org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.config;
import java.io.DataInput;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.base.Objects;
import com.google.common.base.Strings;
import com.google.common.collect.*;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.cassandra.cache.CachingOptions;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnIdentifier;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.QueryProcessor;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.UntypedResultSet;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.CFStatement;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.CreateTableStatement;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.composites.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.index.SecondaryIndex;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.compress.CompressionParameters;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.compress.LZ4Compressor;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.Descriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.serializers.MarshalException;
import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CfDef;
import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CqlResult;
import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CqlRow;
import org.apache.cassandra.tracing.Tracing;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.UUIDGen;
import org.github.jamm.Unmetered;
import static org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities.fromJsonList;
import static org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities.fromJsonMap;
import static org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities.json;
* This class can be tricky to modify. Please read http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/ConfigurationNotes for how to do so safely.
public final class CFMetaData
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CFMetaData.class);
public final static double DEFAULT_READ_REPAIR_CHANCE = 0.0;
public final static double DEFAULT_DCLOCAL_READ_REPAIR_CHANCE = 0.1;
public final static int DEFAULT_GC_GRACE_SECONDS = 864000;
public final static int DEFAULT_MIN_COMPACTION_THRESHOLD = 4;
public final static int DEFAULT_MAX_COMPACTION_THRESHOLD = 32;
public final static Class extends AbstractCompactionStrategy> DEFAULT_COMPACTION_STRATEGY_CLASS = SizeTieredCompactionStrategy.class;
public final static CachingOptions DEFAULT_CACHING_STRATEGY = CachingOptions.KEYS_ONLY;
public final static int DEFAULT_DEFAULT_TIME_TO_LIVE = 0;
public final static SpeculativeRetry DEFAULT_SPECULATIVE_RETRY = new SpeculativeRetry(SpeculativeRetry.RetryType.PERCENTILE, 0.99);
public final static int DEFAULT_MIN_INDEX_INTERVAL = 128;
public final static int DEFAULT_MAX_INDEX_INTERVAL = 2048;
// Note that this is the default only for user created tables
public final static String DEFAULT_COMPRESSOR = LZ4Compressor.class.getCanonicalName();
// Note that this need to come *before* any CFMetaData is defined so before the compile below.
private static final Comparator regularColumnComparator = new Comparator()
public int compare(ColumnDefinition def1, ColumnDefinition def2)
return ByteBufferUtil.compareUnsigned(def1.name.bytes, def2.name.bytes);
public static final CFMetaData IndexCf = compile("CREATE TABLE \"" + SystemKeyspace.INDEX_CF + "\" ("
+ "table_name text,"
+ "index_name text,"
+ "PRIMARY KEY (table_name, index_name)"
+ ") WITH COMPACT STORAGE AND COMMENT='indexes that have been completed'");
public static final CFMetaData SchemaKeyspacesCf = compile("CREATE TABLE " + SystemKeyspace.SCHEMA_KEYSPACES_CF + " ("
+ "keyspace_name text PRIMARY KEY,"
+ "durable_writes boolean,"
+ "strategy_class text,"
+ "strategy_options text"
+ ") WITH COMPACT STORAGE AND COMMENT='keyspace definitions' AND gc_grace_seconds=604800");
public static final CFMetaData SchemaColumnFamiliesCf = compile("CREATE TABLE " + SystemKeyspace.SCHEMA_COLUMNFAMILIES_CF + " ("
+ "keyspace_name text,"
+ "columnfamily_name text,"
+ "cf_id uuid," // post-2.1 UUID cfid
+ "type text,"
+ "is_dense boolean,"
