Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import com.spotinst.sdkjava.client.response.BaseServiceEmptyResponse;
import com.spotinst.sdkjava.client.response.BaseSpotinstService;
import com.spotinst.sdkjava.exception.SpotinstHttpException;
import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class SpotinstAzureStatefulNodeService extends BaseSpotinstService {
public static ApiStatefulNode createNode(ApiStatefulNode nodeToCreate, String authToken, String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
// Init retVal
ApiStatefulNode retVal = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Write to json
Map nodeRequest = new HashMap<>();
nodeRequest.put("statefulNode", nodeToCreate);
String body = JsonMapper.toJson(nodeRequest);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/azure/compute/statefulNode", apiEndpoint);
// Send the request
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPost(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
StatefulNodeApiResponse elastigroupApiResponse =
getCastedResponse(response, StatefulNodeApiResponse.class);
if (elastigroupApiResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0) {
retVal = elastigroupApiResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
return retVal;
public static ApiStatefulNode getNode(String nodeId, String authToken, String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
// Init retVal
ApiStatefulNode retVal = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/azure/compute/statefulNode/%s", apiEndpoint, nodeId);
// Send the request
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendGet(uri, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
StatefulNodeApiResponse statefulNodeGetApiResponse =
getCastedResponse(response, StatefulNodeApiResponse.class);
if (statefulNodeGetApiResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0) {
retVal = statefulNodeGetApiResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
return retVal;
public static ApiStatefulNodeGetStatusResponse getNodeStatus(String nodeId, String authToken, String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
// Init retVal
ApiStatefulNodeGetStatusResponse retVal = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/azure/compute/statefulNode/%s/status", apiEndpoint, nodeId);
// Send the request
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendGet(uri, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
StatefulNodeApiGetStatusResponse statefulNodegetStatusApiResponse =
getCastedResponse(response, StatefulNodeApiGetStatusResponse.class);
if (statefulNodegetStatusApiResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0) {
retVal = statefulNodegetStatusApiResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
return retVal;
public static ApiStatefulNode updateNode(ApiStatefulNode nodeToUpdate,String nodeId ,String authToken, String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
// Init retVal
ApiStatefulNode retVal = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Write to json
Map nodeRequest = new HashMap<>();
nodeRequest.put("statefulNode", nodeToUpdate);
String body = JsonMapper.toJson(nodeRequest);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/azure/compute/statefulNode/%s", apiEndpoint, nodeId);
// Send the request
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPut(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
StatefulNodeApiResponse statefulNodeApiResponse =
getCastedResponse(response, StatefulNodeApiResponse.class);
if (statefulNodeApiResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0) {
retVal = statefulNodeApiResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
return retVal;
public static Boolean deleteNode(ApiStatefulNodeDeallocationConfig nodeToDelete, String nodeId , String authToken, String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
// Init retVal
Boolean retVal = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Write to json
Map nodeToDeleteRequest = new HashMap<>();
nodeToDeleteRequest.put("deallocationConfig", nodeToDelete);
String body = JsonMapper.toJson(nodeToDeleteRequest);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/azure/compute/statefulNode/%s", apiEndpoint, nodeId);
// Send the request
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendDelete(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
BaseServiceEmptyResponse emptyResponse = getCastedResponse(response, BaseServiceEmptyResponse.class);
if (emptyResponse.getResponse().getStatus().getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
retVal = true;
return retVal;
public static List getAllNodes(String authToken, String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
// Init retVal
List retVal = new LinkedList<>();
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/azure/compute/statefulNode", apiEndpoint);
// Send the request
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendGet(uri, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
StatefulNodeApiResponse statefulNodeApiResponse = getCastedResponse(response, StatefulNodeApiResponse.class);
if (statefulNodeApiResponse.getResponse().getItems().size() > 0) {
retVal = statefulNodeApiResponse.getResponse().getItems();
return retVal;
public static Boolean updateNodeState(ApiStatefulNodeStateChangeRequest updateNodeStateRequest, String nodeId , String authToken, String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
// Init retVal
Boolean retVal = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Write to json
String body = JsonMapper.toJson(updateNodeStateRequest);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/azure/compute/statefulNode/%s/state", apiEndpoint, nodeId);
// Send the request
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPut(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
BaseServiceEmptyResponse emptyResponse = getCastedResponse(response, BaseServiceEmptyResponse.class);
if (emptyResponse.getResponse().getStatus().getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
retVal = true;
return retVal;
public static ApiImportConfiguration importNode(ApiImportConfiguration nodeToImport, String authToken, String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
ApiImportConfiguration retVal = null;
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Write to json
Map nodeRequest = new HashMap<>();
nodeRequest.put("statefulNodeImport", nodeToImport);
String body = JsonMapper.toJson(nodeRequest);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/azure/compute/statefulNode/import", apiEndpoint);
// Send the request
