com.stratio.cassandra.lucene.column.ColumnsMapper.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2014 Stratio (http://stratio.com)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package com.stratio.cassandra.lucene.column
import java.math.{BigDecimal, BigInteger}
import java.net.InetAddress
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.util.{Date, UUID}
import com.stratio.cassandra.lucene.IndexException
import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal._
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.{Cell, ComplexColumnData, Row}
import org.apache.cassandra.serializers.CollectionSerializer
import org.apache.cassandra.transport.Server._
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
* Maps Cassandra rows to [[Columns]].
* @author Andres de la Pena `[email protected]`
object ColumnsMapper {
* Returns a [[Columns]] representing the specified row.
* @param row the Cassandra row to be mapped
def columns(row: Row): Columns = {
row.columns().foldLeft(Columns())((cs, columnDefinition) =>
if (columnDefinition.isComplex)
cs + columns(row.getComplexColumnData(columnDefinition))
cs + columns(row.getCell(columnDefinition))
private[column] def columns(complexColumnData: ComplexColumnData): Columns = {
complexColumnData.foldLeft(Columns())((cs, cell) => cs + columns(cell))
private[column] def columns(cell: Cell): Columns = {
if (cell == null) return Columns()
val isTombstone = cell.isTombstone
val name = cell.column.name.toString
val comparator = cell.column.`type`
val value = cell.value
val column = new Column(cellName = name, deletionTime = cell.localDeletionTime)
comparator match {
case setType: SetType[_] if !setType.isFrozenCollection =>
val itemComparator = setType.nameComparator
val itemValue = cell.path.get(0)
columns(isTombstone, column, itemComparator, itemValue)
case listType: ListType[_] if !listType.isFrozenCollection =>
val itemComparator = listType.valueComparator
columns(isTombstone, column, itemComparator, value)
case mapType: MapType[_, _] if !mapType.isFrozenCollection =>
val itemComparator = mapType.valueComparator
val keyValue = cell.path.get(0)
val keyComparator = mapType.nameComparator
val nameSuffix = keyComparator.compose(keyValue).toString
columns(isTombstone, column.withMapName(nameSuffix), itemComparator, value)
case userType:UserType =>
val cellPath=cell.path()
if (cellPath == null) {
columns(isTombstone, column, comparator, value)
} else {
val position = ByteBufferUtil.toShort(cellPath.get(0))
val name = userType.fieldNameAsString(position)
val typo = userType.`type`(position)
columns(isTombstone, column.withUDTName(name), typo, value)
case _ =>
columns(isTombstone, column, comparator, value)
private[column] def columns(isTombstone: Boolean,
column: Column[_],
abstractType: AbstractType[_],
value: ByteBuffer): Columns = abstractType match {
case setType: SetType[_] =>
columns(isTombstone, column, setType, value)
case listType: ListType[_] =>
columns(isTombstone, column, listType, value)
case mapType: MapType[_, _] =>
columns(isTombstone, column, mapType, value)
case userType: UserType =>
columns(isTombstone, column, userType, value)
case tupleType: TupleType =>
columns(isTombstone, column, tupleType, value)
case _ =>
Columns(column.withValue(compose(value, abstractType)))
private[this] def columns(isTombstone: Boolean, column: Column[_], set: SetType[_], value: ByteBuffer): Columns = {
if (isTombstone) return Columns(column)
val nameType = set.nameComparator
val bb = ByteBufferUtil.clone(value) // CollectionSerializer read functions are impure
(0 until frozenCollectionSize(bb)).foldLeft(Columns())((cs, n) => {
val itemValue = frozenCollectionValue(bb)
cs + columns(isTombstone, column, nameType, itemValue)
private[this] def columns(isTombstone: Boolean, column: Column[_], list: ListType[_], value: ByteBuffer): Columns = {
if (isTombstone) return Columns(column)
val valueType = list.valueComparator
val bb = ByteBufferUtil.clone(value) // CollectionSerializer read functions are impure
(0 until frozenCollectionSize(bb)).foldLeft(Columns())((cs, n) => {
val itemValue = frozenCollectionValue(bb)
cs + columns(isTombstone, column, valueType, itemValue)
private[this] def columns(isTombstone: Boolean, column: Column[_], map: MapType[_, _], value: ByteBuffer): Columns = {
if (isTombstone) return Columns(column)
val itemKeysType = map.nameComparator
val itemValuesType = map.valueComparator
val bb = ByteBufferUtil.clone(value) // CollectionSerializer read functions are impure
(0 until frozenCollectionSize(bb)).foldLeft(Columns())((cs, n) => {
val itemKey = frozenCollectionValue(bb)
val itemValue = frozenCollectionValue(bb)
