com.stripe.model.Customer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Generated by delombok at Wed Mar 04 19:23:38 PST 2020
package com.stripe.model;
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
import com.stripe.Stripe;
import com.stripe.exception.StripeException;
import com.stripe.net.ApiResource;
import com.stripe.net.RequestOptions;
import com.stripe.param.CustomerBalanceTransactionsParams;
import com.stripe.param.CustomerCreateParams;
import com.stripe.param.CustomerListParams;
import com.stripe.param.CustomerRetrieveParams;
import com.stripe.param.CustomerUpdateParams;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class Customer extends ApiResource implements HasId, MetadataStore {
* The customer's address.
Address address;
* Current balance, if any, being stored on the customer. If negative, the customer has credit to
* apply to their next invoice. If positive, the customer has an amount owed that will be added to
* their next invoice. The balance does not refer to any unpaid invoices; it solely takes into
* account amounts that have yet to be successfully applied to any invoice. This balance is only
* taken into account as invoices are finalized.
Long balance;
* Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
Long created;
* Three-letter ISO code for the currency the
* customer can be charged in for recurring billing purposes.
String currency;
* ID of the default payment source for the customer.
* If you are using payment methods created via the PaymentMethods API, see the invoice_settings.default_payment_method
* field instead.
ExpandableField defaultSource;
* Always true for a deleted object.
Boolean deleted;
* When the customer's latest invoice is billed by charging automatically, delinquent is true if
* the invoice's latest charge is failed. When the customer's latest invoice is billed by sending
* an invoice, delinquent is true if the invoice is not paid by its due date.
Boolean delinquent;
* An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
String description;
* Describes the current discount active on the customer, if there is one.
Discount discount;
* The customer's email address.
String email;
* Unique identifier for the object.
String id;
* The prefix for the customer used to generate unique invoice numbers.
String invoicePrefix;
InvoiceSettings invoiceSettings;
* Has the value {@code true} if the object exists in live mode or the value {@code false} if the
* object exists in test mode.
Boolean livemode;
* Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing
* additional information about the object in a structured format.
Map metadata;
* The customer's full name or business name.
String name;
* The suffix of the customer's next invoice number, e.g., 0001.
Long nextInvoiceSequence;
* String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
* Equal to {@code customer}.
String object;
* The customer's phone number.
String phone;
* The customer's preferred locales (languages), ordered by preference.
List preferredLocales;
* Mailing and shipping address for the customer. Appears on invoices emailed to this customer.
ShippingDetails shipping;
* The customer's payment sources, if any.
PaymentSourceCollection sources;
* The customer's current subscriptions, if any.
SubscriptionCollection subscriptions;
* Describes the customer's tax exemption status. One of {@code none}, {@code exempt}, or {@code
* reverse}. When set to {@code reverse}, invoice and receipt PDFs include the text
* "Reverse charge".
String taxExempt;
* The customer's tax IDs.
TaxIdCollection taxIds;
* Get ID of expandable {@code defaultSource} object.
public String getDefaultSource() {
return (this.defaultSource != null) ? this.defaultSource.getId() : null;
public void setDefaultSource(String id) {
this.defaultSource = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.defaultSource);
* Get expanded {@code defaultSource}.
public PaymentSource getDefaultSourceObject() {
return (this.defaultSource != null) ? this.defaultSource.getExpanded() : null;
public void setDefaultSourceObject(PaymentSource expandableObject) {
this.defaultSource = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
* Returns a list of your customers. The customers are returned sorted by creation date, with the
* most recent customers appearing first.
public static CustomerCollection list(Map params) throws StripeException {
return list(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Returns a list of your customers. The customers are returned sorted by creation date, with the
* most recent customers appearing first.
public static CustomerCollection list(Map params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url = String.format("%s%s", Stripe.getApiBase(), "/v1/customers");
return ApiResource.requestCollection(url, params, CustomerCollection.class, options);
* Returns a list of your customers. The customers are returned sorted by creation date, with the
* most recent customers appearing first.
