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org.scalameter.Measurer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.scalameter
import org.scalameter.execution.invocation.InvocationCountMatcher
import org.scalameter.utils.withGCNotification
import scala.collection._
import scala.compat._
import scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime
import scala.util.matching.Regex
trait Measurer[V] extends Serializable { self =>
def name: String
def measure[T](context: Context, measurements: Int, setup: T => Any,
tear: T => Any, regen: () => T, snippet: T => Any): Seq[Quantity[V]]
def map[U](f: Quantity[V] => Quantity[U]) = new Measurer[U] {
def name = self.name
def measure[T](context: Context, measurements: Int, setup: T => Any,
tear: T => Any, regen: () => T, snippet: T => Any): Seq[Quantity[U]] =
self.measure(context, measurements, setup, tear, regen, snippet).map(f)
override def usesInstrumentedClasspath: Boolean = self.usesInstrumentedClasspath
override def prepareContext(context: Context): Context =
override def beforeExecution(context: Context): Unit = self.beforeExecution(context)
override def afterExecution(context: Context): Unit = self.afterExecution(context)
/** Indicates if a measurer uses instrumented classpath -
* if `true` measurer must be run using an executor that spawns separate JVMs.
def usesInstrumentedClasspath: Boolean = false
/** Modifies the initial test context.
* This method is invoked before the `PerformanceTest` object's ctor is invoked.
* The key-value pairs that the [[org.scalameter.Measurer]] adds to
* the [[org.scalameter.Context]] in this method are visible to all
* the test snippets within the `PerformanceTest` class.
* Most measurers do not need to add any specific keys,
* so the default implementation just returns the `context`.
def prepareContext(context: Context): Context = context
/** Does some side effects before execution of all benchmarks in a performance test.
* This method is invoked in the `PerformanceTest` `executeTests` method
* just before execution of any benchmarks.
* Most measurers do not need add additional context keys in [[prepareContext]],
* so the default implementation just does nothing.
def beforeExecution(context: Context): Unit = ()
/** Does some final cleanup after execution of all benchmarks in a performance test.
* This method is invoked in the `PerformanceTest` `executeTests` method
* just after execution of all benchmarks.
* Most measurers do not need to do any side effects in [[beforeExecution]],
* so the default implementation just does nothing.
def afterExecution(context: Context): Unit = ()
object Measurer {
import Key._
/** Measurer that measures nothing.
def None[V] = new Measurer[V] {
def name = "None"
def measure[T](context: Context, measurements: Int, setup: T => Any,
tear: T => Any, regen: () => T, snippet: T => Any): Seq[Quantity[V]] = ???
trait Timer extends Measurer[Double]
/** Mixin for measurers whose benchmarked value is based on the current iteration.
trait IterationBasedValue {
/** Returns the value used for the benchmark at `iteration`.
* May optionally call `regen` to obtain a new value for the benchmark.
* By default, the value `v` is always returned and the value for the
* benchmark is never regenerated.
protected def valueAt[T](
context: Context, iteration: Int, regen: () => T, v: T
): T = v
object Default {
def apply() = new Default
def withNanos() = new Default map { case Quantity(v, _) =>
Quantity(v * 1000000.0, "ns")
/** A default measurer executes the test as many times as specified and returns the
* sequence of measured times.
class Default extends Timer with IterationBasedValue {
@volatile private var snippetResult: Any = null
def name = "Measurer.Default"
def measure[T](context: Context, measurements: Int, setup: T => Any,
tear: T => Any, regen: () => T, snippet: T => Any): Seq[Quantity[Double]] = {
var iteration = 0
val times = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[Quantity[Double]]
var value = regen()
while (iteration < measurements) {
value = valueAt(context, iteration, regen, value)
val start = System.nanoTime
snippetResult = snippet(value)
val end = System.nanoTime
val time = Quantity((end - start) / 1000000.0, "ms")
times += time
iteration += 1
snippetResult = null
log.verbose(s"measurements: ${times.mkString(", ")}")
/** A measurer that discards measurements during which it detects GC cycles.
