com.stripe.model.PaymentIntent Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// File generated from our OpenAPI spec
package com.stripe.model;
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
import com.stripe.Stripe;
import com.stripe.exception.StripeException;
import com.stripe.net.ApiResource;
import com.stripe.net.RequestOptions;
import com.stripe.param.PaymentIntentApplyCustomerBalanceParams;
import com.stripe.param.PaymentIntentCancelParams;
import com.stripe.param.PaymentIntentCaptureParams;
import com.stripe.param.PaymentIntentConfirmParams;
import com.stripe.param.PaymentIntentCreateParams;
import com.stripe.param.PaymentIntentIncrementAuthorizationParams;
import com.stripe.param.PaymentIntentListParams;
import com.stripe.param.PaymentIntentRetrieveParams;
import com.stripe.param.PaymentIntentSearchParams;
import com.stripe.param.PaymentIntentUpdateParams;
import com.stripe.param.PaymentIntentVerifyMicrodepositsParams;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
* A PaymentIntent guides you through the process of collecting a payment from your customer. We
* recommend that you create exactly one PaymentIntent for each order or customer session in your
* system. You can reference the PaymentIntent later to see the history of payment attempts for a
* particular session.
* A PaymentIntent transitions through multiple statuses throughout
* its lifetime as it interfaces with Stripe.js to perform authentication flows and ultimately
* creates at most one successful charge.
Related guide: Payment Intents
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public class PaymentIntent extends ApiResource implements HasId, MetadataStore {
* Amount intended to be collected by this PaymentIntent. A positive integer representing how much
* to charge in the smallest currency
* unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00 or 100 to charge ¥100, a zero-decimal currency). The
* minimum amount is $0.50 US or equivalent in
* charge currency. The amount value supports up to eight digits (e.g., a value of 99999999
* for a USD charge of $999,999.99).
Long amount;
/** Amount that can be captured from this PaymentIntent. */
Long amountCapturable;
AmountDetails amountDetails;
/** Amount that was collected by this PaymentIntent. */
Long amountReceived;
/** ID of the Connect application that created the PaymentIntent. */
ExpandableField application;
* The amount of the application fee (if any) that will be requested to be applied to the payment
* and transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. The amount of the application fee
* collected will be capped at the total payment amount. For more information, see the
* PaymentIntents use case for
* connected accounts.
Long applicationFeeAmount;
* Settings to configure compatible payment methods from the Stripe Dashboard.
AutomaticPaymentMethods automaticPaymentMethods;
* Populated when {@code status} is {@code canceled}, this is the time at which the PaymentIntent
* was canceled. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
Long canceledAt;
* Reason for cancellation of this PaymentIntent, either user-provided ({@code duplicate}, {@code
* fraudulent}, {@code requested_by_customer}, or {@code abandoned}) or generated by Stripe
* internally ({@code failed_invoice}, {@code void_invoice}, or {@code automatic}).
* One of {@code abandoned}, {@code automatic}, {@code duplicate}, {@code failed_invoice},
* {@code fraudulent}, {@code requested_by_customer}, or {@code void_invoice}.
String cancellationReason;
* Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.
One of {@code automatic}, {@code automatic_async}, or {@code manual}.
String captureMethod;
* The client secret of this PaymentIntent. Used for client-side retrieval using a publishable
* key.
The client secret can be used to complete a payment from your frontend. It should not be
* stored, logged, or exposed to anyone other than the customer. Make sure that you have TLS
* enabled on any page that includes the client secret.
Refer to our docs to accept a payment and
* learn about how {@code client_secret} should be handled.
String clientSecret;
String confirmationMethod;
/** Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. */
Long created;
* Three-letter ISO currency code,
* in lowercase. Must be a supported currency.
String currency;
* ID of the Customer this PaymentIntent belongs to, if one exists.
Payment methods attached to other Customers cannot be used with this PaymentIntent.
If present in combination with setup_future_usage,
* this PaymentIntent's payment method will be attached to the Customer after the PaymentIntent
* has been confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete.
ExpandableField customer;
/** An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. */
String description;
/** Unique identifier for the object. */
@Getter(onMethod_ = {@Override})
String id;
/** ID of the invoice that created this PaymentIntent, if it exists. */
ExpandableField invoice;
* The payment error encountered in the previous PaymentIntent confirmation. It will be cleared if
* the PaymentIntent is later updated for any reason.
StripeError lastPaymentError;
/** The latest charge created by this payment intent. */
ExpandableField latestCharge;
* Has the value {@code true} if the object exists in live mode or the value {@code false} if the
* object exists in test mode.
Boolean livemode;
* Set of key-value pairs that you can attach
* to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a
* structured format. For more information, see the documentation.
@Getter(onMethod_ = {@Override})
Map metadata;
* If present, this property tells you what actions you need to take in order for your customer to
* fulfill a payment using the provided source.
NextAction nextAction;
* String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
* Equal to {@code payment_intent}.
String object;
* The account (if any) for which the funds of the PaymentIntent are intended. See the
* PaymentIntents use case for
* connected accounts for details.
ExpandableField onBehalfOf;
/** ID of the payment method used in this PaymentIntent. */
ExpandableField paymentMethod;
/** Payment-method-specific configuration for this PaymentIntent. */
PaymentMethodOptions paymentMethodOptions;
/** The list of payment method types (e.g. card) that this PaymentIntent is allowed to use. */
List paymentMethodTypes;
/** If present, this property tells you about the processing state of the payment. */
Processing processing;
* Email address that the receipt for the resulting payment will be sent to. If {@code
* receipt_email} is specified for a payment in live mode, a receipt will be sent regardless of
* your email settings.
String receiptEmail;
/** ID of the review associated with this PaymentIntent, if any. */
ExpandableField review;
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
* Providing this parameter will attach the payment method to
* the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required
* actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still
* be attached to a Customer
* after the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to dynamically
* optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as SCA.
