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com.sleepycat.persist.model.BytecodeEnhancer Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (C) 2002, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This file was distributed by Oracle as part of a version of Oracle Berkeley
 * DB Java Edition made available at:
 * Please see the LICENSE file included in the top-level directory of the
 * appropriate version of Oracle Berkeley DB Java Edition for a copy of the
 * license and additional information.

package com.sleepycat.persist.model;

import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.AALOAD;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.ACC_TRANSIENT;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.ACONST_NULL;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.ALOAD;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.ANEWARRAY;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.ARETURN;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.ASM4;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.BIPUSH;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.CHECKCAST;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.DCMPL;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.DCONST_0;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.DUP;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.FCMPL;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.FCONST_0;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.GETFIELD;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.GOTO;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.ICONST_0;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.ICONST_1;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.ICONST_2;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.ICONST_3;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.ICONST_4;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.ICONST_5;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.IFEQ;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.IFGT;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.IFLE;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.IFNE;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.IFNONNULL;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.ILOAD;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.IRETURN;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.ISUB;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.LCMP;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.LCONST_0;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.NEW;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.POP;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.PUTFIELD;
import static com.sleepycat.asm.Opcodes.RETURN;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import com.sleepycat.asm.AnnotationVisitor;
import com.sleepycat.asm.Attribute;
import com.sleepycat.asm.ClassVisitor;
import com.sleepycat.asm.FieldVisitor;
import com.sleepycat.asm.Label;
import com.sleepycat.asm.MethodVisitor;
import com.sleepycat.asm.Type;
import com.sleepycat.compat.DbCompat;

 * An ASM ClassVisitor that examines a class, throws NotPersistentException if
 * it is not persistent, or enhances it if it is persistent.  A class is
 * persistent if it contains the @Entity or @Persistent annotations.  A
 * resulting enhanced class implements the com.sleepycat.persist.impl.Enhanced
 * interface.

NotPersistentException is thrown to abort the transformation in order to * avoid making two passes over the class file (one to look for the annotations * and another to enhance the bytecode) or outputing a class that isn't * enhanced. By aborting the transformation as soon as we detect that the * annotations are missing, we make only one partial pass for a non-persistent * class.

* * @author Mark Hayes */ class BytecodeEnhancer extends ClassVisitor { /** Thrown when we determine that a class is not persistent. */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") static class NotPersistentException extends RuntimeException {} /** A static instance is used to avoid fillInStaceTrace overhead. */ private static final NotPersistentException NOT_PERSISTENT = new NotPersistentException(); private static final Map PRIMITIVE_WRAPPERS = new HashMap(); static { PRIMITIVE_WRAPPERS.put(Boolean.class.getName(), Type.BOOLEAN); PRIMITIVE_WRAPPERS.put(Character.class.getName(), Type.CHAR); PRIMITIVE_WRAPPERS.put(Byte.class.getName(), Type.BYTE); PRIMITIVE_WRAPPERS.put(Short.class.getName(), Type.SHORT); PRIMITIVE_WRAPPERS.put(Integer.class.getName(), Type.INT); PRIMITIVE_WRAPPERS.put(Long.class.getName(), Type.LONG); PRIMITIVE_WRAPPERS.put(Float.class.getName(), Type.FLOAT); PRIMITIVE_WRAPPERS.put(Double.class.getName(), Type.DOUBLE); } private String className; private String superclassName; private boolean isPersistent; private boolean isAbstract; private boolean hasDefaultConstructor; private boolean hasPersistentSuperclass; private boolean isCompositeKey; private FieldInfo priKeyField; private List secKeyFields; private List nonKeyFields; private String staticBlockMethod; BytecodeEnhancer(ClassVisitor parentVisitor) { super(ASM4, parentVisitor); secKeyFields = new ArrayList(); nonKeyFields = new ArrayList(); } @Override public void visit(int version, int access, String name, String sig, String superName, String[] interfaces) { className = name; superclassName = superName; final String ENHANCED = "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/Enhanced"; if (containsString(interfaces, ENHANCED)) { throw abort(); } interfaces = appendString(interfaces, ENHANCED); isAbstract = ((access & ACC_ABSTRACT) != 0); hasPersistentSuperclass = (superName != null && !superName.equals("java/lang/Object")); super.visit(version, access, name, sig, superName, interfaces); } @Override public void visitSource(String source, String debug) { super.visitSource(source, debug); } @Override public AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String desc, boolean visible) { if (desc.equals("Lcom/sleepycat/persist/model/Entity;") || desc.equals("Lcom/sleepycat/persist/model/Persistent;")) { isPersistent = true; } return super.visitAnnotation(desc, visible); } @Override public FieldVisitor visitField(int access, String name, String desc, String sig, Object value) { if (!isPersistent) { throw abort(); } FieldVisitor ret = super.visitField(access, name, desc, sig, value); if ((access & ACC_STATIC) == 0) { FieldInfo info = new FieldInfo(ret, name, desc, (access & ACC_TRANSIENT) != 0); nonKeyFields.add(info); ret = info; } return ret; } @Override public MethodVisitor visitMethod(int access, String name, String desc, String sig, String[] exceptions) { if (!isPersistent) { throw abort(); } if ("".equals(name) && "()V".equals(desc)) { hasDefaultConstructor = true; } if ("".equals(name)) { if (staticBlockMethod != null) { throw DbCompat.unexpectedState(); } staticBlockMethod = "bdbExistingStaticBlock"; return cv.visitMethod (ACC_PRIVATE + ACC_STATIC, staticBlockMethod, "()V", null, null); } return super.visitMethod(access, name, desc, sig, exceptions); } @Override public void visitEnd() { if (!isPersistent || !hasDefaultConstructor) { throw abort(); } /* Generate new code at the end of the class. */ sortFields(); genBdbNewInstance(); genBdbNewArray(); genBdbIsPriKeyFieldNullOrZero(); genBdbWritePriKeyField(); genBdbReadPriKeyField(); genBdbWriteSecKeyFields(); genBdbReadSecKeyFields(); genBdbWriteNonKeyFields(); genBdbReadNonKeyFields(); genBdbWriteCompositeKeyFields(); genBdbReadCompositeKeyFields(); genBdbGetField(); genBdbSetField(); genBdbSetPriField(); genStaticBlock(); super.visitEnd(); } private void sortFields() { /* System.out.println("AllFields: " + nonKeyFields); //*/ if (nonKeyFields.size() == 0) { return; } isCompositeKey = true; for (FieldInfo field : nonKeyFields) { if (field.order == null) { isCompositeKey = false; } } if (isCompositeKey) { Collections.sort(nonKeyFields, new Comparator() { public int compare(FieldInfo f1, FieldInfo f2) { return f1.order.value - f2.order.value; } }); } else { for (int i = 0; i < nonKeyFields.size();) { FieldInfo field = nonKeyFields.get(i); if (field.isTransient) { nonKeyFields.remove(i); } else if (field.isPriKey) { if (priKeyField == null) { priKeyField = field; nonKeyFields.remove(i); } } else if (field.isSecKey) { secKeyFields.add(field); nonKeyFields.remove(i); } else { i += 1; } } Comparator cmp = new Comparator() { public int compare(FieldInfo f1, FieldInfo f2) { return; } }; Collections.sort(secKeyFields, cmp); Collections.sort(nonKeyFields, cmp); } /* System.out.println("PriKey: " + priKeyField); System.out.println("SecKeys: " + secKeyFields); System.out.println("NonKeys: " + nonKeyFields); //*/ } /** * Outputs code in a static block to register the prototype instance: * * static { * EnhancedAccessor.registerClass(TheClassName, new TheClass()); * // or for an abstract class: * EnhancedAccessor.registerClass(TheClassName, null); * } */ private void genStaticBlock() { MethodVisitor mv = cv.visitMethod(ACC_STATIC, "", "()V", null, null); mv.visitCode(); if (staticBlockMethod != null) { mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKESTATIC, className, staticBlockMethod, "()V"); } mv.visitLdcInsn(className.replace('/', '.')); if (isAbstract) { mv.visitInsn(ACONST_NULL); } else { mv.visitTypeInsn(NEW, className); mv.visitInsn(DUP); mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESPECIAL, className, "", "()V"); } mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKESTATIC, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EnhancedAccessor", "registerClass", "(Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/Enhanced;)V"); mv.visitInsn(RETURN); mv.visitMaxs(3, 0); mv.visitEnd(); } /** * public Object bdbNewInstance() { * return new TheClass(); * // or if abstract: * return null; * } */ private void genBdbNewInstance() { MethodVisitor mv = cv.visitMethod (ACC_PUBLIC, "bdbNewInstance", "()Ljava/lang/Object;", null, null); mv.visitCode(); if (isAbstract) { mv.visitInsn(ACONST_NULL); mv.visitInsn(ARETURN); mv.visitMaxs(1, 1); } else { mv.visitTypeInsn(NEW, className); mv.visitInsn(DUP); mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESPECIAL, className, "", "()V"); mv.visitInsn(ARETURN); mv.visitMaxs(2, 1); } mv.visitEnd(); } /** * public Object bdbNewArray(int len) { * return new TheClass[len]; * // or if abstract: * return null; * } */ private void genBdbNewArray() { MethodVisitor mv = cv.visitMethod (ACC_PUBLIC, "bdbNewArray", "(I)Ljava/lang/Object;", null, null); mv.visitCode(); if (isAbstract) { mv.visitInsn(ACONST_NULL); mv.visitInsn(ARETURN); mv.visitMaxs(1, 2); } else { mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 1); mv.visitTypeInsn(ANEWARRAY, className); mv.visitInsn(ARETURN); mv.visitMaxs(1, 2); mv.visitEnd(); } } /** * public boolean bdbIsPriKeyFieldNullOrZero() { * return theField == null; // or zero or false, as appropriate * // or if no primary key but has superclass: * return super.bdbIsPriKeyFieldNullOrZero(); * } */ private void genBdbIsPriKeyFieldNullOrZero() { MethodVisitor mv = cv.visitMethod (ACC_PUBLIC, "bdbIsPriKeyFieldNullOrZero", "()Z", null, null); mv.visitCode(); if (priKeyField != null) { mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitFieldInsn (GETFIELD, className,, priKeyField.type.getDescriptor()); Label l0 = new Label(); if (isRefType(priKeyField.type)) { mv.visitJumpInsn(IFNONNULL, l0); } else { genBeforeCompareToZero(mv, priKeyField.type); mv.visitJumpInsn(IFNE, l0); } mv.visitInsn(ICONST_1); Label l1 = new Label(); mv.visitJumpInsn(GOTO, l1); mv.visitLabel(l0); mv.visitInsn(ICONST_0); mv.visitLabel(l1); } else if (hasPersistentSuperclass) { mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKESPECIAL, superclassName, "bdbIsPriKeyFieldNullOrZero", "()Z"); } else { mv.visitInsn(ICONST_0); } mv.visitInsn(IRETURN); mv.visitMaxs(1, 1); mv.visitEnd(); } /** * public void bdbWritePriKeyField(EntityOutput output, Format format) { * output.writeKeyObject(theField, format); * // or * output.writeInt(theField); // and