* Assume that `M` measurements are requested.
* To prevent looping forever, after the number of measurement failed due to GC
* exceeds the number of successful measurements by more than `M`, the subsequent
* measurements are accepted regardless of whether GC cycles occur.
class IgnoringGC extends Timer with IterationBasedValue {
override def name = "Measurer.IgnoringGC"
def measure[T](context: Context, measurements: Int, setup: T => Any,
tear: T => Any, regen: () => T, snippet: T => Any): Seq[Quantity[Double]] = {
val times = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[Quantity[Double]]
var okcount = 0
var gccount = 0
var ignoring = true
var value = regen()
while (okcount < measurements) {
value = valueAt(context, okcount + gccount, regen, value)
@volatile var gc = false
val time = withGCNotification { n =>
dyn.currentContext.withValue(context) {
gc = true
log.verbose("GC detected.")
} {
val start = System.nanoTime
val end = System.nanoTime
Quantity((end - start) / 1000000.0, "ms")
if (ignoring && gc) {
gccount += 1
if (gccount - okcount > measurements) ignoring = false
} else {
okcount += 1
times += time
log.verbose(s"${if (ignoring) "All GC time ignored"
else "Some GC time recorded"}, accepted: $okcount, ignored: $gccount")
log.verbose(s"measurements: ${times.mkString(", ")}")
/** A mixin measurer which causes the value for the benchmark to be reinstantiated
* every `Key.exec.reinstantiation.frequency` measurements.
* Before the new value has been instantiated, a full GC cycle is invoked if
* `Key.exec.reinstantiation.fullGC` is `true`.
trait PeriodicReinstantiation[V] extends Measurer[V] with IterationBasedValue {
import exec.reinstantiation._
abstract override def name = s"${super.name}+PeriodicReinstantiation"
def defaultFrequency = 10
def defaultFullGC = false
protected override def valueAt[T](
context: Context, iteration: Int, regen: () => T, v: T
) = {
val freq = context.goe(frequency, defaultFrequency)
val fullgc = context.goe(fullGC, defaultFullGC)
if ((iteration + 1) % freq == 0) {
log.verbose("Reinstantiating benchmark value.")
if (fullgc) Platform.collectGarbage()
val nv = regen()
} else v
/** A mixin measurer which detects outliers (due to an undetected GC or JIT) and
* requests additional measurements to replace them.
* Outlier elimination can also eliminate some pretty bad allocation patterns in
* some cases. Only outliers from above are considered.
* When detecting an outlier, up to `Key.exec.outliers.suspectPercent`% (with a
* minimum of `1`) of worst times will be considered.
* For example, given `Key.exec.outliers.suspectPercent = 25` the times:
* {{{
* 10, 11, 10, 12, 11, 11, 10, 11, 44
* }}}
* times `12` and `44` are considered for outlier elimination.
* Given the times:
* {{{
* 10, 12, 14, 55
* }}}
* the time `55` will be considered for outlier elimination.
* A potential outlier (suffix) is removed if removing it increases the coefficient
* of variance by at least `Key.exec.outliers.covMultiplier` times.
