaultSideInputNumShards,
compressionType: CompressionType = DefaultCompressionType,
compressionBlockSize: Int = DefaultCompressionBlockSize
w: SparkeyWritable[K, V],
koder: Coder[K],
voder: Coder[V]
): SideInput[SparkeyReader] =
numShards = numShards,
compressionType = compressionType,
compressionBlockSize = compressionBlockSize
* Convert this SCollection to a SideInput, mapping key-value pairs of each window to a
* `SparkeyReader`, to be used with
* [[com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection.withSideInputs SCollection.withSideInputs]]. It is
* required that each key of the input be associated with a single value.
def asSparkeySideInput(implicit
w: SparkeyWritable[K, V],
koder: Coder[K],
voder: Coder[V]
): SideInput[SparkeyReader] =
* Convert this SCollection to a SideInput, mapping key-value pairs of each window to a
* `SparkeyReader`, to be used with
* [[com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection.withSideInputs SCollection.withSideInputs]]. It is
* required that each key of the input be associated with a single value. The provided
* [[Cache]] will be used to cache reads from the resulting [[SparkeyReader]].
def asTypedSparkeySideInput[T](decoder: Array[Byte] => T)(implicit
w: SparkeyWritable[K, V],
koder: Coder[K],
voder: Coder[V]
): SideInput[TypedSparkeyReader[T]] =
* Convert this SCollection to a SideInput, mapping key-value pairs of each window to a
* `SparkeyReader`, to be used with
* [[com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection.withSideInputs SCollection.withSideInputs]]. It is
* required that each key of the input be associated with a single value. The provided
* [[Cache]] will be used to cache reads from the resulting [[SparkeyReader]].
def asTypedSparkeySideInput[T](
cache: Cache[String, T],
numShards: Short = DefaultSideInputNumShards,
compressionType: CompressionType = DefaultCompressionType,
compressionBlockSize: Int = DefaultCompressionBlockSize
decoder: Array[Byte] => T
w: SparkeyWritable[K, V],
koder: Coder[K],
voder: Coder[V]
): SideInput[TypedSparkeyReader[T]] =
numShards = numShards,
compressionType = compressionType,
compressionBlockSize = compressionBlockSize
* Convert this SCollection to a SideInput, mapping key-value pairs of each window to a
* `CachedStringSparkeyReader`, to be used with
* [[com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection.withSideInputs SCollection.withSideInputs]].
def asCachedStringSparkeySideInput(
cache: Cache[String, String],
numShards: Short = DefaultSideInputNumShards,
compressionType: CompressionType = DefaultCompressionType,
compressionBlockSize: Int = DefaultCompressionBlockSize
w: SparkeyWritable[K, V],
koder: Coder[K],
voder: Coder[V]
): SideInput[CachedStringSparkeyReader] =
numShards = numShards,
compressionType = compressionType,
compressionBlockSize = compressionBlockSize
/** Enhanced version of [[com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection SCollection]] with Sparkey methods. */
implicit class SparkeySCollection(private val self: SCollection[SparkeyUri]) extends AnyVal {
* Convert this SCollection to a SideInput of `SparkeyReader`, to be used with
* [[com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection.withSideInputs SCollection.withSideInputs]].
def asSparkeySideInput: SideInput[SparkeyReader] = {
val view = self.applyInternal(View.asSingleton())
new SparkeySideInput(view)
* Convert this SCollection to a SideInput of `SparkeyReader`, to be used with
* [[com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection.withSideInputs SCollection.withSideInputs]].
* The provided decoder function will map from the underlying byte array to a JVM type, and
* the optional [[Cache]] object can be used to cache reads in memory after decoding.
def asTypedSparkeySideInput[T](cache: Cache[String, T])(
decoder: Array[Byte] => T
): SideInput[TypedSparkeyReader[T]] =
.map(reader => new TypedSparkeyReader[T](reader, decoder, cache))
* Convert this SCollection to a SideInput of `SparkeyReader`, to be used with
* [[com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection.withSideInputs SCollection.withSideInputs]].
* The provided decoder function will map from the underlying byte array to a JVM type, and
* the optional [[Cache]] object can be used to cache reads in memory after decoding.
def asTypedSparkeySideInput[T](decoder: Array[Byte] => T): SideInput[TypedSparkeyReader[T]] =
.map(reader => new TypedSparkeyReader[T](reader, decoder, Cache.noOp))
* Convert this SCollection to a SideInput of `CachedStringSparkeyReader`, to be used with
* [[com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection.withSideInputs SCollection.withSideInputs]].
def asCachedStringSparkeySideInput(
cache: Cache[String, String]
): SideInput[CachedStringSparkeyReader] =
.map(reader => new CachedStringSparkeyReader(reader, cache))
private class SparkeySideInput(val view: PCollectionView[SparkeyUri])
extends SideInput[SparkeyReader] {
override def updateCacheOnGlobalWindow: Boolean = false
override def get[I, O](context: DoFn[I, O]#ProcessContext): SparkeyReader =
private object SparkeySideInput {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)
def checkMemory(reader: SparkeyReader): SparkeyReader = {
val memoryBytes =
if (reader.getTotalBytes > memoryBytes) {
"Sparkey size {} > total memory {}, look up performance will be severely degraded. " +
"Increase memory or use faster SSD drives.",
sealed trait SparkeyWritable[K, V] extends Serializable {
private[sparkey] def put(w: SparkeyWriter, key: K, value: V): Unit
private[sparkey] def shardHash(key: K): Int
implicit val stringSparkeyWritable: SparkeyWritable[String, String] =
new SparkeyWritable[String, String] {
def put(w: SparkeyWriter, key: String, value: String): Unit =
w.put(key, value)
def shardHash(key: String): Int = MurmurHash3.stringHash(key, 1)
implicit val ByteArraySparkeyWritable: SparkeyWritable[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] =
new SparkeyWritable[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] {
def put(w: SparkeyWriter, key: Array[Byte], value: Array[Byte]): Unit =
w.put(key, value)
def shardHash(key: Array[Byte]): Int = MurmurHash3.bytesHash(key, 1)