One of {@code off_session}, or {@code on_session}.
String setupFutureUsage;
/** Shipping information for this PaymentIntent. */
ShippingDetails shipping;
* This is a legacy field that will be removed in the future. It is the ID of the Source object
* that is associated with this PaymentIntent, if one was supplied.
ExpandableField source;
* For non-card charges, you can use this value as the complete description that appears on your
* customers’ statements. Must contain at least one letter, maximum 22 characters.
String statementDescriptor;
* Provides information about a card payment that customers see on their statements. Concatenated
* with the prefix (shortened descriptor) or statement descriptor that’s set on the account to
* form the complete statement descriptor. Maximum 22 characters for the concatenated descriptor.
String statementDescriptorSuffix;
* Status of this PaymentIntent, one of {@code requires_payment_method}, {@code
* requires_confirmation}, {@code requires_action}, {@code processing}, {@code requires_capture},
* {@code canceled}, or {@code succeeded}. Read more about each PaymentIntent status.
String status;
* The data with which to automatically create a Transfer when the payment is finalized. See the
* PaymentIntents use case for
* connected accounts for details.
TransferData transferData;
* A string that identifies the resulting payment as part of a group. See the PaymentIntents use case for connected accounts
* for details.
String transferGroup;
/** Get ID of expandable {@code application} object. */
public String getApplication() {
return (this.application != null) ? this.application.getId() : null;
public void setApplication(String id) {
this.application = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.application);
/** Get expanded {@code application}. */
public Application getApplicationObject() {
return (this.application != null) ? this.application.getExpanded() : null;
public void setApplicationObject(Application expandableObject) {
this.application = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
/** Get ID of expandable {@code customer} object. */
public String getCustomer() {
return (this.customer != null) ? this.customer.getId() : null;
public void setCustomer(String id) {
this.customer = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.customer);
/** Get expanded {@code customer}. */
public Customer getCustomerObject() {
return (this.customer != null) ? this.customer.getExpanded() : null;
public void setCustomerObject(Customer expandableObject) {
this.customer = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
/** Get ID of expandable {@code invoice} object. */
public String getInvoice() {
return (this.invoice != null) ? this.invoice.getId() : null;
public void setInvoice(String id) {
this.invoice = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.invoice);
/** Get expanded {@code invoice}. */
public Invoice getInvoiceObject() {
return (this.invoice != null) ? this.invoice.getExpanded() : null;
public void setInvoiceObject(Invoice expandableObject) {
this.invoice = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
/** Get ID of expandable {@code latestCharge} object. */
public String getLatestCharge() {
return (this.latestCharge != null) ? this.latestCharge.getId() : null;
public void setLatestCharge(String id) {
this.latestCharge = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.latestCharge);
/** Get expanded {@code latestCharge}. */
public Charge getLatestChargeObject() {
return (this.latestCharge != null) ? this.latestCharge.getExpanded() : null;
public void setLatestChargeObject(Charge expandableObject) {
this.latestCharge = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
/** Get ID of expandable {@code onBehalfOf} object. */
public String getOnBehalfOf() {
return (this.onBehalfOf != null) ? this.onBehalfOf.getId() : null;
public void setOnBehalfOf(String id) {
this.onBehalfOf = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.onBehalfOf);
/** Get expanded {@code onBehalfOf}. */
public Account getOnBehalfOfObject() {
return (this.onBehalfOf != null) ? this.onBehalfOf.getExpanded() : null;
public void setOnBehalfOfObject(Account expandableObject) {
this.onBehalfOf = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
/** Get ID of expandable {@code paymentMethod} object. */
public String getPaymentMethod() {
return (this.paymentMethod != null) ? this.paymentMethod.getId() : null;
public void setPaymentMethod(String id) {
this.paymentMethod = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.paymentMethod);
/** Get expanded {@code paymentMethod}. */
public PaymentMethod getPaymentMethodObject() {
return (this.paymentMethod != null) ? this.paymentMethod.getExpanded() : null;
public void setPaymentMethodObject(PaymentMethod expandableObject) {
this.paymentMethod =
new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
/** Get ID of expandable {@code review} object. */
public String getReview() {
return (this.review != null) ? this.review.getId() : null;
public void setReview(String id) {
this.review = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.review);
/** Get expanded {@code review}. */
public Review getReviewObject() {
return (this.review != null) ? this.review.getExpanded() : null;
public void setReviewObject(Review expandableObject) {
this.review = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
/** Get ID of expandable {@code source} object. */
public String getSource() {
return (this.source != null) ? this.source.getId() : null;
public void setSource(String id) {
this.source = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.source);
/** Get expanded {@code source}. */
public PaymentSource getSourceObject() {
return (this.source != null) ? this.source.getExpanded() : null;
public void setSourceObject(PaymentSource expandableObject) {
this.source = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
/** Manually reconcile the remaining amount for a customer_balance PaymentIntent. */
public PaymentIntent applyCustomerBalance() throws StripeException {
return applyCustomerBalance((Map) null, (RequestOptions) null);
/** Manually reconcile the remaining amount for a customer_balance PaymentIntent. */
public PaymentIntent applyCustomerBalance(RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
return applyCustomerBalance((Map) null, options);
/** Manually reconcile the remaining amount for a customer_balance PaymentIntent. */
public PaymentIntent applyCustomerBalance(Map params) throws StripeException {
return applyCustomerBalance(params, (RequestOptions) null);
/** Manually reconcile the remaining amount for a customer_balance PaymentIntent. */
public PaymentIntent applyCustomerBalance(Map params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String url =
return ApiResource.request(
ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, PaymentIntent.class, options);
/** Manually reconcile the remaining amount for a customer_balance PaymentIntent. */
public PaymentIntent applyCustomerBalance(PaymentIntentApplyCustomerBalanceParams params)
throws StripeException {
return applyCustomerBalance(params, (RequestOptions) null);
/** Manually reconcile the remaining amount for a customer_balance PaymentIntent. */
public PaymentIntent applyCustomerBalance(
PaymentIntentApplyCustomerBalanceParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String url =
return ApiResource.request(
ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, PaymentIntent.class, options);
* A PaymentIntent object can be canceled when it is in one of these statuses: {@code
* requires_payment_method}, {@code requires_capture}, {@code requires_confirmation}, {@code
* requires_action} or, in rare cases,
* {@code processing}.
