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com.sta.cts.hssf.HSSFHandlerXML2XLS Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package com.sta.cts.hssf;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;


import java.util.Hashtable;

import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory;

import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFFont;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.Region;

import com.sta.mlogger.MLogger;

import com.sta.cts.UniTypeConv;


Name: HSSFHandlerXML2XLS


Description: Dient dazu eine XML-Datei in eine XLS-Datei zu konvertieren. *


Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003, 2016, 2017, 2019


Company: >StA-Soft<

* @author StA * @version 1.0 */ public class HSSFHandlerXML2XLS extends DefaultHandler { /** * Output-Stream. */ private FileOutputStream out; /** * Status. */ private int state = 0; /** * Text. */ private String text = null; /** * HSSF-Workbook. */ private HSSFWorkbook wb = null; /** * HSSF-Sheet. */ private HSSFSheet sheet = null; /** * HSSF-Row. */ private HSSFRow myRow = null; /** * HSSF-Cell. */ private HSSFCell myCell = null; /** * Font-Beschreibungen. */ private Hashtable myFontDescs = null; /** * Cell-Style-Beschreibungen. */ private Hashtable myCellStyleDescs = null; /** * Spaltennummer (f?r Spaltenbreite in "sheet"). */ private short myColNr; /** * Zeilennummer. */ private short myRowNr; /** * Zellennummer. */ private short myCellNr; /** * Zeilen-Span. */ private int myRowSpan; /** * Zellen-Span. */ private int myCellSpan; /** * Hash-Tabelle f?r Workbook. */ private Hashtable htWorkbook = new Hashtable(); /** * Hash-Tabelle f?r Sheet. */ private Hashtable htSheet; /** * Hash-Tabelle f?r Zeile. */ private Hashtable htRow; /** * Hash-Tabelle f?r Zelle. */ private Hashtable htCell; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Attribute in Hash-Tabelle ?bertragen (?berschreibend hinzuf?gen). * @param ph Hash-Tabelle oder null * @param a Attribute * @return Hash-Tabelle */ private Hashtable attr2ht(Hashtable ph, Attributes a) { int s; int i; String n; String v; Hashtable h; if (ph == null) { h = new Hashtable(); } else { h = (Hashtable) ph.clone(); } s = a.getLength(); for (i = 0; i < s; i++) { n = a.getQName(i); v = a.getValue(i); h.put(n, v); } return h; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Es wird gepr?ft, ob in einer Hash-Tabelle (ht) unter einem Schl?ssel (key) * ein Wert abgelegt ist. Falls nein, wird ein Standardwert (std) * zur?ckgeliefert. Falls ja, wird der Wert in einem String-Feld (sa) gesucht. * Wurde der Wert gefunden, wird der Index in das Feld zur?ckgegeben, falls * nicht, wird eine Exception mit einer Nachricht (msg) samt dem ermittelten * Wert ausgel?st. * @param ht die Hash-Tabelle, in der unter key ein Wert gesucht wird * @param sa das String-Feld, in dem der Wert gesucht wird * @param key der Schl?ssel f?r ht * @param std der Standardwert, falls unter key kein Wert in ht vorhanden * @param msg die Fehlermeldung, wird nur im Fehlerfall benutzt * @return Index in das String-Feld * @throws SAXException im Fehlerfall */ private short convKey(Hashtable ht, String[] sa, String key, short std, String msg) throws SAXException { String v = (String) ht.get(key); if (v != null) { for (short i = 0; i < sa.length; i++) { if (v.equals(sa[i])) { return i; } } HSSF.err(msg + " (" + v + ")."); } return std; } // std = Standard-Index! /** * Schl?ssel konvertieren. * @param ht Hash-Tabelle * @param sa das String-Feld, in dem der Wert gesucht wird * @param va Werte-Feld * @param key der Schl?ssel f?r ht * @param std der Standardwert, falls unter key kein Wert in ht vorhanden * @param msg die Fehlermeldung, wird nur im Fehlerfall benutzt * @return Index in das String-Feld * @throws SAXException im Fehlerfall */ private short