Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This file was distributed by Oracle as part of a version of Oracle Berkeley
* DB Java Edition made available at:
* Please see the LICENSE file included in the top-level directory of the
* appropriate version of Oracle Berkeley DB Java Edition for a copy of the
* license and additional information.
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import com.sleepycat.util.RuntimeExceptionWrapper;
* Estimates the in-memory cache size needed to hold a specified data set.
* To get an estimate of the in-memory footprint for a given database,
* specify the number of records and database characteristics and DbCacheSize
* will return an estimate of the cache size required for holding the
* database in memory. Based on this information a JE main cache size can be
* chosen and then configured using {@link EnvironmentConfig#setCacheSize} or
* using the {@link EnvironmentConfig#MAX_MEMORY} property. An off-heap cache
* may also be optionally configured using {@link
* EnvironmentConfig#setOffHeapCacheSize} or using the {@link
* EnvironmentConfig#MAX_OFF_HEAP_MEMORY} property.
* Importance of the JE Cache
* The JE cache is not an optional cache. It is used to hold the metadata for
* accessing JE data. In fact the JE cache size is probably the most critical
* factor to JE performance, since Btree nodes will have to be fetched during a
* database read or write operation if they are not in cache. During a single
* read or write operation, at each level of the Btree that a fetch is
* necessary, an IO may be necessary at a different disk location for each
* fetch. In addition, if internal nodes (INs) are not in cache, then write
* operations will cause additional copies of the INs to be written to storage,
* as modified INs are moved out of the cache to make room for other parts of
* the Btree during subsequent operations. This additional fetching and
* writing means that sizing the cache too small to hold the INs will result in
* lower operation performance.
* For best performance, all Btree nodes should fit in the JE cache, including
* leaf nodes (LNs), which hold the record data, and INs, which hold record
* keys and other metadata. However, because system memory is limited, it is
* sometimes necessary to size the cache to hold all or at least most INs, but
* not the LNs. This utility estimates the size necessary to hold only INs,
* and the size to hold INs and LNs.
* In addition, a common problem with large caches is that Java GC overhead
* can become significant. When a Btree node is evicted from the JE main
* cache based on JE's LRU algorithm, typically the node will have been
* resident in the JVM heap for an extended period of time, and will be
* expensive to GC. Therefore, when most or all LNs do not fit in
* the main cache, using {@link CacheMode#EVICT_LN} can be beneficial to
* reduce the Java GC cost of collecting the LNs as they are moved out of the
* main cache. With EVICT_LN, the LNs only reside in the JVM heap for a short
* period and are cheap to collect. A recommended approach is to size the JE
* main cache to hold only INs, and size the Java heap to hold that amount plus
* the amount needed for GC working space and application objects, leaving
* any additional memory for use by the file system cache or the off-heap
* cache. Tests show this approach results in lower GC overhead and more
* predictable latency.
* Another issue is that 64-bit JVMs store object references using less space
* when the heap size is slightly less than 32GiB. When the heap size is 32GiB
* or more, object references are larger and less data can be cached per GiB of
* memory. This JVM feature is enabled with the
* Compressed Oops
* (-XX:+UseCompressedOops
) option, although in modern JVMs it is
* on by default. Because of this factor, and because Java GC overhead is
* usually higher with larger heaps, a maximum heap size slightly less than
* 32GiB is recommended, along with Compressed Oops option.
* Of course, the JE main cache size must be less than the heap size since the
* main cache is stored in the heap. In fact, around 30% of free space should
* normally be reserved in the heap for use by Java GC, to avoid high GC
* overheads. For example, if the application uses roughly 2GiB of the heap,
* then with a 32GiB heap the JE main cache should normally be no more than
* 20GiB.
* As of JE 6.4, an optional off-heap cache may be configured in addition to
* the main JE cache. See {@link EnvironmentConfig#setOffHeapCacheSize} for
* information about the trade-offs in using an off-heap cache. When the
* {@code -offheap} argument is specified, this utility displays sizing
* information for both the main and off-heap caches. The portion of the data
* set that fits in the main cache, and the off-heap size needed to hold the
* rest of the data set, will be shown. The main cache size can be specified
* with the {@code -maincache} argument, or is implied to be the amount needed
* to hold all internal nodes if this argument is omitted. Omitting this
* argument is appropriate when {@link CacheMode#EVICT_LN} is used, since only
* internal nodes will be stored in the main cache.
* To reduce Java GC overhead, sometimes a small main cache is used along
* with an off-heap cache. Note that it is important that the size the main
* cache is at least large enough to hold all the upper INs (the INs at level
* 2 and above). This is because the off-heap cache does not contain upper
* INs, it only contains LNs and bottom internal nodes (BINs). When a level 2
* IN is evicted from the main cache, its children (BINs and LNs) in the
* off-heap cache, if any, must also be evicted, which can be undesirable,
* especially if the off-heap cache is not full. This utility displays the
* main cache size needed to hold all upper INs, and displays a warning if
* this is smaller than the main cache size specified.
Estimating the JE Cache Size
* Estimating JE in-memory sizes is not straightforward for several reasons.
* There is some fixed overhead for each Btree internal node, so fanout
* (maximum number of child entries per parent node) and degree of node
* sparseness impacts memory consumption. In addition, JE uses various compact
* in-memory representations that depend on key sizes, data sizes, key
* prefixing, how many child nodes are resident, etc. The physical proximity
* of node children also allows compaction of child physical address values.
* Therefore, when running this utility it is important to specify all {@link
* EnvironmentConfig} and {@link DatabaseConfig} settings that will be used in
* a production system. The {@link EnvironmentConfig} settings are specified
* by command line options for each property, using the same names as the
* {@link EnvironmentConfig} parameter name values. For example, {@link
* EnvironmentConfig#LOG_FILE_MAX}, which influences the amount of memory used
* to store physical record addresses, can be specified on the command line as:
* {@code -je.log.fileMax LENGTH}
* To be sure that this utility takes into account all relevant settings,
* especially as the utility is enhanced in future versions, it is best to
* specify all {@link EnvironmentConfig} settings used by the application.
* The {@link DatabaseConfig} settings are specified using command line options
* defined by this utility.
* - {@code -nodemax ENTRIES} corresponds to {@link
* DatabaseConfig#setNodeMaxEntries}.
* - {@code -duplicates} corresponds to passing true to {@link
* DatabaseConfig#setSortedDuplicates}. Note that duplicates are configured
* for DPL MANY_TO_ONE and MANY_TO_MANY secondary indices.
* - {@code -keyprefix LENGTH} corresponds to passing true {@link
* DatabaseConfig#setKeyPrefixing}. Note that key prefixing is always used
* when duplicates are configured.
* This utility estimates the JE cache size by creating an in-memory
* Environment and Database. In addition to the size of the Database, the
* minimum overhead for the Environment is output. The Environment overhead
* shown is likely to be smaller than actually needed because it doesn't take
* into account use of memory by JE daemon threads (cleaner, checkpointer, etc)
* the memory used for locks that are held by application operations and
* transactions, the memory for HA network connections, etc. An additional
* amount should be added to account for these factors.
* This utility estimates the cache size for a single JE Database, or a logical
* table spread across multiple databases (as in the case of Oracle NoSQL DB,
* for example). To estimate the size for multiple databases/tables with
* different configuration parameters or different key and data sizes, run
* this utility for each database/table and sum the sizes. If you are summing
* multiple runs for multiple databases/tables that are opened in a single
* Environment, the overhead size for the Environment should only be added once.
