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* Copyright (C) 2015 Square, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package okhttp3
import okhttp3.HttpUrl.Companion.get
import okhttp3.HttpUrl.Companion.parse
import okhttp3.internal.Util
import okhttp3.internal.Util.decodeHexDigit
import okhttp3.internal.Util.delimiterOffset
import okhttp3.internal.Util.skipLeadingAsciiWhitespace
import okhttp3.internal.Util.skipTrailingAsciiWhitespace
import okhttp3.internal.Util.verifyAsIpAddress
import okhttp3.internal.publicsuffix.PublicSuffixDatabase
import okio.Buffer
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8
import java.util.ArrayList
import java.util.Collections
import java.util.LinkedHashSet
* A uniform resource locator (URL) with a scheme of either `http` or `https`. Use this class to
* compose and decompose Internet addresses. For example, this code will compose and print a URL for
* Google search:
* ```
* HttpUrl url = new HttpUrl.Builder()
* .scheme("https")
* .host("")
* .addPathSegment("search")
* .addQueryParameter("q", "polar bears")
* .build();
* System.out.println(url);
* ```
* which prints:
* ```
* ```
* As another example, this code prints the human-readable query parameters of a Twitter search:
* ```
* HttpUrl url = HttpUrl.parse("");
* for (int i = 0, size = url.querySize(); i < size; i++) {
* System.out.println(url.queryParameterName(i) + ": " + url.queryParameterValue(i));
* }
* ```
* which prints:
* ```
* q: cute #puppies
* f: images
* ```
* In addition to composing URLs from their component parts and decomposing URLs into their
* component parts, this class implements relative URL resolution: what address you'd reach by
* clicking a relative link on a specified page. For example:
* ```
* HttpUrl base = HttpUrl.parse("");
* HttpUrl link = base.resolve("../../watch?v=cbP2N1BQdYc");
* System.out.println(link);
* ```
* which prints:
* ```
* ```
* ## What's in a URL?
* A URL has several components.
* ### Scheme
* Sometimes referred to as *protocol*, A URL's scheme describes what mechanism should be used to
* retrieve the resource. Although URLs have many schemes (`mailto`, `file`, `ftp`), this class only
* supports `http` and `https`. Use [][URI] for URLs with arbitrary schemes.
* ### Username and Password
* Username and password are either present, or the empty string `""` if absent. This class offers
* no mechanism to differentiate empty from absent. Neither of these components are popular in
* practice. Typically HTTP applications use other mechanisms for user identification and
* authentication.
* ### Host
* The host identifies the webserver that serves the URL's resource. It is either a hostname like
* `` or `localhost`, an IPv4 address like ``, or an IPv6 address like `::1`.
* Usually a webserver is reachable with multiple identifiers: its IP addresses, registered
* domain names, and even `localhost` when connecting from the server itself. Each of a web server's
* names is a distinct URL and they are not interchangeable. For example, even if
* `` and `` are served by the same IP
* address, the two URLs identify different resources.
* ### Port
* The port used to connect to the web server. By default this is 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.
* This class never returns -1 for the port: if no port is explicitly specified in the URL then the
* scheme's default is used.
* ### Path
* The path identifies a specific resource on the host. Paths have a hierarchical structure like
* "/square/okhttp/issues/1486" and decompose into a list of segments like `["square", "okhttp",
* "issues", "1486"]`.
* This class offers methods to compose and decompose paths by segment. It composes each path
* from a list of segments by alternating between "/" and the encoded segment. For example the
* segments `["a", "b"]` build "/a/b" and the segments `["a", "b", ""]` build "/a/b/".
* If a path's last segment is the empty string then the path ends with "/". This class always
* builds non-empty paths: if the path is omitted it defaults to "/". The default path's segment
* list is a single empty string: `[""]`.
* ### Query
* The query is optional: it can be null, empty, or non-empty. For many HTTP URLs the query string
* is subdivided into a collection of name-value parameters. This class offers methods to set the
* query as the single string, or as individual name-value parameters. With name-value parameters
* the values are optional and names may be repeated.
* ### Fragment
* The fragment is optional: it can be null, empty, or non-empty. Unlike host, port, path, and
* query the fragment is not sent to the webserver: it's private to the client.
* ## Encoding
* Each component must be encoded before it is embedded in the complete URL. As we saw above, the
* string `cute #puppies` is encoded as `cute%20%23puppies` when used as a query parameter value.
* ### Percent encoding
* Percent encoding replaces a character (like `\ud83c\udf69`) with its UTF-8 hex bytes (like
* `%F0%9F%8D%A9`). This approach works for whitespace characters, control characters, non-ASCII
* characters, and characters that already have another meaning in a particular context.
* Percent encoding is used in every URL component except for the hostname. But the set of
* characters that need to be encoded is different for each component. For example, the path
* component must escape all of its `?` characters, otherwise it could be interpreted as the
* start of the URL's query. But within the query and fragment components, the `?` character
* doesn't delimit anything and doesn't need to be escaped.
* ```
* HttpUrl url = HttpUrl.parse("http://who-let-the-dogs.out").newBuilder()
* .addPathSegment("_Who?_")
* .query("_Who?_")
* .fragment("_Who?_")
* .build();
* System.out.println(url);
* ```
* This prints:
* ```
* http://who-let-the-dogs.out/_Who%3F_?_Who?_#_Who?_
* ```
* When parsing URLs that lack percent encoding where it is required, this class will percent encode
* the offending characters.
* ### IDNA Mapping and Punycode encoding
* Hostnames have different requirements and use a different encoding scheme. It consists of IDNA
* mapping and Punycode encoding.
* In order to avoid confusion and discourage phishing attacks, [IDNA Mapping][idna] transforms
* names to avoid confusing characters. This includes basic case folding: transforming shouting
* `SQUARE.COM` into cool and casual ``. It also handles more exotic characters. For
* example, the Unicode trademark sign (™) could be confused for the letters "TM" in
* `http://ho™`. To mitigate this, the single character (™) maps to the string (tm). There
* is similar policy for all of the 1.1 million Unicode code points. Note that some code points such
* as "\ud83c\udf69" are not mapped and cannot be used in a hostname.