public static CustomerCollection list(CustomerListParams params) throws StripeException {
return list(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Returns a list of your customers. The customers are returned sorted by creation date, with the
* most recent customers appearing first.
public static CustomerCollection list(CustomerListParams params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url = String.format("%s%s", Stripe.getApiBase(), "/v1/customers");
return ApiResource.requestCollection(url, params, CustomerCollection.class, options);
* Creates a new customer object.
public static Customer create(Map params) throws StripeException {
return create(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Creates a new customer object.
public static Customer create(Map params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url = String.format("%s%s", Stripe.getApiBase(), "/v1/customers");
return ApiResource.request(ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, Customer.class, options);
* Creates a new customer object.
public static Customer create(CustomerCreateParams params) throws StripeException {
return create(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Creates a new customer object.
public static Customer create(CustomerCreateParams params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url = String.format("%s%s", Stripe.getApiBase(), "/v1/customers");
return ApiResource.request(ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, Customer.class, options);
* Retrieves the details of an existing customer. You need only supply the unique customer
* identifier that was returned upon customer creation.
public static Customer retrieve(String customer) throws StripeException {
return retrieve(customer, (Map) null, (RequestOptions) null);
* Retrieves the details of an existing customer. You need only supply the unique customer
* identifier that was returned upon customer creation.
public static Customer retrieve(String customer, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
return retrieve(customer, (Map) null, options);
* Retrieves the details of an existing customer. You need only supply the unique customer
* identifier that was returned upon customer creation.
public static Customer retrieve(String customer, Map params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url = String.format("%s%s", Stripe.getApiBase(), String.format("/v1/customers/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(customer)));
return ApiResource.request(ApiResource.RequestMethod.GET, url, params, Customer.class, options);
* Retrieves the details of an existing customer. You need only supply the unique customer
* identifier that was returned upon customer creation.
public static Customer retrieve(String customer, CustomerRetrieveParams params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url = String.format("%s%s", Stripe.getApiBase(), String.format("/v1/customers/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(customer)));
return ApiResource.request(ApiResource.RequestMethod.GET, url, params, Customer.class, options);
* Updates the specified customer by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters
* not provided will be left unchanged. For example, if you pass the source
* parameter, that becomes the customer’s active source (e.g., a card) to be used for all charges
* in the future. When you update a customer to a new valid card source by passing the
* source parameter: for each of the customer’s current subscriptions, if the
* subscription bills automatically and is in the past_due
state, then the latest
* open invoice for the subscription with automatic collection enabled will be retried. This retry
* will not count as an automatic retry, and will not affect the next regularly scheduled payment
* for the invoice. Changing the default_source for a customer will not trigger
* this behavior.
* This request accepts mostly the same arguments as the customer creation call.
public Customer update(Map params) throws StripeException {
return update(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Updates the specified customer by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters
* not provided will be left unchanged. For example, if you pass the source
* parameter, that becomes the customer’s active source (e.g., a card) to be used for all charges
* in the future. When you update a customer to a new valid card source by passing the
* source parameter: for each of the customer’s current subscriptions, if the
* subscription bills automatically and is in the past_due
state, then the latest
* open invoice for the subscription with automatic collection enabled will be retried. This retry
* will not count as an automatic retry, and will not affect the next regularly scheduled payment
* for the invoice. Changing the default_source for a customer will not trigger
* this behavior.
* This request accepts mostly the same arguments as the customer creation call.
public Customer update(Map params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url = String.format("%s%s", Stripe.getApiBase(), String.format("/v1/customers/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId())));
return ApiResource.request(ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, Customer.class, options);
* Updates the specified customer by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters
* not provided will be left unchanged. For example, if you pass the source
* parameter, that becomes the customer’s active source (e.g., a card) to be used for all charges
* in the future. When you update a customer to a new valid card source by passing the
* source parameter: for each of the customer’s current subscriptions, if the
* subscription bills automatically and is in the past_due
state, then the latest
* open invoice for the subscription with automatic collection enabled will be retried. This retry
* will not count as an automatic retry, and will not affect the next regularly scheduled payment
* for the invoice. Changing the default_source for a customer will not trigger
* this behavior.