* In some applications with databases/tables having variable key and data
* sizes, it may be difficult to determine the key and data size input
* parameters for this utility. If a representative data set can be created,
* one approach is to use the {@link DbPrintLog} utility with the {@code -S}
* option to find the average key and data size for all databases/tables, and
* use these values as input parameters, as if there were only a single
* database/tables. With this approach, it is important that the {@code
* DatabaseConfig} parameters are the same, or at least similar, for all
* databases/tables.
Key Prefixing and Compaction
* Key prefixing deserves special consideration. It can significantly reduce
* the size of the cache and is generally recommended; however, the benefit can
* be difficult to predict. Key prefixing, in turn, impacts the benefits of
* key compaction, and the use of the {@link
* EnvironmentConfig#TREE_COMPACT_MAX_KEY_LENGTH} parameter.
* For a given data set, the impact of key prefixing is determined by how many
* leading bytes are in common for the keys in a single bottom internal node
* (BIN). For example, if keys are assigned sequentially as long (8 byte)
* integers, and the {@link DatabaseConfig#setNodeMaxEntries maximum entries
* per node} is 128 (the default value) then 6 or 7 of the 8 bytes of the key
* will have a common prefix in each BIN. Of course, when records are deleted,
* the number of prefixed bytes may be reduced because the range of key values
* in a BIN will be larger. For this example we will assume that, on average,
* 5 bytes in each BIN are a common prefix leaving 3 bytes per key that are
* unprefixed.
* Also note that key compaction on the unprefixed keys is applied when the
* number of unprefixed bytes is less than a configured value. See
* {@link EnvironmentConfig#TREE_COMPACT_MAX_KEY_LENGTH}.
* Because key prefixing depends so much on the application key format and the
* way keys are assigned, the number of expected prefix bytes must be estimated
* by the user and specified to DbCacheSize using the {@code -keyprefix}
* argument.
Key Prefixing and Duplicates
* When {@link DatabaseConfig#setSortedDuplicates duplicates} are configured
* for a Database (including DPL MANY_TO_ONE and MANY_TO_MANY secondary
* indices), key prefixing is always used. This is because the internal key in
* a duplicates database BIN is formed by concatenating the user-specified key
* and data. In secondary databases with duplicates configured, the data is
* the primary key, so the internal key is the concatenation of the secondary
* key and the primary key.
* Key prefixing is always used for duplicates databases because prefixing is
* necessary to store keys efficiently. When the number of duplicates per
* unique user-specified key is more than the number of entries per BIN, the
* entire user-specified key will be the common prefix.
* For example, a database that stores user information may use email address
* as the primary key and zip code as a secondary key. The secondary index
* database will be a duplicates database, and the internal key stored in the
* BINs will be a two part key containing zip code followed by email address.
* If on average there are more users per zip code than the number of entries
* in a BIN, then the key prefix will normally be at least as long as the zip
* code key. If there are less (more than one zip code appears in each BIN),
* then the prefix will be shorter than the zip code key.
* It is also possible for the key prefix to be larger than the secondary key.
* If for one secondary key value (one zip code) there are a large number of
* primary keys (email addresses), then a single BIN may contain concatenated
* keys that all have the same secondary key (same zip code) and have primary
* keys (email addresses) that all have some number of prefix bytes in common.
* Therefore, when duplicates are specified it is possible to specify a prefix
* size that is larger than the key size.
Small Data Sizes and Embedded LNs
* Another special data representation involves small data sizes. When the
* data size of a record is less than or equal to {@link
* EnvironmentConfig#TREE_MAX_EMBEDDED_LN} (16 bytes, by default), the data
* is stored (embedded) in the BIN, and the LN is not stored in cache at all.
* This increases the size needed to hold all INs in cache, but it decreases
* the size needed to hold the complete data set. If the data size specified
* when running this utility is less than or equal to TREE_MAX_EMBEDDED_LN,
* the size displayed for holding INs only will be the same as the size
* displayed for holdings INs and LNs.
* See {@link EnvironmentConfig#TREE_MAX_EMBEDDED_LN} for information about
* the trade-offs in using the embedded LNs feature.
Record Versions and Oracle NoSQL Database
* This note applies only to when JE is used with Oracle NoSQL DB. In Oracle
* NoSQL DB, an internal JE environment configuration parameter is always
* used: {@code -je.rep.preserveRecordVersion true}. This allows using record
* versions in operations such as "put if version", "delete if version", etc.
* This feature performs best when the cache is sized large enough to hold the
* record versions.
* When using JE with Oracle NoSQL DB, always add {@code
* -je.rep.preserveRecordVersion true} to the command line. This ensures that
* the cache sizes calculated are correct, and also outputs an additional line
* showing how much memory is required to hold the internal nodes and record
* versions (but not the leaf nodes). This is the minimum recommended size
* when the "... if version" operations are used.
Running the DbCacheSize utility
* Usage:
* java { |
* -jar je-<version>.jar DbCacheSize }
* -records COUNT
* # Total records (key/data pairs); required
* -key BYTES
* # Average key bytes per record; required
* [-data BYTES]
* # Average data bytes per record; if omitted no leaf
* # node sizes are included in the output; required with
* # -duplicates, and specifies the primary key length
* [-offheap]
* # Indicates that an off-heap cache will be used.
* [-maincache BYTES]
* # The size of the main cache (in the JVM heap).
* # The size of the off-heap cache displayed is the
* # additional amount needed to hold the data set.
* # If omitted, the main cache size is implied to
* # be the amount needed to hold all internal nodes.
* # Ignored if -offheap is not also specified.
* [-keyprefix BYTES]
* # Expected size of the prefix for the keys in each
* # BIN; default: key prefixing is not configured;
* # required with -duplicates
* [-nodemax ENTRIES]
* # Number of entries per Btree node; default: 128
* [-orderedinsertion]
* # Assume ordered insertions and no deletions, so BINs
* # are 100% full; default: unordered insertions and/or
* # deletions, BINs are 70% full
* [-duplicates]
* # Indicates that sorted duplicates are used, including
* # MANY_TO_ONE and MANY_TO_MANY secondary indices;
* # default: false
* [-ttl]
* # Indicates that TTL is used; default: false
* [-replicated]
* # Use a ReplicatedEnvironment; default: false
* # Any number of EnvironmentConfig parameters and
* # ReplicationConfig parameters (if -replicated)
* [-btreeinfo]
* # Outputs additional Btree information
* [-outputproperties]
* # Writes Java properties file to System.out
* You should run DbCacheSize on the same target platform and JVM for which you
* are sizing the cache, as cache sizes will vary. You may also need to
* specify -d32 or -d64 depending on your target, if the default JVM mode is
* not the same as the mode to be used in production.
* To take full advantage of JE cache memory, it is strongly recommended that
* compressed oops
* (-XX:+UseCompressedOops
) is specified when a 64-bit JVM is used
* and the maximum heap size is less than 32 GB. As described in the
* referenced documentation, compressed oops is sometimes the default JVM mode
* even when it is not explicitly specified in the Java command. However, if
* compressed oops is desired then it must be explicitly specified in
* the Java command when running DbCacheSize or a JE application. If it is not
* explicitly specified then JE will not aware of it, even if it is the JVM
* default setting, and will not take it into account when calculating cache
* memory sizes.
* For example:
* $ java -jar je-X.Y.Z.jar DbCacheSize -records 554719 -key 16 -data 100
* === Environment Cache Overhead ===
* 3,157,213 minimum bytes
* To account for JE daemon operation, record locks, HA network connections, etc,
* a larger amount is needed in practice.
* === Database Cache Size ===
* Number of Bytes Description
* --------------- -----------
* 23,933,736 Internal nodes only
* 107,206,616 Internal nodes and leaf nodes
* This indicates that the minimum memory size to hold only the internal nodes
* of the Database Btree is approximately 24MB. The maximum size to hold the
* entire database, both internal nodes and data records, is approximately
* 107MB. To either of these amounts, at least 3MB (plus more for locks and
* daemons) should be added to account for the environment overhead.