* [Punycode]( converts a Unicode string to an ASCII string to make
* international domain names work everywhere. For example, "σ" encodes as "xn--4xa". The encoded
* string is not human readable, but can be used with classes like [InetAddress] to establish
* connections.
* ## Why another URL model?
* Java includes both [][URL] and [][URI]. We offer a new URL
* model to address problems that the others don't.
* ### Different URLs should be different
* Although they have different content, `` considers the following two URLs
* equal, and the [equals()][Object.equals] method between them returns true:
* *
* *
* This is because those two hosts share the same IP address. This is an old, bad design decision
* that makes `` unusable for many things. It shouldn't be used as a [Map] key or in a
* [Set]. Doing so is both inefficient because equality may require a DNS lookup, and incorrect
* because unequal URLs may be equal because of how they are hosted.
* ### Equal URLs should be equal
* These two URLs are semantically identical, but `` disagrees:
* * http://host:80/
* * http://host
* Both the unnecessary port specification (`:80`) and the absent trailing slash (`/`) cause URI to
* bucket the two URLs separately. This harms URI's usefulness in collections. Any application that
* stores information-per-URL will need to either canonicalize manually, or suffer unnecessary
* redundancy for such URLs.
* Because they don't attempt canonical form, these classes are surprisingly difficult to use
* securely. Suppose you're building a webservice that checks that incoming paths are prefixed
* "/static/images/" before serving the corresponding assets from the filesystem.
* ```
* String attack = "";
* System.out.println(new URL(attack).getPath());
* System.out.println(new URI(attack).getPath());
* System.out.println(HttpUrl.parse(attack).encodedPath());
* ```
* By canonicalizing the input paths, they are complicit in directory traversal attacks. Code that
* checks only the path prefix may suffer!
* ```
* /static/images/../../../../../etc/passwd
* /static/images/../../../../../etc/passwd
* /etc/passwd
* ```
* ### If it works on the web, it should work in your application
* The `` class is strict around what URLs it accepts. It rejects URLs like
* `|def` because the `|` character is unsupported. This class is more
* forgiving: it will automatically percent-encode the `|'` yielding ``.
* This kind behavior is consistent with web browsers. `HttpUrl` prefers consistency with major web
* browsers over consistency with obsolete specifications.
* ### Paths and Queries should decompose
* Neither of the built-in URL models offer direct access to path segments or query parameters.
* Manually using `StringBuilder` to assemble these components is cumbersome: do '+' characters get
* silently replaced with spaces? If a query parameter contains a '&', does that get escaped?
* By offering methods to read and write individual query parameters directly, application
* developers are saved from the hassles of encoding and decoding.
* ### Plus a modern API
* The URL (JDK1.0) and URI (Java 1.4) classes predate builders and instead use telescoping
* constructors. For example, there's no API to compose a URI with a custom port without also
* providing a query and fragment.
* Instances of [HttpUrl] are well-formed and always have a scheme, host, and path. With
* `` it's possible to create an awkward URL like `http:/` with scheme and path but no
* hostname. Building APIs that consume such malformed values is difficult!
* This class has a modern API. It avoids punitive checked exceptions: [get] throws
* [IllegalArgumentException] on invalid input or [parse] returns null if the input is an invalid
* URL. You can even be explicit about whether each component has been encoded already.
* [idna]:
class HttpUrl internal constructor(builder: Builder) {
/** Either "http" or "https". */
internal val scheme: String = builder.scheme ?: throw IllegalStateException("scheme == null")
/** Decoded username. */
private val username: String = percentDecode(builder.encodedUsername, false)
/** Decoded password. */
private val password: String = percentDecode(builder.encodedPassword, false)
/** Canonical hostname. */
internal val host: String = ?: throw IllegalStateException("host == null")
/** Either 80, 443 or a user-specified port. In range [1..65535]. */
internal val port: Int = builder.effectivePort()
* A list of canonical path segments. This list always contains at least one element, which may be
* the empty string. Each segment is formatted with a leading '/', so if path segments were ["a",
* "b", ""], then the encoded path would be "/a/b/".
private val pathSegments: List =
percentDecode(builder.encodedPathSegments, false) as List
* Alternating, decoded query names and values, or null for no query. Names may be empty or
* non-empty, but never null. Values are null if the name has no corresponding '=' separator, or
* empty, or non-empty.
private val queryNamesAndValues: List? =
builder.encodedQueryNamesAndValues?.let { percentDecode(it, true) }
/** Decoded fragment. */
private val fragment: String? = builder.encodedFragment?.let { percentDecode(it, false) }
/** Canonical URL. */
private val url: String = builder.toString()
val isHttps: Boolean = scheme == "https"
/** Returns this URL as a [][URL]. */
fun url(): URL {
try {
return URL(url)
} catch (e: MalformedURLException) {
throw RuntimeException(e) // Unexpected!
* Returns this URL as a [][URI]. Because `URI` is more strict than this class, the
* returned URI may be semantically different from this URL:
* * Characters forbidden by URI like `[` and `|` will be escaped.
* * Invalid percent-encoded sequences like `%xx` will be encoded like `%25xx`.
* * Whitespace and control characters in the fragment will be stripped.
* These differences may have a significant consequence when the URI is interpreted by a
* web server. For this reason the [URI class][URI] and this method should be avoided.
fun uri(): URI {
val uri = newBuilder().reencodeForUri().toString()
try {
return URI(uri)
} catch (e: URISyntaxException) {
// Unlikely edge case: the URI has a forbidden character in the fragment. Strip it & retry.
try {
val stripped = uri.replace(Regex("[\\u0000-\\u001F\\u007F-\\u009F\\p{javaWhitespace}]"), "")
return URI.create(stripped)
} catch (e1: Exception) {
throw RuntimeException(e) // Unexpected!
/** Returns either "http" or "https". */
fun scheme(): String = scheme
* Returns the username, or an empty string if none is set.
fun encodedUsername(): String {
if (username.isEmpty()) return ""
val usernameStart = scheme.length + 3 // "://".length() == 3.
val usernameEnd = delimiterOffset(url, usernameStart, url.length, ":@")
return url.substring(usernameStart, usernameEnd)
* Returns the decoded username, or an empty string if none is present.
