org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperService Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.index.mapper;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.ObjectHashSet;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.cursors.ObjectCursor;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.ColumnDefinition;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.ColumnDefinition.ClusteringOrder;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.Schema;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.CQL3Type;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.CQLFragmentParser;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnIdentifier;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.CqlParser;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.QueryProcessor;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.UntypedResultSet;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.UntypedResultSet.Row;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.ListType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.MapType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.SetType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UserType;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.SyntaxException;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.KeyspaceMetadata;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.message.ParameterizedMessage;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.DelegatingAnalyzerWrapper;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.elassandra.cluster.SchemaManager;
import org.elassandra.index.ElasticSecondaryIndex;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchGenerationException;
import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetaData;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.MappingMetaData;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.compress.CompressedXContent;
import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.DeprecationLogger;
import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.Loggers;
import org.elasticsearch.common.regex.Regex;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Setting;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Setting.Property;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.NamedXContentRegistry;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentFactory;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentParser;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentType;
import org.elasticsearch.index.AbstractIndexComponent;
import org.elasticsearch.index.IndexSettings;
import org.elasticsearch.index.IndexSortConfig;
import org.elasticsearch.index.analysis.IndexAnalyzers;
import org.elasticsearch.index.analysis.NamedAnalyzer;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.Mapper.BuilderContext;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryShardContext;
import org.elasticsearch.index.similarity.SimilarityService;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.InvalidTypeNameException;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.TypeMissingException;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.mapper.MapperRegistry;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static java.util.Collections.emptyMap;
import static java.util.Collections.emptySet;
import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap;
public class MapperService extends AbstractIndexComponent implements Closeable {
* The reason why a mapping is being merged.
public enum MergeReason {
* Create or update a mapping.
* Recovery of an existing mapping, for instance because of a restart,
* if a shard was moved to a different node or for administrative
* purposes.
public static final String DEFAULT_MAPPING = "_default_";
public static final String SINGLE_MAPPING_NAME = "_doc";
Setting.longSetting("index.mapping.nested_fields.limit", 50L, 0, Property.Dynamic, Property.IndexScope);
Setting.longSetting("index.mapping.total_fields.limit", 1000L, 0, Property.Dynamic, Property.IndexScope);
public static final Setting INDEX_MAPPING_DEPTH_LIMIT_SETTING =
Setting.longSetting("index.mapping.depth.limit", 20L, 1, Property.Dynamic, Property.IndexScope);
public static final boolean INDEX_MAPPER_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT = true;
public static final Setting INDEX_MAPPER_DYNAMIC_SETTING =
Setting.boolSetting("index.mapper.dynamic", INDEX_MAPPER_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT, Property.Dynamic, Property.IndexScope);
//TODO this needs to be cleaned up: _timestamp and _ttl are not supported anymore, _field_names, _seq_no, _version and _source are
//also missing, not sure if on purpose. See IndicesModule#getMetadataMappers
private static ObjectHashSet META_FIELDS = ObjectHashSet.from(
"_uid", "_id", "_type", "_all", "_parent", "_routing", "_index",
"_size", "_timestamp", "_ttl", "_token", "_node"
private static final DeprecationLogger DEPRECATION_LOGGER = new DeprecationLogger(Loggers.getLogger(MapperService.class));
