com.spotinst.sdkjava.model.SpotinstElastigroupService Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.spotinst.sdkjava.model;
import com.spotinst.sdkjava.client.response.BaseServiceEmptyResponse;
import com.spotinst.sdkjava.client.response.BaseSpotinstService;
import com.spotinst.sdkjava.exception.SpotinstHttpException;
import com.spotinst.sdkjava.model.requests.elastigroup.ElastigroupInstanceLockRequest;
import com.spotinst.sdkjava.model.requests.elastigroup.ElastigroupInstanceUnLockRequest;
import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
import java.util.*;
* Created by aharontwizer on 7/27/15.
class SpotinstElastigroupService extends BaseSpotinstService {
public static ApiElastigroup createElastigroup(ApiElastigroup groupToCreate, String authToken,
String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
// Init retVal
ApiElastigroup retVal = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Write to json
Map groupRequest = new HashMap<>();
groupRequest.put("group", groupToCreate);
String body = JsonMapper.toJson(groupRequest);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group", apiEndpoint);
// Send the request
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPost(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
ElastigroupApiResponse elastigroupApiResponse = getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupApiResponse.class);
if (elastigroupApiResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0) {
retVal = elastigroupApiResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
return retVal;
public static Boolean deleteElastigroup(String elastigroupId, String authToken,
String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
// Init retVal
Boolean retVal = false;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers for AWS.
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
//Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/" + elastigroupId, apiEndpoint);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendDelete(uri, null, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
BaseServiceEmptyResponse emptyResponse = getCastedResponse(response, BaseServiceEmptyResponse.class);
if (emptyResponse.getResponse().getStatus().getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
retVal = true;
return retVal;
public static Boolean detachInstances(String elastigroupId, ApiDetachInstancesRequest apiDetachInstancesRequest,
String authToken, String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
// Init retVal
Boolean retVal = false;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
//Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/detachInstances", apiEndpoint, elastigroupId);
// Write to json
String body = JsonMapper.toJson(apiDetachInstancesRequest);
// Send the request
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPut(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
BaseServiceEmptyResponse emptyResponse = getCastedResponse(response, BaseServiceEmptyResponse.class);
if (emptyResponse.getResponse().getStatus().getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
retVal = true;
return retVal;
public static List getGroupActiveInstances(String elastigroupId, String authToken,
String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
// Init retVal
List retVal = new LinkedList<>();
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers for AWS.
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/status", apiEndpoint, elastigroupId);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendGet(uri, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
ElastigroupActiveInstanceApiResponse groupActiveInstanceResponse =
getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupActiveInstanceApiResponse.class);
if (groupActiveInstanceResponse.getResponse().getItems().size() > 0) {
retVal = groupActiveInstanceResponse.getResponse().getItems();
return retVal;
public static List getInstanceHealthiness(String elastigroupId, String authToken,
String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
// Init retVal
List retVal;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers for AWS.
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/instanceHealthiness", apiEndpoint, elastigroupId);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendGet(uri, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
ElastigroupInstanceHealthinessApiResponse groupInstanceHealthinessResponse =
getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupInstanceHealthinessApiResponse.class);
retVal = groupInstanceHealthinessResponse.getResponse().getItems();
return retVal;
public static ApiElastigroup getGroup(String elastigroupId, String authToken,
String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
// Init retVal
ApiElastigroup retVal = new ApiElastigroup();
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers for AWS.
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s", apiEndpoint, elastigroupId);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendGet(uri, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
ElastigroupApiResponse groupActiveInstanceResponse = getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupApiResponse.class);
if (groupActiveInstanceResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0) {
retVal = groupActiveInstanceResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
return retVal;
public static List getAllGroups(GroupFilter filter, String authToken,
String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
// Init retVal
List retVal = new LinkedList<>();
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
if (filter != null) {
if (filter.getMaxCreatedAt() != null) {
queryParams.put("maxCreatedAt", filter.getMaxCreatedAt());
if (filter.getMinCreatedAt() != null) {
queryParams.put("minCreatedAt", filter.getMinCreatedAt());
if (filter.getActiveFrom() != null) {
queryParams.put("activeFrom", filter.getActiveFrom());
if (filter.getActiveTo() != null) {
queryParams.put("activeTo", filter.getActiveTo());
if (filter.getIncludeDeleted() != null) {
queryParams.put("includeDeleted", filter.getIncludeDeleted().toString());
if (filter.getName() != null) {
queryParams.put("name", filter.getName());
// Get the headers for AWS.
