com.stripe.model.Charge Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Generated by delombok at Wed Mar 04 19:23:38 PST 2020
package com.stripe.model;
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
import com.stripe.Stripe;
import com.stripe.exception.StripeException;
import com.stripe.model.radar.Rule;
import com.stripe.net.ApiResource;
import com.stripe.net.RequestOptions;
import com.stripe.param.ChargeCaptureParams;
import com.stripe.param.ChargeCreateParams;
import com.stripe.param.ChargeListParams;
import com.stripe.param.ChargeRetrieveParams;
import com.stripe.param.ChargeUpdateParams;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class Charge extends ApiResource implements MetadataStore, BalanceTransactionSource {
AlternateStatementDescriptors alternateStatementDescriptors;
* Amount intended to be collected by this PaymentIntent. A positive integer representing how much
* to charge in the smallest currency
* unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00 or 100 to charge ¥100, a zero-decimal currency). The
* minimum amount is $0.50 US or equivalent in
* charge currency. The amount value supports up to eight digits (e.g., a value of 99999999
* for a USD charge of $999,999.99).
Long amount;
* Amount in %s refunded (can be less than the amount attribute on the charge if a partial refund
* was issued).
Long amountRefunded;
* ID of the Connect application that created the charge.
ExpandableField application;
* The application fee (if any) for the charge. See the Connect
* documentation for details.
ExpandableField applicationFee;
* The amount of the application fee (if any) for the charge. See the Connect
* documentation for details.
Long applicationFeeAmount;
* Authorization code on the charge.
String authorizationCode;
* ID of the balance transaction that describes the impact of this charge on your account balance
* (not including refunds or disputes).
ExpandableField balanceTransaction;
PaymentMethod.BillingDetails billingDetails;
* If the charge was created without capturing, this Boolean represents whether it is still
* uncaptured or has since been captured.
Boolean captured;
* Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
Long created;
* Three-letter ISO currency code,
* in lowercase. Must be a supported currency.
String currency;
* ID of the customer this charge is for if one exists.
ExpandableField customer;
* An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
String description;
* ID of an existing, connected Stripe account to transfer funds to if {@code transfer_data} was
* specified in the charge request.
ExpandableField destination;
* Details about the dispute if the charge has been disputed.
ExpandableField dispute;
* Whether the charge has been disputed.
Boolean disputed;
* Error code explaining reason for charge failure if available (see the errors section for a list of codes).
String failureCode;
* Message to user further explaining reason for charge failure if available.
String failureMessage;
* Information on fraud assessments for the charge.
FraudDetails fraudDetails;
* Unique identifier for the object.
String id;
* ID of the invoice this charge is for if one exists.
ExpandableField invoice;
Level3 level3;
* Has the value {@code true} if the object exists in live mode or the value {@code false} if the
* object exists in test mode.
Boolean livemode;
* Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing
* additional information about the object in a structured format.
Map metadata;
* String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
* Equal to {@code charge}.
String object;
* The account (if any) the charge was made on behalf of without triggering an automatic transfer.
* See the Connect documentation
* for details.
ExpandableField onBehalfOf;
* ID of the order this charge is for if one exists.
ExpandableField order;
* Details about whether the payment was accepted, and why. See understanding declines for details.
Outcome outcome;
* {@code true} if the charge succeeded, or was successfully authorized for later capture.
Boolean paid;
* ID of the PaymentIntent associated with this charge, if one exists.
String paymentIntent;
* ID of the payment method used in this charge.
String paymentMethod;
* Details about the payment method at the time of the transaction.
PaymentMethodDetails paymentMethodDetails;
* This is the email address that the receipt for this charge was sent to.
String receiptEmail;
* This is the transaction number that appears on email receipts sent for this charge. This
* attribute will be {@code null} until a receipt has been sent.
String receiptNumber;
* This is the URL to view the receipt for this charge. The receipt is kept up-to-date to the
* latest state of the charge, including any refunds. If the charge is for an Invoice, the receipt
* will be stylized as an Invoice receipt.
String receiptUrl;
* Whether the charge has been fully refunded. If the charge is only partially refunded, this
* attribute will still be false.
Boolean refunded;
* A list of refunds that have been applied to the charge.
RefundCollection refunds;
* ID of the review associated with this charge if one exists.
ExpandableField review;
* Shipping information for the charge.
ShippingDetails shipping;
* This is a legacy field that will be removed in the future. It contains the Source, Card, or
* BankAccount object used for the charge. For details about the payment method used for this
* charge, refer to {@code payment_method} or {@code payment_method_details} instead.
PaymentSource source;
* The transfer ID which created this charge. Only present if the charge came from another Stripe
* account. See the Connect
* documentation for details.
ExpandableField sourceTransfer;
* For card charges, use {@code statement_descriptor_suffix} instead. Otherwise, you can use this
* value as the complete description of a charge on your customers’ statements. Must contain at
* least one letter, maximum 22 characters.
String statementDescriptor;
* Provides information about the charge that customers see on their statements. Concatenated with
* the prefix (shortened descriptor) or statement descriptor that’s set on the account to form the
* complete statement descriptor. Maximum 22 characters for the concatenated descriptor.
String statementDescriptorSuffix;
* The status of the payment is either {@code succeeded}, {@code pending}, or {@code failed}.
String status;
* ID of the transfer to the {@code destination} account (only applicable if the charge was
* created using the {@code destination} parameter).
ExpandableField transfer;
* An optional dictionary including the account to automatically transfer to as part of a
* destination charge. See the
* Connect documentation for details.
TransferData transferData;
* A string that identifies this transaction as part of a group. See the Connect
* documentation for details.
String transferGroup;
* Get ID of expandable {@code application} object.
public String getApplication() {
return (this.application != null) ? this.application.getId() : null;
public void setApplication(String id) {
this.application = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.application);
* Get expanded {@code application}.
public Application getApplicationObject() {
return (this.application != null) ? this.application.getExpanded() : null;
public void setApplicationObject(Application expandableObject) {
this.application = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
* Get ID of expandable {@code applicationFee} object.
public String getApplicationFee() {
return (this.applicationFee != null) ? this.applicationFee.getId() : null;
public void setApplicationFee(String id) {
this.applicationFee = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.applicationFee);
* Get expanded {@code applicationFee}.
public ApplicationFee getApplicationFeeObject() {
return (this.applicationFee != null) ? this.applicationFee.getExpanded() : null;
public void setApplicationFeeObject(ApplicationFee expandableObject) {
this.applicationFee = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
* Get ID of expandable {@code balanceTransaction} object.
public String getBalanceTransaction() {
return (this.balanceTransaction != null) ? this.balanceTransaction.getId() : null;
public void setBalanceTransaction(String id) {
this.balanceTransaction = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.balanceTransaction);
* Get expanded {@code balanceTransaction}.
public BalanceTransaction getBalanceTransactionObject() {
return (this.balanceTransaction != null) ? this.balanceTransaction.getExpanded() : null;
public void setBalanceTransactionObject(BalanceTransaction expandableObject) {
this.balanceTransaction = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
* Get ID of expandable {@code customer} object.
public String getCustomer() {
return (this.customer != null) ? this.customer.getId() : null;
public void setCustomer(String id) {
this.customer = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.customer);
* Get expanded {@code customer}.
public Customer getCustomerObject() {
return (this.customer != null) ? this.customer.getExpanded() : null;
public void setCustomerObject(Customer expandableObject) {
this.customer = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
* Get ID of expandable {@code destination} object.
public String getDestination() {
return (this.destination != null) ? this.destination.getId() : null;
public void setDestination(String id) {
this.destination = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.destination);
* Get expanded {@code destination}.
public Account getDestinationObject() {
return (this.destination != null) ? this.destination.getExpanded() : null;
public void setDestinationObject(Account expandableObject) {
this.destination = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
* Get ID of expandable {@code dispute} object.
public String getDispute() {
return (this.dispute != null) ? this.dispute.getId() : null;
public void setDispute(String id) {
this.dispute = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.dispute);
* Get expanded {@code dispute}.
public Dispute getDisputeObject() {
return (this.dispute != null) ? this.dispute.getExpanded() : null;
public void setDisputeObject(Dispute expandableObject) {
this.dispute = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
* Get ID of expandable {@code invoice} object.
public String getInvoice() {
return (this.invoice != null) ? this.invoice.getId() : null;
public void setInvoice(String id) {
this.invoice = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.invoice);
* Get expanded {@code invoice}.
public Invoice getInvoiceObject() {
return (this.invoice != null) ? this.invoice.getExpanded() : null;
public void setInvoiceObject(Invoice expandableObject) {
this.invoice = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
* Get ID of expandable {@code onBehalfOf} object.
public String getOnBehalfOf() {
return (this.onBehalfOf != null) ? this.onBehalfOf.getId() : null;
public void setOnBehalfOf(String id) {
this.onBehalfOf = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.onBehalfOf);
* Get expanded {@code onBehalfOf}.
public Account getOnBehalfOfObject() {
return (this.onBehalfOf != null) ? this.onBehalfOf.getExpanded() : null;
public void setOnBehalfOfObject(Account expandableObject) {
this.onBehalfOf = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
* Get ID of expandable {@code order} object.
public String getOrder() {
return (this.order != null) ? this.order.getId() : null;
public void setOrder(String id) {
this.order = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.order);
* Get expanded {@code order}.
public Order getOrderObject() {
return (this.order != null) ? this.order.getExpanded() : null;
public void setOrderObject(Order expandableObject) {
this.order = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
* Get ID of expandable {@code review} object.
public String getReview() {
return (this.review != null) ? this.review.getId() : null;
public void setReview(String id) {
this.review = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.review);
* Get expanded {@code review}.
public Review getReviewObject() {
return (this.review != null) ? this.review.getExpanded() : null;
public void setReviewObject(Review expandableObject) {
this.review = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
* Get ID of expandable {@code sourceTransfer} object.
public String getSourceTransfer() {
return (this.sourceTransfer != null) ? this.sourceTransfer.getId() : null;
public void setSourceTransfer(String id) {
this.sourceTransfer = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.sourceTransfer);
* Get expanded {@code sourceTransfer}.
public Transfer getSourceTransferObject() {
return (this.sourceTransfer != null) ? this.sourceTransfer.getExpanded() : null;
public void setSourceTransferObject(Transfer expandableObject) {
this.sourceTransfer = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
* Get ID of expandable {@code transfer} object.
public String getTransfer() {
return (this.transfer != null) ? this.transfer.getId() : null;
public void setTransfer(String id) {
this.transfer = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.transfer);
* Get expanded {@code transfer}.
public Transfer getTransferObject() {
return (this.transfer != null) ? this.transfer.getExpanded() : null;
public void setTransferObject(Transfer expandableObject) {
this.transfer = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
* Returns a list of charges you’ve previously created. The charges are returned in sorted order,
* with the most recent charges appearing first.
public static ChargeCollection list(Map params) throws StripeException {
return list(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Returns a list of charges you’ve previously created. The charges are returned in sorted order,
* with the most recent charges appearing first.
public static ChargeCollection list(Map params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url = String.format("%s%s", Stripe.getApiBase(), "/v1/charges");
return ApiResource.requestCollection(url, params, ChargeCollection.class, options);
* Returns a list of charges you’ve previously created. The charges are returned in sorted order,
* with the most recent charges appearing first.
public static ChargeCollection list(ChargeListParams params) throws StripeException {
return list(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Returns a list of charges you’ve previously created. The charges are returned in sorted order,
* with the most recent charges appearing first.
public static ChargeCollection list(ChargeListParams params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url = String.format("%s%s", Stripe.getApiBase(), "/v1/charges");
return ApiResource.requestCollection(url, params, ChargeCollection.class, options);
* To charge a credit card or other payment source, you create a Charge
object. If
* your API key is in test mode, the supplied payment source (e.g., card) won’t actually be
* charged, although everything else will occur as if in live mode. (Stripe assumes that the
* charge would have completed successfully).
public static Charge create(Map params) throws StripeException {
return create(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* To charge a credit card or other payment source, you create a Charge
object. If
* your API key is in test mode, the supplied payment source (e.g., card) won’t actually be
* charged, although everything else will occur as if in live mode. (Stripe assumes that the
* charge would have completed successfully).
public static Charge create(Map params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url = String.format("%s%s", Stripe.getApiBase(), "/v1/charges");
return ApiResource.request(ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, Charge.class, options);
* To charge a credit card or other payment source, you create a Charge
object. If
* your API key is in test mode, the supplied payment source (e.g., card) won’t actually be
* charged, although everything else will occur as if in live mode. (Stripe assumes that the
* charge would have completed successfully).
public static Charge create(ChargeCreateParams params) throws StripeException {
return create(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* To charge a credit card or other payment source, you create a Charge
object. If
* your API key is in test mode, the supplied payment source (e.g., card) won’t actually be
* charged, although everything else will occur as if in live mode. (Stripe assumes that the
* charge would have completed successfully).
public static Charge create(ChargeCreateParams params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url = String.format("%s%s", Stripe.getApiBase(), "/v1/charges");
return ApiResource.request(ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, Charge.class, options);
* Retrieves the details of a charge that has previously been created. Supply the unique charge ID
* that was returned from your previous request, and Stripe will return the corresponding charge
* information. The same information is returned when creating or refunding the charge.
public static Charge retrieve(String charge) throws StripeException {
return retrieve(charge, (Map) null, (RequestOptions) null);
* Retrieves the details of a charge that has previously been created. Supply the unique charge ID
* that was returned from your previous request, and Stripe will return the corresponding charge
* information. The same information is returned when creating or refunding the charge.
public static Charge retrieve(String charge, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
return retrieve(charge, (Map) null, options);
* Retrieves the details of a charge that has previously been created. Supply the unique charge ID
* that was returned from your previous request, and Stripe will return the corresponding charge
* information. The same information is returned when creating or refunding the charge.
public static Charge retrieve(String charge, Map params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url = String.format("%s%s", Stripe.getApiBase(), String.format("/v1/charges/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(charge)));
return ApiResource.request(ApiResource.RequestMethod.GET, url, params, Charge.class, options);
* Retrieves the details of a charge that has previously been created. Supply the unique charge ID
* that was returned from your previous request, and Stripe will return the corresponding charge
* information. The same information is returned when creating or refunding the charge.
public static Charge retrieve(String charge, ChargeRetrieveParams params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url = String.format("%s%s", Stripe.getApiBase(), String.format("/v1/charges/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(charge)));
return ApiResource.request(ApiResource.RequestMethod.GET, url, params, Charge.class, options);
* Updates the specified charge by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not
* provided will be left unchanged.
public Charge update(Map params) throws StripeException {
return update(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Updates the specified charge by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not
* provided will be left unchanged.
public Charge update(Map params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url = String.format("%s%s", Stripe.getApiBase(), String.format("/v1/charges/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId())));
return ApiResource.request(ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, Charge.class, options);
* Updates the specified charge by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not
* provided will be left unchanged.
public Charge update(ChargeUpdateParams params) throws StripeException {
return update(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Updates the specified charge by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not
* provided will be left unchanged.
public Charge update(ChargeUpdateParams params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url = String.format("%s%s", Stripe.getApiBase(), String.format("/v1/charges/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId())));
return ApiResource.request(ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, Charge.class, options);
* Capture the payment of an existing, uncaptured, charge. This is the second half of the two-step
* payment flow, where first you created a
* charge with the capture option set to false.
* Uncaptured payments expire exactly seven days after they are created. If they are not
* captured by that point in time, they will be marked as refunded and will no longer be
* capturable.
public Charge capture() throws StripeException {
return capture((Map) null, (RequestOptions) null);
* Capture the payment of an existing, uncaptured, charge. This is the second half of the two-step
* payment flow, where first you created a
* charge with the capture option set to false.
* Uncaptured payments expire exactly seven days after they are created. If they are not
* captured by that point in time, they will be marked as refunded and will no longer be
* capturable.
public Charge capture(RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
return capture((Map) null, options);
* Capture the payment of an existing, uncaptured, charge. This is the second half of the two-step
* payment flow, where first you created a
* charge with the capture option set to false.
* Uncaptured payments expire exactly seven days after they are created. If they are not
* captured by that point in time, they will be marked as refunded and will no longer be
* capturable.
public Charge capture(Map params) throws StripeException {
return capture(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Capture the payment of an existing, uncaptured, charge. This is the second half of the two-step
* payment flow, where first you created a
* charge with the capture option set to false.
* Uncaptured payments expire exactly seven days after they are created. If they are not
* captured by that point in time, they will be marked as refunded and will no longer be
* capturable.
public Charge capture(Map params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url = String.format("%s%s", Stripe.getApiBase(), String.format("/v1/charges/%s/capture", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId())));
return ApiResource.request(ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, Charge.class, options);
* Capture the payment of an existing, uncaptured, charge. This is the second half of the two-step
* payment flow, where first you created a
* charge with the capture option set to false.
* Uncaptured payments expire exactly seven days after they are created. If they are not
* captured by that point in time, they will be marked as refunded and will no longer be
* capturable.
public Charge capture(ChargeCaptureParams params) throws StripeException {
return capture(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Capture the payment of an existing, uncaptured, charge. This is the second half of the two-step
* payment flow, where first you created a
* charge with the capture option set to false.
Uncaptured payments expire exactly seven days after they are created. If they are not
* captured by that point in time, they will be marked as refunded and will no longer be
* capturable.
public Charge capture(ChargeCaptureParams params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url = String.format("%s%s", Stripe.getApiBase(), String.format("/v1/charges/%s/capture", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId())));
return ApiResource.request(ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, Charge.class, options);
public static class AlternateStatementDescriptors extends StripeObject {
* The Kana variation of the descriptor.
String kana;
* The Kanji variation of the descriptor.
String kanji;
* The Kana variation of the descriptor.
public String getKana() {
return this.kana;
* The Kanji variation of the descriptor.
public String getKanji() {
return this.kanji;
* The Kana variation of the descriptor.
public void setKana(final String kana) {
this.kana = kana;
* The Kanji variation of the descriptor.
public void setKanji(final String kanji) {
this.kanji = kanji;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.AlternateStatementDescriptors)) return false;
final Charge.AlternateStatementDescriptors other = (Charge.AlternateStatementDescriptors) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$kana = this.getKana();
final java.lang.Object other$kana = other.getKana();
if (this$kana == null ? other$kana != null : !this$kana.equals(other$kana)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$kanji = this.getKanji();
final java.lang.Object other$kanji = other.getKanji();
if (this$kanji == null ? other$kanji != null : !this$kanji.equals(other$kanji)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.AlternateStatementDescriptors;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $kana = this.getKana();
result = result * PRIME + ($kana == null ? 43 : $kana.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $kanji = this.getKanji();
result = result * PRIME + ($kanji == null ? 43 : $kanji.hashCode());
return result;
public static class FraudDetails extends StripeObject {
* Assessments from Stripe. If set, the value is {@code fraudulent}.
String stripeReport;
* Assessments reported by you. If set, possible values of are {@code safe} and {@code
* fraudulent}.
