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package com.squarespace.cldr.codegen;
import static com.squarespace.cldr.codegen.Types.NUMBER_OPERANDS;
import static com.squarespace.cldr.codegen.Types.PACKAGE_CLDR_PLURALS;
import static com.squarespace.cldr.codegen.Types.PLURAL_CATEGORY;
import static com.squarespace.cldr.codegen.Types.PLURAL_CONDITION;
import static javax.lang.model.element.Modifier.FINAL;
import static javax.lang.model.element.Modifier.PRIVATE;
import static javax.lang.model.element.Modifier.PUBLIC;
import static javax.lang.model.element.Modifier.STATIC;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import com.squarespace.cldr.codegen.parse.PluralRulePrinter;
import com.squarespace.cldr.codegen.parse.PluralType;
import com.squarespace.cldr.codegen.reader.DataReader;
import com.squarespace.cldr.codegen.reader.PluralData;
import com.squarespace.compiler.parse.Atom;
import com.squarespace.compiler.parse.Node;
import com.squarespace.compiler.parse.Struct;
import com.squareup.javapoet.ClassName;
import com.squareup.javapoet.CodeBlock;
import com.squareup.javapoet.FieldSpec;
import com.squareup.javapoet.MethodSpec;
import com.squareup.javapoet.TypeSpec;
* Generates code to calculate plural categories using CLDR rules.
public class PluralCodeGenerator {
private static final ClassName TYPE_BASE = ClassName.get(PACKAGE_CLDR_PLURALS, "PluralRulesBase");
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Path outputDir = Paths.get("/Users/phensley/dev/squarespace-cldr/runtime/src/generated/java");
new PluralCodeGenerator().generate(outputDir, DataReader.get());
* Generate a class for plural rule evaluation.
* This will build several Condition fields which evaluate specific AND conditions,
* and methods which call these AND conditions joined by an OR operator.
public void generate(Path outputDir, DataReader reader) throws IOException {
String className = "_PluralRules";
TypeSpec.Builder type = TypeSpec.classBuilder(className)
Map fieldMap = buildConditionFields(reader.cardinals(), reader.ordinals());
for (Map.Entry entry : fieldMap.entrySet()) {
buildPluralMethod(type, "Cardinal", reader.cardinals(), fieldMap);
buildPluralMethod(type, "Ordinal", reader.ordinals(), fieldMap);
CodeGenerator.saveClass(outputDir, PACKAGE_CLDR_PLURALS, className,;
* Creates a method to evaluate the plural rules for a specific language and plural type
* (cardinal, ordinal).
private void buildPluralMethod(
TypeSpec.Builder type, String pluralType, Map pluralMap, Map fieldMap) {
MethodSpec.Builder method = MethodSpec.methodBuilder("eval" + pluralType)
.addParameter(String.class, "language")
.addParameter(NUMBER_OPERANDS, "o")
method.beginControlFlow("switch (language)");
List ruleMethods = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry entry : pluralMap.entrySet()) {
String language = entry.getKey();
String methodName = String.format("eval%s%s", pluralType, language.toUpperCase());
method.addStatement("case $S:\n return $L(o)", language, methodName);
MethodSpec ruleMethod = buildRuleMethod(methodName, entry.getValue(), fieldMap);
method.addStatement("default:\n return null");
for (MethodSpec ruleMethod : ruleMethods) {
* Builds a method that when called evaluates the rule and returns a PluralCategory.
private MethodSpec buildRuleMethod(String methodName, PluralData data, Map fieldMap) {
MethodSpec.Builder method = MethodSpec.methodBuilder(methodName)
.addModifiers(PRIVATE, STATIC)
.addParameter(NUMBER_OPERANDS, "o")
for (Map.Entry entry : data.rules().entrySet()) {
String category = entry.getKey();
// Other is always the last condition in a set of rules.
if (category.equals("other")) {
// Last condition.
method.addStatement("return PluralCategory.OTHER");
// Create a representation of the full rule for commenting.
PluralData.Rule rule = entry.getValue();
String ruleRepr = PluralRulePrinter.print(rule.condition);
// Append all of the lambda methods we'll be invoking to evaluate this rule.