private final IndexAnalyzers indexAnalyzers;
* Will create types automatically if they do not exists in the mapping definition yet
private final boolean dynamic;
private volatile String defaultMappingSource;
private volatile Map mappers = emptyMap();
private volatile FieldTypeLookup fieldTypes;
private volatile Map fullPathObjectMappers = emptyMap();
private boolean hasNested = false; // updated dynamically to true when a nested object is added
private boolean allEnabled = false; // updated dynamically to true when _all is enabled
private final DocumentMapperParser documentParser;
private final MapperAnalyzerWrapper indexAnalyzer;
private final MapperAnalyzerWrapper searchAnalyzer;
private final MapperAnalyzerWrapper searchQuoteAnalyzer;
private volatile Map unmappedFieldTypes = emptyMap();
private volatile Set parentTypes = emptySet();
final MapperRegistry mapperRegistry;
public MapperService(IndexSettings indexSettings, IndexAnalyzers indexAnalyzers, NamedXContentRegistry xContentRegistry,
SimilarityService similarityService, MapperRegistry mapperRegistry,
Supplier queryShardContextSupplier) {
this.indexAnalyzers = indexAnalyzers;
this.fieldTypes = new FieldTypeLookup();
this.documentParser = new DocumentMapperParser(indexSettings, this, indexAnalyzers, xContentRegistry, similarityService,
mapperRegistry, queryShardContextSupplier);
this.indexAnalyzer = new MapperAnalyzerWrapper(indexAnalyzers.getDefaultIndexAnalyzer(), p -> p.indexAnalyzer());
this.searchAnalyzer = new MapperAnalyzerWrapper(indexAnalyzers.getDefaultSearchAnalyzer(), p -> p.searchAnalyzer());
this.searchQuoteAnalyzer = new MapperAnalyzerWrapper(indexAnalyzers.getDefaultSearchQuoteAnalyzer(), p -> p.searchQuoteAnalyzer());
this.mapperRegistry = mapperRegistry;
if (indexSettings.getIndexVersionCreated().onOrAfter(Version.V_6_0_0_rc1)) {
if (INDEX_MAPPER_DYNAMIC_SETTING.exists(indexSettings.getSettings())) {
DEPRECATION_LOGGER.deprecated("Setting " + INDEX_MAPPER_DYNAMIC_SETTING.getKey() + " is deprecated since indices may not have more than one type anymore.");
} else {
this.dynamic = this.indexSettings.getValue(INDEX_MAPPER_DYNAMIC_SETTING);
defaultMappingSource = "{\"_default_\":{}}";
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("using dynamic[{}], default mapping source[{}]", dynamic, defaultMappingSource);
} else if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("using dynamic[{}]", dynamic);
public String keyspace() {
return getIndexSettings().getKeyspace();
public String table() {
return getIndexSettings().getTable();
public String tableOptions() {
return getIndexSettings().getTableOptions();
public boolean dynamic() {
return this.dynamic;
public void buildNativeOrUdtMapping(Map mapping, final AbstractType> type) throws IOException {
CQL3Type cql3type = type.asCQL3Type();
if (cql3type instanceof CQL3Type.Native) {
String esType = SchemaManager.cqlMapping.get(cql3type.toString());
if (esType != null) {
mapping.put("type", esType);
} else {
logger.error("CQL type "+cql3type.toString()+" not supported");
// #122 better error handling
throw new IOException("CQL type "+cql3type.toString()+" not supported");
} else if (cql3type instanceof CQL3Type.UserDefined) {
UserType userType = (UserType)type;
mapping.put("type", ObjectMapper.NESTED_CONTENT_TYPE);
mapping.put(TypeParsers.CQL_STRUCT, "udt");
mapping.put(TypeParsers.CQL_UDT_NAME, userType.getNameAsString());
Map properties = Maps.newHashMap();
for(int i=0; i< userType.size(); i++) {
Map fieldProps = Maps.newHashMap();
buildCollectionMapping(fieldProps, userType.type(i));
properties.put(userType.fieldNameAsString(i), fieldProps);
mapping.put("properties", properties);
private void buildCollectionMapping(Map mapping, final AbstractType> type) throws IOException {
if (type.isCollection()) {
if (type instanceof ListType) {
mapping.put(TypeParsers.CQL_COLLECTION, "list");
buildNativeOrUdtMapping(mapping, ((ListType>)type).getElementsType() );
} else if (type instanceof SetType) {
mapping.put(TypeParsers.CQL_COLLECTION, "set");
buildNativeOrUdtMapping(mapping, ((SetType>)type).getElementsType() );
} else if (type instanceof MapType) {
MapType,?> mtype = (MapType,?>)type;
if (mtype.getKeysType().asCQL3Type() == CQL3Type.Native.TEXT &&
(mtype.getValuesType().isUDT() || !mtype.getValuesType().isCollection())) {
mapping.put(TypeParsers.CQL_COLLECTION, "singleton");
mapping.put(TypeParsers.CQL_STRUCT, "opaque_map");
mapping.put(TypeParsers.CQL_MANDATORY, Boolean.TRUE);
mapping.put("type", ObjectMapper.NESTED_CONTENT_TYPE);
// add value type mapper with name _key
Map properties = Maps.newHashMap();
Map fieldProps = Maps.newHashMap();
buildCollectionMapping(fieldProps, mtype.getValuesType());
properties.put(ObjectMapper.DEFAULT_KEY, fieldProps);
mapping.put("properties", properties);
} else {
throw new IOException("Expecting a map");
} else {
mapping.put(TypeParsers.CQL_COLLECTION, "singleton");
buildNativeOrUdtMapping(mapping, type );
* Mapping property to discover mapping from CQL schema for columns matching the provided regular expression.