+ "comparator text,"
+ "subcomparator text,"
+ "comment text,"
+ "read_repair_chance double,"
+ "local_read_repair_chance double,"
+ "gc_grace_seconds int,"
+ "default_validator text,"
+ "key_validator text,"
+ "min_compaction_threshold int,"
+ "max_compaction_threshold int,"
+ "memtable_flush_period_in_ms int,"
+ "key_aliases text,"
+ "bloom_filter_fp_chance double,"
+ "caching text,"
+ "default_time_to_live int,"
+ "compaction_strategy_class text,"
+ "compression_parameters text,"
+ "value_alias text,"
+ "column_aliases text,"
+ "compaction_strategy_options text,"
+ "speculative_retry text,"
+ "index_interval int,"
+ "min_index_interval int,"
+ "max_index_interval int,"
+ "dropped_columns map,"
+ "PRIMARY KEY (keyspace_name, columnfamily_name)"
+ ") WITH COMMENT='ColumnFamily definitions' AND gc_grace_seconds=604800");
public static final CFMetaData SchemaColumnsCf = compile("CREATE TABLE " + SystemKeyspace.SCHEMA_COLUMNS_CF + " ("
+ "keyspace_name text,"
+ "columnfamily_name text,"
+ "column_name text,"
+ "validator text,"
+ "index_type text,"
+ "index_options text,"
+ "index_name text,"
+ "component_index int,"
+ "type text,"
+ "PRIMARY KEY(keyspace_name, columnfamily_name, column_name)"
+ ") WITH COMMENT='ColumnFamily column attributes' AND gc_grace_seconds=604800");
public static final CFMetaData SchemaTriggersCf = compile("CREATE TABLE " + SystemKeyspace.SCHEMA_TRIGGERS_CF + " ("
+ "keyspace_name text,"
+ "columnfamily_name text,"
+ "trigger_name text,"
+ "trigger_options map,"
+ "PRIMARY KEY (keyspace_name, columnfamily_name, trigger_name)"
+ ") WITH COMMENT='triggers metadata table' AND gc_grace_seconds=604800");
public static final CFMetaData SchemaUserTypesCf = compile("CREATE TABLE " + SystemKeyspace.SCHEMA_USER_TYPES_CF + " ("
+ "keyspace_name text,"
+ "type_name text,"
+ "field_names list,"
+ "field_types list,"
+ "PRIMARY KEY (keyspace_name, type_name)"
+ ") WITH COMMENT='Defined user types' AND gc_grace_seconds=604800");
public static final CFMetaData HintsCf = compile("CREATE TABLE " + SystemKeyspace.HINTS_CF + " ("
+ "target_id uuid,"
+ "hint_id timeuuid,"
+ "message_version int,"
+ "mutation blob,"
+ "PRIMARY KEY (target_id, hint_id, message_version)"
+ "AND COMPACTION={'class' : 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'enabled' : false} "
+ "AND COMMENT='hints awaiting delivery'"
+ "AND gc_grace_seconds=0");
public static final CFMetaData PeersCf = compile("CREATE TABLE " + SystemKeyspace.PEERS_CF + " ("
+ "peer inet PRIMARY KEY,"
+ "host_id uuid,"
+ "tokens set,"
+ "schema_version uuid,"
+ "release_version text,"
+ "rpc_address inet,"
+ "preferred_ip inet,"
+ "data_center text,"
+ "rack text"
+ ") WITH COMMENT='known peers in the cluster'");
public static final CFMetaData PeerEventsCf = compile("CREATE TABLE " + SystemKeyspace.PEER_EVENTS_CF + " ("
+ "peer inet PRIMARY KEY,"
+ "hints_dropped map"
+ ") WITH COMMENT='cf contains events related to peers'");
public static final CFMetaData LocalCf = compile("CREATE TABLE " + SystemKeyspace.LOCAL_CF + " ("
+ "key text PRIMARY KEY,"
+ "tokens set,"
+ "cluster_name text,"
+ "gossip_generation int,"
+ "bootstrapped text,"
+ "host_id uuid,"
+ "release_version text,"
+ "thrift_version text,"
+ "cql_version text,"
+ "native_protocol_version text,"
+ "data_center text,"
+ "rack text,"
+ "partitioner text,"
+ "schema_version uuid,"
+ "truncated_at map"
+ ") WITH COMMENT='information about the local node'");
public static final CFMetaData TraceSessionsCf = compile("CREATE TABLE " + Tracing.SESSIONS_CF + " ("
+ "session_id uuid PRIMARY KEY,"
+ "coordinator inet,"
+ "request text,"
+ "started_at timestamp,"
+ "parameters map,"
+ "duration int"
+ ") WITH COMMENT='traced sessions' AND default_time_to_live=86400",
public static final CFMetaData TraceEventsCf = compile("CREATE TABLE " + Tracing.EVENTS_CF + " ("
+ "session_id uuid,"
+ "event_id timeuuid,"
+ "source inet,"
+ "thread text,"
+ "activity text,"
+ "source_elapsed int,"
+ "PRIMARY KEY (session_id, event_id)"
+ ") WITH default_time_to_live=86400",
public static final CFMetaData BatchlogCf = compile("CREATE TABLE " + SystemKeyspace.BATCHLOG_CF + " ("