* This request accepts mostly the same arguments as the customer creation call.
public Customer update(CustomerUpdateParams params) throws StripeException {
return update(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Updates the specified customer by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters
* not provided will be left unchanged. For example, if you pass the source
* parameter, that becomes the customer’s active source (e.g., a card) to be used for all charges
* in the future. When you update a customer to a new valid card source by passing the
* source parameter: for each of the customer’s current subscriptions, if the
* subscription bills automatically and is in the past_due
state, then the latest
* open invoice for the subscription with automatic collection enabled will be retried. This retry
* will not count as an automatic retry, and will not affect the next regularly scheduled payment
* for the invoice. Changing the default_source for a customer will not trigger
* this behavior.
This request accepts mostly the same arguments as the customer creation call.
public Customer update(CustomerUpdateParams params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url = String.format("%s%s", Stripe.getApiBase(), String.format("/v1/customers/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId())));
return ApiResource.request(ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, Customer.class, options);
* Permanently deletes a customer. It cannot be undone. Also immediately cancels any active
* subscriptions on the customer.
public Customer delete() throws StripeException {
return delete((Map) null, (RequestOptions) null);
* Permanently deletes a customer. It cannot be undone. Also immediately cancels any active
* subscriptions on the customer.
public Customer delete(RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
return delete((Map) null, options);
* Permanently deletes a customer. It cannot be undone. Also immediately cancels any active
* subscriptions on the customer.
public Customer delete(Map params) throws StripeException {
return delete(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Permanently deletes a customer. It cannot be undone. Also immediately cancels any active
* subscriptions on the customer.
public Customer delete(Map params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url = String.format("%s%s", Stripe.getApiBase(), String.format("/v1/customers/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId())));
return ApiResource.request(ApiResource.RequestMethod.DELETE, url, params, Customer.class, options);
* Returns a list of transactions that updated the customer’s balance
public CustomerBalanceTransactionCollection balanceTransactions() throws StripeException {
return balanceTransactions((Map) null, (RequestOptions) null);
* Returns a list of transactions that updated the customer’s balance
public CustomerBalanceTransactionCollection balanceTransactions(Map params) throws StripeException {
return balanceTransactions(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Returns a list of transactions that updated the customer’s balance
public CustomerBalanceTransactionCollection balanceTransactions(Map params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url = String.format("%s%s", Stripe.getApiBase(), String.format("/v1/customers/%s/balance_transactions", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId())));
return ApiResource.requestCollection(url, params, CustomerBalanceTransactionCollection.class, options);
* Returns a list of transactions that updated the customer’s balance
public CustomerBalanceTransactionCollection balanceTransactions(CustomerBalanceTransactionsParams params) throws StripeException {
return balanceTransactions(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Returns a list of transactions that updated the customer’s balance
public CustomerBalanceTransactionCollection balanceTransactions(CustomerBalanceTransactionsParams params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url = String.format("%s%s", Stripe.getApiBase(), String.format("/v1/customers/%s/balance_transactions", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId())));
return ApiResource.requestCollection(url, params, CustomerBalanceTransactionCollection.class, options);
* Removes the currently applied discount on a customer.
public Discount deleteDiscount() throws StripeException {
return deleteDiscount((Map) null, (RequestOptions) null);
* Removes the currently applied discount on a customer.
public Discount deleteDiscount(Map params) throws StripeException {
return deleteDiscount(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Removes the currently applied discount on a customer.
public Discount deleteDiscount(Map params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url = String.format("%s%s", Stripe.getApiBase(), String.format("/v1/customers/%s/discount", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId())));
return ApiResource.request(ApiResource.RequestMethod.DELETE, url, params, Discount.class, options);
public static class InvoiceSettings extends StripeObject {
/** Default custom fields to be displayed on invoices for this customer. */
List customFields;
* ID of a payment method that's attached to the customer, to be used as the customer's default
* payment method for subscriptions and invoices.