public static String DISCOVER = "discover";
public Map discoverTableMapping(final String type, Map mapping) throws IOException, SyntaxException, ConfigurationException {
final String columnRegexp = (String)mapping.get(DISCOVER);
final String cfName = SchemaManager.typeToCfName(keyspace(), type);
if (columnRegexp != null) {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(columnRegexp);
Map properties = (Map)mapping.get("properties");
if (properties == null) {
properties = Maps.newHashMap();
mapping.put("properties", properties);
String ksName = keyspace();
KeyspaceMetadata ksm = Schema.instance.getKSMetaDataSafe(ksName);
try {
CFMetaData metadata = SchemaManager.getCFMetaData(ksName, cfName);
List pkColNames = new ArrayList(metadata.partitionKeyColumns().size() + metadata.clusteringColumns().size());
for(ColumnDefinition cd: Iterables.concat(metadata.partitionKeyColumns(), metadata.clusteringColumns())) {
UntypedResultSet result = QueryProcessor.executeOnceInternal("SELECT column_name, type FROM system_schema.columns WHERE keyspace_name=? and table_name=?",
new Object[] { keyspace(), cfName });
for (Row row : result) {
String columnName = row.getString("column_name");
if (row.has("type") &&
pattern.matcher(columnName).matches() &&
!columnName.startsWith("_") &&
!ElasticSecondaryIndex.ES_QUERY.equals(columnName) &&
!ElasticSecondaryIndex.ES_OPTIONS.equals(columnName)) {
Map props = (Map) properties.get(columnName);
if (props == null) {
props = Maps.newHashMap();
properties.put(columnName, props);
int pkOrder = pkColNames.indexOf(columnName);
if (pkOrder >= 0) {
props.put(TypeParsers.CQL_PRIMARY_KEY_ORDER, pkOrder);
if (pkOrder < metadata.partitionKeyColumns().size()) {
props.put(TypeParsers.CQL_PARTITION_KEY, true);
ColumnDefinition colDef = metadata.getColumnDefinition(new ColumnIdentifier(columnName, true));
if (colDef.isStatic()) {
props.put(TypeParsers.CQL_STATIC_COLUMN, true);
if (colDef.clusteringOrder() == ClusteringOrder.DESC) {
props.put(TypeParsers.CQL_CLUSTERING_KEY_DESC, true);
CQL3Type.Raw rawType = CQLFragmentParser.parseAny(CqlParser::comparatorType, row.getString("type"), "CQL type");
AbstractType> atype = rawType.prepare(ksm).getType();
buildCollectionMapping(props, atype);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("mapping {} : {}", cfName, mapping);
return mapping;
} catch (IOException | SyntaxException | ConfigurationException e) {
logger.warn("Failed to build elasticsearch mapping " + ksName + "." + cfName, e);
throw e;
return mapping;
public boolean hasNested() {
return this.hasNested;
* Returns true if the "_all" field is enabled on any type.
public boolean allEnabled() {
return this.allEnabled;
* returns an immutable iterator over current document mappers.
* @param includingDefaultMapping indicates whether the iterator should contain the {@link #DEFAULT_MAPPING} document mapper.
* As is this not really an active type, you would typically set this to false
public Iterable docMappers(final boolean includingDefaultMapping) {
return () -> {
final Collection documentMappers;
if (includingDefaultMapping) {
documentMappers = mappers.values();
} else {
documentMappers = mappers.values().stream().filter(mapper -> !DEFAULT_MAPPING.equals(mapper.type())).collect(Collectors.toList());
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(documentMappers).iterator();
public IndexAnalyzers getIndexAnalyzers() {
return this.indexAnalyzers;
public NamedAnalyzer getNamedAnalyzer(String analyzerName) {
return this.indexAnalyzers.get(analyzerName);
public DocumentMapperParser documentMapperParser() {
return this.documentParser;
* Parses the mappings (formatted as JSON) into a map
public static Map parseMapping(NamedXContentRegistry xContentRegistry, String mappingSource) throws Exception {
try (XContentParser parser = XContentType.JSON.xContent().createParser(xContentRegistry, mappingSource)) {
* Update mapping by only merging the metadata that is different between received and stored entries
public boolean updateMapping(IndexMetaData indexMetaData) throws IOException {
assert indexMetaData.getIndex().equals(index()) : "index mismatch: expected " + index() + " but was " + indexMetaData.getIndex();
// go over and add the relevant mappings (or update them)
final Set existingMappers = new HashSet<>(mappers.keySet());
final Map updatedEntries;
try {
// only update entries if needed
updatedEntries = internalMerge(indexMetaData, MergeReason.MAPPING_RECOVERY, true, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn((org.apache.logging.log4j.util.Supplier>) () -> new ParameterizedMessage("[{}] failed to apply mappings", index()), e);
throw e;
boolean requireRefresh = false;
for (DocumentMapper documentMapper : updatedEntries.values()) {
String mappingType = documentMapper.type();
CompressedXContent incomingMappingSource = indexMetaData.mapping(mappingType).source();
String op = existingMappers.contains(mappingType) ? "updated" : "added";
if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && incomingMappingSource.compressed().length < 512) {
logger.debug("[{}] {} mapping [{}], source [{}]", index(), op, mappingType, incomingMappingSource.string());
} else if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("[{}] {} mapping [{}], source [{}]", index(), op, mappingType, incomingMappingSource.string());
} else {
logger.debug("[{}] {} mapping [{}] (source suppressed due to length, use TRACE level if needed)", index(), op, mappingType);
// refresh mapping can happen when the parsing/merging of the mapping from the metadata doesn't result in the same
// mapping, in this case, we send to the master to refresh its own version of the mappings (to conform with the
// merge version of it, which it does when refreshing the mappings), and warn log it.
