okhttp3.HttpUrl.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2015 Square, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package okhttp3
import okhttp3.HttpUrl.Companion.toHttpUrl
import okhttp3.HttpUrl.Companion.toHttpUrlOrNull
import okhttp3.internal.canParseAsIpAddress
import okhttp3.internal.delimiterOffset
import okhttp3.internal.indexOfFirstNonAsciiWhitespace
import okhttp3.internal.indexOfLastNonAsciiWhitespace
import okhttp3.internal.parseHexDigit
import okhttp3.internal.publicsuffix.PublicSuffixDatabase
import okhttp3.internal.toCanonicalHost
import okio.Buffer
import java.net.InetAddress
import java.net.MalformedURLException
import java.net.URI
import java.net.URISyntaxException
import java.net.URL
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8
import java.util.ArrayList
import java.util.Collections
import java.util.LinkedHashSet
* A uniform resource locator (URL) with a scheme of either `http` or `https`. Use this class to
* compose and decompose Internet addresses. For example, this code will compose and print a URL for
* Google search:
* ```
* HttpUrl url = new HttpUrl.Builder()
* .scheme("https")
* .host("www.google.com")
* .addPathSegment("search")
* .addQueryParameter("q", "polar bears")
* .build();
* System.out.println(url);
* ```
* which prints:
* ```
* https://www.google.com/search?q=polar%20bears
* ```
* As another example, this code prints the human-readable query parameters of a Twitter search:
* ```
* HttpUrl url = HttpUrl.parse("https://twitter.com/search?q=cute%20%23puppies&f=images");
* for (int i = 0, size = url.querySize(); i < size; i++) {
* System.out.println(url.queryParameterName(i) + ": " + url.queryParameterValue(i));
* }
* ```
* which prints:
* ```
* q: cute #puppies
* f: images
* ```
* In addition to composing URLs from their component parts and decomposing URLs into their
* component parts, this class implements relative URL resolution: what address you'd reach by
* clicking a relative link on a specified page. For example:
* ```
* HttpUrl base = HttpUrl.parse("https://www.youtube.com/user/WatchTheDaily/videos");
* HttpUrl link = base.resolve("../../watch?v=cbP2N1BQdYc");
* System.out.println(link);
* ```
* which prints:
* ```
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbP2N1BQdYc
* ```
* ## What's in a URL?
* A URL has several components.
* ### Scheme
* Sometimes referred to as *protocol*, A URL's scheme describes what mechanism should be used to
* retrieve the resource. Although URLs have many schemes (`mailto`, `file`, `ftp`), this class only
* supports `http` and `https`. Use [java.net.URI][URI] for URLs with arbitrary schemes.
* ### Username and Password
* Username and password are either present, or the empty string `""` if absent. This class offers
* no mechanism to differentiate empty from absent. Neither of these components are popular in
* practice. Typically HTTP applications use other mechanisms for user identification and
* authentication.
* ### Host
* The host identifies the webserver that serves the URL's resource. It is either a hostname like
* `square.com` or `localhost`, an IPv4 address like ``, or an IPv6 address like `::1`.
* Usually a webserver is reachable with multiple identifiers: its IP addresses, registered
* domain names, and even `localhost` when connecting from the server itself. Each of a web server's
* names is a distinct URL and they are not interchangeable. For example, even if
* `http://square.github.io/dagger` and `http://google.github.io/dagger` are served by the same IP
* address, the two URLs identify different resources.
* ### Port
* The port used to connect to the web server. By default this is 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.
* This class never returns -1 for the port: if no port is explicitly specified in the URL then the
* scheme's default is used.
* ### Path
* The path identifies a specific resource on the host. Paths have a hierarchical structure like
* "/square/okhttp/issues/1486" and decompose into a list of segments like `["square", "okhttp",
* "issues", "1486"]`.
* This class offers methods to compose and decompose paths by segment. It composes each path
* from a list of segments by alternating between "/" and the encoded segment. For example the
* segments `["a", "b"]` build "/a/b" and the segments `["a", "b", ""]` build "/a/b/".
* If a path's last segment is the empty string then the path ends with "/". This class always
* builds non-empty paths: if the path is omitted it defaults to "/". The default path's segment
* list is a single empty string: `[""]`.
* ### Query
* The query is optional: it can be null, empty, or non-empty. For many HTTP URLs the query string
* is subdivided into a collection of name-value parameters. This class offers methods to set the
* query as the single string, or as individual name-value parameters. With name-value parameters
* the values are optional and names may be repeated.
* ### Fragment
* The fragment is optional: it can be null, empty, or non-empty. Unlike host, port, path, and
* query the fragment is not sent to the webserver: it's private to the client.
* ## Encoding
* Each component must be encoded before it is embedded in the complete URL. As we saw above, the
* string `cute #puppies` is encoded as `cute%20%23puppies` when used as a query parameter value.
* ### Percent encoding
* Percent encoding replaces a character (like `\ud83c\udf69`) with its UTF-8 hex bytes (like
* `%F0%9F%8D%A9`). This approach works for whitespace characters, control characters, non-ASCII
* characters, and characters that already have another meaning in a particular context.
* Percent encoding is used in every URL component except for the hostname. But the set of
* characters that need to be encoded is different for each component. For example, the path
* component must escape all of its `?` characters, otherwise it could be interpreted as the
* start of the URL's query. But within the query and fragment components, the `?` character
* doesn't delimit anything and doesn't need to be escaped.
* ```
* HttpUrl url = HttpUrl.parse("http://who-let-the-dogs.out").newBuilder()
* .addPathSegment("_Who?_")
* .query("_Who?_")
* .fragment("_Who?_")
* .build();
* System.out.println(url);
* ```
* This prints:
* ```
* http://who-let-the-dogs.out/_Who%3F_?_Who?_#_Who?_
* ```
* When parsing URLs that lack percent encoding where it is required, this class will percent encode
* the offending characters.
* ### IDNA Mapping and Punycode encoding
* Hostnames have different requirements and use a different encoding scheme. It consists of IDNA
* mapping and Punycode encoding.
* In order to avoid confusion and discourage phishing attacks, [IDNA Mapping][idna] transforms
* names to avoid confusing characters. This includes basic case folding: transforming shouting
* `SQUARE.COM` into cool and casual `square.com`. It also handles more exotic characters. For
* example, the Unicode trademark sign (™) could be confused for the letters "TM" in
* `http://ho™mail.com`. To mitigate this, the single character (™) maps to the string (tm). There
* is similar policy for all of the 1.1 million Unicode code points. Note that some code points such
* as "\ud83c\udf69" are not mapped and cannot be used in a hostname.
* [Punycode](http://ietf.org/rfc/rfc3492.txt) converts a Unicode string to an ASCII string to make
* international domain names work everywhere. For example, "σ" encodes as "xn--4xa". The encoded
* string is not human readable, but can be used with classes like [InetAddress] to establish
* connections.