String userReport;
* Assessments from Stripe. If set, the value is {@code fraudulent}.
public String getStripeReport() {
return this.stripeReport;
* Assessments reported by you. If set, possible values of are {@code safe} and {@code
* fraudulent}.
public String getUserReport() {
return this.userReport;
* Assessments from Stripe. If set, the value is {@code fraudulent}.
public void setStripeReport(final String stripeReport) {
this.stripeReport = stripeReport;
* Assessments reported by you. If set, possible values of are {@code safe} and {@code
* fraudulent}.
public void setUserReport(final String userReport) {
this.userReport = userReport;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.FraudDetails)) return false;
final Charge.FraudDetails other = (Charge.FraudDetails) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$stripeReport = this.getStripeReport();
final java.lang.Object other$stripeReport = other.getStripeReport();
if (this$stripeReport == null ? other$stripeReport != null : !this$stripeReport.equals(other$stripeReport)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$userReport = this.getUserReport();
final java.lang.Object other$userReport = other.getUserReport();
if (this$userReport == null ? other$userReport != null : !this$userReport.equals(other$userReport)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.FraudDetails;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $stripeReport = this.getStripeReport();
result = result * PRIME + ($stripeReport == null ? 43 : $stripeReport.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $userReport = this.getUserReport();
result = result * PRIME + ($userReport == null ? 43 : $userReport.hashCode());
return result;
public static class Level3 extends StripeObject {
String customerReference;
List lineItems;
String merchantReference;
String shippingAddressZip;
Long shippingAmount;
String shippingFromZip;
public static class LineItem extends StripeObject {
Long discountAmount;
String productCode;
String productDescription;
Long quantity;
Long taxAmount;
Long unitCost;
public Long getDiscountAmount() {
return this.discountAmount;
public String getProductCode() {
return this.productCode;
public String getProductDescription() {
return this.productDescription;
public Long getQuantity() {
return this.quantity;
public Long getTaxAmount() {
return this.taxAmount;
public Long getUnitCost() {
return this.unitCost;
public void setDiscountAmount(final Long discountAmount) {
this.discountAmount = discountAmount;
public void setProductCode(final String productCode) {
this.productCode = productCode;
public void setProductDescription(final String productDescription) {
this.productDescription = productDescription;
public void setQuantity(final Long quantity) {
this.quantity = quantity;
public void setTaxAmount(final Long taxAmount) {
this.taxAmount = taxAmount;
public void setUnitCost(final Long unitCost) {
this.unitCost = unitCost;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.Level3.LineItem)) return false;
final Charge.Level3.LineItem other = (Charge.Level3.LineItem) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$discountAmount = this.getDiscountAmount();
final java.lang.Object other$discountAmount = other.getDiscountAmount();
if (this$discountAmount == null ? other$discountAmount != null : !this$discountAmount.equals(other$discountAmount)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$productCode = this.getProductCode();
final java.lang.Object other$productCode = other.getProductCode();
if (this$productCode == null ? other$productCode != null : !this$productCode.equals(other$productCode)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$productDescription = this.getProductDescription();
final java.lang.Object other$productDescription = other.getProductDescription();
if (this$productDescription == null ? other$productDescription != null : !this$productDescription.equals(other$productDescription)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$quantity = this.getQuantity();
final java.lang.Object other$quantity = other.getQuantity();
if (this$quantity == null ? other$quantity != null : !this$quantity.equals(other$quantity)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$taxAmount = this.getTaxAmount();
final java.lang.Object other$taxAmount = other.getTaxAmount();
if (this$taxAmount == null ? other$taxAmount != null : !this$taxAmount.equals(other$taxAmount)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$unitCost = this.getUnitCost();
final java.lang.Object other$unitCost = other.getUnitCost();
if (this$unitCost == null ? other$unitCost != null : !this$unitCost.equals(other$unitCost)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.Level3.LineItem;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $discountAmount = this.getDiscountAmount();
result = result * PRIME + ($discountAmount == null ? 43 : $discountAmount.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $productCode = this.getProductCode();
result = result * PRIME + ($productCode == null ? 43 : $productCode.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $productDescription = this.getProductDescription();
result = result * PRIME + ($productDescription == null ? 43 : $productDescription.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $quantity = this.getQuantity();
result = result * PRIME + ($quantity == null ? 43 : $quantity.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $taxAmount = this.getTaxAmount();
result = result * PRIME + ($taxAmount == null ? 43 : $taxAmount.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $unitCost = this.getUnitCost();
result = result * PRIME + ($unitCost == null ? 43 : $unitCost.hashCode());
return result;
public String getCustomerReference() {
return this.customerReference;
public List getLineItems() {
return this.lineItems;
public String getMerchantReference() {
return this.merchantReference;
public String getShippingAddressZip() {
return this.shippingAddressZip;
public Long getShippingAmount() {
return this.shippingAmount;
public String getShippingFromZip() {
return this.shippingFromZip;
public void setCustomerReference(final String customerReference) {
this.customerReference = customerReference;
public void setLineItems(final List lineItems) {
this.lineItems = lineItems;
public void setMerchantReference(final String merchantReference) {
this.merchantReference = merchantReference;
public void setShippingAddressZip(final String shippingAddressZip) {
this.shippingAddressZip = shippingAddressZip;
public void setShippingAmount(final Long shippingAmount) {
this.shippingAmount = shippingAmount;
public void setShippingFromZip(final String shippingFromZip) {
this.shippingFromZip = shippingFromZip;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.Level3)) return false;
final Charge.Level3 other = (Charge.Level3) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$customerReference = this.getCustomerReference();
final java.lang.Object other$customerReference = other.getCustomerReference();
if (this$customerReference == null ? other$customerReference != null : !this$customerReference.equals(other$customerReference)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$lineItems = this.getLineItems();
final java.lang.Object other$lineItems = other.getLineItems();
if (this$lineItems == null ? other$lineItems != null : !this$lineItems.equals(other$lineItems)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$merchantReference = this.getMerchantReference();
final java.lang.Object other$merchantReference = other.getMerchantReference();
if (this$merchantReference == null ? other$merchantReference != null : !this$merchantReference.equals(other$merchantReference)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$shippingAddressZip = this.getShippingAddressZip();
final java.lang.Object other$shippingAddressZip = other.getShippingAddressZip();
if (this$shippingAddressZip == null ? other$shippingAddressZip != null : !this$shippingAddressZip.equals(other$shippingAddressZip)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$shippingAmount = this.getShippingAmount();
final java.lang.Object other$shippingAmount = other.getShippingAmount();
if (this$shippingAmount == null ? other$shippingAmount != null : !this$shippingAmount.equals(other$shippingAmount)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$shippingFromZip = this.getShippingFromZip();
final java.lang.Object other$shippingFromZip = other.getShippingFromZip();
if (this$shippingFromZip == null ? other$shippingFromZip != null : !this$shippingFromZip.equals(other$shippingFromZip)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.Level3;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $customerReference = this.getCustomerReference();
result = result * PRIME + ($customerReference == null ? 43 : $customerReference.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $lineItems = this.getLineItems();
result = result * PRIME + ($lineItems == null ? 43 : $lineItems.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $merchantReference = this.getMerchantReference();
result = result * PRIME + ($merchantReference == null ? 43 : $merchantReference.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $shippingAddressZip = this.getShippingAddressZip();
result = result * PRIME + ($shippingAddressZip == null ? 43 : $shippingAddressZip.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $shippingAmount = this.getShippingAmount();
result = result * PRIME + ($shippingAmount == null ? 43 : $shippingAmount.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $shippingFromZip = this.getShippingFromZip();
result = result * PRIME + ($shippingFromZip == null ? 43 : $shippingFromZip.hashCode());
return result;
public static class Outcome extends StripeObject {
* Possible values are {@code approved_by_network}, {@code declined_by_network}, {@code
* not_sent_to_network}, and {@code reversed_after_approval}. The value {@code
* reversed_after_approval} indicates the payment was blocked by Stripe after bank
* authorization, and may temporarily appear as "pending" on a cardholder's statement.
String networkStatus;
* An enumerated value providing a more detailed explanation of the outcome's {@code type}.
* Charges blocked by Radar's default block rule have the value {@code highest_risk_level}.
* Charges placed in review by Radar's default review rule have the value {@code
* elevated_risk_level}. Charges authorized, blocked, or placed in review by custom rules have
* the value {@code rule}. See understanding
* declines for more details.
String reason;
* Stripe's evaluation of the riskiness of the payment. Possible values for evaluated payments
* are {@code normal}, {@code elevated}, {@code highest}. For non-card payments, and card-based
* payments predating the public assignment of risk levels, this field will have the value
* {@code not_assessed}. In the event of an error in the evaluation, this field will have the
* value {@code unknown}.
String riskLevel;
* Stripe's evaluation of the riskiness of the payment. Possible values for evaluated payments
* are between 0 and 100. For non-card payments, card-based payments predating the public
* assignment of risk scores, or in the event of an error during evaluation, this field will not
* be present. This field is only available with Radar for Fraud Teams.
Long riskScore;
* The ID of the Radar rule that matched the payment, if applicable.
ExpandableField rule;
* A human-readable description of the outcome type and reason, designed for you (the recipient
* of the payment), not your customer.
String sellerMessage;
* Possible values are {@code authorized}, {@code manual_review}, {@code issuer_declined},
* {@code blocked}, and {@code invalid}. See understanding declines and Radar reviews for details.
String type;
* Get ID of expandable {@code rule} object.
public String getRule() {
return (this.rule != null) ? this.rule.getId() : null;
public void setRule(String id) {
this.rule = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.rule);
* Get expanded {@code rule}.
public Rule getRuleObject() {
return (this.rule != null) ? this.rule.getExpanded() : null;
public void setRuleObject(Rule expandableObject) {
this.rule = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
* Possible values are {@code approved_by_network}, {@code declined_by_network}, {@code
* not_sent_to_network}, and {@code reversed_after_approval}. The value {@code
* reversed_after_approval} indicates the payment was blocked by Stripe after bank
* authorization, and may temporarily appear as "pending" on a cardholder's statement.
public String getNetworkStatus() {
return this.networkStatus;
* An enumerated value providing a more detailed explanation of the outcome's {@code type}.
* Charges blocked by Radar's default block rule have the value {@code highest_risk_level}.
* Charges placed in review by Radar's default review rule have the value {@code
* elevated_risk_level}. Charges authorized, blocked, or placed in review by custom rules have
* the value {@code rule}. See understanding
* declines for more details.
public String getReason() {
return this.reason;
* Stripe's evaluation of the riskiness of the payment. Possible values for evaluated payments
* are {@code normal}, {@code elevated}, {@code highest}. For non-card payments, and card-based
* payments predating the public assignment of risk levels, this field will have the value
* {@code not_assessed}. In the event of an error in the evaluation, this field will have the
* value {@code unknown}.
public String getRiskLevel() {
return this.riskLevel;
* Stripe's evaluation of the riskiness of the payment. Possible values for evaluated payments
* are between 0 and 100. For non-card payments, card-based payments predating the public
* assignment of risk scores, or in the event of an error during evaluation, this field will not
* be present. This field is only available with Radar for Fraud Teams.
public Long getRiskScore() {
return this.riskScore;
* A human-readable description of the outcome type and reason, designed for you (the recipient
* of the payment), not your customer.
public String getSellerMessage() {
return this.sellerMessage;
* Possible values are {@code authorized}, {@code manual_review}, {@code issuer_declined},
* {@code blocked}, and {@code invalid}. See understanding declines and Radar reviews for details.
public String getType() {
return this.type;
* Possible values are {@code approved_by_network}, {@code declined_by_network}, {@code
* not_sent_to_network}, and {@code reversed_after_approval}. The value {@code
* reversed_after_approval} indicates the payment was blocked by Stripe after bank
* authorization, and may temporarily appear as "pending" on a cardholder's statement.
public void setNetworkStatus(final String networkStatus) {
this.networkStatus = networkStatus;
* An enumerated value providing a more detailed explanation of the outcome's {@code type}.
* Charges blocked by Radar's default block rule have the value {@code highest_risk_level}.
* Charges placed in review by Radar's default review rule have the value {@code
* elevated_risk_level}. Charges authorized, blocked, or placed in review by custom rules have
* the value {@code rule}. See understanding
* declines for more details.
public void setReason(final String reason) {
this.reason = reason;
* Stripe's evaluation of the riskiness of the payment. Possible values for evaluated payments
* are {@code normal}, {@code elevated}, {@code highest}. For non-card payments, and card-based
* payments predating the public assignment of risk levels, this field will have the value
* {@code not_assessed}. In the event of an error in the evaluation, this field will have the
* value {@code unknown}.
public void setRiskLevel(final String riskLevel) {
this.riskLevel = riskLevel;
* Stripe's evaluation of the riskiness of the payment. Possible values for evaluated payments
* are between 0 and 100. For non-card payments, card-based payments predating the public
* assignment of risk scores, or in the event of an error during evaluation, this field will not
* be present. This field is only available with Radar for Fraud Teams.
public void setRiskScore(final Long riskScore) {
this.riskScore = riskScore;
* A human-readable description of the outcome type and reason, designed for you (the recipient
* of the payment), not your customer.
public void setSellerMessage(final String sellerMessage) {
this.sellerMessage = sellerMessage;
* Possible values are {@code authorized}, {@code manual_review}, {@code issuer_declined},
* {@code blocked}, and {@code invalid}. See understanding declines and Radar reviews for details.
public void setType(final String type) {
this.type = type;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.Outcome)) return false;
final Charge.Outcome other = (Charge.Outcome) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$networkStatus = this.getNetworkStatus();
final java.lang.Object other$networkStatus = other.getNetworkStatus();
if (this$networkStatus == null ? other$networkStatus != null : !this$networkStatus.equals(other$networkStatus)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$reason = this.getReason();
final java.lang.Object other$reason = other.getReason();
if (this$reason == null ? other$reason != null : !this$reason.equals(other$reason)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$riskLevel = this.getRiskLevel();
final java.lang.Object other$riskLevel = other.getRiskLevel();
if (this$riskLevel == null ? other$riskLevel != null : !this$riskLevel.equals(other$riskLevel)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$riskScore = this.getRiskScore();
final java.lang.Object other$riskScore = other.getRiskScore();
if (this$riskScore == null ? other$riskScore != null : !this$riskScore.equals(other$riskScore)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$rule = this.getRule();
final java.lang.Object other$rule = other.getRule();
if (this$rule == null ? other$rule != null : !this$rule.equals(other$rule)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$sellerMessage = this.getSellerMessage();
final java.lang.Object other$sellerMessage = other.getSellerMessage();
if (this$sellerMessage == null ? other$sellerMessage != null : !this$sellerMessage.equals(other$sellerMessage)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$type = this.getType();
final java.lang.Object other$type = other.getType();
if (this$type == null ? other$type != null : !this$type.equals(other$type)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.Outcome;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $networkStatus = this.getNetworkStatus();
result = result * PRIME + ($networkStatus == null ? 43 : $networkStatus.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $reason = this.getReason();
result = result * PRIME + ($reason == null ? 43 : $reason.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $riskLevel = this.getRiskLevel();
result = result * PRIME + ($riskLevel == null ? 43 : $riskLevel.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $riskScore = this.getRiskScore();
result = result * PRIME + ($riskScore == null ? 43 : $riskScore.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $rule = this.getRule();
result = result * PRIME + ($rule == null ? 43 : $rule.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $sellerMessage = this.getSellerMessage();
result = result * PRIME + ($sellerMessage == null ? 43 : $sellerMessage.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $type = this.getType();
result = result * PRIME + ($type == null ? 43 : $type.hashCode());
return result;
public static class PaymentMethodDetails extends StripeObject {
AchCreditTransfer achCreditTransfer;
AchDebit achDebit;
AcssDebit acssDebit;
Alipay alipay;
AuBecsDebit auBecsDebit;
Bancontact bancontact;
Bitcoin bitcoin;
Card card;
CardPresent cardPresent;
Eps eps;
Fpx fpx;
Giropay giropay;
Ideal ideal;
Klarna klarna;
Multibanco multibanco;
P24 p24;
SepaCreditTransfer sepaCreditTransfer;
SepaDebit sepaDebit;
Sofort sofort;
StripeAccount stripeAccount;
* The type of transaction-specific details of the payment method used in the payment, one of
* {@code ach_credit_transfer}, {@code ach_debit}, {@code alipay}, {@code bancontact}, {@code
* card}, {@code card_present}, {@code eps}, {@code giropay}, {@code ideal}, {@code klarna},
* {@code multibanco}, {@code p24}, {@code sepa_debit}, {@code sofort}, {@code stripe_account},
* or {@code wechat}. An additional hash is included on {@code payment_method_details} with a
* name matching this value. It contains information specific to the payment method.
String type;
Wechat wechat;
public static class AchCreditTransfer extends StripeObject {
* Account number to transfer funds to.
String accountNumber;
* Name of the bank associated with the routing number.
String bankName;
* Routing transit number for the bank account to transfer funds to.
String routingNumber;
* SWIFT code of the bank associated with the routing number.
String swiftCode;
* Account number to transfer funds to.
public String getAccountNumber() {
return this.accountNumber;
* Name of the bank associated with the routing number.
public String getBankName() {
return this.bankName;
* Routing transit number for the bank account to transfer funds to.
public String getRoutingNumber() {
return this.routingNumber;
* SWIFT code of the bank associated with the routing number.
public String getSwiftCode() {
return this.swiftCode;
* Account number to transfer funds to.
public void setAccountNumber(final String accountNumber) {
this.accountNumber = accountNumber;
* Name of the bank associated with the routing number.
public void setBankName(final String bankName) {
this.bankName = bankName;
* Routing transit number for the bank account to transfer funds to.
public void setRoutingNumber(final String routingNumber) {
this.routingNumber = routingNumber;
* SWIFT code of the bank associated with the routing number.
public void setSwiftCode(final String swiftCode) {
this.swiftCode = swiftCode;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.AchCreditTransfer)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.AchCreditTransfer other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.AchCreditTransfer) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$accountNumber = this.getAccountNumber();
final java.lang.Object other$accountNumber = other.getAccountNumber();
if (this$accountNumber == null ? other$accountNumber != null : !this$accountNumber.equals(other$accountNumber)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$bankName = this.getBankName();
final java.lang.Object other$bankName = other.getBankName();
if (this$bankName == null ? other$bankName != null : !this$bankName.equals(other$bankName)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$routingNumber = this.getRoutingNumber();
final java.lang.Object other$routingNumber = other.getRoutingNumber();
if (this$routingNumber == null ? other$routingNumber != null : !this$routingNumber.equals(other$routingNumber)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$swiftCode = this.getSwiftCode();
final java.lang.Object other$swiftCode = other.getSwiftCode();
if (this$swiftCode == null ? other$swiftCode != null : !this$swiftCode.equals(other$swiftCode)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.AchCreditTransfer;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $accountNumber = this.getAccountNumber();
result = result * PRIME + ($accountNumber == null ? 43 : $accountNumber.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $bankName = this.getBankName();
result = result * PRIME + ($bankName == null ? 43 : $bankName.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $routingNumber = this.getRoutingNumber();
result = result * PRIME + ($routingNumber == null ? 43 : $routingNumber.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $swiftCode = this.getSwiftCode();
result = result * PRIME + ($swiftCode == null ? 43 : $swiftCode.hashCode());
return result;
public static class AchDebit extends StripeObject {
* Type of entity that holds the account. This can be either {@code individual} or {@code
* company}.