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group", apiEndpoint);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendGet(uri, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
ElastigroupApiResponse allElastigroupsResponse = getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupApiResponse.class);
if (allElastigroupsResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0) {
retVal = allElastigroupsResponse.getResponse().getItems();
return retVal;
public static Boolean updateGroup(String elastigroupId, ApiElastigroup apiElastigroup, String authToken,
String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
//Init retVal
Boolean retVal = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s", apiEndpoint, elastigroupId);
// Write to json
Map groupRequest = new HashMap<>();
groupRequest.put("group", apiElastigroup);
String body = JsonMapper.toJson(groupRequest);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPut(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
ElastigroupApiResponse updateResponse = getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupApiResponse.class);
if (updateResponse.getResponse().getStatus().getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
retVal = true;
return retVal;
public static ApiElastigroup cloneGroup(String sourceElastigroupId, ApiElastigroup apiGroupModifications,
String authToken, String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
//Init retVal
ApiElastigroup retVal;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/clone", apiEndpoint, sourceElastigroupId);
// Write to json
Map groupRequest = new HashMap<>();
groupRequest.put("group", apiGroupModifications);
String body = JsonMapper.toJson(groupRequest);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPost(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
ElastigroupApiResponse cloneResponse = getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupApiResponse.class);
retVal = cloneResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
return retVal;
public static Boolean lockInstance(ElastigroupInstanceLockRequest lockRequest,
String authToken, String instanceId) throws SpotinstHttpException {
//Init retVal
Boolean retVal = false;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
queryParams.put("accountId", lockRequest.getAccountId());
queryParams.put("ttlInMinutes", lockRequest.getTtlInMinutes().toString());
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/instance/%s/lock", apiEndpoint, instanceId);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPost(uri, null, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
ElastigroupApiResponse lockResponse = getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupApiResponse.class);
if (lockResponse.getResponse().getStatus().getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
retVal = true;
return retVal;
public static Boolean unlockInstance(ElastigroupInstanceUnLockRequest unlockRequest,
String authToken, String instanceId) throws SpotinstHttpException {
//Init retVal
Boolean retVal = false;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
queryParams.put("accountId", unlockRequest.getAccountId());
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/instance/%s/unlock", apiEndpoint, instanceId);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPost(uri, null, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
ElastigroupApiResponse unlockResponse = getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupApiResponse.class);
if (unlockResponse.getResponse().getStatus().getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
retVal = true;
return retVal;
public static Boolean simulateInstanceInterruption(String authToken, String account, List instanceIds) throws SpotinstHttpException {
//Init retVal
Boolean retVal = false;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/instance/interruption", apiEndpoint);
// Write to json
Map> instancesToInterrupt = new HashMap<>();
instancesToInterrupt.put("instancesToInterrupt", instanceIds);
String body = JsonMapper.toJson(instancesToInterrupt);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPost(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
ElastigroupApiResponse interruptionResponse = getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupApiResponse.class);
if (interruptionResponse.getResponse().getStatus().getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
retVal = true;
return retVal;
public static Boolean enterInstanceStandby(String instanceId, String authToken,
String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
//Init retVal
Boolean retVal = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/instance/%s/standby/enter", apiEndpoint, instanceId);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPost(uri, null, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
BaseServiceEmptyResponse emptyResponse = getCastedResponse(response, BaseServiceEmptyResponse.class);
if (emptyResponse.getResponse().getStatus().getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
retVal = true;
return retVal;
public static Boolean exitInstanceStandby(String instanceId, String authToken,
String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
//Init retVal
Boolean retVal = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/instance/%s/standby/exit", apiEndpoint, instanceId);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPost(uri, null, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
BaseServiceEmptyResponse emptyResponse = getCastedResponse(response, BaseServiceEmptyResponse.class);
if (emptyResponse.getResponse().getStatus().getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
retVal = true;
return retVal;
* This function is the final step to scaling up your elastigroup. It takes in a scaling ElastigroupScalingRequest
* object and build the queryParams, headers and uri to send as a Put request using the Module RestClient. The results
* are returned unformatted
* @param scalingRequest ElastigroupScalingRequest Object send from SpotinstElastigroupRepo
* @param authToken User Spotinst API token
* @param account User Spotinst account ID
* @return ApiElastigroupScalingResponse
* @throws SpotinstHttpException