val itemName = itemKeysType.compose(itemKey).toString
cs + columns(isTombstone, column.withMapName(itemName), itemValuesType, itemValue)
private[this] def columns(isTombstone: Boolean, column: Column[_], udt: UserType, value: ByteBuffer): Columns = {
if (isTombstone) return Columns(column)
val itemValues = udt.split(value)
(0 until udt.fieldNames.size).foldLeft(Columns())((cs, i) => {
val itemName = udt.fieldNameAsString(i)
val itemType = udt.fieldType(i)
val itemValue = itemValues(i)
if (isTombstone || itemValue == null)
cs + column.withUDTName(itemName)
cs + columns(isTombstone, column.withUDTName(itemName), itemType, itemValue)
private[this] def columns(isTombstone: Boolean, column: Column[_], tuple: TupleType, value: ByteBuffer): Columns = {
if (isTombstone) return Columns(column)
val itemValues = tuple.split(value)
(0 until tuple.size).foldLeft(Columns())((cs, i) => {
val itemName = i.toString
val itemType = tuple.`type`(i)
val itemValue = itemValues(i)
if (isTombstone || itemValue == null)
cs + column.withUDTName(itemName)
cs + columns(isTombstone, column.withUDTName(itemName), itemType, itemValue)
private[this] def frozenCollectionSize(bb: ByteBuffer): Int =
CollectionSerializer.readCollectionSize(bb, CURRENT_VERSION)
private[this] def frozenCollectionValue(bb: ByteBuffer): ByteBuffer =
CollectionSerializer.readValue(bb, CURRENT_VERSION)
def compose(bb: ByteBuffer, t: AbstractType[_]): Any = t match {
case sdt: SimpleDateType => new Date(sdt.toTimeInMillis(bb))
case _ => t.compose(bb)
// Validation
def validate(metadata: CFMetaData, column: String, field: String, supportedTypes: java.util.List[Class[_]]) {
val cellName = Column.parse(column).cellName
val cellDefinition = metadata.getColumnDefinition(UTF8Type.instance.decompose(cellName))
if (cellDefinition == null) {
throw new IndexException("No column definition '{}' for mapper '{}'", cellName, field)
if (cellDefinition.isStatic) {
throw new IndexException("Lucene indexes are not allowed on static columns as '{}'", column)
def checkSupported(t: AbstractType[_], mapper: String) {
if (!supports(t, supportedTypes)) {
throw new IndexException("Type '{}' in column '{}' is not supported by mapper '{}'", t, mapper, field)
val cellType = cellDefinition.`type`
val udtNames = Column.parse(column).udtNames
if (udtNames.isEmpty) {
checkSupported(cellType, cellName)
} else {
var col = Column.apply(cellName)
var currentType = cellType
for (i <- udtNames.indices) {
col = col.withUDTName(udtNames(i))
ColumnsMapper.childType(currentType, udtNames(i)) match {
case None => throw new IndexException("No column definition '{}' for mapper '{}'", col.mapperName, field)
case Some(n) if i == udtNames.indices.last => checkSupported(n, col.mapperName)
case Some(n) => currentType = n
def childType(parent: AbstractType[_], child: String): Option[AbstractType[_]] = parent match {
case t: ReversedType[_] => childType(t.baseType, child)
case t: SetType[_] => childType(t.nameComparator, child)
case t: ListType[_] => childType(t.valueComparator, child)
case t: MapType[_, _] => childType(t.valueComparator, child)
case t: UserType => (0 until t.fieldNames.size).find(t.fieldNameAsString(_) == child).map(t.fieldType)
case t: TupleType => (0 until t.size).find(_.toString == child).map(t.`type`)
case _ => None
def supports(candidateType: AbstractType[_], supportedTypes: Seq[Class[_]]): Boolean = candidateType match {
case t: ReversedType[_] => supports(t.baseType, supportedTypes)
case t: SetType[_] => supports(t.getElementsType, supportedTypes)
case t: ListType[_] => supports(t.getElementsType, supportedTypes)
case t: MapType[_, _] => supports(t.getValuesType, supportedTypes)
case _ =>
val native = nativeType(candidateType)
supportedTypes.exists(_ isAssignableFrom native)
def nativeType(validator: AbstractType[_]): Class[_] = validator match {
case _: UTF8Type | _: AsciiType => classOf[String]
case _: SimpleDateType | _: TimestampType => classOf[Date]
case _: UUIDType | _: LexicalUUIDType | _: TimeUUIDType => classOf[UUID]
case _: ShortType => classOf[java.lang.Short]
case _: ByteType => classOf[java.lang.Byte]
case _: Int32Type => classOf[Integer]
case _: LongType => classOf[java.lang.Long]
case _: IntegerType => classOf[BigInteger]
case _: FloatType => classOf[java.lang.Float]
case _: DoubleType => classOf[java.lang.Double]
case _: DecimalType => classOf[BigDecimal]
case _: BooleanType => classOf[java.lang.Boolean]
case _: BytesType => classOf[ByteBuffer]
case _: InetAddressType => classOf[InetAddress]
case _ => throw new IndexException(s"Unsupported Cassandra data type: ${validator.getClass}")
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