* ## Why another URL model?
* Java includes both [java.net.URL][URL] and [java.net.URI][URI]. We offer a new URL
* model to address problems that the others don't.
* ### Different URLs should be different
* Although they have different content, `java.net.URL` considers the following two URLs
* equal, and the [equals()][Object.equals] method between them returns true:
* * http://square.github.io/
* * http://google.github.io/
* This is because those two hosts share the same IP address. This is an old, bad design decision
* that makes `java.net.URL` unusable for many things. It shouldn't be used as a [Map] key or in a
* [Set]. Doing so is both inefficient because equality may require a DNS lookup, and incorrect
* because unequal URLs may be equal because of how they are hosted.
* ### Equal URLs should be equal
* These two URLs are semantically identical, but `java.net.URI` disagrees:
* * http://host:80/
* * http://host
* Both the unnecessary port specification (`:80`) and the absent trailing slash (`/`) cause URI to
* bucket the two URLs separately. This harms URI's usefulness in collections. Any application that
* stores information-per-URL will need to either canonicalize manually, or suffer unnecessary
* redundancy for such URLs.
* Because they don't attempt canonical form, these classes are surprisingly difficult to use
* securely. Suppose you're building a webservice that checks that incoming paths are prefixed
* "/static/images/" before serving the corresponding assets from the filesystem.
* ```
* String attack = "http://example.com/static/images/../../../../../etc/passwd";
* System.out.println(new URL(attack).getPath());
* System.out.println(new URI(attack).getPath());
* System.out.println(HttpUrl.parse(attack).encodedPath());
* ```
* By canonicalizing the input paths, they are complicit in directory traversal attacks. Code that
* checks only the path prefix may suffer!
* ```
* /static/images/../../../../../etc/passwd
* /static/images/../../../../../etc/passwd
* /etc/passwd
* ```
* ### If it works on the web, it should work in your application
* The `java.net.URI` class is strict around what URLs it accepts. It rejects URLs like
* `http://example.com/abc|def` because the `|` character is unsupported. This class is more
* forgiving: it will automatically percent-encode the `|'` yielding `http://example.com/abc%7Cdef`.
* This kind behavior is consistent with web browsers. `HttpUrl` prefers consistency with major web
* browsers over consistency with obsolete specifications.
* ### Paths and Queries should decompose
* Neither of the built-in URL models offer direct access to path segments or query parameters.
* Manually using `StringBuilder` to assemble these components is cumbersome: do '+' characters get
* silently replaced with spaces? If a query parameter contains a '&', does that get escaped?
* By offering methods to read and write individual query parameters directly, application
* developers are saved from the hassles of encoding and decoding.
* ### Plus a modern API
* The URL (JDK1.0) and URI (Java 1.4) classes predate builders and instead use telescoping
* constructors. For example, there's no API to compose a URI with a custom port without also
* providing a query and fragment.
* Instances of [HttpUrl] are well-formed and always have a scheme, host, and path. With
* `java.net.URL` it's possible to create an awkward URL like `http:/` with scheme and path but no
* hostname. Building APIs that consume such malformed values is difficult!
* This class has a modern API. It avoids punitive checked exceptions: [toHttpUrl] throws
* [IllegalArgumentException] on invalid input or [toHttpUrlOrNull] returns null if the input is an
* invalid URL. You can even be explicit about whether each component has been encoded already.
* [idna]: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr46/#ToASCII
class HttpUrl internal constructor(
/** Either "http" or "https". */
@get:JvmName("scheme") val scheme: String,
* The decoded username, or an empty string if none is present.
* | URL | `username()` |
* | :------------------------------- | :----------- |
* | `http://host/` | `""` |
* | `http://username@host/` | `"username"` |
* | `http://username:password@host/` | `"username"` |
* | `http://a%20b:c%20d@host/` | `"a b"` |
@get:JvmName("username") val username: String,
* Returns the decoded password, or an empty string if none is present.
* | URL | `password()` |
* | :------------------------------- | :----------- |
* | `http://host/` | `""` |
* | `http://username@host/` | `""` |
* | `http://username:password@host/` | `"password"` |
* | `http://a%20b:c%20d@host/` | `"c d"` |
@get:JvmName("password") val password: String,
* The host address suitable for use with [InetAddress.getAllByName]. May be:
* * A regular host name, like `android.com`.
* * An IPv4 address, like ``.
* * An IPv6 address, like `::1`. Note that there are no square braces.
* * An encoded IDN, like `xn--n3h.net`.
* | URL | `host()` |
* | :-------------------- | :-------------- |
* | `http://android.com/` | `"android.com"` |
* | `` | `""` |
* | `http://[::1]/` | `"::1"` |
* | `http://xn--n3h.net/` | `"xn--n3h.net"` |
@get:JvmName("host") val host: String,
* The explicitly-specified port if one was provided, or the default port for this URL's scheme.
* For example, this returns 8443 for `https://square.com:8443/` and 443 for
* `https://square.com/`. The result is in `[1..65535]`.
* | URL | `port()` |
* | :------------------ | :------- |
* | `http://host/` | `80` |
* | `http://host:8000/` | `8000` |
* | `https://host/` | `443` |
@get:JvmName("port") val port: Int,
* A list of path segments like `["a", "b", "c"]` for the URL `http://host/a/b/c`. This list is
* never empty though it may contain a single empty string.
* | URL | `pathSegments()` |
* | :----------------------- | :------------------ |
* | `http://host/` | `[""]` |
* | `http://host/a/b/c"` | `["a", "b", "c"]` |
* | `http://host/a/b%20c/d"` | `["a", "b c", "d"]` |
@get:JvmName("pathSegments") val pathSegments: List,
* Alternating, decoded query names and values, or null for no query. Names may be empty or
* non-empty, but never null. Values are null if the name has no corresponding '=' separator, or
* empty, or non-empty.
private val queryNamesAndValues: List?,
* This URL's fragment, like `"abc"` for `http://host/#abc`. This is null if the URL has no
* fragment.
* | URL | `fragment()` |
* | :--------------------- | :----------- |
* | `http://host/` | null |
* | `http://host/#` | `""` |
* | `http://host/#abc` | `"abc"` |
* | `http://host/#abc|def` | `"abc|def"` |
@get:JvmName("fragment") val fragment: String?,
/** Canonical URL. */
private val url: String
) {
val isHttps: Boolean = scheme == "https"
/** Returns this URL as a [java.net.URL][URL]. */
@JvmName("url") fun toUrl(): URL {
try {
return URL(url)
} catch (e: MalformedURLException) {
throw RuntimeException(e) // Unexpected!
* Returns this URL as a [java.net.URI][URI]. Because `URI` is more strict than this class, the
* returned URI may be semantically different from this URL:
* * Characters forbidden by URI like `[` and `|` will be escaped.