* The following example adds the use of an off-heap cache, where the main
* cache size is specified to be 30MB.
* $ java -jar je-X.Y.Z.jar DbCacheSize -records 554719 -key 16 -data 100 \
* -offheap -maincache 30000000
* === Environment Cache Overhead ===
* 5,205,309 minimum bytes
* To account for JE daemon operation, record locks, HA network connections, etc,
* a larger amount is needed in practice.
* === Database Cache Size ===
* Number of Bytes Description
* --------------- -----------
* 23,933,736 Internal nodes only: MAIN cache
* 0 Internal nodes only: OFF-HEAP cache
* 24,794,691 Internal nodes and leaf nodes: MAIN cache
* 70,463,604 Internal nodes and leaf nodes: OFF-HEAP cache
* There are several things of interest in the output.
* - The environment overhead is larger because of memory used for the
* off-heap LRU.
* - To cache only internal nodes, an off-heap cache is not needed since
* the internal nodes take around 24MB, which when added to the 5MB
* overhead is less than the 30MB main cache specified. This is why the
* number of bytes on the second line is zero.
* - To cache all nodes, the main cache size specified should be used
* (25MB added to the 5MB overhead is 30MB), and an off-heap cache of
* around 71MB should be configured.
* Output Properties
* When {@code -outputproperties} is specified, a list of properties in Java
* properties file format will be written to System.out, instead of the output
* shown above. The properties and their meanings are listed below.
* - The following properties are always output (except allNodes, see
* below). They describe the estimated size of the main cache.
* - overhead: The environment overhead, as shown
* under Environment Cache Overhead above.
* - internalNodes: The Btree size in the main
* cache for holding the internal nodes. This is the "Internal nodes
* only" line above (followed by "MAIN cache" when {@code -offheap} is
* specified).
* - internalNodesAndVersions: The Btree size needed
* to hold the internal nodes and record versions in the main cache.
* This value is zero when {@code -offheap} is specified; currently JE
* does not cache record versions off-heap unless their associated LNs
* are also cached off-heap, so there is no way to calculate this
* property.
* - allNodes: The Btree size in the main cache
* needed to hold all nodes. This is the "Internal nodes and leaf
* nodes" line above (followed by "MAIN cache" when {@code -offheap} is
* specified). This property is not output unless {@code -data} is
* specified.
* - The following properties are output only when {@code -offheap} is
* specified. They describe the estimated size of the off-heap cache.
* - minMainCache: The minimum size of the main
* cache needed to hold all upper INs. When the {@code -maincache}
* value specified is less than this minimum, not all internal nodes
* can be cached. See the discussion further above.
* - offHeapInternalNodes: The size of the off-heap
* cache needed to hold the internal nodes. This is the "Internal nodes
* only: OFF_HEAP cache" line above.
* - offHeapAllNodes: The size of the off-heap cache
* needed to hold all nodes. This is the "Internal nodes and leaf
* nodes: OFF_HEAP cache" line above. This property is not output
* unless {@code -data} is specified.
* - The following properties are deprecated but are output for
* compatibility with earlier releases.
* - minInternalNodes, maxInternalNodes, minAllNodes, and (when
* {@code -data} is specified) maxAllNodes
* @see EnvironmentConfig#setCacheSize
* @see EnvironmentConfig#setOffHeapCacheSize
* @see CacheMode
* @see Cache Statistics:
* Sizing
public class DbCacheSize {
* Undocumented command line options, used for comparing calculated to
* actual cache sizes during testing.
* [-measure]
* # Causes main program to write a database to find
* # the actual cache size; default: do not measure;
* # without -data, measures internal nodes only
* Only use -measure without -orderedinsertion when record count is 100k or
* less, to avoid endless attempts to find an unused key value via random
* number generation. Also note that measured amounts will be slightly
* less than calculated amounts because the number of prefix bytes is
* larger for smaller key values, which are sequential integers from zero
* to max records minus one.
private static final NumberFormat INT_FORMAT =
private static final String MAIN_HEADER =
" Number of Bytes Description\n" +
" --------------- -----------";
// 123456789012345678
// 12
private static final int MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH = 18;
private static final String COLUMN_SEPARATOR = " ";
/* IN density for non-ordered insertion. */
private static final int DEFAULT_DENSITY = 70;
/* IN density for ordered insertion. */
private static final int ORDERED_DENSITY = 100;
/* Parameters. */
private final EnvironmentConfig envConfig = new EnvironmentConfig();
private final Map repParams = new HashMap<>();
private long records = 0;
private int keySize = 0;
private int dataSize = -1;
private boolean offHeapCache = false;
private boolean assumeEvictLN = false;
private long mainCacheSize = 0;
private long mainDataSize = 0;
private int nodeMaxEntries = 128;
private int binMaxEntries = -1;
private int keyPrefix = 0;
private boolean orderedInsertion = false;
private boolean duplicates = false;
private boolean replicated = false;
private boolean useTTL = false;
private boolean outputProperties = false;
private boolean doMeasure = false;
private boolean btreeInfo = false;
/* Calculated values. */
private long envOverhead;
private long uinWithTargets;
private long uinNoTargets;
private long uinOffHeapBINIds;
private long binNoLNsOrVLSNs;
private long binNoLNsWithVLSNs;
private long binWithLNsAndVLSNs;
private long binOffHeapWithLNIds;
private long binOffHeapNoLNIds;
private long binOffHeapLNs;
private long binOffHeapLNIds;
private long mainMinDataSize;
private long mainNoLNsOrVLSNs;
private long mainNoLNsWithVLSNs;
private long mainWithLNsAndVLSNs;
private long offHeapNoLNsOrVLSNs;
private long offHeapWithLNsAndVLSNs;
private long nMainBINsNoLNsOrVLSNs;
private long nMainBINsWithLNsAndVLSNs;
private long nMainLNsWithLNsAndVLSNs;
private long measuredMainNoLNsOrVLSNs;
private long measuredMainNoLNsWithVLSNs;
private long measuredMainWithLNsAndVLSNs;
private long measuredOffHeapNoLNsOrVLSNs;
private long measuredOffHeapWithLNsAndVLSNs;
private long preloadMainNoLNsOrVLSNs;
private long preloadMainNoLNsWithVLSNs;
private long preloadMainWithLNsAndVLSNs;
private int nodeAvg;
private int binAvg;
private int btreeLevels;
private long nBinNodes;
private long nUinNodes;
private long nLevel2Nodes;
private File tempDir;
DbCacheSize() {
void parseArgs(String[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i += 1) {
String name = args[i];
String val = null;
if (i < args.length - 1 && !args[i + 1].startsWith("-")) {
i += 1;
val = args[i];
if (name.equals("-records")) {
if (val == null) {
usage("No value after -records");
try {
records = Long.parseLong(val);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
usage(val + " is not a number");
if (records <= 0) {
usage(val + " is not a positive integer");
} else if (name.equals("-key")) {
if (val == null) {
usage("No value after -key");
try {
keySize = Integer.parseInt(val);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
usage(val + " is not a number");
if (keySize <= 0) {
usage(val + " is not a positive integer");
} else if (name.equals("-data")) {