other simple types * // or if no primary key but has superclass: * return super.bdbWritePriKeyField(output, format); * } */ private void genBdbWritePriKeyField() { MethodVisitor mv = cv.visitMethod (ACC_PUBLIC, "bdbWritePriKeyField", "(Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityOutput;" + "Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/Format;)V", null, null); mv.visitCode(); if (priKeyField != null) { if (!genWriteSimpleKeyField(mv, priKeyField)) { /* For a non-simple type, call EntityOutput.writeKeyObject. */ mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitFieldInsn (GETFIELD, className,, priKeyField.type.getDescriptor()); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 2); mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityOutput", "writeKeyObject", "(Ljava/lang/Object;" + "Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/Format;)V"); } } else if (hasPersistentSuperclass) { mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 2); mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKESPECIAL, superclassName, "bdbWritePriKeyField", "(Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityOutput;" + "Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/Format;)V"); } mv.visitInsn(RETURN); mv.visitMaxs(3, 3); mv.visitEnd(); } /** * public void bdbReadPriKeyField(EntityInput input, Format format) { * theField = (TheFieldClass) input.readKeyObject(format); * // or * theField = input.readInt(); // and other simple types * // or if no primary key but has superclass: * super.bdbReadPriKeyField(input, format); * } */ private void genBdbReadPriKeyField() { MethodVisitor mv = cv.visitMethod (ACC_PUBLIC, "bdbReadPriKeyField", "(Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityInput;" + "Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/Format;)V", null, null); mv.visitCode(); if (priKeyField != null) { if (!genReadSimpleKeyField(mv, priKeyField)) { /* For a non-simple type, call EntityInput.readKeyObject. */ mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 2); mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityInput", "readKeyObject", "(Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/Format;)" + "Ljava/lang/Object;"); mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, getTypeInstName(priKeyField.type)); mv.visitFieldInsn (PUTFIELD, className,, priKeyField.type.getDescriptor()); } } else if (hasPersistentSuperclass) { mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 2); mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKESPECIAL, superclassName, "bdbReadPriKeyField", "(Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityInput;" + "Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/Format;)V"); } mv.visitInsn(RETURN); mv.visitMaxs(3, 3); mv.visitEnd(); } /** * public void bdbWriteSecKeyFields(EntityOutput output) { * output.registerPriKeyObject(priKeyField); // if an object * super.bdbWriteSecKeyFields(EntityOutput output); // if has super * output.writeInt(secKeyField1); * output.writeObject(secKeyField2, null); * // etc * } */ private void genBdbWriteSecKeyFields() { MethodVisitor mv = cv.visitMethod (ACC_PUBLIC, "bdbWriteSecKeyFields", "(Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityOutput;)V", null, null); mv.visitCode(); /* * In JE 5.0, String is treated as primitive type, so String does * not need to be registered. [#19247] */ if (priKeyField != null && isRefType(priKeyField.type) && !priKeyField.isString) { genRegisterPrimaryKey(mv, false); } if (hasPersistentSuperclass) { mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKESPECIAL, superclassName, "bdbWriteSecKeyFields", "(Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityOutput;)V"); } for (FieldInfo field : secKeyFields) { genWriteField(mv, field); } mv.visitInsn(RETURN); mv.visitMaxs(2, 2); mv.visitEnd(); } /** * public void bdbReadSecKeyFields(EntityInput input, * int startField, * int endField, * int superLevel) { * input.registerPriKeyObject(priKeyField); // if an object * // if has super: * if (superLevel != 0) { * super.bdbReadSecKeyFields(..., superLevel - 1); * } * if (superLevel <= 0) { * switch (startField) { * case 0: * secKeyField1 = input.readInt(); * if (endField == 0) break; * case 1: * secKeyField2 = (String) input.readObject(); * if (endField == 1) break; * case 2: * secKeyField3 = input.readInt(); * } * } * } */ private void genBdbReadSecKeyFields() { MethodVisitor mv = cv.visitMethod (ACC_PUBLIC, "bdbReadSecKeyFields", "(Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityInput;III)V", null, null); mv.visitCode(); if (priKeyField != null && isRefType(priKeyField.type) && !priKeyField.isString) { genRegisterPrimaryKey(mv, true); } else if (priKeyField != null && priKeyField.isString) { genRegisterPrimaryStringKey(mv); } genReadSuperKeyFields(mv, true); genReadFieldSwitch(mv, secKeyFields); mv.visitInsn(RETURN); mv.visitMaxs(5, 5); mv.visitEnd(); } /** * output.registerPriKeyObject(priKeyField); * // or * input.registerPriKeyObject(priKeyField); */ private void genRegisterPrimaryKey(MethodVisitor mv, boolean input) { String entityInputOrOutputClass = input ? "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityInput" : "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityOutput"; mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitFieldInsn (GETFIELD, className,, priKeyField.type.getDescriptor()); mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, entityInputOrOutputClass, "registerPriKeyObject", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)V"); } /** * input.registerPriStringKeyObject(priKeyField); */ private void genRegisterPrimaryStringKey(MethodVisitor mv) { String entityInputOrOutputClass = "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityInput"; mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitFieldInsn (GETFIELD, className,, priKeyField.type.getDescriptor()); mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, entityInputOrOutputClass, "registerPriStringKeyObject", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)V"); } /** * public