trait OutlierElimination[V] extends Measurer[V] {
import exec.outliers._
implicit def numeric: Numeric[V]
abstract override def name = s"${super.name}+OutlierElimination"
def eliminateLow = false
def covMultiplierModifier = 1.0
abstract override def measure[T](context: Context, measurements: Int,
setup: T => Any, tear: T => Any, regen: () => T, snippet: T => Any
): Seq[Quantity[V]] = {
import utils.Statistics._
import Numeric.Implicits._
implicit val ord = Ordering.by((q: Quantity[V]) => q.value)
var results =
super.measure(context, measurements, setup, tear, regen, snippet).sorted
val suspectp = context(suspectPercent)
val covmult = context(covMultiplier)
val suspectnum = math.max(1, results.length * suspectp / 100)
var retleft = context(retries)
def suffixLength(rs: Seq[Double]): Int = {
import utils.Statistics._
var minlen = 1
while (minlen <= suspectnum) {
val cov = CoV(rs)
val covinit = CoV(rs.dropRight(minlen))
val confirmed =
if (covinit != 0.0) cov > covmult * covinit * covMultiplierModifier
else mean(rs.takeRight(minlen)) > 1.2 * mean(rs.dropRight(minlen))
if (confirmed) return minlen
else minlen += 1
def outlierExists(rs: Seq[Double]) = {
suffixLength(rs) > 0 || (eliminateLow && suffixLength(rs.reverse) > 0)
var best = results
while (outlierExists(results.map(_.value.toDouble)) && retleft > 0) {
val prefixlen = suffixLength(results.reverse.map(_.value.toDouble))
val suffixlen = suffixLength(results.map(_.value.toDouble))
val formatted = results.map(t => f"${t.value.toDouble}%.3f")
log.verbose(s"Detected $suffixlen outlier(s): ${formatted.mkString(", ")}")
results = {
if (eliminateLow) (
super.measure(context, prefixlen, setup, tear, regen, snippet) ++
results.drop(prefixlen).dropRight(suffixlen) ++
super.measure(context, suffixlen, setup, tear, regen, snippet)
).sorted else (results.dropRight(suffixlen) ++
super.measure(context, suffixlen, setup, tear, regen, snippet)).sorted
if (CoV(results.map(_.value.toDouble)) < CoV(best.map(_.value.toDouble)))
best = results
retleft -= 1
log.verbose("After outlier elimination: " + best.mkString(", "))
/** A measurer which adds noise to the measurement.
* @define noise This measurer makes the regression tests more solid. While certain
* forms of gradual regressions are harder to detect, the measurements become less
* susceptible to actual randomness, because adding artificial noise increases
* the confidence intervals.
trait Noise extends Measurer[Double] {
import exec.noise._
def noiseFunction(observations: Seq[Double], magnitude: Double): Double => Double
abstract override def measure[T](context: Context, measurements: Int,
setup: T => Any, tear: T => Any, regen: () => T, snippet: T => Any
): Seq[Quantity[Double]] = {
val observations = super.measure(
context, measurements, setup, tear, regen, snippet)
val magni = context(magnitude)
val noise = noiseFunction(observations.map(_.value), magni)
val withnoise = observations map {
x => x.copy(value = x.value + noise(x.value))
val formatted = withnoise.map(t => f"${t.value}%.3f")
log.verbose("After applying noise: " + formatted.mkString(", "))
import utils.Statistics.clamp
/** A mixin measurer which adds an absolute amount of Gaussian noise to the
* measurement.
* A random value is sampled from a Gaussian distribution for each measurement `x`.
* This value is then multiplied with `Key.noiseMagnitude` and added to the
* measurement. The default value for the noise magnitude is `0.0` - it has to be set
* manually for tests requiring artificial noise.
* The resulting value is clamped into the range `x - magnitude, x + magnitude`.
* $noise
trait AbsoluteNoise extends Noise {
abstract override def name = s"${super.name}+AbsoluteNoise"
def noiseFunction(observations: Seq[Double], m: Double) = (x: Double) => {
clamp(m * util.Random.nextGaussian(), -m, +m)
/** A mixin measurer which adds an amount of Gaussian noise to the measurement
* relative to its mean.
* An observations sequence mean `m` is computed.
* A random Gaussian value is sampled for each measurement `x` in the observations
* sequence. It is multiplied with `m / 10.0` times `Key.noiseMagnitude`
* (default `0.0`). Call this multiplication factor `f`.
* The resulting value is clamped into the range `x - f, x + f`.
* The bottomline is - a `1.0` noise magnitude is a variation of `10%` of the mean.