* One of {@code company}, or {@code individual}.
String accountHolderType;
* Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
String bankName;
* Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.
String country;
* Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check
* whether two bank accounts are the same.
String fingerprint;
* Last four digits of the bank account number.
String last4;
* Routing transit number of the bank account.
String routingNumber;
* Type of entity that holds the account. This can be either {@code individual} or {@code
* company}.
One of {@code company}, or {@code individual}.
public String getAccountHolderType() {
return this.accountHolderType;
* Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
public String getBankName() {
return this.bankName;
* Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.
public String getCountry() {
return this.country;
* Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check
* whether two bank accounts are the same.
public String getFingerprint() {
return this.fingerprint;
* Last four digits of the bank account number.
public String getLast4() {
return this.last4;
* Routing transit number of the bank account.
public String getRoutingNumber() {
return this.routingNumber;
* Type of entity that holds the account. This can be either {@code individual} or {@code
* company}.
One of {@code company}, or {@code individual}.
public void setAccountHolderType(final String accountHolderType) {
this.accountHolderType = accountHolderType;
* Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
public void setBankName(final String bankName) {
this.bankName = bankName;
* Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.
public void setCountry(final String country) {
this.country = country;
* Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check
* whether two bank accounts are the same.
public void setFingerprint(final String fingerprint) {
this.fingerprint = fingerprint;
* Last four digits of the bank account number.
public void setLast4(final String last4) {
this.last4 = last4;
* Routing transit number of the bank account.
public void setRoutingNumber(final String routingNumber) {
this.routingNumber = routingNumber;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.AchDebit)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.AchDebit other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.AchDebit) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$accountHolderType = this.getAccountHolderType();
final java.lang.Object other$accountHolderType = other.getAccountHolderType();
if (this$accountHolderType == null ? other$accountHolderType != null : !this$accountHolderType.equals(other$accountHolderType)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$bankName = this.getBankName();
final java.lang.Object other$bankName = other.getBankName();
if (this$bankName == null ? other$bankName != null : !this$bankName.equals(other$bankName)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$country = this.getCountry();
final java.lang.Object other$country = other.getCountry();
if (this$country == null ? other$country != null : !this$country.equals(other$country)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$fingerprint = this.getFingerprint();
final java.lang.Object other$fingerprint = other.getFingerprint();
if (this$fingerprint == null ? other$fingerprint != null : !this$fingerprint.equals(other$fingerprint)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$last4 = this.getLast4();
final java.lang.Object other$last4 = other.getLast4();
if (this$last4 == null ? other$last4 != null : !this$last4.equals(other$last4)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$routingNumber = this.getRoutingNumber();
final java.lang.Object other$routingNumber = other.getRoutingNumber();
if (this$routingNumber == null ? other$routingNumber != null : !this$routingNumber.equals(other$routingNumber)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.AchDebit;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $accountHolderType = this.getAccountHolderType();
result = result * PRIME + ($accountHolderType == null ? 43 : $accountHolderType.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $bankName = this.getBankName();
result = result * PRIME + ($bankName == null ? 43 : $bankName.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $country = this.getCountry();
result = result * PRIME + ($country == null ? 43 : $country.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $fingerprint = this.getFingerprint();
result = result * PRIME + ($fingerprint == null ? 43 : $fingerprint.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $last4 = this.getLast4();
result = result * PRIME + ($last4 == null ? 43 : $last4.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $routingNumber = this.getRoutingNumber();
result = result * PRIME + ($routingNumber == null ? 43 : $routingNumber.hashCode());
return result;
public static class AcssDebit extends StripeObject {
* Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.
String country;
* Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check
* whether two bank accounts are the same.
String fingerprint;
* Last four digits of the bank account number.
String last4;
* Routing transit number of the bank account.
String routingNumber;
* Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.
public String getCountry() {
return this.country;
* Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check
* whether two bank accounts are the same.
public String getFingerprint() {
return this.fingerprint;
* Last four digits of the bank account number.
public String getLast4() {
return this.last4;
* Routing transit number of the bank account.
public String getRoutingNumber() {
return this.routingNumber;
* Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.
public void setCountry(final String country) {
this.country = country;
* Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check
* whether two bank accounts are the same.
public void setFingerprint(final String fingerprint) {
this.fingerprint = fingerprint;
* Last four digits of the bank account number.
public void setLast4(final String last4) {
this.last4 = last4;
* Routing transit number of the bank account.
public void setRoutingNumber(final String routingNumber) {
this.routingNumber = routingNumber;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.AcssDebit)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.AcssDebit other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.AcssDebit) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$country = this.getCountry();
final java.lang.Object other$country = other.getCountry();
if (this$country == null ? other$country != null : !this$country.equals(other$country)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$fingerprint = this.getFingerprint();
final java.lang.Object other$fingerprint = other.getFingerprint();
if (this$fingerprint == null ? other$fingerprint != null : !this$fingerprint.equals(other$fingerprint)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$last4 = this.getLast4();
final java.lang.Object other$last4 = other.getLast4();
if (this$last4 == null ? other$last4 != null : !this$last4.equals(other$last4)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$routingNumber = this.getRoutingNumber();
final java.lang.Object other$routingNumber = other.getRoutingNumber();
if (this$routingNumber == null ? other$routingNumber != null : !this$routingNumber.equals(other$routingNumber)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.AcssDebit;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $country = this.getCountry();
result = result * PRIME + ($country == null ? 43 : $country.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $fingerprint = this.getFingerprint();
result = result * PRIME + ($fingerprint == null ? 43 : $fingerprint.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $last4 = this.getLast4();
result = result * PRIME + ($last4 == null ? 43 : $last4.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $routingNumber = this.getRoutingNumber();
result = result * PRIME + ($routingNumber == null ? 43 : $routingNumber.hashCode());
return result;
public static class Alipay extends StripeObject {
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Alipay)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Alipay other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Alipay) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Alipay;
public int hashCode() {
final int result = 1;
return result;
public static class AuBecsDebit extends StripeObject {
* Bank-State-Branch number of the bank account.
String bsbNumber;
* Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check
* whether two bank accounts are the same.
String fingerprint;
* Last four digits of the bank account number.
String last4;
* ID of the mandate used to make this payment.
String mandate;
* Bank-State-Branch number of the bank account.
public String getBsbNumber() {
return this.bsbNumber;
* Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check
* whether two bank accounts are the same.
public String getFingerprint() {
return this.fingerprint;
* Last four digits of the bank account number.
public String getLast4() {
return this.last4;
* ID of the mandate used to make this payment.
public String getMandate() {
return this.mandate;
* Bank-State-Branch number of the bank account.
public void setBsbNumber(final String bsbNumber) {
this.bsbNumber = bsbNumber;
* Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check
* whether two bank accounts are the same.
public void setFingerprint(final String fingerprint) {
this.fingerprint = fingerprint;
* Last four digits of the bank account number.
public void setLast4(final String last4) {
this.last4 = last4;
* ID of the mandate used to make this payment.
public void setMandate(final String mandate) {
this.mandate = mandate;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.AuBecsDebit)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.AuBecsDebit other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.AuBecsDebit) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$bsbNumber = this.getBsbNumber();
final java.lang.Object other$bsbNumber = other.getBsbNumber();
if (this$bsbNumber == null ? other$bsbNumber != null : !this$bsbNumber.equals(other$bsbNumber)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$fingerprint = this.getFingerprint();
final java.lang.Object other$fingerprint = other.getFingerprint();
if (this$fingerprint == null ? other$fingerprint != null : !this$fingerprint.equals(other$fingerprint)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$last4 = this.getLast4();
final java.lang.Object other$last4 = other.getLast4();
if (this$last4 == null ? other$last4 != null : !this$last4.equals(other$last4)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$mandate = this.getMandate();
final java.lang.Object other$mandate = other.getMandate();
if (this$mandate == null ? other$mandate != null : !this$mandate.equals(other$mandate)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.AuBecsDebit;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $bsbNumber = this.getBsbNumber();
result = result * PRIME + ($bsbNumber == null ? 43 : $bsbNumber.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $fingerprint = this.getFingerprint();
result = result * PRIME + ($fingerprint == null ? 43 : $fingerprint.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $last4 = this.getLast4();
result = result * PRIME + ($last4 == null ? 43 : $last4.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $mandate = this.getMandate();
result = result * PRIME + ($mandate == null ? 43 : $mandate.hashCode());
return result;
public static class Bancontact extends StripeObject {
* Bank code of bank associated with the bank account.
String bankCode;
* Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
String bankName;
* Bank Identifier Code of the bank associated with the bank account.
String bic;
* Last four characters of the IBAN.
String ibanLast4;
* Preferred language of the Bancontact authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
* Can be one of {@code en}, {@code de}, {@code fr}, or {@code nl}
String preferredLanguage;
* Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by Bancontact directly (if
* supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
String verifiedName;
* Bank code of bank associated with the bank account.
public String getBankCode() {
return this.bankCode;
* Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
public String getBankName() {
return this.bankName;
* Bank Identifier Code of the bank associated with the bank account.
public String getBic() {
return this.bic;
* Last four characters of the IBAN.
public String getIbanLast4() {
return this.ibanLast4;
* Preferred language of the Bancontact authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
* Can be one of {@code en}, {@code de}, {@code fr}, or {@code nl}
public String getPreferredLanguage() {
return this.preferredLanguage;
* Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by Bancontact directly (if
* supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
public String getVerifiedName() {
return this.verifiedName;
* Bank code of bank associated with the bank account.
public void setBankCode(final String bankCode) {
this.bankCode = bankCode;
* Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
public void setBankName(final String bankName) {
this.bankName = bankName;
* Bank Identifier Code of the bank associated with the bank account.
public void setBic(final String bic) {
this.bic = bic;
* Last four characters of the IBAN.
public void setIbanLast4(final String ibanLast4) {
this.ibanLast4 = ibanLast4;
* Preferred language of the Bancontact authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
* Can be one of {@code en}, {@code de}, {@code fr}, or {@code nl}
public void setPreferredLanguage(final String preferredLanguage) {
this.preferredLanguage = preferredLanguage;
* Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by Bancontact directly (if
* supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
public void setVerifiedName(final String verifiedName) {
this.verifiedName = verifiedName;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Bancontact)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Bancontact other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Bancontact) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$bankCode = this.getBankCode();
final java.lang.Object other$bankCode = other.getBankCode();
if (this$bankCode == null ? other$bankCode != null : !this$bankCode.equals(other$bankCode)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$bankName = this.getBankName();
final java.lang.Object other$bankName = other.getBankName();
if (this$bankName == null ? other$bankName != null : !this$bankName.equals(other$bankName)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$bic = this.getBic();
final java.lang.Object other$bic = other.getBic();
if (this$bic == null ? other$bic != null : !this$bic.equals(other$bic)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$ibanLast4 = this.getIbanLast4();
final java.lang.Object other$ibanLast4 = other.getIbanLast4();
if (this$ibanLast4 == null ? other$ibanLast4 != null : !this$ibanLast4.equals(other$ibanLast4)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$preferredLanguage = this.getPreferredLanguage();
final java.lang.Object other$preferredLanguage = other.getPreferredLanguage();
if (this$preferredLanguage == null ? other$preferredLanguage != null : !this$preferredLanguage.equals(other$preferredLanguage)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$verifiedName = this.getVerifiedName();
final java.lang.Object other$verifiedName = other.getVerifiedName();
if (this$verifiedName == null ? other$verifiedName != null : !this$verifiedName.equals(other$verifiedName)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Bancontact;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $bankCode = this.getBankCode();
result = result * PRIME + ($bankCode == null ? 43 : $bankCode.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $bankName = this.getBankName();
result = result * PRIME + ($bankName == null ? 43 : $bankName.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $bic = this.getBic();
result = result * PRIME + ($bic == null ? 43 : $bic.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $ibanLast4 = this.getIbanLast4();
result = result * PRIME + ($ibanLast4 == null ? 43 : $ibanLast4.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $preferredLanguage = this.getPreferredLanguage();
result = result * PRIME + ($preferredLanguage == null ? 43 : $preferredLanguage.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $verifiedName = this.getVerifiedName();
result = result * PRIME + ($verifiedName == null ? 43 : $verifiedName.hashCode());
return result;
public static class Bitcoin extends StripeObject {
String address;
Long amount;
Long amountCharged;
Long amountReceived;
Long amountReturned;
String refundAddress;
public String getAddress() {
return this.address;
public Long getAmount() {
return this.amount;
public Long getAmountCharged() {
return this.amountCharged;
public Long getAmountReceived() {
return this.amountReceived;
public Long getAmountReturned() {
return this.amountReturned;
public String getRefundAddress() {
return this.refundAddress;
public void setAddress(final String address) {
this.address = address;
public void setAmount(final Long amount) {
this.amount = amount;
public void setAmountCharged(final Long amountCharged) {
this.amountCharged = amountCharged;
public void setAmountReceived(final Long amountReceived) {
this.amountReceived = amountReceived;
public void setAmountReturned(final Long amountReturned) {
this.amountReturned = amountReturned;
public void setRefundAddress(final String refundAddress) {
this.refundAddress = refundAddress;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Bitcoin)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Bitcoin other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Bitcoin) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$address = this.getAddress();
final java.lang.Object other$address = other.getAddress();
if (this$address == null ? other$address != null : !this$address.equals(other$address)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$amount = this.getAmount();
final java.lang.Object other$amount = other.getAmount();
if (this$amount == null ? other$amount != null : !this$amount.equals(other$amount)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$amountCharged = this.getAmountCharged();
final java.lang.Object other$amountCharged = other.getAmountCharged();
if (this$amountCharged == null ? other$amountCharged != null : !this$amountCharged.equals(other$amountCharged)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$amountReceived = this.getAmountReceived();
final java.lang.Object other$amountReceived = other.getAmountReceived();
if (this$amountReceived == null ? other$amountReceived != null : !this$amountReceived.equals(other$amountReceived)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$amountReturned = this.getAmountReturned();
final java.lang.Object other$amountReturned = other.getAmountReturned();
if (this$amountReturned == null ? other$amountReturned != null : !this$amountReturned.equals(other$amountReturned)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$refundAddress = this.getRefundAddress();
final java.lang.Object other$refundAddress = other.getRefundAddress();
if (this$refundAddress == null ? other$refundAddress != null : !this$refundAddress.equals(other$refundAddress)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Bitcoin;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $address = this.getAddress();
result = result * PRIME + ($address == null ? 43 : $address.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $amount = this.getAmount();
result = result * PRIME + ($amount == null ? 43 : $amount.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $amountCharged = this.getAmountCharged();
result = result * PRIME + ($amountCharged == null ? 43 : $amountCharged.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $amountReceived = this.getAmountReceived();
result = result * PRIME + ($amountReceived == null ? 43 : $amountReceived.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $amountReturned = this.getAmountReturned();
result = result * PRIME + ($amountReturned == null ? 43 : $amountReturned.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $refundAddress = this.getRefundAddress();
result = result * PRIME + ($refundAddress == null ? 43 : $refundAddress.hashCode());
return result;
public static class Card extends StripeObject {
* Card brand. Can be {@code amex}, {@code diners}, {@code discover}, {@code jcb}, {@code
* mastercard}, {@code unionpay}, {@code visa}, or {@code unknown}.
String brand;
* Check results by Card networks on Card address and CVC at time of payment.
Checks checks;
* Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to
* get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.
String country;
* Card description. (Only for internal use only and not typically available in standard API
* requests.)
String description;
* Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.
Long expMonth;
* Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.
Long expYear;
* Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check
* whether two customers who've signed up with you are using the same card number, for
* example.
String fingerprint;
* Card funding type. Can be {@code credit}, {@code debit}, {@code prepaid}, or {@code
* unknown}.
String funding;
* Issuer identification number of the card. (Only for internal use only and not typically
* available in standard API requests.)
String iin;
* Installment details for this payment (Mexico only).
For more information, see the installments integration guide.
Installments installments;
* Issuer bank name of the card. (Only for internal use only and not typically available in
* standard API requests.)
String issuer;
* The last four digits of the card.
String last4;
* True if this payment was marked as MOTO and out of scope for SCA.
Boolean moto;
* Identifies which network this charge was processed on. Can be {@code amex}, {@code diners},
* {@code discover}, {@code interac}, {@code jcb}, {@code mastercard}, {@code unionpay},
* {@code visa}, or {@code unknown}.
String network;
* Populated if this transaction used 3D Secure authentication.
ThreeDSecure threeDSecure;
* If this Card is part of a card wallet, this contains the details of the card wallet.
Wallet wallet;
public static class Checks extends StripeObject {
* If a address line1 was provided, results of the check, one of {@code pass}, {@code fail},
* {@code unavailable}, or {@code unchecked}.
String addressLine1Check;
* If a address postal code was provided, results of the check, one of {@code pass}, {@code
* fail}, {@code unavailable}, or {@code unchecked}.
String addressPostalCodeCheck;
* If a CVC was provided, results of the check, one of {@code pass}, {@code fail}, {@code
* unavailable}, or {@code unchecked}.
String cvcCheck;
* If a address line1 was provided, results of the check, one of {@code pass}, {@code fail},
* {@code unavailable}, or {@code unchecked}.
public String getAddressLine1Check() {
return this.addressLine1Check;
* If a address postal code was provided, results of the check, one of {@code pass}, {@code
* fail}, {@code unavailable}, or {@code unchecked}.
public String getAddressPostalCodeCheck() {
return this.addressPostalCodeCheck;
* If a CVC was provided, results of the check, one of {@code pass}, {@code fail}, {@code
* unavailable}, or {@code unchecked}.
public String getCvcCheck() {
return this.cvcCheck;
* If a address line1 was provided, results of the check, one of {@code pass}, {@code fail},
* {@code unavailable}, or {@code unchecked}.
public void setAddressLine1Check(final String addressLine1Check) {
this.addressLine1Check = addressLine1Check;
* If a address postal code was provided, results of the check, one of {@code pass}, {@code
* fail}, {@code unavailable}, or {@code unchecked}.
public void setAddressPostalCodeCheck(final String addressPostalCodeCheck) {
this.addressPostalCodeCheck = addressPostalCodeCheck;
* If a CVC was provided, results of the check, one of {@code pass}, {@code fail}, {@code
* unavailable}, or {@code unchecked}.
public void setCvcCheck(final String cvcCheck) {
this.cvcCheck = cvcCheck;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Checks)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Checks other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Checks) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$addressLine1Check = this.getAddressLine1Check();
final java.lang.Object other$addressLine1Check = other.getAddressLine1Check();
if (this$addressLine1Check == null ? other$addressLine1Check != null : !this$addressLine1Check.equals(other$addressLine1Check)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$addressPostalCodeCheck = this.getAddressPostalCodeCheck();
final java.lang.Object other$addressPostalCodeCheck = other.getAddressPostalCodeCheck();
if (this$addressPostalCodeCheck == null ? other$addressPostalCodeCheck != null : !this$addressPostalCodeCheck.equals(other$addressPostalCodeCheck)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$cvcCheck = this.getCvcCheck();
final java.lang.Object other$cvcCheck = other.getCvcCheck();
if (this$cvcCheck == null ? other$cvcCheck != null : !this$cvcCheck.equals(other$cvcCheck)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Checks;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $addressLine1Check = this.getAddressLine1Check();
result = result * PRIME + ($addressLine1Check == null ? 43 : $addressLine1Check.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $addressPostalCodeCheck = this.getAddressPostalCodeCheck();
result = result * PRIME + ($addressPostalCodeCheck == null ? 43 : $addressPostalCodeCheck.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $cvcCheck = this.getCvcCheck();
result = result * PRIME + ($cvcCheck == null ? 43 : $cvcCheck.hashCode());
return result;
public static class Installments extends StripeObject {
* Installment plan selected for the payment.
