com.squarespace.less.match.DATBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.squarespace.less.match;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Builds a double-array trie (DAT) for fast incremental lookup of key / value pairs. We
* do not store the actual value in the trie, only its index in the entries list provided
* at build time.
* WARNING: building large tries at runtime can be time-consuming. You can pre-build the
* arrays, embed them into a class and construct the DAT at runtime from these components.
class DATBuilder {
* Double-array trie fields.
private int[] base;
private int[] check;
* Indices, preserving original order.
private int[] indices;
// The following fields are temporary, used only for building the DAT.
private Map indexmap;
private List input;
private boolean[] used;
private int pos;
private final boolean ignoreCase;
DATBuilder(List input) {
this(input, false);
DATBuilder(List input, boolean ignoreCase) {
this.input = input;
this.ignoreCase = ignoreCase;
* Base array.
public int[] base() {
return base;
* Check array.
public int[] check() {
return check;
* Values indices.
public int[] indices() {
return indices;
* Build a double-array trie, populating the 'base', 'check', and 'values' arrays.
public void build() {
// Copy and sort the input keys
List sorted = new ArrayList<>();
// Preserve indices of input order.
this.indexmap = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < input.size(); i++) {
String key = input.get(i);
if (ignoreCase) {
key = key.toLowerCase();
if (indexmap.containsKey(key)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"keys must be unique. duplicate found: '" + key + "'");
indexmap.put(key, i);
// Keys should be sorted due to the way the tree is built.
N root = new N();
root.left = 0;
root.right = sorted.size();
root.depth = 0;
// Size of the trie depends on the nature of the characters in the keys.
int size = 65000;
while (true) {
try {
// Get the siblings of the root node. This is the set of first
// characters for all strings.
List siblings = tree(sorted, root);
build(sorted, siblings);
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// Size was too conservative, increase it by a bit
size += size / 5;
// Clear the temporary variables
this.indexmap = null;
this.input = null;
this.used = null;
* Trim arrays to minimal size.
private void trim() {
int len = base.length;
while (len >= 0 && base[len - 1] == 0) {
int[] newbase = new int[len];
System.arraycopy(base, 0, newbase, 0, len);
this.base = newbase;
int[] newcheck = new int[len];
System.arraycopy(check, 0, newcheck, 0, len);
this.check = newcheck;
int[] newindices = new int[len];
System.arraycopy(indices, 0, newindices, 0, len);
this.indices = newindices;
private void alloc(int sz) {
base = new int[sz];
check = new int[sz];
indices = new int[sz];
used = new boolean[sz];
pos = 0;
base[0] = 1;
Arrays.fill(indices, -1);
* To construct the tree, we recursively locate all siblings having
* the given 'parent' prefix.
* For the strings ["ANT", "AT", "OAKS", "OAR"] this produces the tree:
* [root]
* │
* ├─ A
* │ ├─ N
* │ │ └─ T
* │ │ └─ 0
* │ │
* │ └─ T
* │ └─ 0
* └─ O
* └─ A
* ├─ K
* │ └─ S
* │ └─ 0
* └─ R
* └─ 0
* The siblings are all characters at the same depth under the
* same prefix, e.g. {'N', 'T'} are siblings immediately under 'A',
* and the siblings {'K', 'R'} share the same prefix "OA".
* The zeros distinguish prefixes from full matches, e.g. the trie
* does not contain the key "AN" even though it is a prefix of "ANT".
* To construct the tree we scan all keys under the parent in order
* from left to right. For the strings in the above example this routine
* scans from top to bottom, with tree depth 1-4 and computed siblings
* on the right:
* depth inputs sibling sets
* ----------------------------------------------
* 1: 'A' 'A' 'O' 'O' → {'A', 'O'}
* 2: 'N' 'T' 'A' 'A' → {'N', 'T'} {'A'}
* 3: 'T' 'K' 'R' → {'T'} {'K', 'R'}
* 4: 'S' → {'S'}
private List tree(List keys, N parent) {
List sibs = new ArrayList<>();
int prev = 0;
for (int i = parent.left; i < parent.right; i++) {
String key = keys.get(i);
// Check if all chars for this key have been scanned
if (key.length() < parent.depth) {
// Locate the character in this string at the current depth,
// e.g. at root depth 0 we're using the first character of each string.
int curr = 0;
if (key.length() != parent.depth) {
curr = (int)key.charAt(parent.depth);
// If this is the first time we've seen this character, create
// a sibling node at this level.
if (curr != prev || sibs.isEmpty()) {
N n = new N();
n.depth = parent.depth + 1;
n.code = curr;
n.left = i;
// Check if this is the last character in the current key and map
// it to the index of its corresponding value.
char last_char = key.charAt(key.length() - 1);
if (curr == 0 || curr == last_char) {
n.index = indexmap.get(key);
if (!sibs.isEmpty()) {
// Set right point of previous sibling to the current sibling
sibs.get(sibs.size() - 1).right = i;
prev = curr;
if (!sibs.isEmpty()) {
sibs.get(sibs.size() - 1).right = parent.right;
return sibs;
* Build the DAT by indexing the given siblings.
private int build(List keys, List siblings) {
int sz = siblings.size();
N nzero = siblings.get(0);
// Find the starting offset for this level
int index = nzero.code > pos ? nzero.code : pos;
boolean is_first = true;
// Scan for a block of empty slots to index the siblings.
int begin = 0;
while (true) {
if (check[index] != 0) {
if (is_first) {
pos = index;
is_first = false;
begin = index - nzero.code;
if (used[begin]) {
for (int i = 1; i < sz; i++) {
N n = siblings.get(i);
if (check[begin + n.code] != 0) {
continue loop;
used[begin] = true;
// Initialize the 'check' cell for each sibling
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
N n = siblings.get(i);
check[begin + n.code] = begin;
// Iterate over the siblings and recursively index them
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
// Get the siblings that are a prefix of 'n'
N n = siblings.get(i);
List newsibs = tree(keys, n);
// Pointer to the cell for the current node
int j = begin + n.code;
if (newsibs.isEmpty()) {
// No siblings for this prefix, so we've reached a leaf.
base[j] = -1;
check[j] = 1;
indices[j] = n.index;
} else {
// Create the link to the next level
int h = build(keys, newsibs);
base[j] = h;
return begin;
* Node in the temporary tree.
static class N {
int code;
int left;
int right;
int depth;
int index;
public String toString() {
return "N('" + (char)code + "' (" + code + ") " + " L=" + left + " R=" + right
+ " D=" + depth + " I=" + index + ")";