* Once canceled, no additional charges will be made by the PaymentIntent and any operations on
* the PaymentIntent will fail with an error. For PaymentIntents with a {@code status} of {@code
* requires_capture}, the remaining {@code amount_capturable} will automatically be refunded.
You cannot cancel the PaymentIntent for a Checkout Session. Expire the Checkout Session
* instead.
public PaymentIntent cancel() throws StripeException {
return cancel((Map) null, (RequestOptions) null);
* A PaymentIntent object can be canceled when it is in one of these statuses: {@code
* requires_payment_method}, {@code requires_capture}, {@code requires_confirmation}, {@code
* requires_action} or, in rare cases,
* {@code processing}.
* Once canceled, no additional charges will be made by the PaymentIntent and any operations on
* the PaymentIntent will fail with an error. For PaymentIntents with a {@code status} of {@code
* requires_capture}, the remaining {@code amount_capturable} will automatically be refunded.
You cannot cancel the PaymentIntent for a Checkout Session. Expire the Checkout Session
* instead.
public PaymentIntent cancel(RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
return cancel((Map) null, options);
* A PaymentIntent object can be canceled when it is in one of these statuses: {@code
* requires_payment_method}, {@code requires_capture}, {@code requires_confirmation}, {@code
* requires_action} or, in rare cases,
* {@code processing}.
* Once canceled, no additional charges will be made by the PaymentIntent and any operations on
* the PaymentIntent will fail with an error. For PaymentIntents with a {@code status} of {@code
* requires_capture}, the remaining {@code amount_capturable} will automatically be refunded.
You cannot cancel the PaymentIntent for a Checkout Session. Expire the Checkout Session
* instead.
public PaymentIntent cancel(Map params) throws StripeException {
return cancel(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* A PaymentIntent object can be canceled when it is in one of these statuses: {@code
* requires_payment_method}, {@code requires_capture}, {@code requires_confirmation}, {@code
* requires_action} or, in rare cases,
* {@code processing}.
* Once canceled, no additional charges will be made by the PaymentIntent and any operations on
* the PaymentIntent will fail with an error. For PaymentIntents with a {@code status} of {@code
* requires_capture}, the remaining {@code amount_capturable} will automatically be refunded.
You cannot cancel the PaymentIntent for a Checkout Session. Expire the Checkout Session
* instead.
public PaymentIntent cancel(Map params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String url =
String.format("/v1/payment_intents/%s/cancel", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId())));
return ApiResource.request(
ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, PaymentIntent.class, options);
* A PaymentIntent object can be canceled when it is in one of these statuses: {@code
* requires_payment_method}, {@code requires_capture}, {@code requires_confirmation}, {@code
* requires_action} or, in rare cases,
* {@code processing}.
* Once canceled, no additional charges will be made by the PaymentIntent and any operations on
* the PaymentIntent will fail with an error. For PaymentIntents with a {@code status} of {@code
* requires_capture}, the remaining {@code amount_capturable} will automatically be refunded.
You cannot cancel the PaymentIntent for a Checkout Session. Expire the Checkout Session
* instead.
public PaymentIntent cancel(PaymentIntentCancelParams params) throws StripeException {
return cancel(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* A PaymentIntent object can be canceled when it is in one of these statuses: {@code
* requires_payment_method}, {@code requires_capture}, {@code requires_confirmation}, {@code
* requires_action} or, in rare cases,
* {@code processing}.
Once canceled, no additional charges will be made by the PaymentIntent and any operations on
* the PaymentIntent will fail with an error. For PaymentIntents with a {@code status} of {@code
* requires_capture}, the remaining {@code amount_capturable} will automatically be refunded.
You cannot cancel the PaymentIntent for a Checkout Session. Expire the Checkout Session
* instead.
public PaymentIntent cancel(PaymentIntentCancelParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String url =
String.format("/v1/payment_intents/%s/cancel", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId())));
return ApiResource.request(
ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, PaymentIntent.class, options);
* Capture the funds of an existing uncaptured PaymentIntent when its status is {@code
* requires_capture}.
Uncaptured PaymentIntents will be canceled a set number of days after they are created (7 by
* default).
Learn more about separate
* authorization and capture.
public PaymentIntent capture() throws StripeException {
return capture((Map) null, (RequestOptions) null);
* Capture the funds of an existing uncaptured PaymentIntent when its status is {@code
* requires_capture}.
* Uncaptured PaymentIntents will be canceled a set number of days after they are created (7 by
* default).
Learn more about separate
* authorization and capture.
public PaymentIntent capture(RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
return capture((Map) null, options);
* Capture the funds of an existing uncaptured PaymentIntent when its status is {@code
* requires_capture}.
* Uncaptured PaymentIntents will be canceled a set number of days after they are created (7 by
* default).
Learn more about separate
* authorization and capture.
public PaymentIntent capture(Map params) throws StripeException {
return capture(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Capture the funds of an existing uncaptured PaymentIntent when its status is {@code
* requires_capture}.
* Uncaptured PaymentIntents will be canceled a set number of days after they are created (7 by
* default).
Learn more about separate
* authorization and capture.
public PaymentIntent capture(Map params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String url =
String.format("/v1/payment_intents/%s/capture", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId())));
return ApiResource.request(
ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, PaymentIntent.class, options);
* Capture the funds of an existing uncaptured PaymentIntent when its status is {@code
* requires_capture}.
* Uncaptured PaymentIntents will be canceled a set number of days after they are created (7 by
* default).