public static ApiElastigroupScalingResponse scaleGroupUp(ElastigroupScalingRequest scalingRequest, String authToken,
String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
//Init retVal
ApiElastigroupScalingResponse retVal = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
queryParams.put("adjustment", scalingRequest.getAdjustment().toString());
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/scale/up", apiEndpoint, scalingRequest.getElastigroupId());
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPut(uri, null, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
ApiElastigroupScalingResponseResponse scalingResponse =
getCastedResponse(response, ApiElastigroupScalingResponseResponse.class);
if (scalingResponse.getResponse().getItems().size() > 0) {
retVal = scalingResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
return retVal;
* This function is the final step to scaling down your elastigroup. It takes in a scaling ElastigroupScalingRequest
* object and build the queryParams, headers and uri to send as a Put request using the Module RestClient. The results
* are returned unformatted
* @param scalingRequest ElastigroupScalingRequest Object send from SpotinstElastigroupRepo
* @param authToken User Spotinst API token
* @param account User Spotinst account ID
* @return ApiElastigroupScalingResponse
* @throws SpotinstHttpException
public static ApiElastigroupScalingResponse scaleGroupDown(ElastigroupScalingRequest scalingRequest,
String authToken,
String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
//Init retVal
ApiElastigroupScalingResponse retVal = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
queryParams.put("adjustment", scalingRequest.getAdjustment().toString());
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/scale/down", apiEndpoint, scalingRequest.getElastigroupId());
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPut(uri, null, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
ApiElastigroupScalingResponseResponse scalingResponse =
getCastedResponse(response, ApiElastigroupScalingResponseResponse.class);
if (scalingResponse.getResponse().getItems().size() > 0) {
retVal = scalingResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
return retVal;
public static ApiSuspendedProcesses suspendProcesses(String groupId, ApiSuspendProcessesRequest request,
String authToken, String account) {
ApiSuspendedProcesses retVal;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/suspension", apiEndpoint, groupId);
// Write to json
String body = JsonMapper.toJson(request);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPost(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
ElastigroupSuspendedProcessesApiResponse castedResponse =
getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupSuspendedProcessesApiResponse.class);
retVal = castedResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
return retVal;
public static ApiSuspendedProcesses removeSuspensions(String groupId, ApiRemoveSuspensionsRequest request,
String authToken, String account) {
ApiSuspendedProcesses retVal;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/suspension", apiEndpoint, groupId);
// Write to json
String body = JsonMapper.toJson(request);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendDelete(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
ElastigroupSuspendedProcessesApiResponse castedResponse =
getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupSuspendedProcessesApiResponse.class);
//When no remaining suspensions, items will be null
if (castedResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0) {
retVal = castedResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
else {
retVal = new ApiSuspendedProcesses(groupId);
return retVal;
public static ApiSuspendedProcesses getSuspendedProcesses(String elastigroupId, String authToken, String account) {
ApiSuspendedProcesses retVal;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/suspension", apiEndpoint, elastigroupId);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendGet(uri, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
ElastigroupSuspendedProcessesApiResponse castedResponse =
getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupSuspendedProcessesApiResponse.class);
//When no remaining suspensions, items will be null
if (castedResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0) {
retVal = castedResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
else {
retVal = new ApiSuspendedProcesses(elastigroupId);
return retVal;
public static Boolean deleteElastigroup(String elastigroupId, String authToken, String account,
ApiDeleteGroupRequest deleteRequest) {
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
String body = null;
if (deleteRequest != null) {
body = JsonMapper.toJson(deleteRequest);
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/" + elastigroupId, apiEndpoint);
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendDelete(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
BaseServiceEmptyResponse emptyResponse = getCastedResponse(response, BaseServiceEmptyResponse.class);
return true;
public static ApiSuspendedScalingPolicy suspendScalingPolicies(String elastiGroupId, String policyName,
ApiScalingPolicySuspension suspension,
String authToken,
String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
ApiSuspendedScalingPolicy retVal;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if ((account != null) && (policyName != null)) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
queryParams.put("policyName", policyName);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/scale/suspendPolicy", apiEndpoint, elastiGroupId);
// Write to json
Map suspensionRequest = new HashMap<>();
suspensionRequest.put("suspension", suspension);
String body = JsonMapper.toJson(suspensionRequest);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPost(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
ElastigroupSuspendScalingPoliciesApiResponse castedResponse =
getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupSuspendScalingPoliciesApiResponse.class);
retVal = castedResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
return retVal;
