com.squareup.spoon.SpoonDeviceRunner Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.squareup.spoon;
import com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge;
import com.android.ddmlib.CollectingOutputReceiver;
import com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences;
import com.android.ddmlib.IDevice;
import com.android.ddmlib.InstallException;
import com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatMessage;
import com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner;
import com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.ITestRunListener;
import com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner;
import com.google.common.collect.ArrayListMultimap;
import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
import com.squareup.spoon.adapters.TestIdentifierAdapter;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.TrueFileFilter;
import static com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry;
import static com.android.ddmlib.SyncService.getNullProgressMonitor;
import static com.google.common.base.Strings.isNullOrEmpty;
import static com.squareup.spoon.Spoon.SPOON_FILES;
import static com.squareup.spoon.Spoon.SPOON_SCREENSHOTS;
import static com.squareup.spoon.SpoonLogger.logDebug;
import static com.squareup.spoon.SpoonLogger.logError;
import static com.squareup.spoon.SpoonLogger.logInfo;
import static com.squareup.spoon.SpoonUtils.GSON;
import static com.squareup.spoon.SpoonUtils.createAnimatedGif;
import static com.squareup.spoon.SpoonUtils.obtainDirectoryFileEntry;
import static com.squareup.spoon.SpoonUtils.obtainRealDevice;
/** Represents a single device and the test configuration to be executed. */
public final class SpoonDeviceRunner {
private static final String FILE_EXECUTION = "execution.json";
private static final String FILE_RESULT = "result.json";
private static final String DEVICE_SCREENSHOT_DIR = "app_" + SPOON_SCREENSHOTS;
private static final String DEVICE_FILE_DIR = "app_" + SPOON_FILES;
static final String TEMP_DIR = "work";
static final String JUNIT_DIR = "junit-reports";
static final String IMAGE_DIR = "image";
static final String FILE_DIR = "file";
static final String COVERAGE_FILE = "coverage.ec";
static final String COVERAGE_DIR = "coverage";
private final File sdk;
private final File apk;
private final File testApk;
private final String serial;
private final int shardIndex;
private final int numShards;
private final boolean debug;
private final boolean noAnimations;
private final int adbTimeout;
private final List instrumentationArgs;
private final String className;
private final String methodName;
private final IRemoteAndroidTestRunner.TestSize testSize;
private final File work;
private final File junitReport;
private final File imageDir;
private final File coverageDir;
private final File fileDir;
private final String classpath;
private final SpoonInstrumentationInfo instrumentationInfo;
private boolean codeCoverage;
private final List testRunListeners;
private final boolean grantAll;
* Create a test runner for a single device.
* @param sdk Path to the local Android SDK directory.
* @param apk Path to application APK.
* @param testApk Path to test application APK.
* @param output Path to output directory.
* @param serial Device to run the test on.
* @param debug Whether or not debug logging is enabled.
* @param adbTimeout time in ms for longest test execution
* @param classpath Custom JVM classpath or {@code null}.
* @param instrumentationInfo Test apk manifest information.
* @param className Test class name to run or {@code null} to run all tests.
* @param methodName Test method name to run or {@code null} to run all tests. Must also pass
* {@code className}.
* @param testRunListeners Additional TestRunListener or empty list.
SpoonDeviceRunner(File sdk, File apk, File testApk, File output, String serial, int shardIndex,
int numShards, boolean debug, boolean noAnimations, int adbTimeout, String classpath,
SpoonInstrumentationInfo instrumentationInfo, List instrumentationArgs,
String className, String methodName, IRemoteAndroidTestRunner.TestSize testSize,
List testRunListeners, boolean codeCoverage, boolean grantAll) {
this.sdk = sdk;
this.apk = apk;
this.testApk = testApk;
this.serial = serial;
this.shardIndex = shardIndex;
this.numShards = numShards;
this.debug = debug;
this.noAnimations = noAnimations;
this.adbTimeout = adbTimeout;
this.instrumentationArgs = instrumentationArgs;
this.className = className;
this.methodName = methodName;
this.testSize = testSize;
this.classpath = classpath;
this.instrumentationInfo = instrumentationInfo;
this.codeCoverage = codeCoverage;
serial = SpoonUtils.sanitizeSerial(serial);
this.work = FileUtils.getFile(output, TEMP_DIR, serial);
this.junitReport = FileUtils.getFile(output, JUNIT_DIR, serial + ".xml");
this.imageDir = FileUtils.getFile(output, IMAGE_DIR, serial);
this.fileDir = FileUtils.getFile(output, FILE_DIR, serial);
this.coverageDir = FileUtils.getFile(output, COVERAGE_DIR, serial);
this.testRunListeners = testRunListeners;
this.grantAll = grantAll;
/** Serialize to disk and start {@link #main(String...)} in another process. */
public DeviceResult runInNewProcess() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
logDebug(debug, "[%s]", serial);
// Create the output directory.