* * Invalid percent-encoded sequences like `%xx` will be encoded like `%25xx`.
* * Whitespace and control characters in the fragment will be stripped.
* These differences may have a significant consequence when the URI is interpreted by a
* web server. For this reason the [URI class][URI] and this method should be avoided.
@JvmName("uri") fun toUri(): URI {
val uri = newBuilder().reencodeForUri().toString()
return try {
} catch (e: URISyntaxException) {
// Unlikely edge case: the URI has a forbidden character in the fragment. Strip it & retry.
try {
val stripped = uri.replace(Regex("[\\u0000-\\u001F\\u007F-\\u009F\\p{javaWhitespace}]"), "")
} catch (e1: Exception) {
throw RuntimeException(e) // Unexpected!
* The username, or an empty string if none is set.
* | URL | `encodedUsername()` |
* | :------------------------------- | :------------------ |
* | `http://host/` | `""` |
* | `http://username@host/` | `"username"` |
* | `http://username:password@host/` | `"username"` |
* | `http://a%20b:c%20d@host/` | `"a%20b"` |
@get:JvmName("encodedUsername") val encodedUsername: String
get() {
if (username.isEmpty()) return ""
val usernameStart = scheme.length + 3 // "://".length() == 3.
val usernameEnd = url.delimiterOffset(":@", usernameStart, url.length)
return url.substring(usernameStart, usernameEnd)
* The password, or an empty string if none is set.
* | URL | `encodedPassword()` |
* | :--------------------------------| :------------------ |
* | `http://host/` | `""` |
* | `http://username@host/` | `""` |
* | `http://username:password@host/` | `"password"` |
* | `http://a%20b:c%20d@host/` | `"c%20d"` |
@get:JvmName("encodedPassword") val encodedPassword: String
get() {
if (password.isEmpty()) return ""
val passwordStart = url.indexOf(':', scheme.length + 3) + 1
val passwordEnd = url.indexOf('@')
return url.substring(passwordStart, passwordEnd)
* The number of segments in this URL's path. This is also the number of slashes in this URL's
* path, like 3 in `http://host/a/b/c`. This is always at least 1.
* | URL | `pathSize()` |
* | :------------------- | :----------- |
* | `http://host/` | `1` |
* | `http://host/a/b/c` | `3` |
* | `http://host/a/b/c/` | `4` |
@get:JvmName("pathSize") val pathSize: Int get() = pathSegments.size
* The entire path of this URL encoded for use in HTTP resource resolution. The returned path will
* start with `"/"`.
* | URL | `encodedPath()` |
* | :---------------------- | :-------------- |
* | `http://host/` | `"/"` |
* | `http://host/a/b/c` | `"/a/b/c"` |
* | `http://host/a/b%20c/d` | `"/a/b%20c/d"` |
@get:JvmName("encodedPath") val encodedPath: String
get() {
val pathStart = url.indexOf('/', scheme.length + 3) // "://".length() == 3.
val pathEnd = url.delimiterOffset("?#", pathStart, url.length)
return url.substring(pathStart, pathEnd)
* A list of encoded path segments like `["a", "b", "c"]` for the URL `http://host/a/b/c`. This
* list is never empty though it may contain a single empty string.
* | URL | `encodedPathSegments()` |
* | :---------------------- | :---------------------- |
* | `http://host/` | `[""]` |
* | `http://host/a/b/c` | `["a", "b", "c"]` |
* | `http://host/a/b%20c/d` | `["a", "b%20c", "d"]` |
@get:JvmName("encodedPathSegments") val encodedPathSegments: List
get() {
val pathStart = url.indexOf('/', scheme.length + 3)
val pathEnd = url.delimiterOffset("?#", pathStart, url.length)
val result = mutableListOf()
var i = pathStart
while (i < pathEnd) {
i++ // Skip the '/'.
val segmentEnd = url.delimiterOffset('/', i, pathEnd)
result.add(url.substring(i, segmentEnd))
i = segmentEnd
return result
* The query of this URL, encoded for use in HTTP resource resolution. This string may be null
* (for URLs with no query), empty (for URLs with an empty query) or non-empty (all other URLs).
* | URL | `encodedQuery()` |
* | :-------------------------------- | :--------------------- |
* | `http://host/` | null |
* | `http://host/?` | `""` |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&k=key+lime` | `"a=apple&k=key+lime"` |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&a=apricot` | `"a=apple&a=apricot"` |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&b` | `"a=apple&b"` |
@get:JvmName("encodedQuery") val encodedQuery: String?
get() {
if (queryNamesAndValues == null) return null // No query.
val queryStart = url.indexOf('?') + 1
val queryEnd = url.delimiterOffset('#', queryStart, url.length)
return url.substring(queryStart, queryEnd)
* This URL's query, like `"abc"` for `http://host/?abc`. Most callers should prefer
* [queryParameterName] and [queryParameterValue] because these methods offer direct access to
* individual query parameters.
* | URL | `query()` |
* | :-------------------------------- | :--------------------- |
* | `http://host/` | null |
* | `http://host/?` | `""` |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&k=key+lime` | `"a=apple&k=key lime"` |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&a=apricot` | `"a=apple&a=apricot"` |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&b` | `"a=apple&b"` |
@get:JvmName("query") val query: String?
get() {
if (queryNamesAndValues == null) return null // No query.
val result = StringBuilder()
return result.toString()
* The number of query parameters in this URL, like 2 for `http://host/?a=apple&b=banana`. If this
* URL has no query this is 0. Otherwise it is one more than the number of `"&"` separators in the
* query.
* | URL | `querySize()` |
* | :-------------------------------- | :------------ |
* | `http://host/` | `0` |
* | `http://host/?` | `1` |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&k=key+lime` | `2` |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&a=apricot` | `2` |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&b` | `2` |
@get:JvmName("querySize") val querySize: Int
get() {
return if (queryNamesAndValues != null) queryNamesAndValues.size / 2 else 0
* The first query parameter named `name` decoded using UTF-8, or null if there is no such query
* parameter.
* | URL | `queryParameter("a")` |
* | :-------------------------------- | :-------------------- |
* | `http://host/` | null |
* | `http://host/?` | null |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&k=key+lime` | `"apple"` |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&a=apricot` | `"apple"` |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&b` | `"apple"` |
fun queryParameter(name: String): String? {
if (queryNamesAndValues == null) return null
for (i in 0 until queryNamesAndValues.size step 2) {
if (name == queryNamesAndValues[i]) {
return queryNamesAndValues[i + 1]
return null
* The distinct query parameter names in this URL, like `["a", "b"]` for
* `http://host/?a=apple&b=banana`. If this URL has no query this is the empty set.
