Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This file was distributed by Oracle as part of a version of Oracle Berkeley
* DB Java Edition made available at:
* Please see the LICENSE file included in the top-level directory of the
* appropriate version of Oracle Berkeley DB Java Edition for a copy of the
* license and additional information.
import static;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* Object to sync-up the Feeder and Subscriber to establish the VLSN from
* which subscriber should should start stream log entries from feeder.
public class SubscriberFeederSyncup {
private final static int MIN_VER_PART_GEN_DB = VERSION_8;
private final Logger logger;
private final RepImpl repImpl;
private final NamedChannel namedChannel;
private final Protocol protocol;
private final FeederFilter filter;
private final EntryRequestType type;
/* partition gen db name */
private final String partGenDBName;
/* partition gen db id */
private DatabaseId partGenDBId;
public SubscriberFeederSyncup(NamedChannel namedChannel,
Protocol protocol,
FeederFilter filter,
RepImpl repImpl,
EntryRequestType type,
String partGenDBName,
Logger logger) {
this.namedChannel = namedChannel;
this.protocol = protocol;
this.filter = filter;
this.repImpl = repImpl;
this.type = type;
this.partGenDBName = partGenDBName;
this.logger = logger;
partGenDBId = null;
* Execute sync-up to the Feeder. Request Feeder to start a replication
* stream from a start VLSN, if it is available. Otherwise return NULL
* VLSN to subscriber.
* @param reqVLSN VLSN requested by subscriber to stream log entries
* @return start VLSN from subscribe can stream log entries
* @throws InternalException if fail to execute syncup
public VLSN execute(VLSN reqVLSN) throws InternalException {
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();, repImpl,
"Subscriber-Feeder " + namedChannel.getNameIdPair() +
" syncup started.");
try {
/* query the start VLSN from feeder */
final VLSN startVLSN = getStartVLSNFromFeeder(reqVLSN);
/* if part gen db name, query partition gen db id from feeder */
if (partGenDBName != null && !partGenDBName.isEmpty()) {
partGenDBId = getPartGenDBIdFromFeeder();
if (!startVLSN.equals(VLSN.NULL_VLSN)) {, repImpl,
"Response from feeder " +
namedChannel.getNameIdPair() +
": the start VLSN " + startVLSN +
", the requested VLSN " + reqVLSN +
", send startStream request with filter.");
/* start streaming from feeder if valid start VLSN */
protocol.write( StartStream(startVLSN, filter),
} else {, repImpl,
"Unable to stream from Feeder " +
namedChannel.getNameIdPair() +
" from requested VLSN " + reqVLSN);
return startVLSN;
} catch (IllegalStateException | IOException e) {
throw new InternalException(e.getMessage());
} finally {, repImpl,
String.format("Subscriber to feeder " +
namedChannel.getNameIdPair() +
" sync-up done, elapsed time: %,dms",
System.currentTimeMillis() -
* Returns Partition Generation DB Id
* @return partition generation db id, null if not initialized
public DatabaseId getPartGenDBId() {
return partGenDBId;
* Request a start VLSN from feeder. The feeder will return a valid
* start VLSN, which can be equal to or earlier than the request VLSN,
* or null if feeder is unable to service the requested VLSN.