// Write our configuration to a file in the output directory.
FileWriter executionWriter = new FileWriter(new File(work, FILE_EXECUTION));
GSON.toJson(this, executionWriter);
// Kick off a new process to interface with ADB and perform the real execution.
String name = SpoonDeviceRunner.class.getName();
Process process = new ProcessBuilder("java", "-Djava.awt.headless=true", "-cp", classpath, name,
printStream(process.getInputStream(), "STDOUT");
printStream(process.getErrorStream(), "STDERR");
final int exitCode = process.waitFor();
logDebug(debug, "Process.waitFor() finished for [%s] with exitCode %d", serial, exitCode);
// Read the result from a file in the output directory.
FileReader resultFile = new FileReader(new File(work, FILE_RESULT));
DeviceResult result = GSON.fromJson(resultFile, DeviceResult.class);
return result;
private void printStream(InputStream stream, String tag) throws IOException {
BufferedReader stdout = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream));
String s;
while ((s = stdout.readLine()) != null) {
logDebug(debug, "[%s] %s %s", serial, tag, s);
/** Execute instrumentation on the target device and return a result summary. */
public DeviceResult run(AndroidDebugBridge adb) {
String testPackage = instrumentationInfo.getInstrumentationPackage();
String testRunner = instrumentationInfo.getTestRunnerClass();
TestIdentifierAdapter testIdentifierAdapter = TestIdentifierAdapter.fromTestRunner(testRunner);
logDebug(debug, "InstrumentationInfo: [%s]", instrumentationInfo);
if (debug) {
DeviceResult.Builder result = new DeviceResult.Builder();
IDevice device = obtainRealDevice(adb, serial);
logDebug(debug, "Got realDevice for [%s]", serial);
// Get relevant device information.
final DeviceDetails deviceDetails = DeviceDetails.createForDevice(device);
logDebug(debug, "[%s] setDeviceDetails %s", serial, deviceDetails);
// Now install the main application and the instrumentation application.
try {
String extraArgument = "";
if (grantAll && deviceDetails.getApiLevel() >= DeviceDetails.MARSHMALLOW_API_LEVEL) {
extraArgument = "-g";
device.installPackage(apk.getAbsolutePath(), true, extraArgument);
} catch (InstallException e) {
logInfo("InstallException while install app apk on device [%s]", serial);
return result.markInstallAsFailed("Unable to install application APK.").build();
try {
device.installPackage(testApk.getAbsolutePath(), true);
} catch (InstallException e) {
logInfo("InstallException while install test apk on device [%s]", serial);
return result.markInstallAsFailed("Unable to install instrumentation APK.").build();
// If this is Android Marshmallow or above grant WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
if (deviceDetails.getApiLevel() >= DeviceDetails.MARSHMALLOW_API_LEVEL) {
String appPackage = instrumentationInfo.getApplicationPackage();
try {
CollectingOutputReceiver grantOutputReceiver = new CollectingOutputReceiver();
"pm grant " + appPackage + " android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE",
"pm grant " + appPackage + " android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE",
} catch (Exception e) {
logInfo("Exception while granting external storage access to application apk"
+ "on device [%s]", serial);
return result.markInstallAsFailed(
"Unable to grant external storage access to application APK.").build();
// Create the output directory, if it does not already exist.
// Initiate device logging.