+ "id uuid PRIMARY KEY,"
+ "written_at timestamp,"
+ "data blob,"
+ "version int,"
+ ") WITH COMMENT='uncommited batches' AND gc_grace_seconds=0 "
+ "AND COMPACTION={'class' : 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'min_threshold' : 2}");
public static final CFMetaData RangeXfersCf = compile("CREATE TABLE " + SystemKeyspace.RANGE_XFERS_CF + " ("
+ "token_bytes blob PRIMARY KEY,"
+ "requested_at timestamp"
+ ") WITH COMMENT='ranges requested for transfer here'");
public static final CFMetaData CompactionLogCf = compile("CREATE TABLE " + SystemKeyspace.COMPACTION_LOG + " ("
+ "id uuid PRIMARY KEY,"
+ "keyspace_name text,"
+ "columnfamily_name text,"
+ "inputs set"
+ ") WITH COMMENT='unfinished compactions'");
public static final CFMetaData PaxosCf = compile("CREATE TABLE " + SystemKeyspace.PAXOS_CF + " ("
+ "row_key blob,"
+ "cf_id UUID,"
+ "in_progress_ballot timeuuid,"
+ "proposal_ballot timeuuid,"
+ "proposal blob,"
+ "most_recent_commit_at timeuuid,"
+ "most_recent_commit blob,"
+ "PRIMARY KEY (row_key, cf_id)"
+ ") WITH COMMENT='in-progress paxos proposals' "
+ "AND COMPACTION={'class' : 'LeveledCompactionStrategy'}");
public static final CFMetaData SSTableActivityCF = compile("CREATE TABLE " + SystemKeyspace.SSTABLE_ACTIVITY_CF + " ("
+ "keyspace_name text,"
+ "columnfamily_name text,"
+ "generation int,"
+ "rate_15m double,"
+ "rate_120m double,"
+ "PRIMARY KEY ((keyspace_name, columnfamily_name, generation))"
+ ") WITH COMMENT='historic sstable read rates'");
public static final CFMetaData CompactionHistoryCf = compile("CREATE TABLE " + SystemKeyspace.COMPACTION_HISTORY_CF + " ("
+ "id uuid,"
+ "keyspace_name text,"
+ "columnfamily_name text,"
+ "compacted_at timestamp,"
+ "bytes_in bigint,"
+ "bytes_out bigint,"
+ "rows_merged map,"
+ "PRIMARY KEY (id)"
+ ") WITH COMMENT='show all compaction history' AND DEFAULT_TIME_TO_LIVE=604800");
public static final CFMetaData SizeEstimatesCf = compile("CREATE TABLE " + SystemKeyspace.SIZE_ESTIMATES_CF + " ("
+ "keyspace_name text,"
+ "table_name text,"
+ "range_start text,"
+ "range_end text,"
+ "mean_partition_size bigint,"
+ "partitions_count bigint,"
+ "PRIMARY KEY ((keyspace_name), table_name, range_start, range_end)"
+ ") WITH COMMENT='per-table primary range size estimates'");
public static class SpeculativeRetry
public enum RetryType
public final RetryType type;
public final double value;
private SpeculativeRetry(RetryType type, double value)
this.type = type;
this.value = value;
public static SpeculativeRetry fromString(String retry) throws ConfigurationException
String name = retry.toUpperCase();
if (name.endsWith(RetryType.PERCENTILE.toString()))
double value = Double.parseDouble(name.substring(0, name.length() - 10));
if (value > 100 || value < 0)
throw new ConfigurationException("PERCENTILE should be between 0 and 100");
return new SpeculativeRetry(RetryType.PERCENTILE, (value / 100));
else if (name.endsWith("MS"))
double value = Double.parseDouble(name.substring(0, name.length() - 2));
return new SpeculativeRetry(RetryType.CUSTOM, value);
return new SpeculativeRetry(RetryType.valueOf(name), 0);
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
// ignore to throw the below exception.
throw new ConfigurationException("invalid speculative_retry type: " + retry);
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (!(obj instanceof SpeculativeRetry))
return false;
SpeculativeRetry rhs = (SpeculativeRetry) obj;
return Objects.equal(type, rhs.type) && Objects.equal(value, rhs.value);
public int hashCode()
return Objects.hashCode(type, value);
public String toString()
switch (type)
// TODO switch to BigDecimal so round-tripping isn't lossy
return (value * 100) + "PERCENTILE";
case CUSTOM:
return value + "ms";
return type.toString();
public final UUID cfId; // internal id, never exposed to user
public final String ksName; // name of keyspace
public final String cfName; // name of this column family
public final ColumnFamilyType cfType; // standard, super
public volatile CellNameType comparator; // bytes, long, timeuuid, utf8, etc.