* | URL | `queryParameterNames()` |
* | :-------------------------------- | :---------------------- |
* | `http://host/` | `[]` |
* | `http://host/?` | `[""]` |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&k=key+lime` | `["a", "k"]` |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&a=apricot` | `["a"]` |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&b` | `["a", "b"]` |
@get:JvmName("queryParameterNames") val queryParameterNames: Set
get() {
if (queryNamesAndValues == null) return emptySet()
val result = LinkedHashSet()
for (i in 0 until queryNamesAndValues.size step 2) {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(result)
* Returns all values for the query parameter `name` ordered by their appearance in this
* URL. For example this returns `["banana"]` for `queryParameterValue("b")` on
* `http://host/?a=apple&b=banana`.
* | URL | `queryParameterValues("a")` | `queryParameterValues("b")` |
* | :-------------------------------- | :-------------------------- | :-------------------------- |
* | `http://host/` | `[]` | `[]` |
* | `http://host/?` | `[]` | `[]` |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&k=key+lime` | `["apple"]` | `[]` |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&a=apricot` | `["apple", "apricot"]` | `[]` |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&b` | `["apple"]` | `[null]` |
fun queryParameterValues(name: String): List {
if (queryNamesAndValues == null) return emptyList()
val result = mutableListOf()
for (i in 0 until queryNamesAndValues.size step 2) {
if (name == queryNamesAndValues[i]) {
result.add(queryNamesAndValues[i + 1])
return Collections.unmodifiableList(result)
* Returns the name of the query parameter at `index`. For example this returns `"a"`
* for `queryParameterName(0)` on `http://host/?a=apple&b=banana`. This throws if
* `index` is not less than the [query size][querySize].
* | URL | `queryParameterName(0)` | `queryParameterName(1)` |
* | :-------------------------------- | :---------------------- | :---------------------- |
* | `http://host/` | exception | exception |
* | `http://host/?` | `""` | exception |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&k=key+lime` | `"a"` | `"k"` |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&a=apricot` | `"a"` | `"a"` |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&b` | `"a"` | `"b"` |
fun queryParameterName(index: Int): String {
if (queryNamesAndValues == null) throw IndexOutOfBoundsException()
return queryNamesAndValues[index * 2]!!
* Returns the value of the query parameter at `index`. For example this returns `"apple"` for
* `queryParameterName(0)` on `http://host/?a=apple&b=banana`. This throws if `index` is not less
* than the [query size][querySize].
* | URL | `queryParameterValue(0)` | `queryParameterValue(1)` |
* | :-------------------------------- | :----------------------- | :----------------------- |
* | `http://host/` | exception | exception |
* | `http://host/?` | null | exception |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&k=key+lime` | `"apple"` | `"key lime"` |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&a=apricot` | `"apple"` | `"apricot"` |
* | `http://host/?a=apple&b` | `"apple"` | null |
fun queryParameterValue(index: Int): String? {
if (queryNamesAndValues == null) throw IndexOutOfBoundsException()
return queryNamesAndValues[index * 2 + 1]
* This URL's encoded fragment, like `"abc"` for `http://host/#abc`. This is null if the URL has
* no fragment.
* | URL | `encodedFragment()` |
* | :--------------------- | :------------------ |
* | `http://host/` | null |
* | `http://host/#` | `""` |
* | `http://host/#abc` | `"abc"` |
* | `http://host/#abc|def` | `"abc|def"` |
@get:JvmName("encodedFragment") val encodedFragment: String?
get() {
if (fragment == null) return null
val fragmentStart = url.indexOf('#') + 1
return url.substring(fragmentStart)
* Returns a string with containing this URL with its username, password, query, and fragment
* stripped, and its path replaced with `/...`. For example, redacting
* `http://username:[email protected]/path` returns `http://example.com/...`.
fun redact(): String {
return newBuilder("/...")!!
* Returns the URL that would be retrieved by following `link` from this URL, or null if the
* resulting URL is not well-formed.
fun resolve(link: String): HttpUrl? = newBuilder(link)?.build()
* Returns a builder based on this URL.
fun newBuilder(): Builder {
val result = Builder()
result.scheme = scheme
result.encodedUsername = encodedUsername
result.encodedPassword = encodedPassword
result.host = host
// If we're set to a default port, unset it in case of a scheme change.
result.port = if (port != defaultPort(scheme)) port else -1
result.encodedFragment = encodedFragment
return result
* Returns a builder for the URL that would be retrieved by following `link` from this URL,
* or null if the resulting URL is not well-formed.
fun newBuilder(link: String): Builder? {
return try {
Builder().parse(this, link)
} catch (_: IllegalArgumentException) {
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
return other is HttpUrl && other.url == url
override fun hashCode(): Int = url.hashCode()
override fun toString(): String = url
* Returns the domain name of this URL's [host] that is one level beneath the public suffix by
* consulting the [public suffix list](https://publicsuffix.org). Returns null if this URL's
* [host] is an IP address or is considered a public suffix by the public suffix list.
* In general this method **should not** be used to test whether a domain is valid or routable.
* Instead, DNS is the recommended source for that information.
* | URL | `topPrivateDomain()` |
* | :---------------------------- | :------------------- |
* | `http://google.com` | `"google.com"` |
* | `http://adwords.google.co.uk` | `"google.co.uk"` |
* | `http://square` | null |
* | `http://co.uk` | null |
* | `http://localhost` | null |
* | `` | null |
fun topPrivateDomain(): String? {
return if (host.canParseAsIpAddress()) {
} else {
message = "moved to toUrl()",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(expression = "toUrl()"),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun url() = toUrl()
message = "moved to toUri()",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(expression = "toUri()"),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun uri() = toUri()
message = "moved to val",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(expression = "scheme"),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun scheme(): String = scheme
message = "moved to val",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(expression = "encodedUsername"),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun encodedUsername(): String = encodedUsername
message = "moved to val",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(expression = "username"),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun username(): String = username
message = "moved to val",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(expression = "encodedPassword"),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun encodedPassword(): String = encodedPassword
message = "moved to val",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(expression = "password"),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun password(): String = password
message = "moved to val",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(expression = "host"),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun host(): String = host
message = "moved to val",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(expression = "port"),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun port(): Int = port
message = "moved to val",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(expression = "pathSize"),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun pathSize(): Int = pathSize
message = "moved to val",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(expression = "encodedPath"),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun encodedPath(): String = encodedPath
message = "moved to val",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(expression = "encodedPathSegments"),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun encodedPathSegments(): List = encodedPathSegments
message = "moved to val",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(expression = "pathSegments"),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun pathSegments(): List = pathSegments
message = "moved to val",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(expression = "encodedQuery"),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun encodedQuery(): String? = encodedQuery
message = "moved to val",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(expression = "query"),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun query(): String? = query
message = "moved to val",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(expression = "querySize"),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun querySize(): Int = querySize
message = "moved to val",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(expression = "queryParameterNames"),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun queryParameterNames(): Set = queryParameterNames
message = "moved to val",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(expression = "encodedFragment"),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun encodedFragment(): String? = encodedFragment
message = "moved to val",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(expression = "fragment"),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun fragment(): String? = fragment
class Builder {
internal var scheme: String? = null
internal var encodedUsername = ""
internal var encodedPassword = ""
internal var host: String? = null
internal var port = -1
internal val encodedPathSegments = mutableListOf()
internal var encodedQueryNamesAndValues: MutableList? = null
internal var encodedFragment: String? = null
init {
encodedPathSegments.add("") // The default path is '/' which needs a trailing space.
