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package com.squarespace.cldr.numbers;
import static com.squarespace.cldr.numbers.NumberFormattingUtils.integerDigits;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.List;
import com.squarespace.cldr.CLDRLocale;
import com.squarespace.cldr.numbers.NumberPattern.Format;
import com.squarespace.cldr.numbers.NumberPattern.Node;
import com.squarespace.cldr.numbers.NumberPattern.Symbol;
import com.squarespace.cldr.numbers.NumberPattern.Text;
import com.squarespace.cldr.plurals.PluralCategory;
import com.squarespace.cldr.plurals.PluralRules;
* General-purpose decimal number formatter. NOTE: These methods are not intended to be
* called directly by clients, only from generated or test code.
public abstract class NumberFormatterBase implements NumberFormatter {
protected static final BigDecimal ONE_HUNDRED = new BigDecimal("100");
protected static final BigDecimal ONE_THOUSAND = new BigDecimal("1000");
protected static final NumberPattern[] PLURAL = patterns("#,##0.##", "-#,##0.##");
protected static final DecimalFormatOptions PLURAL_OPTS = buildPluralOpts();
protected static final NumberFormatterParams GENERIC_PARAMS = new NumberFormatterParams();
private static final char NBSP = '\u00a0';
protected final CLDRLocale locale;
protected final NumberFormatterParams params;
protected final NumberPattern[] decimalStandard;
protected final NumberPattern[] percentStandard;
protected final NumberPattern[] currencyStandard;
protected final NumberPattern[] currencyAccounting;
protected NumberFormatterBase(
CLDRLocale locale,
NumberFormatterParams params,
NumberPattern[] decimalStandard,
NumberPattern[] percentStandard,
NumberPattern[] currencyStandard,
NumberPattern[] currencyAccounting) {
this.locale = locale;
this.params = params;
this.decimalStandard = decimalStandard;
this.percentStandard = percentStandard;
this.currencyStandard = currencyStandard;
this.currencyAccounting = currencyAccounting;
protected abstract int getPowerOfTen_DECIMAL_SHORT(int digits);
protected abstract int getPowerOfTen_DECIMAL_LONG(int digits);
protected abstract int getPowerOfTen_CURRENCY_SHORT(int digits);
protected abstract NumberPattern[] getPattern_DECIMAL_SHORT(int digits, PluralCategory category);
protected abstract NumberPattern[] getPattern_DECIMAL_LONG(int digits, PluralCategory category);
protected abstract NumberPattern[] getPattern_CURRENCY_SHORT(int digits, PluralCategory category);
protected abstract String getCurrencyPluralName(String code, PluralCategory category);
protected abstract void wrapUnits(PluralCategory category, DigitBuffer dbuf, String unit, StringBuilder dest);
public abstract String getCurrencySymbol(String code);
public abstract String getNarrowCurrencySymbol(String code);
public abstract String getCurrencyDisplayName(String code);
* Return the locale associated with this number formatter.
public CLDRLocale locale() {
return locale;
* Format the number into the buffer using the given options.
public void formatDecimal(BigDecimal n, StringBuilder destination, DecimalFormatOptions options) {
DigitBuffer dbuf = new DigitBuffer();
DecimalFormatStyle style =;
boolean grouping = orDefault(options.grouping(), false);
NumberFormatMode formatMode = orDefault(options.formatMode(), NumberFormatMode.DEFAULT);
switch (style) {
NumberPattern pattern = select(n, decimalStandard);
DigitBuffer number = new DigitBuffer();
setup(params, pattern, n, number, options, null, formatMode, grouping, -1, -1);
format(pattern, number, dbuf, null, null);
case LONG:
case SHORT:
// Set the plural category for the number
NumberOperands operands = new NumberOperands(n.toPlainString());
PluralCategory category = PluralRules.evalCardinal(locale.language(), operands);
int digits = integerDigits(n);
int divisor;
NumberPattern pattern;
// Select the divisor and pattern based on the number of integer digits and plural category.
if (style == DecimalFormatStyle.LONG) {
divisor = getPowerOfTen_DECIMAL_LONG(digits);
pattern = select(n, getPattern_DECIMAL_LONG(digits, category));
} else {
divisor = getPowerOfTen_DECIMAL_SHORT(digits);
pattern = select(n, getPattern_DECIMAL_SHORT(digits, category));
if (divisor != 0) {
// Check if we might need to select the next pattern up due to rounding.