`"a b"`
fun username(): String = username
* Returns the password, or an empty string if none is set.
fun encodedPassword(): String {
if (password.isEmpty()) return ""
val passwordStart = url.indexOf(':', scheme.length + 3) + 1
val passwordEnd = url.indexOf('@')
return url.substring(passwordStart, passwordEnd)
* Returns the decoded password, or an empty string if none is present.
`"c d"`
fun password(): String = password
* Returns the host address suitable for use with [InetAddress.getAllByName]. May be:
* * A regular host name, like ``.
* * An IPv4 address, like ``.
* * An IPv6 address, like `::1`. Note that there are no square braces.
* * An encoded IDN, like ``.
fun host(): String = host
* Returns the explicitly-specified port if one was provided, or the default port for this URL's
* scheme. For example, this returns 8443 for `` and 443 for
* ``. The result is in `[1..65535]`.
fun port(): Int = port
* Returns the number of segments in this URL's path. This is also the number of slashes in the
* URL's path, like 3 in `http://host/a/b/c`. This is always at least 1.
fun pathSize(): Int = pathSegments.size
* Returns the entire path of this URL encoded for use in HTTP resource resolution. The returned
* path will start with `"/"`.
fun encodedPath(): String {
val pathStart = url.indexOf('/', scheme.length + 3) // "://".length() == 3.
val pathEnd = delimiterOffset(url, pathStart, url.length, "?#")
return url.substring(pathStart, pathEnd)
* Returns a list of encoded path segments like `["a", "b", "c"]` for the URL `http://host/a/b/c`.
* This list is never empty though it may contain a single empty string.
`["a", "b", "c"]`
`["a", "b%20c", "d"]`
fun encodedPathSegments(): List {
val pathStart = url.indexOf('/', scheme.length + 3)
val pathEnd = delimiterOffset(url, pathStart, url.length, "?#")
val result = ArrayList()
var i = pathStart
while (i < pathEnd) {
i++ // Skip the '/'.
val segmentEnd = delimiterOffset(url, i, pathEnd, '/')
result.add(url.substring(i, segmentEnd))
i = segmentEnd
return result
* Returns a list of path segments like `["a", "b", "c"]` for the URL `http://host/a/b/c`. This
* list is never empty though it may contain a single empty string.
`["a", "b", "c"]`
`["a", "b c", "d"]`
fun pathSegments(): List = pathSegments
* Returns the query of this URL, encoded for use in HTTP resource resolution. The returned string
* may be null (for URLs with no query), empty (for URLs with an empty query) or non-empty (all
* other URLs).
fun encodedQuery(): String? {
if (queryNamesAndValues == null) return null // No query.
val queryStart = url.indexOf('?') + 1
val queryEnd = delimiterOffset(url, queryStart, url.length, '#')
return url.substring(queryStart, queryEnd)
* Returns this URL's query, like `"abc"` for `http://host/?abc`. Most callers should
* prefer [queryParameterName] and [queryParameterValue] because these methods offer direct access
* to individual query parameters.
* lime"`
fun query(): String? {
if (queryNamesAndValues == null) return null // No query.
val result = StringBuilder()
namesAndValuesToQueryString(result, queryNamesAndValues)
return result.toString()
* Returns the number of query parameters in this URL, like 2 for `http://host/?a=apple&b=banana`.
* If this URL has no query this returns 0. Otherwise it returns one more than the number of `"&"`
* separators in the query.
fun querySize(): Int {
return if (queryNamesAndValues != null) queryNamesAndValues.size / 2 else 0
* Returns the first query parameter named `name` decoded using UTF-8, or null if there is
* no such query parameter.
fun queryParameter(name: String): String? {
if (queryNamesAndValues == null) return null
for (i in 0 until queryNamesAndValues.size step 2) {
if (name == queryNamesAndValues[i]) {
return queryNamesAndValues[i + 1]
return null
* Returns the distinct query parameter names in this URL, like `["a", "b"]` for
* `http://host/?a=apple&b=banana`. If this URL has no query this returns the empty set.
`["a", "k"]`
`["a", "b"]`
fun queryParameterNames(): Set {
if (queryNamesAndValues == null) return emptySet()
val result = LinkedHashSet()
for (i in 0 until queryNamesAndValues.size step 2) {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(result)
* Returns all values for the query parameter `name` ordered by their appearance in this
* URL. For example this returns `["banana"]` for `queryParameterValue("b")` on
* `http://host/?a=apple&b=banana`.
`["apple", "apricot"]`
fun queryParameterValues(name: String): List {
if (queryNamesAndValues == null) return emptyList()
val result = ArrayList()
for (i in 0 until queryNamesAndValues.size step 2) {
if (name == queryNamesAndValues[i]) {
result.add(queryNamesAndValues[i + 1])
return Collections.unmodifiableList(result)
* Returns the name of the query parameter at `index`. For example this returns `"a"`
* for `queryParameterName(0)` on `http://host/?a=apple&b=banana`. This throws if
* `index` is not less than the [query size][querySize].
fun queryParameterName(index: Int): String {
if (queryNamesAndValues == null) throw IndexOutOfBoundsException()
return queryNamesAndValues[index * 2]!!
* Returns the value of the query parameter at `index`. For example this returns `"apple"` for
* `queryParameterName(0)` on `http://host/?a=apple&b=banana`. This throws if `index` is not less
* than the [query size][querySize].
`"key lime"`
fun queryParameterValue(index: Int): String? {
if (queryNamesAndValues == null) throw IndexOutOfBoundsException()
return queryNamesAndValues[index * 2 + 1]
* Returns this URL's encoded fragment, like `"abc"` for `http://host/#abc`. This returns null if
* the URL has no fragment.
fun encodedFragment(): String? {
if (fragment == null) return null
val fragmentStart = url.indexOf('#') + 1
return url.substring(fragmentStart)
* Returns this URL's fragment, like `"abc"` for `http://host/#abc`. This returns null
* if the URL has no fragment.
fun fragment(): String? = fragment
* Returns a string with containing this URL with its username, password, query, and fragment
* stripped, and its path replaced with `/...`. For example, redacting
* `http://username:[email protected]/path` returns ``.
fun redact(): String {
return newBuilder("/...")!!