Learn more about separate
* authorization and capture.
public PaymentIntent capture(PaymentIntentCaptureParams params) throws StripeException {
return capture(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Capture the funds of an existing uncaptured PaymentIntent when its status is {@code
* requires_capture}.
Uncaptured PaymentIntents will be canceled a set number of days after they are created (7 by
* default).
Learn more about separate
* authorization and capture.
public PaymentIntent capture(PaymentIntentCaptureParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String url =
String.format("/v1/payment_intents/%s/capture", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId())));
return ApiResource.request(
ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, PaymentIntent.class, options);
* Confirm that your customer intends to pay with current or provided payment method. Upon
* confirmation, the PaymentIntent will attempt to initiate a payment. If the selected payment
* method requires additional authentication steps, the PaymentIntent will transition to the
* {@code requires_action} status and suggest additional actions via {@code next_action}. If
* payment fails, the PaymentIntent transitions to the {@code requires_payment_method} status or
* the {@code canceled} status if the confirmation limit is reached. If payment succeeds, the
* PaymentIntent will transition to the {@code succeeded} status (or {@code requires_capture}, if
* {@code capture_method} is set to {@code manual}). If the {@code confirmation_method} is {@code
* automatic}, payment may be attempted using our client SDKs
* and the PaymentIntent’s client_secret. After
* {@code next_action}s are handled by the client, no additional confirmation is required to
* complete the payment. If the {@code confirmation_method} is {@code manual}, all payment
* attempts must be initiated using a secret key. If any actions are required for the payment, the
* PaymentIntent will return to the {@code requires_confirmation} state after those actions are
* completed. Your server needs to then explicitly re-confirm the PaymentIntent to initiate the
* next payment attempt. Read the expanded documentation
* to learn more about manual confirmation.
public PaymentIntent confirm() throws StripeException {
return confirm((Map) null, (RequestOptions) null);
* Confirm that your customer intends to pay with current or provided payment method. Upon
* confirmation, the PaymentIntent will attempt to initiate a payment. If the selected payment
* method requires additional authentication steps, the PaymentIntent will transition to the
* {@code requires_action} status and suggest additional actions via {@code next_action}. If
* payment fails, the PaymentIntent transitions to the {@code requires_payment_method} status or
* the {@code canceled} status if the confirmation limit is reached. If payment succeeds, the
* PaymentIntent will transition to the {@code succeeded} status (or {@code requires_capture}, if
* {@code capture_method} is set to {@code manual}). If the {@code confirmation_method} is {@code
* automatic}, payment may be attempted using our client SDKs
* and the PaymentIntent’s client_secret. After
* {@code next_action}s are handled by the client, no additional confirmation is required to
* complete the payment. If the {@code confirmation_method} is {@code manual}, all payment
* attempts must be initiated using a secret key. If any actions are required for the payment, the
* PaymentIntent will return to the {@code requires_confirmation} state after those actions are
* completed. Your server needs to then explicitly re-confirm the PaymentIntent to initiate the
* next payment attempt. Read the expanded documentation
* to learn more about manual confirmation.
public PaymentIntent confirm(RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
return confirm((Map) null, options);
* Confirm that your customer intends to pay with current or provided payment method. Upon
* confirmation, the PaymentIntent will attempt to initiate a payment. If the selected payment
* method requires additional authentication steps, the PaymentIntent will transition to the
* {@code requires_action} status and suggest additional actions via {@code next_action}. If
* payment fails, the PaymentIntent transitions to the {@code requires_payment_method} status or
* the {@code canceled} status if the confirmation limit is reached. If payment succeeds, the
* PaymentIntent will transition to the {@code succeeded} status (or {@code requires_capture}, if
* {@code capture_method} is set to {@code manual}). If the {@code confirmation_method} is {@code
* automatic}, payment may be attempted using our client SDKs
* and the PaymentIntent’s client_secret. After
* {@code next_action}s are handled by the client, no additional confirmation is required to
* complete the payment. If the {@code confirmation_method} is {@code manual}, all payment
* attempts must be initiated using a secret key. If any actions are required for the payment, the
* PaymentIntent will return to the {@code requires_confirmation} state after those actions are
* completed. Your server needs to then explicitly re-confirm the PaymentIntent to initiate the
* next payment attempt. Read the expanded documentation
* to learn more about manual confirmation.
public PaymentIntent confirm(Map params) throws StripeException {
return confirm(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Confirm that your customer intends to pay with current or provided payment method. Upon
* confirmation, the PaymentIntent will attempt to initiate a payment. If the selected payment
* method requires additional authentication steps, the PaymentIntent will transition to the
* {@code requires_action} status and suggest additional actions via {@code next_action}. If
* payment fails, the PaymentIntent transitions to the {@code requires_payment_method} status or
* the {@code canceled} status if the confirmation limit is reached. If payment succeeds, the
* PaymentIntent will transition to the {@code succeeded} status (or {@code requires_capture}, if
* {@code capture_method} is set to {@code manual}). If the {@code confirmation_method} is {@code
* automatic}, payment may be attempted using our client SDKs
* and the PaymentIntent’s client_secret. After
* {@code next_action}s are handled by the client, no additional confirmation is required to
* complete the payment. If the {@code confirmation_method} is {@code manual}, all payment
* attempts must be initiated using a secret key. If any actions are required for the payment, the
* PaymentIntent will return to the {@code requires_confirmation} state after those actions are
* completed. Your server needs to then explicitly re-confirm the PaymentIntent to initiate the
* next payment attempt. Read the expanded documentation
* to learn more about manual confirmation.