public static ApiSuspendedScalingPoliciesList getSuspendedScalingPolicies(String elastiGroupId, String authToken,
String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
ApiSuspendedScalingPoliciesList retVal = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/scale/suspensions", apiEndpoint, elastiGroupId);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendGet(uri, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
ElastigroupSuspendScalingPoliciesListApiResponse getResponse =
getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupSuspendScalingPoliciesListApiResponse.class);
if (getResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0) {
retVal = getResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
return retVal;
public static Boolean removeSuspendScalingPolicies(String elastiGroupId, String policyName, String authToken,
String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
Boolean retVal = false;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if ((account != null) && (policyName != null)) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
queryParams.put("policyName", policyName);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/scale/resumePolicy", apiEndpoint, elastiGroupId);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPost(uri, null, headers, queryParams);
BaseServiceEmptyResponse emptyResponse = getCastedResponse(response, BaseServiceEmptyResponse.class);
if (emptyResponse.getResponse().getStatus().getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
retVal = true;
return retVal;
public static ApiElastigroupStartDeploymentResponse startDeployment(String groupId, ElastigroupStartDeployment request,
String authToken, String account) {
ApiElastigroupStartDeploymentResponse startDeployment = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/roll", apiEndpoint, groupId);
// Write to json
String body = JsonMapper.toJson(request);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPut(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
castedApiResponse = getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupStartDeploymentApiResponse.class);
if (castedApiResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0){
startDeployment = castedApiResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
return startDeployment;
public static ApiElastigroupStopDeploymentResponse stopDeployment(
ElastigroupStopDeploymentRequest stopDeploymentRequest, String elastiGroupId, String deploymentId,
String authToken, String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
ApiElastigroupStopDeploymentResponse stopDeployment = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
//Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/roll/%s", apiEndpoint, elastiGroupId, deploymentId);
// Write to json
String body = JsonMapper.toJson(stopDeploymentRequest);
//send the request
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPut(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
//Handle the response
castedApiResponse = getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupStopDeploymentApiResponse.class);
if (castedApiResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0){
stopDeployment = castedApiResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
return stopDeployment;
public static ApiElastigroupGetDeploymentStatusResponse getDeploymentStatus(String groupId, String deploymentId,
String authToken, String account) {
ApiElastigroupGetDeploymentStatusResponse getDeploymentStatus = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/roll/%s/status", apiEndpoint, groupId, deploymentId);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendGet(uri, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
castedApiResponse = getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupGetDeploymentStatusApiResponse.class);
if (castedApiResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0){
getDeploymentStatus = castedApiResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
return getDeploymentStatus;
public static List getGroupDeploymentStatus(String groupId, String authToken, String account) {
List getGroupDeploymentStatus = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/roll", apiEndpoint, groupId);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendGet(uri, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
castedApiResponse = getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupGetGroupDeploymentStatusApiResponse.class);
if (castedApiResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0){
getGroupDeploymentStatus = castedApiResponse.getResponse().getItems();
return getGroupDeploymentStatus;
public static ApiElastigroupGetDeploymentActionResponse applyDeploymentAction(
ElastigroupDeploymentStrategyOnFailure getDeploymentActionRequest, String groupId, String deploymentId , String authToken, String account) {
ApiElastigroupGetDeploymentActionResponse getDeploymentActionStatus = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/roll/%s/action", apiEndpoint, groupId, deploymentId);
// Write to json
String body = JsonMapper.toJson(getDeploymentActionRequest);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPost(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
castedApiResponse = getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupGetDeploymentActionApiResponse.class);
if (castedApiResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0){
getDeploymentActionStatus = castedApiResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
return getDeploymentActionStatus;
public static List getItfMigrationRulesStatus(String elastiGroupId, String authToken,
String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
List retVal = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/itf/migration", apiEndpoint, elastiGroupId);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendGet(uri, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
ElastigroupItfMigrationListApiResponse getResponse =
getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupItfMigrationListApiResponse.class);
if (getResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0) {
retVal = getResponse.getResponse().getItems();
return retVal;
public static Boolean retryItfMigration(String groupId, ApiRetryItfMigrationRequest retryRequest,