PaymentIntent.PaymentMethodOptions.Card.Installments.Plan plan;
* Installment plan selected for the payment.
public PaymentIntent.PaymentMethodOptions.Card.Installments.Plan getPlan() {
return this.plan;
* Installment plan selected for the payment.
public void setPlan(final PaymentIntent.PaymentMethodOptions.Card.Installments.Plan plan) {
this.plan = plan;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Installments)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Installments other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Installments) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$plan = this.getPlan();
final java.lang.Object other$plan = other.getPlan();
if (this$plan == null ? other$plan != null : !this$plan.equals(other$plan)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Installments;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $plan = this.getPlan();
result = result * PRIME + ($plan == null ? 43 : $plan.hashCode());
return result;
public static class ThreeDSecure extends StripeObject {
* Whether or not authentication was performed. 3D Secure will succeed without
* authentication when the card is not enrolled.
Boolean authenticated;
* Whether or not 3D Secure succeeded.
Boolean succeeded;
* The version of 3D Secure that was used for this payment.
String version;
* Whether or not authentication was performed. 3D Secure will succeed without
* authentication when the card is not enrolled.
public Boolean getAuthenticated() {
return this.authenticated;
* Whether or not 3D Secure succeeded.
public Boolean getSucceeded() {
return this.succeeded;
* The version of 3D Secure that was used for this payment.
public String getVersion() {
return this.version;
* Whether or not authentication was performed. 3D Secure will succeed without
* authentication when the card is not enrolled.
public void setAuthenticated(final Boolean authenticated) {
this.authenticated = authenticated;
* Whether or not 3D Secure succeeded.
public void setSucceeded(final Boolean succeeded) {
this.succeeded = succeeded;
* The version of 3D Secure that was used for this payment.
public void setVersion(final String version) {
this.version = version;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.ThreeDSecure)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.ThreeDSecure other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.ThreeDSecure) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$authenticated = this.getAuthenticated();
final java.lang.Object other$authenticated = other.getAuthenticated();
if (this$authenticated == null ? other$authenticated != null : !this$authenticated.equals(other$authenticated)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$succeeded = this.getSucceeded();
final java.lang.Object other$succeeded = other.getSucceeded();
if (this$succeeded == null ? other$succeeded != null : !this$succeeded.equals(other$succeeded)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$version = this.getVersion();
final java.lang.Object other$version = other.getVersion();
if (this$version == null ? other$version != null : !this$version.equals(other$version)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.ThreeDSecure;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $authenticated = this.getAuthenticated();
result = result * PRIME + ($authenticated == null ? 43 : $authenticated.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $succeeded = this.getSucceeded();
result = result * PRIME + ($succeeded == null ? 43 : $succeeded.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $version = this.getVersion();
result = result * PRIME + ($version == null ? 43 : $version.hashCode());
return result;
public static class Wallet extends StripeObject {
AmexExpressCheckout amexExpressCheckout;
ApplePay applePay;
/** (For tokenized numbers only.) The last four digits of the device account number. */
String dynamicLast4;
GooglePay googlePay;
Masterpass masterpass;
SamsungPay samsungPay;
* The type of the card wallet, one of {@code amex_express_checkout}, {@code apple_pay},
* {@code google_pay}, {@code masterpass}, {@code samsung_pay}, or {@code visa_checkout}. An
* additional hash is included on the Wallet subhash with a name matching this value. It
* contains additional information specific to the card wallet type.
String type;
VisaCheckout visaCheckout;
public static class AmexExpressCheckout extends StripeObject {
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.AmexExpressCheckout)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.AmexExpressCheckout other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.AmexExpressCheckout) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.AmexExpressCheckout;
public int hashCode() {
final int result = 1;
return result;
public static class ApplePay extends StripeObject {
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.ApplePay)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.ApplePay other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.ApplePay) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.ApplePay;
public int hashCode() {
final int result = 1;
return result;
public static class GooglePay extends StripeObject {
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.GooglePay)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.GooglePay other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.GooglePay) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.GooglePay;
public int hashCode() {
final int result = 1;
return result;
public static class Masterpass extends StripeObject {
* Owner's verified billing address. Values are verified or provided by the wallet
* directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set
* or mutated.
Address billingAddress;
* Owner's verified email. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if
* supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
String email;
* Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if
* supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
String name;
* Owner's verified shipping address. Values are verified or provided by the wallet
* directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set
* or mutated.
Address shippingAddress;
public Address getBillingAddress() {
return this.billingAddress;
public String getEmail() {
return this.email;
public String getName() {
return this.name;
public Address getShippingAddress() {
return this.shippingAddress;
public void setBillingAddress(final Address billingAddress) {
this.billingAddress = billingAddress;
public void setEmail(final String email) {
this.email = email;
public void setName(final String name) {
this.name = name;
public void setShippingAddress(final Address shippingAddress) {
this.shippingAddress = shippingAddress;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.Masterpass)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.Masterpass other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.Masterpass) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$billingAddress = this.getBillingAddress();
final java.lang.Object other$billingAddress = other.getBillingAddress();
if (this$billingAddress == null ? other$billingAddress != null : !this$billingAddress.equals(other$billingAddress)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$email = this.getEmail();
final java.lang.Object other$email = other.getEmail();
if (this$email == null ? other$email != null : !this$email.equals(other$email)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$name = this.getName();
final java.lang.Object other$name = other.getName();
if (this$name == null ? other$name != null : !this$name.equals(other$name)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$shippingAddress = this.getShippingAddress();
final java.lang.Object other$shippingAddress = other.getShippingAddress();
if (this$shippingAddress == null ? other$shippingAddress != null : !this$shippingAddress.equals(other$shippingAddress)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.Masterpass;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $billingAddress = this.getBillingAddress();
result = result * PRIME + ($billingAddress == null ? 43 : $billingAddress.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $email = this.getEmail();
result = result * PRIME + ($email == null ? 43 : $email.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $name = this.getName();
result = result * PRIME + ($name == null ? 43 : $name.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $shippingAddress = this.getShippingAddress();
result = result * PRIME + ($shippingAddress == null ? 43 : $shippingAddress.hashCode());
return result;
public static class SamsungPay extends StripeObject {
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.SamsungPay)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.SamsungPay other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.SamsungPay) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.SamsungPay;
public int hashCode() {
final int result = 1;
return result;
public static class VisaCheckout extends StripeObject {
* Owner's verified billing address. Values are verified or provided by the wallet
* directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set
* or mutated.
Address billingAddress;
* Owner's verified email. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if
* supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
String email;
* Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if
* supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
String name;
Address shippingAddress;
public Address getBillingAddress() {
return this.billingAddress;
public String getEmail() {
return this.email;
public String getName() {
return this.name;
public Address getShippingAddress() {
return this.shippingAddress;
public void setBillingAddress(final Address billingAddress) {
this.billingAddress = billingAddress;
public void setEmail(final String email) {
this.email = email;
public void setName(final String name) {
this.name = name;
public void setShippingAddress(final Address shippingAddress) {
this.shippingAddress = shippingAddress;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.VisaCheckout)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.VisaCheckout other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.VisaCheckout) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$billingAddress = this.getBillingAddress();
final java.lang.Object other$billingAddress = other.getBillingAddress();
if (this$billingAddress == null ? other$billingAddress != null : !this$billingAddress.equals(other$billingAddress)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$email = this.getEmail();
final java.lang.Object other$email = other.getEmail();
if (this$email == null ? other$email != null : !this$email.equals(other$email)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$name = this.getName();
final java.lang.Object other$name = other.getName();
if (this$name == null ? other$name != null : !this$name.equals(other$name)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$shippingAddress = this.getShippingAddress();
final java.lang.Object other$shippingAddress = other.getShippingAddress();
if (this$shippingAddress == null ? other$shippingAddress != null : !this$shippingAddress.equals(other$shippingAddress)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet.VisaCheckout;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $billingAddress = this.getBillingAddress();
result = result * PRIME + ($billingAddress == null ? 43 : $billingAddress.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $email = this.getEmail();
result = result * PRIME + ($email == null ? 43 : $email.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $name = this.getName();
result = result * PRIME + ($name == null ? 43 : $name.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $shippingAddress = this.getShippingAddress();
result = result * PRIME + ($shippingAddress == null ? 43 : $shippingAddress.hashCode());
return result;
public AmexExpressCheckout getAmexExpressCheckout() {
return this.amexExpressCheckout;
public ApplePay getApplePay() {
return this.applePay;
public String getDynamicLast4() {
return this.dynamicLast4;
public GooglePay getGooglePay() {
return this.googlePay;
public Masterpass getMasterpass() {
return this.masterpass;
public SamsungPay getSamsungPay() {
return this.samsungPay;
public String getType() {
return this.type;
public VisaCheckout getVisaCheckout() {
return this.visaCheckout;
public void setAmexExpressCheckout(final AmexExpressCheckout amexExpressCheckout) {
this.amexExpressCheckout = amexExpressCheckout;
public void setApplePay(final ApplePay applePay) {
this.applePay = applePay;
public void setDynamicLast4(final String dynamicLast4) {
this.dynamicLast4 = dynamicLast4;
public void setGooglePay(final GooglePay googlePay) {
this.googlePay = googlePay;
public void setMasterpass(final Masterpass masterpass) {
this.masterpass = masterpass;
public void setSamsungPay(final SamsungPay samsungPay) {
this.samsungPay = samsungPay;
public void setType(final String type) {
this.type = type;
public void setVisaCheckout(final VisaCheckout visaCheckout) {
this.visaCheckout = visaCheckout;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$amexExpressCheckout = this.getAmexExpressCheckout();
final java.lang.Object other$amexExpressCheckout = other.getAmexExpressCheckout();
if (this$amexExpressCheckout == null ? other$amexExpressCheckout != null : !this$amexExpressCheckout.equals(other$amexExpressCheckout)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$applePay = this.getApplePay();
final java.lang.Object other$applePay = other.getApplePay();
if (this$applePay == null ? other$applePay != null : !this$applePay.equals(other$applePay)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$dynamicLast4 = this.getDynamicLast4();
final java.lang.Object other$dynamicLast4 = other.getDynamicLast4();
if (this$dynamicLast4 == null ? other$dynamicLast4 != null : !this$dynamicLast4.equals(other$dynamicLast4)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$googlePay = this.getGooglePay();
final java.lang.Object other$googlePay = other.getGooglePay();
if (this$googlePay == null ? other$googlePay != null : !this$googlePay.equals(other$googlePay)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$masterpass = this.getMasterpass();
final java.lang.Object other$masterpass = other.getMasterpass();
if (this$masterpass == null ? other$masterpass != null : !this$masterpass.equals(other$masterpass)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$samsungPay = this.getSamsungPay();
final java.lang.Object other$samsungPay = other.getSamsungPay();
if (this$samsungPay == null ? other$samsungPay != null : !this$samsungPay.equals(other$samsungPay)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$type = this.getType();
final java.lang.Object other$type = other.getType();
if (this$type == null ? other$type != null : !this$type.equals(other$type)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$visaCheckout = this.getVisaCheckout();
final java.lang.Object other$visaCheckout = other.getVisaCheckout();
if (this$visaCheckout == null ? other$visaCheckout != null : !this$visaCheckout.equals(other$visaCheckout)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Wallet;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $amexExpressCheckout = this.getAmexExpressCheckout();
result = result * PRIME + ($amexExpressCheckout == null ? 43 : $amexExpressCheckout.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $applePay = this.getApplePay();
result = result * PRIME + ($applePay == null ? 43 : $applePay.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $dynamicLast4 = this.getDynamicLast4();
result = result * PRIME + ($dynamicLast4 == null ? 43 : $dynamicLast4.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $googlePay = this.getGooglePay();
result = result * PRIME + ($googlePay == null ? 43 : $googlePay.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $masterpass = this.getMasterpass();
result = result * PRIME + ($masterpass == null ? 43 : $masterpass.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $samsungPay = this.getSamsungPay();
result = result * PRIME + ($samsungPay == null ? 43 : $samsungPay.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $type = this.getType();
result = result * PRIME + ($type == null ? 43 : $type.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $visaCheckout = this.getVisaCheckout();
result = result * PRIME + ($visaCheckout == null ? 43 : $visaCheckout.hashCode());
return result;
* Card brand. Can be {@code amex}, {@code diners}, {@code discover}, {@code jcb}, {@code
* mastercard}, {@code unionpay}, {@code visa}, or {@code unknown}.
public String getBrand() {
return this.brand;
* Check results by Card networks on Card address and CVC at time of payment.
public Checks getChecks() {
return this.checks;
* Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to
* get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.
public String getCountry() {
return this.country;
* Card description. (Only for internal use only and not typically available in standard API
* requests.)
public String getDescription() {
return this.description;
* Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.
public Long getExpMonth() {
return this.expMonth;
* Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.
public Long getExpYear() {
return this.expYear;
* Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check
* whether two customers who've signed up with you are using the same card number, for
* example.
public String getFingerprint() {
return this.fingerprint;
* Card funding type. Can be {@code credit}, {@code debit}, {@code prepaid}, or {@code
* unknown}.
public String getFunding() {
return this.funding;
* Issuer identification number of the card. (Only for internal use only and not typically
* available in standard API requests.)
public String getIin() {
return this.iin;
* Installment details for this payment (Mexico only).
For more information, see the installments integration guide.
public Installments getInstallments() {
return this.installments;
* Issuer bank name of the card. (Only for internal use only and not typically available in
* standard API requests.)
public String getIssuer() {
return this.issuer;
* The last four digits of the card.
public String getLast4() {
return this.last4;
* True if this payment was marked as MOTO and out of scope for SCA.
public Boolean getMoto() {
return this.moto;
* Identifies which network this charge was processed on. Can be {@code amex}, {@code diners},
* {@code discover}, {@code interac}, {@code jcb}, {@code mastercard}, {@code unionpay},
* {@code visa}, or {@code unknown}.
public String getNetwork() {
return this.network;
* Populated if this transaction used 3D Secure authentication.
public ThreeDSecure getThreeDSecure() {
return this.threeDSecure;
* If this Card is part of a card wallet, this contains the details of the card wallet.
public Wallet getWallet() {
return this.wallet;
* Card brand. Can be {@code amex}, {@code diners}, {@code discover}, {@code jcb}, {@code
* mastercard}, {@code unionpay}, {@code visa}, or {@code unknown}.
public void setBrand(final String brand) {
this.brand = brand;
* Check results by Card networks on Card address and CVC at time of payment.
public void setChecks(final Checks checks) {
this.checks = checks;
* Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to
* get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.
public void setCountry(final String country) {
this.country = country;
* Card description. (Only for internal use only and not typically available in standard API
* requests.)
public void setDescription(final String description) {
this.description = description;
* Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.
public void setExpMonth(final Long expMonth) {
this.expMonth = expMonth;
* Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.
public void setExpYear(final Long expYear) {
this.expYear = expYear;
* Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check
* whether two customers who've signed up with you are using the same card number, for
* example.
public void setFingerprint(final String fingerprint) {
this.fingerprint = fingerprint;
* Card funding type. Can be {@code credit}, {@code debit}, {@code prepaid}, or {@code
* unknown}.
public void setFunding(final String funding) {
this.funding = funding;
* Issuer identification number of the card. (Only for internal use only and not typically
* available in standard API requests.)
public void setIin(final String iin) {
this.iin = iin;
* Installment details for this payment (Mexico only).
For more information, see the installments integration guide.
public void setInstallments(final Installments installments) {
this.installments = installments;
* Issuer bank name of the card. (Only for internal use only and not typically available in
* standard API requests.)
public void setIssuer(final String issuer) {
this.issuer = issuer;
* The last four digits of the card.
public void setLast4(final String last4) {
this.last4 = last4;
* True if this payment was marked as MOTO and out of scope for SCA.
public void setMoto(final Boolean moto) {
this.moto = moto;
* Identifies which network this charge was processed on. Can be {@code amex}, {@code diners},
* {@code discover}, {@code interac}, {@code jcb}, {@code mastercard}, {@code unionpay},
* {@code visa}, or {@code unknown}.
public void setNetwork(final String network) {
this.network = network;
* Populated if this transaction used 3D Secure authentication.
public void setThreeDSecure(final ThreeDSecure threeDSecure) {
this.threeDSecure = threeDSecure;
* If this Card is part of a card wallet, this contains the details of the card wallet.
public void setWallet(final Wallet wallet) {
this.wallet = wallet;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$brand = this.getBrand();
final java.lang.Object other$brand = other.getBrand();
if (this$brand == null ? other$brand != null : !this$brand.equals(other$brand)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$checks = this.getChecks();
final java.lang.Object other$checks = other.getChecks();
if (this$checks == null ? other$checks != null : !this$checks.equals(other$checks)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$country = this.getCountry();
final java.lang.Object other$country = other.getCountry();
if (this$country == null ? other$country != null : !this$country.equals(other$country)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$description = this.getDescription();
final java.lang.Object other$description = other.getDescription();
if (this$description == null ? other$description != null : !this$description.equals(other$description)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$expMonth = this.getExpMonth();
final java.lang.Object other$expMonth = other.getExpMonth();
if (this$expMonth == null ? other$expMonth != null : !this$expMonth.equals(other$expMonth)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$expYear = this.getExpYear();
final java.lang.Object other$expYear = other.getExpYear();
if (this$expYear == null ? other$expYear != null : !this$expYear.equals(other$expYear)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$fingerprint = this.getFingerprint();
final java.lang.Object other$fingerprint = other.getFingerprint();
if (this$fingerprint == null ? other$fingerprint != null : !this$fingerprint.equals(other$fingerprint)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$funding = this.getFunding();
final java.lang.Object other$funding = other.getFunding();
if (this$funding == null ? other$funding != null : !this$funding.equals(other$funding)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$iin = this.getIin();
final java.lang.Object other$iin = other.getIin();
if (this$iin == null ? other$iin != null : !this$iin.equals(other$iin)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$installments = this.getInstallments();
final java.lang.Object other$installments = other.getInstallments();
if (this$installments == null ? other$installments != null : !this$installments.equals(other$installments)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$issuer = this.getIssuer();
final java.lang.Object other$issuer = other.getIssuer();
if (this$issuer == null ? other$issuer != null : !this$issuer.equals(other$issuer)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$last4 = this.getLast4();
final java.lang.Object other$last4 = other.getLast4();
if (this$last4 == null ? other$last4 != null : !this$last4.equals(other$last4)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$moto = this.getMoto();
final java.lang.Object other$moto = other.getMoto();
if (this$moto == null ? other$moto != null : !this$moto.equals(other$moto)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$network = this.getNetwork();
final java.lang.Object other$network = other.getNetwork();
if (this$network == null ? other$network != null : !this$network.equals(other$network)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$threeDSecure = this.getThreeDSecure();
final java.lang.Object other$threeDSecure = other.getThreeDSecure();
if (this$threeDSecure == null ? other$threeDSecure != null : !this$threeDSecure.equals(other$threeDSecure)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$wallet = this.getWallet();
final java.lang.Object other$wallet = other.getWallet();
if (this$wallet == null ? other$wallet != null : !this$wallet.equals(other$wallet)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $brand = this.getBrand();
result = result * PRIME + ($brand == null ? 43 : $brand.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $checks = this.getChecks();
result = result * PRIME + ($checks == null ? 43 : $checks.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $country = this.getCountry();
result = result * PRIME + ($country == null ? 43 : $country.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $description = this.getDescription();
result = result * PRIME + ($description == null ? 43 : $description.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $expMonth = this.getExpMonth();
result = result * PRIME + ($expMonth == null ? 43 : $expMonth.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $expYear = this.getExpYear();
result = result * PRIME + ($expYear == null ? 43 : $expYear.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $fingerprint = this.getFingerprint();
result = result * PRIME + ($fingerprint == null ? 43 : $fingerprint.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $funding = this.getFunding();
result = result * PRIME + ($funding == null ? 43 : $funding.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $iin = this.getIin();
result = result * PRIME + ($iin == null ? 43 : $iin.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $installments = this.getInstallments();
result = result * PRIME + ($installments == null ? 43 : $installments.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $issuer = this.getIssuer();
result = result * PRIME + ($issuer == null ? 43 : $issuer.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $last4 = this.getLast4();
result = result * PRIME + ($last4 == null ? 43 : $last4.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $moto = this.getMoto();
result = result * PRIME + ($moto == null ? 43 : $moto.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $network = this.getNetwork();
result = result * PRIME + ($network == null ? 43 : $network.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $threeDSecure = this.getThreeDSecure();
result = result * PRIME + ($threeDSecure == null ? 43 : $threeDSecure.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $wallet = this.getWallet();
result = result * PRIME + ($wallet == null ? 43 : $wallet.hashCode());
return result;
* Owner's verified shipping address. Values are verified or provided by the wallet
* directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set
* or mutated.
public static class CardPresent extends StripeObject {
* Card brand. Can be {@code amex}, {@code diners}, {@code discover}, {@code jcb}, {@code
* mastercard}, {@code unionpay}, {@code visa}, or {@code unknown}.