public PaymentIntent confirm(Map params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String url =
String.format("/v1/payment_intents/%s/confirm", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId())));
return ApiResource.request(
ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, PaymentIntent.class, options);
* Confirm that your customer intends to pay with current or provided payment method. Upon
* confirmation, the PaymentIntent will attempt to initiate a payment. If the selected payment
* method requires additional authentication steps, the PaymentIntent will transition to the
* {@code requires_action} status and suggest additional actions via {@code next_action}. If
* payment fails, the PaymentIntent transitions to the {@code requires_payment_method} status or
* the {@code canceled} status if the confirmation limit is reached. If payment succeeds, the
* PaymentIntent will transition to the {@code succeeded} status (or {@code requires_capture}, if
* {@code capture_method} is set to {@code manual}). If the {@code confirmation_method} is {@code
* automatic}, payment may be attempted using our client SDKs
* and the PaymentIntent’s client_secret. After
* {@code next_action}s are handled by the client, no additional confirmation is required to
* complete the payment. If the {@code confirmation_method} is {@code manual}, all payment
* attempts must be initiated using a secret key. If any actions are required for the payment, the
* PaymentIntent will return to the {@code requires_confirmation} state after those actions are
* completed. Your server needs to then explicitly re-confirm the PaymentIntent to initiate the
* next payment attempt. Read the expanded documentation
* to learn more about manual confirmation.
public PaymentIntent confirm(PaymentIntentConfirmParams params) throws StripeException {
return confirm(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Confirm that your customer intends to pay with current or provided payment method. Upon
* confirmation, the PaymentIntent will attempt to initiate a payment. If the selected payment
* method requires additional authentication steps, the PaymentIntent will transition to the
* {@code requires_action} status and suggest additional actions via {@code next_action}. If
* payment fails, the PaymentIntent transitions to the {@code requires_payment_method} status or
* the {@code canceled} status if the confirmation limit is reached. If payment succeeds, the
* PaymentIntent will transition to the {@code succeeded} status (or {@code requires_capture}, if
* {@code capture_method} is set to {@code manual}). If the {@code confirmation_method} is {@code
* automatic}, payment may be attempted using our client SDKs
* and the PaymentIntent’s client_secret. After
* {@code next_action}s are handled by the client, no additional confirmation is required to
* complete the payment. If the {@code confirmation_method} is {@code manual}, all payment
* attempts must be initiated using a secret key. If any actions are required for the payment, the
* PaymentIntent will return to the {@code requires_confirmation} state after those actions are
* completed. Your server needs to then explicitly re-confirm the PaymentIntent to initiate the
* next payment attempt. Read the expanded documentation
* to learn more about manual confirmation.
public PaymentIntent confirm(PaymentIntentConfirmParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String url =
String.format("/v1/payment_intents/%s/confirm", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId())));
return ApiResource.request(
ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, PaymentIntent.class, options);
* Creates a PaymentIntent object.
* After the PaymentIntent is created, attach a payment method and confirm to continue the payment.
* You can read more about the different payment flows available via the Payment Intents API here.
When {@code confirm=true} is used during creation, it is equivalent to creating and
* confirming the PaymentIntent in the same call. You may use any parameters available in the confirm API when {@code
* confirm=true} is supplied.
public static PaymentIntent create(Map params) throws StripeException {
return create(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Creates a PaymentIntent object.
* After the PaymentIntent is created, attach a payment method and confirm to continue the payment.
* You can read more about the different payment flows available via the Payment Intents API here.
When {@code confirm=true} is used during creation, it is equivalent to creating and
* confirming the PaymentIntent in the same call. You may use any parameters available in the confirm API when {@code
* confirm=true} is supplied.
public static PaymentIntent create(Map params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String url = ApiResource.fullUrl(Stripe.getApiBase(), options, "/v1/payment_intents");
return ApiResource.request(
ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, PaymentIntent.class, options);
* Creates a PaymentIntent object.
* After the PaymentIntent is created, attach a payment method and confirm to continue the payment.
* You can read more about the different payment flows available via the Payment Intents API here.
When {@code confirm=true} is used during creation, it is equivalent to creating and
* confirming the PaymentIntent in the same call. You may use any parameters available in the confirm API when {@code
* confirm=true} is supplied.
public static PaymentIntent create(PaymentIntentCreateParams params) throws StripeException {
return create(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Creates a PaymentIntent object.
After the PaymentIntent is created, attach a payment method and confirm to continue the payment.
* You can read more about the different payment flows available via the Payment Intents API here.
When {@code confirm=true} is used during creation, it is equivalent to creating and
* confirming the PaymentIntent in the same call. You may use any parameters available in the confirm API when {@code
* confirm=true} is supplied.
public static PaymentIntent create(PaymentIntentCreateParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String url = ApiResource.fullUrl(Stripe.getApiBase(), options, "/v1/payment_intents");
return ApiResource.request(
ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, PaymentIntent.class, options);
* Perform an incremental authorization on an eligible PaymentIntent. To be eligible,
* the PaymentIntent’s status must be {@code requires_capture} and incremental_authorization_supported
* must be {@code true}.
Incremental authorizations attempt to increase the authorized amount on your customer’s card
* to the new, higher {@code amount} provided. As with the initial authorization, incremental
* authorizations may be declined. A single PaymentIntent can call this endpoint multiple times to
* further increase the authorized amount.
If the incremental authorization succeeds, the PaymentIntent object is returned with the
* updated amount.
* If the incremental authorization fails, a card_declined error is returned,
* and no fields on the PaymentIntent or Charge are updated. The PaymentIntent object remains
* capturable for the previously authorized amount.
Each PaymentIntent can have a maximum of 10 incremental authorization attempts, including
* declines. Once captured, a PaymentIntent can no longer be incremented.
Learn more about incremental
* authorizations.
public PaymentIntent incrementAuthorization(Map params) throws StripeException {
return incrementAuthorization(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Perform an incremental authorization on an eligible PaymentIntent. To be eligible,
* the PaymentIntent’s status must be {@code requires_capture} and incremental_authorization_supported
* must be {@code true}.
