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org.apache.cassandra.cql3.CqlLexer Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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// $ANTLR 3.5.2 Cql__.g 2017-07-30 12:34:44

    package org.apache.cassandra.cql3;

    import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.SyntaxException;

import org.antlr.runtime.*;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class CqlLexer extends Lexer {
	public static final int EOF=-1;
	public static final int T__182=182;
	public static final int T__183=183;
	public static final int T__184=184;
	public static final int T__185=185;
	public static final int T__186=186;
	public static final int T__187=187;
	public static final int T__188=188;
	public static final int T__189=189;
	public static final int T__190=190;
	public static final int T__191=191;
	public static final int T__192=192;
	public static final int T__193=193;
	public static final int T__194=194;
	public static final int T__195=195;
	public static final int T__196=196;
	public static final int T__197=197;
	public static final int T__198=198;
	public static final int T__199=199;
	public static final int T__200=200;
	public static final int T__201=201;
	public static final int T__202=202;
	public static final int T__203=203;
	public static final int A=4;
	public static final int B=5;
	public static final int BOOLEAN=6;
	public static final int C=7;
	public static final int COMMENT=8;
	public static final int D=9;
	public static final int DIGIT=10;
	public static final int DURATION=11;
	public static final int DURATION_UNIT=12;
	public static final int E=13;
	public static final int EXPONENT=14;
	public static final int F=15;
	public static final int FLOAT=16;
	public static final int G=17;
	public static final int H=18;
	public static final int HEX=19;
	public static final int HEXNUMBER=20;
	public static final int I=21;
	public static final int IDENT=22;
	public static final int INTEGER=23;
	public static final int J=24;
	public static final int K=25;
	public static final int K_ADD=26;
	public static final int K_AGGREGATE=27;
	public static final int K_ALL=28;
	public static final int K_ALLOW=29;
	public static final int K_ALTER=30;
	public static final int K_AND=31;
	public static final int K_APPLY=32;
	public static final int K_AS=33;
	public static final int K_ASC=34;
	public static final int K_ASCII=35;
	public static final int K_AUTHORIZE=36;
	public static final int K_BATCH=37;
	public static final int K_BEGIN=38;
	public static final int K_BIGINT=39;
	public static final int K_BLOB=40;
	public static final int K_BOOLEAN=41;
	public static final int K_BY=42;
	public static final int K_CALLED=43;
	public static final int K_CAST=44;
	public static final int K_CLUSTERING=45;
	public static final int K_COLUMNFAMILY=46;
	public static final int K_COMPACT=47;
	public static final int K_CONTAINS=48;
	public static final int K_COUNT=49;
	public static final int K_COUNTER=50;
	public static final int K_CREATE=51;
	public static final int K_CUSTOM=52;
	public static final int K_DATE=53;
	public static final int K_DECIMAL=54;
	public static final int K_DEFAULT=55;
	public static final int K_DELETE=56;
	public static final int K_DESC=57;
	public static final int K_DESCRIBE=58;
	public static final int K_DISTINCT=59;
	public static final int K_DOUBLE=60;
	public static final int K_DROP=61;
	public static final int K_DURATION=62;
	public static final int K_ENTRIES=63;
	public static final int K_EXECUTE=64;
	public static final int K_EXISTS=65;
	public static final int K_FILTERING=66;
	public static final int K_FINALFUNC=67;
	public static final int K_FLOAT=68;
	public static final int K_FROM=69;
	public static final int K_FROZEN=70;
	public static final int K_FULL=71;
	public static final int K_FUNCTION=72;
	public static final int K_FUNCTIONS=73;
	public static final int K_GRANT=74;
	public static final int K_GROUP=75;
	public static final int K_IF=76;
	public static final int K_IN=77;
	public static final int K_INDEX=78;
	public static final int K_INET=79;
	public static final int K_INFINITY=80;
	public static final int K_INITCOND=81;
	public static final int K_INPUT=82;
	public static final int K_INSERT=83;
	public static final int K_INT=84;
	public static final int K_INTO=85;
	public static final int K_IS=86;
	public static final int K_JSON=87;
	public static final int K_KEY=88;
	public static final int K_KEYS=89;
	public static final int K_KEYSPACE=90;
	public static final int K_KEYSPACES=91;
	public static final int K_LANGUAGE=92;
	public static final int K_LIKE=93;
	public static final int K_LIMIT=94;
	public static final int K_LIST=95;
	public static final int K_LOGIN=96;
	public static final int K_MAP=97;
	public static final int K_MATERIALIZED=98;
	public static final int K_MBEAN=99;
	public static final int K_MBEANS=100;
	public static final int K_MODIFY=101;
	public static final int K_NAN=102;
	public static final int K_NOLOGIN=103;
	public static final int K_NORECURSIVE=104;
	public static final int K_NOSUPERUSER=105;
	public static final int K_NOT=106;
	public static final int K_NULL=107;
	public static final int K_OF=108;
	public static final int K_ON=109;
	public static final int K_OPTIONS=110;
	public static final int K_OR=111;
	public static final int K_ORDER=112;
	public static final int K_PARTITION=113;
	public static final int K_PASSWORD=114;
	public static final int K_PER=115;
	public static final int K_PERMISSION=116;
	public static final int K_PERMISSIONS=117;
	public static final int K_PRIMARY=118;
	public static final int K_RENAME=119;
	public static final int K_REPLACE=120;
	public static final int K_RETURNS=121;
	public static final int K_REVOKE=122;
	public static final int K_ROLE=123;
	public static final int K_ROLES=124;
	public static final int K_SELECT=125;
	public static final int K_SET=126;
	public static final int K_SFUNC=127;
	public static final int K_SMALLINT=128;
	public static final int K_STATIC=129;
	public static final int K_STORAGE=130;
	public static final int K_STYPE=131;
	public static final int K_SUPERUSER=132;
	public static final int K_TEXT=133;
	public static final int K_TIME=134;
	public static final int K_TIMESTAMP=135;
	public static final int K_TIMEUUID=136;
	public static final int K_TINYINT=137;
	public static final int K_TO=138;
	public static final int K_TOKEN=139;
	public static final int K_TRIGGER=140;
	public static final int K_TRUNCATE=141;
	public static final int K_TTL=142;
	public static final int K_TUPLE=143;
	public static final int K_TYPE=144;
	public static final int K_UNLOGGED=145;
	public static final int K_UNSET=146;
	public static final int K_UPDATE=147;
	public static final int K_USE=148;
	public static final int K_USER=149;
	public static final int K_USERS=150;
	public static final int K_USING=151;
	public static final int K_UUID=152;
	public static final int K_VALUES=153;
	public static final int K_VARCHAR=154;
	public static final int K_VARINT=155;
	public static final int K_VIEW=156;
	public static final int K_WHERE=157;
	public static final int K_WITH=158;
	public static final int K_WRITETIME=159;
	public static final int L=160;
	public static final int LETTER=161;
	public static final int M=162;
	public static final int MULTILINE_COMMENT=163;
	public static final int N=164;
	public static final int O=165;
	public static final int P=166;
	public static final int Q=167;
	public static final int QMARK=168;
	public static final int QUOTED_NAME=169;
	public static final int R=170;
	public static final int S=171;
	public static final int STRING_LITERAL=172;
	public static final int T=173;
	public static final int U=174;
	public static final int UUID=175;
	public static final int V=176;
	public static final int W=177;
	public static final int WS=178;
	public static final int X=179;
	public static final int Y=180;
	public static final int Z=181;
	public static final int Tokens=204;