* @param scheme either "http" or "https".
fun scheme(scheme: String) = apply {
when {
scheme.equals("http", ignoreCase = true) -> this.scheme = "http"
scheme.equals("https", ignoreCase = true) -> this.scheme = "https"
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("unexpected scheme: $scheme")
fun username(username: String) = apply {
this.encodedUsername = username.canonicalize(encodeSet = USERNAME_ENCODE_SET)
fun encodedUsername(encodedUsername: String) = apply {
this.encodedUsername = encodedUsername.canonicalize(
alreadyEncoded = true
fun password(password: String) = apply {
this.encodedPassword = password.canonicalize(encodeSet = PASSWORD_ENCODE_SET)
fun encodedPassword(encodedPassword: String) = apply {
this.encodedPassword = encodedPassword.canonicalize(
alreadyEncoded = true
* @param host either a regular hostname, International Domain Name, IPv4 address, or IPv6
* address.
fun host(host: String) = apply {
val encoded = host.percentDecode().toCanonicalHost() ?: throw IllegalArgumentException(
"unexpected host: $host")
this.host = encoded
fun port(port: Int) = apply {
require(port in 1..65535) { "unexpected port: $port" }
this.port = port
private fun effectivePort(): Int {
return if (port != -1) port else defaultPort(scheme!!)
fun addPathSegment(pathSegment: String) = apply {
push(pathSegment, 0, pathSegment.length, addTrailingSlash = false, alreadyEncoded = false)
* Adds a set of path segments separated by a slash (either `\` or `/`). If `pathSegments`
* starts with a slash, the resulting URL will have empty path segment.
fun addPathSegments(pathSegments: String): Builder = addPathSegments(pathSegments, false)
fun addEncodedPathSegment(encodedPathSegment: String) = apply {
push(encodedPathSegment, 0, encodedPathSegment.length, addTrailingSlash = false,
alreadyEncoded = true)
* Adds a set of encoded path segments separated by a slash (either `\` or `/`). If
* `encodedPathSegments` starts with a slash, the resulting URL will have empty path segment.
fun addEncodedPathSegments(encodedPathSegments: String): Builder =
addPathSegments(encodedPathSegments, true)
private fun addPathSegments(pathSegments: String, alreadyEncoded: Boolean) = apply {
var offset = 0
do {
val segmentEnd = pathSegments.delimiterOffset("/\\", offset, pathSegments.length)
val addTrailingSlash = segmentEnd < pathSegments.length
push(pathSegments, offset, segmentEnd, addTrailingSlash, alreadyEncoded)
offset = segmentEnd + 1
} while (offset <= pathSegments.length)
fun setPathSegment(index: Int, pathSegment: String) = apply {
val canonicalPathSegment = pathSegment.canonicalize(encodeSet = PATH_SEGMENT_ENCODE_SET)
require(!isDot(canonicalPathSegment) && !isDotDot(canonicalPathSegment)) {
"unexpected path segment: $pathSegment"
encodedPathSegments[index] = canonicalPathSegment
fun setEncodedPathSegment(index: Int, encodedPathSegment: String) = apply {
val canonicalPathSegment = encodedPathSegment.canonicalize(
alreadyEncoded = true
encodedPathSegments[index] = canonicalPathSegment
require(!isDot(canonicalPathSegment) && !isDotDot(canonicalPathSegment)) {
"unexpected path segment: $encodedPathSegment"
fun removePathSegment(index: Int) = apply {
if (encodedPathSegments.isEmpty()) {
encodedPathSegments.add("") // Always leave at least one '/'.
fun encodedPath(encodedPath: String) = apply {
require(encodedPath.startsWith("/")) { "unexpected encodedPath: $encodedPath" }
resolvePath(encodedPath, 0, encodedPath.length)
fun query(query: String?) = apply {
this.encodedQueryNamesAndValues = query?.canonicalize(
plusIsSpace = true
fun encodedQuery(encodedQuery: String?) = apply {
this.encodedQueryNamesAndValues = encodedQuery?.canonicalize(
alreadyEncoded = true,
plusIsSpace = true
/** Encodes the query parameter using UTF-8 and adds it to this URL's query string. */
fun addQueryParameter(name: String, value: String?) = apply {
if (encodedQueryNamesAndValues == null) encodedQueryNamesAndValues = mutableListOf()
plusIsSpace = true
plusIsSpace = true
/** Adds the pre-encoded query parameter to this URL's query string. */
fun addEncodedQueryParameter(encodedName: String, encodedValue: String?) = apply {
if (encodedQueryNamesAndValues == null) encodedQueryNamesAndValues = mutableListOf()
alreadyEncoded = true,
plusIsSpace = true
alreadyEncoded = true,
plusIsSpace = true
fun setQueryParameter(name: String, value: String?) = apply {
addQueryParameter(name, value)
fun setEncodedQueryParameter(encodedName: String, encodedValue: String?) = apply {
addEncodedQueryParameter(encodedName, encodedValue)
fun removeAllQueryParameters(name: String) = apply {
if (encodedQueryNamesAndValues == null) return this
val nameToRemove = name.canonicalize(
plusIsSpace = true
fun removeAllEncodedQueryParameters(encodedName: String) = apply {
if (encodedQueryNamesAndValues == null) return this
alreadyEncoded = true,
plusIsSpace = true
private fun removeAllCanonicalQueryParameters(canonicalName: String) {
for (i in encodedQueryNamesAndValues!!.size - 2 downTo 0 step 2) {
if (canonicalName == encodedQueryNamesAndValues!![i]) {
encodedQueryNamesAndValues!!.removeAt(i + 1)
if (encodedQueryNamesAndValues!!.isEmpty()) {
encodedQueryNamesAndValues = null
fun fragment(fragment: String?) = apply {
this.encodedFragment = fragment?.canonicalize(
unicodeAllowed = true
fun encodedFragment(encodedFragment: String?) = apply {
this.encodedFragment = encodedFragment?.canonicalize(
alreadyEncoded = true,
unicodeAllowed = true
* Re-encodes the components of this URL so that it satisfies (obsolete) RFC 2396, which is
* particularly strict for certain components.