* Incremental authorizations attempt to increase the authorized amount on your customer’s card
* to the new, higher {@code amount} provided. As with the initial authorization, incremental
* authorizations may be declined. A single PaymentIntent can call this endpoint multiple times to
* further increase the authorized amount.
If the incremental authorization succeeds, the PaymentIntent object is returned with the
* updated amount.
* If the incremental authorization fails, a card_declined error is returned,
* and no fields on the PaymentIntent or Charge are updated. The PaymentIntent object remains
* capturable for the previously authorized amount.
Each PaymentIntent can have a maximum of 10 incremental authorization attempts, including
* declines. Once captured, a PaymentIntent can no longer be incremented.
Learn more about incremental
* authorizations.
public PaymentIntent incrementAuthorization(Map params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String url =
return ApiResource.request(
ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, PaymentIntent.class, options);
* Perform an incremental authorization on an eligible PaymentIntent. To be eligible,
* the PaymentIntent’s status must be {@code requires_capture} and incremental_authorization_supported
* must be {@code true}.
* Incremental authorizations attempt to increase the authorized amount on your customer’s card
* to the new, higher {@code amount} provided. As with the initial authorization, incremental
* authorizations may be declined. A single PaymentIntent can call this endpoint multiple times to
* further increase the authorized amount.
If the incremental authorization succeeds, the PaymentIntent object is returned with the
* updated amount.
* If the incremental authorization fails, a card_declined error is returned,
* and no fields on the PaymentIntent or Charge are updated. The PaymentIntent object remains
* capturable for the previously authorized amount.
Each PaymentIntent can have a maximum of 10 incremental authorization attempts, including
* declines. Once captured, a PaymentIntent can no longer be incremented.
Learn more about incremental
* authorizations.
public PaymentIntent incrementAuthorization(PaymentIntentIncrementAuthorizationParams params)
throws StripeException {
return incrementAuthorization(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Perform an incremental authorization on an eligible PaymentIntent. To be eligible,
* the PaymentIntent’s status must be {@code requires_capture} and incremental_authorization_supported
* must be {@code true}.
Incremental authorizations attempt to increase the authorized amount on your customer’s card
* to the new, higher {@code amount} provided. As with the initial authorization, incremental
* authorizations may be declined. A single PaymentIntent can call this endpoint multiple times to
* further increase the authorized amount.
If the incremental authorization succeeds, the PaymentIntent object is returned with the
* updated amount.
* If the incremental authorization fails, a card_declined error is returned,
* and no fields on the PaymentIntent or Charge are updated. The PaymentIntent object remains
* capturable for the previously authorized amount.
Each PaymentIntent can have a maximum of 10 incremental authorization attempts, including
* declines. Once captured, a PaymentIntent can no longer be incremented.
Learn more about incremental
* authorizations.
public PaymentIntent incrementAuthorization(
PaymentIntentIncrementAuthorizationParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String url =
return ApiResource.request(
ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, PaymentIntent.class, options);
/** Returns a list of PaymentIntents. */
public static PaymentIntentCollection list(Map params) throws StripeException {
return list(params, (RequestOptions) null);
/** Returns a list of PaymentIntents. */
public static PaymentIntentCollection list(Map params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String url = ApiResource.fullUrl(Stripe.getApiBase(), options, "/v1/payment_intents");
return ApiResource.requestCollection(url, params, PaymentIntentCollection.class, options);
/** Returns a list of PaymentIntents. */
public static PaymentIntentCollection list(PaymentIntentListParams params)
throws StripeException {
return list(params, (RequestOptions) null);
/** Returns a list of PaymentIntents. */
public static PaymentIntentCollection list(PaymentIntentListParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String url = ApiResource.fullUrl(Stripe.getApiBase(), options, "/v1/payment_intents");
return ApiResource.requestCollection(url, params, PaymentIntentCollection.class, options);
* Retrieves the details of a PaymentIntent that has previously been created.
* Client-side retrieval using a publishable key is allowed when the {@code client_secret} is
* provided in the query string.
When retrieved with a publishable key, only a subset of properties will be returned. Please
* refer to the payment intent
* object reference for more details.
public static PaymentIntent retrieve(String intent) throws StripeException {
return retrieve(intent, (Map) null, (RequestOptions) null);
* Retrieves the details of a PaymentIntent that has previously been created.
* Client-side retrieval using a publishable key is allowed when the {@code client_secret} is
* provided in the query string.
When retrieved with a publishable key, only a subset of properties will be returned. Please
* refer to the payment intent
* object reference for more details.
public static PaymentIntent retrieve(String intent, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
return retrieve(intent, (Map) null, options);
* Retrieves the details of a PaymentIntent that has previously been created.
* Client-side retrieval using a publishable key is allowed when the {@code client_secret} is
* provided in the query string.
When retrieved with a publishable key, only a subset of properties will be returned. Please
* refer to the payment intent
* object reference for more details.
public static PaymentIntent retrieve(
String intent, Map params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url =
String.format("/v1/payment_intents/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(intent)));
return ApiResource.request(
ApiResource.RequestMethod.GET, url, params, PaymentIntent.class, options);
* Retrieves the details of a PaymentIntent that has previously been created.
* Client-side retrieval using a publishable key is allowed when the {@code client_secret} is
* provided in the query string.
