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package com.squareup.workflow1.testing
import com.squareup.workflow1.BaseRenderContext
import com.squareup.workflow1.RenderContext
import com.squareup.workflow1.Sink
import com.squareup.workflow1.StatefulWorkflow
import com.squareup.workflow1.Worker
import com.squareup.workflow1.Workflow
import com.squareup.workflow1.WorkflowAction
import com.squareup.workflow1.WorkflowAction.Companion.noAction
import com.squareup.workflow1.WorkflowIdentifier
import com.squareup.workflow1.WorkflowIdentifierType
import com.squareup.workflow1.WorkflowIdentifierType.Snapshottable
import com.squareup.workflow1.WorkflowIdentifierType.Unsnapshottable
import com.squareup.workflow1.WorkflowOutput
import com.squareup.workflow1.applyTo
import com.squareup.workflow1.identifier
import com.squareup.workflow1.testing.RealRenderTester.Expectation
import com.squareup.workflow1.testing.RealRenderTester.Expectation.ExpectedSideEffect
import com.squareup.workflow1.testing.RealRenderTester.Expectation.ExpectedWorker
import com.squareup.workflow1.testing.RealRenderTester.Expectation.ExpectedWorkflow
import com.squareup.workflow1.testing.RenderTester.ChildWorkflowMatch.Matched
import com.squareup.workflow1.testing.RenderTester.RenderChildInvocation
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import kotlin.reflect.full.allSupertypes
import kotlin.reflect.full.isSuperclassOf
import kotlin.reflect.full.isSupertypeOf
private const val WORKFLOW_INTERFACE_NAME = "com.squareup.workflow1.Workflow"
internal class RealRenderTester(
private val workflow: StatefulWorkflow,
private val props: PropsT,
private val state: StateT,
* List of [Expectation]s that are expected when the workflow is rendered. New expectations are
* registered into this list. Once the render pass has started, expectations are moved from this
* list to [consumedExpectations] as soon as they're matched.
private val expectations: MutableList> = mutableListOf(),
* Empty until the render pass starts, then every time the workflow matches an expectation that
* has `exactMatch` set to true, it is moved from [expectations] to this list.
private val consumedExpectations: MutableList> = mutableListOf(),
* Flag that is set as soon as an expectation is registered that emits an output.
private var childWillEmitOutput: Boolean = false,
* If an expectation includes a [WorkflowOutput], then when that expectation is matched, this
* property stores the [WorkflowAction] that was specified to handle that output.
private var processedAction: WorkflowAction? = null,
* Tracks the identifier/key pairs of all calls to [renderChild], so it can emulate the behavior
* of the real runtime and throw if a workflow is rendered twice in the same pass.
private val renderedChildren: MutableList> = mutableListOf(),
* Tracks the keys of all calls to [runningSideEffect], so it can emulate the behavior of the real
* runtime and throw if a side effects is ran twice in the same pass.
private val ranSideEffects: MutableList = mutableListOf()
) : RenderTester(),
Sink> {
internal sealed class Expectation {
abstract fun describe(): String
open val output: WorkflowOutput? = null
data class ExpectedWorkflow(
val matcher: (RenderChildInvocation) -> ChildWorkflowMatch,
val exactMatch: Boolean,
val description: String
) : Expectation() {
override fun describe(): String = description
data class ExpectedWorker(
val matchesWhen: (otherWorker: Worker<*>) -> Boolean,
val key: String,
override val output: WorkflowOutput?,
val description: String
) : Expectation() {
override fun describe(): String = description.ifBlank { "worker key=$key, output=$output" }
data class ExpectedSideEffect(
val matcher: (String) -> Boolean,
val exactMatch: Boolean,
val description: String
) : Expectation() {
override fun describe(): String = description
private var explicitWorkerExpectationsRequired: Boolean = false
private var explicitSideEffectExpectationsRequired: Boolean = false
private val stateAndOutput: Pair?> by lazy {
val action = processedAction ?: noAction()
val (state, actionApplied) = action.applyTo(props, state)
state to actionApplied.output
override val actionSink: Sink> get() = this
override fun expectWorkflow(
description: String,
exactMatch: Boolean,
matcher: (RenderChildInvocation) -> ChildWorkflowMatch
): RenderTester = apply {
expectations += ExpectedWorkflow(matcher, exactMatch, description)
override fun expectSideEffect(
description: String,
exactMatch: Boolean,
matcher: (key: String) -> Boolean
): RenderTester = apply {
expectations += ExpectedSideEffect(matcher, exactMatch, description)
override fun render(
block: (RenderingT) -> Unit
): RenderTestResult {
if (!explicitWorkerExpectationsRequired) {
// Allow unexpected workers.
