main.shark.HprofHeapGraph.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package shark
import shark.HeapObject.HeapClass
import shark.HeapObject.HeapInstance
import shark.HeapObject.HeapObjectArray
import shark.HeapObject.HeapPrimitiveArray
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.ClassDumpRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.ClassDumpRecord.FieldRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.ClassDumpRecord.StaticFieldRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.InstanceDumpRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.ObjectArrayDumpRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.BooleanArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.ByteArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.CharArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.DoubleArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.FloatArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.IntArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.LongArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.ShortArrayDump
import shark.HprofVersion.ANDROID
import shark.PrimitiveType.BYTE
import shark.PrimitiveType.INT
import shark.internal.FieldValuesReader
import shark.internal.HprofInMemoryIndex
import shark.internal.IndexedObject
import shark.internal.IndexedObject.IndexedClass
import shark.internal.IndexedObject.IndexedInstance
import shark.internal.IndexedObject.IndexedObjectArray
import shark.internal.IndexedObject.IndexedPrimitiveArray
import shark.internal.LruCache
* A [HeapGraph] that reads from an Hprof file indexed by [HprofIndex].
class HprofHeapGraph internal constructor(
private val header: HprofHeader,
private val reader: RandomAccessHprofReader,
private val index: HprofInMemoryIndex
) : CloseableHeapGraph {
override val identifierByteSize: Int get() = header.identifierByteSize
override val context = GraphContext()
override val objectCount: Int
get() = classCount + instanceCount + objectArrayCount + primitiveArrayCount
override val classCount: Int
get() = index.classCount
override val instanceCount: Int
get() = index.instanceCount
override val objectArrayCount: Int
get() = index.objectArrayCount
override val primitiveArrayCount: Int
get() = index.primitiveArrayCount
override val gcRoots: List
get() = index.gcRoots()
override val objects: Sequence
get() {
var objectIndex = 0
return index.indexedObjectSequence()
.map {
wrapIndexedObject(objectIndex++, it.second, it.first)
override val classes: Sequence
get() {
var objectIndex = 0
return index.indexedClassSequence()
.map {
val objectId = it.first
val indexedObject = it.second
HeapClass(this, indexedObject, objectId, objectIndex++)
override val instances: Sequence
get() {
var objectIndex = classCount
return index.indexedInstanceSequence()
.map {
val objectId = it.first
val indexedObject = it.second
HeapInstance(this, indexedObject, objectId, objectIndex++)
override val objectArrays: Sequence
get() {
var objectIndex = classCount + instanceCount
return index.indexedObjectArraySequence().map {
val objectId = it.first
val indexedObject = it.second
HeapObjectArray(this, indexedObject, objectId, objectIndex++)
override val primitiveArrays: Sequence
get() {
var objectIndex = classCount + instanceCount + objectArrayCount
return index.indexedPrimitiveArraySequence().map {
val objectId = it.first
val indexedObject = it.second
HeapPrimitiveArray(this, indexedObject, objectId, objectIndex++)
private val objectCache = LruCache(INTERNAL_LRU_CACHE_SIZE)
// java.lang.Object is the most accessed class in Heap, so we want to memoize a reference to it
private val javaLangObjectClass: HeapClass? = findClassByName("java.lang.Object")
internal val objectArrayRecordNonElementSize = 2 * identifierByteSize + 2 * INT.byteSize
internal val primitiveArrayRecordNonElementSize =
identifierByteSize + 2 * INT.byteSize + BYTE.byteSize
* This is only public so that we can publish stats. Accessing this requires casting
* [HeapGraph] to [HprofHeapGraph] so it's really not a public API. May change at any time!
fun lruCacheStats(): String = objectCache.toString()
override fun findObjectById(objectId: Long): HeapObject {
return findObjectByIdOrNull(objectId) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException(
"Object id $objectId not found in heap dump."