if (documentMapper(mappingType).mappingSource().equals(incomingMappingSource) == false) {
logger.debug("[{}] parsed mapping [{}], and got different sources\noriginal:\n{}\nparsed:\n{}", index(), mappingType,
incomingMappingSource, documentMapper(mappingType).mappingSource());
requireRefresh = true;
return requireRefresh;
public void merge(Map> mappings, MergeReason reason, boolean updateAllTypes) {
Map mappingSourcesCompressed = new LinkedHashMap<>(mappings.size());
for (Map.Entry> entry : mappings.entrySet()) {
try {
mappingSourcesCompressed.put(entry.getKey(), new CompressedXContent(XContentFactory.jsonBuilder().map(entry.getValue()).string()));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MapperParsingException("Failed to parse mapping [{}]: {}", e, entry.getKey(), e.getMessage());
internalMerge(mappingSourcesCompressed, reason, updateAllTypes);
public void merge(IndexMetaData indexMetaData, MergeReason reason, boolean updateAllTypes) {
internalMerge(indexMetaData, reason, updateAllTypes, false);
public DocumentMapper merge(String type, CompressedXContent mappingSource, MergeReason reason, boolean updateAllTypes) {
return internalMerge(Collections.singletonMap(type, mappingSource), reason, updateAllTypes).get(type);
private synchronized Map internalMerge(IndexMetaData indexMetaData, MergeReason reason, boolean updateAllTypes,
boolean onlyUpdateIfNeeded) {
Map map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (ObjectCursor cursor : indexMetaData.getMappings().values()) {
MappingMetaData mappingMetaData = cursor.value;
if (onlyUpdateIfNeeded) {
DocumentMapper existingMapper = documentMapper(mappingMetaData.type());
if (existingMapper == null || mappingMetaData.source().equals(existingMapper.mappingSource()) == false) {
map.put(mappingMetaData.type(), mappingMetaData.source());
} else {
map.put(mappingMetaData.type(), mappingMetaData.source());
return internalMerge(map, reason, updateAllTypes);
private synchronized Map internalMerge(Map mappings, MergeReason reason, boolean updateAllTypes) {
DocumentMapper defaultMapper = null;
String defaultMappingSource = null;
if (mappings.containsKey(DEFAULT_MAPPING)) {
// verify we can parse it
// NOTE: never apply the default here
try {
defaultMapper = documentParser.parse(DEFAULT_MAPPING, mappings.get(DEFAULT_MAPPING));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MapperParsingException("Failed to parse mapping [{}]: {}", e, DEFAULT_MAPPING, e.getMessage());
try {
defaultMappingSource = mappings.get(DEFAULT_MAPPING).string();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ElasticsearchGenerationException("failed to un-compress", e);
final String defaultMappingSourceOrLastStored;
if (defaultMappingSource != null) {
defaultMappingSourceOrLastStored = defaultMappingSource;
} else {
defaultMappingSourceOrLastStored = this.defaultMappingSource;
List documentMappers = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry entry : mappings.entrySet()) {
String type = entry.getKey();
if (type.equals(DEFAULT_MAPPING)) {
final boolean applyDefault =
// the default was already applied if we are recovering
reason != MergeReason.MAPPING_RECOVERY
// only apply the default mapping if we don't have the type yet
&& mappers.containsKey(type) == false;
try {
DocumentMapper documentMapper =
documentParser.parse(type, entry.getValue(), applyDefault ? defaultMappingSourceOrLastStored : null);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MapperParsingException("Failed to parse mapping [{}]: {}", e, entry.getKey(), e.getMessage());
return internalMerge(defaultMapper, defaultMappingSource, documentMappers, reason, updateAllTypes);
static void validateTypeName(String type) {
if (type.length() == 0) {
throw new InvalidTypeNameException("mapping type name is empty");
if (type.length() > 255) {
throw new InvalidTypeNameException("mapping type name [" + type + "] is too long; limit is length 255 but was [" + type.length() + "]");
if (type.charAt(0) == '_' && SINGLE_MAPPING_NAME.equals(type) == false) {
throw new InvalidTypeNameException("mapping type name [" + type + "] can't start with '_' unless it is called [" + SINGLE_MAPPING_NAME + "]");