String authToken, String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
//Init retVal
Boolean retVal = false;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Write to json
Map migrationRetry = new HashMap<>();
migrationRetry.put("migration", retryRequest.getMigration());
String body = JsonMapper.toJson(migrationRetry);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/itf/migration/%s", apiEndpoint, groupId, retryRequest.getId());
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPut(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
ElastigroupApiResponse retryResponse = getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupApiResponse.class);
if (retryResponse.getResponse().getStatus().getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
retVal = true;
return retVal;
public static Boolean updateCapacity(String groupId, ElastigroupUpdateCapacityConfiguration request,
String authToken, String account) {
Boolean retVal = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/capacity", apiEndpoint, groupId);
// Write to json
Map groupRequest = new HashMap<>();
groupRequest.put("capacity", request);
String body = JsonMapper.toJson(groupRequest);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPut(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
castedApiResponse = getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupUpdateCapacityApiResponse.class);
if (castedApiResponse.getResponse().getStatus().getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
retVal = true;
return retVal;
public static ApiElastigroup importEC2Instance(ElastigroupImportEC2Instance request, String instanceId, String region,
String authToken, String account) {
ApiElastigroup retVal = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Add instance Id Query param
if (instanceId != null) {
queryParams.put("instanceId", instanceId);
// Add region Query param
if (region != null) {
queryParams.put("region", region);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/instance/import", apiEndpoint);
// Write to json
Map groupRequest = new HashMap<>();
groupRequest.put("group", request);
String body = JsonMapper.toJson(groupRequest);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPost(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
castedApiResponse = getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupApiResponse.class);
if (castedApiResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0) {
retVal = castedApiResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
return retVal;
public static Boolean pauseStatefulInstance(String groupId, String statefulInstanceId,
String authToken, String account) {
Boolean retVal = false;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/statefulInstance/%s/pause", apiEndpoint, groupId, statefulInstanceId);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPut(uri, null, headers, queryParams);
BaseServiceEmptyResponse emptyResponse = getCastedResponse(response, BaseServiceEmptyResponse.class);
// Handle the response.
if (emptyResponse.getResponse().getStatus().getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
retVal = true;
return retVal;
public static Boolean resumeStatefulInstance(String groupId, String statefulInstanceId,
String authToken, String account) {
Boolean retVal = false;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/statefulInstance/%s/resume", apiEndpoint, groupId, statefulInstanceId);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPut(uri, null, headers, queryParams);
BaseServiceEmptyResponse emptyResponse = getCastedResponse(response, BaseServiceEmptyResponse.class);
// Handle the response.
if (emptyResponse.getResponse().getStatus().getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
retVal = true;
return retVal;
public static Boolean recycleStatefulInstance(String groupId, String statefulInstanceId,
String authToken, String account) {
Boolean retVal = false;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/statefulInstance/%s/recycle", apiEndpoint, groupId, statefulInstanceId);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPut(uri, null, headers, queryParams);
BaseServiceEmptyResponse emptyResponse = getCastedResponse(response, BaseServiceEmptyResponse.class);
// Handle the response.
if (emptyResponse.getResponse().getStatus().getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
retVal = true;
return retVal;
public static Boolean deallocateStatefulInstance(String groupId, String statefulInstanceId,
String authToken, String account) {
Boolean retVal = false;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/statefulInstance/%s/deallocate", apiEndpoint, groupId, statefulInstanceId);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPut(uri, null, headers, queryParams);
BaseServiceEmptyResponse emptyResponse = getCastedResponse(response, BaseServiceEmptyResponse.class);
// Handle the response.
if (emptyResponse.getResponse().getStatus().getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
retVal = true;
return retVal;
public static List listStatefulInstances(String elastigroupId, String authToken, String account) {
List statefulInstancesList = new LinkedList<>();
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/statefulInstance", apiEndpoint, elastigroupId);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendGet(uri, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
castedApiResponse = getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupListStatefulInstancesApiResponse.class);
if (castedApiResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0) {
statefulInstancesList = castedApiResponse.getResponse().getItems();
return statefulInstancesList;
public static Boolean deleteVolumeInStatefulInstance(String groupId, String statefulInstanceId, String volumeId, String authToken, String account) {
Boolean retVal = false;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/statefulInstance/%s/volume/%s", apiEndpoint, groupId, statefulInstanceId, volumeId);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendDelete(uri, null, headers, queryParams);
BaseServiceEmptyResponse emptyResponse = getCastedResponse(response, BaseServiceEmptyResponse.class);
// Handle the response.
