com.stripe.brushfire.Injections.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.stripe.brushfire
import com.twitter.algebird._
import com.twitter.bijection._
import com.twitter.chill._
import com.twitter.bijection.json._
import com.twitter.bijection.Inversion.{ attempt, attemptWhen }
import com.twitter.bijection.InversionFailure.{ failedAttempt, partialFailure }
import JsonNodeInjection._
import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode
import org.codehaus.jackson.node.JsonNodeFactory
import scala.util._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
object JsonInjections {
def fromSingletonObject[A](n: JsonNode)(f: (String, JsonNode) => Try[A]): Try[A] =
n.getFields.asScala.toList match {
case entry :: Nil => f(entry.getKey, entry.getValue)
case Nil => failedAttempt("no elements: " + n)
case _ => failedAttempt("too many elements: " + n)
implicit def mapInjection[L, W](implicit labelInj: Injection[L, String], weightInj: JsonNodeInjection[W]): JsonNodeInjection[Map[L, W]] =
new AbstractJsonNodeInjection[Map[L, W]] {
def apply(frequencies: Map[L, W]): JsonNode =
toJsonNode( { case (k, v) => (labelInj(k), toJsonNode(v)) })
override def invert(n: JsonNode): Try[Map[L, W]] =
Try { { e =>
(labelInj.invert(e.getKey).get, weightInj.invert(e.getValue).get)
implicit def dispatchJsonNodeInjection[A: JsonNodeInjection, B: JsonNodeInjection, C: JsonNodeInjection, D: JsonNodeInjection]: JsonNodeInjection[Dispatched[A, B, C, D]] = new AbstractJsonNodeInjection[Dispatched[A, B, C, D]] {
def apply(dispatched: Dispatched[A, B, C, D]): JsonNode = {
val obj = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode
dispatched match {
case Ordinal(v) => obj.put("ordinal", toJsonNode(v))
case Nominal(v) => obj.put("nominal", toJsonNode(v))
case Continuous(v) => obj.put("continuous", toJsonNode(v))
case Sparse(v) => obj.put("sparse", toJsonNode(v))
override def invert(n: JsonNode): Try[Dispatched[A, B, C, D]] =
fromSingletonObject(n) {
case ("ordinal", v) => fromJsonNode[A](v).map(Ordinal(_))
case ("nominal", v) => fromJsonNode[B](v).map(Nominal(_))
case ("continuous", v) => fromJsonNode[C](v).map(Continuous(_))
case ("sparse", v) => fromJsonNode[D](v).map(Sparse(_))
case _ => failedAttempt("Not a dispatched node: " + n)
implicit def optionJsonNodeInjection[T: JsonNodeInjection] = new AbstractJsonNodeInjection[Option[T]] {
def apply(opt: Option[T]): JsonNode = {
val ary = JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode
opt.foreach { t => ary.add(toJsonNode(t)) }
def invert(n: JsonNode): Try[Option[T]] =
n.getElements.asScala.toList match {
case c :: Nil => fromJsonNode[T](c).map(Some(_))
case Nil => Success(Option.empty[T])
case _ => failedAttempt("Not an option: " + n)
implicit val bool2String: Injection[Boolean, String] = new AbstractInjection[Boolean, String] {
def apply(b: Boolean): String =
override def invert(s: String): Try[Boolean] =
s match {
case "true" => Success(true)
case "false" => Success(false)
case _ => failedAttempt(s)
implicit def predicateJsonInjection[V](implicit vInj: JsonNodeInjection[V], ord: Ordering[V] = null): JsonNodeInjection[Predicate[V]] = {
new AbstractJsonNodeInjection[Predicate[V]] {
import Predicate._
def apply(pred: Predicate[V]): JsonNode = {
val obj = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode
pred match {
case IsEq(v) => obj.put("isEq", toJsonNode(v))
case NotEq(v) => obj.put("notEq", toJsonNode(v))
case Lt(v) => obj.put("lt", toJsonNode(v))
case LtEq(v) => obj.put("ltEq", toJsonNode(v))
case Gt(v) => obj.put("gt", toJsonNode(v))
case GtEq(v) => obj.put("gtEq", toJsonNode(v))
override def invert(n: JsonNode): Try[Predicate[V]] =
fromSingletonObject(n) { (k, v) =>
val t: Try[V] = fromJsonNode[V](v)
k match {
case "isEq" =>
case "notEq" =>
case "lt" =>
case "ltEq" =>
case "gt" =>
case "gtEq" =>
case k => failedAttempt(s"unknown predicate type: $k")
implicit def treeJsonInjection[K, V, T, A](
implicit kInj: JsonNodeInjection[K],
pInj: JsonNodeInjection[T],
vInj: JsonNodeInjection[V],
// A common case is that A is unit, so we special case it here and avoid
// serializing a whole bunch of units (and finding a sane serialization for
// it). We do this by using `WithFallback`. If A is a unit, then we don't
// need an injection. OTOH, if A isn't Unit, then we get an injection and
// use that to serialize the annotation.
