com.stormpath.sdk.account.Account Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2014 Stormpath, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.stormpath.sdk.account;
import com.stormpath.sdk.api.ApiKey;
import com.stormpath.sdk.api.ApiKeyCriteria;
import com.stormpath.sdk.api.ApiKeyList;
import com.stormpath.sdk.api.ApiKeyOptions;
import com.stormpath.sdk.application.ApplicationCriteria;
import com.stormpath.sdk.application.ApplicationList;
import com.stormpath.sdk.authc.AuthenticationRequest;
import com.stormpath.sdk.cache.OktaCacheable;
import com.stormpath.sdk.directory.Directory;
import com.stormpath.sdk.factor.*;
import com.stormpath.sdk.group.Group;
import com.stormpath.sdk.group.GroupCriteria;
import com.stormpath.sdk.group.GroupList;
import com.stormpath.sdk.group.GroupMembership;
import com.stormpath.sdk.group.GroupMembershipList;
import com.stormpath.sdk.oauth.AccessTokenList;
import com.stormpath.sdk.oauth.RefreshTokenList;
import com.stormpath.sdk.phone.CreatePhoneRequest;
import com.stormpath.sdk.phone.Phone;
import com.stormpath.sdk.phone.PhoneCriteria;
import com.stormpath.sdk.phone.PhoneList;
import com.stormpath.sdk.provider.ProviderData;
import com.stormpath.sdk.resource.*;
import com.stormpath.sdk.tenant.Tenant;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;
* An Account is a unique identity within a {@link Directory}. Accounts within a {@link Directory} or {@link Group}
* mapped to an {@link com.stormpath.sdk.application.Application Application} may log in to that Application.
* @since 0.1
public interface Account extends Resource, Saveable, Deletable, Extendable, Auditable , OktaCacheable {
* Returns the account's username, guaranteed to be unique for all accounts within a Directory. If you do not have
* need of a username, it is best to set the username to equal the {@link #getEmail()}.
* @return the account's username, guaranteed to be unique for all accounts within a Directory.
String getUsername();
* Sets the account's username, which must be unique among all other accounts within a Directory. If you do not
* have need of a username, it is best to set the username to equal the {@link #getEmail()}.
* An attempt to set a username that is in use when creating or saving the account will result in a
* {@link com.stormpath.sdk.error.Error Error}
* @param username the account's username, which must be unique among all other accounts within a Directory.
* @return this instance for method chaining.
Account setUsername(String username);
* Returns the account's email address, guaranteed to be unique for all accounts within a Directory.
* @return the account's email address, guaranteed to be unique for all accounts within a Directory.
String getEmail();
* Sets the account's email address, which must be unique among all other accounts within a Directory.
* An attempt to set an email that is in use when creating or saving the account will result in a
* {@link com.stormpath.sdk.error.Error Error}
* @param email the account's email address, which must be unique among all other accounts within a Directory.
* @return this instance for method chaining.
Account setEmail(String email);
* Sets (changes) the account's password to the specified raw (plaintext) password. ONLY call this method if you
* legitimately want to set the account password directly. It is usually more advisable to use Stormpath's
* account password reset email workflow (when possible).
* After calling this method, you must call {@link #save()} to propagate the change to the Stormpath
* servers.
* @param password the account's new raw (plaintext) password.
* @return this instance for method chaining.
Account setPassword(String password);
* Returns the account's given name (aka 'first name' in Western cultures').
* @return the account's given name (aka 'first name' in Western cultures')
String getGivenName();
* Sets the account's given name (aka 'first name' in Western cultures').
* @param givenName the account's given name (aka 'first name' in Western cultures').
* @return this instance for method chaining.
Account setGivenName(String givenName);
* Returns the account's middle name(s).
* @return the account's middle name(s).
String getMiddleName();
* Sets the account's middle name(s).
* @param middleName the account's middle name(s).
* @return this instance for method chaining.
Account setMiddleName(String middleName);
* Returns the account's surname (aka 'last name' in Western cultures).