override fun findObjectByIndex(objectIndex: Int): HeapObject {
require(objectIndex in 0 until objectCount) {
"$objectIndex should be in range [0, $objectCount["
val (objectId, indexedObject) = index.objectAtIndex(objectIndex)
return wrapIndexedObject(objectIndex, indexedObject, objectId)
override fun findObjectByIdOrNull(objectId: Long): HeapObject? {
if (objectId == javaLangObjectClass?.objectId) return javaLangObjectClass
val (objectIndex, indexedObject) = index.indexedObjectOrNull(objectId) ?: return null
return wrapIndexedObject(objectIndex, indexedObject, objectId)
override fun findClassByName(className: String): HeapClass? {
val heapDumpClassName = if (header.version != ANDROID) {
val indexOfArrayChar = className.indexOf('[')
if (indexOfArrayChar != -1) {
val dimensions = (className.length - indexOfArrayChar) / 2
val componentClassName = className.substring(0, indexOfArrayChar)
"[".repeat(dimensions) + when (componentClassName) {
"char" -> 'C'
"float" -> 'F'
"double" -> 'D'
"byte" -> 'B'
"short" -> 'S'
"int" -> 'I'
"long" -> 'J'
else -> "L$componentClassName;"
} else {
} else {
val classId = index.classId(heapDumpClassName)
return if (classId == null) {
} else {
return findObjectById(classId) as HeapClass
override fun objectExists(objectId: Long): Boolean {
return index.objectIdIsIndexed(objectId)
override fun findHeapDumpIndex(objectId: Long): Int {
val (_, indexedObject) = index.indexedObjectOrNull(objectId)?: throw IllegalArgumentException(
"Object id $objectId not found in heap dump."
val position = indexedObject.position
var countObjectsBefore = 1
.forEach {
if (position > it.second.position) {
return countObjectsBefore
override fun findObjectByHeapDumpIndex(heapDumpIndex: Int): HeapObject {
require(heapDumpIndex in 1..objectCount) {
"$heapDumpIndex should be in range [1, $objectCount]"
val (objectId, _) = index.indexedObjectSequence().toList().sortedBy { it.second.position }[heapDumpIndex]
return findObjectById(objectId)
override fun close() {
internal fun classDumpStaticFields(indexedClass: IndexedClass): List {
return index.classFieldsReader.classDumpStaticFields(indexedClass)
internal fun classDumpFields(indexedClass: IndexedClass): List {
return index.classFieldsReader.classDumpFields(indexedClass)
internal fun classDumpHasReferenceFields(indexedClass: IndexedClass): Boolean {
return index.classFieldsReader.classDumpHasReferenceFields(indexedClass)
internal fun fieldName(
classId: Long,
fieldRecord: FieldRecord
): String {
return index.fieldName(classId, fieldRecord.nameStringId)
internal fun staticFieldName(
classId: Long,
fieldRecord: StaticFieldRecord
): String {
return index.fieldName(classId, fieldRecord.nameStringId)
internal fun createFieldValuesReader(record: InstanceDumpRecord) =
FieldValuesReader(record, identifierByteSize)
internal fun className(classId: Long): String {
val hprofClassName = index.className(classId)
if (header.version != ANDROID) {
if (hprofClassName.startsWith('[')) {
val arrayCharLastIndex = hprofClassName.lastIndexOf('[')
val brackets = "[]".repeat(arrayCharLastIndex + 1)
return when (val typeChar = hprofClassName[arrayCharLastIndex + 1]) {
'L' -> {
val classNameStart = arrayCharLastIndex + 2
hprofClassName.substring(classNameStart, hprofClassName.length - 1) + brackets
'Z' -> "boolean$brackets"
'C' -> "char$brackets"
'F' -> "float$brackets"
'D' -> "double$brackets"
'B' -> "byte$brackets"
'S' -> "short$brackets"
'I' -> "int$brackets"
'J' -> "long$brackets"
else -> error("Unexpected type char $typeChar")
return hprofClassName
internal fun readObjectArrayDumpRecord(
objectId: Long,
indexedObject: IndexedObjectArray
): ObjectArrayDumpRecord {
return readObjectRecord(objectId, indexedObject) {
internal fun readObjectArrayByteSize(
objectId: Long,
indexedObject: IndexedObjectArray
): Int {
val cachedRecord = objectCache[objectId] as ObjectArrayDumpRecord?
if (cachedRecord != null) {
return cachedRecord.elementIds.size * identifierByteSize
val position = indexedObject.position + identifierByteSize + PrimitiveType.INT.byteSize
val size = PrimitiveType.INT.byteSize.toLong()
val thinRecordSize = reader.readRecord(position, size) {
return thinRecordSize * identifierByteSize
internal fun readPrimitiveArrayDumpRecord(
objectId: Long,
indexedObject: IndexedPrimitiveArray
): PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord {
return readObjectRecord(objectId, indexedObject) {
internal fun readPrimitiveArrayByteSize(
objectId: Long,
indexedObject: IndexedPrimitiveArray
): Int {
val cachedRecord = objectCache[objectId] as PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord?