private volatile String comment = "";
private volatile double readRepairChance = DEFAULT_READ_REPAIR_CHANCE;
private volatile double dcLocalReadRepairChance = DEFAULT_DCLOCAL_READ_REPAIR_CHANCE;
private volatile int gcGraceSeconds = DEFAULT_GC_GRACE_SECONDS;
private volatile AbstractType> defaultValidator = BytesType.instance;
private volatile AbstractType> keyValidator = BytesType.instance;
private volatile int minCompactionThreshold = DEFAULT_MIN_COMPACTION_THRESHOLD;
private volatile int maxCompactionThreshold = DEFAULT_MAX_COMPACTION_THRESHOLD;
private volatile Double bloomFilterFpChance = null;
private volatile CachingOptions caching = DEFAULT_CACHING_STRATEGY;
private volatile int minIndexInterval = DEFAULT_MIN_INDEX_INTERVAL;
private volatile int maxIndexInterval = DEFAULT_MAX_INDEX_INTERVAL;
private volatile int memtableFlushPeriod = 0;
private volatile int defaultTimeToLive = DEFAULT_DEFAULT_TIME_TO_LIVE;
private volatile SpeculativeRetry speculativeRetry = DEFAULT_SPECULATIVE_RETRY;
private volatile Map droppedColumns = new HashMap<>();
private volatile Map triggers = new HashMap<>();
private volatile boolean isPurged = false;
* All CQL3 columns definition are stored in the columnMetadata map.
* On top of that, we keep separated collection of each kind of definition, to
* 1) allow easy access to each kind and 2) for the partition key and
* clustering key ones, those list are ordered by the "component index" of the
* elements.
public static final String DEFAULT_KEY_ALIAS = "key";
public static final String DEFAULT_COLUMN_ALIAS = "column";
public static final String DEFAULT_VALUE_ALIAS = "value";
// We call dense a CF for which each component of the comparator is a clustering column, i.e. no
// component is used to store a regular column names. In other words, non-composite static "thrift"
// and CQL3 CF are *not* dense.
private volatile Boolean isDense; // null means "we don't know and need to infer from other data"
private volatile Map columnMetadata = new HashMap<>();
private volatile List partitionKeyColumns; // Always of size keyValidator.componentsCount, null padded if necessary
private volatile List clusteringColumns; // Of size comparator.componentsCount or comparator.componentsCount -1, null padded if necessary
private volatile SortedSet regularColumns; // We use a sorted set so iteration is of predictable order (for SELECT for instance)
private volatile SortedSet staticColumns; // Same as above
private volatile ColumnDefinition compactValueColumn;
public volatile Class extends AbstractCompactionStrategy> compactionStrategyClass = DEFAULT_COMPACTION_STRATEGY_CLASS;
public volatile Map compactionStrategyOptions = new HashMap<>();
public volatile CompressionParameters compressionParameters = new CompressionParameters(null);
// attribute setters that return the modified CFMetaData instance
public CFMetaData comment(String prop) { comment = Strings.nullToEmpty(prop); return this;}
public CFMetaData readRepairChance(double prop) {readRepairChance = prop; return this;}
public CFMetaData dcLocalReadRepairChance(double prop) {dcLocalReadRepairChance = prop; return this;}
public CFMetaData gcGraceSeconds(int prop) {gcGraceSeconds = prop; return this;}
public CFMetaData defaultValidator(AbstractType> prop) {defaultValidator = prop; return this;}
public CFMetaData keyValidator(AbstractType> prop) {keyValidator = prop; return this;}
public CFMetaData minCompactionThreshold(int prop) {minCompactionThreshold = prop; return this;}
public CFMetaData maxCompactionThreshold(int prop) {maxCompactionThreshold = prop; return this;}
public CFMetaData compactionStrategyClass(Class extends AbstractCompactionStrategy> prop) {compactionStrategyClass = prop; return this;}
public CFMetaData compactionStrategyOptions(Map prop) {compactionStrategyOptions = prop; return this;}
public CFMetaData compressionParameters(CompressionParameters prop) {compressionParameters = prop; return this;}
public CFMetaData bloomFilterFpChance(Double prop) {bloomFilterFpChance = prop; return this;}
public CFMetaData caching(CachingOptions prop) {caching = prop; return this;}
public CFMetaData minIndexInterval(int prop) {minIndexInterval = prop; return this;}
public CFMetaData maxIndexInterval(int prop) {maxIndexInterval = prop; return this;}
public CFMetaData memtableFlushPeriod(int prop) {memtableFlushPeriod = prop; return this;}
public CFMetaData defaultTimeToLive(int prop) {defaultTimeToLive = prop; return this;}
public CFMetaData speculativeRetry(SpeculativeRetry prop) {speculativeRetry = prop; return this;}
public CFMetaData droppedColumns(Map cols) {droppedColumns = cols; return this;}
public CFMetaData triggers(Map prop) {triggers = prop; return this;}
public CFMetaData isDense(Boolean prop) {isDense = prop; return this;}
* Create new ColumnFamily metadata with generated random ID.