* @return the account's surname (aka 'last name' in Western cultures).
String getSurname();
* Sets the account's surname (aka 'last name' in Western cultures).
* @param surname the account's surname (aka 'last name' in Western cultures).
* @return this instance for method chaining.
Account setSurname(String surname);
* Returns the account's 'full name', per Western cultural conventions.
* This is NOT a persistent/settable/queryable property. It is a convenience computed property
* combining the {@link #getGivenName() givenName} (aka 'first name' in Western cultures) followed by the
* {@link #getMiddleName() middleName} (if any) followed by the {@link #getSurname() surname} (aka 'last name' in
* Western cultures).
* @return the account's 'full name', per Western cultural conventions.
* @since 0.8
String getFullName();
* Returns the account's status. Accounts that are not {@link AccountStatus#ENABLED ENABLED} may not login to
* applications.
* @return the account's status.
AccountStatus getStatus();
* Sets the account's status. Accounts that are not {@link AccountStatus#ENABLED ENABLED} may not login to
* applications.
* @param status the account's status.
* @return this instance for method chaining.
Account setStatus(AccountStatus status);
* Returns the account's emailVerificationStatus.
* @return the account's emailVerificationStatus.
* @since 1.2.0
EmailVerificationStatus getEmailVerificationStatus();
* Sets the account's emailVerificationStatus.
* @param emailVerificationStatus the account's emailVerificationStatus.
* @return this instance for method chaining.
* @since 1.2.0
Account setEmailVerificationStatus(EmailVerificationStatus emailVerificationStatus);
* Returns a paginated list of the account's assigned groups.
* Tip: If this list might be large, instead of iterating over all groups, it might be more convenient (and
* practical) to execute a search for one or more of the account's groups using the
* {@link #getGroups(com.stormpath.sdk.group.GroupCriteria)} or {@link #getGroups(java.util.Map)} methods instead
* of this one.
* @return a paginated list of all groups assigned to the Account.
* @see #getGroups(com.stormpath.sdk.group.GroupCriteria)
* @see #getGroups(java.util.Map)
GroupList getGroups();
* Returns a paginated list of the account's assigned groups that match the specified query criteria.
* This method is mostly provided as a non-type-safe alternative to the
* {@link #getGroups(com.stormpath.sdk.group.GroupCriteria)} method which might be useful in dynamic languages on
* the
* JVM (for example, with Groovy):
* def groups = account.getGroups([description: '*foo*', orderBy: 'name desc', limit: 50])
* The query parameter names and values must be equal to those documented in the Stormpath REST API product guide.
* Each {@code queryParams} key/value pair will be converted to String name to String value pairs and appended to
* the resource URL as query parameters, for example:
* .../accounts/accountId/groups?param1=value1¶m2=value2&...
* If in doubt, use {@link #getGroups(com.stormpath.sdk.group.GroupCriteria)} as all possible query options are
* available
* via type-safe guarantees that can be auto-completed by most IDEs.
* @param queryParams the query parameters to use when performing a request to the collection.
* @return a paginated list of the account's groups that match the specified query criteria.
* @since 0.8
GroupList getGroups(Map queryParams);
* Returns a paginated list of the account's assigned groups that match the specified query criteria. The
* {@link com.stormpath.sdk.group.Groups Groups} utility class is available to help construct
* the criteria DSL - most modern IDEs can auto-suggest and auto-complete as you type, allowing for an easy
* query-building experience. For example:
* account.getGroups(Groups.where(
* Groups.description().containsIgnoreCase("foo"))
* .and(Groups.name().startsWithIgnoreCase("bar"))
* .orderByName()
* .orderByStatus().descending()
* .withAccounts(10, 10)
* .offsetBy(20)
* .limitTo(25));
* or, if you use static imports:
* import static com.stormpath.sdk.group.Groups.*;
* ...