if (val == null) {
usage("No value after -data");
try {
dataSize = Integer.parseInt(val);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
usage(val + " is not a number");
if (dataSize < 0) {
usage(val + " is not a non-negative integer");
} else if (name.equals("-offheap")) {
if (val != null) {
usage("No value allowed after " + name);
offHeapCache = true;
} else if (name.equals("-maincache")) {
if (val == null) {
usage("No value after -maincache");
try {
mainCacheSize = Long.parseLong(val);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
usage(val + " is not a number");
if (mainCacheSize <= 0) {
usage(val + " is not a positive integer");
} else if (name.equals("-keyprefix")) {
if (val == null) {
usage("No value after -keyprefix");
try {
keyPrefix = Integer.parseInt(val);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
usage(val + " is not a number");
if (keyPrefix < 0) {
usage(val + " is not a non-negative integer");
} else if (name.equals("-orderedinsertion")) {
if (val != null) {
usage("No value allowed after " + name);
orderedInsertion = true;
} else if (name.equals("-duplicates")) {
if (val != null) {
usage("No value allowed after " + name);
duplicates = true;
} else if (name.equals("-ttl")) {
if (val != null) {
usage("No value allowed after " + name);
useTTL = true;
} else if (name.equals("-replicated")) {
if (val != null) {
usage("No value allowed after " + name);
replicated = true;
} else if (name.equals("-nodemax")) {
if (val == null) {
usage("No value after -nodemax");
try {
nodeMaxEntries = Integer.parseInt(val);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
usage(val + " is not a number");
if (nodeMaxEntries <= 0) {
usage(val + " is not a positive integer");
} else if (name.equals("-binmax")) {
if (val == null) {
usage("No value after -binmax");
try {
binMaxEntries = Integer.parseInt(val);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
usage(val + " is not a number");
if (binMaxEntries <= 0) {
usage(val + " is not a positive integer");
} else if (name.equals("-density")) {
("-density is no longer supported, see -orderedinsertion");
} else if (name.equals("-overhead")) {
usage("-overhead is no longer supported");
} else if (name.startsWith("-je.")) {
if (val == null) {
usage("No value after " + name);
if (name.startsWith("-je.rep.")) {
repParams.put(name.substring(1), val);
} else {
envConfig.setConfigParam(name.substring(1), val);
} else if (name.equals("-measure")) {
if (val != null) {
usage("No value allowed after " + name);
doMeasure = true;
} else if (name.equals("-outputproperties")) {
if (val != null) {
usage("No value allowed after " + name);
outputProperties = true;
} else if (name.equals("-btreeinfo")) {
if (val != null) {
usage("No value allowed after " + name);
btreeInfo = true;
} else {
usage("Unknown arg: " + name);
if (records == 0) {
usage("-records not specified");
if (keySize == 0) {
usage("-key not specified");
void cleanup() {
if (tempDir != null) {
long getMainNoLNsOrVLSNs() {
return mainNoLNsOrVLSNs;
long getMainNoLNsWithVLSNs() {
return mainNoLNsWithVLSNs;
long getOffHeapWithLNsAndVLSNs() {
return offHeapWithLNsAndVLSNs;
long getOffHeapNoLNsOrVLSNs() {
return offHeapNoLNsOrVLSNs;
long getMainWithLNsAndVLSNs() {
return mainWithLNsAndVLSNs;
long getMeasuredMainNoLNsOrVLSNs() {
return measuredMainNoLNsOrVLSNs;
long getMeasuredMainNoLNsWithVLSNs() {
return measuredMainNoLNsWithVLSNs;
long getMeasuredMainWithLNsAndVLSNs() {
return measuredMainWithLNsAndVLSNs;
long getMeasuredOffHeapNoLNsOrVLSNs() {
return measuredOffHeapNoLNsOrVLSNs;
long getMeasuredOffHeapWithLNsAndVLSNs() {
return measuredOffHeapWithLNsAndVLSNs;
long getPreloadMainNoLNsOrVLSNs() {
return preloadMainNoLNsOrVLSNs;
long getPreloadMainNoLNsWithVLSNs() {
return preloadMainNoLNsWithVLSNs;
long getPreloadMainWithLNsAndVLSNs() {
return preloadMainWithLNsAndVLSNs;
* Runs DbCacheSize as a command line utility.
* For command usage, see {@link DbCacheSize class description}.
public static void main(final String[] args)
throws Throwable {
final DbCacheSize dbCacheSize = new DbCacheSize();
try {
if (dbCacheSize.outputProperties) {
} else {
if (dbCacheSize.doMeasure) {
} finally {
* Prints usage and calls System.exit.
private static void usage(final String msg) {
if (msg != null) {
("usage:" +
"\njava " + CmdUtil.getJavaCommand(DbCacheSize.class) +
"\n -records " +
"\n # Total records (key/data pairs); required" +
"\n -key " +
"\n # Average key bytes per record; required" +
"\n [-data ]" +
"\n # Average data bytes per record; if omitted no leaf" +
"\n # node sizes are included in the output; required with" +
"\n # -duplicates, and specifies the primary key length" +
"\n [-offheap]" +
"\n # Indicates that an off-heap cache will be used." +
"\n [-maincache ]" +
"\n # The size of the main cache (in the JVM heap)." +
"\n # The size of the off-heap cache displayed is the" +
"\n # additional amount needed to hold the data set." +
"\n # If omitted, the main cache size is implied to" +
"\n # be the amount needed to hold all internal nodes." +
"\n # Ignored if -offheap is not also specified." +
"\n [-keyprefix ]" +
"\n # Expected size of the prefix for the keys in each" +
"\n # BIN; default: zero, key prefixing is not configured;" +
"\n # required with -duplicates" +
"\n [-nodemax ]" +
"\n # Number of entries per Btree node; default: 128" +
"\n [-orderedinsertion]" +
"\n # Assume ordered insertions and no deletions, so BINs" +
"\n # are 100% full; default: unordered insertions and/or" +
"\n # deletions, BINs are 70% full" +
"\n [-duplicates]" +
"\n # Indicates that sorted duplicates are used, including" +
"\n # MANY_TO_ONE and MANY_TO_MANY secondary indices;" +
"\n # default: false" +
"\n [-ttl]" +
"\n # Indicates that TTL is used; default: false" +
"\n [-replicated]" +
"\n # Use a ReplicatedEnvironment; default: false" +
"\n # Any number of EnvironmentConfig parameters and" +
"\n # ReplicationConfig parameters (if -replicated)" +
"\n [-btreeinfo]" +
"\n # Outputs additional Btree information" +
"\n [-outputproperties]" +
"\n # Writes Java properties to System.out");
* Calculates estimated cache sizes.
void calculateCacheSizes() {
if (binMaxEntries <= 0) {
binMaxEntries = nodeMaxEntries;
final Environment env = openCalcEnvironment(true);
boolean success = false;
try {
envOverhead = env.getStats(null).getCacheTotalBytes();
if (offHeapCache) {
assumeEvictLN = (mainCacheSize == 0);
if (mainCacheSize > 0 &&
mainCacheSize - envOverhead <= 1024 * 1024) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The -maincache value must be at least 1 MiB larger" +
" than the environment overhead (" +
INT_FORMAT.format(envOverhead) + ')');
final int density =
nodeAvg = (nodeMaxEntries * density) / 100;
binAvg = (binMaxEntries * density) / 100;
* With an off-heap cache, if all UINs don't fit in main then we
* can't fit all internal nodes, much less all nodes, in both
* caches. We adjust the number of records downward so all UINs do
* fit in main (there is no point in configuring a cache that can
* never be filled) and then recalculate the number of nodes.
if (offHeapCache) {
if (mainCacheSize == 0) {
mainCacheSize = mainNoLNsOrVLSNs + envOverhead;
mainDataSize = mainCacheSize - envOverhead;
mainMinDataSize = calcLevel2AndAboveSize();
if (mainMinDataSize > mainDataSize) {
records *= ((double) mainDataSize) / mainMinDataSize;
success = true;
} finally {
* Do not propagate exception thrown by Environment.close if
* another exception is currently in flight.