internal fun reencodeForUri() = apply {
for (i in 0 until encodedPathSegments.size) {
encodedPathSegments[i] = encodedPathSegments[i].canonicalize(
alreadyEncoded = true,
strict = true
val encodedQueryNamesAndValues = this.encodedQueryNamesAndValues
if (encodedQueryNamesAndValues != null) {
for (i in 0 until encodedQueryNamesAndValues.size) {
encodedQueryNamesAndValues[i] = encodedQueryNamesAndValues[i]?.canonicalize(
alreadyEncoded = true,
strict = true,
plusIsSpace = true
encodedFragment = encodedFragment?.canonicalize(
alreadyEncoded = true,
strict = true,
unicodeAllowed = true
fun build(): HttpUrl {
@Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") // percentDecode returns either List or List.
return HttpUrl(
scheme = scheme ?: throw IllegalStateException("scheme == null"),
username = encodedUsername.percentDecode(),
password = encodedPassword.percentDecode(),
host = host ?: throw IllegalStateException("host == null"),
port = effectivePort(),
pathSegments = encodedPathSegments.percentDecode() as List,
queryNamesAndValues = encodedQueryNamesAndValues?.percentDecode(plusIsSpace = true),
fragment = encodedFragment?.percentDecode(),
url = toString()
override fun toString(): String {
return buildString {
if (scheme != null) {
} else {
if (encodedUsername.isNotEmpty() || encodedPassword.isNotEmpty()) {
if (encodedPassword.isNotEmpty()) {
if (host != null) {
if (':' in host!!) {
// Host is an IPv6 address.
} else {
if (port != -1 || scheme != null) {
val effectivePort = effectivePort()
if (scheme == null || effectivePort != defaultPort(scheme!!)) {
if (encodedQueryNamesAndValues != null) {
if (encodedFragment != null) {
internal fun parse(base: HttpUrl?, input: String): Builder {
var pos = input.indexOfFirstNonAsciiWhitespace()
val limit = input.indexOfLastNonAsciiWhitespace(pos)
// Scheme.
val schemeDelimiterOffset = schemeDelimiterOffset(input, pos, limit)
if (schemeDelimiterOffset != -1) {
when {
input.startsWith("https:", ignoreCase = true, startIndex = pos) -> {
this.scheme = "https"
pos += "https:".length
input.startsWith("http:", ignoreCase = true, startIndex = pos) -> {
this.scheme = "http"
pos += "http:".length
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Expected URL scheme 'http' or 'https' but was '" +
input.substring(0, schemeDelimiterOffset) + "'")
} else if (base != null) {
this.scheme = base.scheme
} else {
throw IllegalArgumentException(
"Expected URL scheme 'http' or 'https' but no colon was found")
// Authority.
var hasUsername = false
var hasPassword = false
val slashCount = input.slashCount(pos, limit)
if (slashCount >= 2 || base == null || base.scheme != this.scheme) {
// Read an authority if either:
// * The input starts with 2 or more slashes. These follow the scheme if it exists.
// * The input scheme exists and is different from the base URL's scheme.
// The structure of an authority is:
// username:password@host:port
// Username, password and port are optional.
// [username[:password]@]host[:port]
pos += slashCount
authority@ while (true) {
val componentDelimiterOffset = input.delimiterOffset("@/\\?#", pos, limit)
val c = if (componentDelimiterOffset != limit) {
} else {
when (c) {
'@'.toInt() -> {
// User info precedes.
if (!hasPassword) {
val passwordColonOffset = input.delimiterOffset(':', pos, componentDelimiterOffset)
val canonicalUsername = input.canonicalize(
pos = pos,
limit = passwordColonOffset,
alreadyEncoded = true
this.encodedUsername = if (hasUsername) {
this.encodedUsername + "%40" + canonicalUsername
} else {
if (passwordColonOffset != componentDelimiterOffset) {
hasPassword = true
this.encodedPassword = input.canonicalize(
pos = passwordColonOffset + 1,
limit = componentDelimiterOffset,
alreadyEncoded = true
hasUsername = true
} else {
this.encodedPassword = this.encodedPassword + "%40" + input.canonicalize(
pos = pos,
limit = componentDelimiterOffset,
alreadyEncoded = true
pos = componentDelimiterOffset + 1
-1, '/'.toInt(), '\\'.toInt(), '?'.toInt(), '#'.toInt() -> {
// Host info precedes.
val portColonOffset = portColonOffset(input, pos, componentDelimiterOffset)
if (portColonOffset + 1 < componentDelimiterOffset) {
host = input.percentDecode(pos = pos, limit = portColonOffset).toCanonicalHost()
port = parsePort(input, portColonOffset + 1, componentDelimiterOffset)
require(port != -1) {
"Invalid URL port: \"${input.substring(portColonOffset + 1,
} else {
host = input.percentDecode(pos = pos, limit = portColonOffset).toCanonicalHost()
port = defaultPort(scheme!!)
require(host != null) {
"$INVALID_HOST: \"${input.substring(pos, portColonOffset)}\""
pos = componentDelimiterOffset
} else {
// This is a relative link. Copy over all authority components. Also maybe the path & query.
this.encodedUsername = base.encodedUsername
this.encodedPassword = base.encodedPassword
this.host = base.host
this.port = base.port
if (pos == limit || input[pos] == '#') {
// Resolve the relative path.
val pathDelimiterOffset = input.delimiterOffset("?#", pos, limit)
resolvePath(input, pos, pathDelimiterOffset)
pos = pathDelimiterOffset
// Query.
if (pos < limit && input[pos] == '?') {
val queryDelimiterOffset = input.delimiterOffset('#', pos, limit)
this.encodedQueryNamesAndValues = input.canonicalize(
pos = pos + 1,
limit = queryDelimiterOffset,
alreadyEncoded = true,
plusIsSpace = true
pos = queryDelimiterOffset
// Fragment.
if (pos < limit && input[pos] == '#') {
this.encodedFragment = input.canonicalize(
pos = pos + 1,
limit = limit,
alreadyEncoded = true,
unicodeAllowed = true
return this
private fun resolvePath(input: String, startPos: Int, limit: Int) {
var pos = startPos
// Read a delimiter.
if (pos == limit) {
// Empty path: keep the base path as-is.
val c = input[pos]
if (c == '/' || c == '\\') {
// Absolute path: reset to the default "/".