if (type.contains("#")) {
throw new InvalidTypeNameException("mapping type name [" + type + "] should not include '#' in it");
if (type.contains(",")) {
throw new InvalidTypeNameException("mapping type name [" + type + "] should not include ',' in it");
if (type.charAt(0) == '.') {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("mapping type name [" + type + "] must not start with a '.'");
private synchronized Map internalMerge(@Nullable DocumentMapper defaultMapper, @Nullable String defaultMappingSource,
List documentMappers, MergeReason reason, boolean updateAllTypes) {
boolean hasNested = this.hasNested;
boolean allEnabled = this.allEnabled;
Map fullPathObjectMappers = this.fullPathObjectMappers;
FieldTypeLookup fieldTypes = this.fieldTypes;
Set parentTypes = this.parentTypes;
Map mappers = new HashMap<>(this.mappers);
Map results = new LinkedHashMap<>(documentMappers.size() + 1);
if (defaultMapper != null) {
if (indexSettings.getIndexVersionCreated().onOrAfter(Version.V_6_0_0_beta1)
&& reason == MergeReason.MAPPING_UPDATE) { // only log in case of explicit mapping updates
DEPRECATION_LOGGER.deprecated("[_default_] mapping is deprecated since it is not useful anymore now that indexes " +
"cannot have more than one type");
assert defaultMapper.type().equals(DEFAULT_MAPPING);
mappers.put(DEFAULT_MAPPING, defaultMapper);
results.put(DEFAULT_MAPPING, defaultMapper);
for (DocumentMapper mapper : documentMappers) {
// check naming
if (mapper.type().equals(mapper.parentFieldMapper().type())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The [_parent.type] option can't point to the same type");
// compute the merged DocumentMapper
DocumentMapper oldMapper = mappers.get(mapper.type());
DocumentMapper newMapper;
if (oldMapper != null) {
newMapper = oldMapper.merge(mapper.mapping(), updateAllTypes);
} else {
newMapper = mapper;
// check basic sanity of the new mapping
List objectMappers = new ArrayList<>();
List fieldMappers = new ArrayList<>();
Collections.addAll(fieldMappers, newMapper.mapping().metadataMappers);
MapperUtils.collect(newMapper.mapping().root(), objectMappers, fieldMappers);
checkFieldUniqueness(newMapper.type(), objectMappers, fieldMappers, fullPathObjectMappers, fieldTypes);
checkObjectsCompatibility(objectMappers, updateAllTypes, fullPathObjectMappers);
// update lookup data-structures
// this will in particular make sure that the merged fields are compatible with other types
fieldTypes = fieldTypes.copyAndAddAll(newMapper.type(), fieldMappers, updateAllTypes);
for (ObjectMapper objectMapper : objectMappers) {
if (fullPathObjectMappers == this.fullPathObjectMappers) {
// first time through the loops
fullPathObjectMappers = new HashMap<>(this.fullPathObjectMappers);
fullPathObjectMappers.put(objectMapper.fullPath(), objectMapper);
if (objectMapper.nested().isNested()) {
hasNested = true;
if (indexSettings.getIndexVersionCreated().onOrAfter(Version.V_6_0_0_beta1)) {
validateCopyTo(fieldMappers, fullPathObjectMappers, fieldTypes);
if (reason == MergeReason.MAPPING_UPDATE) {
// this check will only be performed on the master node when there is
// a call to the update mapping API. For all other cases like
// the master node restoring mappings from disk or data nodes
// deserializing cluster state that was sent by the master node,
// this check will be skipped.
checkTotalFieldsLimit(objectMappers.size() + fieldMappers.size());
if (oldMapper == null && newMapper.parentFieldMapper().active()) {
if (parentTypes == this.parentTypes) {
// first time through the loop
parentTypes = new HashSet<>(this.parentTypes);
// this is only correct because types cannot be removed and we do not
// allow to disable an existing _all field
allEnabled |= mapper.allFieldMapper().enabled();
results.put(newMapper.type(), newMapper);
mappers.put(newMapper.type(), newMapper);
if (reason == MergeReason.MAPPING_UPDATE) {
// this check will only be performed on the master node when there is
// a call to the update mapping API. For all other cases like
// the master node restoring mappings from disk or data nodes
// deserializing cluster state that was sent by the master node,
// this check will be skipped.