* account.getGroups(where(
* description().containsIgnoreCase("foo"))
* .and(name().startsWithIgnoreCase("bar"))
* .orderByName()
* .orderByStatus().descending()
* .withAccounts(10, 10)
* .offsetBy(20)
* .limitTo(25));
* @param criteria the criteria to use when performing a request to the collection.
* @return a paginated list of the account's groups that match the specified query criteria.
* @since 0.8
GroupList getGroups(GroupCriteria criteria);
* Returns the account's parent Directory (where the account is stored).
* @return the account's parent Directory (where the account is stored)
Directory getDirectory();
/* NOT YET ENABLED (focusing on collection searches first)
* Returns the account's parent Directory according to the specified options (providing for resource
* expansion).
* The {@link com.stormpath.sdk.directory.Directories Directories} utility class is available to help construct
* the options DSL. For example:
* account.getDirectory(Directories.options().withAccounts(50, 100));
* @param options the retrieval options to use when performing a request to acquire the Directory.
* @return the account's Directory.
* @since 0.8
Directory getDirectory(DirectoryOptions options);
* Returns the Stormpath Tenant that owns this Account resource.
* @return the Stormpath Tenant that owns this Account resource.
Tenant getTenant();
* Returns all {@link GroupMembership}s that reflect this account. This method is an alternative to
* {@link #getGroups()} that returns the actual association entity representing the account and a group.
* @since 0.4
GroupMembershipList getGroupMemberships();
* Assigns this account to the specified Group.
* Immediate Execution: Unlike other Account methods, you do not need to call {@link #save()}
* afterwards. This method will interact with the server immediately.
* @param group the Group this account will be added to
* @return the new GroupMembership resource created reflecting the account-to-group association.
* @since 0.4
GroupMembership addGroup(Group group);
* Assigns this account to the specified Group represented by its (case insensitive) {@code name} or {@code href}
* Immediate Execution: Unlike other Account methods, you do not need to call {@link #save()}
* afterwards. This method will persist the changes in the backend immediately.
* @param hrefOrName the href or name of the group to add.
* @return the new GroupMembership resource created reflecting the account-to-group association.
* @throws IllegalStateException if no Group matching {@code hrefOrName} could be found in this Account's directory.
* @since 1.0.RC5
GroupMembership addGroup(String hrefOrName);
* Removes this account from the specified Group.
* Immediate Execution: Unlike other Account methods, you do not need to call {@link #save()}
* afterwards. This method will persist the changes in the backend immediately.
* @param group the {@code Group} object from where the account must be removed.
* @return the Account object for method chaining
* @throws IllegalStateException if this Account does not belong to the specified group.
* @since 1.0.RC5
Account removeGroup(Group group);
* Removes this account from the specified Group represented by its (case insensitive) {@code name} or {@code href}
* .
* Immediate Execution: Unlike other Account methods, you do not need to call {@link #save()}
* afterwards. This method will persist the changes in the backend immediately.
* @param hrefOrName the href or name of the group to add.
* @return the Account object for method chaining
* @throws IllegalStateException if this Account does not belong to the Group matching the given {@code hrefOrName}.
* @since 1.0.RC5
Account removeGroup(String hrefOrName);
* Returns the account's email verification token. This will only be non-null if the Account holder has been asked
* to verify their email account by clicking a link in an email.
* @return the account's email verification token.
EmailVerificationToken getEmailVerificationToken();
* Saves this Account resource and ensures the returned Account response reflects the specified options. This
* enhances performance by 'piggybacking' the response to return related resources you know you will use after
* saving the account.
* @param responseOptions The {@code AccountOptions} to use to customize the Account resource returned in the save
* response.
* @return this instance for method chaining.
* @since 0.9
Account saveWithResponseOptions(AccountOptions responseOptions);
* Returns true if the account belongs to a group whose name or href is (case insensitive) equal to the specified
* hrefOrName value, false otherwise.
* @param hrefOrName the href or name of the group being sought.
* @return true if the account belongs to a group whose name or href is (case insensitive) equal to the specified
* hrefOrName value, false otherwise.
* @since 0.9.3
boolean isMemberOfGroup(String hrefOrName);
* Returns true if the account belongs to a group, false otherwise.