} else {
// Relative path: clear everything after the last '/'.
encodedPathSegments[encodedPathSegments.size - 1] = ""
// Read path segments.
var i = pos
while (i < limit) {
val pathSegmentDelimiterOffset = input.delimiterOffset("/\\", i, limit)
val segmentHasTrailingSlash = pathSegmentDelimiterOffset < limit
push(input, i, pathSegmentDelimiterOffset, segmentHasTrailingSlash, true)
i = pathSegmentDelimiterOffset
if (segmentHasTrailingSlash) i++
/** Adds a path segment. If the input is ".." or equivalent, this pops a path segment. */
private fun push(
input: String,
pos: Int,
limit: Int,
addTrailingSlash: Boolean,
alreadyEncoded: Boolean
) {
val segment = input.canonicalize(
pos = pos,
limit = limit,
alreadyEncoded = alreadyEncoded
if (isDot(segment)) {
return // Skip '.' path segments.
if (isDotDot(segment)) {
if (encodedPathSegments[encodedPathSegments.size - 1].isEmpty()) {
encodedPathSegments[encodedPathSegments.size - 1] = segment
} else {
if (addTrailingSlash) {
private fun isDot(input: String): Boolean {
return input == "." || input.equals("%2e", ignoreCase = true)
private fun isDotDot(input: String): Boolean {
return input == ".." ||
input.equals("%2e.", ignoreCase = true) ||
input.equals(".%2e", ignoreCase = true) ||
input.equals("%2e%2e", ignoreCase = true)
* Removes a path segment. When this method returns the last segment is always "", which means
* the encoded path will have a trailing '/'.
* Popping "/a/b/c/" yields "/a/b/". In this case the list of path segments goes from ["a",
* "b", "c", ""] to ["a", "b", ""].
* Popping "/a/b/c" also yields "/a/b/". The list of path segments goes from ["a", "b", "c"]
* to ["a", "b", ""].
private fun pop() {
val removed = encodedPathSegments.removeAt(encodedPathSegments.size - 1)
// Make sure the path ends with a '/' by either adding an empty string or clearing a segment.
if (removed.isEmpty() && encodedPathSegments.isNotEmpty()) {
encodedPathSegments[encodedPathSegments.size - 1] = ""
} else {
companion object {
internal const val INVALID_HOST = "Invalid URL host"
* Returns the index of the ':' in `input` that is after scheme characters. Returns -1 if
* `input` does not have a scheme that starts at `pos`.
private fun schemeDelimiterOffset(input: String, pos: Int, limit: Int): Int {
if (limit - pos < 2) return -1
val c0 = input[pos]
if ((c0 < 'a' || c0 > 'z') && (c0 < 'A' || c0 > 'Z')) return -1 // Not a scheme start char.
characters@ for (i in pos + 1 until limit) {
return when (input[i]) {
// Scheme character. Keep going.
in 'a'..'z', in 'A'..'Z', in '0'..'9', '+', '-', '.' -> continue@characters
// Scheme prefix!
':' -> i
// Non-scheme character before the first ':'.
else -> -1
return -1 // No ':'; doesn't start with a scheme.
/** Returns the number of '/' and '\' slashes in this, starting at `pos`. */
private fun String.slashCount(pos: Int, limit: Int): Int {
var slashCount = 0
for (i in pos until limit) {
val c = this[i]
if (c == '\\' || c == '/') {
} else {
return slashCount
/** Finds the first ':' in `input`, skipping characters between square braces "[...]". */
private fun portColonOffset(input: String, pos: Int, limit: Int): Int {
var i = pos
while (i < limit) {
when (input[i]) {
'[' -> {
while (++i < limit) {
if (input[i] == ']') break
':' -> return i
return limit // No colon.
private fun parsePort(input: String, pos: Int, limit: Int): Int {
return try {
// Canonicalize the port string to skip '\n' etc.
val portString = input.canonicalize(pos = pos, limit = limit, encodeSet = "")
val i = Integer.parseInt(portString)
if (i in 1..65535) i else -1
} catch (_: NumberFormatException) {
-1 // Invalid port.
companion object {
private val HEX_DIGITS =
charArrayOf('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F')
internal const val USERNAME_ENCODE_SET = " \"':;<=>@[]^`{}|/\\?#"
internal const val PASSWORD_ENCODE_SET = " \"':;<=>@[]^`{}|/\\?#"
internal const val PATH_SEGMENT_ENCODE_SET = " \"<>^`{}|/\\?#"
internal const val PATH_SEGMENT_ENCODE_SET_URI = "[]"
internal const val QUERY_ENCODE_SET = " \"'<>#"
internal const val QUERY_COMPONENT_REENCODE_SET = " \"'<>#&="
internal const val QUERY_COMPONENT_ENCODE_SET = " !\"#$&'(),/:;<=>?@[]\\^`{|}~"
internal const val QUERY_COMPONENT_ENCODE_SET_URI = "\\^`{|}"
internal const val FORM_ENCODE_SET = " \"':;<=>@[]^`{}|/\\?#&!$(),~"
internal const val FRAGMENT_ENCODE_SET = ""
internal const val FRAGMENT_ENCODE_SET_URI = " \"#<>\\^`{|}"
/** Returns 80 if `scheme.equals("http")`, 443 if `scheme.equals("https")` and -1 otherwise. */
fun defaultPort(scheme: String): Int {
return when (scheme) {
"http" -> 80
"https" -> 443
else -> -1
/** Returns a path string for this list of path segments. */
internal fun List.toPathString(out: StringBuilder) {
for (i in 0 until size) {
/** Returns a string for this list of query names and values. */
internal fun List.toQueryString(out: StringBuilder) {
for (i in 0 until size step 2) {
val name = this[i]
val value = this[i + 1]
if (i > 0) out.append('&')
if (value != null) {
* Cuts this string up into alternating parameter names and values. This divides a query string
* like `subject=math&easy&problem=5-2=3` into the list `["subject", "math", "easy", null,
* "problem", "5-2=3"]`. Note that values may be null and may contain '=' characters.
internal fun String.toQueryNamesAndValues(): MutableList {
val result = mutableListOf()
var pos = 0
while (pos <= length) {
var ampersandOffset = indexOf('&', pos)
if (ampersandOffset == -1) ampersandOffset = length
val equalsOffset = indexOf('=', pos)
if (equalsOffset == -1 || equalsOffset > ampersandOffset) {
result.add(substring(pos, ampersandOffset))
result.add(null) // No value for this name.
} else {
result.add(substring(pos, equalsOffset))
result.add(substring(equalsOffset + 1, ampersandOffset))
pos = ampersandOffset + 1
return result
* Returns a new [HttpUrl] representing this.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If this is not a well-formed HTTP or HTTPS URL.
@JvmName("get") fun String.toHttpUrl(): HttpUrl = Builder().parse(null, this).build()
* Returns a new `HttpUrl` representing `url` if it is a well-formed HTTP or HTTPS URL, or null
* if it isn't.
@JvmName("parse") fun String.toHttpUrlOrNull(): HttpUrl? {
return try {
} catch (_: IllegalArgumentException) {
* Returns an [HttpUrl] for this if its protocol is `http` or `https`, or null if it has any
* other protocol.
