Download com.strategicgains JAR files with all dependencies
RestExpress from group com.strategicgains (version 0.11.3)
Internet scale, high-performance RESTful Services in Java
HyperExpressPlugin from group com.strategicgains (version 2.6)
RESTExpress HyperExpress Resource Linking Plugin
DateAdapterJ from group com.strategicgains (version 1.1.4)
ISO 8601 date handling
DateAdapterJ from group com.strategicgains (version 1.1.1)
ISO 8601 date handling
Group: com.strategicgains Artifact: DateAdapterJ
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RestExpress-Common from group com.strategicgains (version 0.11.3)
Utilities and classes common to all RESTExpress projects.
HyperExpress from group com.strategicgains (version 2.6)
Hypermedia Linking Utilities for Java RESTful Services
Group: com.strategicgains Artifact: HyperExpress
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restexpress-parent from group com.strategicgains (version 0.11.3)
Master, Parent pom for RestExpress (core) and RestExpress-Common
Group: com.strategicgains Artifact: restexpress-parent
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CrossRoadsPlugin from group com.strategicgains (version 1.0)
RestExpress I18n (using CrossRoads) Plugin
CrossRoads from group com.strategicgains (version 1.0)
CrossRoads-Parent from group com.strategicgains (version 1.0)
A small, lightweight Java library for i18n (Internationalization) / L10n (localization) of text messages.
Group: com.strategicgains Artifact: CrossRoads-Parent
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HyperExpress-HTL from group com.strategicgains (version 1.0.4)
HyperExpress-Atom from group com.strategicgains (version 1.0.4)
RestExpress-Common from group com.strategicgains (version 1.0.2)
Utilities and classes common to all RESTExpress projects.
PluginExpress from group com.strategicgains (version 0.1.1)
RESTExpress Plugins
AtomExpress from group com.strategicgains (version 0.1.1)
Atom/RSS/Activity Streams domain models
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