* @param group the group being sought.
* @return true if the account belongs to a group, false otherwise.
* @since 1.1.0
boolean isMemberOfGroup(Group group);
* Returns true if the account is linked to the account whose href is (case insensitive) equal to the specified
* href value, false otherwise.
* @param href the href of the other account.
* @return true if the account is linked to the account whose href is (case insensitive) equal to the specified
* href value, false otherwise.
* @since 1.1.0
boolean isLinkedToAccount(String href);
* Returns true if this account is linked to the other account, false otherwise.
* @param otherAccount the other account.
* @return true if this account is linked to the the other account, false otherwise.
* @since 1.1.0
boolean isLinkedToAccount(Account otherAccount);
* Returns the ProviderData Resource belonging to the account.
* @return the ProviderData Resource belonging to the account.
* @since 1.0.beta
ProviderData getProviderData();
* Returns all {@link ApiKey}s that belong to this account. The account can use any of these
* ApiKeys (that are {@link com.stormpath.sdk.api.ApiKey#getStatus() enabled}) to communicate with your
* Application's API (e.g. REST API). See {@link com.stormpath.sdk.application.Application#authenticateAccount(AuthenticationRequest)}
* for more information.
* @return all {@link ApiKey}s that belong to this account.
* @since 1.0.RC
ApiKeyList getApiKeys();
* Returns a paginated list of the account's api keys that match the specified query criteria. The account can use
* any of these ApiKeys (that are {@link com.stormpath.sdk.api.ApiKey#getStatus() enabled}) to communicate with your
* Application's API (e.g. REST API). See {@link com.stormpath.sdk.application.Application#authenticateAccount(AuthenticationRequest)}
* for more information.
* This method is mostly provided as a non-type-safe alternative to the
* {@link #getApiKeys(com.stormpath.sdk.api.ApiKeyCriteria)} method which might be useful in dynamic languages on
* the
* JVM (for example, with Groovy):
* def apiKeys = account.getApiKeys([expand: 'tenant'])
* The query parameter names and values must be equal to those documented in the Stormpath REST API product guide.
* Each {@code queryParams} key/value pair will be converted to String name to String value pairs and appended to
* the resource URL as query parameters, for example:
* .../accounts/accountId/apiKeys?param1=value1¶m2=value2&...
* If in doubt, use {@link #getApiKeys(com.stormpath.sdk.api.ApiKeyCriteria)} as all possible query options are
* available via type-safe guarantees that can be auto-completed by most IDEs.
* @param queryParams the query parameters to use when performing a request to the collection.
* @return a paginated list of the account's api keys that match the specified query criteria.
* @since 1.0.RC
ApiKeyList getApiKeys(Map queryParams);
* Returns a paginated list of the account's api keys that match the specified query criteria. The
* {@link com.stormpath.sdk.api.ApiKeys ApiKeys} utility class is available to help construct the criteria DSL -
* most modern IDEs can auto-suggest and auto-complete as you type, allowing for an easy query-building experience.
* For example:
* account.getApiKeys(ApiKeys.criteria().offsetBy(50).withTenant());
* or, if you use static imports:
* import static com.stormpath.sdk.api.ApiKeys.*;
* ...
* account.getApiKeys(criteria().offsetBy(50).withTenant());
* @param criteria the criteria to use when performing a request to the collection.
* @return a paginated list of the account's api keys that match the specified query criteria.
* @since 1.0.RC
ApiKeyList getApiKeys(ApiKeyCriteria criteria);
* Creates a new {@link ApiKey} assigned to this account in the Stormpath server and returns the created resource.
* The account can then use the ApiKey to communicate with your Application's API (e.g. REST API).
* See {@link com.stormpath.sdk.application.Application#authenticateAccount(AuthenticationRequest)}
* for more information.
* Security Notice
* The returned ApiKey's {@link com.stormpath.sdk.api.ApiKey#getSecret() secret} is considered
* extremely sensitive. Stormpath strongly recommends that you make newly generated ApiKeys accessible
* to your accounts via a File download that stays secure on their file system.