List fields = new ArrayList<>();
for (Node condition : rule.condition.asStruct().nodes()) {
String repr = PluralRulePrinter.print(condition);
// Header comment to indicate which conditions are evaluated.
method.addComment(" $L", ruleRepr);
if (!Objects.equals(rule.sample, "")) {
List samples = Splitter.on("@").splitToList(rule.sample);
for (String sample : samples) {
method.addComment(" $L", sample);
// Emit the chain of OR conditions. If one is true we return the current category.
int size = fields.size();
String stmt = "if (";
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
stmt += " || ";
stmt += fields.get(i) + ".eval(o)";
stmt += ")";
// If the rule evaluates to true, return the associated plural category.
method.addStatement("return PluralCategory." + category.toUpperCase());
* Maps an integer to each AND condition's canonical representation.
private final Map buildConditionFields(Map... pluralMaps) {
Map index = new LinkedHashMap<>();
int seq = 0;
for (Map pluralMap : pluralMaps) {
for (Map.Entry entry : pluralMap.entrySet()) {
PluralData data = entry.getValue();
// Iterate over the rules, drilling into the OR conditions and
// building a field to evaluate each AND condition.
for (Map.Entry rule : data.rules().entrySet()) {
Node orCondition = rule.getValue().condition;
if (orCondition == null) {
// Render the representation for each AND condition, using that as a
// key to map to the corresponding lambda Condition field that
// computes it.
for (Node andCondition : orCondition.asStruct().nodes()) {
String repr = PluralRulePrinter.print(andCondition);
if (index.containsKey(repr)) {
// Build the field that represents the evaluation of the AND condition.
FieldSpec field = buildConditionField(seq, andCondition.asStruct());
index.put(repr, field);
return index;
* Constructs a lambda Condition field that represents a chain of AND conditions,
* that together is a single branch in an OR condition.
public FieldSpec buildConditionField(int index, Struct branch) {
String fieldDoc = PluralRulePrinter.print(branch);
String name = String.format("COND_%d", index);
FieldSpec.Builder field = FieldSpec.builder(PLURAL_CONDITION, name, PRIVATE, STATIC, FINAL)
.addJavadoc(fieldDoc + "\n");
List> expressions = branch.nodes();
CodeBlock.Builder code = CodeBlock.builder();
code.beginControlFlow("(o) ->");
int size = expressions.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
renderExpr(i == 0, code, expressions.get(i));
code.addStatement("return true");
* Render the header of a branch method.
private static void renderExpr(boolean first, CodeBlock.Builder code, Node expr) {
Iterator> iter = expr.asStruct().nodes().iterator();
// Parse out the two forms of operand expressions we support:
// n =
// n % m =
Atom operand =;
Atom modop = null;
Atom relop =;
if (relop.type() == PluralType.MODOP) {
modop = relop;
relop =;
String var = (String)operand.value();
List> rangeList =;
boolean decimalsZero = false;
if (var.equals("n") && modop != null) {
// We're applying mod to the 'n' operand, we must also ensure that
// decimal value == 0.
decimalsZero = true;
// If this is the first expression, define the variable; otherwise reuse it.
String fmt = "zz = o.$L()";
if (first) {
fmt = "long " + fmt;
// Mod operations modify the operand before assignment.
if (modop != null) {
fmt += " % $LL";
// Emit the expression.
if (modop != null) {
code.addStatement(fmt, var, (int)modop.value());
} else {
code.addStatement(fmt, var);
renderExpr(code, rangeList, relop.value().equals("="), decimalsZero);
* Render the expression body of a branch method.
private static void renderExpr(
CodeBlock.Builder code, List> rangeList, boolean equal, boolean decimalsZero) {
int size = rangeList.size();
String r = "";
// Join the range list expressions with the OR operator.
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
r += " || ";
r += renderRange("zz", rangeList.get(i));
// Wrap the expression in an IF.
String fmt = "if (";
if (decimalsZero) {
fmt += "o.nd() != 0 || ";
if (equal) {
fmt += size == 1 ? "!$L" : "!($L)";
} else {
fmt += "($L)";
fmt += ")";
// Wrap the IF as a block.
code.beginControlFlow(fmt, r);
code.addStatement("return false");
* Render a the range segment of an expression.
private static String renderRange(String name, Node node) {
if (node.type() == PluralType.RANGE) {
Struct range = node.asStruct();
int start = (Integer) range.nodes().get(0).asAtom().value();
int end = (Integer) range.nodes().get(1).asAtom().value();
return String.format("(%s >= %d && %s <= %d)", name, start, name, end);
return String.format("(%s == %s)", name, node.asAtom().value());