@JvmName("get") fun URL.toHttpUrlOrNull(): HttpUrl? = toString().toHttpUrlOrNull()
@JvmName("get") fun URI.toHttpUrlOrNull(): HttpUrl? = toString().toHttpUrlOrNull()
message = "moved to extension function",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(
expression = "url.toHttpUrl()",
imports = ["okhttp3.HttpUrl.Companion.toHttpUrl"]),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun get(url: String): HttpUrl = url.toHttpUrl()
message = "moved to extension function",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(
expression = "url.toHttpUrlOrNull()",
imports = ["okhttp3.HttpUrl.Companion.toHttpUrlOrNull"]),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun parse(url: String): HttpUrl? = url.toHttpUrlOrNull()
message = "moved to extension function",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(
expression = "url.toHttpUrlOrNull()",
imports = ["okhttp3.HttpUrl.Companion.toHttpUrlOrNull"]),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun get(url: URL): HttpUrl? = url.toHttpUrlOrNull()
message = "moved to extension function",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(
expression = "uri.toHttpUrlOrNull()",
imports = ["okhttp3.HttpUrl.Companion.toHttpUrlOrNull"]),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun get(uri: URI): HttpUrl? = uri.toHttpUrlOrNull()
internal fun String.percentDecode(
pos: Int = 0,
limit: Int = length,
plusIsSpace: Boolean = false
): String {
for (i in pos until limit) {
val c = this[i]
if (c == '%' || c == '+' && plusIsSpace) {
// Slow path: the character at i requires decoding!
val out = Buffer()
out.writeUtf8(this, pos, i)
out.writePercentDecoded(this, pos = i, limit = limit, plusIsSpace = plusIsSpace)
return out.readUtf8()
// Fast path: no characters in [pos..limit) required decoding.
return substring(pos, limit)
private fun Buffer.writePercentDecoded(
encoded: String,
pos: Int,
limit: Int,
plusIsSpace: Boolean
) {
var codePoint: Int
var i = pos
while (i < limit) {
codePoint = encoded.codePointAt(i)
if (codePoint == '%'.toInt() && i + 2 < limit) {
val d1 = encoded[i + 1].parseHexDigit()
val d2 = encoded[i + 2].parseHexDigit()
if (d1 != -1 && d2 != -1) {
writeByte((d1 shl 4) + d2)
i += 2
i += Character.charCount(codePoint)
} else if (codePoint == '+'.toInt() && plusIsSpace) {
writeByte(' '.toInt())
i += Character.charCount(codePoint)
private fun List.percentDecode(plusIsSpace: Boolean = false): List {
val size = size
val result = ArrayList(size)
for (i in this) {
result.add(i?.percentDecode(plusIsSpace = plusIsSpace))
return Collections.unmodifiableList(result)
private fun String.isPercentEncoded(pos: Int, limit: Int): Boolean {
return pos + 2 < limit &&
this[pos] == '%' &&
this[pos + 1].parseHexDigit() != -1 &&
this[pos + 2].parseHexDigit() != -1
* Returns a substring of `input` on the range `[pos..limit)` with the following
* transformations:
* * Tabs, newlines, form feeds and carriage returns are skipped.
* * In queries, ' ' is encoded to '+' and '+' is encoded to "%2B".
* * Characters in `encodeSet` are percent-encoded.
* * Control characters and non-ASCII characters are percent-encoded.
* * All other characters are copied without transformation.
* @param alreadyEncoded true to leave '%' as-is; false to convert it to '%25'.
* @param strict true to encode '%' if it is not the prefix of a valid percent encoding.
* @param plusIsSpace true to encode '+' as "%2B" if it is not already encoded.
* @param unicodeAllowed true to leave non-ASCII codepoint unencoded.
* @param charset which charset to use, null equals UTF-8.
internal fun String.canonicalize(
pos: Int = 0,
limit: Int = length,
encodeSet: String,
alreadyEncoded: Boolean = false,
strict: Boolean = false,
plusIsSpace: Boolean = false,
unicodeAllowed: Boolean = false,
charset: Charset? = null
): String {
var codePoint: Int
var i = pos
while (i < limit) {
codePoint = codePointAt(i)
if (codePoint < 0x20 ||
codePoint == 0x7f ||
codePoint >= 0x80 && !unicodeAllowed ||
codePoint.toChar() in encodeSet ||
codePoint == '%'.toInt() &&
(!alreadyEncoded || strict && !isPercentEncoded(i, limit)) ||
codePoint == '+'.toInt() && plusIsSpace) {
// Slow path: the character at i requires encoding!
val out = Buffer()
out.writeUtf8(this, pos, i)
input = this,
pos = i,
limit = limit,
encodeSet = encodeSet,
alreadyEncoded = alreadyEncoded,
strict = strict,
plusIsSpace = plusIsSpace,
unicodeAllowed = unicodeAllowed,
charset = charset
return out.readUtf8()
i += Character.charCount(codePoint)
// Fast path: no characters in [pos..limit) required encoding.
return substring(pos, limit)
private fun Buffer.writeCanonicalized(
input: String,
pos: Int,
limit: Int,
encodeSet: String,
alreadyEncoded: Boolean,
strict: Boolean,
plusIsSpace: Boolean,
unicodeAllowed: Boolean,
charset: Charset?
) {
var encodedCharBuffer: Buffer? = null // Lazily allocated.
var codePoint: Int
var i = pos
while (i < limit) {
codePoint = input.codePointAt(i)
if (alreadyEncoded && (codePoint == '\t'.toInt() || codePoint == '\n'.toInt() ||
codePoint == '\u000c'.toInt() || codePoint == '\r'.toInt())) {
// Skip this character.
} else if (codePoint == '+'.toInt() && plusIsSpace) {
// Encode '+' as '%2B' since we permit ' ' to be encoded as either '+' or '%20'.
writeUtf8(if (alreadyEncoded) "+" else "%2B")
} else if (codePoint < 0x20 ||
codePoint == 0x7f ||
codePoint >= 0x80 && !unicodeAllowed ||
codePoint.toChar() in encodeSet ||
codePoint == '%'.toInt() &&
(!alreadyEncoded || strict && !input.isPercentEncoded(i, limit))) {
// Percent encode this character.
if (encodedCharBuffer == null) {
encodedCharBuffer = Buffer()
if (charset == null || charset == UTF_8) {
} else {
encodedCharBuffer.writeString(input, i, i + Character.charCount(codePoint), charset)
while (!encodedCharBuffer.exhausted()) {
val b = encodedCharBuffer.readByte().toInt() and 0xff
writeByte(HEX_DIGITS[b shr 4 and 0xf].toInt())
writeByte(HEX_DIGITS[b and 0xf].toInt())
} else {
// This character doesn't need encoding. Just copy it over.
i += Character.charCount(codePoint)
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