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* Copyright (C) 2013 Square, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
package okhttp3
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import okhttp3.internal.canonicalUrl
import okhttp3.internal.commonAddHeader
import okhttp3.internal.commonCacheControl
import okhttp3.internal.commonDelete
import okhttp3.internal.commonGet
import okhttp3.internal.commonHead
import okhttp3.internal.commonHeader
import okhttp3.internal.commonHeaders
import okhttp3.internal.commonMethod
import okhttp3.internal.commonNewBuilder
import okhttp3.internal.commonPatch
import okhttp3.internal.commonPost
import okhttp3.internal.commonPut
import okhttp3.internal.commonRemoveHeader
import okhttp3.internal.commonTag
actual class Request internal actual constructor(builder: Builder) {
actual val url: String = checkNotNull(builder.url) { "url == null" }
actual val method: String = builder.method
actual val headers: Headers =
actual val body: RequestBody? = builder.body
internal actual val tags: Map, Any> = builder.tags.toMap()
internal actual var lazyCacheControl: CacheControl? = null
actual val isHttps: Boolean
get() = url.startsWith("https://")
* Constructs a new request.
* Use [Builder] for more fluent construction, including helper methods for various HTTP methods.
* @param method defaults to "GET" if [body] is null, and "POST" otherwise.
url: String,
headers: Headers = Headers.headersOf(),
method: String = "\u0000", // Sentinel value chooses based on what the body is.
body: RequestBody? = null,
) : this(
when {
method != "\u0000" -> method
body != null -> "POST"
else -> "GET"
actual fun header(name: String): String? = commonHeader(name)
actual fun headers(name: String): List = commonHeaders(name)
actual fun newBuilder(): Builder = commonNewBuilder()
actual val cacheControl: CacheControl
get() = commonCacheControl()
actual inline fun tag(): T? = tag(T::class)
actual fun tag(type: KClass): T? = tags[type] as T?
override fun toString(): String = buildString {
append(", url=")
if (headers.size != 0) {
append(", headers=[")
headers.forEachIndexed { index, (name, value) ->
if (index > 0) {
append(", ")
// if (tags.isNotEmpty()) {
// append(", tags=")
// append(tags)
// }
actual open class Builder {
internal actual var url: String? = null
internal actual var method: String
internal actual var headers: Headers.Builder
internal actual var body: RequestBody? = null
internal actual var tags = mapOf, Any>()
// /** A mutable map of tags, or an immutable empty map if we don't have any. */
// internal var tags: MutableMap, Any> = mutableMapOf()
actual constructor() {
this.method = "GET"
this.headers = Headers.Builder()
internal actual constructor(request: Request) {
this.url = request.url
this.method = request.method
this.body = request.body
this.tags = when {
request.tags.isEmpty() -> mapOf()
else -> request.tags.toMutableMap()
this.headers = request.headers.newBuilder()
// open fun url(url: HttpUrl): Builder = apply {
// this.url = url
// }
actual open fun url(url: String): Builder = apply {
this.url = canonicalUrl(url)
actual open fun header(name: String, value: String) = commonHeader(name, value)
actual open fun addHeader(name: String, value: String) = commonAddHeader(name, value)
actual open fun removeHeader(name: String) = commonRemoveHeader(name)
actual open fun headers(headers: Headers) = commonHeaders(headers)
actual open fun cacheControl(cacheControl: CacheControl): Builder = commonCacheControl(cacheControl)
actual open fun get(): Builder = commonGet()
actual open fun head(): Builder = commonHead()
actual open fun post(body: RequestBody): Builder = commonPost(body)
actual open fun delete(body: RequestBody?): Builder = commonDelete(body)
actual open fun put(body: RequestBody): Builder = commonPut(body)
actual open fun patch(body: RequestBody): Builder = commonPatch(body)
actual open fun method(method: String, body: RequestBody?): Builder = commonMethod(method, body)
actual inline fun tag(tag: T?): Builder = tag(T::class, tag)
actual fun tag(type: KClass, tag: T?): Builder = commonTag(type, tag)
actual open fun build() = Request(this)