convKey(Hashtable ht, String[] sa, short[] va, String key, short std, String msg) throws SAXException { return va[convKey(ht, sa, key, std, msg)]; } /** * Farbe konvertieren. * @param s Farbe * @return konvertierte Farbe */ private short convColor(String s) { int color = UniTypeConv.convString2Int(s).intValue(); int r = (color >> 16) & 255; int g = (color >> 8) & 255; int b = (color) & 255; int curIndex = 0; int curDelta = 0xffffff; for (int i = 0; i < HSSF.COLORS.length; i++) { short[] c = HSSF.COLORS[i]; int d = Math.abs(c[HSSF.RED] - r) + Math.abs(c[HSSF.GREEN] - g) + Math.abs(c[HSSF.BLUE] - b); if (d <= curDelta) { curDelta = d; curIndex = i; } } return HSSF.COLORS[curIndex][0]; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Option setzen. * @param obj Objekt * @param pMethodName Name der Setter-Methode * @param pParamType Parameter-Typ * @param pParamValue Parameter-Wert * @throws SAXException im Fehlerfall */ private void setOption(Object obj, String pMethodName, Class pParamType, Object pParamValue) throws SAXException { try { Class c = obj.getClass(); Class[] ca = {pParamType}; Method m = c.getMethod("set" + pMethodName, ca); Object[] pa = {pParamValue}; m.invoke(obj, pa); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SAXException(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Boolean-Option setzen. * @param obj Objekt * @param pMethodName Name der Setter-Methode * @param ht Hash-Tabelle * @param pOptionName Optionsname * @throws SAXException im Fehlerfall */ private void setOptionBoolean(Object obj, String pMethodName, Hashtable ht, String pOptionName) throws SAXException { short v = convKey(ht, HSSF.BOOLEANS, pOptionName, (short) -1, "Invalid value for @" + pOptionName); if (v != -1) { setOption(obj, pMethodName, Boolean.TYPE, new Boolean(v != 0)); } } /** * Short-Option setzen. * @param obj Objekt * @param pMethodName Name der Setter-Methode * @param ht Hash-Tabelle * @param pOptionName Optionsname * @throws SAXException im Fehlerfall */ private void setOptionShort(Object obj, String pMethodName, Hashtable ht, String pOptionName) throws SAXException { String s = (String) ht.get(pOptionName); if (s != null) { setOption(obj, pMethodName, Short.TYPE, new Short(UniTypeConv.convString2Int(s).shortValue())); } } /** * Integer-Option setzen. * @param obj Objekt * @param pMethodName Name der Setter-Methode * @param ht Hash-Tabelle * @param pOptionName Optionsname * @throws SAXException im Fehlerfall */ private void setOptionInteger(Object obj, String pMethodName, Hashtable ht, String pOptionName) throws SAXException { String s = (String) ht.get(pOptionName); if (s != null) { setOption(obj, pMethodName, Integer.TYPE, new Integer(UniTypeConv.convString2Int(s).intValue())); } } /** * Float-Option setzen. * @param obj Objekt * @param pMethodName Name der Setter-Methode * @param ht Hash-Tabelle * @param pOptionName Optionsname * @throws SAXException im Fehlerfall */ private void setOptionFloat(Object obj, String pMethodName, Hashtable ht, String pOptionName) throws SAXException { String s = (String) ht.get(pOptionName); if (s != null) { setOption(obj, pMethodName, Float.TYPE, new Float(UniTypeConv.convString2Float(s).floatValue())); } } /** * Double-Option setzen. * @param obj Objekt * @param pMethodName Name der Setter-Methode * @param ht Hash-Tabelle * @param pOptionName Optionsname * @throws SAXException im Fehlerfall */ private void setOptionDouble(Object obj, String pMethodName, Hashtable ht, String pOptionName) throws SAXException { String s = (String) ht.get(pOptionName); if (s != null) { setOption(obj, pMethodName, Double.TYPE, new Double(UniTypeConv.convString2Double(s).doubleValue())); } } /** * String-Option setzen. * @param obj Objekt * @param pMethodName Name der Setter-Methode * @param ht Hash-Tabelle * @param pOptionName Optionsname * @throws