* When loading from existing schema, use CFMetaData
* @param keyspace keyspace name
* @param name column family name
* @param comp default comparator
public CFMetaData(String keyspace, String name, ColumnFamilyType type, CellNameType comp)
this(keyspace, name, type, comp, UUIDGen.getTimeUUID());
private CFMetaData(String keyspace, String name, ColumnFamilyType type, CellNameType comp, UUID id)
cfId = id;
ksName = keyspace;
cfName = name;
cfType = type;
comparator = comp;
public static CFMetaData denseCFMetaData(String keyspace, String name, AbstractType> comp, AbstractType> subcc)
CellNameType cellNameType = CellNames.fromAbstractType(makeRawAbstractType(comp, subcc), true);
return new CFMetaData(keyspace, name, subcc == null ? ColumnFamilyType.Standard : ColumnFamilyType.Super, cellNameType);
public static CFMetaData sparseCFMetaData(String keyspace, String name, AbstractType> comp)
CellNameType cellNameType = CellNames.fromAbstractType(comp, false);
return new CFMetaData(keyspace, name, ColumnFamilyType.Standard, cellNameType);
public static CFMetaData denseCFMetaData(String keyspace, String name, AbstractType> comp)
return denseCFMetaData(keyspace, name, comp, null);
private static AbstractType> makeRawAbstractType(AbstractType> comparator, AbstractType> subComparator)
return subComparator == null ? comparator : CompositeType.getInstance(Arrays.asList(comparator, subComparator));
public Map getTriggers()
return triggers;
private static CFMetaData compile(String cql)
return compile(cql, Keyspace.SYSTEM_KS);
public static CFMetaData compile(String cql, String keyspace)
CFStatement parsed = (CFStatement)QueryProcessor.parseStatement(cql);
CreateTableStatement statement = (CreateTableStatement) parsed.prepare().statement;
CFMetaData cfm = newSystemMetadata(keyspace, statement.columnFamily(), "", statement.comparator);
return cfm.rebuild();
catch (RequestValidationException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Generates deterministic UUID from keyspace/columnfamily name pair.
* This is used to generate the same UUID for C* version < 2.1
* Since 2.1, this is only used for system columnfamilies and tests.
public static UUID generateLegacyCfId(String ksName, String cfName)
return UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(ArrayUtils.addAll(ksName.getBytes(), cfName.getBytes()));
private static CFMetaData newSystemMetadata(String keyspace, String cfName, String comment, CellNameType comparator)
return new CFMetaData(keyspace, cfName, ColumnFamilyType.Standard, comparator, generateLegacyCfId(keyspace, cfName))
.memtableFlushPeriod(3600 * 1000);
* Creates CFMetaData for secondary index CF.
* Secondary index CF has the same CF ID as parent's.
* @param parent Parent CF where secondary index is created
* @param info Column definition containing secondary index definition
* @param indexComparator Comparator for secondary index
* @return CFMetaData for secondary index
public static CFMetaData newIndexMetadata(CFMetaData parent, ColumnDefinition info, CellNameType indexComparator)
// Depends on parent's cache setting, turn on its index CF's cache.