if (cachedRecord != null) {
return when (cachedRecord) {
is BooleanArrayDump -> cachedRecord.array.size * PrimitiveType.BOOLEAN.byteSize
is CharArrayDump -> cachedRecord.array.size * PrimitiveType.CHAR.byteSize
is FloatArrayDump -> cachedRecord.array.size * PrimitiveType.FLOAT.byteSize
is DoubleArrayDump -> cachedRecord.array.size * PrimitiveType.DOUBLE.byteSize
is ByteArrayDump -> cachedRecord.array.size * PrimitiveType.BYTE.byteSize
is ShortArrayDump -> cachedRecord.array.size * PrimitiveType.SHORT.byteSize
is IntArrayDump -> cachedRecord.array.size * PrimitiveType.INT.byteSize
is LongArrayDump -> cachedRecord.array.size * PrimitiveType.LONG.byteSize
val position = indexedObject.position + identifierByteSize + PrimitiveType.INT.byteSize
val size = reader.readRecord(position, PrimitiveType.INT.byteSize.toLong()) {
return size * indexedObject.primitiveType.byteSize
internal fun readClassDumpRecord(
objectId: Long,
indexedObject: IndexedClass
): ClassDumpRecord {
return readObjectRecord(objectId, indexedObject) {
internal fun readInstanceDumpRecord(
objectId: Long,
indexedObject: IndexedInstance
): InstanceDumpRecord {
return readObjectRecord(objectId, indexedObject) {
private fun readObjectRecord(
objectId: Long,
indexedObject: IndexedObject,
readBlock: HprofRecordReader.() -> T
): T {
val objectRecordOrNull = objectCache[objectId]
if (objectRecordOrNull != null) {
return objectRecordOrNull as T
return reader.readRecord(indexedObject.position, indexedObject.recordSize) {
}.apply { objectCache.put(objectId, this) }
private fun wrapIndexedObject(
objectIndex: Int,
indexedObject: IndexedObject,
objectId: Long
): HeapObject {
return when (indexedObject) {
is IndexedClass -> {
HeapClass(this, indexedObject, objectId, objectIndex)
is IndexedInstance -> {
HeapInstance(this, indexedObject, objectId, objectIndex)
is IndexedObjectArray -> {
HeapObjectArray(this, indexedObject, objectId, objectIndex)
is IndexedPrimitiveArray -> HeapPrimitiveArray(this, indexedObject, objectId, objectIndex)
companion object {
* This is not a public API, it's only public so that we can evaluate the effectiveness of
* different cache size in tests in a different module.
* LRU cache size of 3000 is a sweet spot to balance hits vs memory usage.
* This is based on running an instrumented test a bunch of time on a
* Pixel 2 XL API 28. Hit count was ~120K, miss count ~290K
* A facility for opening a [CloseableHeapGraph] from a [File].
* This first parses the file headers with [HprofHeader.parseHeaderOf], then indexes the file content
* with [HprofIndex.indexRecordsOf] and then opens a [CloseableHeapGraph] from the index, which
* you are responsible for closing after using.
fun File.openHeapGraph(
proguardMapping: ProguardMapping? = null,
indexedGcRootTypes: Set = HprofIndex.defaultIndexedGcRootTags()
): CloseableHeapGraph {
return FileSourceProvider(this).openHeapGraph(proguardMapping, indexedGcRootTypes)
fun DualSourceProvider.openHeapGraph(
proguardMapping: ProguardMapping? = null,
indexedGcRootTypes: Set = HprofIndex.defaultIndexedGcRootTags()
): CloseableHeapGraph {
// TODO We can probably remove the concept of DualSourceProvider. Opening a heap graph requires
// a random access reader which is built from a random access source + headers.
// Also require headers, and the index.
// So really we're:
// 1) Reader the headers from an okio source
// 2) Reading the whole source streaming to create the index. Wondering if we really need to parse
// the headers, close the file then parse / skip the header part. Can't the parsing + indexing give
// us headers + index?
// 3) Using the index + headers + a random access source on the content to create a closeable
// abstraction.
// Note: should see if Okio has a better abstraction for random access now.
// Also Use FileSystem + Path instead of File as the core way to open a file based heap dump.
val header = openStreamingSource().use { HprofHeader.parseHeaderOf(it) }
val index = HprofIndex.indexRecordsOf(this, header, proguardMapping, indexedGcRootTypes)
return index.openHeapGraph()
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