* @param requestVLSN start VLSN requested by subscriber
* @return VLSN a valid start VLSN from feeder, or null if it unavailable
* at the feeder
* @throws IOException if unable to read message from channel
* @throws IllegalStateException if the feeder sends an unexpected message
private VLSN getStartVLSNFromFeeder(VLSN requestVLSN)
throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
LoggerUtils.fine(logger, repImpl,
"Subscriber send requested VLSN " + requestVLSN +
" to feeder " + namedChannel.getNameIdPair());
/* ask the feeder for the requested VLSN. */
protocol.write( EntryRequest(requestVLSN, type),
* Expect the feeder to return one of following if type is
* EntryRequestType.DEFAULT:
* a) not_found if the requested VLSN is too low
* b) the requested VLSN if the requested VLSN is found
* c) the alt match VLSN if the requested VLSN is too high
* If type is EntryRequestType.AVAILABLE:
* a) the lowest available VLSN if the requested VLSN is too low
* b) the requested VLSN if the requested VLSN is found
* c) the highest available VLSN if the request VLSN is too high
* If type is EntryRequestType.NOW:
* a) always returns highest available VLSN
final Message message =;
final VLSN vlsn;
if (message instanceof Entry) {
vlsn = ((Entry) message).getWireRecord().getVLSN();
/* must be exact match for the default type */
if (type.equals(EntryRequestType.DEFAULT)) {
assert (vlsn.equals(requestVLSN));
/* dump traces */
if (vlsn.equals(requestVLSN)) {
LoggerUtils.finest(logger, repImpl,
"Subscriber successfully requested VLSN " +
requestVLSN + " from feeder " +
namedChannel.getNameIdPair() +
", request type: " + type);
if (vlsn.compareTo(requestVLSN) < 0) {
LoggerUtils.finest(logger, repImpl,
"Requested VLSN " + requestVLSN +
" is not available from feeder " +
namedChannel.getNameIdPair() +
" instead, start stream from a lowest " +
"available VLSN " + vlsn +
", request type: " + type);
if (vlsn.compareTo(requestVLSN) > 0) {
if (type.equals(EntryRequestType.NOW)) {
LoggerUtils.finest(logger, repImpl,
"Stream from highest available vlsn " +
"from feeder " +
namedChannel.getNameIdPair() + ":" +
vlsn + ", request type: " + type);
} else {
LoggerUtils.finest(logger, repImpl,
"Requested VLSN " + requestVLSN +
" is not available from feeder " +
namedChannel.getNameIdPair() +
" instead, start stream from a highest" +
" available VLSN " + vlsn +
", request type: " + type);
} else if (message instanceof AlternateMatchpoint) {
/* now and available type should not see alter match point */
if (type.equals(EntryRequestType.NOW) ||
type.equals(EntryRequestType.AVAILABLE)) {
String msg = "Receive unexpected response " + message +
"from feeder " + namedChannel.getNameIdPair() +
", request type: " + type;
LoggerUtils.warning(logger, repImpl, msg);
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
vlsn = ((AlternateMatchpoint) message).getAlternateWireRecord()
/* must be an earlier VLSN */
assert (vlsn.compareTo(requestVLSN) < 0);
LoggerUtils.finest(logger, repImpl,
"Feeder " + namedChannel.getNameIdPair() +
" returns a valid start VLSN" + vlsn +
" but earlier than requested one " +
requestVLSN + ", request type: " + type);
} else if (message instanceof EntryNotFound) {
/* now and available type should not see not found */
if (type.equals(EntryRequestType.NOW) ||
type.equals(EntryRequestType.AVAILABLE)) {
* even for a brand new environment, the VLSN range at feeder
* is not empty so we should not see entry not found
String msg = "Receive unexpected response " + message +
"from feeder " + namedChannel.getNameIdPair() +
", request type: " + type;
LoggerUtils.warning(logger, repImpl, msg);
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
LoggerUtils.finest(logger, repImpl,
"Feeder " + namedChannel.getNameIdPair() +
" is unable to service the request vlsn " +
requestVLSN + ", request type: " + type);
} else {
/* unexpected response from feeder */
String msg = "Receive unexpected response " + message +
"from feeder " + namedChannel.getNameIdPair() +
", request type: " + type;
LoggerUtils.warning(logger, repImpl, msg);
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
return vlsn;
* Requests the partition generation db id from feeder
* @return the partition generation db id
* @throws IOException if unable to read from channel
* @throws IllegalStateException if receives unexpected response
private DatabaseId getPartGenDBIdFromFeeder()
throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
if(protocol.getVersion() < MIN_VER_PART_GEN_DB) {, repImpl,
"Client provides part gen db name while the " +
"server protocol (ver " + protocol.getVersion() +
") is not upgraded to support it, min ver to " +
"support partition generation " +
MIN_VER_PART_GEN_DB + ", ignore.");
return null;
LoggerUtils.fine(logger, repImpl,
"Subscriber sends request for partition generation " +
"db id for " + partGenDBName +
" to feeder " + namedChannel.getNameIdPair());
/* ask the feeder for the db id. */
protocol.write( DBIdRequest(partGenDBName), namedChannel);
* Since we have already passed the protocol negotiation, the feeder
* shall support this protocol version and returns valid db id
final Message message =;
final DatabaseId id;
if (message instanceof Protocol.DBIdResponse) {
id = ((Protocol.DBIdResponse)message).getDbId();
LoggerUtils.fine(logger, repImpl,
"Subscriber successfully requested partition " +
"generation db id " + id + " from feeder " +
} else {
/* unexpected response from feeder */
String msg = "Receive unexpected response " + message +
"from feeder " + namedChannel.getNameIdPair() +
", request type: " + type;
LoggerUtils.warning(logger, repImpl, msg);
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
return id;