expectWorker(description = "unexpected worker", exactMatch = false) { _, _, _ -> true }
if (!explicitSideEffectExpectationsRequired) {
// Allow unexpected side effects.
expectSideEffect(description = "unexpected side effect", exactMatch = false) { true }
// Clone the expectations to run a "dry" render pass.
val noopContext = deepCloneForRender()
workflow.render(props, state, RenderContext(noopContext, workflow))
workflow.render(props, state, RenderContext(this, workflow))
// Ensure all exact matches were consumed.
val unconsumedExactMatches = expectations.filter {
when (it) {
is ExpectedWorkflow -> it.exactMatch
// Workers are always exact matches.
is ExpectedWorker -> true
is ExpectedSideEffect -> it.exactMatch
if (unconsumedExactMatches.isNotEmpty()) {
throw AssertionError(
"Expected ${unconsumedExactMatches.size} more workflows, workers, or " +
"side effects to be run:\n" +
unconsumedExactMatches.joinToString(separator = "\n") { " ${it.describe()}" }
return this
override fun renderChild(
child: Workflow,
props: ChildPropsT,
key: String,
handler: (ChildOutputT) -> WorkflowAction
): ChildRenderingT {
val identifierPair = Pair(child.identifier, key)
require(identifierPair !in renderedChildren) {
"Expected keys to be unique for ${child.identifier}: key=\"$key\""
renderedChildren += identifierPair
val description = buildString {
append("child ")
if (key.isNotEmpty()) {
append(" with key \"$key\"")
val invocation = createRenderChildInvocation(child, props, key)
val matches = expectations.filterIsInstance()
.mapNotNull {
val matchResult = it.matcher(invocation)
if (matchResult is Matched) Pair(it, matchResult) else null
if (matches.isEmpty()) {
throw AssertionError("Tried to render unexpected $description")
val exactMatches = matches.filter { it.first.exactMatch }
val (_, match) = when {
exactMatches.size == 1 -> {
.also { (expected, _) ->
expectations -= expected
consumedExpectations += expected
exactMatches.size > 1 -> {
throw AssertionError(
"Multiple expectations matched $description:\n" +
exactMatches.joinToString(separator = "\n") { " ${it.first.describe()}" }
// Inexact matches are not consumable.
else -> matches.first()
if (match.output != null) {
check(processedAction == null) {
"Expected only one output to be expected: $description expected to emit " +
"${match.output.value} but $processedAction was already processed."
processedAction = handler(match.output.value as ChildOutputT)
return match.childRendering as ChildRenderingT
override fun runningSideEffect(
key: String,
sideEffect: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit
) {
require(key !in ranSideEffects) { "Expected side effect keys to be unique: \"$key\"" }
ranSideEffects += key
val description = "side effect with key \"$key\""
val matches = expectations.filterIsInstance()
.mapNotNull {
if (it.matcher(key)) it else null
if (matches.isEmpty()) {
throw AssertionError("Tried to run unexpected $description")
val exactMatches = matches.filter { it.exactMatch }
if (exactMatches.size > 1) {
throw AssertionError(
"Multiple expectations matched $description:\n" +
matches.joinToString(separator = "\n") { " ${it.describe()}" }
// Inexact matches are not consumable.