ExpandableField defaultPaymentMethod;
/** Default footer to be displayed on invoices for this customer. */
String footer;
/** Get ID of expandable {@code defaultPaymentMethod} object. */
public String getDefaultPaymentMethod() {
return (this.defaultPaymentMethod != null) ? this.defaultPaymentMethod.getId() : null;
public void setDefaultPaymentMethod(String id) {
this.defaultPaymentMethod = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.defaultPaymentMethod);
/** Get expanded {@code defaultPaymentMethod}. */
public PaymentMethod getDefaultPaymentMethodObject() {
return (this.defaultPaymentMethod != null) ? this.defaultPaymentMethod.getExpanded() : null;
public void setDefaultPaymentMethodObject(PaymentMethod expandableObject) {
this.defaultPaymentMethod = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
public List getCustomFields() {
return this.customFields;
public String getFooter() {
return this.footer;
public void setCustomFields(final List customFields) {
this.customFields = customFields;
public void setFooter(final String footer) {
this.footer = footer;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Customer.InvoiceSettings)) return false;
final Customer.InvoiceSettings other = (Customer.InvoiceSettings) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$customFields = this.getCustomFields();
final java.lang.Object other$customFields = other.getCustomFields();
if (this$customFields == null ? other$customFields != null : !this$customFields.equals(other$customFields)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$defaultPaymentMethod = this.getDefaultPaymentMethod();
final java.lang.Object other$defaultPaymentMethod = other.getDefaultPaymentMethod();
if (this$defaultPaymentMethod == null ? other$defaultPaymentMethod != null : !this$defaultPaymentMethod.equals(other$defaultPaymentMethod)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$footer = this.getFooter();
final java.lang.Object other$footer = other.getFooter();
if (this$footer == null ? other$footer != null : !this$footer.equals(other$footer)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Customer.InvoiceSettings;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $customFields = this.getCustomFields();
result = result * PRIME + ($customFields == null ? 43 : $customFields.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $defaultPaymentMethod = this.getDefaultPaymentMethod();
result = result * PRIME + ($defaultPaymentMethod == null ? 43 : $defaultPaymentMethod.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $footer = this.getFooter();
result = result * PRIME + ($footer == null ? 43 : $footer.hashCode());
return result;
* The customer's address.
public Address getAddress() {
return this.address;
* Current balance, if any, being stored on the customer. If negative, the customer has credit to
* apply to their next invoice. If positive, the customer has an amount owed that will be added to
* their next invoice. The balance does not refer to any unpaid invoices; it solely takes into
* account amounts that have yet to be successfully applied to any invoice. This balance is only
* taken into account as invoices are finalized.
public Long getBalance() {
return this.balance;
* Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
public Long getCreated() {
return this.created;
* Three-letter ISO code for the currency the
* customer can be charged in for recurring billing purposes.
public String getCurrency() {
return this.currency;
* Always true for a deleted object.
public Boolean getDeleted() {
return this.deleted;
* When the customer's latest invoice is billed by charging automatically, delinquent is true if
* the invoice's latest charge is failed. When the customer's latest invoice is billed by sending
* an invoice, delinquent is true if the invoice is not paid by its due date.
public Boolean getDelinquent() {
return this.delinquent;
* An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
public String getDescription() {
return this.description;
* Describes the current discount active on the customer, if there is one.
public Discount getDiscount() {
return this.discount;
* The customer's email address.
public String getEmail() {
return this.email;
* The prefix for the customer used to generate unique invoice numbers.
public String getInvoicePrefix() {
return this.invoicePrefix;
public InvoiceSettings getInvoiceSettings() {
return this.invoiceSettings;
* Has the value {@code true} if the object exists in live mode or the value {@code false} if the
* object exists in test mode.
public Boolean getLivemode() {
return this.livemode;
* The customer's full name or business name.
public String getName() {
return this.name;
* The suffix of the customer's next invoice number, e.g., 0001.
public Long getNextInvoiceSequence() {
return this.nextInvoiceSequence;
* String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
* Equal to {@code customer}.