checkIndexSortCompatibility(indexSettings.getIndexSortConfig(), hasNested);
for (Map.Entry entry : mappers.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getKey().equals(DEFAULT_MAPPING)) {
DocumentMapper documentMapper = entry.getValue();
// apply changes to the field types back
DocumentMapper updatedDocumentMapper = documentMapper.updateFieldType(fieldTypes.fullNameToFieldType);
if (updatedDocumentMapper != documentMapper) {
// update both mappers and result
if (results.containsKey(updatedDocumentMapper.type())) {
results.put(updatedDocumentMapper.type(), updatedDocumentMapper);
if (indexSettings.isSingleType()) {
Set actualTypes = new HashSet<>(mappers.keySet());
if (actualTypes.size() > 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Rejecting mapping update to [" + index().getName() + "] as the final mapping would have more than 1 type: " + actualTypes);
// make structures immutable
mappers = Collections.unmodifiableMap(mappers);
results = Collections.unmodifiableMap(results);
// only need to immutably rewrap these if the previous reference was changed.
// if not then they are already implicitly immutable.
if (fullPathObjectMappers != this.fullPathObjectMappers) {
fullPathObjectMappers = Collections.unmodifiableMap(fullPathObjectMappers);
if (parentTypes != this.parentTypes) {
parentTypes = Collections.unmodifiableSet(parentTypes);
// commit the change
if (defaultMappingSource != null) {
this.defaultMappingSource = defaultMappingSource;
this.mappers = mappers;
this.fieldTypes = fieldTypes;
this.hasNested = hasNested;
this.fullPathObjectMappers = fullPathObjectMappers;
this.parentTypes = parentTypes;
this.allEnabled = allEnabled;
assert assertMappersShareSameFieldType();
assert results.values().stream().allMatch(this::assertSerialization);
return results;
private boolean assertMappersShareSameFieldType() {
for (DocumentMapper mapper : docMappers(false)) {
List fieldMappers = new ArrayList<>();
Collections.addAll(fieldMappers, mapper.mapping().metadataMappers);
MapperUtils.collect(mapper.root(), new ArrayList<>(), fieldMappers);
for (FieldMapper fieldMapper : fieldMappers) {
assert fieldMapper.fieldType() == fieldTypes.get( :;
return true;
private boolean assertSerialization(DocumentMapper mapper) {
// capture the source now, it may change due to concurrent parsing
final CompressedXContent mappingSource = mapper.mappingSource();
DocumentMapper newMapper = parse(mapper.type(), mappingSource, false);
if (newMapper.mappingSource().equals(mappingSource) == false) {
throw new IllegalStateException("DocumentMapper serialization result is different from source. \n--> Source ["
+ mappingSource + "]\n--> Result ["
+ newMapper.mappingSource() + "]");
return true;
private static void checkFieldUniqueness(String type, Collection objectMappers, Collection fieldMappers,
Map fullPathObjectMappers, FieldTypeLookup fieldTypes) {
// first check within mapping
final Set objectFullNames = new HashSet<>();
for (ObjectMapper objectMapper : objectMappers) {
final String fullPath = objectMapper.fullPath();
if (objectFullNames.add(fullPath) == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Object mapper [" + fullPath + "] is defined twice in mapping for type [" + type + "]");
final Set fieldNames = new HashSet<>();
for (FieldMapper fieldMapper : fieldMappers) {
final String name =;
if (objectFullNames.contains(name)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field [" + name + "] is defined both as an object and a field in [" + type + "]");
} else if (fieldNames.add(name) == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field [" + name + "] is defined twice in [" + type + "]");
// then check other types
for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
if (fullPathObjectMappers.containsKey(fieldName)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("[" + fieldName + "] is defined as a field in mapping [" + type
+ "] but this name is already used for an object in other types");
for (String objectPath : objectFullNames) {
if (fieldTypes.get(objectPath) != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("[" + objectPath + "] is defined as an object in mapping [" + type
+ "] but this name is already used for a field in other types");
private static void checkObjectsCompatibility(Collection objectMappers, boolean updateAllTypes,
Map fullPathObjectMappers) {
for (ObjectMapper newObjectMapper : objectMappers) {
ObjectMapper existingObjectMapper = fullPathObjectMappers.get(newObjectMapper.fullPath());
if (existingObjectMapper != null) {
// simulate a merge and ignore the result, we are just interested
// in exceptions here
existingObjectMapper.merge(newObjectMapper, updateAllTypes);
private void checkNestedFieldsLimit(Map fullPathObjectMappers) {
long allowedNestedFields = indexSettings.getValue(INDEX_MAPPING_NESTED_FIELDS_LIMIT_SETTING);
long actualNestedFields = 0;