* @return the newly created {@link ApiKey}.
* @since 1.0.RC
ApiKey createApiKey();
* Creates a new {@link ApiKey} assigned to this account in the Stormpath server and ensures the returned
* {@link ApiKey} reflects the specified {@link ApiKeyOptions}.
* The account can then use the ApiKey to communicate with your Application's API (e.g. REST API).
* See {@link com.stormpath.sdk.application.Application#authenticateAccount(AuthenticationRequest)}
* application.authenticateOauthRequest(request)} for more information.
* Security Notice
* The returned ApiKey's {@link com.stormpath.sdk.api.ApiKey#getSecret() secret} is considered
* extremely sensitive. Stormpath strongly recommends that you make newly generated ApiKeys accessible
* to your accounts via a File download that stays secure on their file system.
* @param options The {@link ApiKeyOptions} to use to customize the ApiKey resource returned in the create
* response.
* @since 1.0.RC
ApiKey createApiKey(ApiKeyOptions options);
* Returns a paginated list of the applications that the account may login to. You may control which accounts may log in
* to specific applications by managing an application's mapped {@link com.stormpath.sdk.directory.AccountStore AccountStore}s.
* Tip: Instead of iterating over all applications, it might be more convenient (and practical) to execute a search
* for one or more applications using the {@link #getApplications(ApplicationCriteria)} method instead of this one.
* @return a paginated list of all of the Account's {@link com.stormpath.sdk.application.Application Application} resources.
* @see #getApplications(com.stormpath.sdk.application.ApplicationCriteria)
* @see #getApplications(java.util.Map)
* @see com.stormpath.sdk.application.Application#getAccountStoreMappings()
* @see com.stormpath.sdk.application.Application#addAccountStore(com.stormpath.sdk.directory.AccountStore)
* @since 1.0.RC4
ApplicationList getApplications();
* Returns a paginated list of the applications that the account may login to that match the specified query criteria.
* You may control which accounts may log in to specific applications by managing an application's mapped
* {@link com.stormpath.sdk.directory.AccountStore AccountStore}s.
* Each {@code queryParams} key/value pair will be converted to String name to String value pairs and appended to
* the resource URL as query parameters, for example:
* .../accounts/accountId/applications?param1=value1¶m2=value2&...
* @param queryParams the query parameters to use when performing a request to the collection.
* @return a paginated list of the Account's applications that match the specified query criteria.
* @see com.stormpath.sdk.application.Application#getAccountStoreMappings()
* @see com.stormpath.sdk.application.Application#addAccountStore(com.stormpath.sdk.directory.AccountStore)
* @since 1.0.RC4
ApplicationList getApplications(Map queryParams);
* Returns a paginated list of the applications that the account may login to that match the specified query criteria.
* The {@link com.stormpath.sdk.application.Applications Applications} utility class is available to help construct
* the criteria DSL. For example:
* account.getApplications(Applications
* .where(Applications.description().containsIgnoreCase("foo"))
* .and(Applications.name().startsWithIgnoreCase("bar"))
* .orderByName().descending()
* .withAccounts(10, 10)
* .offsetBy(20)
* .limitTo(25));
* @param criteria the the query parameters to use when performing a request to the collection.
* @return a paginated list of the Account's applications that match the specified query criteria.
* @see com.stormpath.sdk.application.Application#getAccountStoreMappings()
* @see com.stormpath.sdk.application.Application#addAccountStore(com.stormpath.sdk.directory.AccountStore)
* @since 1.0.RC4
ApplicationList getApplications(ApplicationCriteria criteria);
* Returns a paginated list of all the active access tokens that belong to the account.
* @return a paginated list of all the Account's active access tokens.
* @since 1.0.RC7
AccessTokenList getAccessTokens();
* Returns a paginated list of the refresh tokens that belong to the account.
* @return a paginated list of the Account's refresh tokens.