When retrieved with a publishable key, only a subset of properties will be returned. Please
* refer to the payment intent
* object reference for more details.
public static PaymentIntent retrieve(
String intent, PaymentIntentRetrieveParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String url =
String.format("/v1/payment_intents/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(intent)));
return ApiResource.request(
ApiResource.RequestMethod.GET, url, params, PaymentIntent.class, options);
* Search for PaymentIntents you’ve previously created using Stripe’s Search Query Language. Don’t
* use search in read-after-write flows where strict consistency is necessary. Under normal
* operating conditions, data is searchable in less than a minute. Occasionally, propagation of
* new or updated data can be up to an hour behind during outages. Search functionality is not
* available to merchants in India.
public static PaymentIntentSearchResult search(Map params)
throws StripeException {
return search(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Search for PaymentIntents you’ve previously created using Stripe’s Search Query Language. Don’t
* use search in read-after-write flows where strict consistency is necessary. Under normal
* operating conditions, data is searchable in less than a minute. Occasionally, propagation of
* new or updated data can be up to an hour behind during outages. Search functionality is not
* available to merchants in India.
public static PaymentIntentSearchResult search(Map params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String url = ApiResource.fullUrl(Stripe.getApiBase(), options, "/v1/payment_intents/search");
return ApiResource.requestSearchResult(url, params, PaymentIntentSearchResult.class, options);
* Search for PaymentIntents you’ve previously created using Stripe’s Search Query Language. Don’t
* use search in read-after-write flows where strict consistency is necessary. Under normal
* operating conditions, data is searchable in less than a minute. Occasionally, propagation of
* new or updated data can be up to an hour behind during outages. Search functionality is not
* available to merchants in India.
public static PaymentIntentSearchResult search(PaymentIntentSearchParams params)
throws StripeException {
return search(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Search for PaymentIntents you’ve previously created using Stripe’s Search Query Language. Don’t
* use search in read-after-write flows where strict consistency is necessary. Under normal
* operating conditions, data is searchable in less than a minute. Occasionally, propagation of
* new or updated data can be up to an hour behind during outages. Search functionality is not
* available to merchants in India.
public static PaymentIntentSearchResult search(
PaymentIntentSearchParams params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String url = ApiResource.fullUrl(Stripe.getApiBase(), options, "/v1/payment_intents/search");
return ApiResource.requestSearchResult(url, params, PaymentIntentSearchResult.class, options);
* Updates properties on a PaymentIntent object without confirming.
* Depending on which properties you update, you may need to confirm the PaymentIntent again.
* For example, updating the {@code payment_method} will always require you to confirm the
* PaymentIntent again. If you prefer to update and confirm at the same time, we recommend
* updating properties via the confirm API instead.
public PaymentIntent update(Map params) throws StripeException {
return update(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Updates properties on a PaymentIntent object without confirming.
* Depending on which properties you update, you may need to confirm the PaymentIntent again.
* For example, updating the {@code payment_method} will always require you to confirm the
* PaymentIntent again. If you prefer to update and confirm at the same time, we recommend
* updating properties via the confirm API instead.
public PaymentIntent update(Map params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String url =
String.format("/v1/payment_intents/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId())));
return ApiResource.request(
ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, PaymentIntent.class, options);
* Updates properties on a PaymentIntent object without confirming.
* Depending on which properties you update, you may need to confirm the PaymentIntent again.
* For example, updating the {@code payment_method} will always require you to confirm the
* PaymentIntent again. If you prefer to update and confirm at the same time, we recommend
* updating properties via the confirm API instead.
public PaymentIntent update(PaymentIntentUpdateParams params) throws StripeException {
return update(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Updates properties on a PaymentIntent object without confirming.
Depending on which properties you update, you may need to confirm the PaymentIntent again.
* For example, updating the {@code payment_method} will always require you to confirm the
* PaymentIntent again. If you prefer to update and confirm at the same time, we recommend
* updating properties via the confirm API instead.
public PaymentIntent update(PaymentIntentUpdateParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String url =
String.format("/v1/payment_intents/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId())));
return ApiResource.request(
ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, PaymentIntent.class, options);
/** Verifies microdeposits on a PaymentIntent object. */
public PaymentIntent verifyMicrodeposits() throws StripeException {
return verifyMicrodeposits((Map) null, (RequestOptions) null);
/** Verifies microdeposits on a PaymentIntent object. */
public PaymentIntent verifyMicrodeposits(RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
return verifyMicrodeposits((Map) null, options);
/** Verifies microdeposits on a PaymentIntent object. */
public PaymentIntent verifyMicrodeposits(Map params) throws StripeException {
return verifyMicrodeposits(params, (RequestOptions) null);
/** Verifies microdeposits on a PaymentIntent object. */
public PaymentIntent verifyMicrodeposits(Map params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String url =
return ApiResource.request(
ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, PaymentIntent.class, options);
/** Verifies microdeposits on a PaymentIntent object. */
public PaymentIntent verifyMicrodeposits(PaymentIntentVerifyMicrodepositsParams params)
throws StripeException {
return verifyMicrodeposits(params, (RequestOptions) null);
/** Verifies microdeposits on a PaymentIntent object. */
public PaymentIntent verifyMicrodeposits(
PaymentIntentVerifyMicrodepositsParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String url =
return ApiResource.request(
ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, url, params, PaymentIntent.class, options);
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class AmountDetails extends StripeObject {
Tip tip;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Tip extends StripeObject {
/** Portion of the amount that corresponds to a tip. */
Long amount;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class AutomaticPaymentMethods extends StripeObject {
* Controls whether this PaymentIntent will accept redirect-based payment methods.
* Redirect-based payment methods may require your customer to be redirected to a payment
* method's app or site for authentication or additional steps. To confirm this PaymentIntent,
* you may be required to provide a {@code return_url} to redirect customers back to your site
* after they authenticate or complete the payment.
One of {@code always}, or {@code never}.
String allowRedirects;
/** Automatically calculates compatible payment methods. */
Boolean enabled;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class NextAction extends StripeObject {
AlipayHandleRedirect alipayHandleRedirect;
BoletoDisplayDetails boletoDisplayDetails;
CardAwaitNotification cardAwaitNotification;
CashappHandleRedirectOrDisplayQrCode cashappHandleRedirectOrDisplayQrCode;
DisplayBankTransferInstructions displayBankTransferInstructions;
KonbiniDisplayDetails konbiniDisplayDetails;
OxxoDisplayDetails oxxoDisplayDetails;
PaynowDisplayQrCode paynowDisplayQrCode;
PixDisplayQrCode pixDisplayQrCode;
PromptpayDisplayQrCode promptpayDisplayQrCode;
RedirectToUrl redirectToUrl;
* Type of the next action to perform, one of {@code redirect_to_url}, {@code use_stripe_sdk},
* {@code alipay_handle_redirect}, {@code oxxo_display_details}, or {@code
* verify_with_microdeposits}.