SAXException im Fehlerfall */ private void setOptionString(Object obj, String pMethodName, Hashtable ht, String pOptionName) throws SAXException { String s = (String) ht.get(pOptionName); if (s != null) { setOption(obj, pMethodName, String.class, s); } } /** * Farb-Option setzen. * @param obj Objekt * @param pMethodName Name der Setter-Methode * @param ht Hash-Tabelle * @param pOptionName Optionsname * @throws SAXException im Fehlerfall */ private void setOptionColor(Object obj, String pMethodName, Hashtable ht, String pOptionName) throws SAXException { String s = (String) ht.get(pOptionName); if (s != null) { setOption(obj, pMethodName, Short.TYPE, new Short(convColor(s))); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Wert einer Short-Option ermitteln. * @param ht Hash-Tabelle * @param pOptionName Optionsname * @param std Standard-Wert * @return Wert */ private short getOptionShort(Hashtable ht, String pOptionName, short std) // throws SAXException { String s = (String) ht.get(pOptionName); if (s != null) { return UniTypeConv.convString2Int(s).shortValue(); } return std; } /** * Wert einer Integer-Option ermitteln. * @param ht Hash-Tabelle * @param pOptionName Optionsname * @param std Standard-Wert * @return Wert */ private int getOptionInteger(Hashtable ht, String pOptionName, int std) // throws SAXException { String s = (String) ht.get(pOptionName); if (s != null) { return UniTypeConv.convString2Int(s).intValue(); } return std; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Font-Weight konvertieren. * @param fd Font-Desc * @throws SAXException im Fehlerfall */ private void convFontWeight(FontDesc fd) throws SAXException { String s = (String) htCell.get(HSSF.ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT); if (s != null) { fd.setBoldweight(convKey(htCell, HSSF.FONT_WEIGHTS, HSSF.FONT_WEIGHT_VALUES, HSSF.ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT, (short) 0, "Invalid font weight")); } } /** * Font-Style konvertieren. * @param fd Font-Desc * @throws SAXException im Fehlerfall */ private void convFontStyle(FontDesc fd) throws SAXException { String s = (String) htCell.get(HSSF.ATTR_FONT_STYLE); if (s != null) { fd.setItalic(convKey(htCell, HSSF.FONT_STYLES, HSSF.ATTR_FONT_STYLE, (short) 0, "Invalid font style") != 0); } } /** * Text-Deco konvertieren. * @param fd Font-Desc * @throws SAXException im Fehlerfall */ private void convTextDeco(FontDesc fd) throws SAXException { String s = (String) htCell.get(HSSF.ATTR_TEXT_DECO); if (s != null) { fd.setStrikeout(convKey(htCell, HSSF.TEXT_DECOS, HSSF.ATTR_TEXT_DECO, (short) 0, "Invalid text decoration") != 0); } } /** * Underline konvertieren. * @param fd Font-Desc * @throws SAXException im Fehlerfall */ private void convUnderline(FontDesc fd) throws SAXException { String s = (String) htCell.get(HSSF.ATTR_UNDERLINE); if (s != null) { fd.setUnderline(convKey(htCell, HSSF.UNDERLINES, HSSF.UNDERLINE_VALUES, HSSF.ATTR_UNDERLINE, (short) 0, "Invalid underline")); } } /** * Type-Offset konvertieren. * @param fd Font-Desc * @throws SAXException im Fehlerfall */ private void convTypeOffset(FontDesc fd) throws SAXException { String s = (String) htCell.get(HSSF.ATTR_TYPE_OFFSET); if (s != null) { fd.setTypeOffset(convKey(htCell, HSSF.TYPE_OFFSETS, HSSF.ATTR_TYPE_OFFSET, (short) 0, "Invalid type offset")); } } /** * Border konvertieren. * @param key Schl?ssel * @return Border * @throws SAXException im Fehlerfall */ private short convBorder(String key) throws SAXException { return convKey(htCell, HSSF.BORDERS, /* "border" + */ key, HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_NONE, "Invalid border"); } /** * Fill-Pattern konvertieren. * @param csd Cell-Style-Desc * @throws SAXException im Fehlerfall */ private void convFillPattern(CellStyleDesc csd) throws SAXException { String s = (String) htCell.get(HSSF.ATTR_FILL_PATTERN); if (s != null) { csd.setFillPattern(convKey(htCell, HSSF.FILL_PATTERNS, HSSF.ATTR_FILL_PATTERN, (short) 0, "Invalid fill pattern")); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Row-Span ermitteln. * @param ht Hash-Tabelle * @return Row-Span * @throws SAXException im Fehlerfall */ private int getRowSpan(Hashtable ht) throws SAXException { int rowspan = getOptionInteger(ht, HSSF.ATTR_ROW_SPAN, 1); if (rowspan < 1) { HSSF.err("Invalid rowspan value (" + rowspan + ")."); } return rowspan; } /** * Cell-Span ermitteln. * @param ht Hash-Tabelle * @return Cell-Span * @throws SAXException im Fehlerfall */ private int getCellSpan(Hashtable ht) throws SAXException { int cellspan = getOptionInteger(ht, HSSF.ATTR_CELL_SPAN, 1); if (cellspan < 1) { HSSF.err("Invalid cellspan value (" + cellspan + ")."); } return cellspan; } /** * Merged-Regions kopieren. */ private void copyMergedRegions() { try { int cnt = sheet.getNumMergedRegions(); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { Region region = sheet.getMergedRegionAt(i); int za = region.getRowFrom(); int ze = region.getRowTo(); int sa = region.getColumnFrom(); int se = region.getColumnTo(); HSSFCellStyle cs = null; for (int z = za; z <= ze; z++) { HSSFRow row = sheet.getRow((short) z); if (row == null) { row = sheet.createRow((short) z); } for (int s = sa; s <= se; s++) { HSSFCell cell = row.getCell((short) s); if (cell == null) { cell = row.createCell((short) s); } if ((z == za) && (s == sa)) { cs = cell.getCellStyle(); } else { cell.setCellStyle(cs); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void startDocument() throws SAXException { HSSF.println("start..."); // htWorkbook.put("", ""); } @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { switch (state) { case 0: { if (localName.equals(HSSF.TAG_WORKBOOK)) { HSSF.println(" create workbook..."); wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); myFontDescs = new Hashtable(); myCellStyleDescs = new Hashtable(); state = 1; break; } } case 1: { if (localName.equals(HSSF.TAG_SHEET)) { htSheet = attr2ht(htWorkbook, attributes); String name = (String) htSheet.get(HSSF.ATTR_NAME); if (name == null) { HSSF.err("Missing @name (sheet)"); } HSSF.println(" create sheet (" + name + ")..."); sheet = wb.createSheet(name); setOptionBoolean(sheet, "AlternativeExpression", htSheet, HSSF.ATTR_ALTERNATIVE_EXPRESSION); setOptionBoolean(sheet, "AlternativeFormula", htSheet, HSSF.ATTR_ALTERNATIVE_FORMULA); setOptionBoolean(sheet, "Autobreaks", htSheet, HSSF.ATTR_AUTO_BREAKS); setOptionShort(sheet, "DefaultColumnWidth", htSheet, HSSF.ATTR_DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH); setOptionFloat(sheet, "DefaultRowHeightInPoints", htSheet, HSSF.ATTR_DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT); setOptionBoolean(sheet, "Dialog", htSheet, HSSF.ATTR_DIALOG); setOptionBoolean(sheet, "DisplayGuts", htSheet, HSSF.ATTR_DISPLAY_GUTS); setOptionBoolean(sheet, "FitToPage", htSheet, HSSF.ATTR_FIT_TO_PAGE); setOptionBoolean(sheet, "GridsPrinted", htSheet, HSSF.ATTR_GRIDS_PRINTED); setOptionBoolean(sheet, "RowSumsBelow", htSheet, HSSF.ATTR_ROW_SUMS_BELOW); setOptionBoolean(sheet, "RowSumsRight", htSheet, HSSF.ATTR_ROW_SUMS_RIGHT); setOptionBoolean(sheet, "VerticallyCenter", htSheet, HSSF.ATTR_VERTICALLY_CENTER); myRowNr = getOptionShort(htSheet, HSSF.ATTR_EMPTY_ROWS, (short) 0); myColNr = 0; state = 2; break; } } case 2: { if (localName.equals(HSSF.TAG_COLUMN)) { Hashtable htCol = attr2ht(htSheet, attributes); String s; s = (String) htCol.get(HSSF.ATTR_COLUMN_WIDTH); if (s != null) { sheet.setColumnWidth(myColNr, (short) (UniTypeConv.convString2Int(s).intValue() * 256)); } myColNr++; state = 20; break; } if (localName.equals(HSSF.TAG_ROW)) { htRow = attr2ht(htSheet, attributes); // HSSF.println(" create