Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This file was distributed by Oracle as part of a version of Oracle Berkeley
* DB Java Edition made available at:
* Please see the LICENSE file included in the top-level directory of the
* appropriate version of Oracle Berkeley DB Java Edition for a copy of the
* license and additional information.
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* Specifies the attributes of a verification operation.
public class VerifyConfig implements Cloneable {
* For internal use, to allow null as a valid value for the config
* parameter.
public static final VerifyConfig DEFAULT = new VerifyConfig();
private boolean propagateExceptions = false;
private boolean aggressive = false;
private boolean printInfo = false;
private PrintStream showProgressStream = null;
private int showProgressInterval = 0;
private boolean verifySecondaries = true;
private boolean verifyDataRecords = false;
private boolean verifyObsoleteRecords = false;
private boolean repairReservedFiles = false;
private int batchSize = 1000;
private int batchDelayMs = 10;
* An instance created using the default constructor is initialized with
* the system's default settings.
public VerifyConfig() {
* @hidden
* Specifies whether the verifier repairs (reactivates) reserved files
* when they contain actively referenced records.
* Used to correct corruption resulting from certain bugs that cause
* incorrect cleaning. This type of repair applies only when there is a
* known bug that prevented LN migration, and it has been fixed.
* Setting this param to true to true currently disables other types
* of verification, regardless of other config param settings. This is a
* temporary restriction and is due to the fact that all verification
* errors currently cause the verification to stop, which would stop the
* repair. When multiple verification errors are returned by the verifier
* in a future release, the exclusivity will be removed.
* The cost and impact on other operations is minimal. The record is
* read locked for only a short duration and the more expensive checks
* are performed without holding the record lock.
* An INFO-level "Reactivated reserved file" message is logged for
* each reactivated file.
* The following WARNING-level message is logged when the extinction
* filter returns MAYBE_EXTINCT and a reserved file cannot be repaired:
* "Extinction status is MAYBE_EXTINCT. Did not repair one or more
* reserved files."
* The following WARNING-level message is logged when a lock timeout
* occurs and the verifier cannot check whether the record is in a
* reserved file: "Unable to lock record during repair of reserved
* files".
public VerifyConfig setRepairReservedFiles(boolean repair) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setRepairReservedFilesVoid(boolean repair) {
repairReservedFiles = repair;
* @hidden
* Returns whether the verifier repairs (reactivates) reserved files
* when they contain actively referenced records.
public boolean getRepairReservedFiles() {
return repairReservedFiles;
* Configures {@link
* Environment.verify} and {@link
* Database.verify} to propagate exceptions found during verification.
* By default this is false and exception information is printed to
* System.out for notification but does not stop the verification activity,
* which continues on for as long as possible.
* Note: Currently this method has no effect.
* @param propagate If set to true, configure {@link
* Environment.verify} and {@link
* Database.verify} to propagate
* exceptions found during verification.
* @return this
public VerifyConfig setPropagateExceptions(boolean propagate) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setPropagateExceptionsVoid(boolean propagate) {
propagateExceptions = propagate;
* Returns true if the {@link
* Environment.verify} and {@link
* Database.verify} are configured to propagate exceptions found during
* verification.
* This method may be called at any time during the life of the
* application.
* @return true if the {@link
* Environment.verify} and {@link
* Database.verify} are configured to propagate exceptions found during
* verification.
public boolean getPropagateExceptions() {
return propagateExceptions;
* Configures {@link
* Environment.verify} and {@link
* Database.verify} to perform fine granularity consistency checking that
* includes verifying in memory constructs.
* This level of checking should only be performed while the database
* environment is quiescent.
* By default this is false.
* Note: Currently, enabling aggressive verification has no additional
* effect.
* @param aggressive If set to true, configure {@link
* Environment.verify} and {@link
* Database.verify} to perform fine
* granularity consistency checking that includes verifying in memory
* constructs.
* @return this
public VerifyConfig setAggressive(boolean aggressive) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setAggressiveVoid(boolean aggressive) {
this.aggressive = aggressive;
* Returns true if the {@link
* Environment.verify} and {@link
* Database.verify} are configured to perform fine granularity consistency
* checking that includes verifying in memory constructs.
* This method may be called at any time during the life of the
* application.
* @return true if the {@link
* Environment.verify} and {@link
* Database.verify} are configured to perform fine granularity consistency
* checking that includes verifying in memory constructs.
public boolean getAggressive() {
return aggressive;
* Configures {@link
* Environment.verify} and {@link
* Database.verify} to print basic verification information.
* Information is printed to the {@link #getShowProgressStream()} if it
* is non-null, and otherwise to System.err.
* By default this is false.
* @param printInfo If set to true, configure {@link
* Environment.verify} and {@link
* Database.verify} to print basic
* verification information.
* @return this
public VerifyConfig setPrintInfo(boolean printInfo) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setPrintInfoVoid(boolean printInfo) {
this.printInfo = printInfo;
* Returns true if the {@link
* Environment.verify} and {@link
* Database.verify} are configured to print basic verification information.