String brand;
* Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to
* get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.
String country;
* Authorization response cryptogram.
String emvAuthData;
* Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.
Long expMonth;
* Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.
Long expYear;
* Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check
* whether two customers who've signed up with you are using the same card number, for
* example.
String fingerprint;
* Card funding type. Can be {@code credit}, {@code debit}, {@code prepaid}, or {@code
* unknown}.
String funding;
* ID of a card PaymentMethod generated from the card_present PaymentMethod that may be
* attached to a Customer for future transactions. Only present if it was possible to generate
* a card PaymentMethod.
String generatedCard;
* The last four digits of the card.
String last4;
* Identifies which network this charge was processed on. Can be {@code amex}, {@code diners},
* {@code discover}, {@code interac}, {@code jcb}, {@code mastercard}, {@code unionpay},
* {@code visa}, or {@code unknown}.
String network;
* How were card details read in this transaction. Can be contact_emv, contactless_emv,
* magnetic_stripe_fallback, magnetic_stripe_track2, or contactless_magstripe_mode
String readMethod;
* A collection of fields required to be displayed on receipts. Only required for EMV
* transactions.
Receipt receipt;
public static class Receipt extends StripeObject {
/** EMV tag 9F26, cryptogram generated by the integrated circuit chip. */
String applicationCryptogram;
/** Mnenomic of the Application Identifier. */
String applicationPreferredName;
/** Identifier for this transaction. */
String authorizationCode;
/** EMV tag 8A. A code returned by the card issuer. */
String authorizationResponseCode;
/** How the cardholder verified ownership of the card. */
String cardholderVerificationMethod;
* EMV tag 84. Similar to the application identifier stored on the integrated circuit chip.
String dedicatedFileName;
/** The outcome of a series of EMV functions performed by the card reader. */
String terminalVerificationResults;
String transactionStatusInformation;
public String getApplicationCryptogram() {
return this.applicationCryptogram;
public String getApplicationPreferredName() {
return this.applicationPreferredName;
public String getAuthorizationCode() {
return this.authorizationCode;
public String getAuthorizationResponseCode() {
return this.authorizationResponseCode;
public String getCardholderVerificationMethod() {
return this.cardholderVerificationMethod;
public String getDedicatedFileName() {
return this.dedicatedFileName;
public String getTerminalVerificationResults() {
return this.terminalVerificationResults;
public String getTransactionStatusInformation() {
return this.transactionStatusInformation;
public void setApplicationCryptogram(final String applicationCryptogram) {
this.applicationCryptogram = applicationCryptogram;
public void setApplicationPreferredName(final String applicationPreferredName) {
this.applicationPreferredName = applicationPreferredName;
public void setAuthorizationCode(final String authorizationCode) {
this.authorizationCode = authorizationCode;
public void setAuthorizationResponseCode(final String authorizationResponseCode) {
this.authorizationResponseCode = authorizationResponseCode;
public void setCardholderVerificationMethod(final String cardholderVerificationMethod) {
this.cardholderVerificationMethod = cardholderVerificationMethod;
public void setDedicatedFileName(final String dedicatedFileName) {
this.dedicatedFileName = dedicatedFileName;
public void setTerminalVerificationResults(final String terminalVerificationResults) {
this.terminalVerificationResults = terminalVerificationResults;
public void setTransactionStatusInformation(final String transactionStatusInformation) {
this.transactionStatusInformation = transactionStatusInformation;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.CardPresent.Receipt)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.CardPresent.Receipt other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.CardPresent.Receipt) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$applicationCryptogram = this.getApplicationCryptogram();
final java.lang.Object other$applicationCryptogram = other.getApplicationCryptogram();
if (this$applicationCryptogram == null ? other$applicationCryptogram != null : !this$applicationCryptogram.equals(other$applicationCryptogram)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$applicationPreferredName = this.getApplicationPreferredName();
final java.lang.Object other$applicationPreferredName = other.getApplicationPreferredName();
if (this$applicationPreferredName == null ? other$applicationPreferredName != null : !this$applicationPreferredName.equals(other$applicationPreferredName)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$authorizationCode = this.getAuthorizationCode();
final java.lang.Object other$authorizationCode = other.getAuthorizationCode();
if (this$authorizationCode == null ? other$authorizationCode != null : !this$authorizationCode.equals(other$authorizationCode)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$authorizationResponseCode = this.getAuthorizationResponseCode();
final java.lang.Object other$authorizationResponseCode = other.getAuthorizationResponseCode();
if (this$authorizationResponseCode == null ? other$authorizationResponseCode != null : !this$authorizationResponseCode.equals(other$authorizationResponseCode)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$cardholderVerificationMethod = this.getCardholderVerificationMethod();
final java.lang.Object other$cardholderVerificationMethod = other.getCardholderVerificationMethod();
if (this$cardholderVerificationMethod == null ? other$cardholderVerificationMethod != null : !this$cardholderVerificationMethod.equals(other$cardholderVerificationMethod)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$dedicatedFileName = this.getDedicatedFileName();
final java.lang.Object other$dedicatedFileName = other.getDedicatedFileName();
if (this$dedicatedFileName == null ? other$dedicatedFileName != null : !this$dedicatedFileName.equals(other$dedicatedFileName)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$terminalVerificationResults = this.getTerminalVerificationResults();
final java.lang.Object other$terminalVerificationResults = other.getTerminalVerificationResults();
if (this$terminalVerificationResults == null ? other$terminalVerificationResults != null : !this$terminalVerificationResults.equals(other$terminalVerificationResults)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$transactionStatusInformation = this.getTransactionStatusInformation();
final java.lang.Object other$transactionStatusInformation = other.getTransactionStatusInformation();
if (this$transactionStatusInformation == null ? other$transactionStatusInformation != null : !this$transactionStatusInformation.equals(other$transactionStatusInformation)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.CardPresent.Receipt;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $applicationCryptogram = this.getApplicationCryptogram();
result = result * PRIME + ($applicationCryptogram == null ? 43 : $applicationCryptogram.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $applicationPreferredName = this.getApplicationPreferredName();
result = result * PRIME + ($applicationPreferredName == null ? 43 : $applicationPreferredName.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $authorizationCode = this.getAuthorizationCode();
result = result * PRIME + ($authorizationCode == null ? 43 : $authorizationCode.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $authorizationResponseCode = this.getAuthorizationResponseCode();
result = result * PRIME + ($authorizationResponseCode == null ? 43 : $authorizationResponseCode.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $cardholderVerificationMethod = this.getCardholderVerificationMethod();
result = result * PRIME + ($cardholderVerificationMethod == null ? 43 : $cardholderVerificationMethod.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $dedicatedFileName = this.getDedicatedFileName();
result = result * PRIME + ($dedicatedFileName == null ? 43 : $dedicatedFileName.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $terminalVerificationResults = this.getTerminalVerificationResults();
result = result * PRIME + ($terminalVerificationResults == null ? 43 : $terminalVerificationResults.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $transactionStatusInformation = this.getTransactionStatusInformation();
result = result * PRIME + ($transactionStatusInformation == null ? 43 : $transactionStatusInformation.hashCode());
return result;
* Card brand. Can be {@code amex}, {@code diners}, {@code discover}, {@code jcb}, {@code
* mastercard}, {@code unionpay}, {@code visa}, or {@code unknown}.
public String getBrand() {
return this.brand;
* Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to
* get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.
public String getCountry() {
return this.country;
* Authorization response cryptogram.
public String getEmvAuthData() {
return this.emvAuthData;
* Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.
public Long getExpMonth() {
return this.expMonth;
* Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.
public Long getExpYear() {
return this.expYear;
* Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check
* whether two customers who've signed up with you are using the same card number, for
* example.
public String getFingerprint() {
return this.fingerprint;
* Card funding type. Can be {@code credit}, {@code debit}, {@code prepaid}, or {@code
* unknown}.
public String getFunding() {
return this.funding;
* ID of a card PaymentMethod generated from the card_present PaymentMethod that may be
* attached to a Customer for future transactions. Only present if it was possible to generate
* a card PaymentMethod.
public String getGeneratedCard() {
return this.generatedCard;
* The last four digits of the card.
public String getLast4() {
return this.last4;
* Identifies which network this charge was processed on. Can be {@code amex}, {@code diners},
* {@code discover}, {@code interac}, {@code jcb}, {@code mastercard}, {@code unionpay},
* {@code visa}, or {@code unknown}.
public String getNetwork() {
return this.network;
* How were card details read in this transaction. Can be contact_emv, contactless_emv,
* magnetic_stripe_fallback, magnetic_stripe_track2, or contactless_magstripe_mode
public String getReadMethod() {
return this.readMethod;
* A collection of fields required to be displayed on receipts. Only required for EMV
* transactions.
public Receipt getReceipt() {
return this.receipt;
* Card brand. Can be {@code amex}, {@code diners}, {@code discover}, {@code jcb}, {@code
* mastercard}, {@code unionpay}, {@code visa}, or {@code unknown}.
public void setBrand(final String brand) {
this.brand = brand;
* Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to
* get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.
public void setCountry(final String country) {
this.country = country;
* Authorization response cryptogram.
public void setEmvAuthData(final String emvAuthData) {
this.emvAuthData = emvAuthData;
* Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.
public void setExpMonth(final Long expMonth) {
this.expMonth = expMonth;
* Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.
public void setExpYear(final Long expYear) {
this.expYear = expYear;
* Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check
* whether two customers who've signed up with you are using the same card number, for
* example.
public void setFingerprint(final String fingerprint) {
this.fingerprint = fingerprint;
* Card funding type. Can be {@code credit}, {@code debit}, {@code prepaid}, or {@code
* unknown}.
public void setFunding(final String funding) {
this.funding = funding;
* ID of a card PaymentMethod generated from the card_present PaymentMethod that may be
* attached to a Customer for future transactions. Only present if it was possible to generate
* a card PaymentMethod.
public void setGeneratedCard(final String generatedCard) {
this.generatedCard = generatedCard;
* The last four digits of the card.
public void setLast4(final String last4) {
this.last4 = last4;
* Identifies which network this charge was processed on. Can be {@code amex}, {@code diners},
* {@code discover}, {@code interac}, {@code jcb}, {@code mastercard}, {@code unionpay},
* {@code visa}, or {@code unknown}.
public void setNetwork(final String network) {
this.network = network;
* How were card details read in this transaction. Can be contact_emv, contactless_emv,
* magnetic_stripe_fallback, magnetic_stripe_track2, or contactless_magstripe_mode
public void setReadMethod(final String readMethod) {
this.readMethod = readMethod;
* A collection of fields required to be displayed on receipts. Only required for EMV
* transactions.
public void setReceipt(final Receipt receipt) {
this.receipt = receipt;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.CardPresent)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.CardPresent other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.CardPresent) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$brand = this.getBrand();
final java.lang.Object other$brand = other.getBrand();
if (this$brand == null ? other$brand != null : !this$brand.equals(other$brand)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$country = this.getCountry();
final java.lang.Object other$country = other.getCountry();
if (this$country == null ? other$country != null : !this$country.equals(other$country)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$emvAuthData = this.getEmvAuthData();
final java.lang.Object other$emvAuthData = other.getEmvAuthData();
if (this$emvAuthData == null ? other$emvAuthData != null : !this$emvAuthData.equals(other$emvAuthData)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$expMonth = this.getExpMonth();
final java.lang.Object other$expMonth = other.getExpMonth();
if (this$expMonth == null ? other$expMonth != null : !this$expMonth.equals(other$expMonth)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$expYear = this.getExpYear();
final java.lang.Object other$expYear = other.getExpYear();
if (this$expYear == null ? other$expYear != null : !this$expYear.equals(other$expYear)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$fingerprint = this.getFingerprint();
final java.lang.Object other$fingerprint = other.getFingerprint();
if (this$fingerprint == null ? other$fingerprint != null : !this$fingerprint.equals(other$fingerprint)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$funding = this.getFunding();
final java.lang.Object other$funding = other.getFunding();
if (this$funding == null ? other$funding != null : !this$funding.equals(other$funding)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$generatedCard = this.getGeneratedCard();
final java.lang.Object other$generatedCard = other.getGeneratedCard();
if (this$generatedCard == null ? other$generatedCard != null : !this$generatedCard.equals(other$generatedCard)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$last4 = this.getLast4();
final java.lang.Object other$last4 = other.getLast4();
if (this$last4 == null ? other$last4 != null : !this$last4.equals(other$last4)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$network = this.getNetwork();
final java.lang.Object other$network = other.getNetwork();
if (this$network == null ? other$network != null : !this$network.equals(other$network)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$readMethod = this.getReadMethod();
final java.lang.Object other$readMethod = other.getReadMethod();
if (this$readMethod == null ? other$readMethod != null : !this$readMethod.equals(other$readMethod)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$receipt = this.getReceipt();
final java.lang.Object other$receipt = other.getReceipt();
if (this$receipt == null ? other$receipt != null : !this$receipt.equals(other$receipt)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.CardPresent;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $brand = this.getBrand();
result = result * PRIME + ($brand == null ? 43 : $brand.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $country = this.getCountry();
result = result * PRIME + ($country == null ? 43 : $country.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $emvAuthData = this.getEmvAuthData();
result = result * PRIME + ($emvAuthData == null ? 43 : $emvAuthData.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $expMonth = this.getExpMonth();
result = result * PRIME + ($expMonth == null ? 43 : $expMonth.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $expYear = this.getExpYear();
result = result * PRIME + ($expYear == null ? 43 : $expYear.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $fingerprint = this.getFingerprint();
result = result * PRIME + ($fingerprint == null ? 43 : $fingerprint.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $funding = this.getFunding();
result = result * PRIME + ($funding == null ? 43 : $funding.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $generatedCard = this.getGeneratedCard();
result = result * PRIME + ($generatedCard == null ? 43 : $generatedCard.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $last4 = this.getLast4();
result = result * PRIME + ($last4 == null ? 43 : $last4.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $network = this.getNetwork();
result = result * PRIME + ($network == null ? 43 : $network.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $readMethod = this.getReadMethod();
result = result * PRIME + ($readMethod == null ? 43 : $readMethod.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $receipt = this.getReceipt();
result = result * PRIME + ($receipt == null ? 43 : $receipt.hashCode());
return result;
* An indication of various EMV functions performed during the transaction.
public static class Eps extends StripeObject {
* Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by EPS directly (if supported)
* at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
String verifiedName;
* Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by EPS directly (if supported)
* at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
public String getVerifiedName() {
return this.verifiedName;
* Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by EPS directly (if supported)
* at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
public void setVerifiedName(final String verifiedName) {
this.verifiedName = verifiedName;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Eps)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Eps other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Eps) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$verifiedName = this.getVerifiedName();
final java.lang.Object other$verifiedName = other.getVerifiedName();
if (this$verifiedName == null ? other$verifiedName != null : !this$verifiedName.equals(other$verifiedName)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Eps;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $verifiedName = this.getVerifiedName();
result = result * PRIME + ($verifiedName == null ? 43 : $verifiedName.hashCode());
return result;
public static class Fpx extends StripeObject {
* Account holder type, if provided. Can be one of {@code individual} or {@code company}.
String accountHolderType;
* The customer's bank. Can be one of {@code affin_bank}, {@code alliance_bank}, {@code
* ambank}, {@code bank_islam}, {@code bank_muamalat}, {@code bank_rakyat}, {@code bsn},
* {@code cimb}, {@code hong_leong_bank}, {@code hsbc}, {@code kfh}, {@code maybank2u}, {@code
* ocbc}, {@code public_bank}, {@code rhb}, {@code standard_chartered}, {@code uob}, {@code
* deutsche_bank}, {@code maybank2e}, or {@code pb_enterprise}.
String bank;
* Unique transaction id generated by FPX for every request from the merchant.