try {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (success) {
throw e;
private long calcLevel2AndAboveSize() {
assert offHeapCache;
return ((nUinNodes - nLevel2Nodes) * uinWithTargets) +
(nLevel2Nodes * (uinNoTargets + uinOffHeapBINIds));
private void calcNNodes() {
nBinNodes = (records + binAvg - 1) / binAvg;
btreeLevels = 1;
nUinNodes = 0;
nLevel2Nodes = 0;
for (long nodes = nBinNodes / nodeAvg;; nodes /= nodeAvg) {
if (nodes == 0) {
nodes = 1; // root
if (btreeLevels == 2) {
assert nLevel2Nodes == 0;
nLevel2Nodes = nodes;
nUinNodes += nodes;
btreeLevels += 1;
if (nodes == 1) {
* Calculates main cache sizes as if there were no off-heap cache. During
* off-heap cache size calculations, these numbers may be revised.
private void calcMainCacheSizes() {
final long mainUINs = nUinNodes * uinWithTargets;
mainNoLNsOrVLSNs =
(nBinNodes * binNoLNsOrVLSNs) + mainUINs;
mainNoLNsWithVLSNs =
(nBinNodes * binNoLNsWithVLSNs) + mainUINs;
mainWithLNsAndVLSNs =
(nBinNodes * binWithLNsAndVLSNs) + mainUINs;
private void calcOffHeapNoLNsOrVLSNs() {
assert offHeapCache;
mainNoLNsWithVLSNs = 0;
* If all INs fit in main, then no off-heap cache is needed.
if (mainNoLNsOrVLSNs <= mainDataSize) {
offHeapNoLNsOrVLSNs = 0;
nMainBINsNoLNsOrVLSNs = nBinNodes;
mainNoLNsOrVLSNs = mainDataSize;
* If not all BINs fit in main, then put as many BINs in main as
* possible, and the rest off-heap.
final long mainSpare = (mainDataSize > calcLevel2AndAboveSize()) ?
(mainDataSize - calcLevel2AndAboveSize()) : 0;
final long nMainBINs = mainSpare / binNoLNsOrVLSNs;
final long nOffHeapBins = nBinNodes - nMainBINs;
offHeapNoLNsOrVLSNs = nOffHeapBins * binOffHeapNoLNIds;
nMainBINsNoLNsOrVLSNs = nMainBINs;
private void calcOffHeapWithLNsAndVLSNs() {
assert offHeapCache;
* If everything fits in main, then no off-heap cache is needed.
if (mainWithLNsAndVLSNs <= mainDataSize) {
offHeapWithLNsAndVLSNs = 0;
nMainBINsWithLNsAndVLSNs = nBinNodes;
nMainLNsWithLNsAndVLSNs = (binOffHeapLNs == 0) ? 0 : records;
mainWithLNsAndVLSNs = mainDataSize;
* If LNs are not stored separately (they are embedded or duplicates
* are configured), then only internal nodes are relevant.
if (binOffHeapLNs == 0) {
offHeapWithLNsAndVLSNs = offHeapNoLNsOrVLSNs;
nMainBINsWithLNsAndVLSNs = nMainBINsNoLNsOrVLSNs;
nMainLNsWithLNsAndVLSNs = 0;
* If all BINs fit in main, then compute how many BINs will have main
* LNs and how many off-heap LNs. The number that have main LNs is
* the amount of main cache to spare (if all BINs had off-heap LNs)
* divided by the added size required to hold the LNs in one BIN.
final long mainWithOffHeapLNIds =
mainNoLNsOrVLSNs + (nBinNodes * binOffHeapLNIds);
if (mainWithOffHeapLNIds <= mainDataSize) {
final long mainSpare = (mainDataSize > mainNoLNsOrVLSNs) ?
(mainDataSize - mainNoLNsOrVLSNs) : 0;
final long nBINsWithMainLNs = mainSpare /
(binWithLNsAndVLSNs - binNoLNsOrVLSNs);
final long nBINsWithOffHeapLNs = nBinNodes - nBINsWithMainLNs;
offHeapWithLNsAndVLSNs = nBINsWithOffHeapLNs * binOffHeapLNs;
nMainBINsWithLNsAndVLSNs = nMainBINsNoLNsOrVLSNs;
nMainLNsWithLNsAndVLSNs = nBINsWithMainLNs * nodeAvg;
* If not all BINs fit in main, then put as many BINs in main as
* possible, and the rest off-heap. Put all LNs off-heap.
final long mainSpare = (mainDataSize > calcLevel2AndAboveSize()) ?
(mainDataSize - calcLevel2AndAboveSize()) : 0;
final long nMainBINs = mainSpare / (binNoLNsOrVLSNs + binOffHeapLNIds);
final long nOffHeapBins = nBinNodes - nMainBINs;
offHeapWithLNsAndVLSNs =
(nOffHeapBins * binOffHeapWithLNIds) +
(nBinNodes * binOffHeapLNs);
nMainBINsWithLNsAndVLSNs = nMainBINs;
nMainLNsWithLNsAndVLSNs = 0;
private void calcTreeSizes(final Environment env) {
if (nodeMaxEntries != binMaxEntries) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"-binmax not currently supported because a per-BIN max is" +
" not implemented in the Btree, so we can't measure" +
" an actual BIN node with the given -binmax value");
assert nodeAvg == binAvg;
if (nodeAvg > 0xFFFF) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Entries per node (" + nodeAvg + ") is greater than 0xFFFF");
final EnvironmentImpl envImpl = DbInternal.getNonNullEnvImpl(env);
* Either a one or two byte key is used, depending on whether a single
* byte can hold the key for nodeAvg entries.
final byte[] keyBytes = new byte[(nodeAvg <= 0xFF) ? 1 : 2];
final DatabaseEntry keyEntry = new DatabaseEntry();
final DatabaseEntry dataEntry = new DatabaseEntry();
final WriteOptions options = new WriteOptions();
if (useTTL) {
options.setTTL(30, TimeUnit.DAYS);
/* Insert nodeAvg records into a single BIN. */
final Database db = openDatabase(env, true);
for (int i = 0; i < nodeAvg; i += 1) {
if (keyBytes.length == 1) {
keyBytes[0] = (byte) i;
} else {
assert keyBytes.length == 2;
keyBytes[0] = (byte) (i >> 8);
keyBytes[1] = (byte) i;
setKeyData(keyBytes, keyPrefix, keyEntry, dataEntry);
final OperationResult result = db.put(
null, keyEntry, dataEntry,
duplicates ? Put.NO_DUP_DATA : Put.NO_OVERWRITE,
if (result == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
/* Position a cursor at the first record to get the BIN. */
final Cursor cursor = db.openCursor(null, null);
OperationStatus status = cursor.getFirst(keyEntry, dataEntry, null);
assert status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS;
final BIN bin = DbInternal.getCursorImpl(cursor).getBIN();
* Calculate BIN size including LNs. The recalcKeyPrefix and
* compactMemory methods are called to simulate normal operation.