// Row caching is never enabled; see CASSANDRA-5732
CachingOptions indexCaching = parent.getCaching().keyCache.isEnabled()
? CachingOptions.KEYS_ONLY
: CachingOptions.NONE;
return new CFMetaData(parent.ksName, parent.indexColumnFamilyName(info), ColumnFamilyType.Standard, indexComparator, parent.cfId)
public CFMetaData reloadSecondaryIndexMetadata(CFMetaData parent)
return this;
public CFMetaData copy()
return copyOpts(new CFMetaData(ksName, cfName, cfType, comparator, cfId), this);
* Clones the CFMetaData, but sets a different cfId
* @param newCfId the cfId for the cloned CFMetaData
* @return the cloned CFMetaData instance with the new cfId
public CFMetaData copy(UUID newCfId)
return copyOpts(new CFMetaData(ksName, cfName, cfType, comparator, newCfId), this);
static CFMetaData copyOpts(CFMetaData newCFMD, CFMetaData oldCFMD)
List clonedColumns = new ArrayList<>(oldCFMD.allColumns().size());
for (ColumnDefinition cd : oldCFMD.allColumns())
return newCFMD.addAllColumnDefinitions(clonedColumns)
.compactionStrategyOptions(new HashMap<>(oldCFMD.compactionStrategyOptions))
.droppedColumns(new HashMap<>(oldCFMD.droppedColumns))
.triggers(new HashMap<>(oldCFMD.triggers))
* generate a column family name for an index corresponding to the given column.
* This is NOT the same as the index's name! This is only used in sstable filenames and is not exposed to users.
* @param info A definition of the column with index
* @return name of the index ColumnFamily
public String indexColumnFamilyName(ColumnDefinition info)
// TODO simplify this when info.index_name is guaranteed to be set
return cfName + Directories.SECONDARY_INDEX_NAME_SEPARATOR + (info.getIndexName() == null ? ByteBufferUtil.bytesToHex(info.name.bytes) : info.getIndexName());
public String getComment()
return comment;
public boolean isSuper()
return cfType == ColumnFamilyType.Super;
* The '.' char is the only way to identify if the CFMetadata is for a secondary index
public boolean isSecondaryIndex()
return cfName.contains(".");
* @return The name of the parent cf if this is a seconday index
public String getParentColumnFamilyName()
return isSecondaryIndex() ? cfName.substring(0, cfName.indexOf('.')) : null;
public double getReadRepairChance()
return readRepairChance;
public double getDcLocalReadRepair()
return dcLocalReadRepairChance;
public ReadRepairDecision newReadRepairDecision()
double chance = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble();
if (getReadRepairChance() > chance)
return ReadRepairDecision.GLOBAL;
if (getDcLocalReadRepair() > chance)
return ReadRepairDecision.DC_LOCAL;
return ReadRepairDecision.NONE;
public int getGcGraceSeconds()
return gcGraceSeconds;
public AbstractType> getDefaultValidator()
return defaultValidator;
public AbstractType> getKeyValidator()
return keyValidator;
public Integer getMinCompactionThreshold()
return minCompactionThreshold;
public Integer getMaxCompactionThreshold()
return maxCompactionThreshold;
// Used by CQL2 only.
public String getCQL2KeyName()
if (partitionKeyColumns.size() > 1)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot acces column family with composite key from CQL < 3.0.0");
// For compatibility sake, we uppercase if it's the default alias as we used to return it that way in resultsets.
String str = partitionKeyColumns.get(0).name.toString();
return str.equalsIgnoreCase(DEFAULT_KEY_ALIAS) ? str.toUpperCase() : str;
public CompressionParameters compressionParameters()
return compressionParameters;
public Collection allColumns()
return columnMetadata.values();
// An iterator over all column definitions but that respect the order of a SELECT *.
public Iterator allColumnsInSelectOrder()
return new AbstractIterator()
private final Iterator partitionKeyIter = partitionKeyColumns.iterator();
private final Iterator clusteringIter = clusteringColumns.iterator();
private boolean valueDone;
private final Iterator staticIter = staticColumns.iterator();
private final Iterator regularIter = regularColumns.iterator();
protected ColumnDefinition computeNext()
if (partitionKeyIter.hasNext())
return partitionKeyIter.next();
if (clusteringIter.hasNext())
return clusteringIter.next();
if (staticIter.hasNext())
return staticIter.next();
if (compactValueColumn != null && !valueDone)
valueDone = true;
// If the compactValueColumn is empty, this means we have a dense table but
// with only a PK. As far as selects are concerned, we should ignore the value.