SpoonDeviceLogger deviceLogger = new SpoonDeviceLogger(device);
// Run all the tests! o/
try {
logDebug(debug, "About to actually run tests for [%s]", serial);
RemoteAndroidTestRunner runner = new RemoteAndroidTestRunner(testPackage, testRunner, device);
if (instrumentationArgs != null && instrumentationArgs.size() > 0) {
for (String pair : instrumentationArgs) {
int firstEqualSignIndex = pair.indexOf("=");
if (firstEqualSignIndex <= -1) {
// No Equal Sign, can't process
logDebug(debug, "Can't process instrumentationArg [%s] (no equal sign)", pair);
String key = pair.substring(0, firstEqualSignIndex);
String value = pair.substring(firstEqualSignIndex + 1);
if (isNullOrEmpty(key) || isNullOrEmpty(value)) {
// Invalid values, skipping
logDebug(debug, "Can't process instrumentationArg [%s] (empty key or value)", pair);
runner.addInstrumentationArg(key, value);
if (codeCoverage) {
addCodeCoverageInstrumentationArgs(runner, device);
// Add the sharding instrumentation arguments if necessary
if (numShards != 0) {
if (!isNullOrEmpty(className)) {
if (isNullOrEmpty(methodName)) {
} else {
runner.setMethodName(className, methodName);
if (testSize != null) {
List listeners = new ArrayList();
listeners.add(new SpoonTestRunListener(result, debug, testIdentifierAdapter));
listeners.add(new XmlTestRunListener(junitReport));
if (testRunListeners != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
mapLogsToTests(deviceLogger, result);
try {
logDebug(debug, "About to grab screenshots and prepare output for [%s]", serial);
if (codeCoverage) {
} catch (Exception e) {
logDebug(debug, "Done running for [%s]", serial);
return result.build();
private void addCodeCoverageInstrumentationArgs(RemoteAndroidTestRunner runner, IDevice device)
throws Exception {
String coveragePath = getExternalStoragePath(device, COVERAGE_FILE);
runner.addInstrumentationArg("coverage", "true");
runner.addInstrumentationArg("coverageFile", coveragePath);
private void addShardingInstrumentationArgs(RemoteAndroidTestRunner runner) {
runner.addInstrumentationArg("numShards", Integer.toString(numShards));
runner.addInstrumentationArg("shardIndex", Integer.toString(shardIndex));
private void cleanScreenshotsDirectory(DeviceResult.Builder result) throws IOException {
File screenshotDir = new File(work, DEVICE_SCREENSHOT_DIR);
if (screenshotDir.exists()) {
handleImages(result, screenshotDir);
private void cleanFilesDirectory(DeviceResult.Builder result) throws IOException {
File testFilesDir = new File(work, DEVICE_FILE_DIR);
if (testFilesDir.exists()) {
handleFiles(result, testFilesDir);
private void pullCoverageFile(IDevice device) {
File coverageFile = new File(coverageDir, COVERAGE_FILE);
String remotePath;
try {
remotePath = getExternalStoragePath(device, COVERAGE_FILE);
} catch (Exception exception) {
throw new RuntimeException("error while calculating coverage file path.", exception);
adbPullFile(device, remotePath, coverageFile.getAbsolutePath());
private void handleImages(DeviceResult.Builder result, File screenshotDir) throws IOException {
logDebug(debug, "Moving screenshots to the image folder on [%s]", serial);
// Move all children of the screenshot directory into the image folder.
File[] classNameDirs = screenshotDir.listFiles();
if (classNameDirs != null) {
Multimap testScreenshots = ArrayListMultimap.create();
for (File classNameDir : classNameDirs) {
String className = classNameDir.getName();
File destDir = new File(imageDir, className);
FileUtils.copyDirectory(classNameDir, destDir);
// Get a sorted list of all screenshots from the device run.
List screenshots = new ArrayList(
FileUtils.listFiles(destDir, TrueFileFilter.INSTANCE, TrueFileFilter.INSTANCE));
// Iterate over each screenshot and associate it with its corresponding method result.
for (File screenshot : screenshots) {
String methodName = screenshot.getParentFile().getName();
DeviceTest testIdentifier = new DeviceTest(className, methodName);
DeviceTestResult.Builder builder = result.getMethodResultBuilder(testIdentifier);
if (builder != null) {
testScreenshots.put(testIdentifier, screenshot);
} else {
logError("Unable to find test for %s", testIdentifier);
logDebug(debug, "Generating animated gifs for [%s]", serial);
// Don't generate animations if the switch is present
if (!noAnimations) {
// Make animated GIFs for all the tests which have screenshots.
for (DeviceTest deviceTest : testScreenshots.keySet()) {
List screenshots = new ArrayList(testScreenshots.get(deviceTest));
if (screenshots.size() == 1) {
continue; // Do not make an animated GIF if there is only one screenshot.
File animatedGif = FileUtils.getFile(imageDir, deviceTest.getClassName(),
deviceTest.getMethodName() + ".gif");
createAnimatedGif(screenshots, animatedGif);
private void handleFiles(DeviceResult.Builder result, File testFileDir) throws IOException {
File[] classNameDirs = testFileDir.listFiles();
if (classNameDirs != null) {
logInfo("Found class name dirs: " + Arrays.toString(classNameDirs));
for (File classNameDir : classNameDirs) {
String className = classNameDir.getName();
File destDir = new File(fileDir, className);
FileUtils.copyDirectory(classNameDir, destDir);
logInfo("Copied " + classNameDir + " to " + destDir);
// Get a sorted list of all files from the device run.