* Returns the URL that would be retrieved by following `link` from this URL, or null if the
* resulting URL is not well-formed.
fun resolve(link: String): HttpUrl? = newBuilder(link)?.build()
* Returns a builder based on this URL.
fun newBuilder(): Builder {
val result = Builder()
result.scheme = scheme
result.encodedUsername = encodedUsername()
result.encodedPassword = encodedPassword() = host
// If we're set to a default port, unset it in case of a scheme change.
result.port = if (port != defaultPort(scheme)) port else -1
result.encodedFragment = encodedFragment()
return result
* Returns a builder for the URL that would be retrieved by following `link` from this URL,
* or null if the resulting URL is not well-formed.
fun newBuilder(link: String): Builder? {
try {
return Builder().parse(this, link)
} catch (ignored: IllegalArgumentException) {
return null
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
return other is HttpUrl && other.url == url
override fun hashCode(): Int = url.hashCode()
override fun toString(): String = url
* Returns the domain name of this URL's [host] that is one level beneath the public suffix by
* consulting the [public suffix list]( Returns null if this URL's
* [host] is an IP address or is considered a public suffix by the public suffix list.
* In general this method **should not** be used to test whether a domain is valid or routable.
* Instead, DNS is the recommended source for that information.
fun topPrivateDomain(): String? {
if (verifyAsIpAddress(host)) {
return null
} else {
return PublicSuffixDatabase.get().getEffectiveTldPlusOne(host)
class Builder {
internal var scheme: String? = null
internal var encodedUsername = ""
internal var encodedPassword = ""
internal var host: String? = null
internal var port = -1
internal val encodedPathSegments = mutableListOf()
internal var encodedQueryNamesAndValues: MutableList? = null
internal var encodedFragment: String? = null
init {
encodedPathSegments.add("") // The default path is '/' which needs a trailing space.
* @param scheme either "http" or "https".
fun scheme(scheme: String): Builder {
when {
scheme.equals("http", ignoreCase = true) -> this.scheme = "http"
scheme.equals("https", ignoreCase = true) -> this.scheme = "https"
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("unexpected scheme: $scheme")
return this
fun username(username: String): Builder {
this.encodedUsername = canonicalize(username, USERNAME_ENCODE_SET, alreadyEncoded = false,
strict = false, plusIsSpace = false, asciiOnly = true)
return this
fun encodedUsername(encodedUsername: String): Builder {
this.encodedUsername = canonicalize(
encodedUsername, USERNAME_ENCODE_SET, alreadyEncoded = true, strict = false,
plusIsSpace = false, asciiOnly = true)
return this
fun password(password: String): Builder {
this.encodedPassword = canonicalize(password, PASSWORD_ENCODE_SET, alreadyEncoded = false,
strict = false, plusIsSpace = false, asciiOnly = true)
return this
fun encodedPassword(encodedPassword: String): Builder {
this.encodedPassword = canonicalize(
encodedPassword, PASSWORD_ENCODE_SET, alreadyEncoded = true, strict = false,
plusIsSpace = false, asciiOnly = true)
return this
* @param host either a regular hostname, International Domain Name, IPv4 address, or IPv6
* address.
fun host(host: String): Builder {
val encoded = canonicalizeHost(host, 0, host.length) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException(
"unexpected host: $host") = encoded
return this
fun port(port: Int): Builder {
if (port <= 0 || port > 65535) throw IllegalArgumentException("unexpected port: $port")
this.port = port
return this
internal fun effectivePort(): Int {
return if (port != -1) port else defaultPort(scheme!!)
fun addPathSegment(pathSegment: String): Builder {
push(pathSegment, 0, pathSegment.length, addTrailingSlash = false, alreadyEncoded = false)
return this
* Adds a set of path segments separated by a slash (either `\` or `/`). If `pathSegments`
* starts with a slash, the resulting URL will have empty path segment.
fun addPathSegments(pathSegments: String): Builder {
return addPathSegments(pathSegments, false)
fun addEncodedPathSegment(encodedPathSegment: String): Builder {
push(encodedPathSegment, 0, encodedPathSegment.length, addTrailingSlash = false,
alreadyEncoded = true)
return this
* Adds a set of encoded path segments separated by a slash (either `\` or `/`). If
* `encodedPathSegments` starts with a slash, the resulting URL will have empty path segment.
fun addEncodedPathSegments(encodedPathSegments: String): Builder {
return addPathSegments(encodedPathSegments, true)
private fun addPathSegments(pathSegments: String, alreadyEncoded: Boolean): Builder {
var offset = 0
do {
val segmentEnd = delimiterOffset(pathSegments, offset, pathSegments.length, "/\\")
val addTrailingSlash = segmentEnd < pathSegments.length
push(pathSegments, offset, segmentEnd, addTrailingSlash, alreadyEncoded)
offset = segmentEnd + 1
} while (offset <= pathSegments.length)
return this
fun setPathSegment(index: Int, pathSegment: String): Builder {
val canonicalPathSegment = canonicalize(pathSegment, 0, pathSegment.length,
PATH_SEGMENT_ENCODE_SET, false, false, false, true, null)
if (isDot(canonicalPathSegment) || isDotDot(canonicalPathSegment)) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("unexpected path segment: $pathSegment")
encodedPathSegments[index] = canonicalPathSegment
return this
fun setEncodedPathSegment(index: Int, encodedPathSegment: String): Builder {
val canonicalPathSegment = canonicalize(encodedPathSegment, 0, encodedPathSegment.length,
PATH_SEGMENT_ENCODE_SET, true, false, false, true, null)
encodedPathSegments[index] = canonicalPathSegment
if (isDot(canonicalPathSegment) || isDotDot(canonicalPathSegment)) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("unexpected path segment: $encodedPathSegment")
return this
fun removePathSegment(index: Int): Builder {
if (encodedPathSegments.isEmpty()) {
encodedPathSegments.add("") // Always leave at least one '/'.