String transactionId;
* Account holder type, if provided. Can be one of {@code individual} or {@code company}.
public String getAccountHolderType() {
return this.accountHolderType;
* The customer's bank. Can be one of {@code affin_bank}, {@code alliance_bank}, {@code
* ambank}, {@code bank_islam}, {@code bank_muamalat}, {@code bank_rakyat}, {@code bsn},
* {@code cimb}, {@code hong_leong_bank}, {@code hsbc}, {@code kfh}, {@code maybank2u}, {@code
* ocbc}, {@code public_bank}, {@code rhb}, {@code standard_chartered}, {@code uob}, {@code
* deutsche_bank}, {@code maybank2e}, or {@code pb_enterprise}.
public String getBank() {
return this.bank;
* Unique transaction id generated by FPX for every request from the merchant.
public String getTransactionId() {
return this.transactionId;
* Account holder type, if provided. Can be one of {@code individual} or {@code company}.
public void setAccountHolderType(final String accountHolderType) {
this.accountHolderType = accountHolderType;
* The customer's bank. Can be one of {@code affin_bank}, {@code alliance_bank}, {@code
* ambank}, {@code bank_islam}, {@code bank_muamalat}, {@code bank_rakyat}, {@code bsn},
* {@code cimb}, {@code hong_leong_bank}, {@code hsbc}, {@code kfh}, {@code maybank2u}, {@code
* ocbc}, {@code public_bank}, {@code rhb}, {@code standard_chartered}, {@code uob}, {@code
* deutsche_bank}, {@code maybank2e}, or {@code pb_enterprise}.
public void setBank(final String bank) {
this.bank = bank;
* Unique transaction id generated by FPX for every request from the merchant.
public void setTransactionId(final String transactionId) {
this.transactionId = transactionId;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Fpx)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Fpx other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Fpx) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$accountHolderType = this.getAccountHolderType();
final java.lang.Object other$accountHolderType = other.getAccountHolderType();
if (this$accountHolderType == null ? other$accountHolderType != null : !this$accountHolderType.equals(other$accountHolderType)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$bank = this.getBank();
final java.lang.Object other$bank = other.getBank();
if (this$bank == null ? other$bank != null : !this$bank.equals(other$bank)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$transactionId = this.getTransactionId();
final java.lang.Object other$transactionId = other.getTransactionId();
if (this$transactionId == null ? other$transactionId != null : !this$transactionId.equals(other$transactionId)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Fpx;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $accountHolderType = this.getAccountHolderType();
result = result * PRIME + ($accountHolderType == null ? 43 : $accountHolderType.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $bank = this.getBank();
result = result * PRIME + ($bank == null ? 43 : $bank.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $transactionId = this.getTransactionId();
result = result * PRIME + ($transactionId == null ? 43 : $transactionId.hashCode());
return result;
public static class Giropay extends StripeObject {
* Bank code of bank associated with the bank account.
String bankCode;
* Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
String bankName;
* Bank Identifier Code of the bank associated with the bank account.
String bic;
* Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by Giropay directly (if
* supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
String verifiedName;
* Bank code of bank associated with the bank account.
public String getBankCode() {
return this.bankCode;
* Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
public String getBankName() {
return this.bankName;
* Bank Identifier Code of the bank associated with the bank account.
public String getBic() {
return this.bic;
* Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by Giropay directly (if
* supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
public String getVerifiedName() {
return this.verifiedName;
* Bank code of bank associated with the bank account.
public void setBankCode(final String bankCode) {
this.bankCode = bankCode;
* Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
public void setBankName(final String bankName) {
this.bankName = bankName;
* Bank Identifier Code of the bank associated with the bank account.
public void setBic(final String bic) {
this.bic = bic;
* Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by Giropay directly (if
* supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
public void setVerifiedName(final String verifiedName) {
this.verifiedName = verifiedName;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Giropay)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Giropay other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Giropay) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$bankCode = this.getBankCode();
final java.lang.Object other$bankCode = other.getBankCode();
if (this$bankCode == null ? other$bankCode != null : !this$bankCode.equals(other$bankCode)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$bankName = this.getBankName();
final java.lang.Object other$bankName = other.getBankName();
if (this$bankName == null ? other$bankName != null : !this$bankName.equals(other$bankName)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$bic = this.getBic();
final java.lang.Object other$bic = other.getBic();
if (this$bic == null ? other$bic != null : !this$bic.equals(other$bic)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$verifiedName = this.getVerifiedName();
final java.lang.Object other$verifiedName = other.getVerifiedName();
if (this$verifiedName == null ? other$verifiedName != null : !this$verifiedName.equals(other$verifiedName)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Giropay;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $bankCode = this.getBankCode();
result = result * PRIME + ($bankCode == null ? 43 : $bankCode.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $bankName = this.getBankName();
result = result * PRIME + ($bankName == null ? 43 : $bankName.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $bic = this.getBic();
result = result * PRIME + ($bic == null ? 43 : $bic.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $verifiedName = this.getVerifiedName();
result = result * PRIME + ($verifiedName == null ? 43 : $verifiedName.hashCode());
return result;
public static class Ideal extends StripeObject {
* The customer's bank. Can be one of {@code abn_amro}, {@code asn_bank}, {@code bunq}, {@code
* handelsbanken}, {@code ing}, {@code knab}, {@code moneyou}, {@code rabobank}, {@code
* regiobank}, {@code sns_bank}, {@code triodos_bank}, or {@code van_lanschot}.
String bank;
* The Bank Identifier Code of the customer's bank.
One of {@code ABNANL2A}, {@code ASNBNL21}, {@code BUNQNL2A}, {@code FVLBNL22}, {@code
* HANDNL2A}, {@code INGBNL2A}, {@code KNABNL2H}, {@code MOYONL21}, {@code RABONL2U}, {@code
* RBRBNL21}, {@code SNSBNL2A}, or {@code TRIONL2U}.
String bic;
* Last four characters of the IBAN.
String ibanLast4;
* Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by iDEAL directly (if
* supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
String verifiedName;
* The customer's bank. Can be one of {@code abn_amro}, {@code asn_bank}, {@code bunq}, {@code
* handelsbanken}, {@code ing}, {@code knab}, {@code moneyou}, {@code rabobank}, {@code
* regiobank}, {@code sns_bank}, {@code triodos_bank}, or {@code van_lanschot}.
public String getBank() {
return this.bank;
* The Bank Identifier Code of the customer's bank.
One of {@code ABNANL2A}, {@code ASNBNL21}, {@code BUNQNL2A}, {@code FVLBNL22}, {@code
* HANDNL2A}, {@code INGBNL2A}, {@code KNABNL2H}, {@code MOYONL21}, {@code RABONL2U}, {@code
* RBRBNL21}, {@code SNSBNL2A}, or {@code TRIONL2U}.
public String getBic() {
return this.bic;
* Last four characters of the IBAN.
public String getIbanLast4() {
return this.ibanLast4;
* Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by iDEAL directly (if
* supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
public String getVerifiedName() {
return this.verifiedName;
* The customer's bank. Can be one of {@code abn_amro}, {@code asn_bank}, {@code bunq}, {@code
* handelsbanken}, {@code ing}, {@code knab}, {@code moneyou}, {@code rabobank}, {@code
* regiobank}, {@code sns_bank}, {@code triodos_bank}, or {@code van_lanschot}.
public void setBank(final String bank) {
this.bank = bank;
* The Bank Identifier Code of the customer's bank.
One of {@code ABNANL2A}, {@code ASNBNL21}, {@code BUNQNL2A}, {@code FVLBNL22}, {@code
* HANDNL2A}, {@code INGBNL2A}, {@code KNABNL2H}, {@code MOYONL21}, {@code RABONL2U}, {@code
* RBRBNL21}, {@code SNSBNL2A}, or {@code TRIONL2U}.
public void setBic(final String bic) {
this.bic = bic;
* Last four characters of the IBAN.
public void setIbanLast4(final String ibanLast4) {
this.ibanLast4 = ibanLast4;
* Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by iDEAL directly (if
* supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
public void setVerifiedName(final String verifiedName) {
this.verifiedName = verifiedName;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Ideal)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Ideal other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Ideal) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$bank = this.getBank();
final java.lang.Object other$bank = other.getBank();
if (this$bank == null ? other$bank != null : !this$bank.equals(other$bank)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$bic = this.getBic();
final java.lang.Object other$bic = other.getBic();
if (this$bic == null ? other$bic != null : !this$bic.equals(other$bic)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$ibanLast4 = this.getIbanLast4();
final java.lang.Object other$ibanLast4 = other.getIbanLast4();
if (this$ibanLast4 == null ? other$ibanLast4 != null : !this$ibanLast4.equals(other$ibanLast4)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$verifiedName = this.getVerifiedName();
final java.lang.Object other$verifiedName = other.getVerifiedName();
if (this$verifiedName == null ? other$verifiedName != null : !this$verifiedName.equals(other$verifiedName)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Ideal;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $bank = this.getBank();
result = result * PRIME + ($bank == null ? 43 : $bank.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $bic = this.getBic();
result = result * PRIME + ($bic == null ? 43 : $bic.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $ibanLast4 = this.getIbanLast4();
result = result * PRIME + ($ibanLast4 == null ? 43 : $ibanLast4.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $verifiedName = this.getVerifiedName();
result = result * PRIME + ($verifiedName == null ? 43 : $verifiedName.hashCode());
return result;
public static class Klarna extends StripeObject {
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Klarna)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Klarna other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Klarna) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Klarna;
public int hashCode() {
final int result = 1;
return result;
public static class Multibanco extends StripeObject {
* Entity number associated with this Multibanco payment.
String entity;
* Reference number associated with this Multibanco payment.
String reference;
* Entity number associated with this Multibanco payment.
public String getEntity() {
return this.entity;
* Reference number associated with this Multibanco payment.
public String getReference() {
return this.reference;
* Entity number associated with this Multibanco payment.
public void setEntity(final String entity) {
this.entity = entity;
* Reference number associated with this Multibanco payment.
public void setReference(final String reference) {
this.reference = reference;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Multibanco)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Multibanco other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Multibanco) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$entity = this.getEntity();
final java.lang.Object other$entity = other.getEntity();
if (this$entity == null ? other$entity != null : !this$entity.equals(other$entity)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$reference = this.getReference();
final java.lang.Object other$reference = other.getReference();
if (this$reference == null ? other$reference != null : !this$reference.equals(other$reference)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Multibanco;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $entity = this.getEntity();
result = result * PRIME + ($entity == null ? 43 : $entity.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $reference = this.getReference();
result = result * PRIME + ($reference == null ? 43 : $reference.hashCode());
return result;
public static class P24 extends StripeObject {
* Unique reference for this Przelewy24 payment.
String reference;
* Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by Przelewy24 directly (if
* supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
String verifiedName;
* Unique reference for this Przelewy24 payment.
public String getReference() {
return this.reference;
* Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by Przelewy24 directly (if
* supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
public String getVerifiedName() {
return this.verifiedName;
* Unique reference for this Przelewy24 payment.
public void setReference(final String reference) {
this.reference = reference;
* Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by Przelewy24 directly (if
* supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
public void setVerifiedName(final String verifiedName) {
this.verifiedName = verifiedName;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.P24)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.P24 other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.P24) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$reference = this.getReference();
final java.lang.Object other$reference = other.getReference();
if (this$reference == null ? other$reference != null : !this$reference.equals(other$reference)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$verifiedName = this.getVerifiedName();
final java.lang.Object other$verifiedName = other.getVerifiedName();
if (this$verifiedName == null ? other$verifiedName != null : !this$verifiedName.equals(other$verifiedName)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.P24;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $reference = this.getReference();
result = result * PRIME + ($reference == null ? 43 : $reference.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $verifiedName = this.getVerifiedName();
result = result * PRIME + ($verifiedName == null ? 43 : $verifiedName.hashCode());
return result;
public static class SepaCreditTransfer extends StripeObject {
* Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
String bankName;
* Bank Identifier Code of the bank associated with the bank account.
String bic;
* IBAN of the bank account to transfer funds to.
String iban;
* Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
public String getBankName() {
return this.bankName;
* Bank Identifier Code of the bank associated with the bank account.
public String getBic() {
return this.bic;
* IBAN of the bank account to transfer funds to.
public String getIban() {
return this.iban;
* Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
public void setBankName(final String bankName) {
this.bankName = bankName;
* Bank Identifier Code of the bank associated with the bank account.
public void setBic(final String bic) {
this.bic = bic;
* IBAN of the bank account to transfer funds to.
public void setIban(final String iban) {
this.iban = iban;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.SepaCreditTransfer)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.SepaCreditTransfer other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.SepaCreditTransfer) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$bankName = this.getBankName();
final java.lang.Object other$bankName = other.getBankName();
if (this$bankName == null ? other$bankName != null : !this$bankName.equals(other$bankName)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$bic = this.getBic();
final java.lang.Object other$bic = other.getBic();
if (this$bic == null ? other$bic != null : !this$bic.equals(other$bic)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$iban = this.getIban();
final java.lang.Object other$iban = other.getIban();
if (this$iban == null ? other$iban != null : !this$iban.equals(other$iban)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.SepaCreditTransfer;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $bankName = this.getBankName();
result = result * PRIME + ($bankName == null ? 43 : $bankName.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $bic = this.getBic();
result = result * PRIME + ($bic == null ? 43 : $bic.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $iban = this.getIban();
result = result * PRIME + ($iban == null ? 43 : $iban.hashCode());
return result;
public static class SepaDebit extends StripeObject {
* Bank code of bank associated with the bank account.
String bankCode;
* Branch code of bank associated with the bank account.
String branchCode;
* Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.
String country;
* Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check
* whether two bank accounts are the same.
String fingerprint;
* Last four characters of the IBAN.
String last4;
* ID of the mandate used to make this payment.
String mandate;
* Bank code of bank associated with the bank account.
public String getBankCode() {
return this.bankCode;
* Branch code of bank associated with the bank account.
public String getBranchCode() {
return this.branchCode;
* Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.
public String getCountry() {
return this.country;
* Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check
* whether two bank accounts are the same.
public String getFingerprint() {
return this.fingerprint;
* Last four characters of the IBAN.
public String getLast4() {
return this.last4;
* ID of the mandate used to make this payment.
public String getMandate() {
return this.mandate;
* Bank code of bank associated with the bank account.
public void setBankCode(final String bankCode) {
this.bankCode = bankCode;
* Branch code of bank associated with the bank account.
public void setBranchCode(final String branchCode) {
this.branchCode = branchCode;
* Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.
public void setCountry(final String country) {
this.country = country;
* Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check
* whether two bank accounts are the same.
public void setFingerprint(final String fingerprint) {
this.fingerprint = fingerprint;
* Last four characters of the IBAN.
public void setLast4(final String last4) {
this.last4 = last4;
* ID of the mandate used to make this payment.
public void setMandate(final String mandate) {
this.mandate = mandate;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.SepaDebit)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.SepaDebit other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.SepaDebit) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$bankCode = this.getBankCode();
final java.lang.Object other$bankCode = other.getBankCode();
if (this$bankCode == null ? other$bankCode != null : !this$bankCode.equals(other$bankCode)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$branchCode = this.getBranchCode();
final java.lang.Object other$branchCode = other.getBranchCode();
if (this$branchCode == null ? other$branchCode != null : !this$branchCode.equals(other$branchCode)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$country = this.getCountry();
final java.lang.Object other$country = other.getCountry();
if (this$country == null ? other$country != null : !this$country.equals(other$country)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$fingerprint = this.getFingerprint();
final java.lang.Object other$fingerprint = other.getFingerprint();
if (this$fingerprint == null ? other$fingerprint != null : !this$fingerprint.equals(other$fingerprint)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$last4 = this.getLast4();
final java.lang.Object other$last4 = other.getLast4();
if (this$last4 == null ? other$last4 != null : !this$last4.equals(other$last4)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$mandate = this.getMandate();
final java.lang.Object other$mandate = other.getMandate();
if (this$mandate == null ? other$mandate != null : !this$mandate.equals(other$mandate)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.SepaDebit;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $bankCode = this.getBankCode();
result = result * PRIME + ($bankCode == null ? 43 : $bankCode.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $branchCode = this.getBranchCode();
result = result * PRIME + ($branchCode == null ? 43 : $branchCode.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $country = this.getCountry();
result = result * PRIME + ($country == null ? 43 : $country.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $fingerprint = this.getFingerprint();
result = result * PRIME + ($fingerprint == null ? 43 : $fingerprint.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $last4 = this.getLast4();
result = result * PRIME + ($last4 == null ? 43 : $last4.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $mandate = this.getMandate();
result = result * PRIME + ($mandate == null ? 43 : $mandate.hashCode());
return result;
public static class Sofort extends StripeObject {
* Bank code of bank associated with the bank account.
String bankCode;
* Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
String bankName;
* Bank Identifier Code of the bank associated with the bank account.
String bic;
* Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.
String country;
* Last four characters of the IBAN.
String ibanLast4;
* Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by SOFORT directly (if
* supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
String verifiedName;
* Bank code of bank associated with the bank account.
public String getBankCode() {
return this.bankCode;
* Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
public String getBankName() {
return this.bankName;
* Bank Identifier Code of the bank associated with the bank account.
public String getBic() {
return this.bic;
* Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.
public String getCountry() {
return this.country;
* Last four characters of the IBAN.
public String getIbanLast4() {
return this.ibanLast4;
* Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by SOFORT directly (if
* supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
public String getVerifiedName() {
return this.verifiedName;
* Bank code of bank associated with the bank account.
public void setBankCode(final String bankCode) {
this.bankCode = bankCode;
* Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
public void setBankName(final String bankName) {
this.bankName = bankName;
* Bank Identifier Code of the bank associated with the bank account.
public void setBic(final String bic) {
this.bic = bic;
* Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.
public void setCountry(final String country) {
this.country = country;
* Last four characters of the IBAN.
public void setIbanLast4(final String ibanLast4) {
this.ibanLast4 = ibanLast4;
* Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by SOFORT directly (if
* supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
public void setVerifiedName(final String verifiedName) {
this.verifiedName = verifiedName;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Sofort)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Sofort other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Sofort) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$bankCode = this.getBankCode();
final java.lang.Object other$bankCode = other.getBankCode();
if (this$bankCode == null ? other$bankCode != null : !this$bankCode.equals(other$bankCode)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$bankName = this.getBankName();
final java.lang.Object other$bankName = other.getBankName();
if (this$bankName == null ? other$bankName != null : !this$bankName.equals(other$bankName)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$bic = this.getBic();
final java.lang.Object other$bic = other.getBic();
if (this$bic == null ? other$bic != null : !this$bic.equals(other$bic)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$country = this.getCountry();
final java.lang.Object other$country = other.getCountry();
if (this$country == null ? other$country != null : !this$country.equals(other$country)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$ibanLast4 = this.getIbanLast4();
final java.lang.Object other$ibanLast4 = other.getIbanLast4();
if (this$ibanLast4 == null ? other$ibanLast4 != null : !this$ibanLast4.equals(other$ibanLast4)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$verifiedName = this.getVerifiedName();
final java.lang.Object other$verifiedName = other.getVerifiedName();
if (this$verifiedName == null ? other$verifiedName != null : !this$verifiedName.equals(other$verifiedName)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Sofort;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $bankCode = this.getBankCode();
result = result * PRIME + ($bankCode == null ? 43 : $bankCode.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $bankName = this.getBankName();
result = result * PRIME + ($bankName == null ? 43 : $bankName.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $bic = this.getBic();
result = result * PRIME + ($bic == null ? 43 : $bic.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $country = this.getCountry();
result = result * PRIME + ($country == null ? 43 : $country.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $ibanLast4 = this.getIbanLast4();
result = result * PRIME + ($ibanLast4 == null ? 43 : $ibanLast4.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $verifiedName = this.getVerifiedName();
result = result * PRIME + ($verifiedName == null ? 43 : $verifiedName.hashCode());
return result;
public static class StripeAccount extends StripeObject {
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.StripeAccount)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.StripeAccount other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.StripeAccount) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.StripeAccount;
public int hashCode() {
final int result = 1;
return result;
public static class Wechat extends StripeObject {
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Wechat)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Wechat other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Wechat) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Wechat;
public int hashCode() {
final int result = 1;
return result;
public AchCreditTransfer getAchCreditTransfer() {
return this.achCreditTransfer;
public AchDebit getAchDebit() {
return this.achDebit;
public AcssDebit getAcssDebit() {
return this.acssDebit;
public Alipay getAlipay() {
return this.alipay;
public AuBecsDebit getAuBecsDebit() {
return this.auBecsDebit;
public Bancontact getBancontact() {
return this.bancontact;
public Bitcoin getBitcoin() {
return this.bitcoin;
public Card getCard() {
return this.card;
public CardPresent getCardPresent() {
return this.cardPresent;
public Eps getEps() {
return this.eps;
public Fpx getFpx() {
return this.fpx;
public Giropay getGiropay() {
return this.giropay;
public Ideal getIdeal() {
return this.ideal;
public Klarna getKlarna() {
return this.klarna;
public Multibanco getMultibanco() {
return this.multibanco;
public P24 getP24() {
return this.p24;
public SepaCreditTransfer getSepaCreditTransfer() {
return this.sepaCreditTransfer;
public SepaDebit getSepaDebit() {
return this.sepaDebit;
public Sofort getSofort() {
return this.sofort;
public StripeAccount getStripeAccount() {
return this.stripeAccount;
* The type of transaction-specific details of the payment method used in the payment, one of
* {@code ach_credit_transfer}, {@code ach_debit}, {@code alipay}, {@code bancontact}, {@code
* card}, {@code card_present}, {@code eps}, {@code giropay}, {@code ideal}, {@code klarna},
* {@code multibanco}, {@code p24}, {@code sepa_debit}, {@code sofort}, {@code stripe_account},
* or {@code wechat}. An additional hash is included on {@code payment_method_details} with a
* name matching this value. It contains information specific to the payment method.
