main.shark.HprofHeader.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package shark
import okio.BufferedSource
import okio.Okio
* Represents the header metadata of a Hprof file.
data class HprofHeader(
/** Unix timestamp at which the heap was dumped. */
val heapDumpTimestamp: Long = System.currentTimeMillis(),
/** Hprof version, which is tied to the runtime where the heap was dumped. */
val version: HprofVersion = HprofVersion.ANDROID,
* Size of Hprof identifiers. Identifiers are used to represent UTF8 strings, objects,
* stack traces, etc. They can have the same size as host pointers or sizeof(void*), but are not
* required to be.
val identifierByteSize: Int = 4
) {
* How many bytes from the beginning of the file can we find the hprof records at.
* Version string, 0 delimiter (1 byte), identifier byte size int (4 bytes) ,timestamp long
* (8 bytes)
val recordsPosition: Int = version.versionString.toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8).size + 1 + 4 + 8
companion object {
private val supportedVersions = HprofVersion.values().associateBy { it.versionString }
* Reads the header of the provided [hprofFile] and returns it as a [HprofHeader]
fun parseHeaderOf(hprofFile: File): HprofHeader {
val fileLength = hprofFile.length()
if (fileLength == 0L) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Hprof file is 0 byte length")
return Okio.buffer(Okio.source(hprofFile.inputStream())).use {
* Reads the header of the provided [source] and returns it as a [HprofHeader].
* This does not close the [source].
fun parseHeaderOf(source: BufferedSource): HprofHeader {
require(!source.exhausted()) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Source has no available bytes")
val endOfVersionString = source.indexOf(0)
val versionName = source.readUtf8(endOfVersionString)
val version = supportedVersions[versionName]
checkNotNull(version) {
"Unsupported Hprof version [$versionName] not in supported list ${supportedVersions.keys}"
// Skip the 0 at the end of the version string.
val identifierByteSize = source.readInt()
val heapDumpTimestamp = source.readLong()
return HprofHeader(heapDumpTimestamp, version, identifierByteSize)