public String getObject() {
return this.object;
* The customer's phone number.
public String getPhone() {
return this.phone;
* The customer's preferred locales (languages), ordered by preference.
public List getPreferredLocales() {
return this.preferredLocales;
* Mailing and shipping address for the customer. Appears on invoices emailed to this customer.
public ShippingDetails getShipping() {
return this.shipping;
* The customer's payment sources, if any.
public PaymentSourceCollection getSources() {
return this.sources;
* The customer's current subscriptions, if any.
public SubscriptionCollection getSubscriptions() {
return this.subscriptions;
* Describes the customer's tax exemption status. One of {@code none}, {@code exempt}, or {@code
* reverse}. When set to {@code reverse}, invoice and receipt PDFs include the text
* "Reverse charge".
public String getTaxExempt() {
return this.taxExempt;
* The customer's tax IDs.
public TaxIdCollection getTaxIds() {
return this.taxIds;
* The customer's address.
public void setAddress(final Address address) {
this.address = address;
* Current balance, if any, being stored on the customer. If negative, the customer has credit to
* apply to their next invoice. If positive, the customer has an amount owed that will be added to
* their next invoice. The balance does not refer to any unpaid invoices; it solely takes into
* account amounts that have yet to be successfully applied to any invoice. This balance is only
* taken into account as invoices are finalized.
public void setBalance(final Long balance) {
this.balance = balance;
* Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
public void setCreated(final Long created) {
this.created = created;
* Three-letter ISO code for the currency the
* customer can be charged in for recurring billing purposes.
public void setCurrency(final String currency) {
this.currency = currency;
* Always true for a deleted object.
public void setDeleted(final Boolean deleted) {
this.deleted = deleted;
* When the customer's latest invoice is billed by charging automatically, delinquent is true if
* the invoice's latest charge is failed. When the customer's latest invoice is billed by sending
* an invoice, delinquent is true if the invoice is not paid by its due date.
public void setDelinquent(final Boolean delinquent) {
this.delinquent = delinquent;
* An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
public void setDescription(final String description) {
this.description = description;
* Describes the current discount active on the customer, if there is one.
public void setDiscount(final Discount discount) {
this.discount = discount;
* The customer's email address.
public void setEmail(final String email) {
this.email = email;
* Unique identifier for the object.
public void setId(final String id) {
this.id = id;
* The prefix for the customer used to generate unique invoice numbers.
public void setInvoicePrefix(final String invoicePrefix) {
this.invoicePrefix = invoicePrefix;
public void setInvoiceSettings(final InvoiceSettings invoiceSettings) {
this.invoiceSettings = invoiceSettings;
* Has the value {@code true} if the object exists in live mode or the value {@code false} if the
* object exists in test mode.
public void setLivemode(final Boolean livemode) {
this.livemode = livemode;
* Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing
* additional information about the object in a structured format.
public void setMetadata(final Map metadata) {
this.metadata = metadata;
* The customer's full name or business name.
public void setName(final String name) {
this.name = name;
* The suffix of the customer's next invoice number, e.g., 0001.
public void setNextInvoiceSequence(final Long nextInvoiceSequence) {
this.nextInvoiceSequence = nextInvoiceSequence;
* String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
* Equal to {@code customer}.
public void setObject(final String object) {
this.object = object;
* The customer's phone number.
public void setPhone(final String phone) {
this.phone = phone;
* The customer's preferred locales (languages), ordered by preference.
public void setPreferredLocales(final List preferredLocales) {
this.preferredLocales = preferredLocales;
* Mailing and shipping address for the customer. Appears on invoices emailed to this customer.
public void setShipping(final ShippingDetails shipping) {
this.shipping = shipping;
* The customer's payment sources, if any.
public void setSources(final PaymentSourceCollection sources) {
this.sources = sources;
* The customer's current subscriptions, if any.
public void setSubscriptions(final SubscriptionCollection subscriptions) {
this.subscriptions = subscriptions;
* Describes the customer's tax exemption status. One of {@code none}, {@code exempt}, or {@code
* reverse}. When set to {@code reverse}, invoice and receipt PDFs include the text
* "Reverse charge".