return this
fun encodedPath(encodedPath: String): Builder {
if (!encodedPath.startsWith("/")) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("unexpected encodedPath: $encodedPath")
resolvePath(encodedPath, 0, encodedPath.length)
return this
fun query(query: String?): Builder {
this.encodedQueryNamesAndValues = if (query != null) {
queryStringToNamesAndValues(canonicalize(query, QUERY_ENCODE_SET, alreadyEncoded = false,
strict = false, plusIsSpace = true, asciiOnly = true))
} else {
return this
fun encodedQuery(encodedQuery: String?): Builder {
this.encodedQueryNamesAndValues = if (encodedQuery != null) {
canonicalize(encodedQuery, QUERY_ENCODE_SET, alreadyEncoded = true, strict = false,
plusIsSpace = true, asciiOnly = true))
} else {
return this
/** Encodes the query parameter using UTF-8 and adds it to this URL's query string. */
fun addQueryParameter(name: String, value: String?): Builder {
if (encodedQueryNamesAndValues == null) encodedQueryNamesAndValues = ArrayList()
canonicalize(name, QUERY_COMPONENT_ENCODE_SET, alreadyEncoded = false, strict = false,
plusIsSpace = true, asciiOnly = true))
encodedQueryNamesAndValues!!.add(if (value != null) {
canonicalize(value, QUERY_COMPONENT_ENCODE_SET, alreadyEncoded = false, strict = false,
plusIsSpace = true, asciiOnly = true)
} else {
return this
/** Adds the pre-encoded query parameter to this URL's query string. */
fun addEncodedQueryParameter(encodedName: String, encodedValue: String?): Builder {
if (encodedQueryNamesAndValues == null) encodedQueryNamesAndValues = ArrayList()
canonicalize(encodedName, QUERY_COMPONENT_REENCODE_SET, alreadyEncoded = true,
strict = false, plusIsSpace = true, asciiOnly = true))
encodedQueryNamesAndValues!!.add(if (encodedValue != null) {
canonicalize(encodedValue, QUERY_COMPONENT_REENCODE_SET, alreadyEncoded = true,
strict = false, plusIsSpace = true, asciiOnly = true)
} else {
return this
fun setQueryParameter(name: String, value: String?): Builder {
addQueryParameter(name, value)
return this
fun setEncodedQueryParameter(encodedName: String, encodedValue: String?): Builder {
addEncodedQueryParameter(encodedName, encodedValue)
return this
fun removeAllQueryParameters(name: String): Builder {
if (encodedQueryNamesAndValues == null) return this
val nameToRemove = canonicalize(name, QUERY_COMPONENT_ENCODE_SET, alreadyEncoded = false,
strict = false, plusIsSpace = true, asciiOnly = true)
return this
fun removeAllEncodedQueryParameters(encodedName: String): Builder {
if (encodedQueryNamesAndValues == null) return this
canonicalize(encodedName, QUERY_COMPONENT_REENCODE_SET, alreadyEncoded = true,
strict = false, plusIsSpace = true, asciiOnly = true))
return this
private fun removeAllCanonicalQueryParameters(canonicalName: String) {
var i = encodedQueryNamesAndValues!!.size - 2
while (i >= 0) {
if (canonicalName == encodedQueryNamesAndValues!![i]) {
encodedQueryNamesAndValues!!.removeAt(i + 1)
if (encodedQueryNamesAndValues!!.isEmpty()) {
encodedQueryNamesAndValues = null
i -= 2
fun fragment(fragment: String?): Builder {
this.encodedFragment = if (fragment != null) {
canonicalize(fragment, FRAGMENT_ENCODE_SET, alreadyEncoded = false, strict = false,
plusIsSpace = false, asciiOnly = false)
} else {
return this
fun encodedFragment(encodedFragment: String?): Builder {
this.encodedFragment = if (encodedFragment != null) {
canonicalize(encodedFragment, FRAGMENT_ENCODE_SET, alreadyEncoded = true, strict = false,
plusIsSpace = false, asciiOnly = false)
} else {
return this
* Re-encodes the components of this URL so that it satisfies (obsolete) RFC 2396, which is
* particularly strict for certain components.
internal fun reencodeForUri(): Builder {
for (i in 0 until encodedPathSegments.size) {
val pathSegment = encodedPathSegments[i]
encodedPathSegments[i] =
canonicalize(pathSegment, PATH_SEGMENT_ENCODE_SET_URI, alreadyEncoded = true,
strict = true, plusIsSpace = false, asciiOnly = true)
if (encodedQueryNamesAndValues != null) {
for (i in 0 until encodedQueryNamesAndValues!!.size) {
val component = encodedQueryNamesAndValues!![i]
if (component != null) {
encodedQueryNamesAndValues!![i] =
canonicalize(component, QUERY_COMPONENT_ENCODE_SET_URI, alreadyEncoded = true,
strict = true, plusIsSpace = true, asciiOnly = true)
if (encodedFragment != null) {
encodedFragment = canonicalize(
encodedFragment!!, FRAGMENT_ENCODE_SET_URI, alreadyEncoded = true, strict = true,
plusIsSpace = false, asciiOnly = false)
return this
fun build(): HttpUrl = HttpUrl(this)
override fun toString(): String {
val result = StringBuilder()
if (scheme != null) {
} else {
if (encodedUsername.isNotEmpty() || encodedPassword.isNotEmpty()) {
if (encodedPassword.isNotEmpty()) {
if (host != null) {
if (host!!.indexOf(':') != -1) {
// Host is an IPv6 address.
} else {
if (port != -1 || scheme != null) {
val effectivePort = effectivePort()
if (scheme == null || effectivePort != defaultPort(scheme!!)) {
pathSegmentsToString(result, encodedPathSegments)
if (encodedQueryNamesAndValues != null) {
namesAndValuesToQueryString(result, encodedQueryNamesAndValues!!)
if (encodedFragment != null) {
return result.toString()
internal fun parse(base: HttpUrl?, input: String): Builder {
var pos = skipLeadingAsciiWhitespace(input, 0, input.length)
val limit = skipTrailingAsciiWhitespace(input, pos, input.length)
// Scheme.
val schemeDelimiterOffset = schemeDelimiterOffset(input, pos, limit)
if (schemeDelimiterOffset != -1) {
if (input.regionMatches(pos, "https:", 0, 6, ignoreCase = true)) {
this.scheme = "https"
pos += "https:".length
} else if (input.regionMatches(pos, "http:", 0, 5, ignoreCase = true)) {
this.scheme = "http"
pos += "http:".length
} else {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Expected URL scheme 'http' or 'https' but was '" +
input.substring(0, schemeDelimiterOffset) + "'")
} else if (base != null) {
this.scheme = base.scheme
} else {
throw IllegalArgumentException(
"Expected URL scheme 'http' or 'https' but no colon was found")
// Authority.
var hasUsername = false
var hasPassword = false
val slashCount = slashCount(input, pos, limit)
if (slashCount >= 2 || base == null || base.scheme != this.scheme) {
// Read an authority if either:
// * The input starts with 2 or more slashes. These follow the scheme if it exists.