for (ObjectMapper objectMapper : fullPathObjectMappers.values()) {
if (objectMapper.nested().isNested()) {
if (actualNestedFields > allowedNestedFields) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Limit of nested fields [" + allowedNestedFields + "] in index [" + index().getName() + "] has been exceeded");
private void checkTotalFieldsLimit(long totalMappers) {
long allowedTotalFields = indexSettings.getValue(INDEX_MAPPING_TOTAL_FIELDS_LIMIT_SETTING);
if (allowedTotalFields < totalMappers) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Limit of total fields [" + allowedTotalFields + "] in index [" + index().getName() + "] has been exceeded");
private void checkDepthLimit(Collection objectPaths) {
final long maxDepth = indexSettings.getValue(INDEX_MAPPING_DEPTH_LIMIT_SETTING);
for (String objectPath : objectPaths) {
checkDepthLimit(objectPath, maxDepth);
private void checkDepthLimit(String objectPath, long maxDepth) {
int numDots = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < objectPath.length(); ++i) {
if (objectPath.charAt(i) == '.') {
numDots += 1;
final int depth = numDots + 2;
if (depth > maxDepth) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Limit of mapping depth [" + maxDepth + "] in index [" + index().getName()
+ "] has been exceeded due to object field [" + objectPath + "]");
private void checkPartitionedIndexConstraints(DocumentMapper newMapper) {
if (indexSettings.getIndexMetaData().isRoutingPartitionedIndex()) {
if (newMapper.parentFieldMapper().active()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("mapping type name [" + newMapper.type() + "] cannot have a "
+ "_parent field for the partitioned index [" + indexSettings.getIndex().getName() + "]");
if (!newMapper.routingFieldMapper().required()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("mapping type [" + newMapper.type() + "] must have routing "
+ "required for partitioned index [" + indexSettings.getIndex().getName() + "]");
private static void checkIndexSortCompatibility(IndexSortConfig sortConfig, boolean hasNested) {
if (sortConfig.hasIndexSort() && hasNested) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot have nested fields when index sort is activated");
private static void validateCopyTo(List fieldMappers, Map fullPathObjectMappers,
FieldTypeLookup fieldTypes) {
for (FieldMapper mapper : fieldMappers) {
if (mapper.copyTo() != null && mapper.copyTo().copyToFields().isEmpty() == false) {
String sourceParent = parentObject(;
if (sourceParent != null && fieldTypes.get(sourceParent) != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("[copy_to] may not be used to copy from a multi-field: [" + + "]");
final String sourceScope = getNestedScope(, fullPathObjectMappers);
for (String copyTo : mapper.copyTo().copyToFields()) {
String copyToParent = parentObject(copyTo);
if (copyToParent != null && fieldTypes.get(copyToParent) != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("[copy_to] may not be used to copy to a multi-field: [" + copyTo + "]");
if (fullPathObjectMappers.containsKey(copyTo)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot copy to field [" + copyTo + "] since it is mapped as an object");
final String targetScope = getNestedScope(copyTo, fullPathObjectMappers);
checkNestedScopeCompatibility(sourceScope, targetScope);
private static String getNestedScope(String path, Map fullPathObjectMappers) {
for (String parentPath = parentObject(path); parentPath != null; parentPath = parentObject(parentPath)) {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = fullPathObjectMappers.get(parentPath);
if (objectMapper != null && objectMapper.nested().isNested()) {
return parentPath;
return null;
private static void checkNestedScopeCompatibility(String source, String target) {
boolean targetIsParentOfSource;
if (source == null || target == null) {
targetIsParentOfSource = target == null;
} else {
targetIsParentOfSource = source.equals(target) || source.startsWith(target + ".");
if (targetIsParentOfSource == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Illegal combination of [copy_to] and [nested] mappings: [copy_to] may only copy data to the current nested " +
"document or any of its parents, however one [copy_to] directive is trying to copy data from nested object [" +
source + "] to [" + target + "]");
private static String parentObject(String field) {
int lastDot = field.lastIndexOf('.');
if (lastDot == -1) {
return null;
return field.substring(0, lastDot);
public DocumentMapper parse(String mappingType, CompressedXContent mappingSource, boolean applyDefault) throws MapperParsingException {
return documentParser.parse(mappingType, mappingSource, applyDefault ? defaultMappingSource : null);
public boolean hasMapping(String mappingType) {
return mappers.containsKey(mappingType);
* Return the set of concrete types that have a mapping.
