com.squareup.workflow1.ui.backstack.BackStackScreen.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.squareup.workflow1.ui.backstack
import com.squareup.workflow1.ui.WorkflowUiExperimentalApi
* Represents an active screen ([top]), and a set of previously visited screens to which we may
* return ([backStack]). By rendering the entire history we allow the UI to do things like maintain
* cached view state, implement drag-back gestures without waiting for the workflow, etc.
* Effectively a list that can never be empty.
* If multiple [BackStackScreen]s are used as sibling renderings within the same parent navigation
* container (either the root activity or another [BackStackScreen]), then the siblings must be
* distinguished by wrapping them in [Named][com.squareup.workflow1.ui.Named] renderings in order to
* correctly support AndroidX `SavedStateRegistry`.
* @param bottom the bottom-most entry in the stack
* @param rest the rest of the stack, empty by default
public class BackStackScreen(
bottom: StackedT,
rest: List
) {
* Creates a screen with elements listed from the [bottom] to the top.
public constructor(
bottom: StackedT,
vararg rest: StackedT
) : this(bottom, rest.toList())
public val frames: List = listOf(bottom) + rest
* The active screen.
public val top: StackedT = frames.last()
* Screens to which we may return.
public val backStack: List = frames.subList(0, frames.size - 1)
public operator fun get(index: Int): StackedT = frames[index]
public operator fun plus(other: BackStackScreen?): BackStackScreen {
return if (other == null) this
else BackStackScreen(frames[0], frames.subList(1, frames.size) + other.frames)
public fun map(transform: (StackedT) -> R): BackStackScreen {
public fun mapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, StackedT) -> R): BackStackScreen {
return frames.mapIndexed(transform)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
return (other as? BackStackScreen<*>)?.frames == frames
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return frames.hashCode()
override fun toString(): String {
return "${}($frames)"
public fun List.toBackStackScreenOrNull(): BackStackScreen? = when {
isEmpty() -> null
else -> toBackStackScreen()
public fun List.toBackStackScreen(): BackStackScreen {
return BackStackScreen(first(), subList(1, size))