	    List tokens = new ArrayList();

	    public void emit(Token token)
	        state.token = token;

	    public Token nextToken()
	        if (tokens.size() == 0)
	            return new CommonToken(Token.EOF);
	        return tokens.remove(0);

	    private final List listeners = new ArrayList();

	    public void addErrorListener(ErrorListener listener)

	    public void removeErrorListener(ErrorListener listener)

	    public void displayRecognitionError(String[] tokenNames, RecognitionException e)
	        for (int i = 0, m = listeners.size(); i < m; i++)
	            listeners.get(i).syntaxError(this, tokenNames, e);

	// delegates
	public Cql_Lexer gLexer;
	// delegators
	public Lexer[] getDelegates() {
		return new Lexer[] {gLexer};

	public CqlLexer() {} 
	public CqlLexer(CharStream input) {
		this(input, new RecognizerSharedState());
	public CqlLexer(CharStream input, RecognizerSharedState state) {
		gLexer = new Cql_Lexer(input, state, this);
	@Override public String getGrammarFileName() { return "Cql__.g"; }

	// $ANTLR start "T__182"
	public final void mT__182() throws RecognitionException {
		try {
			int _type = T__182;
			int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
			// Cql__.g:49:8: ( '!=' )
			// Cql__.g:49:10: '!='


			state.type = _type; = _channel;
		finally {
			// do for sure before leaving
	// $ANTLR end "T__182"

	// $ANTLR start "T__183"
	public final void mT__183() throws RecognitionException {
		try {
			int _type = T__183;
			int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
			// Cql__.g:50:8: ( '(' )
			// Cql__.g:50:10: '('

			state.type = _type; = _channel;
		finally {
			// do for sure before leaving
	// $ANTLR end "T__183"