* NOTE: this does not return the default mapping.
public Collection types() {
final Set types = new HashSet<>(mappers.keySet());
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(types);
* Return the {@link DocumentMapper} for the given type. By using the special
* {@value #DEFAULT_MAPPING} type, you can get a {@link DocumentMapper} for
* the default mapping.
public DocumentMapper documentMapper(String type) {
return mappers.get(type);
* Returns the document mapper created, including a mapping update if the
* type has been dynamically created.
public DocumentMapperForType documentMapperWithAutoCreate(String type) {
DocumentMapper mapper = mappers.get(type);
if (mapper != null) {
return new DocumentMapperForType(mapper, null);
if (!dynamic) {
throw new TypeMissingException(index(),
new IllegalStateException("trying to auto create mapping, but dynamic mapping is disabled"), type);
mapper = parse(type, null, true);
return new DocumentMapperForType(mapper, mapper.mapping());
* Returns the {@link MappedFieldType} for the give fullName.
* If multiple types have fields with the same full name, the first is returned.
public MappedFieldType fullName(String fullName) {
return fieldTypes.get(fullName);
* Returns all the fields that match the given pattern. If the pattern is prefixed with a type
* then the fields will be returned with a type prefix.
public Collection simpleMatchToIndexNames(String pattern) {
if (Regex.isSimpleMatchPattern(pattern) == false) {
// no wildcards
return Collections.singletonList(pattern);
return fieldTypes.simpleMatchToFullName(pattern);
public ObjectMapper getObjectMapper(String name) {
return fullPathObjectMappers.get(name);
* Given a type (eg. long, string, ...), return an anonymous field mapper that can be used for search operations.
public MappedFieldType unmappedFieldType(String type) {
if (type.equals("string")) {
deprecationLogger.deprecated("[unmapped_type:string] should be replaced with [unmapped_type:keyword]");
type = "keyword";
MappedFieldType fieldType = unmappedFieldTypes.get(type);
if (fieldType == null) {
final Mapper.TypeParser.ParserContext parserContext = documentMapperParser().parserContext(type);
Mapper.TypeParser typeParser = parserContext.typeParser(type);
if (typeParser == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No mapper found for type [" + type + "]");
final Mapper.Builder, ?> builder = typeParser.parse("__anonymous_" + type, emptyMap(), parserContext);
final BuilderContext builderContext = new BuilderContext(indexSettings.getSettings(), new ContentPath(1));
fieldType = ((FieldMapper);
// There is no need to synchronize writes here. In the case of concurrent access, we could just
// compute some mappers several times, which is not a big deal
Map newUnmappedFieldTypes = new HashMap<>(unmappedFieldTypes);
newUnmappedFieldTypes.put(type, fieldType);
unmappedFieldTypes = unmodifiableMap(newUnmappedFieldTypes);
return fieldType;
public Analyzer indexAnalyzer() {
return this.indexAnalyzer;
public Analyzer searchAnalyzer() {
return this.searchAnalyzer;
public Analyzer searchQuoteAnalyzer() {
return this.searchQuoteAnalyzer;
public Set getParentTypes() {
return parentTypes;
public void close() throws IOException {
* @return Whether a field is a metadata field.
public static boolean isMetadataField(String fieldName) {
return META_FIELDS.contains(fieldName);
public static String[] getAllMetaFields() {
return META_FIELDS.toArray(String.class);
/** An analyzer wrapper that can lookup fields within the index mappings */
final class MapperAnalyzerWrapper extends DelegatingAnalyzerWrapper {
private final Analyzer defaultAnalyzer;
private final Function extractAnalyzer;
MapperAnalyzerWrapper(Analyzer defaultAnalyzer, Function extractAnalyzer) {
this.defaultAnalyzer = defaultAnalyzer;
this.extractAnalyzer = extractAnalyzer;
protected Analyzer getWrappedAnalyzer(String fieldName) {
MappedFieldType fieldType = fullName(fieldName);
if (fieldType != null) {
Analyzer analyzer = extractAnalyzer.apply(fieldType);
if (analyzer != null) {
return analyzer;
return defaultAnalyzer;
/** Return a term that uniquely identifies the document, or {@code null} if the type is not allowed. */
public Term createUidTerm(String type, String id) {
if (hasMapping(type) == false) {
return null;
if (indexSettings.getIndexVersionCreated().onOrAfter(Version.V_6_0_0_beta1)) {
assert indexSettings.isSingleType();
return new Term(IdFieldMapper.NAME, Uid.encodeId(id));
} else if (indexSettings.isSingleType()) {
return new Term(IdFieldMapper.NAME, id);
} else {
return new Term(UidFieldMapper.NAME, Uid.createUidAsBytes(type, id));
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