// * The input scheme exists and is different from the base URL's scheme.
// The structure of an authority is:
// username:password@host:port
// Username, password and port are optional.
// [username[:password]@]host[:port]
pos += slashCount
authority@ while (true) {
val componentDelimiterOffset = delimiterOffset(input, pos, limit, "@/\\?#")
val c = if (componentDelimiterOffset != limit) {
} else {
when (c) {
'@'.toInt() -> {
// User info precedes.
if (!hasPassword) {
val passwordColonOffset = delimiterOffset(
input, pos, componentDelimiterOffset, ':')
val canonicalUsername = canonicalize(input, pos, passwordColonOffset,
USERNAME_ENCODE_SET, true, false, false, true, null)
this.encodedUsername = if (hasUsername) {
this.encodedUsername + "%40" + canonicalUsername
} else {
if (passwordColonOffset != componentDelimiterOffset) {
hasPassword = true
this.encodedPassword = canonicalize(input, passwordColonOffset + 1,
componentDelimiterOffset, PASSWORD_ENCODE_SET, true, false, false, true, null)
hasUsername = true
} else {
this.encodedPassword = this.encodedPassword + "%40" + canonicalize(input, pos,
componentDelimiterOffset, PASSWORD_ENCODE_SET, true, false, false, true, null)
pos = componentDelimiterOffset + 1
-1, '/'.toInt(), '\\'.toInt(), '?'.toInt(), '#'.toInt() -> {
// Host info precedes.
val portColonOffset = portColonOffset(input, pos, componentDelimiterOffset)
if (portColonOffset + 1 < componentDelimiterOffset) {
host = canonicalizeHost(input, pos, portColonOffset)
port = parsePort(input, portColonOffset + 1, componentDelimiterOffset)
require(port != -1) {
"Invalid URL port: \"${input.substring(portColonOffset + 1,
} else {
host = canonicalizeHost(input, pos, portColonOffset)
port = defaultPort(scheme!!)
require(host != null) {
"$INVALID_HOST: \"${input.substring(pos, portColonOffset)}\""
pos = componentDelimiterOffset
} else {
// This is a relative link. Copy over all authority components. Also maybe the path & query.
this.encodedUsername = base.encodedUsername()
this.encodedPassword = base.encodedPassword() =
this.port = base.port
if (pos == limit || input[pos] == '#') {
// Resolve the relative path.
val pathDelimiterOffset = delimiterOffset(input, pos, limit, "?#")
resolvePath(input, pos, pathDelimiterOffset)
pos = pathDelimiterOffset
// Query.
if (pos < limit && input[pos] == '?') {
val queryDelimiterOffset = delimiterOffset(input, pos, limit, '#')
this.encodedQueryNamesAndValues = queryStringToNamesAndValues(canonicalize(
input, pos + 1, queryDelimiterOffset, QUERY_ENCODE_SET, true, false, true, true, null))
pos = queryDelimiterOffset
// Fragment.
if (pos < limit && input[pos] == '#') {
this.encodedFragment = canonicalize(
input, pos + 1, limit, FRAGMENT_ENCODE_SET, true, false, false, false, null)
return this
private fun resolvePath(input: String, startPos: Int, limit: Int) {
var pos = startPos
// Read a delimiter.
if (pos == limit) {
// Empty path: keep the base path as-is.
val c = input[pos]
if (c == '/' || c == '\\') {
// Absolute path: reset to the default "/".
} else {
// Relative path: clear everything after the last '/'.
encodedPathSegments[encodedPathSegments.size - 1] = ""
// Read path segments.
var i = pos
while (i < limit) {
val pathSegmentDelimiterOffset = delimiterOffset(input, i, limit, "/\\")
val segmentHasTrailingSlash = pathSegmentDelimiterOffset < limit
push(input, i, pathSegmentDelimiterOffset, segmentHasTrailingSlash, true)
i = pathSegmentDelimiterOffset
if (segmentHasTrailingSlash) i++
/** Adds a path segment. If the input is ".." or equivalent, this pops a path segment. */
private fun push(
input: String,
pos: Int,
limit: Int,
addTrailingSlash: Boolean,
alreadyEncoded: Boolean
) {
val segment = canonicalize(
input, pos, limit, PATH_SEGMENT_ENCODE_SET, alreadyEncoded, false, false, true, null)
if (isDot(segment)) {
return // Skip '.' path segments.
if (isDotDot(segment)) {
if (encodedPathSegments[encodedPathSegments.size - 1].isEmpty()) {
encodedPathSegments[encodedPathSegments.size - 1] = segment
} else {
if (addTrailingSlash) {
private fun isDot(input: String): Boolean {
return input == "." || input.equals("%2e", ignoreCase = true)
private fun isDotDot(input: String): Boolean {
return (input == ".." ||
input.equals("%2e.", ignoreCase = true) ||
input.equals(".%2e", ignoreCase = true) ||
input.equals("%2e%2e", ignoreCase = true))
* Removes a path segment. When this method returns the last segment is always "", which means
* the encoded path will have a trailing '/'.
* Popping "/a/b/c/" yields "/a/b/". In this case the list of path segments goes from ["a",
* "b", "c", ""] to ["a", "b", ""].