public void setTaxExempt(final String taxExempt) {
this.taxExempt = taxExempt;
* The customer's tax IDs.
public void setTaxIds(final TaxIdCollection taxIds) {
this.taxIds = taxIds;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Customer)) return false;
final Customer other = (Customer) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$address = this.getAddress();
final java.lang.Object other$address = other.getAddress();
if (this$address == null ? other$address != null : !this$address.equals(other$address)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$balance = this.getBalance();
final java.lang.Object other$balance = other.getBalance();
if (this$balance == null ? other$balance != null : !this$balance.equals(other$balance)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$created = this.getCreated();
final java.lang.Object other$created = other.getCreated();
if (this$created == null ? other$created != null : !this$created.equals(other$created)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$currency = this.getCurrency();
final java.lang.Object other$currency = other.getCurrency();
if (this$currency == null ? other$currency != null : !this$currency.equals(other$currency)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$defaultSource = this.getDefaultSource();
final java.lang.Object other$defaultSource = other.getDefaultSource();
if (this$defaultSource == null ? other$defaultSource != null : !this$defaultSource.equals(other$defaultSource)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$deleted = this.getDeleted();
final java.lang.Object other$deleted = other.getDeleted();
if (this$deleted == null ? other$deleted != null : !this$deleted.equals(other$deleted)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$delinquent = this.getDelinquent();
final java.lang.Object other$delinquent = other.getDelinquent();
if (this$delinquent == null ? other$delinquent != null : !this$delinquent.equals(other$delinquent)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$description = this.getDescription();
final java.lang.Object other$description = other.getDescription();
if (this$description == null ? other$description != null : !this$description.equals(other$description)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$discount = this.getDiscount();
final java.lang.Object other$discount = other.getDiscount();
if (this$discount == null ? other$discount != null : !this$discount.equals(other$discount)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$email = this.getEmail();
final java.lang.Object other$email = other.getEmail();
if (this$email == null ? other$email != null : !this$email.equals(other$email)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$id = this.getId();
final java.lang.Object other$id = other.getId();
if (this$id == null ? other$id != null : !this$id.equals(other$id)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$invoicePrefix = this.getInvoicePrefix();
final java.lang.Object other$invoicePrefix = other.getInvoicePrefix();
if (this$invoicePrefix == null ? other$invoicePrefix != null : !this$invoicePrefix.equals(other$invoicePrefix)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$invoiceSettings = this.getInvoiceSettings();
final java.lang.Object other$invoiceSettings = other.getInvoiceSettings();
if (this$invoiceSettings == null ? other$invoiceSettings != null : !this$invoiceSettings.equals(other$invoiceSettings)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$livemode = this.getLivemode();
final java.lang.Object other$livemode = other.getLivemode();
if (this$livemode == null ? other$livemode != null : !this$livemode.equals(other$livemode)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$metadata = this.getMetadata();
final java.lang.Object other$metadata = other.getMetadata();
if (this$metadata == null ? other$metadata != null : !this$metadata.equals(other$metadata)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$name = this.getName();
final java.lang.Object other$name = other.getName();
if (this$name == null ? other$name != null : !this$name.equals(other$name)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$nextInvoiceSequence = this.getNextInvoiceSequence();
final java.lang.Object other$nextInvoiceSequence = other.getNextInvoiceSequence();
if (this$nextInvoiceSequence == null ? other$nextInvoiceSequence != null : !this$nextInvoiceSequence.equals(other$nextInvoiceSequence)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$object = this.getObject();
final java.lang.Object other$object = other.getObject();
if (this$object == null ? other$object != null : !this$object.equals(other$object)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$phone = this.getPhone();
final java.lang.Object other$phone = other.getPhone();
if (this$phone == null ? other$phone != null : !this$phone.equals(other$phone)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$preferredLocales = this.getPreferredLocales();
final java.lang.Object other$preferredLocales = other.getPreferredLocales();
if (this$preferredLocales == null ? other$preferredLocales != null : !this$preferredLocales.equals(other$preferredLocales)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$shipping = this.getShipping();
