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io.reactors.container.CommuteCatamorph.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.reactors
package container
import io.reactors.algebra.Commute
import scala.collection._
/** Stores elements that form a commutative monoid.
* Elements are incrementally aggregated using a binary operator
* that is associative and commutative. The value of the aggregation
* can be accessed with the `signal` method.
class CommuteCatamorph[@spec(Int, Long, Double) T, @spec(Int, Long, Double) S](
val get: S => T, val zero: T, val op: (T, T) => T
) extends RCatamorph[T, S] {
import CommuteCatamorph._
private[reactors] var subscription: Subscription = _
private[reactors] var root: Node[T] = null
private[reactors] var leaves: mutable.Map[S, Leaf[T]] = null
private val insertsEmitter = new Events.Emitter[S]
private val removesEmitter = new Events.Emitter[S]
private var rootValue: RCell[T] = null
def inserts: Events[S] = insertsEmitter
def removes: Events[S] = removesEmitter
def init(s: CommuteCatamorph[T, S]) {
root = new Empty(zero)
leaves = mutable.Map[S, Leaf[T]]()
rootValue = RCell(root.value)
subscription = Subscription.empty
def unsubscribe() = subscription.unsubscribe()
def signal: Signal[T] = rootValue
protected def newLeaf(v: S, f: S => T) = new Leaf[T](() => f(v), null)
def +=(v: S): Boolean = {
if (!leaves.contains(v)) {
val leaf = newLeaf(v, get)
leaves(v) = leaf
root = root.insert(leaf, op)
rootValue := root.value
insertsEmitter.react(v, null)
} else false
def -=(v: S): Boolean = {
if (leaves.contains(v)) {
val leaf = leaves(v)
root = leaf.remove(zero, op)
rootValue := root.value
removesEmitter.react(v, null)
} else false
def container = this
def push(v: S): Boolean = {
if (leaves.contains(v)) {
val leaf = leaves(v)
rootValue := root.value
} else false
def size = leaves.size
def foreach(f: S => Unit) = leaves.keys.foreach(f)
object CommuteCatamorph {
def apply[@spec(Int, Long, Double) T](implicit m: Commute[T]) =
new CommuteCatamorph[T, T](v => v,, m.operator)
implicit def factory[@spec(Int, Long, Double) T: Commute] =
new RContainer.Factory[T, CommuteCatamorph[T, T]] {
def apply(inserts: Events[T], removes: Events[T]): CommuteCatamorph[T, T] = {
val m = implicitly[Commute[T]]
val mc = new CommuteCatamorph[T, T](v => v,, m.operator)
mc.subscription = new Subscription.Composite(
inserts.onEvent(mc += _),
removes.onEvent(mc -= _)
sealed trait Node[@spec(Int, Long, Double) T] {
def height: Int
def value: T
def parent: Inner[T]
def parent_=(p: Inner[T]): Unit
def pushUp(op: (T, T) => T): Unit
def insert(leaf: Leaf[T], op: (T, T) => T): Node[T]
def housekeep(op: (T, T) => T) {}
def toString(indent: Int): String
override def toString = toString(0)
def localString: String
class Inner[@spec(Int, Long, Double) T](
var height: Int, var left: Node[T], var right: Node[T], var parent: Inner[T]
) extends Node[T] {
private var v: T = _
def value: T = v
def value_=(v: T) = this.v = v
def pushUp(op: (T, T) => T) {
v = op(left.value, right.value)
if (parent != null) parent.pushUp(op)
private def heightOf(l: Node[T], r: Node[T]) = 1 + math.max(l.height, r.height)
override def housekeep(op: (T, T) => T) {
height = heightOf(left, right)
value = op(left.value, right.value)
def insert(leaf: Leaf[T], op: (T, T) => T): Node[T] = {
if (left.height < right.height) {
left = left.insert(leaf, op)
left.parent = this
} else {
right = right.insert(leaf, op)
right.parent = this
def fix(op: (T, T) => T): Node[T] = {
// Check if both children are non-null.
// Note that both can never be null.
def isLeft = parent.left eq this
val result = if (left == null) {
if (parent == null) {
right.parent = null
} else {
if (isLeft) parent.left = right
else parent.right = right
right.parent = parent
} else if (right == null) {
if (parent == null) {
left.parent = null
} else {
if (isLeft) parent.left = left
else parent.right = left
left.parent = parent
} else {
// Check if unbalanced.
val lheight = left.height
val rheight = right.height
val diff = lheight - rheight
// See if rebalancing is necessary.
if (diff > 1) {
// Note that this means left is inner.
val leftInner = left.asInstanceOf[Inner[T]]
if (leftInner.left.height > leftInner.right.height) {
// New left is the bigger left grandchild.
val nleft = leftInner.left
nleft.parent = this
// New right is an inner node above the right child
// and the smaller left grandchild.
val nright =
new Inner(heightOf(leftInner.right, right), leftInner.right, right, this)
nright.left.parent = nright
nright.right.parent = nright
// And we update the children.
left = nleft
right = nright
} else {
// Everything mirrored.
val nleft = leftInner.right
nleft.parent = this
val nright =
new Inner(heightOf(leftInner.left, right), leftInner.left, right, this)
nright.left.parent = nright
nright.right.parent = nright
left = nleft
right = nright
} else if (diff < -1) {
// Note that this means right is inner -- everything mirrored.
val rightInner = right.asInstanceOf[Inner[T]]
if (rightInner.left.height > rightInner.right.height) {
val nright = rightInner.left
nright.parent = this
val nleft =
new Inner(heightOf(rightInner.right, left), rightInner.right, left, this)
nleft.left.parent = nleft
nleft.right.parent = nleft
left = nleft
right = nright
} else {
val nright = rightInner.right
nright.parent = this
val nleft =
new Inner(heightOf(rightInner.left, left), rightInner.left, left, this)
nleft.left.parent = nleft
nleft.right.parent = nleft
left = nleft
right = nright
if (parent != null) parent.fix(op)
else this
def toString(indent: Int) = " " * indent +
s"Inner($height, \n${left.toString(indent + 2)}, \n${right.toString(indent + 2)})"
def localString = s"Inner(h = $height, l.h = ${left.height}, r.h = ${right.height})"
class Leaf[@spec(Int, Long, Double) T](val get: () => T, var parent: Inner[T])
extends Node[T] {
def height = 0
def value = get()
def pushUp(op: (T, T) => T) {
if (parent != null) parent.pushUp(op)
def insert(leaf: Leaf[T], op: (T, T) => T): Node[T] = {
val inner = new Inner(1, this, leaf, null)
this.parent = inner
leaf.parent = inner
inner.value = op(this.value, leaf.value)
def remove(zero: T, op: (T, T) => T): Node[T] = {
if (parent == null) {
// The only value left.
new Empty(zero)
} else {
def isLeft = parent.left eq this
if (isLeft) parent.left = null
else parent.right = null
def toString(indent: Int) = " " * indent + s"Leaf(${get()})"
def localString = s"Leaf(${get()})"
class Empty[@spec(Int, Long, Double) T](val value: T) extends Node[T] {
def height = 0
def parent = null
def parent_=(p: Inner[T]) = throw new IllegalStateException
def pushUp(op: (T, T) => T) {}
def insert(leaf: Leaf[T], op: (T, T) => T) = leaf
def toString(indent: Int) = " " * indent + s"Empty($value)"
def localString = s"Empty($value)"