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPost(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
StatefulNodeImportApiResponse nodeApiResponse =
getCastedResponse(response, StatefulNodeImportApiResponse.class);
if (nodeApiResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0) {
retVal = nodeApiResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
return retVal;
public static ApiNodeImportStatusResponse getNodeImportStatus(String importId, String authToken, String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
// Init retVal
ApiNodeImportStatusResponse retVal = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/azure/compute/statefulNode/import/%s/status", apiEndpoint, importId);
// Send the request
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendGet(uri, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
StatefulNodeGetImportStatusApiResponse nodeImportStatusResponse =
getCastedResponse(response, StatefulNodeGetImportStatusApiResponse.class);
if (nodeImportStatusResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0) {
retVal = nodeImportStatusResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
return retVal;
public static ApiStatefulNode getImportVmConfiguration(String vmName, String resourceGroupName, String authToken, String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
// Init retVal
ApiStatefulNode retVal = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/azure/compute/statefulNode/resourceGroup/%s/virtualMachine/%s/importConfiguration", apiEndpoint, resourceGroupName, vmName);
// Send the request
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendGet(uri, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
StatefulNodeApiResponse statefulNodeGetApiResponse =
getCastedResponse(response, StatefulNodeApiResponse.class);
if (statefulNodeGetApiResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0) {
retVal = statefulNodeGetApiResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
return retVal;
public static List getStatefulNodeLogs(StatefulNodeGetLogsRequest nodeLogsRequest, String nodeId, String authToken) {
List getNodeLogs = new LinkedList<>();
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
// Build query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (nodeLogsRequest.getAccountId() != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", nodeLogsRequest.getAccountId());
// Add from date Query param
if (nodeLogsRequest.getFromDate() != null) {
queryParams.put("fromDate", nodeLogsRequest.getFromDate());
// Add to date Query param
if (nodeLogsRequest.getToDate() != null) {
queryParams.put("toDate", nodeLogsRequest.getToDate());
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/azure/compute/statefulNode/%s/log", apiEndpoint, nodeId);
// Send the request.
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendGet(uri, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
castedApiResponse = getCastedResponse(response, StatefulNodeGetLogsApiResponse.class);
if (castedApiResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0) {
getNodeLogs = castedApiResponse.getResponse().getItems();
return getNodeLogs;
public static ApiStatefulNodeResourceResponse getNodeResources(String nodeId, String authToken, String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
// Init retVal
ApiStatefulNodeResourceResponse retVal = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/azure/compute/statefulNode/%s/resources", apiEndpoint, nodeId);
// Send the request
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendGet(uri, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
StatefulNodeGetResourcesApiResponse getNodeResourcesResponse =
getCastedResponse(response, StatefulNodeGetResourcesApiResponse.class);
if (getNodeResourcesResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0) {
retVal = getNodeResourcesResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
return retVal;
public static List getAllNodeStatus(String authToken, String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
// Init retVal
List retVal = new LinkedList<>();
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/azure/compute/statefulNode/status", apiEndpoint);
// Send the request
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendGet(uri, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
StatefulNodeApiGetStatusResponse nodeStatusApiResponse = getCastedResponse(response, StatefulNodeApiGetStatusResponse.class);
if (nodeStatusApiResponse.getResponse().getItems().size() > 0) {
retVal = nodeStatusApiResponse.getResponse().getItems();
return retVal;
public static ApiStatefulNodeAttachDataDiskResponse attachDataDisk(ApiStatefulNodeAttachDataDiskConfiguration attachDataDisk, String nodeId , String authToken, String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
// Init retVal
ApiStatefulNodeAttachDataDiskResponse retVal = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Write to json
String body = JsonMapper.toJson(attachDataDisk);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/azure/compute/statefulNode/%s/dataDisk/attach", apiEndpoint, nodeId);
// Send the request
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPut(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
//Handle the response
StatefulNodeAttachDataDiskApiResponse attachDiskApiResponse =
getCastedResponse(response, StatefulNodeAttachDataDiskApiResponse.class);
if (attachDiskApiResponse.getResponse().getCount() > 0) {
retVal = attachDiskApiResponse.getResponse().getItems().get(0);
return retVal;
public static Boolean detachDataDisk(ApiStatefulNodeDetachDataDiskConfiguration detachDataDisk, String nodeId , String authToken, String account) throws SpotinstHttpException {
// Init retVal
Boolean retVal = null;
// Get endpoint
SpotinstHttpConfig config = SpotinstHttpContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint();
Map queryParams = new HashMap<>();
// Add account Id Query param
if (account != null) {
queryParams.put("accountId", account);
// Get the headers
Map headers = buildHeaders(authToken);
// Write to json
String body = JsonMapper.toJson(detachDataDisk);
// Build URI
String uri = String.format("%s/azure/compute/statefulNode/%s/dataDisk/detach", apiEndpoint, nodeId);
// Send the request
RestResponse response = RestClient.sendPut(uri, body, headers, queryParams);
// Handle the response.
BaseServiceEmptyResponse emptyResponse = getCastedResponse(response, BaseServiceEmptyResponse.class);
if (emptyResponse.getResponse().getStatus().getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
retVal = true;
return retVal;
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