// This handles cases where "999,999" formats to "1 M" instead of "1,000 K"
// Check if this number rounds up to exceed minimum integer digits
RoundingMode roundingMode = options.roundMode.toRoundingMode();
BigDecimal nn = n.movePointLeft(divisor);
// TODO: Peek at the formatting mode to determine whether this number will round.
nn = nn.setScale(0, roundingMode);
int nnDigits = integerDigits(nn);
if (nnDigits > pattern.format.minimumIntegerDigits() && digits < 15) {
// Select pattern that supports 1 more digit than the original number,
// to account for rounding.
if (style == DecimalFormatStyle.LONG) {
divisor = getPowerOfTen_DECIMAL_LONG(digits);
pattern = select(n, getPattern_DECIMAL_LONG(digits, category));
} else {
divisor = getPowerOfTen_DECIMAL_SHORT(digits);
pattern = select(n, getPattern_DECIMAL_SHORT(digits, category));
n = n.movePointLeft(divisor);
// For compact forms by default we want to show a certain number of significant digits.
// So "1200" becomes "1.2 K" instead of just "1 K". This can be overridden by the
// NumberFormatOptions as needed.
formatMode = orDefault(options.formatMode(), NumberFormatMode.SIGNIFICANT);
int intDigits = integerDigits(n);
int minIntDigits = pattern.format().minimumIntegerDigits();
int maxSigDigits = Math.max(intDigits + 1, Math.min(minIntDigits + 1, 3));
int minSigDigits = minIntDigits;
// Format the number according to the pattern
DigitBuffer number = new DigitBuffer();
setup(params, pattern, n, number, options, null, formatMode, grouping, maxSigDigits, minSigDigits);
format(pattern, number, dbuf, null, null);
n = n.multiply(style == DecimalFormatStyle.PERCENT ? ONE_HUNDRED : ONE_THOUSAND);
String symbol = style == DecimalFormatStyle.PERCENT ? params.percent : params.perMille;
NumberPattern pattern = select(n, percentStandard);
DigitBuffer number = new DigitBuffer();
setup(params, pattern, n, number, options, null, formatMode, grouping, -1, -1);
format(pattern, number, dbuf, null, symbol);
* Format the currency into the buffer using the given options.
public void formatCurrency(
BigDecimal n, String currencyCode, StringBuilder destination, CurrencyFormatOptions options) {
DigitBuffer dbuf = new DigitBuffer();
CurrencyFormatStyle style =;
NumberFormatMode formatMode = orDefault(options.formatMode(), NumberFormatMode.DEFAULT);
boolean grouping = orDefault(options.grouping(), true);
switch (style) {
case SYMBOL:
NumberPattern[] patterns = style == CurrencyFormatStyle.SYMBOL ? currencyStandard : currencyAccounting;
NumberPattern pattern = select(n, patterns);
String symbol = options.symbolWidth() == CurrencySymbolWidth.NARROW
? getNarrowCurrencySymbol(currencyCode) : getCurrencySymbol(currencyCode);
DigitBuffer other = new DigitBuffer();
setup(params, pattern, n, other, options, symbol, formatMode, grouping, -1, -1);
format(pattern, other, dbuf, symbol, null);
case SHORT:
// Set the plural category for the number
NumberOperands operands = new NumberOperands(n.toPlainString());
PluralCategory category = PluralRules.evalCardinal(locale.language(), operands);
// Select the divisor and pattern based on the number of integer digits and plural category.
int digits = integerDigits(n);
int power = getPowerOfTen_CURRENCY_SHORT(digits);
NumberPattern pattern = select(n, getPattern_CURRENCY_SHORT(digits, category));
// Optionally divide the number to get the compact form.
if (power != 0) {
// Check if we might need to select the next pattern up due to rounding.
// This handles cases where "999,999" formats to "1 M" instead of "1,000 K"
// Check if this number rounds up to exceed minimum integer digits
RoundingMode roundingMode = options.roundMode.toRoundingMode();
BigDecimal nn = n.movePointLeft(power);
nn = nn.setScale(0, roundingMode);
// TODO: Peek at the formatting mode to determine whether this number will round
// when we do the final format.
int nnDigits = integerDigits(nn);
if (nnDigits > pattern.format.minimumIntegerDigits() && digits < 15) {
// Select pattern that supports 1 more digit than the original number,
// to account for rounding.
power = getPowerOfTen_CURRENCY_SHORT(digits);
pattern = select(n, getPattern_CURRENCY_SHORT(digits, category));
n = n.movePointLeft(power);
// For compact forms by default we want to show a certain number of significant digits.