if (emptyResponse.getResponse().getStatus().getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
retVal = true;
return retVal;
public static List getElastilog(ElastigroupGetElastilogRequest elastigroupGetElastilogRequest, String elastigroupId, String authToken) {
List getElastilogResponse = new LinkedList<>();
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (elastigroupGetElastilogRequest.getAccountId() != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", elastigroupGetElastilogRequest.getAccountId());
// Add from date Query param
if (elastigroupGetElastilogRequest.getFromDate() != null) {
queryParams.put("fromDate", elastigroupGetElastilogRequest.getFromDate());
// Add limit Query param
if (elastigroupGetElastilogRequest.getLimit() != null) {
queryParams.put("limit", elastigroupGetElastilogRequest.getLimit());
// Add resource Id Query param
if (elastigroupGetElastilogRequest.getResourceId() != null) {
queryParams.put("resourceId", elastigroupGetElastilogRequest.getResourceId());
// Add severity Query param
if (elastigroupGetElastilogRequest.getSeverity() != null) {
queryParams.put("severity", elastigroupGetElastilogRequest.getSeverity());
// Add to date Query param
if (elastigroupGetElastilogRequest.getToDate() != null) {
queryParams.put("toDate", elastigroupGetElastilogRequest.getToDate());
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/%s/logs", apiEndpoint, elastigroupId);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendGet(uri, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
castedApiResponse = getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupGetElastilogApiResponse.class);
if (castedApiResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0) {
getElastilogResponse = castedApiResponse.getResponse().getItems();
return getElastilogResponse;
public static List getInstanceTypesByRegion(String region, String authToken, String account) {
List getInstanceTypesByRegionResponse = new LinkedList<>();
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Add region Query param
if (region != null) {
queryParams.put("region", region);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/spotType", apiEndpoint);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendGet(uri, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
instanceTypesResponse = getCastedResponse(response, GetInstanceTypesByRegionApiResponse.class);
if (instanceTypesResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0) {
getInstanceTypesByRegionResponse = instanceTypesResponse.getResponse().getItems();
return getInstanceTypesByRegionResponse;
public static ApiElastigroup importASG(ImportASGRequest importASGRequest, String authToken) {
ApiElastigroup retVal = null;
ImportASG importASG = importASGRequest.getImportASG();
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (importASGRequest.getAccountId() != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", importASGRequest.getAccountId());
// Add auto scaling group name Query param
if (importASGRequest.getAutoScalingGroupName() != null) {
queryParams.put("autoScalingGroupName", importASGRequest.getAutoScalingGroupName());
// Add dry run Query param
if (importASGRequest.getDryRun() != null) {
queryParams.put("dryRun", importASGRequest.getDryRun());
// Add region Query param
if (importASGRequest.getRegion() != null) {
queryParams.put("region", importASGRequest.getRegion());
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/group/autoScalingGroup/import", apiEndpoint);
// Write to json
Map groupRequest = new HashMap<>();
groupRequest.put("group", importASG);
String body = JsonMapper.toJson(groupRequest);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPost(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
castedApiResponse = getCastedResponse(response, ElastigroupApiResponse.class);
if (castedApiResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0) {
retVal = castedApiResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
return retVal;
public static List getSuggestedInstanceTypes(GetSuggestedInstanceTypeRequest suggestedInstanceTypeRequest, String authToken, String account) {
List getInstanceTypesByRegionResponse = new LinkedList<>();
GetSuggestedInstanceType suggestedInstanceTypeReq = suggestedInstanceTypeRequest.getSuggestedInstanceType();
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/aws/ec2/instanceTypeRecommendation", apiEndpoint);
// Write to json
Map suggestedInstanceType = new HashMap<>();
suggestedInstanceType.put("requirements", suggestedInstanceTypeReq);
String body = JsonMapper.toJson(suggestedInstanceType);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPost(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
instanceTypesResponse = getCastedResponse(response, GetInstanceTypesByRegionApiResponse.class);
if (instanceTypesResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0) {
getInstanceTypesByRegionResponse = instanceTypesResponse.getResponse().getItems();
return getInstanceTypesByRegionResponse;
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