* Normally prefixes are recalculated when a IN is split, and
* compactMemory is called after fetching a IN or evicting an LN.
binWithLNsAndVLSNs = bin.getInMemorySize();
* Evict all LNs so we can calculate BIN size without LNs. This is
* simulated by calling partialEviction directly.
if (offHeapCache) {
final long prevSize = getOffHeapCacheSize(envImpl);
binOffHeapLNs = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nodeAvg; i += 1) {
binOffHeapLNs += getOffHeapLNSize(bin, 0);
assert getOffHeapCacheSize(envImpl) - prevSize == binOffHeapLNs;
binOffHeapLNIds = bin.getOffHeapLNIdsMemorySize();
} else {
binOffHeapLNs = 0;
binOffHeapLNIds = 0;
assert !bin.hasCachedChildren();
binNoLNsWithVLSNs = bin.getInMemorySize() - binOffHeapLNIds;
* Another variant is when VLSNs are cached, since they are evicted
* after the LNs in a separate step. This is simulated by calling
* partialEviction a second time.
if (duplicates || !envImpl.getCacheVLSN()) {
assert bin.getVLSNCache().getMemorySize() == 0;
} else {
assert bin.getVLSNCache().getMemorySize() > 0;
if (dataSize <= bin.getEnv().getMaxEmbeddedLN()) {
assert bin.getVLSNCache().getMemorySize() > 0;
} else {
assert bin.getVLSNCache().getMemorySize() == 0;
/* There are no LNs or VLSNs remaining. */
binNoLNsOrVLSNs = bin.getInMemorySize() - binOffHeapLNIds;
* To calculate IN size, get parent/root IN and artificially fill the
* slots with nodeAvg entries.
final IN in = DbInternal.getDbImpl(db).
assert bin == in.getTarget(0);
for (int i = 1; i < nodeAvg; i += 1) {
final int result = in.insertEntry1(
bin, bin.getKey(i), null, bin.getLsn(i),
assert (result & IN.INSERT_SUCCESS) != 0;
assert i == (result & ~IN.INSERT_SUCCESS);
uinWithTargets = in.getInMemorySize();
uinNoTargets = uinWithTargets - in.getTargets().calculateMemorySize();
if (offHeapCache) {
long bytesFreed = envImpl.getEvictor().doTestEvict(
bin, Evictor.EvictionSource.CACHEMODE);
assert bytesFreed > 0;
final int binId = in.getOffHeapBINId(0);
assert binId >= 0;
binOffHeapWithLNIds = getOffHeapBINSize(in, 0);
bytesFreed = envImpl.getOffHeapCache().stripLNs(in, 0);
binOffHeapNoLNIds = getOffHeapBINSize(in, 0);
assert bytesFreed ==
binOffHeapLNs + (binOffHeapWithLNIds - binOffHeapNoLNIds);
for (int i = 1; i < nodeAvg; i += 1) {
in.setOffHeapBINId(i, binId, false, false);
uinOffHeapBINIds = in.getOffHeapBINIdsMemorySize();
/* Cleanup to avoid assertions during env close. */
for (int i = 1; i < nodeAvg; i += 1) {
} else {
binOffHeapWithLNIds = 0;
uinOffHeapBINIds = 0;
private long getMainDataSize(final Environment env) {
return DbInternal.getNonNullEnvImpl(env).
private long getOffHeapCacheSize(final EnvironmentImpl envImpl) {
assert offHeapCache;
return envImpl.getOffHeapCache().getAllocator().getUsedBytes();
private long getOffHeapLNSize(final BIN bin, final int i) {
assert offHeapCache;
final OffHeapCache ohCache = bin.getEnv().getOffHeapCache();
final long memId = bin.getOffHeapLNId(i);
if (memId == 0) {
return 0;
return ohCache.getAllocator().totalSize(memId);
private long getOffHeapBINSize(final IN parent, final int i) {
assert offHeapCache;
final OffHeapCache ohCache = parent.getEnv().getOffHeapCache();
final int lruId = parent.getOffHeapBINId(0);
assert lruId >= 0;
final long memId = ohCache.getMemId(lruId);
assert memId != 0;
return ohCache.getAllocator().totalSize(memId);
private void setKeyData(final byte[] keyBytes,
final int keyOffset,
final DatabaseEntry keyEntry,
final DatabaseEntry dataEntry) {
final byte[] fullKey;
if (duplicates) {
fullKey = new byte[keySize + dataSize];
} else {
fullKey = new byte[keySize];
if (keyPrefix + keyBytes.length > fullKey.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Key doesn't fit, allowedLen=" + fullKey.length +
" keyLen=" + keyBytes.length + " prefixLen=" + keyPrefix);
System.arraycopy(keyBytes, 0, fullKey, keyOffset, keyBytes.length);
final byte[] finalKey;
final byte[] finalData;
if (duplicates) {
finalKey = new byte[keySize];
finalData = new byte[dataSize];
System.arraycopy(fullKey, 0, finalKey, 0, keySize);
System.arraycopy(fullKey, keySize, finalData, 0, dataSize);
} else {
finalKey = fullKey;
finalData = new byte[Math.max(0, dataSize)];
* Prints Java properties for information collected by calculateCacheSizes.
* Min/max sizes are output for compatibility with earlier versions; in the
* past, min and max were different values.
private void printProperties(final PrintStream out) {
out.println("overhead=" + envOverhead);
out.println("internalNodes=" + mainNoLNsOrVLSNs);
out.println("internalNodesAndVersions=" + mainNoLNsWithVLSNs);
if (dataSize >= 0) {
out.println("allNodes=" + mainWithLNsAndVLSNs);
if (offHeapCache) {
out.println("minMainCache=" + (mainMinDataSize + envOverhead));
out.println("offHeapInternalNodes=" + offHeapNoLNsOrVLSNs);
if (dataSize >= 0) {
out.println("offHeapAllNodes=" + offHeapWithLNsAndVLSNs);
out.println("# Following are deprecated");
out.println("minInternalNodes=" + mainNoLNsOrVLSNs);
out.println("maxInternalNodes=" + mainNoLNsOrVLSNs);
if (dataSize >= 0) {
out.println("minAllNodes=" + mainWithLNsAndVLSNs);
out.println("maxAllNodes=" + mainWithLNsAndVLSNs);
* Prints information collected by calculateCacheSizes.
void printCacheSizes(final PrintStream out) {
final String mainSuffix = offHeapCache ? ": MAIN cache" : "";
final String offHeapSuffix = ": OFF-HEAP cache";
out.println("=== Environment Cache Overhead ===");
out.println(" minimum bytes");
"To account for JE daemon operation, record locks, HA network " +
"connections, etc,");
out.println("a larger amount is needed in practice.");
out.println("=== Database Cache Size ===");
mainNoLNsOrVLSNs, "Internal nodes only" + mainSuffix));
if (offHeapCache) {
offHeapNoLNsOrVLSNs, "Internal nodes only" + offHeapSuffix));
if (dataSize >= 0) {
if (!offHeapCache && mainNoLNsWithVLSNs != mainNoLNsOrVLSNs) {
"Internal nodes and record versions" + mainSuffix));
"Internal nodes and leaf nodes" + mainSuffix));
if (offHeapCache) {
"Internal nodes and leaf nodes" + offHeapSuffix));
if (mainNoLNsOrVLSNs == mainWithLNsAndVLSNs &&
offHeapNoLNsOrVLSNs == offHeapWithLNsAndVLSNs){
if (duplicates) {
"\nNote that leaf nodes do not use additional memory" +
" because the database is" +
"\nconfigured for duplicates. In addition, record" +
" versions are not applicable.");
} else {
"\nNote that leaf nodes do not use additional memory" +
" because with a small" +
"\ndata size, the LNs are embedded in the BINs." +
" In addition, record versions" +
"\n(if configured) are always cached in this mode.");
} else {
if (!duplicates) {
out.println("\nTo get leaf node sizing specify -data");
if (offHeapCache && mainMinDataSize > mainDataSize) {
"\nWARNING: The information above applies to a data set of " +
INT_FORMAT.format(records) + " records," +
"\nnot the number of records specified, because the main" +
" cache size specified is " +
"\ntoo small to hold all upper INs. This prevents all" +
" internal nodes (or leaf" +
"\nnodes) from fitting into cache, and the data set was" +
" reduced accordingly. To" +
"\nfit all internal nodes in cache with the specified " +
" number of records, specify" +
"\na main cache size of at least " +
INT_FORMAT.format(mainMinDataSize + envOverhead) + " bytes.");
if (btreeInfo) {
out.println("=== Calculated Btree Information ===");
out.println(line(btreeLevels, "Btree levels"));
out.println(line(nUinNodes, "Upper internal nodes"));
out.println(line(nBinNodes, "Bottom internal nodes"));
if (offHeapCache) {
out.println("--- BINs and LNs in Main Cache vs Off-heap ---");
"Internal nodes only, BINs" + mainSuffix));
nBinNodes - nMainBINsNoLNsOrVLSNs,
"Internal nodes only, BINs" + offHeapSuffix));
"Internal nodes and leaf nodes, BINs" + mainSuffix));
nBinNodes - nMainBINsWithLNsAndVLSNs,
"Internal nodes and leaf nodes, BINs" + offHeapSuffix));
"Internal nodes and leaf nodes, LNs" + mainSuffix));
records - nMainLNsWithLNsAndVLSNs,
"Internal nodes and leaf nodes, LNs" + offHeapSuffix));
out.println("For further information see the DbCacheSize javadoc.");
private String line(final long num, final String comment) {
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(100);
column(buf, INT_FORMAT.format(num));
return buf.toString();
private void column(final StringBuilder buf, final String str) {
int start = buf.length();
while (buf.length() - start + str.length() < MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH) {
buf.append(' ');
* For testing, insert the specified data set and initialize
* measuredMainNoLNsWithVLSNs and measuredMainWithLNsAndVLSNs.