* @since 1.0.RC7
RefreshTokenList getRefreshTokens();
* Creates a new {@link Phone} assigned to this account in the Stormpath server and returns the created resource.
* The account can then use the Phone for Multi Factor Authentication purposes.
* @param request {@link CreatePhoneRequest} used to create a phone with.
* @return the newly created {@link Phone}.
* @since 1.1.0
Phone createPhone(CreatePhoneRequest request);
* Creates a new {@link Phone} assigned to this account in the Stormpath server and returns the created resource.
* The account can then use the Phone for Multi Factor Authentication purposes.
* @param phone {@link Phone} pojo to hold necessary data to send to the back- end to create a {@link Phone}.
* @return the newly created {@link Phone}.
* @since 1.1.0
Phone createPhone(Phone phone) throws ResourceException;
* Returns a paginated list of all the phones that belong to the account.
* @return a paginated list of all the Account's phones.
* @since 1.1.0
PhoneList getPhones();
* Returns a paginated list of all the phones that belong to the account matching the query params.
* @param queryParams the query parameters to use when performing a request to the collection.
* @return a paginated list of all the Account's phones.
* @since 1.1.0
PhoneList getPhones(Map queryParams);
* Returns a paginated list of the account's assigned phones that match the specified query criteria. The
* {@link com.stormpath.sdk.phone.Phones Phones} utility class is available to help construct
* the criteria DSL - most modern IDEs can auto-suggest and auto-complete as you type, allowing for an easy
* query-building experience. For example:
* account.getPhones(Phones.where(
* Phones.description().containsIgnoreCase("foo"))
* .and(Phones.name().startsWithIgnoreCase("bar"))
* .orderByName()
* .orderByStatus().descending()
* .offsetBy(20)
* .limitTo(25));
* or, if you use static imports:
* import static com.stormpath.sdk.phone.Phones.*;
* ...
* account.getPhones(where(
* description().containsIgnoreCase("foo"))
* .and(name().startsWithIgnoreCase("bar"))
* .orderByName()
* .orderByStatus().descending()
* .offsetBy(20)
* .limitTo(25));
* @param criteria the criteria to use when performing a request to the collection.
* @return a paginated list of the account's phones that match the specified query criteria.
* @since 1.1.0
PhoneList getPhones(PhoneCriteria criteria);
* Creates a new {@link Factor} assigned to this account in the Stormpath server and returns the created resource.
* The account can then use the Factor for Multi Factor Authentication purposes.
* @param factor {@link Factor} pojo to hold necessary data to send to the back- end to create a {@link Factor}.
* @return the newly created {@link Factor}.
* @since 1.1.0
T createFactor(T factor) throws ResourceException;
* Creates a new {@link Factor} assigned to this account in the Stormpath server and returns the created resource
* based on provided {@link CreateFactorRequest}
* The account can then use the Factor for Multi Factor Authentication purposes.
* @param request {@link CreateFactorRequest} used to create a factor with.
* @return the newly created {@link Factor}.
* @since 1.1.0
T createFactor(CreateFactorRequest request) throws ResourceException;
* Returns a paginated list of all the factors that belong to the account.
* @return a paginated list of all the Account's factos.
* @since 1.1.0
FactorList getFactors();
* Returns a paginated list of all the factors that belong to the account matching the query params.
* @param queryParams the query parameters to use when performing a request to the collection.
* @return a paginated list of all the Account's factos.
* @since 1.1.0
FactorList getFactors(Map queryParams);
* Returns a paginated list of the account's assigned factors that match the specified query criteria. The
* {@link com.stormpath.sdk.factor.Factors factors} utility class is available to help construct
* the criteria DSL - most modern IDEs can auto-suggest and auto-complete as you type, allowing for an easy
* query-building experience. For example:
* account.getFactors(Factors.SMS.where(
* Factors.SMS.status().eq(FactorStatus.ENABLED)
* .orderByName()
* .orderByStatus().descending()
* .offsetBy(20)
* .limitTo(25));
* or, if you use static imports:
* import static com.stormpath.sdk.factor.Factors.SMS.*;
* ...