row..."); String s; // rowspan myRowSpan = getRowSpan(htRow); // the row itself myRow = sheet.getRow(myRowNr); if (myRow == null) { myRow = sheet.createRow(myRowNr); } setOptionFloat(myRow, "HeightInPoints", htRow, HSSF.ATTR_ROW_HEIGHT); myRowNr++; myCellNr = getOptionShort(htRow, HSSF.ATTR_EMPTY_CELLS, (short) 0); state = 3; break; } } case 3: { if (localName.equals(HSSF.TAG_CELL)) { htCell = attr2ht(htRow, attributes); // HSSF.println(" create cell..."); CellStyleDesc csd = new CellStyleDesc(); // font: size and (forground) color FontDesc fd = new FontDesc(); String s; setOptionString(fd, "FontName", htCell, HSSF.ATTR_FONT_NAME); setOptionShort(fd, "FontHeightInPoints", htCell, HSSF.ATTR_FONT_SIZE); setOptionColor(fd, "Color", htCell, HSSF.ATTR_COLOR); setOptionShort(fd, "Color", htCell, HSSF.ATTR_COLOR_INDEX); convFontWeight(fd); convFontStyle(fd); convTextDeco(fd); convUnderline(fd); convTypeOffset(fd); // setFont... HSSFFont fx = (HSSFFont) myFontDescs.get(fd); if (fx == null) { fx = wb.createFont(); fd.fillFont(fx); myFontDescs.put(fd, fx); } csd.setFont(fx); // rotation setOptionShort(csd, "Rotation", htCell, HSSF.ATTR_ROTATION); // indent setOptionShort(csd, "Indention", htCell, HSSF.ATTR_INDENT); // fill background color setOptionColor(csd, "FillBackgroundColor", htCell, HSSF.ATTR_FILL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); setOptionColor(csd, "FillForegroundColor", htCell, HSSF.ATTR_FILL_FOREGROUND_COLOR); convFillPattern(csd); // background color s = (String) htCell.get(HSSF.ATTR_BG_COLOR); if (s != null) { setOptionColor(csd, "FillForegroundColor", htCell, HSSF.ATTR_BG_COLOR); csd.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); } // borders csd.setBorderBottom(convBorder(HSSF.ATTR_BORDER_BOTTOM)); csd.setBorderLeft(convBorder(HSSF.ATTR_BORDER_LEFT)); csd.setBorderRight(convBorder(HSSF.ATTR_BORDER_RIGHT)); csd.setBorderTop(convBorder(HSSF.ATTR_BORDER_TOP)); setOptionColor(csd, "BottomBorderColor", htCell, HSSF.ATTR_BORDER_BOTTOM_COLOR); setOptionColor(csd, "LeftBorderColor", htCell, HSSF.ATTR_BORDER_LEFT_COLOR); setOptionColor(csd, "RightBorderColor", htCell, HSSF.ATTR_BORDER_RIGHT_COLOR); setOptionColor(csd, "TopBorderColor", htCell, HSSF.ATTR_BORDER_TOP_COLOR); // alignments csd.setAlignment(convKey(htCell, HSSF.ALIGNMENTS, HSSF.ATTR_ALIGN, HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_GENERAL, "Invalid alignment")); csd.setVerticalAlignment(convKey(htCell, HSSF.VERTICALS, HSSF.ATTR_V_ALIGN, HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_TOP, "Invalid vertical alignment")); setOptionBoolean(csd, "WrapText", htCell, HSSF.ATTR_WRAP); // hidden, locked setOptionBoolean(csd, "Locked", htCell, HSSF.ATTR_LOCKED); setOptionBoolean(csd, "Hidden", htCell, HSSF.ATTR_HIDDEN); // the cell itself myCell = myRow.createCell(myCellNr); // cell type (f?r sp?tere Erweiterungen, sobald Formeln unterst?tzt werden) /* s = (String) htCell.get("cell-type"); if (s != null) { cell.setCellType(convKey(celltypes, "myCell-type", (short) 1, "Invalid myCell type")); } */ // cell style HSSFCellStyle csx = (HSSFCellStyle) myCellStyleDescs.get(csd); if (csx == null) { csx = wb.createCellStyle(); csd.fillCellStyle(csx); myCellStyleDescs.put(csd, csx); } myCell.setCellStyle(csx); myCellNr++; // cellspan myCellSpan = getCellSpan(htCell); int rowspan = getRowSpan(htCell); // kann auch an der Zelle angegeben werden if ((myCellSpan > 1) || (rowspan > 1)) { sheet.addMergedRegion(new Region(myRowNr - 1, (short) (myCellNr - 1), myRowNr + rowspan - 2, (short) (myCellNr + myCellSpan - 2))); } text = ""; state = 4; break; } } default: { HSSF.err("Error: Invalid state (" + state + ") or invalid element (<" + localName + ">)."); } } } @Override public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { String s = new String(ch, start, length); switch (state) { case 4: { text = text + s; break; } default: { if (!s.trim().equals("")) { HSSF.err("Error: Invalid state (" + state + ") or invalid text position (" + s + ")."); } } } } @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { switch (state) { case 4: { if (localName.equals(HSSF.TAG_CELL)) { String s = text.trim(); String ct = (String) htCell.get(HSSF.ATTR_CELL_TYPE); if (ct != null) { if (ct.equalsIgnoreCase("String")) { myCell.setCellValue(s); } else if (ct.equalsIgnoreCase("Int") || ct.equalsIgnoreCase("Integer")) { myCell.setCellValue(UniTypeConv.convString2Int(s).intValue()); } else if (ct.equalsIgnoreCase("Real") || ct.equalsIgnoreCase("Double") || ct.equalsIgnoreCase("Numeric")) { myCell.setCellValue(UniTypeConv.convString2Double(s).doubleValue()); } else if (ct.equalsIgnoreCase("Date")) { myCell.setCellValue(UniTypeConv.convString2Date(s, null)); } else if (ct.equalsIgnoreCase("Time")) { myCell.setCellValue(UniTypeConv.convString2Time(s, null)); } else if (ct.equalsIgnoreCase("DateTime")) { myCell.setCellValue(UniTypeConv.convString2DateTime(s, null)); } else if (ct.equalsIgnoreCase("Boolean") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("Bool")) { myCell.setCellValue(UniTypeConv.convString2Bool(s).booleanValue()); } else { myCell.setCellValue(s); } } else { myCell.setCellValue(s); } // HSSF.println(" text = " + tt); // HSSF.println(" close cell."); // cellspan // int rowspan = getRowSpan(htCell); // if ((cellspan > 1) || (rowspan > 1)) if (myCellSpan > 1) { // F?r ?berspannte Zellen wird normalerweise kein createCell(...) ben?tigt. // Bei Einsatz von addMergedRegion schadet es aber auch nicht. /* HSSFCellStyle cs = cell.getCellStyle(); for (int i = 1; i < cellspan; i++) { cell = row.createCell((short) (myCellNr + i - 1)); cell.setCellStyle(cs); } for (int j = 1; j < rowspan; j++) { HSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(myRowNr + j - 1); if (row == null) { row = sheet.createRow((short) (myRowNr + j - 1)); } for (int i = 0; i < cellspan; i++) { cell = row.createCell((short) (myCellNr + i - 1)); cell.setCellStyle(cs); } } */ myCellNr += myCellSpan - 1; } text = null; state = 3; break; } } case 3: { if (localName.equals(HSSF.TAG_ROW)) { // HSSF.println(" close row."); // rowspan if (myRowSpan > 1) { // F?r ?berspannte Zeilen wird kein createRow(...) ben?tigt. myRowNr += myRowSpan - 1; } state = 2; break; } } case 20: { if (localName.equals(HSSF.TAG_COLUMN)) { state = 2; break; } } case 2: { if (localName.equals(HSSF.TAG_SHEET)) { HSSF.println(" close sheet."); // copy merged regions copyMergedRegions(); state = 1; break; } } case 1: { if (localName.equals(HSSF.TAG_WORKBOOK)) { HSSF.println(" close workbook."); HSSF.println("Fonts = " + wb.getNumberOfFonts()); HSSF.println("CellStyles = " + wb.getNumCellStyles()); state = 0; break; } } default: { HSSF.err("Error: Invalid state (" + state + ") or invalid element ()."); } } } @Override public void endDocument() throws SAXException { try { wb.write(out); } catch (IOException e) { HSSF.err(e.getMessage()); } HSSF.println("end..."); } //=========================================================================== /** * Zentraler Einstiegspunkt. * @param pSrcFileName Quelldateiname * @param pDstFileName Zieldateiname */ public static void main(String pSrcFileName, String pDstFileName) { try { XMLReader parser = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser"); HSSFHandlerXML2XLS aHSSFHandlerInstance = new HSSFHandlerXML2XLS(); aHSSFHandlerInstance.out = new FileOutputStream(pDstFileName); parser.setContentHandler(aHSSFHandlerInstance); parser.parse(pSrcFileName); aHSSFHandlerInstance.out.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { MLogger.err("", ioe); } catch (SAXException saxe) { MLogger.err("", saxe); } } }

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