?.let { expected ->
expectations -= expected
consumedExpectations += expected
override fun requireExplicitWorkerExpectations():
RenderTester = this.apply {
explicitWorkerExpectationsRequired = true
override fun requireExplicitSideEffectExpectations():
RenderTester = this.apply {
explicitSideEffectExpectationsRequired = true
override fun send(value: WorkflowAction) {
check(processedAction == null) {
"Tried to send action to sink after another action was already processed:\n" +
" processed action=$processedAction\n" +
" attempted action=$value"
processedAction = value
override fun verifyAction(
block: (WorkflowAction) -> Unit
): RenderTestResult {
val action = processedAction ?: noAction()
return this
override fun verifyActionResult(
block: (newState: StateT, output: WorkflowOutput?) -> Unit
): RenderTestResult {
return verifyAction {
val (state, output) = stateAndOutput
block(state, output)
override fun testNextRender(): RenderTester =
override fun testNextRenderWithProps(
newProps: PropsT
): RenderTester {
val (stateAfterRender, _) = stateAndOutput
val newState = if (props != newProps) {
workflow.onPropsChanged(props, newProps, stateAfterRender)
} else {
return RealRenderTester(workflow, newProps, newState)
private fun deepCloneForRender(): BaseRenderContext = RealRenderTester(
// Copy the list of expectations since it's mutable.
expectations = ArrayList(expectations),
// Don't care about consumed expectations.
childWillEmitOutput = childWillEmitOutput,
processedAction = processedAction
private fun checkNoOutputs(newExpectation: Expectation<*>? = null) {
check(!childWillEmitOutput) {
val expectationsWithOutputs = (expectations + listOfNotNull(newExpectation))
.filter { it.output != null }
"Expected only one child to emit an output:\n" +
expectationsWithOutputs.joinToString(separator = "\n") { " $it" }
internal fun createRenderChildInvocation(
workflow: Workflow<*, *, *>,
props: Any?,
renderKey: String
): RenderChildInvocation {
val workflowClass = workflow::class
// Get the KType of the Workflow interface with the type parameters specified by this workflow
// instance.
val workflowInterfaceType = workflowClass.allSupertypes
.single { type ->
(type.classifier as? KClass<*>)
?.let { it.qualifiedName == WORKFLOW_INTERFACE_NAME }
?: false
check(workflowInterfaceType.arguments.size == 3)
val (_, outputType, renderingType) = workflowInterfaceType.arguments
return RenderChildInvocation(workflow, props, outputType, renderingType, renderKey)
* Returns true iff this identifier's [WorkflowIdentifier.getRealIdentifierType] is the same type as
* or a subtype of [expected]'s.
internal fun WorkflowIdentifier.realTypeMatchesExpectation(
expected: WorkflowIdentifier
): Boolean {
val expectedType = expected.getRealIdentifierType()
val actualType = getRealIdentifierType()
return actualType.matchesExpectation(expectedType)
internal fun WorkflowIdentifierType.matchesExpectation(expected: WorkflowIdentifierType): Boolean {
return when {
this is Snapshottable && expected is Snapshottable -> matchesSnapshottable(expected)
this is Unsnapshottable && expected is Unsnapshottable -> expected.kType.isSupertypeOf(kType)
else -> false
private fun Snapshottable.matchesSnapshottable(expected: Snapshottable): Boolean =
kClass?.let { actualKClass ->
expected.kClass?.let { expectedKClass ->
expectedKClass.isSuperclassOf(actualKClass) || actualKClass.isJavaMockOf(expectedKClass)
} == true
* Falls back to using Java reflection to determine subclass relationship.
* Kotlin's [isSuperclassOf] doesn't play nice with Mockito or Mockk:
* `Interface::class.isSuperclassOf(mock()::class)` will return false.
* See and
private fun KClass<*>.isJavaMockOf(type: KClass<*>): Boolean =