void measure(final PrintStream out) {
Environment env = openMeasureEnvironment(
true /*createNew*/, false /*setMainSize*/);
try {
Database db = openDatabase(env, true);
if (out != null) {
"Measuring with maximum cache size: " +
INT_FORMAT.format(env.getConfig().getCacheSize()) +
" and (for off-heap) main data size: " +
insertRecords(out, env, db);
if (offHeapCache) {
env = null;
env = openMeasureEnvironment(
false /*createNew*/, false /*setMainSize*/);
db = openDatabase(env, false);
readRecords(out, env, db, false /*readData*/);
evictMainToDataSize(db, mainDataSize);
measuredMainNoLNsOrVLSNs = getStats(
out, env, "After read keys only, evict main to size");
measuredOffHeapNoLNsOrVLSNs =
readRecords(out, env, db, true /*readData*/);
evictMainToDataSize(db, mainDataSize);
measuredMainWithLNsAndVLSNs = getStats(
out, env, "After read all, evict main to size");
measuredOffHeapWithLNsAndVLSNs =
} else {
measuredMainWithLNsAndVLSNs = getStats(
out, env, "After insert");
measuredMainNoLNsWithVLSNs = getStats(
out, env, "After trimLNs");
measuredMainNoLNsOrVLSNs = getStats(
out, env, "After trimVLSNs");
env = null;
env = openMeasureEnvironment(
false /*createNew*/, offHeapCache /*setMainSize*/);
db = openDatabase(env, false);
PreloadStatus status = preloadRecords(out, db, false /*loadLNs*/);
preloadMainNoLNsOrVLSNs = getStats(
out, env,
"Internal nodes only after preload (" +
status + ")");
if (assumeEvictLN) {
preloadMainWithLNsAndVLSNs = preloadMainNoLNsOrVLSNs;
} else {
status = preloadRecords(out, db, true /*loadLNs*/);
preloadMainWithLNsAndVLSNs = getStats(
out, env,
"All nodes after preload (" +
status + ")");
if (!offHeapCache) {
preloadMainNoLNsWithVLSNs = getStats(
out, env,
"Internal nodes plus VLSNs after preload (" +
status + ")");
env = null;
} finally {
* Do not propagate exception thrown by Environment.close if
* another exception is currently in flight.
if (env != null) {
try {
} catch (RuntimeException ignore) {
private Environment openMeasureEnvironment(final boolean createNew,
final boolean setMainSize) {
final EnvironmentConfig config = envConfig.clone();
if (setMainSize) {
* Normally the main cache size is left "unlimited", meaning that
* log buffers will be maximum sized (1 MB each). Here we limit the
* main cache size in order to use the off-heap cache. But with a
* smaller main cache, the log buffers will be smaller. Use maximum
* sized log buffers so we can compare totals with the case where
* we don't set the cache size.
String.valueOf(3 << 20));
} else {
if (offHeapCache) {
config.setOffHeapCacheSize(1024 * 1024 * 1024);
} else {
return openEnvironment(config, createNew);
private Environment openCalcEnvironment(final boolean createNew) {
final EnvironmentConfig config = envConfig.clone();
if (offHeapCache) {
config.setOffHeapCacheSize(1024 * 1024 * 1024);
} else {
/* The amount of disk space needed is quite small. */
EnvironmentConfig.FREE_DISK, String.valueOf(1L << 20));
return openEnvironment(config, createNew);
private Environment openEnvironment(final EnvironmentConfig config,
final boolean createNew) {
if (createNew) {
/* Daemons interfere with cache size measurements. */
EnvironmentConfig.ENV_RUN_CLEANER, "false");
EnvironmentConfig.ENV_RUN_CHECKPOINTER, "false");
EnvironmentConfig.ENV_RUN_IN_COMPRESSOR, "false");
EnvironmentConfig.ENV_RUN_EVICTOR, "false");
EnvironmentConfig.ENV_RUN_OFFHEAP_EVICTOR, "false");
EnvironmentConfig.ENV_RUN_VERIFIER, "false");
EnvironmentParams.ENV_RUN_EXTINCT_RECORD_SCANNER.getName(), "false");
/* Evict in small chunks. */
EnvironmentConfig.EVICTOR_EVICT_BYTES, "1024");
final Environment newEnv;
if (replicated) {
try {
final Class repEnvClass = Class.forName
final DbCacheSizeRepEnv repEnv =
(DbCacheSizeRepEnv) repEnvClass.newInstance();
newEnv =, config, repParams);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException |
InstantiationException |
IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
} else {
if (!repParams.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cannot set replication params in a standalone " +
"environment. May add -replicated.");
newEnv = new Environment(tempDir, config);
* LSN compaction is typically effective (in a realistic data set) only
* when the file size fits in 3 bytes and sequential keys are written.
* Since a tiny data set is use for estimating, and a small data set
* for testing, we disable the compact representation when it is
* unlikely to be effective.
final long fileSize = Integer.parseInt(
if ((fileSize > IN.MAX_FILE_OFFSET) || !orderedInsertion) {
IN.disableCompactLsns = true;
* Preallocate 1st chunk of LRU entries, so it is counted in env
* overhead.
if (offHeapCache) {
return newEnv;
private void mkTempDir() {
if (tempDir == null) {
try {
tempDir = File.createTempFile("DbCacheSize", null);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
/* createTempFile creates a file, but we want a directory. */
private void emptyTempDir() {
if (tempDir == null) {
final File[] children = tempDir.listFiles();
if (children != null) {
for (File child : children) {
private Database openDatabase(final Environment env,
final boolean createNew) {
final DatabaseConfig dbConfig = new DatabaseConfig();
dbConfig.setKeyPrefixing(keyPrefix > 0);
return env.openDatabase(null, "foo", dbConfig);
* Inserts records and ensures that no eviction occurs. LNs (and VLSNs)
* are left intact.