* Popping "/a/b/c" also yields "/a/b/". The list of path segments goes from ["a", "b", "c"]
* to ["a", "b", ""].
private fun pop() {
val removed = encodedPathSegments.removeAt(encodedPathSegments.size - 1)
// Make sure the path ends with a '/' by either adding an empty string or clearing a segment.
if (removed.isEmpty() && encodedPathSegments.isNotEmpty()) {
encodedPathSegments[encodedPathSegments.size - 1] = ""
} else {
companion object {
internal const val INVALID_HOST = "Invalid URL host"
* Returns the index of the ':' in `input` that is after scheme characters. Returns -1 if
* `input` does not have a scheme that starts at `pos`.
private fun schemeDelimiterOffset(input: String, pos: Int, limit: Int): Int {
if (limit - pos < 2) return -1
val c0 = input[pos]
if ((c0 < 'a' || c0 > 'z') && (c0 < 'A' || c0 > 'Z')) return -1 // Not a scheme start char.
for (i in pos + 1 until limit) {
val c = input[i]
if (c in 'a'..'z' ||
c in 'A'..'Z' ||
c in '0'..'9' ||
c == '+' ||
c == '-' ||
c == '.') {
continue // Scheme character. Keep going.
} else if (c == ':') {
return i // Scheme prefix!
} else {
return -1 // Non-scheme character before the first ':'.
return -1 // No ':'; doesn't start with a scheme.
/** Returns the number of '/' and '\' slashes in `input`, starting at `pos`. */
private fun slashCount(input: String, pos: Int, limit: Int): Int {
var slashCount = 0
for (i in pos until limit) {
val c = input[i]
if (c == '\\' || c == '/') {
} else {
return slashCount
/** Finds the first ':' in `input`, skipping characters between square braces "[...]". */
private fun portColonOffset(input: String, pos: Int, limit: Int): Int {
var i = pos
while (i < limit) {
when (input[i]) {
'[' -> {
while (++i < limit) {
if (input[i] == ']') break
':' -> return i
return limit // No colon.
private fun canonicalizeHost(input: String, pos: Int, limit: Int): String? {
// Start by percent decoding the host. The WHATWG spec suggests doing this only after we've
// checked for IPv6 square braces. But Chrome does it first, and that's more lenient.
val percentDecoded = percentDecode(input, pos, limit, false)
return Util.canonicalizeHost(percentDecoded)
private fun parsePort(input: String, pos: Int, limit: Int): Int {
try {
// Canonicalize the port string to skip '\n' etc.
val portString = canonicalize(input, pos, limit, "", false, false, false, true, null)
val i = Integer.parseInt(portString)
return if (i in 1..65535) i else -1
} catch (e: NumberFormatException) {
return -1 // Invalid port.
private fun percentDecode(list: List, plusIsSpace: Boolean): List {
val size = list.size
val result = ArrayList(size)
for (i in 0 until size) {
val s = list[i]
result.add(if (s != null) percentDecode(s, plusIsSpace) else null)
return Collections.unmodifiableList(result)
companion object {
private val HEX_DIGITS =
charArrayOf('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F')
internal const val USERNAME_ENCODE_SET = " \"':;<=>@[]^`{}|/\\?#"
internal const val PASSWORD_ENCODE_SET = " \"':;<=>@[]^`{}|/\\?#"
internal const val PATH_SEGMENT_ENCODE_SET = " \"<>^`{}|/\\?#"
internal const val PATH_SEGMENT_ENCODE_SET_URI = "[]"
internal const val QUERY_ENCODE_SET = " \"'<>#"
internal const val QUERY_COMPONENT_REENCODE_SET = " \"'<>#&="
internal const val QUERY_COMPONENT_ENCODE_SET = " !\"#$&'(),/:;<=>?@[]\\^`{|}~"
internal const val QUERY_COMPONENT_ENCODE_SET_URI = "\\^`{|}"
internal const val FORM_ENCODE_SET = " \"':;<=>@[]^`{}|/\\?#&!$(),~"
internal const val FRAGMENT_ENCODE_SET = ""
internal const val FRAGMENT_ENCODE_SET_URI = " \"#<>\\^`{|}"
/** Returns 80 if `scheme.equals("http")`, 443 if `scheme.equals("https")` and -1 otherwise. */
fun defaultPort(scheme: String): Int {
return when (scheme) {
"http" -> 80
"https" -> 443
else -> -1
internal fun pathSegmentsToString(out: StringBuilder, pathSegments: List) {
for (i in 0 until pathSegments.size) {
internal fun namesAndValuesToQueryString(out: StringBuilder, namesAndValues: List) {
for (i in 0 until namesAndValues.size step 2) {
val name = namesAndValues[i]
val value = namesAndValues[i + 1]
if (i > 0) out.append('&')
if (value != null) {
* Cuts `encodedQuery` up into alternating parameter names and values. This divides a query
* string like `subject=math&easy&problem=5-2=3` into the list `["subject", "math", "easy",
* null, "problem", "5-2=3"]`. Note that values may be null and may contain '=' characters.
internal fun queryStringToNamesAndValues(encodedQuery: String): MutableList {
val result = mutableListOf()
var pos = 0
while (pos <= encodedQuery.length) {
var ampersandOffset = encodedQuery.indexOf('&', pos)
if (ampersandOffset == -1) ampersandOffset = encodedQuery.length
val equalsOffset = encodedQuery.indexOf('=', pos)
if (equalsOffset == -1 || equalsOffset > ampersandOffset) {
result.add(encodedQuery.substring(pos, ampersandOffset))
result.add(null) // No value for this name.
