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reactor from group com.squeakysand.jsp (version 0.6.0)
Libraries and tools related to Java Server Page (JSP) technology.
Group: com.squeakysand.jsp Artifact: reactor
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squeakysand-jsp-taglib-test-webapp from group com.squeakysand.jsp (version 0.6.0)
Web App for testing the taglib.
Group: com.squeakysand.jsp Artifact: squeakysand-jsp-taglib-test-webapp
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squeakysand-jsp-taglib from group com.squeakysand.jsp (version 0.6.0)
Useful collection of general purpose JSP tags.
jsptld-maven-plugin from group com.squeakysand.jsp (version 0.6.0)
The JSP TLD Maven Plugin is used to automate the management of JSP Tag Library Descriptors as part of a Maven build. It is intended to decrease the
burden on JSP developers associated with writing custom JSP Tag Libraries. The goal is to encourage JSP developers to write better JSP files by using
custom JSP Tag Libraries more extensively.
The Plugin can process Java annotations on Tag implementation classes and also discover Tag Files (.tag and .tagx files).
The Java 5 Annotations recognized by this Plugin are all part of the
<a href="../squeakysand-jsp/apidocs/com/squeakysand/jsp/tagext/annotations/package-summary.html">com.squeakysand.jsp.tagext.annotations</a>
squeakysand-jsp-tldgenerator from group com.squeakysand.jsp (version 0.6.0)
Tool for automating the generation of JSP Custom Tag Library Descriptor (<code>.tld</code>) files.
This is the basic code for doing the generation, you would normally some other code around this code to invoke it meaningfully. For example, see
the <a href="../jsptld-maven-plugin">JSP TLD Maven Plugin</a> page.
dependencies from group com.squeakysand.jsp (version 0.6.0)
Defines versions of libraries used by all of the SqueakySand JSP libraries.
Group: com.squeakysand.jsp Artifact: dependencies
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squeakysand-jsp from group com.squeakysand.jsp (version 0.6.0)
Classes and annotations for working with JSP technologies.
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