if (compactValueColumn.name.bytes.hasRemaining())
return compactValueColumn;
if (regularIter.hasNext())
return regularIter.next();
return endOfData();
public List partitionKeyColumns()
return partitionKeyColumns;
public List clusteringColumns()
return clusteringColumns;
public Set regularColumns()
return regularColumns;
public Set staticColumns()
return staticColumns;
public Iterable regularAndStaticColumns()
return Iterables.concat(staticColumns, regularColumns);
public ColumnDefinition compactValueColumn()
return compactValueColumn;
// TODO: we could use CType for key validation too to make this unnecessary but
// it's unclear it would be a win overall
public CType getKeyValidatorAsCType()
return keyValidator instanceof CompositeType
? new CompoundCType(((CompositeType) keyValidator).types)
: new SimpleCType(keyValidator);
public double getBloomFilterFpChance()
// we disallow bFFPC==null starting in 1.2.1 but tolerated it before that
return (bloomFilterFpChance == null || bloomFilterFpChance == 0)
? compactionStrategyClass == LeveledCompactionStrategy.class ? 0.1 : 0.01
: bloomFilterFpChance;
public CachingOptions getCaching()
return caching;
public int getMinIndexInterval()
return minIndexInterval;
public int getMaxIndexInterval()
return maxIndexInterval;
public SpeculativeRetry getSpeculativeRetry()
return speculativeRetry;
public int getMemtableFlushPeriod()
return memtableFlushPeriod;
public int getDefaultTimeToLive()
return defaultTimeToLive;
public Map getDroppedColumns()
return droppedColumns;
public Boolean getIsDense()
return isDense;
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o)
return true;
if (!(o instanceof CFMetaData))
return false;
CFMetaData other = (CFMetaData) o;
return Objects.equal(cfId, other.cfId)
&& Objects.equal(ksName, other.ksName)
&& Objects.equal(cfName, other.cfName)
&& Objects.equal(cfType, other.cfType)
&& Objects.equal(comparator, other.comparator)
&& Objects.equal(comment, other.comment)
&& Objects.equal(readRepairChance, other.readRepairChance)
&& Objects.equal(dcLocalReadRepairChance, other.dcLocalReadRepairChance)
&& Objects.equal(gcGraceSeconds, other.gcGraceSeconds)
&& Objects.equal(defaultValidator, other.defaultValidator)
&& Objects.equal(keyValidator, other.keyValidator)
&& Objects.equal(minCompactionThreshold, other.minCompactionThreshold)
&& Objects.equal(maxCompactionThreshold, other.maxCompactionThreshold)
&& Objects.equal(columnMetadata, other.columnMetadata)
&& Objects.equal(compactionStrategyClass, other.compactionStrategyClass)
&& Objects.equal(compactionStrategyOptions, other.compactionStrategyOptions)
&& Objects.equal(compressionParameters, other.compressionParameters)
&& Objects.equal(bloomFilterFpChance, other.bloomFilterFpChance)
&& Objects.equal(memtableFlushPeriod, other.memtableFlushPeriod)
&& Objects.equal(caching, other.caching)
&& Objects.equal(defaultTimeToLive, other.defaultTimeToLive)
&& Objects.equal(minIndexInterval, other.minIndexInterval)
&& Objects.equal(maxIndexInterval, other.maxIndexInterval)
&& Objects.equal(speculativeRetry, other.speculativeRetry)
&& Objects.equal(droppedColumns, other.droppedColumns)
&& Objects.equal(triggers, other.triggers)
&& Objects.equal(isDense, other.isDense);
public int hashCode()
return new HashCodeBuilder(29, 1597)
public AbstractType> getValueValidator(CellName cellName)
ColumnDefinition def = getColumnDefinition(cellName);
return def == null ? defaultValidator : def.type;
/** applies implicit defaults to cf definition. useful in updates */
private static void applyImplicitDefaults(org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CfDef cf_def)
if (!cf_def.isSetComment())
if (!cf_def.isSetMin_compaction_threshold())
if (!cf_def.isSetMax_compaction_threshold())
if (cf_def.compaction_strategy == null)
cf_def.compaction_strategy = DEFAULT_COMPACTION_STRATEGY_CLASS.getSimpleName();
if (cf_def.compaction_strategy_options == null)
cf_def.compaction_strategy_options = Collections.emptyMap();
if (!cf_def.isSetCompression_options())
cf_def.setCompression_options(new HashMap()
if (!cf_def.isSetDefault_time_to_live())
if (!cf_def.isSetDclocal_read_repair_chance())