* account.getFactors(where(
* status().eq(FactorStatus.ENABLED))
* .orderByName()
* .orderByStatus().descending()
* .offsetBy(20)
* .limitTo(25));
* @param criteria the criteria to use when performing a request to the collection.
* @return a paginated list of the account's factors that match the specified query criteria.
* @since 1.1.0
FactorList getFactors(FactorCriteria criteria);
* Returns a paginated list of the account's linked accounts.
* If you don't want to return all linked accounts, you can instead search for a subset of them via
the {@link #getLinkedAccounts(AccountCriteria)} or {@link #getLinkedAccounts(Map)} methods.
* @return a paginated list of all linked accounts to the Account.
* @see #getLinkedAccounts(com.stormpath.sdk.account.AccountCriteria)
* @see #getLinkedAccounts(java.util.Map)
* @since 1.1.0
AccountList getLinkedAccounts();
* Returns a paginated list of the account's linked accounts that match the specified query criteria.
* This method is mostly provided as a non-type-safe alternative to the
* {@link #getLinkedAccounts(com.stormpath.sdk.account.AccountCriteria)} method which might be useful in dynamic languages on
* the
* JVM (for example, with Groovy):
* def linkedAccounts = account.getLinkedAccounts([givenName: '*foo*', orderBy: 'surname desc', limit: 50])
* The query parameter names and values must be equal to those documented in the Stormpath REST API product guide.
* Each {@code queryParams} key/value pair will be converted to String name to String value pairs and appended to
* the resource URL as query parameters, for example:
* .../accounts/accountId/linkedAccounts?param1=value1¶m2=value2&...
* If in doubt, use {@link #getLinkedAccounts(com.stormpath.sdk.account.AccountCriteria)} as all possible query options are
* available
* via type-safe guarantees that can be auto-completed by most IDEs.
* @param queryParams the query parameters to use when performing a request to the collection.
* @return a paginated list of the account's linked accounts that match the specified query criteria.
* @since 1.1.0
AccountList getLinkedAccounts(Map queryParams);
* Returns a paginated list of the account's linked accounts that match the specified query criteria. The
* {@link com.stormpath.sdk.account.Accounts Accounts} utility class is available to help construct
* the criteria DSL - most modern IDEs can auto-suggest and auto-complete as you type, allowing for an easy
* query-building experience. For example:
* account.getLinkedAccounts(Accounts.where(
* Accounts.givenName().containsIgnoreCase("foo"))
* .and(Accounts.givenName().startsWithIgnoreCase("bar"))
* .orderBySurname()
* .orderByStatus().descending()
* .withAccounts(10, 10)
* .offsetBy(20)
* .limitTo(25));
* or, if you use static imports:
* import static com.stormpath.sdk.account.Accounts.*;
* ...
* account.getLinkedAccounts(where(
* givenName().containsIgnoreCase("foo"))
* .and(givenName().startsWithIgnoreCase("bar"))
* .orderBySurname()
* .orderByStatus().descending()
* .withAccounts(10, 10)
* .offsetBy(20)
* .limitTo(25));
* @param criteria the criteria to use when performing a request to the collection.
* @return a paginated list of the account's linked accounts that match the specified query criteria.
* @since 1.1.0
AccountList getLinkedAccounts(AccountCriteria criteria);
* Links this account to the otherAccount.
* Immediate Execution: Unlike other Account methods, you do not need to call {@link #save()}
* afterwards. This method will interact with the server immediately.
* @param otherAccount the other Account that this account will be linked to
* @return the new AccountLink resource created reflecting the link between two accounts.
* @since 1.1.0
AccountLink link(Account otherAccount);
* Links this account to the otherAccount represented by its {@code href}
* Immediate Execution: Unlike other Account methods, you do not need to call {@link #save()}
* afterwards. This method will persist the changes in the backend immediately.
* @param otherAccountHref the href of the other account that this account will be linked to
* @return the new AccountLink resource created reflecting the link between two accounts.