} else {
result.add(encodedQuery.substring(pos, equalsOffset))
result.add(encodedQuery.substring(equalsOffset + 1, ampersandOffset))
pos = ampersandOffset + 1
return result
* Returns a new `HttpUrl` representing `url` if it is a well-formed HTTP or HTTPS URL, or null
* if it isn't.
fun parse(url: String): HttpUrl? {
try {
return get(url)
} catch (ignored: IllegalArgumentException) {
return null
* Returns a new `HttpUrl` representing `url`.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If `url` is not a well-formed HTTP or HTTPS URL.
fun get(url: String): HttpUrl = Builder().parse(null, url).build()
* Returns an [HttpUrl] for `url` if its protocol is `http` or `https`, or
* null if it has any other protocol.
fun get(url: URL): HttpUrl? = parse(url.toString())
fun get(uri: URI): HttpUrl? = parse(uri.toString())
internal fun percentDecode(encoded: String, plusIsSpace: Boolean): String =
percentDecode(encoded, 0, encoded.length, plusIsSpace)
internal fun percentDecode(
encoded: String,
pos: Int,
limit: Int,
plusIsSpace: Boolean
): String {
for (i in pos until limit) {
val c = encoded[i]
if (c == '%' || c == '+' && plusIsSpace) {
// Slow path: the character at i requires decoding!
val out = Buffer()
out.writeUtf8(encoded, pos, i)
percentDecode(out, encoded, i, limit, plusIsSpace)
return out.readUtf8()
// Fast path: no characters in [pos..limit) required decoding.
return encoded.substring(pos, limit)
internal fun percentDecode(
out: Buffer,
encoded: String,
pos: Int,
limit: Int,
plusIsSpace: Boolean
) {
var codePoint: Int
var i = pos
while (i < limit) {
codePoint = encoded.codePointAt(i)
if (codePoint == '%'.toInt() && i + 2 < limit) {
val d1 = decodeHexDigit(encoded[i + 1])
val d2 = decodeHexDigit(encoded[i + 2])
if (d1 != -1 && d2 != -1) {
out.writeByte((d1 shl 4) + d2)
i += 2
i += Character.charCount(codePoint)
} else if (codePoint == '+'.toInt() && plusIsSpace) {
out.writeByte(' '.toInt())
i += Character.charCount(codePoint)
internal fun percentEncoded(encoded: String, pos: Int, limit: Int): Boolean {
return (pos + 2 < limit &&
encoded[pos] == '%' &&
decodeHexDigit(encoded[pos + 1]) != -1 &&
decodeHexDigit(encoded[pos + 2]) != -1)
* Returns a substring of `input` on the range `[pos..limit)` with the following
* transformations:
* * Tabs, newlines, form feeds and carriage returns are skipped.
* * In queries, ' ' is encoded to '+' and '+' is encoded to "%2B".
* * Characters in `encodeSet` are percent-encoded.
* * Control characters and non-ASCII characters are percent-encoded.
* * All other characters are copied without transformation.
* @param alreadyEncoded true to leave '%' as-is; false to convert it to '%25'.
* @param strict true to encode '%' if it is not the prefix of a valid percent encoding.
* @param plusIsSpace true to encode '+' as "%2B" if it is not already encoded.
* @param asciiOnly true to encode all non-ASCII codepoints.
* @param charset which charset to use, null equals UTF-8.
internal fun canonicalize(
input: String,
pos: Int,
limit: Int,
encodeSet: String,
alreadyEncoded: Boolean,
strict: Boolean,
plusIsSpace: Boolean,
asciiOnly: Boolean,
charset: Charset?
): String {
var codePoint: Int
var i = pos
while (i < limit) {
codePoint = input.codePointAt(i)
if (codePoint < 0x20 ||
codePoint == 0x7f ||
codePoint >= 0x80 && asciiOnly ||
encodeSet.indexOf(codePoint.toChar()) != -1 ||
codePoint == '%'.toInt() && (!alreadyEncoded || strict && !percentEncoded(input, i,
limit)) ||
codePoint == '+'.toInt() && plusIsSpace) {
// Slow path: the character at i requires encoding!
val out = Buffer()
out.writeUtf8(input, pos, i)
canonicalize(out, input, i, limit, encodeSet, alreadyEncoded, strict, plusIsSpace,
asciiOnly, charset)
return out.readUtf8()
i += Character.charCount(codePoint)
// Fast path: no characters in [pos..limit) required encoding.
return input.substring(pos, limit)
internal fun canonicalize(
out: Buffer,
input: String,
pos: Int,
limit: Int,
encodeSet: String,
alreadyEncoded: Boolean,
strict: Boolean,
plusIsSpace: Boolean,
asciiOnly: Boolean,
charset: Charset?
) {
var encodedCharBuffer: Buffer? = null // Lazily allocated.
var codePoint: Int
var i = pos
while (i < limit) {
codePoint = input.codePointAt(i)
if (alreadyEncoded && (codePoint == '\t'.toInt() || codePoint == '\n'.toInt() || codePoint == '\u000c'.toInt() || codePoint == '\r'.toInt())) {
// Skip this character.
} else if (codePoint == '+'.toInt() && plusIsSpace) {
// Encode '+' as '%2B' since we permit ' ' to be encoded as either '+' or '%20'.
out.writeUtf8(if (alreadyEncoded) "+" else "%2B")
} else if (codePoint < 0x20 ||
codePoint == 0x7f ||
codePoint >= 0x80 && asciiOnly ||
encodeSet.indexOf(codePoint.toChar()) != -1 ||
codePoint == '%'.toInt() && (!alreadyEncoded || strict && !percentEncoded(input, i,
limit))) {
// Percent encode this character.
if (encodedCharBuffer == null) {
encodedCharBuffer = Buffer()
if (charset == null || charset == UTF_8) {
} else {
encodedCharBuffer.writeString(input, i, i + Character.charCount(codePoint), charset)
while (!encodedCharBuffer.exhausted()) {
val b = encodedCharBuffer.readByte().toInt() and 0xff
out.writeByte(HEX_DIGITS[b shr 4 and 0xf].toInt())
out.writeByte(HEX_DIGITS[b and 0xf].toInt())
} else {
// This character doesn't need encoding. Just copy it over.
i += Character.charCount(codePoint)
internal fun canonicalize(
input: String,
encodeSet: String,
alreadyEncoded: Boolean,
strict: Boolean,
plusIsSpace: Boolean,
asciiOnly: Boolean,
charset: Charset?
): String = canonicalize(input, 0, input.length, encodeSet, alreadyEncoded, strict, plusIsSpace,
asciiOnly, charset)
internal fun canonicalize(
input: String,
encodeSet: String,
alreadyEncoded: Boolean,
strict: Boolean,
plusIsSpace: Boolean,
asciiOnly: Boolean
): String = canonicalize(
input, 0, input.length, encodeSet, alreadyEncoded, strict, plusIsSpace, asciiOnly, null)