	// $ANTLR start "T__184"
	public final void mT__184() throws RecognitionException {
		try {
			int _type = T__184;
			int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
			// Cql__.g:51:8: ( ')' )
			// Cql__.g:51:10: ')'

			state.type = _type; = _channel;
		finally {
			// do for sure before leaving
	// $ANTLR end "T__184"

	// $ANTLR start "T__185"
	public final void mT__185() throws RecognitionException {
		try {
			int _type = T__185;
			int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
			// Cql__.g:52:8: ( '+' )
			// Cql__.g:52:10: '+'

			state.type = _type; = _channel;
		finally {
			// do for sure before leaving
	// $ANTLR end "T__185"

	// $ANTLR start "T__186"
	public final void mT__186() throws RecognitionException {
		try {
			int _type = T__186;
			int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
			// Cql__.g:53:8: ( '+=' )
			// Cql__.g:53:10: '+='


			state.type = _type; = _channel;
		finally {
			// do for sure before leaving
	// $ANTLR end "T__186"

	// $ANTLR start "T__187"
	public final void mT__187() throws RecognitionException {
		try {
			int _type = T__187;
			int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
			// Cql__.g:54:8: ( ',' )
			// Cql__.g:54:10: ','

			state.type = _type; = _channel;
		finally {
			// do for sure before leaving
	// $ANTLR end "T__187"

	// $ANTLR start "T__188"
	public final void mT__188() throws RecognitionException {
		try {
			int _type = T__188;
			int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
			// Cql__.g:55:8: ( '-' )
			// Cql__.g:55:10: '-'

			state.type = _type; = _channel;
		finally {
			// do for sure before leaving
	// $ANTLR end "T__188"

	// $ANTLR start "T__189"
	public final void mT__189() throws RecognitionException {
		try {
			int _type = T__189;
			int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
			// Cql__.g:56:8: ( '-=' )
			// Cql__.g:56:10: '-='


			state.type = _type; = _channel;
		finally {
			// do for sure before leaving
	// $ANTLR end "T__189"

	// $ANTLR start "T__190"
	public final void mT__190() throws RecognitionException {
		try {
			int _type = T__190;
			int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
			// Cql__.g:57:8: ( '.' )
			// Cql__.g:57:10: '.'

			state.type = _type; = _channel;
		finally {
			// do for sure before leaving
	// $ANTLR end "T__190"

	// $ANTLR start "T__191"
	public final void mT__191() throws RecognitionException {
		try {
			int _type = T__191;
			int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
			// Cql__.g:58:8: ( ':' )
			// Cql__.g:58:10: ':'

			state.type = _type; = _channel;
		finally {
			// do for sure before leaving
	// $ANTLR end "T__191"

	// $ANTLR start "T__192"
	public final void mT__192() throws RecognitionException {
		try {
			int _type = T__192;
			int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
			// Cql__.g:59:8: ( ';' )
			// Cql__.g:59:10: ';'

			state.type = _type; = _channel;
		finally {
			// do for sure before leaving
	// $ANTLR end "T__192"

	// $ANTLR start "T__193"
	public final void mT__193() throws RecognitionException {
		try {
			int _type = T__193;
			int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
			// Cql__.g:60:8: ( '<' )
			// Cql__.g:60:10: '<'

			state.type = _type; = _channel;
		finally {
			// do for sure before leaving
	// $ANTLR end "T__193"

	// $ANTLR start "T__194"
	public final void mT__194() throws RecognitionException {
		try {
			int _type = T__194;
			int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
			// Cql__.g:61:8: ( '<=' )
			// Cql__.g:61:10: '<='


			state.type = _type; = _channel;
		finally {
			// do for sure before leaving
	// $ANTLR end "T__194"

	// $ANTLR start "T__195"
	public final void mT__195() throws RecognitionException {
		try {
			int _type = T__195;
			int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
			// Cql__.g:62:8: ( '=' )
			// Cql__.g:62:10: '='

			state.type = _type; = _channel;
		finally {
			// do for sure before leaving
	// $ANTLR end "T__195"

	// $ANTLR start "T__196"
	public final void mT__196() throws RecognitionException {
		try {
			int _type = T__196;
			int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
			// Cql__.g:63:8: ( '>' )
			// Cql__.g:63:10: '>'

			state.type = _type; = _channel;
		finally {
			// do for sure before leaving
	// $ANTLR end "T__196"

	// $ANTLR start "T__197"
	public final void mT__197() throws RecognitionException {
		try {
			int _type = T__197;
			int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
			// Cql__.g:64:8: ( '>=' )
			// Cql__.g:64:10: '>='


			state.type = _type; = _channel;
		finally {
			// do for sure before leaving
	// $ANTLR end "T__197"