public String getType() {
return this.type;
public Wechat getWechat() {
return this.wechat;
public void setAchCreditTransfer(final AchCreditTransfer achCreditTransfer) {
this.achCreditTransfer = achCreditTransfer;
public void setAchDebit(final AchDebit achDebit) {
this.achDebit = achDebit;
public void setAcssDebit(final AcssDebit acssDebit) {
this.acssDebit = acssDebit;
public void setAlipay(final Alipay alipay) {
this.alipay = alipay;
public void setAuBecsDebit(final AuBecsDebit auBecsDebit) {
this.auBecsDebit = auBecsDebit;
public void setBancontact(final Bancontact bancontact) {
this.bancontact = bancontact;
public void setBitcoin(final Bitcoin bitcoin) {
this.bitcoin = bitcoin;
public void setCard(final Card card) {
this.card = card;
public void setCardPresent(final CardPresent cardPresent) {
this.cardPresent = cardPresent;
public void setEps(final Eps eps) {
this.eps = eps;
public void setFpx(final Fpx fpx) {
this.fpx = fpx;
public void setGiropay(final Giropay giropay) {
this.giropay = giropay;
public void setIdeal(final Ideal ideal) {
this.ideal = ideal;
public void setKlarna(final Klarna klarna) {
this.klarna = klarna;
public void setMultibanco(final Multibanco multibanco) {
this.multibanco = multibanco;
public void setP24(final P24 p24) {
this.p24 = p24;
public void setSepaCreditTransfer(final SepaCreditTransfer sepaCreditTransfer) {
this.sepaCreditTransfer = sepaCreditTransfer;
public void setSepaDebit(final SepaDebit sepaDebit) {
this.sepaDebit = sepaDebit;
public void setSofort(final Sofort sofort) {
this.sofort = sofort;
public void setStripeAccount(final StripeAccount stripeAccount) {
this.stripeAccount = stripeAccount;
* The type of transaction-specific details of the payment method used in the payment, one of
* {@code ach_credit_transfer}, {@code ach_debit}, {@code alipay}, {@code bancontact}, {@code
* card}, {@code card_present}, {@code eps}, {@code giropay}, {@code ideal}, {@code klarna},
* {@code multibanco}, {@code p24}, {@code sepa_debit}, {@code sofort}, {@code stripe_account},
* or {@code wechat}. An additional hash is included on {@code payment_method_details} with a
* name matching this value. It contains information specific to the payment method.
public void setType(final String type) {
this.type = type;
public void setWechat(final Wechat wechat) {
this.wechat = wechat;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails)) return false;
final Charge.PaymentMethodDetails other = (Charge.PaymentMethodDetails) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$achCreditTransfer = this.getAchCreditTransfer();
final java.lang.Object other$achCreditTransfer = other.getAchCreditTransfer();
if (this$achCreditTransfer == null ? other$achCreditTransfer != null : !this$achCreditTransfer.equals(other$achCreditTransfer)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$achDebit = this.getAchDebit();
final java.lang.Object other$achDebit = other.getAchDebit();
if (this$achDebit == null ? other$achDebit != null : !this$achDebit.equals(other$achDebit)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$acssDebit = this.getAcssDebit();
final java.lang.Object other$acssDebit = other.getAcssDebit();
if (this$acssDebit == null ? other$acssDebit != null : !this$acssDebit.equals(other$acssDebit)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$alipay = this.getAlipay();
final java.lang.Object other$alipay = other.getAlipay();
if (this$alipay == null ? other$alipay != null : !this$alipay.equals(other$alipay)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$auBecsDebit = this.getAuBecsDebit();
final java.lang.Object other$auBecsDebit = other.getAuBecsDebit();
if (this$auBecsDebit == null ? other$auBecsDebit != null : !this$auBecsDebit.equals(other$auBecsDebit)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$bancontact = this.getBancontact();
final java.lang.Object other$bancontact = other.getBancontact();
if (this$bancontact == null ? other$bancontact != null : !this$bancontact.equals(other$bancontact)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$bitcoin = this.getBitcoin();
final java.lang.Object other$bitcoin = other.getBitcoin();
if (this$bitcoin == null ? other$bitcoin != null : !this$bitcoin.equals(other$bitcoin)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$card = this.getCard();
final java.lang.Object other$card = other.getCard();
if (this$card == null ? other$card != null : !this$card.equals(other$card)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$cardPresent = this.getCardPresent();
final java.lang.Object other$cardPresent = other.getCardPresent();
if (this$cardPresent == null ? other$cardPresent != null : !this$cardPresent.equals(other$cardPresent)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$eps = this.getEps();
final java.lang.Object other$eps = other.getEps();
if (this$eps == null ? other$eps != null : !this$eps.equals(other$eps)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$fpx = this.getFpx();
final java.lang.Object other$fpx = other.getFpx();
if (this$fpx == null ? other$fpx != null : !this$fpx.equals(other$fpx)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$giropay = this.getGiropay();
final java.lang.Object other$giropay = other.getGiropay();
if (this$giropay == null ? other$giropay != null : !this$giropay.equals(other$giropay)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$ideal = this.getIdeal();
final java.lang.Object other$ideal = other.getIdeal();
if (this$ideal == null ? other$ideal != null : !this$ideal.equals(other$ideal)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$klarna = this.getKlarna();
final java.lang.Object other$klarna = other.getKlarna();
if (this$klarna == null ? other$klarna != null : !this$klarna.equals(other$klarna)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$multibanco = this.getMultibanco();
final java.lang.Object other$multibanco = other.getMultibanco();
if (this$multibanco == null ? other$multibanco != null : !this$multibanco.equals(other$multibanco)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$p24 = this.getP24();
final java.lang.Object other$p24 = other.getP24();
if (this$p24 == null ? other$p24 != null : !this$p24.equals(other$p24)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$sepaCreditTransfer = this.getSepaCreditTransfer();
final java.lang.Object other$sepaCreditTransfer = other.getSepaCreditTransfer();
if (this$sepaCreditTransfer == null ? other$sepaCreditTransfer != null : !this$sepaCreditTransfer.equals(other$sepaCreditTransfer)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$sepaDebit = this.getSepaDebit();
final java.lang.Object other$sepaDebit = other.getSepaDebit();
if (this$sepaDebit == null ? other$sepaDebit != null : !this$sepaDebit.equals(other$sepaDebit)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$sofort = this.getSofort();
final java.lang.Object other$sofort = other.getSofort();
if (this$sofort == null ? other$sofort != null : !this$sofort.equals(other$sofort)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$stripeAccount = this.getStripeAccount();
final java.lang.Object other$stripeAccount = other.getStripeAccount();
if (this$stripeAccount == null ? other$stripeAccount != null : !this$stripeAccount.equals(other$stripeAccount)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$type = this.getType();
final java.lang.Object other$type = other.getType();
if (this$type == null ? other$type != null : !this$type.equals(other$type)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$wechat = this.getWechat();
final java.lang.Object other$wechat = other.getWechat();
if (this$wechat == null ? other$wechat != null : !this$wechat.equals(other$wechat)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.PaymentMethodDetails;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $achCreditTransfer = this.getAchCreditTransfer();
result = result * PRIME + ($achCreditTransfer == null ? 43 : $achCreditTransfer.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $achDebit = this.getAchDebit();
result = result * PRIME + ($achDebit == null ? 43 : $achDebit.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $acssDebit = this.getAcssDebit();
result = result * PRIME + ($acssDebit == null ? 43 : $acssDebit.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $alipay = this.getAlipay();
result = result * PRIME + ($alipay == null ? 43 : $alipay.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $auBecsDebit = this.getAuBecsDebit();
result = result * PRIME + ($auBecsDebit == null ? 43 : $auBecsDebit.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $bancontact = this.getBancontact();
result = result * PRIME + ($bancontact == null ? 43 : $bancontact.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $bitcoin = this.getBitcoin();
result = result * PRIME + ($bitcoin == null ? 43 : $bitcoin.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $card = this.getCard();
result = result * PRIME + ($card == null ? 43 : $card.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $cardPresent = this.getCardPresent();
result = result * PRIME + ($cardPresent == null ? 43 : $cardPresent.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $eps = this.getEps();
result = result * PRIME + ($eps == null ? 43 : $eps.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $fpx = this.getFpx();
result = result * PRIME + ($fpx == null ? 43 : $fpx.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $giropay = this.getGiropay();
result = result * PRIME + ($giropay == null ? 43 : $giropay.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $ideal = this.getIdeal();
result = result * PRIME + ($ideal == null ? 43 : $ideal.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $klarna = this.getKlarna();
result = result * PRIME + ($klarna == null ? 43 : $klarna.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $multibanco = this.getMultibanco();
result = result * PRIME + ($multibanco == null ? 43 : $multibanco.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $p24 = this.getP24();
result = result * PRIME + ($p24 == null ? 43 : $p24.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $sepaCreditTransfer = this.getSepaCreditTransfer();
result = result * PRIME + ($sepaCreditTransfer == null ? 43 : $sepaCreditTransfer.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $sepaDebit = this.getSepaDebit();
result = result * PRIME + ($sepaDebit == null ? 43 : $sepaDebit.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $sofort = this.getSofort();
result = result * PRIME + ($sofort == null ? 43 : $sofort.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $stripeAccount = this.getStripeAccount();
result = result * PRIME + ($stripeAccount == null ? 43 : $stripeAccount.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $type = this.getType();
result = result * PRIME + ($type == null ? 43 : $type.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $wechat = this.getWechat();
result = result * PRIME + ($wechat == null ? 43 : $wechat.hashCode());
return result;
public static class TransferData extends StripeObject {
* The amount transferred to the destination account, if specified. By default, the entire
* charge amount is transferred to the destination account.
Long amount;
* ID of an existing, connected Stripe account to transfer funds to if {@code transfer_data} was
* specified in the charge request.
ExpandableField destination;
/** Get ID of expandable {@code destination} object. */
public String getDestination() {
return (this.destination != null) ? this.destination.getId() : null;
public void setDestination(String id) {
this.destination = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.destination);
/** Get expanded {@code destination}. */
public Account getDestinationObject() {
return (this.destination != null) ? this.destination.getExpanded() : null;
public void setDestinationObject(Account expandableObject) {
this.destination = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
public Long getAmount() {
return this.amount;
public void setAmount(final Long amount) {
this.amount = amount;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge.TransferData)) return false;
final Charge.TransferData other = (Charge.TransferData) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$amount = this.getAmount();
final java.lang.Object other$amount = other.getAmount();
if (this$amount == null ? other$amount != null : !this$amount.equals(other$amount)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$destination = this.getDestination();
final java.lang.Object other$destination = other.getDestination();
if (this$destination == null ? other$destination != null : !this$destination.equals(other$destination)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge.TransferData;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $amount = this.getAmount();
result = result * PRIME + ($amount == null ? 43 : $amount.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $destination = this.getDestination();
result = result * PRIME + ($destination == null ? 43 : $destination.hashCode());
return result;
public AlternateStatementDescriptors getAlternateStatementDescriptors() {
return this.alternateStatementDescriptors;
* Amount intended to be collected by this PaymentIntent. A positive integer representing how much
* to charge in the smallest currency
* unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00 or 100 to charge ¥100, a zero-decimal currency). The
* minimum amount is $0.50 US or equivalent in
* charge currency. The amount value supports up to eight digits (e.g., a value of 99999999
* for a USD charge of $999,999.99).
public Long getAmount() {
return this.amount;
* Amount in %s refunded (can be less than the amount attribute on the charge if a partial refund
* was issued).
public Long getAmountRefunded() {
return this.amountRefunded;
* The amount of the application fee (if any) for the charge. See the Connect
* documentation for details.
public Long getApplicationFeeAmount() {
return this.applicationFeeAmount;
* Authorization code on the charge.
public String getAuthorizationCode() {
return this.authorizationCode;
public PaymentMethod.BillingDetails getBillingDetails() {
return this.billingDetails;
* If the charge was created without capturing, this Boolean represents whether it is still
* uncaptured or has since been captured.
public Boolean getCaptured() {
return this.captured;
* Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
public Long getCreated() {
return this.created;
* Three-letter ISO currency code,
* in lowercase. Must be a supported currency.
public String getCurrency() {
return this.currency;
* An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
public String getDescription() {
return this.description;
* Whether the charge has been disputed.
public Boolean getDisputed() {
return this.disputed;
* Error code explaining reason for charge failure if available (see the errors section for a list of codes).
public String getFailureCode() {
return this.failureCode;
* Message to user further explaining reason for charge failure if available.
public String getFailureMessage() {
return this.failureMessage;
* Information on fraud assessments for the charge.
public FraudDetails getFraudDetails() {
return this.fraudDetails;
public Level3 getLevel3() {
return this.level3;
* Has the value {@code true} if the object exists in live mode or the value {@code false} if the
* object exists in test mode.
public Boolean getLivemode() {
return this.livemode;
* String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
* Equal to {@code charge}.
public String getObject() {
return this.object;
* Details about whether the payment was accepted, and why. See understanding declines for details.
public Outcome getOutcome() {
return this.outcome;
* {@code true} if the charge succeeded, or was successfully authorized for later capture.
public Boolean getPaid() {
return this.paid;
* ID of the PaymentIntent associated with this charge, if one exists.
public String getPaymentIntent() {
return this.paymentIntent;
* ID of the payment method used in this charge.
public String getPaymentMethod() {
return this.paymentMethod;
* Details about the payment method at the time of the transaction.
public PaymentMethodDetails getPaymentMethodDetails() {
return this.paymentMethodDetails;
* This is the email address that the receipt for this charge was sent to.
public String getReceiptEmail() {
return this.receiptEmail;
* This is the transaction number that appears on email receipts sent for this charge. This
* attribute will be {@code null} until a receipt has been sent.
public String getReceiptNumber() {
return this.receiptNumber;
* This is the URL to view the receipt for this charge. The receipt is kept up-to-date to the
* latest state of the charge, including any refunds. If the charge is for an Invoice, the receipt
* will be stylized as an Invoice receipt.
public String getReceiptUrl() {
return this.receiptUrl;
* Whether the charge has been fully refunded. If the charge is only partially refunded, this
* attribute will still be false.
public Boolean getRefunded() {
return this.refunded;
* A list of refunds that have been applied to the charge.
public RefundCollection getRefunds() {
return this.refunds;
* Shipping information for the charge.
public ShippingDetails getShipping() {
return this.shipping;
* This is a legacy field that will be removed in the future. It contains the Source, Card, or
* BankAccount object used for the charge. For details about the payment method used for this
* charge, refer to {@code payment_method} or {@code payment_method_details} instead.
public PaymentSource getSource() {
return this.source;
* For card charges, use {@code statement_descriptor_suffix} instead. Otherwise, you can use this
* value as the complete description of a charge on your customers’ statements. Must contain at
* least one letter, maximum 22 characters.
public String getStatementDescriptor() {
return this.statementDescriptor;
* Provides information about the charge that customers see on their statements. Concatenated with
* the prefix (shortened descriptor) or statement descriptor that’s set on the account to form the
* complete statement descriptor. Maximum 22 characters for the concatenated descriptor.
public String getStatementDescriptorSuffix() {
return this.statementDescriptorSuffix;
* The status of the payment is either {@code succeeded}, {@code pending}, or {@code failed}.
public String getStatus() {
return this.status;
* An optional dictionary including the account to automatically transfer to as part of a
* destination charge. See the
* Connect documentation for details.
public TransferData getTransferData() {
return this.transferData;
* A string that identifies this transaction as part of a group. See the Connect
* documentation for details.
public String getTransferGroup() {
return this.transferGroup;
public void setAlternateStatementDescriptors(final AlternateStatementDescriptors alternateStatementDescriptors) {
this.alternateStatementDescriptors = alternateStatementDescriptors;
* Amount intended to be collected by this PaymentIntent. A positive integer representing how much
* to charge in the smallest currency
* unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00 or 100 to charge ¥100, a zero-decimal currency). The
* minimum amount is $0.50 US or equivalent in
* charge currency. The amount value supports up to eight digits (e.g., a value of 99999999
* for a USD charge of $999,999.99).
public void setAmount(final Long amount) {
this.amount = amount;
* Amount in %s refunded (can be less than the amount attribute on the charge if a partial refund
* was issued).
public void setAmountRefunded(final Long amountRefunded) {
this.amountRefunded = amountRefunded;
* The amount of the application fee (if any) for the charge. See the Connect
* documentation for details.
public void setApplicationFeeAmount(final Long applicationFeeAmount) {
this.applicationFeeAmount = applicationFeeAmount;
* Authorization code on the charge.
public void setAuthorizationCode(final String authorizationCode) {
this.authorizationCode = authorizationCode;
public void setBillingDetails(final PaymentMethod.BillingDetails billingDetails) {
this.billingDetails = billingDetails;
* If the charge was created without capturing, this Boolean represents whether it is still
* uncaptured or has since been captured.
public void setCaptured(final Boolean captured) {
this.captured = captured;
* Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
public void setCreated(final Long created) {
this.created = created;
* Three-letter ISO currency code,
* in lowercase. Must be a supported currency.
public void setCurrency(final String currency) {
this.currency = currency;
* An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
public void setDescription(final String description) {
this.description = description;
* Whether the charge has been disputed.
public void setDisputed(final Boolean disputed) {
this.disputed = disputed;
* Error code explaining reason for charge failure if available (see the errors section for a list of codes).
public void setFailureCode(final String failureCode) {
this.failureCode = failureCode;
* Message to user further explaining reason for charge failure if available.