final java.lang.Object other$shipping = other.getShipping();
if (this$shipping == null ? other$shipping != null : !this$shipping.equals(other$shipping)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$sources = this.getSources();
final java.lang.Object other$sources = other.getSources();
if (this$sources == null ? other$sources != null : !this$sources.equals(other$sources)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$subscriptions = this.getSubscriptions();
final java.lang.Object other$subscriptions = other.getSubscriptions();
if (this$subscriptions == null ? other$subscriptions != null : !this$subscriptions.equals(other$subscriptions)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$taxExempt = this.getTaxExempt();
final java.lang.Object other$taxExempt = other.getTaxExempt();
if (this$taxExempt == null ? other$taxExempt != null : !this$taxExempt.equals(other$taxExempt)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$taxIds = this.getTaxIds();
final java.lang.Object other$taxIds = other.getTaxIds();
if (this$taxIds == null ? other$taxIds != null : !this$taxIds.equals(other$taxIds)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof Customer;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $address = this.getAddress();
result = result * PRIME + ($address == null ? 43 : $address.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $balance = this.getBalance();
result = result * PRIME + ($balance == null ? 43 : $balance.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $created = this.getCreated();
result = result * PRIME + ($created == null ? 43 : $created.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $currency = this.getCurrency();
result = result * PRIME + ($currency == null ? 43 : $currency.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $defaultSource = this.getDefaultSource();
result = result * PRIME + ($defaultSource == null ? 43 : $defaultSource.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $deleted = this.getDeleted();
result = result * PRIME + ($deleted == null ? 43 : $deleted.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $delinquent = this.getDelinquent();
result = result * PRIME + ($delinquent == null ? 43 : $delinquent.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $description = this.getDescription();
result = result * PRIME + ($description == null ? 43 : $description.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $discount = this.getDiscount();
result = result * PRIME + ($discount == null ? 43 : $discount.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $email = this.getEmail();
result = result * PRIME + ($email == null ? 43 : $email.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $id = this.getId();
result = result * PRIME + ($id == null ? 43 : $id.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $invoicePrefix = this.getInvoicePrefix();
result = result * PRIME + ($invoicePrefix == null ? 43 : $invoicePrefix.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $invoiceSettings = this.getInvoiceSettings();
result = result * PRIME + ($invoiceSettings == null ? 43 : $invoiceSettings.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $livemode = this.getLivemode();
result = result * PRIME + ($livemode == null ? 43 : $livemode.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $metadata = this.getMetadata();
result = result * PRIME + ($metadata == null ? 43 : $metadata.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $name = this.getName();
result = result * PRIME + ($name == null ? 43 : $name.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $nextInvoiceSequence = this.getNextInvoiceSequence();
result = result * PRIME + ($nextInvoiceSequence == null ? 43 : $nextInvoiceSequence.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $object = this.getObject();
result = result * PRIME + ($object == null ? 43 : $object.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $phone = this.getPhone();
result = result * PRIME + ($phone == null ? 43 : $phone.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $preferredLocales = this.getPreferredLocales();
result = result * PRIME + ($preferredLocales == null ? 43 : $preferredLocales.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $shipping = this.getShipping();
result = result * PRIME + ($shipping == null ? 43 : $shipping.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $sources = this.getSources();
result = result * PRIME + ($sources == null ? 43 : $sources.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $subscriptions = this.getSubscriptions();
result = result * PRIME + ($subscriptions == null ? 43 : $subscriptions.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $taxExempt = this.getTaxExempt();
result = result * PRIME + ($taxExempt == null ? 43 : $taxExempt.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $taxIds = this.getTaxIds();
result = result * PRIME + ($taxIds == null ? 43 : $taxIds.hashCode());
return result;
* Unique identifier for the object.
public String getId() {
return this.id;
* Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing
* additional information about the object in a structured format.
public Map getMetadata() {
return this.metadata;