* This method may be called at any time during the life of the
* application.
* @return true if the {@link
* Environment.verify} and {@link
* Database.verify} are configured to print basic verification information.
public boolean getPrintInfo() {
return printInfo;
* Configures the verify operation to display progress to the PrintStream
* argument. The accumulated statistics will be displayed every N records,
* where N is the value of showProgressInterval.
* @return this
public VerifyConfig setShowProgressStream(PrintStream showProgressStream) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setShowProgressStreamVoid(PrintStream showProgressStream) {
this.showProgressStream = showProgressStream;
* Returns the PrintStream on which the progress messages will be displayed
* during long running verify operations.
public PrintStream getShowProgressStream() {
return showProgressStream;
* When the verify operation is configured to display progress the
* showProgressInterval is the number of LNs between each progress report.
* @return this
public VerifyConfig setShowProgressInterval(int showProgressInterval) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setShowProgressIntervalVoid(int showProgressInterval) {
this.showProgressInterval = showProgressInterval;
* Returns the showProgressInterval value, if set.
public int getShowProgressInterval() {
return showProgressInterval;
* Configures verification to verify secondary database integrity. This is
* equivalent to verifying secondaries in the background Btree verifier,
* when {@link EnvironmentConfig#VERIFY_SECONDARIES} is set to true.
* By default this is true.
* @return this
public VerifyConfig setVerifySecondaries(boolean verifySecondaries) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setVerifySecondariesVoid(boolean verifySecondaries) {
this.verifySecondaries = verifySecondaries;
* Returns the verifySecondaries value.
public boolean getVerifySecondaries() {
return verifySecondaries;
* Configures verification to read and verify the leaf node (LN) of a
* primary data record. This is equivalent to verifying data records in the
* background Btree verifier, when
* {@link EnvironmentConfig#VERIFY_DATA_RECORDS} is set to true.
* By default this is false.
* @return this
public VerifyConfig setVerifyDataRecords(boolean verifyDataRecords) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setVerifyDataRecordsVoid(boolean verifyDataRecords) {
this.verifyDataRecords = verifyDataRecords;
* Returns the verifyDataRecords value.
public boolean getVerifyDataRecords() {
return verifyDataRecords;
* Configures verification to verify the obsolete record metadata. This is
* equivalent to verifying obsolete metadata in the background Btree
* verifier, when {@link EnvironmentConfig#VERIFY_OBSOLETE_RECORDS} is set
* to true.
* By default this is false.
* @return this
public VerifyConfig setVerifyObsoleteRecords(
boolean verifyObsoleteRecords) {
return this;
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setVerifyObsoleteRecordsVoid(boolean verifyObsoleteRecords) {
this.verifyObsoleteRecords = verifyObsoleteRecords;
* Returns the verifyObsoleteRecords value.
public boolean getVerifyObsoleteRecords() {
return verifyObsoleteRecords;
* Configures the number of records verified per batch. In order to give
* database remove/truncate the opportunity to execute, records are
* verified in batches and there is a {@link #setBatchDelay delay}
* between batches.
* By default the batch size is 1000.
* Note that when using the {@link EnvironmentConfig#ENV_RUN_VERIFIER
* background data verifier}, the batch size is
* {@link EnvironmentConfig#VERIFY_BTREE_BATCH_SIZE}.
* @return this
public VerifyConfig setBatchSize(int batchSize) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setBatchSizeVoid(int batchSize) {
this.batchSize = batchSize;
* Returns the batchSize value.
public int getBatchSize() {
return batchSize;
* Configures the delay between batches. In order to give database
* remove/truncate the opportunity to execute, records are verified in
* {@link #setBatchSize batches} and there is a delay between batches.
* By default the batch delay is 10 ms.
* Note that when using the {@link EnvironmentConfig#ENV_RUN_VERIFIER
* background data verifier}, the batch delay is
* {@link EnvironmentConfig#VERIFY_BTREE_BATCH_DELAY}.
* @param delay the delay between batches.
* @param unit the {@code TimeUnit} of the delay value. May be
* null only if delay is zero.
* @return this
public VerifyConfig setBatchDelay(long delay, TimeUnit unit) {
setBatchDelayVoid(delay, unit);
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setBatchDelayVoid(long delayDuration, TimeUnit unit) {
batchDelayMs = PropUtil.durationToMillis(delayDuration, unit);
* Returns the batch delay.
* @param unit the {@code TimeUnit} of the returned value. May not be null.
public long getBatchDelay(TimeUnit unit) {
return PropUtil.millisToDuration(batchDelayMs, unit);
* Returns a copy of this configuration object.
public VerifyConfig clone() {
try {
return (VerifyConfig) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException willNeverOccur) {
return null;
* Returns the values for each configuration attribute.
* @return the values for each configuration attribute.
public String toString() {
// TODO: add new properties here.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
return sb.toString();