public void setFailureMessage(final String failureMessage) {
this.failureMessage = failureMessage;
* Information on fraud assessments for the charge.
public void setFraudDetails(final FraudDetails fraudDetails) {
this.fraudDetails = fraudDetails;
* Unique identifier for the object.
public void setId(final String id) {
this.id = id;
public void setLevel3(final Level3 level3) {
this.level3 = level3;
* Has the value {@code true} if the object exists in live mode or the value {@code false} if the
* object exists in test mode.
public void setLivemode(final Boolean livemode) {
this.livemode = livemode;
* Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing
* additional information about the object in a structured format.
public void setMetadata(final Map metadata) {
this.metadata = metadata;
* String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
* Equal to {@code charge}.
public void setObject(final String object) {
this.object = object;
* Details about whether the payment was accepted, and why. See understanding declines for details.
public void setOutcome(final Outcome outcome) {
this.outcome = outcome;
* {@code true} if the charge succeeded, or was successfully authorized for later capture.
public void setPaid(final Boolean paid) {
this.paid = paid;
* ID of the PaymentIntent associated with this charge, if one exists.
public void setPaymentIntent(final String paymentIntent) {
this.paymentIntent = paymentIntent;
* ID of the payment method used in this charge.
public void setPaymentMethod(final String paymentMethod) {
this.paymentMethod = paymentMethod;
* Details about the payment method at the time of the transaction.
public void setPaymentMethodDetails(final PaymentMethodDetails paymentMethodDetails) {
this.paymentMethodDetails = paymentMethodDetails;
* This is the email address that the receipt for this charge was sent to.
public void setReceiptEmail(final String receiptEmail) {
this.receiptEmail = receiptEmail;
* This is the transaction number that appears on email receipts sent for this charge. This
* attribute will be {@code null} until a receipt has been sent.
public void setReceiptNumber(final String receiptNumber) {
this.receiptNumber = receiptNumber;
* This is the URL to view the receipt for this charge. The receipt is kept up-to-date to the
* latest state of the charge, including any refunds. If the charge is for an Invoice, the receipt
* will be stylized as an Invoice receipt.
public void setReceiptUrl(final String receiptUrl) {
this.receiptUrl = receiptUrl;
* Whether the charge has been fully refunded. If the charge is only partially refunded, this
* attribute will still be false.
public void setRefunded(final Boolean refunded) {
this.refunded = refunded;
* A list of refunds that have been applied to the charge.
public void setRefunds(final RefundCollection refunds) {
this.refunds = refunds;
* Shipping information for the charge.
public void setShipping(final ShippingDetails shipping) {
this.shipping = shipping;
* This is a legacy field that will be removed in the future. It contains the Source, Card, or
* BankAccount object used for the charge. For details about the payment method used for this
* charge, refer to {@code payment_method} or {@code payment_method_details} instead.
public void setSource(final PaymentSource source) {
this.source = source;
* For card charges, use {@code statement_descriptor_suffix} instead. Otherwise, you can use this
* value as the complete description of a charge on your customers’ statements. Must contain at
* least one letter, maximum 22 characters.
public void setStatementDescriptor(final String statementDescriptor) {
this.statementDescriptor = statementDescriptor;
* Provides information about the charge that customers see on their statements. Concatenated with
* the prefix (shortened descriptor) or statement descriptor that’s set on the account to form the
* complete statement descriptor. Maximum 22 characters for the concatenated descriptor.
public void setStatementDescriptorSuffix(final String statementDescriptorSuffix) {
this.statementDescriptorSuffix = statementDescriptorSuffix;
* The status of the payment is either {@code succeeded}, {@code pending}, or {@code failed}.
public void setStatus(final String status) {
this.status = status;
* An optional dictionary including the account to automatically transfer to as part of a
* destination charge. See the
* Connect documentation for details.
public void setTransferData(final TransferData transferData) {
this.transferData = transferData;
* A string that identifies this transaction as part of a group. See the Connect
* documentation for details.
public void setTransferGroup(final String transferGroup) {
this.transferGroup = transferGroup;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Charge)) return false;
final Charge other = (Charge) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$alternateStatementDescriptors = this.getAlternateStatementDescriptors();
final java.lang.Object other$alternateStatementDescriptors = other.getAlternateStatementDescriptors();
if (this$alternateStatementDescriptors == null ? other$alternateStatementDescriptors != null : !this$alternateStatementDescriptors.equals(other$alternateStatementDescriptors)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$amount = this.getAmount();
final java.lang.Object other$amount = other.getAmount();
if (this$amount == null ? other$amount != null : !this$amount.equals(other$amount)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$amountRefunded = this.getAmountRefunded();
final java.lang.Object other$amountRefunded = other.getAmountRefunded();
if (this$amountRefunded == null ? other$amountRefunded != null : !this$amountRefunded.equals(other$amountRefunded)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$application = this.getApplication();
final java.lang.Object other$application = other.getApplication();
if (this$application == null ? other$application != null : !this$application.equals(other$application)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$applicationFee = this.getApplicationFee();
final java.lang.Object other$applicationFee = other.getApplicationFee();
if (this$applicationFee == null ? other$applicationFee != null : !this$applicationFee.equals(other$applicationFee)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$applicationFeeAmount = this.getApplicationFeeAmount();
final java.lang.Object other$applicationFeeAmount = other.getApplicationFeeAmount();
if (this$applicationFeeAmount == null ? other$applicationFeeAmount != null : !this$applicationFeeAmount.equals(other$applicationFeeAmount)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$authorizationCode = this.getAuthorizationCode();
final java.lang.Object other$authorizationCode = other.getAuthorizationCode();
if (this$authorizationCode == null ? other$authorizationCode != null : !this$authorizationCode.equals(other$authorizationCode)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$balanceTransaction = this.getBalanceTransaction();
final java.lang.Object other$balanceTransaction = other.getBalanceTransaction();
if (this$balanceTransaction == null ? other$balanceTransaction != null : !this$balanceTransaction.equals(other$balanceTransaction)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$billingDetails = this.getBillingDetails();
final java.lang.Object other$billingDetails = other.getBillingDetails();
if (this$billingDetails == null ? other$billingDetails != null : !this$billingDetails.equals(other$billingDetails)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$captured = this.getCaptured();
final java.lang.Object other$captured = other.getCaptured();
if (this$captured == null ? other$captured != null : !this$captured.equals(other$captured)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$created = this.getCreated();
final java.lang.Object other$created = other.getCreated();
if (this$created == null ? other$created != null : !this$created.equals(other$created)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$currency = this.getCurrency();
final java.lang.Object other$currency = other.getCurrency();
if (this$currency == null ? other$currency != null : !this$currency.equals(other$currency)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$customer = this.getCustomer();
final java.lang.Object other$customer = other.getCustomer();
if (this$customer == null ? other$customer != null : !this$customer.equals(other$customer)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$description = this.getDescription();
final java.lang.Object other$description = other.getDescription();
if (this$description == null ? other$description != null : !this$description.equals(other$description)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$destination = this.getDestination();
final java.lang.Object other$destination = other.getDestination();
if (this$destination == null ? other$destination != null : !this$destination.equals(other$destination)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$dispute = this.getDispute();
final java.lang.Object other$dispute = other.getDispute();
if (this$dispute == null ? other$dispute != null : !this$dispute.equals(other$dispute)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$disputed = this.getDisputed();
final java.lang.Object other$disputed = other.getDisputed();
if (this$disputed == null ? other$disputed != null : !this$disputed.equals(other$disputed)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$failureCode = this.getFailureCode();
final java.lang.Object other$failureCode = other.getFailureCode();
if (this$failureCode == null ? other$failureCode != null : !this$failureCode.equals(other$failureCode)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$failureMessage = this.getFailureMessage();
final java.lang.Object other$failureMessage = other.getFailureMessage();
if (this$failureMessage == null ? other$failureMessage != null : !this$failureMessage.equals(other$failureMessage)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$fraudDetails = this.getFraudDetails();
final java.lang.Object other$fraudDetails = other.getFraudDetails();
if (this$fraudDetails == null ? other$fraudDetails != null : !this$fraudDetails.equals(other$fraudDetails)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$id = this.getId();
final java.lang.Object other$id = other.getId();
if (this$id == null ? other$id != null : !this$id.equals(other$id)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$invoice = this.getInvoice();
final java.lang.Object other$invoice = other.getInvoice();
if (this$invoice == null ? other$invoice != null : !this$invoice.equals(other$invoice)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$level3 = this.getLevel3();
final java.lang.Object other$level3 = other.getLevel3();
if (this$level3 == null ? other$level3 != null : !this$level3.equals(other$level3)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$livemode = this.getLivemode();
final java.lang.Object other$livemode = other.getLivemode();
if (this$livemode == null ? other$livemode != null : !this$livemode.equals(other$livemode)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$metadata = this.getMetadata();
final java.lang.Object other$metadata = other.getMetadata();
if (this$metadata == null ? other$metadata != null : !this$metadata.equals(other$metadata)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$object = this.getObject();
final java.lang.Object other$object = other.getObject();
if (this$object == null ? other$object != null : !this$object.equals(other$object)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$onBehalfOf = this.getOnBehalfOf();
final java.lang.Object other$onBehalfOf = other.getOnBehalfOf();
if (this$onBehalfOf == null ? other$onBehalfOf != null : !this$onBehalfOf.equals(other$onBehalfOf)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$order = this.getOrder();
final java.lang.Object other$order = other.getOrder();
if (this$order == null ? other$order != null : !this$order.equals(other$order)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$outcome = this.getOutcome();
final java.lang.Object other$outcome = other.getOutcome();
if (this$outcome == null ? other$outcome != null : !this$outcome.equals(other$outcome)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$paid = this.getPaid();
final java.lang.Object other$paid = other.getPaid();
if (this$paid == null ? other$paid != null : !this$paid.equals(other$paid)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$paymentIntent = this.getPaymentIntent();
final java.lang.Object other$paymentIntent = other.getPaymentIntent();
if (this$paymentIntent == null ? other$paymentIntent != null : !this$paymentIntent.equals(other$paymentIntent)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$paymentMethod = this.getPaymentMethod();
final java.lang.Object other$paymentMethod = other.getPaymentMethod();
if (this$paymentMethod == null ? other$paymentMethod != null : !this$paymentMethod.equals(other$paymentMethod)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$paymentMethodDetails = this.getPaymentMethodDetails();
final java.lang.Object other$paymentMethodDetails = other.getPaymentMethodDetails();
if (this$paymentMethodDetails == null ? other$paymentMethodDetails != null : !this$paymentMethodDetails.equals(other$paymentMethodDetails)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$receiptEmail = this.getReceiptEmail();
final java.lang.Object other$receiptEmail = other.getReceiptEmail();
if (this$receiptEmail == null ? other$receiptEmail != null : !this$receiptEmail.equals(other$receiptEmail)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$receiptNumber = this.getReceiptNumber();
final java.lang.Object other$receiptNumber = other.getReceiptNumber();
if (this$receiptNumber == null ? other$receiptNumber != null : !this$receiptNumber.equals(other$receiptNumber)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$receiptUrl = this.getReceiptUrl();
final java.lang.Object other$receiptUrl = other.getReceiptUrl();
if (this$receiptUrl == null ? other$receiptUrl != null : !this$receiptUrl.equals(other$receiptUrl)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$refunded = this.getRefunded();
final java.lang.Object other$refunded = other.getRefunded();
if (this$refunded == null ? other$refunded != null : !this$refunded.equals(other$refunded)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$refunds = this.getRefunds();
final java.lang.Object other$refunds = other.getRefunds();
if (this$refunds == null ? other$refunds != null : !this$refunds.equals(other$refunds)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$review = this.getReview();
final java.lang.Object other$review = other.getReview();
if (this$review == null ? other$review != null : !this$review.equals(other$review)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$shipping = this.getShipping();
final java.lang.Object other$shipping = other.getShipping();
if (this$shipping == null ? other$shipping != null : !this$shipping.equals(other$shipping)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$source = this.getSource();
final java.lang.Object other$source = other.getSource();
if (this$source == null ? other$source != null : !this$source.equals(other$source)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$sourceTransfer = this.getSourceTransfer();
final java.lang.Object other$sourceTransfer = other.getSourceTransfer();
if (this$sourceTransfer == null ? other$sourceTransfer != null : !this$sourceTransfer.equals(other$sourceTransfer)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$statementDescriptor = this.getStatementDescriptor();
final java.lang.Object other$statementDescriptor = other.getStatementDescriptor();
if (this$statementDescriptor == null ? other$statementDescriptor != null : !this$statementDescriptor.equals(other$statementDescriptor)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$statementDescriptorSuffix = this.getStatementDescriptorSuffix();
final java.lang.Object other$statementDescriptorSuffix = other.getStatementDescriptorSuffix();
if (this$statementDescriptorSuffix == null ? other$statementDescriptorSuffix != null : !this$statementDescriptorSuffix.equals(other$statementDescriptorSuffix)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$status = this.getStatus();
final java.lang.Object other$status = other.getStatus();
if (this$status == null ? other$status != null : !this$status.equals(other$status)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$transfer = this.getTransfer();
final java.lang.Object other$transfer = other.getTransfer();
if (this$transfer == null ? other$transfer != null : !this$transfer.equals(other$transfer)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$transferData = this.getTransferData();
final java.lang.Object other$transferData = other.getTransferData();
if (this$transferData == null ? other$transferData != null : !this$transferData.equals(other$transferData)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$transferGroup = this.getTransferGroup();
final java.lang.Object other$transferGroup = other.getTransferGroup();
if (this$transferGroup == null ? other$transferGroup != null : !this$transferGroup.equals(other$transferGroup)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Charge;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $alternateStatementDescriptors = this.getAlternateStatementDescriptors();
result = result * PRIME + ($alternateStatementDescriptors == null ? 43 : $alternateStatementDescriptors.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $amount = this.getAmount();
result = result * PRIME + ($amount == null ? 43 : $amount.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $amountRefunded = this.getAmountRefunded();
result = result * PRIME + ($amountRefunded == null ? 43 : $amountRefunded.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $application = this.getApplication();
result = result * PRIME + ($application == null ? 43 : $application.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $applicationFee = this.getApplicationFee();
result = result * PRIME + ($applicationFee == null ? 43 : $applicationFee.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $applicationFeeAmount = this.getApplicationFeeAmount();
result = result * PRIME + ($applicationFeeAmount == null ? 43 : $applicationFeeAmount.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $authorizationCode = this.getAuthorizationCode();
result = result * PRIME + ($authorizationCode == null ? 43 : $authorizationCode.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $balanceTransaction = this.getBalanceTransaction();
result = result * PRIME + ($balanceTransaction == null ? 43 : $balanceTransaction.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $billingDetails = this.getBillingDetails();
result = result * PRIME + ($billingDetails == null ? 43 : $billingDetails.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $captured = this.getCaptured();
result = result * PRIME + ($captured == null ? 43 : $captured.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $created = this.getCreated();
result = result * PRIME + ($created == null ? 43 : $created.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $currency = this.getCurrency();
result = result * PRIME + ($currency == null ? 43 : $currency.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $customer = this.getCustomer();
result = result * PRIME + ($customer == null ? 43 : $customer.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $description = this.getDescription();
result = result * PRIME + ($description == null ? 43 : $description.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $destination = this.getDestination();
result = result * PRIME + ($destination == null ? 43 : $destination.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $dispute = this.getDispute();
result = result * PRIME + ($dispute == null ? 43 : $dispute.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $disputed = this.getDisputed();
result = result * PRIME + ($disputed == null ? 43 : $disputed.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $failureCode = this.getFailureCode();
result = result * PRIME + ($failureCode == null ? 43 : $failureCode.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $failureMessage = this.getFailureMessage();
result = result * PRIME + ($failureMessage == null ? 43 : $failureMessage.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $fraudDetails = this.getFraudDetails();
result = result * PRIME + ($fraudDetails == null ? 43 : $fraudDetails.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $id = this.getId();
result = result * PRIME + ($id == null ? 43 : $id.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $invoice = this.getInvoice();
result = result * PRIME + ($invoice == null ? 43 : $invoice.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $level3 = this.getLevel3();
result = result * PRIME + ($level3 == null ? 43 : $level3.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $livemode = this.getLivemode();
result = result * PRIME + ($livemode == null ? 43 : $livemode.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $metadata = this.getMetadata();
result = result * PRIME + ($metadata == null ? 43 : $metadata.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $object = this.getObject();
result = result * PRIME + ($object == null ? 43 : $object.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $onBehalfOf = this.getOnBehalfOf();
result = result * PRIME + ($onBehalfOf == null ? 43 : $onBehalfOf.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $order = this.getOrder();
result = result * PRIME + ($order == null ? 43 : $order.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $outcome = this.getOutcome();
result = result * PRIME + ($outcome == null ? 43 : $outcome.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $paid = this.getPaid();
result = result * PRIME + ($paid == null ? 43 : $paid.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $paymentIntent = this.getPaymentIntent();
result = result * PRIME + ($paymentIntent == null ? 43 : $paymentIntent.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $paymentMethod = this.getPaymentMethod();
result = result * PRIME + ($paymentMethod == null ? 43 : $paymentMethod.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $paymentMethodDetails = this.getPaymentMethodDetails();
result = result * PRIME + ($paymentMethodDetails == null ? 43 : $paymentMethodDetails.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $receiptEmail = this.getReceiptEmail();
result = result * PRIME + ($receiptEmail == null ? 43 : $receiptEmail.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $receiptNumber = this.getReceiptNumber();
result = result * PRIME + ($receiptNumber == null ? 43 : $receiptNumber.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $receiptUrl = this.getReceiptUrl();
result = result * PRIME + ($receiptUrl == null ? 43 : $receiptUrl.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $refunded = this.getRefunded();
result = result * PRIME + ($refunded == null ? 43 : $refunded.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $refunds = this.getRefunds();
result = result * PRIME + ($refunds == null ? 43 : $refunds.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $review = this.getReview();
result = result * PRIME + ($review == null ? 43 : $review.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $shipping = this.getShipping();
result = result * PRIME + ($shipping == null ? 43 : $shipping.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $source = this.getSource();
result = result * PRIME + ($source == null ? 43 : $source.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $sourceTransfer = this.getSourceTransfer();
result = result * PRIME + ($sourceTransfer == null ? 43 : $sourceTransfer.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $statementDescriptor = this.getStatementDescriptor();
result = result * PRIME + ($statementDescriptor == null ? 43 : $statementDescriptor.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $statementDescriptorSuffix = this.getStatementDescriptorSuffix();
result = result * PRIME + ($statementDescriptorSuffix == null ? 43 : $statementDescriptorSuffix.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $status = this.getStatus();
result = result * PRIME + ($status == null ? 43 : $status.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $transfer = this.getTransfer();
result = result * PRIME + ($transfer == null ? 43 : $transfer.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $transferData = this.getTransferData();
result = result * PRIME + ($transferData == null ? 43 : $transferData.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $transferGroup = this.getTransferGroup();
result = result * PRIME + ($transferGroup == null ? 43 : $transferGroup.hashCode());
return result;
* Unique identifier for the object.
public String getId() {
return this.id;
* Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing
* additional information about the object in a structured format.
public Map getMetadata() {
return this.metadata;