void bdbWriteNonKeyFields(EntityOutput output) { * // like bdbWriteSecKeyFields but does not call registerPriKeyObject * } */ private void genBdbWriteNonKeyFields() { MethodVisitor mv = cv.visitMethod (ACC_PUBLIC, "bdbWriteNonKeyFields", "(Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityOutput;)V", null, null); mv.visitCode(); if (!isCompositeKey) { if (hasPersistentSuperclass) { mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKESPECIAL, superclassName, "bdbWriteNonKeyFields", "(Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityOutput;)V"); } for (FieldInfo field : nonKeyFields) { genWriteField(mv, field); } } mv.visitInsn(RETURN); mv.visitMaxs(2, 2); mv.visitEnd(); } /** * public void bdbReadNonKeyFields(EntityInput input, * int startField, * int endField, * int superLevel) { * // like bdbReadSecKeyFields but does not call registerPriKeyObject * } */ private void genBdbReadNonKeyFields() { MethodVisitor mv = cv.visitMethod (ACC_PUBLIC, "bdbReadNonKeyFields", "(Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityInput;III)V", null, null); mv.visitCode(); if (!isCompositeKey) { genReadSuperKeyFields(mv, false); genReadFieldSwitch(mv, nonKeyFields); } mv.visitInsn(RETURN); mv.visitMaxs(5, 5); mv.visitEnd(); } /** * public void bdbWriteCompositeKeyFields(EntityOutput output, * Format[] formats) { * output.writeInt(compositeKeyField1); * output.writeKeyObject(compositeKeyField2, formats[1]); * // etc * } */ private void genBdbWriteCompositeKeyFields() { MethodVisitor mv = cv.visitMethod (ACC_PUBLIC, "bdbWriteCompositeKeyFields", "(Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityOutput;" + "[Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/Format;)V", null, null); mv.visitCode(); if (isCompositeKey) { for (int i = 0; i < nonKeyFields.size(); i += 1) { FieldInfo field = nonKeyFields.get(i); if (!genWriteSimpleKeyField(mv, field)) { /* For a non-simple type, call writeKeyObject. */ mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitFieldInsn (GETFIELD, className,, field.type.getDescriptor()); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 2); if (i <= Byte.MAX_VALUE) { mv.visitIntInsn(BIPUSH, i); } else { mv.visitLdcInsn(new Integer(i)); } mv.visitInsn(AALOAD); mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityOutput", "writeKeyObject", "(Ljava/lang/Object;" + "Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/Format;)V"); } } } mv.visitInsn(RETURN); mv.visitMaxs(3, 3); mv.visitEnd(); } /** * public void bdbReadCompositeKeyFields(EntityInput input, * Format[] formats) { * compositeKeyField1 = input.readInt(); * compositeKeyField2 = input.readKeyObject(formats[1]); * } */ private void genBdbReadCompositeKeyFields() { MethodVisitor mv = cv.visitMethod (ACC_PUBLIC, "bdbReadCompositeKeyFields", "(Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityInput;" + "[Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/Format;)V", null, null); mv.visitCode(); if (isCompositeKey) { for (int i = 0; i < nonKeyFields.size(); i += 1) { FieldInfo field = nonKeyFields.get(i); /* Ignore non-simple (illegal) types for composite key. */ if (!genReadSimpleKeyField(mv, field)) { /* For a non-simple type, call readKeyObject. */ mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 2); if (i <= Byte.MAX_VALUE) { mv.visitIntInsn(BIPUSH, i); } else { mv.visitLdcInsn(new Integer(i)); } mv.visitInsn(AALOAD); mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityInput", "readKeyObject", "(Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/Format;)" + "Ljava/lang/Object;"); mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, getTypeInstName(field.type)); mv.visitFieldInsn (PUTFIELD, className,, field.type.getDescriptor()); } } } mv.visitInsn(RETURN); mv.visitMaxs(5, 5); mv.visitEnd(); } /** * output.writeInt(field); // and other primitives * // or * output.writeObject(field, null); */ private void genWriteField(MethodVisitor mv, FieldInfo field) { mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitFieldInsn (GETFIELD, className,, field.type.getDescriptor()); int sort = field.type.getSort(); if (field.isString) { /* * In JE 5.0, we treat String as primitive, and will not store * format ID for String data. [#19247] */ mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityOutput", "writeString", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/sleepycat/bind/tuple/TupleOutput;"); mv.visitInsn(POP); } else if (sort == Type.OBJECT || sort == Type.ARRAY) { mv.visitInsn(ACONST_NULL); mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityOutput", "writeObject", "(Ljava/lang/Object;Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/Format;)V"); } else { genWritePrimitive(mv, sort); } } /** * Generates writing of a simple type key field, or returns false if the * key field is not a simple type (i.e., it is a composite key type). * * output.writeInt(theField); // and other primitives * // or * output.writeInt(theField.intValue()); // and other simple types * // or returns false */ private boolean genWriteSimpleKeyField(MethodVisitor mv, FieldInfo field) { if (genWritePrimitiveField(mv, field)) { return true; } String fieldClassName = field.type.getClassName(); if (!isSimpleRefType(fieldClassName)) { return false; } mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitFieldInsn (GETFIELD, className,, field.type.getDescriptor()); Integer sort = PRIMITIVE_WRAPPERS.get(fieldClassName); if (sort != null) { genUnwrapPrimitive(mv, sort); genWritePrimitive(mv, sort); } else if (fieldClassName.equals(Date.class.getName())) { mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/util/Date", "getTime", "()J"); genWritePrimitive(mv, Type.LONG); } else if (fieldClassName.equals(String.class.getName())) { mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityOutput", "writeString", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/sleepycat/bind/tuple/TupleOutput;"); mv.visitInsn(POP); } else if (fieldClassName.equals(BigInteger.class.getName())) { mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityOutput", "writeBigInteger", "(Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Lcom/sleepycat/bind/tuple/TupleOutput;"); mv.visitInsn(POP); } else if (fieldClassName.equals(BigDecimal.class.getName())) { mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityOutput", "writeSortedBigDecimal", "(Ljava/math/BigDecimal;)Lcom/sleepycat/bind/tuple/TupleOutput;"); mv.visitInsn(POP); } else { throw DbCompat.unexpectedState(fieldClassName); } return true; } private boolean genWritePrimitiveField(MethodVisitor mv, FieldInfo field) { int sort = field.type.getSort(); if (sort == Type.OBJECT || sort == Type.ARRAY) { return false; } mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitFieldInsn (GETFIELD, className,, field.type.getDescriptor()); genWritePrimitive(mv, sort); return true; } /** * // if has super: * if (superLevel != 0) { * super.bdbReadXxxKeyFields(..., superLevel - 1); * } */ private void genReadSuperKeyFields(MethodVisitor mv, boolean areSecKeyFields) { if (hasPersistentSuperclass) { Label next = new Label(); mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 4); mv.visitJumpInsn(IFEQ, next); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 2); mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 3); mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 4); mv.visitInsn(ICONST_1); mv.visitInsn(ISUB); String name = areSecKeyFields ? "bdbReadSecKeyFields" : "bdbReadNonKeyFields"; mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKESPECIAL, superclassName, name, "(Lcom/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityInput;III)V"); mv.visitLabel(next); } } /** * public void bdbReadXxxKeyFields(EntityInput input, * int startField, * int endField, * int superLevel) { * // ... * if (superLevel <= 0) { * switch (startField) { * case 0: * keyField1 = input.readInt(); * if (endField == 0) break; * case 1: * keyField2 = (String) input.readObject(); * if (endField == 1) break; * case 2: * keyField3 = input.readInt(); * } * } */ private void genReadFieldSwitch(MethodVisitor mv, List fields) { int nFields = fields.size(); if (nFields > 0) { mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 4); Label pastSwitch = new Label(); mv.visitJumpInsn(IFGT, pastSwitch); Label[] labels = new Label[nFields]; for (int i = 0; i < nFields; i += 1) { labels[i] = new Label(); } mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 2); mv.visitTableSwitchInsn(0, nFields - 1, pastSwitch, labels); for (int i = 0; i < nFields; i += 1) { FieldInfo field = fields.get(i); mv.visitLabel(labels[i]); genReadField(mv, field); if (i < nFields - 1) { Label nextCase = labels[i + 1]; mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 3); if (i == 0) { mv.visitJumpInsn(IFNE, nextCase); } else { switch (i) { case 1: mv.visitInsn(ICONST_1); break; case 2: mv.visitInsn(ICONST_2); break; case 3: mv.visitInsn(ICONST_3); break; case 4: mv.visitInsn(ICONST_4); break; case 5: mv.visitInsn(ICONST_5); break; default: mv.visitIntInsn(BIPUSH, i); } mv.visitJumpInsn(IF_ICMPNE, nextCase); } mv.visitJumpInsn(GOTO, pastSwitch); } } mv.visitLabel(pastSwitch); } } /** * field = input.readInt(); // and other primitives * // or * field = (FieldClass) input.readObject(); */ private void genReadField(MethodVisitor mv, FieldInfo field) { mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); if (field.isString) { /* * In JE 5.0, we treat String as primitive, and will not store * format ID for String data. [#19247] */ mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityInput", "readStringObject", "()Ljava/lang/Object;"); mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, getTypeInstName(field.type)); } else if (isRefType(field.type)) { mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityInput", "readObject", "()Ljava/lang/Object;"); mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, getTypeInstName(field.type)); } else { genReadPrimitive(mv, field.type.getSort()); } mv.visitFieldInsn (PUTFIELD, className,, field.type.getDescriptor()); } /** * Generates reading of a simple type key field, or returns false if the * key field is not a simple type (i.e., it is a composite key type). * * field = input.readInt(); // and other primitives * // or * field = Integer.valueOf(input.readInt()); // and other simple types * // or returns false */ private boolean genReadSimpleKeyField(MethodVisitor mv, FieldInfo field) { if (genReadPrimitiveField(mv, field)) { return true; } String fieldClassName = field.type.getClassName(); if (!isSimpleRefType(fieldClassName)) { return false; } Integer sort = PRIMITIVE_WRAPPERS.get(fieldClassName); if (sort != null) { mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); genReadPrimitive(mv, sort); genWrapPrimitive(mv, sort); } else if (fieldClassName.equals(Date.class.getName())) { /* Date is a special case because we use NEW instead of valueOf. */ mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitTypeInsn(NEW, "java/util/Date"); mv.visitInsn(DUP); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); genReadPrimitive(mv, Type.LONG); mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKESPECIAL, "java/util/Date", "", "(J)V"); } else if (fieldClassName.equals(String.class.getName())) { mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityInput", "readString", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); } else if (fieldClassName.equals(BigInteger.class.getName())) { mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityInput", "readBigInteger", "()Ljava/math/BigInteger;"); } else if (fieldClassName.equals(BigDecimal.class.getName())) { mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityInput", "readSortedBigDecimal", "()Ljava/math/BigDecimal;"); } else { throw DbCompat.unexpectedState(fieldClassName); } mv.visitFieldInsn (PUTFIELD, className,, field.type.getDescriptor()); return true; } private boolean genReadPrimitiveField(MethodVisitor mv, FieldInfo field) { int sort = field.type.getSort(); if (sort == Type.OBJECT || sort == Type.ARRAY) { return false; } mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); genReadPrimitive(mv, sort); mv.visitFieldInsn (PUTFIELD, className,, field.type.getDescriptor()); return true; } /** * public Object bdbGetField(Object o, * int field, * int superLevel, * boolean isSecField) { * if (superLevel > 0) { * // if has superclass: * return super.bdbGetField * (o, field, superLevel - 1, isSecField); * } else if (isSecField) { * switch (field) { * case 0: * return Integer.valueOf(f2); * case 1: * return f3; * case 2: * return f4; * } * } else { * switch (field) { * case 0: * return Integer.valueOf(f5); * case 1: * return f6; * case 2: * return f7; * } * } * return null; * } */ private void genBdbGetField() { MethodVisitor mv = cv.visitMethod (ACC_PUBLIC, "bdbGetField", "(Ljava/lang/Object;IIZ)Ljava/lang/Object;", null, null); mv.visitCode(); mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 3); Label l0 = new Label(); mv.visitJumpInsn(IFLE, l0); Label l1 = new Label(); if (hasPersistentSuperclass) { mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 2); mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 3); mv.visitInsn(ICONST_1); mv.visitInsn(ISUB); mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 4); mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKESPECIAL, className, "bdbGetField", "(Ljava/lang/Object;IIZ)Ljava/lang/Object;"); mv.visitInsn(ARETURN); } else { mv.visitJumpInsn(GOTO, l1); } mv.visitLabel(l0); mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 4); Label l2 = new Label(); mv.visitJumpInsn(IFEQ, l2); genGetFieldSwitch(mv, secKeyFields, l1); mv.visitLabel(l2); genGetFieldSwitch(mv, nonKeyFields, l1); mv.visitLabel(l1); mv.visitInsn(ACONST_NULL); mv.visitInsn(ARETURN); mv.visitMaxs(1, 5); mv.visitEnd(); } /** * mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 2); * Label l0 = new Label(); * Label l1 = new Label(); * Label l2 = new Label(); * mv.visitTableSwitchInsn(0, 2, TheDefLabel, new Label[] { l0, l1, l2 }); * mv.visitLabel(l0); * mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); * mv.visitFieldInsn(GETFIELD, TheClassName, "f2", "I"); * mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESTATIC, "java/lang/Integer", "valueOf", * "(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;"); * mv.visitInsn(ARETURN); * mv.visitLabel(l1); * mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); * mv.visitFieldInsn(GETFIELD, TheClassName, "f3", "Ljava/lang/String;"); * mv.visitInsn(ARETURN); * mv.visitLabel(l2); * mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); * mv.visitFieldInsn(GETFIELD, TheClassName, "f4", "Ljava/lang/String;"); * mv.visitInsn(ARETURN); */ private void genGetFieldSwitch(MethodVisitor mv, List fields, Label defaultLabel) { int nFields = fields.size(); if (nFields == 0) { mv.visitJumpInsn(GOTO, defaultLabel); return; } Label[] labels = new Label[nFields]; for (int i = 0; i < nFields; i += 1) { labels[i] = new Label(); } mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 2); mv.visitTableSwitchInsn(0, nFields - 1, defaultLabel, labels); for (int i = 0; i < nFields; i += 1) { FieldInfo field = fields.get(i); mv.visitLabel(labels[i]); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitFieldInsn (GETFIELD, className,, field.type.getDescriptor()); if (!isRefType(field.type)) { genWrapPrimitive(mv, field.type.getSort()); } mv.visitInsn(ARETURN); } } /** * public void bdbSetField(Object o, * int field, * int superLevel, * boolean isSecField, * Object value) { * if (superLevel > 0) { * // if has superclass: * super.bdbSetField * (o, field, superLevel - 1, isSecField, value); * } else if (isSecField) { * switch (field) { * case 0: * f2 = ((Integer) value).intValue(); * case 1: * f3 = (String) value; * case 2: * f4 = (String) value; * } * } else { * switch (field) { * case 0: * f5 = ((Integer) value).intValue(); * case 1: * f6 = (String) value; * case 2: * f7 = (String) value; * } * } * } */ private void genBdbSetField() { MethodVisitor mv = cv.visitMethod (ACC_PUBLIC, "bdbSetField", "(Ljava/lang/Object;IIZLjava/lang/Object;)V", null, null); mv.visitCode(); mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 3); Label l0 = new Label(); mv.visitJumpInsn(IFLE, l0); if (hasPersistentSuperclass) { mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 2); mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 3); mv.visitInsn(ICONST_1); mv.visitInsn(ISUB); mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 4); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 5); mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKESPECIAL, className, "bdbSetField", "(Ljava/lang/Object;IIZLjava/lang/Object;)V"); } mv.visitInsn(RETURN); mv.visitLabel(l0); mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 4); Label l2 = new Label(); mv.visitJumpInsn(IFEQ, l2); Label l1 = new Label(); genSetFieldSwitch(mv, secKeyFields, l1); mv.visitLabel(l2); genSetFieldSwitch(mv, nonKeyFields, l1); mv.visitLabel(l1); mv.visitInsn(RETURN); mv.visitMaxs(2, 6); mv.visitEnd(); } /** * public void bdbSetPriField(Object o, Object value) { * if (priKeyField != null) { * thisField = (TheFieldClass) value; * } else if (super != null) { * // if has superclass: * super.bdbSetPriField(o, value) * } * } */ private void genBdbSetPriField() { MethodVisitor mv = cv.visitMethod (ACC_PUBLIC, "bdbSetPriField", "(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V", null, null); mv.visitCode(); if (priKeyField != null) { mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 2); if (isRefType(priKeyField.type)) { mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, getTypeInstName(priKeyField.type)); } else { int sort = priKeyField.type.getSort(); mv.visitTypeInsn (CHECKCAST, getPrimitiveWrapperClass(sort).replace('.', '/')); genUnwrapPrimitive(mv, sort); } mv.visitFieldInsn (PUTFIELD, className,, priKeyField.type.getDescriptor()); } else if (hasPersistentSuperclass) { mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 2); mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKESPECIAL, superclassName, "bdbSetPriField", "(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V"); } mv.visitInsn(RETURN); mv.visitMaxs(3, 3); mv.visitEnd(); } /** * mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 2); * Label l0 = new Label(); * Label l1 = new Label(); * Label l2 = new Label(); * mv.visitTableSwitchInsn(0, 2, TheDefLabel, new Label[] { l0, l1, l2 }); * mv.visitLabel(l0); * mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); * mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 5); * mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, "java/lang/Integer"); * mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/Integer", "intValue", * "()I"); * mv.visitFieldInsn(PUTFIELD, TheClassName, "f2", "I"); * mv.visitLabel(l1); * mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); * mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 5); * mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, "java/lang/String"); * mv.visitFieldInsn(PUTFIELD, TheClassName, "f3", "Ljava/lang/String;"); * mv.visitLabel(l2); * mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); * mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 5); * mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, "java/lang/String"); * mv.visitFieldInsn(PUTFIELD, TheClassName, "f4", "Ljava/lang/String;"); */ private void genSetFieldSwitch(MethodVisitor mv, List fields, Label defaultLabel) { int nFields = fields.size(); if (nFields == 0) { mv.visitJumpInsn(GOTO, defaultLabel); return; } Label[] labels = new Label[nFields]; for (int i = 0; i < nFields; i += 1) { labels[i] = new Label(); } mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 2); mv.visitTableSwitchInsn(0, nFields - 1, defaultLabel, labels); for (int i = 0; i < nFields; i += 1) { FieldInfo field = fields.get(i); mv.visitLabel(labels[i]); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 5); if (isRefType(field.type)) { mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, getTypeInstName(field.type)); } else { int sort = field.type.getSort(); mv.visitTypeInsn (CHECKCAST, getPrimitiveWrapperClass(sort).replace('.', '/')); genUnwrapPrimitive(mv, sort); } mv.visitFieldInsn (PUTFIELD, className,, field.type.getDescriptor()); mv.visitInsn(RETURN); } } private void genWritePrimitive(MethodVisitor mv, int sort) { switch (sort) { case Type.BOOLEAN: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityOutput", "writeBoolean", "(Z)Lcom/sleepycat/bind/tuple/TupleOutput;"); break; case Type.CHAR: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityOutput", "writeChar", "(I)Lcom/sleepycat/bind/tuple/TupleOutput;"); break; case Type.BYTE: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityOutput", "writeByte", "(I)Lcom/sleepycat/bind/tuple/TupleOutput;"); break; case Type.SHORT: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityOutput", "writeShort", "(I)Lcom/sleepycat/bind/tuple/TupleOutput;"); break; case Type.INT: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityOutput", "writeInt", "(I)Lcom/sleepycat/bind/tuple/TupleOutput;"); break; case Type.LONG: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityOutput", "writeLong", "(J)Lcom/sleepycat/bind/tuple/TupleOutput;"); break; case Type.FLOAT: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityOutput", "writeSortedFloat", "(F)Lcom/sleepycat/bind/tuple/TupleOutput;"); break; case Type.DOUBLE: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityOutput", "writeSortedDouble", "(D)Lcom/sleepycat/bind/tuple/TupleOutput;"); break; default: throw DbCompat.unexpectedState(String.valueOf(sort)); } /* The write methods always return 'this' and we always discard it. */ mv.visitInsn(POP); } private void genReadPrimitive(MethodVisitor mv, int sort) { switch (sort) { case Type.BOOLEAN: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityInput", "readBoolean", "()Z"); break; case Type.CHAR: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityInput", "readChar", "()C"); break; case Type.BYTE: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityInput", "readByte", "()B"); break; case Type.SHORT: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityInput", "readShort", "()S"); break; case Type.INT: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityInput", "readInt", "()I"); break; case Type.LONG: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityInput", "readLong", "()J"); break; case Type.FLOAT: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityInput", "readSortedFloat", "()F"); break; case Type.DOUBLE: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEINTERFACE, "com/sleepycat/persist/impl/EntityInput", "readSortedDouble", "()D"); break; default: throw DbCompat.unexpectedState(String.valueOf(sort)); } } private void genWrapPrimitive(MethodVisitor mv, int sort) { switch (sort) { case Type.BOOLEAN: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKESTATIC, "java/lang/Boolean", "valueOf", "(Z)Ljava/lang/Boolean;"); break; case Type.CHAR: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKESTATIC, "java/lang/Character", "valueOf", "(C)Ljava/lang/Character;"); break; case Type.BYTE: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKESTATIC, "java/lang/Byte", "valueOf", "(B)Ljava/lang/Byte;"); break; case Type.SHORT: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKESTATIC, "java/lang/Short", "valueOf", "(S)Ljava/lang/Short;"); break; case Type.INT: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKESTATIC, "java/lang/Integer", "valueOf", "(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;"); break; case Type.LONG: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKESTATIC, "java/lang/Long", "valueOf", "(J)Ljava/lang/Long;"); break; case Type.FLOAT: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKESTATIC, "java/lang/Float", "valueOf", "(F)Ljava/lang/Float;"); break; case Type.DOUBLE: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKESTATIC, "java/lang/Double", "valueOf", "(D)Ljava/lang/Double;"); break; default: throw DbCompat.unexpectedState(String.valueOf(sort)); } } private