* $noise
trait RelativeNoise extends Noise {
abstract override def name = s"${super.name}+RelativeNoise"
def noiseFunction(observations: Seq[Double], magnitude: Double) = {
val m = utils.Statistics.mean(observations)
(x: Double) => {
val f = m / 10.0 * magnitude
clamp(f * util.Random.nextGaussian(), -f, +f)
abstract class BaseMemoryFootprint extends Measurer[Double] {
def name = "Measurer.MemoryFootprint"
def measure[T](context: Context, measurements: Int, setup: T => Any,
tear: T => Any, regen: () => T, snippet: T => Any): Seq[Quantity[Double]] = {
val runtime = Runtime.getRuntime
var iteration = 0
val memories = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[Quantity[Double]]
var value: T = null.asInstanceOf[T]
var obj: Any = null.asInstanceOf[Any]
while (iteration < measurements) {
value = null.asInstanceOf[T]
obj = null.asInstanceOf[T]
val membefore = runtime.totalMemory - runtime.freeMemory
value = regen()
obj = snippet(value)
value = null.asInstanceOf[T]
val memafter = runtime.totalMemory - runtime.freeMemory
val memory = Quantity((memafter - membefore) / 1000.0, "kB")
memories += memory
iteration += 1
log.verbose("Measurements: " + memories.mkString(", "))
/** Measures the total memory footprint of an object created by the benchmarking
* snippet.
* Eliminates outliers.
class MemoryFootprint extends BaseMemoryFootprint with OutlierElimination[Double] {
override def eliminateLow = true
def numeric: Numeric[Double] = implicitly[Numeric[Double]]
class GarbageCollectionCycles extends Measurer[Int] {
def name = "Measurer.GarbageCollectionCycles"
def measure[T](context: Context, measurements: Int, setup: T => Any,
tear: T => Any, regen: () => T, snippet: T => Any): Seq[Quantity[Int]] = {
var iteration = 0
val gcs = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[Quantity[Int]]
var value: T = null.asInstanceOf[T]
@volatile var count = 0
while (iteration < measurements) {
value = regen()
count = 0
utils.withGCNotification { n =>
dyn.currentContext.withValue(context) {
log.verbose("GC detected.")
count += 1
} {
value = null.asInstanceOf[T]
gcs += Quantity(count, "#")
iteration += 1
log.verbose("Measurements: " + gcs.mkString(", "))
type Primitive = Boolean with Char with Byte
with Short with Int with Long with Float with Double
/** Counts autoboxed by a Scala compiler values.
* @param primitives primitive types whose autoboxing will be counted.
case class BoxingCount(primitives: Class[_ >: Primitive]*) extends InvocationCount {
val matcher: InvocationCountMatcher = {
import InvocationCountMatcher._
val primitiveToBoxedMethod: Map[Class[_ >: Primitive], String] = Map(
classOf[Boolean] -> "boxToBoolean",
classOf[Char] -> "boxToCharacter",
classOf[Byte] -> "boxToByte",
classOf[Short] -> "boxToShort",
classOf[Int] -> "boxToInteger",
classOf[Long] -> "boxToLong",
classOf[Float] -> "boxToFloat",
classOf[Double] -> "boxToDouble"
classMatcher = ClassMatcher.ClassName(classOf[BoxesRunTime]),
methodMatcher = MethodMatcher.Regex(
new Regex(primitives.map(p =>
).mkString("^", "|", "$")).pattern
def name: String = "Measurer.BoxingCount"
object BoxingCount {
/** Creates BoxingCount measurer that counts boxing of all primitive values -
* boolean, char, byte, short, int, long, float and double.
def all() = new BoxingCount(classOf[Boolean], classOf[Char], classOf[Byte],
classOf[Short], classOf[Int], classOf[Long], classOf[Float], classOf[Double])
/** Creates BoxingCount measurer that counts boxing of all primitive values -
* boolean, char, byte, short, int, long, float and double.
def allWithoutBoolean() = new BoxingCount(classOf[Char], classOf[Byte],
classOf[Short], classOf[Int], classOf[Long], classOf[Float], classOf[Double])
/** Counts invocations of arbitrary method(s) specified by
* [[org.scalameter.execution.invocation.InvocationCountMatcher]].
case class MethodInvocationCount(matcher: InvocationCountMatcher)
extends InvocationCount {
def name: String = "Measurer.MethodInvocationCount"
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