// So "1200" becomes "1.2 K" instead of just "1 K". This can be overridden by the
// NumberFormatOptions as needed.
int minIntDigits = pattern.format().minimumIntegerDigits();
int maxSigDigits = Math.min(minIntDigits + 1, 3);
int minSigDigits = minIntDigits;
// Format the number according to the pattern
String symbol = getCurrencySymbol(currencyCode);
DigitBuffer other = new DigitBuffer();
formatMode = orDefault(options.formatMode(), NumberFormatMode.SIGNIFICANT_MAXFRAC);
setup(params, pattern, n, other, options, symbol, formatMode, grouping, maxSigDigits, minSigDigits);
format(pattern, other, dbuf, symbol, null);
case NAME:
case CODE:
// Format the number with generic formatter parameters and grouping off to get the plural category.
NumberPattern pattern = select(n, currencyStandard);
DigitBuffer number = new DigitBuffer();
setup(GENERIC_PARAMS, pattern, n, number, options, null, formatMode, false, -1, -1);
// Set the operands and get the plural category.
NumberOperands operands = new NumberOperands(number);
PluralCategory category = PluralRules.evalCardinal(locale.language(), operands);
// Format the number
setup(params, pattern, n, number, options, null, formatMode, grouping, -1, -1);
format(pattern, number, dbuf, null, null);
// Wrap the result with the wrapper selected by the plural category.
String unit = style == CurrencyFormatStyle.CODE ? currencyCode : getCurrencyPluralName(currencyCode, category);
wrapUnits(category, dbuf, unit, destination);
private static DecimalFormatOptions buildPluralOpts() {
DecimalFormatOptions opts = new DecimalFormatOptions(DecimalFormatStyle.DECIMAL);
return opts;
* Select the appropriate pattern to format a positive or negative number.
protected static NumberPattern select(BigDecimal n, NumberPattern[] patterns) {
return n.signum() == -1 ? patterns[1] : patterns[0];
* Return the integer, or a default if null.
protected static int orDefault(Integer n, int alt) {
return n == null ? alt : n;
* Return the boolean, or a default if null.
protected static boolean orDefault(Boolean b, boolean alt) {
return b == null ? alt : b;
* Return the format mode, or a default if null.
protected static NumberFormatMode orDefault(NumberFormatMode m, NumberFormatMode alt) {
return m == null ? alt : m;
* Construct a pair of patterns [positive, negative].
protected static NumberPattern[] patterns(String positive, String negative) {
return new NumberPattern[] { parse(positive), parse(negative) };
* Parse a string as a number pattern.
protected static NumberPattern parse(String pattern) {
return new NumberPatternParser().parse(pattern);
protected void setup(
NumberFormatterParams formatterParams,
NumberPattern pattern,
BigDecimal n,
DigitBuffer buf,
NumberFormatOptions> options,
String currency,
NumberFormatMode formatMode,
boolean grouping,
int maxSigDigits,
int minSigDigits) {
Format format = pattern.format();
int minIntDigits = orDefault(options.minimumIntegerDigits(), format.minimumIntegerDigits());
int maxFracDigits = orDefault(options.maximumFractionDigits(), format.maximumFractionDigits());
int minFracDigits = orDefault(options.minimumFractionDigits(), format.minimumFractionDigits());
// Only set the min and max significant digits variables in this mode.
switch (formatMode) {
maxSigDigits = orDefault(options.maximumSignificantDigits(), maxSigDigits);
minSigDigits = orDefault(options.minimumSignificantDigits(), minSigDigits);
maxSigDigits = -1;
minSigDigits = -1;
n = NumberFormattingUtils.setup(
currency != null,
* Formats a number using a pattern and options.
protected void format(
NumberPattern pattern,
DigitBuffer number,
DigitBuffer buf,
String currency,
String percent) {
// Flag indicating if we've emitted the formatted number yet.
boolean emitted = false;
// Iterate over the nodes in the format, handling each type.
List nodes = pattern.parsed();
int size = nodes.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Node node = nodes.get(i);
if (node instanceof Text) {
} else if (node instanceof Format) {
emitted = true;
} else if (node instanceof Symbol) {
switch ((Symbol)node) {
case MINUS:
if (percent != null) {
if (currency == null || currency.isEmpty()) {
// Spacing around currency depending on if it occurs before or
// after the formatted digits.
if (emitted) {
char firstCh = currency.charAt(0);
if (!isSymbol(firstCh) && Character.isDigit(buf.last())) {
} else {
boolean nextFormat = i < (size - 1) && nodes.get(i + 1) instanceof Format;
char lastCh = currency.charAt(currency.length() - 1);
if (!isSymbol(lastCh) && nextFormat) {
* Returns true if the character is in any of the symbol categories.
public static boolean isSymbol(char ch) {
switch (Character.getType(ch)) {
case Character.MATH_SYMBOL:
case Character.CURRENCY_SYMBOL:
case Character.MODIFIER_SYMBOL:
case Character.OTHER_SYMBOL:
return true;
return false;