com.stripe.brushfire.TDigest.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.stripe.brushfire
import com.tdunning.math.stats.TDigest
import com.twitter.algebird.{Monoid, Semigroup}
import Predicate.Lt
private [this] case object TDigestSemigroup extends Semigroup[TDigest] {
override def plus(l: TDigest, r: TDigest): TDigest = {
val td = TDigest.createDigest(math.max(l.compression(), r.compression()))
override def sumOption(iter: TraversableOnce[TDigest]): Option[TDigest] = {
iter.foldLeft(None: Option[TDigest]) {
case (None, el) =>
val td = TDigest.createDigest(el.compression())
case (f@Some(acc), el) =>
object TDigestSplitter {
* Estimate the number of items on either side of a quantile split
private def splitCounts(q: Double, digest: TDigest): (Long, Long) = {
// the cumulative density reported is sometimes outside of [0,1] so we need to bound it. otherwise
// the estimated target distribution will be far from realistic... leading the Evaluator to
// frequently pick a suboptimal split point
val left = (digest.cdf(q).max(0.0).min(1.0) * digest.size().toDouble).toLong
val right = (digest.size - left).max(0L)
(left, right)
* Create a singleton [[scala.collection.Map]] if the value is positive, else return [[scala.collection.Map.empty]]
private def positiveOrEmpty[L]: (L, Long) => Map[L, Long] = {
case (key, value) if value > 0L => Map(key -> value)
case _ => Map.empty[L, Long]
private def targetDistribution[L](q: Double)(target: L, digest: TDigest): (Map[L, Long], Map[L, Long]) = {
val (left, right) = splitCounts(q, digest)
(positiveOrEmpty(target, left), positiveOrEmpty(target, right))
case class TDigestSplitter[L](k: Int = 25, compression: Double = 100.0) extends Splitter[Double, Map[L, Long]] {
override type S = Map[L, TDigest]
override def split(parent: Map[L, Long], stats: S): Iterable[Split[Double, Map[L, Long]]] = {
implicit val tds = TDigestSemigroup
import TDigestSplitter.targetDistribution
val splits = for {
// merge the statistics from all targets
merged <- Semigroup.sumOption(stats.valuesIterator).toSeq
// generate the requested number of splits evenly between [1/k, 1]
// we can skip 0 because the predicate is LessThan, and no targets should
// exist below the 0th quantile
i <- 1 to k
// first estimate the nth quantile from the merged statistics
// this will become a potential split point in the resulting tree
q = merged.quantile(i.toDouble / k.toDouble).max(0.0).min(merged.size().toDouble)
// then estimate the target distribution using the target's statistics
(left, right) = Monoid.sum(
// the goodness score of an entirely empty split should not be the best
// and so they can be discarded immediately
if left.nonEmpty || right.nonEmpty
} yield {
Split(Lt(q), left, right)
// if the input is not continuous or has too few examples we will end up
// with a smaller number of actual splits than requested, and the rest will be
// duplicates... remove the dupes
override def semigroup: Semigroup[S] = {
implicit val tds = TDigestSemigroup
override def create(value: Double, target: Map[L, Long]): S = {
target.mapValues {
case count if count <= Int.MaxValue.toLong =>
val td = TDigest.createDigest(compression)
td.add(value, count.toInt)
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