maybeAInj: (Unit =:= A) WithFallback JsonNodeInjection[A],
mon: Monoid[T],
ord: Ordering[V] = null): JsonNodeInjection[AnnotatedTree[K, V, T, A]] = {
implicit def nodeJsonNodeInjection: JsonNodeInjection[Node[K, V, T, A]] =
new AbstractJsonNodeInjection[Node[K, V, T, A]] {
def apply(node: Node[K, V, T, A]): JsonNode =
node match {
case LeafNode(index, target, annotation) =>
val obj = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode
obj.put("leaf", toJsonNode(index))
obj.put("distribution", toJsonNode(target))
// Don't serialize the annotation if we *know* it is Unit.
maybeAInj.withFallback { aInj =>
obj.put("annotation", aInj(annotation))
case SplitNode(k, p, lc, rc, annotation) =>
val obj = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode
obj.put("key", toJsonNode(k))
obj.put("predicate", toJsonNode(p)(predicateJsonInjection))
obj.put("left", toJsonNode(lc)(nodeJsonNodeInjection))
obj.put("right", toJsonNode(rc)(nodeJsonNodeInjection))
// Don't serialize the annotation if we *know* it is Unit.
maybeAInj.withFallback { aInj =>
obj.put("annotation", aInj(annotation))
def tryLoad[T: JsonNodeInjection](node: JsonNode, property: String): Try[T] =
node.get(property) match {
case null => Failure(new IllegalArgumentException(property + " != null"))
case c => fromJsonNode[T](c)
def getAnnotation(node: JsonNode): Try[A] =
maybeAInj match {
case Preferred(unitToA) => Success(unitToA(()))
case Fallback(aInj) => tryLoad[A](node, "annotation")(aInj)
override def invert(n: JsonNode): Try[Node[K, V, T, A]] =
if (n.has("leaf")) {
for {
index <- tryLoad[Int](n, "leaf")
target <- tryLoad[T](n, "distribution")
annotation <- getAnnotation(n)
} yield LeafNode(index, target, annotation)
} else {
for {
k <- tryLoad[K](n, "key")
p <- tryLoad[Predicate[V]](n, "predicate")
left <- tryLoad[Node[K, V, T, A]](n, "left")(nodeJsonNodeInjection)
right <- tryLoad[Node[K, V, T, A]](n, "right")(nodeJsonNodeInjection)
annotation <- getAnnotation(n)
} yield SplitNode(k, p, left, right, annotation)
new AbstractJsonNodeInjection[AnnotatedTree[K, V, T, A]] {
def apply(tree: AnnotatedTree[K, V, T, A]): JsonNode =
override def invert(n: JsonNode): Try[AnnotatedTree[K, V, T, A]] =
fromJsonNode[Node[K, V, T, A]](n).map(root => AnnotatedTree(root))
implicit def treeJsonStringInjection[K, V, T, A](implicit jsonInj: JsonNodeInjection[AnnotatedTree[K, V, T, A]]): Injection[AnnotatedTree[K, V, T, A], String] =
JsonInjection.toString[AnnotatedTree[K, V, T, A]]
object KryoInjections {
implicit def tree2Bytes[K, V, T]: Injection[Tree[K, V, T], Array[Byte]] = new AbstractInjection[Tree[K, V, T], Array[Byte]] {
override def apply(a: Tree[K, V, T]): Array[Byte] =
// we cast here because KryoInjection only works with Any. :/
override def invert(b: Array[Byte]): Try[Tree[K, V, T]] =
KryoInjection.invert(b).asInstanceOf[Try[Tree[K, V, T]]]
implicit def tree2String[K, V, T]: Injection[Tree[K, V, T], String] =
Injection.connect[Tree[K, V, T], Array[Byte], Base64String, String]
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