	// $ANTLR start "T__198"
	public final void mT__198() throws RecognitionException {
		try {
			int _type = T__198;
			int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
			// Cql__.g:65:8: ( '[' )
			// Cql__.g:65:10: '['

			state.type = _type; = _channel;
		finally {
			// do for sure before leaving
	// $ANTLR end "T__198"

	// $ANTLR start "T__199"
	public final void mT__199() throws RecognitionException {
		try {
			int _type = T__199;
			int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
			// Cql__.g:66:8: ( '\\*' )
			// Cql__.g:66:10: '\\*'

			state.type = _type; = _channel;
		finally {
			// do for sure before leaving
	// $ANTLR end "T__199"

	// $ANTLR start "T__200"
	public final void mT__200() throws RecognitionException {
		try {
			int _type = T__200;
			int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
			// Cql__.g:67:8: ( ']' )
			// Cql__.g:67:10: ']'

			state.type = _type; = _channel;
		finally {
			// do for sure before leaving
	// $ANTLR end "T__200"

	// $ANTLR start "T__201"
	public final void mT__201() throws RecognitionException {
		try {
			int _type = T__201;
			int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
			// Cql__.g:68:8: ( 'expr(' )
			// Cql__.g:68:10: 'expr('


			state.type = _type; = _channel;
		finally {
			// do for sure before leaving
	// $ANTLR end "T__201"

	// $ANTLR start "T__202"
	public final void mT__202() throws RecognitionException {
		try {
			int _type = T__202;
			int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
			// Cql__.g:69:8: ( '{' )
			// Cql__.g:69:10: '{'

			state.type = _type; = _channel;
		finally {
			// do for sure before leaving
	// $ANTLR end "T__202"

	// $ANTLR start "T__203"
	public final void mT__203() throws RecognitionException {
		try {
			int _type = T__203;
			int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
			// Cql__.g:70:8: ( '}' )
			// Cql__.g:70:10: '}'

			state.type = _type; = _channel;
		finally {
			// do for sure before leaving
	// $ANTLR end "T__203"

	public void mTokens() throws RecognitionException {
		// Cql__.g:1:8: ( T__182 | T__183 | T__184 | T__185 | T__186 | T__187 | T__188 | T__189 | T__190 | T__191 | T__192 | T__193 | T__194 | T__195 | T__196 | T__197 | T__198 | T__199 | T__200 | T__201 | T__202 | T__203 | Lexer. Tokens )
		int alt1=23;
		alt1 = dfa1.predict(input);
		switch (alt1) {
			case 1 :
				// Cql__.g:1:10: T__182

			case 2 :
				// Cql__.g:1:17: T__183

			case 3 :
				// Cql__.g:1:24: T__184

			case 4 :
				// Cql__.g:1:31: T__185

			case 5 :
				// Cql__.g:1:38: T__186

			case 6 :
				// Cql__.g:1:45: T__187

			case 7 :
				// Cql__.g:1:52: T__188

			case 8 :
				// Cql__.g:1:59: T__189

			case 9 :
				// Cql__.g:1:66: T__190

			case 10 :
				// Cql__.g:1:73: T__191

			case 11 :
				// Cql__.g:1:80: T__192

			case 12 :
				// Cql__.g:1:87: T__193

			case 13 :
				// Cql__.g:1:94: T__194

			case 14 :
				// Cql__.g:1:101: T__195

			case 15 :
				// Cql__.g:1:108: T__196

			case 16 :
				// Cql__.g:1:115: T__197

			case 17 :
				// Cql__.g:1:122: T__198

			case 18 :
				// Cql__.g:1:129: T__199

			case 19 :
				// Cql__.g:1:136: T__200

			case 20 :
				// Cql__.g:1:143: T__201

			case 21 :
				// Cql__.g:1:150: T__202

			case 22 :
				// Cql__.g:1:157: T__203

			case 23 :
				// Cql__.g:1:164: Lexer. Tokens



	protected DFA1 dfa1 = new DFA1(this);
	static final String DFA1_eotS =
	static final String DFA1_eofS =
	static final String DFA1_minS =
	static final String DFA1_maxS =
	static final String DFA1_acceptS =
	static final String DFA1_specialS =
	static final String[] DFA1_transitionS = {

	static final short[] DFA1_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA1_eotS);
	static final short[] DFA1_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA1_eofS);
	static final char[] DFA1_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA1_minS);
	static final char[] DFA1_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA1_maxS);
	static final short[] DFA1_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA1_acceptS);
	static final short[] DFA1_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA1_specialS);
	static final short[][] DFA1_transition;

	static {
		int numStates = DFA1_transitionS.length;
		DFA1_transition = new short[numStates][];
		for (int i=0; i

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