void genUnwrapPrimitive(MethodVisitor mv, int sort) { switch (sort) { case Type.BOOLEAN: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/Boolean", "booleanValue", "()Z"); break; case Type.CHAR: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/Character", "charValue", "()C"); break; case Type.BYTE: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/Byte", "byteValue", "()B"); break; case Type.SHORT: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/Short", "shortValue", "()S"); break; case Type.INT: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/Integer", "intValue", "()I"); break; case Type.LONG: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/Long", "longValue", "()J"); break; case Type.FLOAT: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/Float", "floatValue", "()F"); break; case Type.DOUBLE: mv.visitMethodInsn (INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/Double", "doubleValue", "()D"); break; default: throw DbCompat.unexpectedState(String.valueOf(sort)); } } /** * Returns the type name for a visitTypeInsn operand, which is the internal * name for an object type and the descriptor for an array type. Must not * be called for a non-reference type. */ private static String getTypeInstName(Type type) { if (type.getSort() == Type.OBJECT) { return type.getInternalName(); } else if (type.getSort() == Type.ARRAY) { return type.getDescriptor(); } else { throw DbCompat.unexpectedState(); } } /** * Call this method before comparing a non-reference operand to zero as an * int, for example, with IFNE, IFEQ, IFLT, etc. If the operand is a long, * float or double, this method will compare it to zero and leave the * result as an int operand. */ private static void genBeforeCompareToZero(MethodVisitor mv, Type type) { switch (type.getSort()) { case Type.LONG: mv.visitInsn(LCONST_0); mv.visitInsn(LCMP); break; case Type.FLOAT: mv.visitInsn(FCONST_0); mv.visitInsn(FCMPL); break; case Type.DOUBLE: mv.visitInsn(DCONST_0); mv.visitInsn(DCMPL); break; } } /** * Returns true if the given class is a primitive wrapper, Date or String. */ static boolean isSimpleRefType(String className) { return (PRIMITIVE_WRAPPERS.containsKey(className) || className.equals(BigInteger.class.getName()) || className.equals(BigDecimal.class.getName()) || className.equals(Date.class.getName()) || className.equals(String.class.getName())); } /** * Returns the wrapper class for a primitive. */ static String getPrimitiveWrapperClass(int primitiveSort) { for (Map.Entry entry : PRIMITIVE_WRAPPERS.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() == primitiveSort) { return entry.getKey(); } } throw DbCompat.unexpectedState(String.valueOf(primitiveSort)); } /** * Returns true if the given type is an object or array. */ private static boolean isRefType(Type type) { int sort = type.getSort(); return (sort == Type.OBJECT || sort == Type.ARRAY); } /** * Returns whether a string array contains a given string. */ private static boolean containsString(String[] a, String s) { if (a != null) { for (String t : a) { if (s.equals(t)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Appends a string to a string array. */ private static String[] appendString(String[] a, String s) { if (a != null) { int len = a.length; String[] a2 = new String[len + 1]; System.arraycopy(a, 0, a2, 0, len); a2[len] = s; return a2; } else { return new String[] { s }; } } /** * Aborts the enhancement process when we determine that enhancement is * unnecessary or not possible. */ private NotPersistentException abort() { return NOT_PERSISTENT; } private static class FieldInfo extends FieldVisitor { FieldVisitor parent; String name; Type type; OrderInfo order; boolean isPriKey; boolean isSecKey; boolean isTransient; boolean isString = false; FieldInfo(FieldVisitor parent, String name, String desc, boolean isTransient) { super(ASM4); this.parent = parent; = name; this.isTransient = isTransient; type = Type.getType(desc); if (type.getClassName().equals(String.class.getName())) { isString = true; } } public AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String desc, boolean visible) { AnnotationVisitor ret = parent.visitAnnotation(desc, visible); if (desc.equals ("Lcom/sleepycat/persist/model/KeyField;")) { order = new OrderInfo(ret); ret = order; } else if (desc.equals ("Lcom/sleepycat/persist/model/PrimaryKey;")) { isPriKey = true; } else if (desc.equals ("Lcom/sleepycat/persist/model/SecondaryKey;")) { isSecKey = true; } else if (desc.equals ("Lcom/sleepycat/persist/model/NotPersistent;")) { isTransient = true; } else if (desc.equals ("Lcom/sleepycat/persist/model/NotTransient;")) { isTransient = false; } return ret; } public void visitAttribute(Attribute attr) { parent.visitAttribute(attr); } public void visitEnd() { parent.visitEnd(); } @Override public String toString() { String label; if (isPriKey) { label = "PrimaryKey"; } else if (isSecKey) { label = "SecondaryKey"; } else if (order != null) { label = "CompositeKeyField " + order.value; } else { label = "NonKeyField"; } return "[" + label + ' ' + name + ' ' + type + ']'; } } private static class OrderInfo extends AnnotationInfo { int value; OrderInfo(AnnotationVisitor parent) { super(parent); } @Override public void visit(String name, Object value) { if (name.equals("value")) { this.value = (Integer) value; } parent.visit(name, value); } } private static abstract class AnnotationInfo extends AnnotationVisitor { AnnotationVisitor parent; AnnotationInfo(AnnotationVisitor parent) { super(ASM4); this.parent = parent; } public void visit(String name, Object value) { parent.visit(name, value); } public AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String name, String desc) { return parent.visitAnnotation(name, desc); } public AnnotationVisitor visitArray(String name) { return parent.visitArray(name); } public void visitEnum(String name, String desc, String value) { parent.visitEnum(name, desc, value); } public void visitEnd() { parent.visitEnd(); } } }

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