List files = new ArrayList(
FileUtils.listFiles(destDir, TrueFileFilter.INSTANCE, TrueFileFilter.INSTANCE));
// Iterate over each file and associate it with its
// corresponding method result.
for (File file : files) {
String methodName = file.getParentFile().getName();
DeviceTest testIdentifier = new DeviceTest(className, methodName);
final DeviceTestResult.Builder resultBuilder =
if (resultBuilder != null) {
logInfo("Added file as result: " + file + " for " + testIdentifier);
} else {
logError("Unable to find test for %s", testIdentifier);
/** Download all files from a single device to the local machine. */
private void pullDeviceFiles(IDevice device) throws Exception {
for (String dir : DEVICE_DIRS) {
pullDirectory(device, dir);
private void pullDirectory(final IDevice device, final String name) throws Exception {
// Output path on private internal storage, for KitKat and below.
FileEntry internalDir = getDirectoryOnInternalStorage(name);
logDebug(debug, "Internal path is " + internalDir.getFullPath());
// Output path on public external storage, for Lollipop and above.
FileEntry externalDir = getDirectoryOnExternalStorage(device, name);
logDebug(debug, "External path is " + externalDir.getFullPath());
// Sync test output files to the local filesystem.
logDebug(debug, "Pulling files from external dir on [%s]", serial);
String localDirName = work.getAbsolutePath();
adbPull(device, externalDir, localDirName);
logDebug(debug, "Pulling files from internal dir on [%s]", serial);
adbPull(device, internalDir, localDirName);
logDebug(debug, "Done pulling %s from on [%s]", name, serial);
private void adbPull(IDevice device, FileEntry remoteDirName, String localDirName) {
try {
device.getSyncService().pull(new FileEntry[]{remoteDirName}, localDirName,
} catch (Exception e) {
logDebug(debug, e.getMessage(), e);
private void adbPullFile(IDevice device, String remoteFile, String localDir) {
try {
.pullFile(remoteFile, localDir, getNullProgressMonitor());
} catch (Exception e) {
logDebug(debug, e.getMessage(), e);
private FileEntry getDirectoryOnInternalStorage(final String dir) {
String internalPath = getInternalPath(dir);
return obtainDirectoryFileEntry(internalPath);
private String getInternalPath(String path) {
String appPackage = instrumentationInfo.getApplicationPackage();
return "/data/data/" + appPackage + "/" + path;
private FileEntry getDirectoryOnExternalStorage(IDevice device, final String dir)
throws Exception {
String externalPath = getExternalStoragePath(device, dir);
return obtainDirectoryFileEntry(externalPath);
private String getExternalStoragePath(IDevice device, final String path) throws Exception {
CollectingOutputReceiver pathNameOutputReceiver = new CollectingOutputReceiver();
device.executeShellCommand("echo $EXTERNAL_STORAGE", pathNameOutputReceiver);
return pathNameOutputReceiver.getOutput().trim() + "/" + path;
/** Grab all the parsed logs and map them to individual tests. */
private static void mapLogsToTests(SpoonDeviceLogger deviceLogger, DeviceResult.Builder result) {
Map> logs = deviceLogger.getParsedLogs();
for (Map.Entry> entry : logs.entrySet()) {
DeviceTestResult.Builder builder = result.getMethodResultBuilder(entry.getKey());
if (builder != null) {
//// Secondary Per-Device Process /////////////////////////////////////////
/** De-serialize from disk, run the tests, and serialize the result back to disk. */
public static void main(String... args) {
if (args.length != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be started with a device directory.");
try {
String outputDirName = args[0];
File outputDir = new File(outputDirName);
File executionFile = new File(outputDir, FILE_EXECUTION);
if (!executionFile.exists()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Device directory and/or execution file doesn't exist.");
FileReader reader = new FileReader(executionFile);
SpoonDeviceRunner target = GSON.fromJson(reader, SpoonDeviceRunner.class);
AndroidDebugBridge adb = SpoonUtils.initAdb(target.sdk, target.adbTimeout);
DeviceResult result = target.run(adb);
// Write device result file.
FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(new File(outputDir, FILE_RESULT));
GSON.toJson(result, writer);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
logInfo("ERROR: Unable to execute test for target. Exception message: %s", ex.getMessage());
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