private void insertRecords(final PrintStream out,
final Environment env,
final Database db) {
final DatabaseEntry keyEntry = new DatabaseEntry();
final DatabaseEntry dataEntry = new DatabaseEntry();
final int lastKey = (int) (records - 1);
final byte[] lastKeyBytes = BigInteger.valueOf(lastKey).toByteArray();
final int maxKeyBytes = lastKeyBytes.length;
final int keyOffset;
if (keyPrefix == 0) {
keyOffset = 0;
} else {
* Calculate prefix length for generated keys and adjust key offset
* to produce the desired prefix length.
final int nodeAvg = orderedInsertion ?
nodeMaxEntries :
((nodeMaxEntries * DEFAULT_DENSITY) / 100);
final int prevKey = lastKey - (nodeAvg * 2);
final byte[] prevKeyBytes =
int calcPrefix = 0;
while (calcPrefix < lastKeyBytes.length &&
calcPrefix < prevKeyBytes.length &&
lastKeyBytes[calcPrefix] == prevKeyBytes[calcPrefix]) {
calcPrefix += 1;
keyOffset = keyPrefix - calcPrefix;
/* Generate random keys. */
List rndKeys = null;
if (!orderedInsertion) {
rndKeys = new ArrayList(lastKey + 1);
for (int i = 0; i <= lastKey; i += 1) {
Collections.shuffle(rndKeys, new Random(123));
final WriteOptions options = new WriteOptions();
if (useTTL) {
options.setTTL(30, TimeUnit.DAYS);
final Transaction txn = env.beginTransaction(null, null);
final Cursor cursor = db.openCursor(txn, null);
boolean success = false;
try {
for (int i = 0; i <= lastKey; i += 1) {
final int keyVal = orderedInsertion ? i : rndKeys.get(i);
final byte[] keyBytes = padLeft(
BigInteger.valueOf(keyVal).toByteArray(), maxKeyBytes);
setKeyData(keyBytes, keyOffset, keyEntry, dataEntry);
final OperationResult result = cursor.put(
keyEntry, dataEntry,
duplicates ? Put.NO_DUP_DATA : Put.NO_OVERWRITE,
if (result == null && !orderedInsertion) {
i -= 1;
if (result == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not insert");
if (i % 10000 == 0) {
checkForEviction(env, i);
if (out != null) {
success = true;
} finally {
if (success) {
} else {
checkForEviction(env, lastKey);
/* Checkpoint to speed recovery and reset the memory budget. */
env.checkpoint(new CheckpointConfig().setForce(true));
/* Let's be sure the memory budget is updated. */
iterateBINs(db, new BINVisitor() {
public boolean visitBIN(final BIN bin) {
return true;
* Reads all keys, optionally reading the data.
private void readRecords(final PrintStream out,
final Environment env,
final Database db,
final boolean readData) {
final DatabaseEntry keyEntry = new DatabaseEntry();
final DatabaseEntry dataEntry = new DatabaseEntry();
if (!readData) {
dataEntry.setPartial(0, 0, true);
final ReadOptions options = new ReadOptions();
if (assumeEvictLN) {
try (final Cursor cursor = db.openCursor(null, null)) {
while (cursor.get(keyEntry, dataEntry, Get.NEXT, options) !=
null) {
private void checkForEviction(Environment env, int recNum) {
final EnvironmentStats stats = env.getStats(null);
if (stats.getOffHeapNodesTargeted() > 0) {
getStats(System.out, env, "Out of off-heap cache");
throw new IllegalStateException(
"*** Ran out of off-heap cache at record " + recNum +
" -- try increasing off-heap cache size ***");
if (stats.getNNodesTargeted() > 0) {
getStats(System.out, env, "Out of main cache");
throw new IllegalStateException(
"*** Ran out of main cache at record " + recNum +
" -- try increasing Java heap size ***");
private void trimLNs(final Database db) {
iterateBINs(db, new BINVisitor() {
public boolean visitBIN(final BIN bin) {
return true;
private void trimVLSNs(final Database db) {
iterateBINs(db, new BINVisitor() {
public boolean visitBIN(final BIN bin) {
return true;
private void evictMainToDataSize(final Database db,
final long dataSize) {
if (getMainDataSize(db.getEnvironment()) <= dataSize) {
boolean keepGoing = iterateBINs(db, new BINVisitor() {
public boolean visitBIN(final BIN bin) {
return getMainDataSize(db.getEnvironment()) > dataSize;
if (!keepGoing) {
final Evictor evictor =
keepGoing = iterateBINs(db, new BINVisitor() {
public boolean visitBIN(final BIN bin) {
evictor.doTestEvict(bin, Evictor.EvictionSource.CACHEMODE);
return getMainDataSize(db.getEnvironment()) > dataSize;
assert !keepGoing;
private interface BINVisitor {
boolean visitBIN(BIN bin);
private boolean iterateBINs(final Database db, final BINVisitor visitor) {
final DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
final DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry();
data.setPartial(0, 0, true);
final Cursor c = db.openCursor(null, null);
BIN prevBin = null;
boolean keepGoing = true;
while (keepGoing &&
c.getNext(key, data, LockMode.READ_UNCOMMITTED) ==
OperationStatus.SUCCESS) {
final BIN bin = DbInternal.getCursorImpl(c).getBIN();
if (bin == prevBin) {
if (prevBin != null) {
keepGoing = visitor.visitBIN(prevBin);
prevBin = bin;
if (keepGoing && prevBin != null) {
return keepGoing;
* Pads the given array with zeros on the left, and returns an array of
* the given size.
private byte[] padLeft(byte[] data, int size) {
assert data.length <= size;
if (data.length == size) {
return data;
final byte[] b = new byte[size];
System.arraycopy(data, 0, b, size - data.length, data.length);
return b;
* Preloads the database.
private PreloadStatus preloadRecords(final PrintStream out,
final Database db,
final boolean loadLNs) {
Thread thread = null;
if (out != null) {
thread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
while (true) {
try {
Thread.sleep(5 * 1000);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
final PreloadStats stats;
try {
stats = db.preload(new PreloadConfig().setLoadLNs(loadLNs));
} finally {
if (thread != null) {
if (thread != null) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeExceptionWrapper(e);
* When preloading with an off-heap cache, the main cache will overflow
* a little by design. We evict here to bring it down below the
* maximum, and clear the stats so that the getStats method in this
* class doesn't complain about the eviction later on.
final Environment env = db.getEnvironment();
if (offHeapCache) {
return stats.getStatus();
* Returns the Btree size, and prints a few other stats for testing.
private long getStats(final PrintStream out,
final Environment env,
final String msg) {
if (out != null) {
out.println(msg + ':');
final EnvironmentStats stats = env.getStats(null);
final long dataSize = getMainDataSize(env);
if (out != null) {
"MainCache= " + INT_FORMAT.format(stats.getCacheTotalBytes()) +
" Data= " + INT_FORMAT.format(dataSize) +
" BINs= " + INT_FORMAT.format(stats.getNCachedBINs()) +
" UINs= " + INT_FORMAT.format(stats.getNCachedUpperINs()) +
" CacheMiss= " + INT_FORMAT.format(stats.getNCacheMiss()) +
" OffHeapCache= " +
INT_FORMAT.format(stats.getOffHeapTotalBytes()) +
" OhLNs= " + INT_FORMAT.format(stats.getOffHeapCachedLNs()) +
" OhBIN= " + INT_FORMAT.format(stats.getOffHeapCachedBINs()) +
" OhBINDeltas= " +
if (stats.getNNodesTargeted() > 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"*** All records did not fit in the cache ***");
if (stats.getOffHeapNodesTargeted() > 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"*** All records did not fit in the off-heap cache ***");
return dataSize;