* @since 1.1.0
AccountLink link(String otherAccountHref);
* Removes the link between this account and the otherAccount
* Immediate Execution: Unlike other Account methods, you do not need to call {@link #save()}
* afterwards. This method will persist the changes in the backend immediately.
* @param otherAccount the {@code Account} object from which the account must be unlinked.
* @return the AccountLink object that was deleted or {@code null} if the two accounts were not linked.
* @since 1.1.0
AccountLink unlink(Account otherAccount);
* Removes the link between this account and the otherAccount represented by its {@code href}
* .
* Immediate Execution: Unlike other Account methods, you do not need to call {@link #save()}
* afterwards. This method will persist the changes in the backend immediately.
* @param otherAccountHref the href of the other account from which the account must be unlinked.
* @return the AccountLink object that was deleted or {@code null} if the two accounts were not linked.
* @throws com.stormpath.sdk.resource.ResourceException if the AccountLink could not be deleted.
* @since 1.1.0
AccountLink unlink(String otherAccountHref);
* Returns a paginated list of the AccountLinks for the account.
* If you don't want to return all accountLinks, you can instead search for a subset of them via
* the {@link #getAccountLinks(com.stormpath.sdk.account.AccountLinkCriteria)} or {@link #getAccountLinks(Map)} methods.
* @return a paginated list of all accountLinks for the Account
* @see #getAccountLinks(com.stormpath.sdk.account.AccountLinkCriteria)
* @see #getAccountLinks(java.util.Map)
* @since 1.1.0
AccountLinkList getAccountLinks();
* Returns a paginated list of the account's AccountLinks that match the specified query criteria.
* This method is mostly provided as a non-type-safe alternative to the
* {@link #getAccountLinks(com.stormpath.sdk.account.AccountLinkCriteria)} method which might be useful in dynamic languages on
* the
* JVM (for example, with Groovy):
* def accountLinks = account.getAccountLinks([createdAt: '2016-01-01', orderBy: 'createdAt desc', limit: 5])
* The query parameter names and values must be equal to those documented in the Stormpath REST API product guide.
* Each {@code queryParams} key/value pair will be converted to String name to String value pairs and appended to
* the resource URL as query parameters, for example:
* .../accounts/accountId/accountLinks?param1=value1&...
* If in doubt, use {@link #getAccountLinks(com.stormpath.sdk.account.AccountLinkCriteria)} as all possible query options are
* available
* via type-safe guarantees that can be auto-completed by most IDEs.
* @param queryParams the query parameters to use when performing a request to the collection.
* @return a paginated list of the account's accountLinks that match the specified query criteria.
* @since 1.1.0
AccountLinkList getAccountLinks(Map queryParams);
* Returns a paginated list of the account's accountLinks that match the specified query criteria. The
* {@link com.stormpath.sdk.account.AccountLinks AccountLinks} utility class is available to help construct
* the criteria DSL - most modern IDEs can auto-suggest and auto-complete as you type, allowing for an easy
* query-building experience. For example:
* account.getAccountLinks(AccountLinks.where(
* AccountLinks.createdAt().equals("2016-01-01")
* .orderByCreatedAt().descending()
* .withAccounts(10, 10)
* .offsetBy(20)
* .limitTo(25));
* or, if you use static imports:
* import static com.stormpath.sdk.account.AccountLinks.*;
* ...
* account.getAccountLinks(where(
* createdAt().equals("2016-01-01")
* .orderByCreatedAt().descending()
* .withAccounts(10, 10)
* .offsetBy(20)
* .limitTo(25));
* @param criteria the criteria to use when performing a request to the collection.
* @return a paginated list of the account's accountLinks that match the specified query criteria.
* @since 1.1.0
AccountLinkList getAccountLinks(AccountLinkCriteria criteria);
* Returns the date the last time this Account's password has been modified.
* @return the date the last time this Account's password has been modified.
* @since 1.2.0
Date getPasswordModifiedAt();