// if index_interval was set, use that for the min_index_interval default
if (!cf_def.isSetMin_index_interval())
if (cf_def.isSetIndex_interval())
if (!cf_def.isSetMax_index_interval())
// ensure the max is at least as large as the min
cf_def.setMax_index_interval(Math.max(cf_def.min_index_interval, CFMetaData.DEFAULT_MAX_INDEX_INTERVAL));
public static CFMetaData fromThrift(CfDef cf_def) throws InvalidRequestException, ConfigurationException
return internalFromThrift(cf_def, Collections.emptyList());
public static CFMetaData fromThriftForUpdate(CfDef cf_def, CFMetaData toUpdate) throws InvalidRequestException, ConfigurationException
return internalFromThrift(cf_def, toUpdate.allColumns());
// Convert a thrift CfDef, given a list of ColumnDefinitions to copy over to the created CFMetadata before the CQL metadata are rebuild
private static CFMetaData internalFromThrift(CfDef cf_def, Collection previousCQLMetadata) throws InvalidRequestException, ConfigurationException
ColumnFamilyType cfType = ColumnFamilyType.create(cf_def.column_type);
if (cfType == null)
throw new InvalidRequestException("Invalid column type " + cf_def.column_type);
AbstractType> rawComparator = TypeParser.parse(cf_def.comparator_type);
AbstractType> subComparator = cfType == ColumnFamilyType.Standard
? null
: cf_def.subcomparator_type == null ? BytesType.instance : TypeParser.parse(cf_def.subcomparator_type);
AbstractType> fullRawComparator = makeRawAbstractType(rawComparator, subComparator);
AbstractType> keyValidator = cf_def.isSetKey_validation_class() ? TypeParser.parse(cf_def.key_validation_class) : null;
// Convert the REGULAR definitions from the input CfDef
List defs = ColumnDefinition.fromThrift(cf_def.keyspace, cf_def.name, rawComparator, subComparator, cf_def.column_metadata);
// Add the keyAlias if there is one, since that's on CQL metadata that thrift can actually change (for
// historical reasons)
boolean hasKeyAlias = cf_def.isSetKey_alias() && keyValidator != null && !(keyValidator instanceof CompositeType);
if (hasKeyAlias)
defs.add(ColumnDefinition.partitionKeyDef(cf_def.keyspace, cf_def.name, cf_def.key_alias, keyValidator, null));
// Now add any CQL metadata that we want to copy, skipping the keyAlias if there was one
for (ColumnDefinition def : previousCQLMetadata)
// isPartOfCellName basically means 'is not just a CQL metadata'
if (def.isPartOfCellName())
if (def.kind == ColumnDefinition.Kind.PARTITION_KEY && hasKeyAlias)
CellNameType comparator = CellNames.fromAbstractType(fullRawComparator, calculateIsDense(fullRawComparator, defs));
UUID cfId = Schema.instance.getId(cf_def.keyspace, cf_def.name);
if (cfId == null)
cfId = UUIDGen.getTimeUUID();
CFMetaData newCFMD = new CFMetaData(cf_def.keyspace, cf_def.name, cfType, comparator, cfId);
if (keyValidator != null)
if (cf_def.isSetGc_grace_seconds())
if (cf_def.isSetMin_compaction_threshold())
if (cf_def.isSetMax_compaction_threshold())
if (cf_def.isSetCompaction_strategy())
if (cf_def.isSetCompaction_strategy_options())
newCFMD.compactionStrategyOptions(new HashMap<>(cf_def.compaction_strategy_options));
if (cf_def.isSetBloom_filter_fp_chance())
if (cf_def.isSetMemtable_flush_period_in_ms())
if (cf_def.isSetCaching() || cf_def.isSetCells_per_row_to_cache())
newCFMD.caching(CachingOptions.fromThrift(cf_def.caching, cf_def.cells_per_row_to_cache));
if (cf_def.isSetRead_repair_chance())
if (cf_def.isSetDefault_time_to_live())
if (cf_def.isSetDclocal_read_repair_chance())
if (cf_def.isSetMin_index_interval())
if (cf_def.isSetMax_index_interval())
if (cf_def.isSetSpeculative_retry())
if (cf_def.isSetTriggers())
return newCFMD.comment(cf_def.comment)
catch (SyntaxException | MarshalException e)
throw new ConfigurationException(e.getMessage());
* Create CFMetaData from thrift {@link CqlRow} that contains columns from schema_columnfamilies.
* @param columnsRes CqlRow containing columns from schema_columnfamilies.
* @return CFMetaData derived from CqlRow
public static CFMetaData fromThriftCqlRow(CqlRow cf, CqlResult columnsRes)
UntypedResultSet.Row cfRow = new UntypedResultSet.Row(convertThriftCqlRow(cf));
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