String type;
* When confirming a PaymentIntent with Stripe.js, Stripe.js depends on the contents of this
* dictionary to invoke authentication flows. The shape of the contents is subject to change and
* is only intended to be used by Stripe.js.
Map useStripeSdk;
VerifyWithMicrodeposits verifyWithMicrodeposits;
WechatPayDisplayQrCode wechatPayDisplayQrCode;
WechatPayRedirectToAndroidApp wechatPayRedirectToAndroidApp;
WechatPayRedirectToIosApp wechatPayRedirectToIosApp;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class AlipayHandleRedirect extends StripeObject {
* The native data to be used with Alipay SDK you must redirect your customer to in order to
* authenticate the payment in an Android App.
String nativeData;
* The native URL you must redirect your customer to in order to authenticate the payment in
* an iOS App.
String nativeUrl;
* If the customer does not exit their browser while authenticating, they will be redirected
* to this specified URL after completion.
String returnUrl;
/** The URL you must redirect your customer to in order to authenticate the payment. */
String url;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class BoletoDisplayDetails extends StripeObject {
/** The timestamp after which the boleto expires. */
Long expiresAt;
* The URL to the hosted boleto voucher page, which allows customers to view the boleto
* voucher.
String hostedVoucherUrl;
/** The boleto number. */
String number;
/** The URL to the downloadable boleto voucher PDF. */
String pdf;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class CardAwaitNotification extends StripeObject {
* The time that payment will be attempted. If customer approval is required, they need to
* provide approval before this time.
Long chargeAttemptAt;
* For payments greater than INR 15000, the customer must provide explicit approval of the
* payment with their bank. For payments of lower amount, no customer action is required.
Boolean customerApprovalRequired;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class CashappHandleRedirectOrDisplayQrCode extends StripeObject {
* The URL to the hosted Cash App Pay instructions page, which allows customers to view the QR
* code, and supports QR code refreshing on expiration.
String hostedInstructionsUrl;
/** The url for mobile redirect based auth. */
String mobileAuthUrl;
QrCode qrCode;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class QrCode extends StripeObject {
/** The date (unix timestamp) when the QR code expires. */
Long expiresAt;
/** The image_url_png string used to render QR code. */
String imageUrlPng;
/** The image_url_svg string used to render QR code. */
String imageUrlSvg;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class DisplayBankTransferInstructions extends StripeObject {
/** The remaining amount that needs to be transferred to complete the payment. */
Long amountRemaining;
* Three-letter ISO currency
* code, in lowercase. Must be a supported
* currency.
String currency;
/** A list of financial addresses that can be used to fund the customer balance. */
/** A link to a hosted page that guides your customer through completing the transfer. */
String hostedInstructionsUrl;
* A string identifying this payment. Instruct your customer to include this code in the
* reference or memo field of their bank transfer.
String reference;
* Type of bank transfer
* One of {@code eu_bank_transfer}, {@code gb_bank_transfer}, {@code jp_bank_transfer},
* {@code mx_bank_transfer}, or {@code us_bank_transfer}.
String type;
/** FinancialAddresses contain identifying information that resolves to a FinancialAccount. */
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class FinancialAddress extends StripeObject {
/** Iban Records contain E.U. bank account details per the SEPA format. */
Iban iban;
/** Sort Code Records contain U.K. bank account details per the sort code format. */
SortCode sortCode;
/** SPEI Records contain Mexico bank account details per the SPEI format. */
Spei spei;
/** The payment networks supported by this FinancialAddress. */
List supportedNetworks;
* The type of financial address
* One of {@code iban}, {@code sort_code}, {@code spei}, or {@code zengin}.
String type;
/** Zengin Records contain Japan bank account details per the Zengin format. */
Zengin zengin;
/** Iban Records contain E.U. bank account details per the SEPA format. */
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Iban extends StripeObject {
/** The name of the person or business that owns the bank account. */
String accountHolderName;
/** The BIC/SWIFT code of the account. */
String bic;
* Two-letter country code (ISO
* 3166-1 alpha-2).
String country;
/** The IBAN of the account. */
String iban;
/** Sort Code Records contain U.K. bank account details per the sort code format. */
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class SortCode extends StripeObject {
/** The name of the person or business that owns the bank account. */
String accountHolderName;
/** The account number. */
String accountNumber;
/** The six-digit sort code. */
String sortCode;
/** SPEI Records contain Mexico bank account details per the SPEI format. */
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Spei extends StripeObject {
/** The three-digit bank code. */
String bankCode;
/** The short banking institution name. */
String bankName;
/** The CLABE number. */
String clabe;
/** Zengin Records contain Japan bank account details per the Zengin format. */
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Zengin extends StripeObject {
/** The account holder name. */
String accountHolderName;
/** The account number. */
String accountNumber;
/** The bank account type. In Japan, this can only be {@code futsu} or {@code toza}. */
String accountType;
/** The bank code of the account. */
String bankCode;
/** The bank name of the account. */
String bankName;
/** The branch code of the account. */
String branchCode;
/** The branch name of the account. */
String branchName;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class KonbiniDisplayDetails extends StripeObject {
/** The timestamp at which the pending Konbini payment expires. */
Long expiresAt;
* The URL for the Konbini payment instructions page, which allows customers to view and print
* a Konbini voucher.
String hostedVoucherUrl;
Stores stores;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Stores extends StripeObject {
/** FamilyMart instruction details. */
Familymart familymart;
/** Lawson instruction details. */
Lawson lawson;
/** Ministop instruction details. */
Ministop ministop;
/** Seicomart instruction details. */
Seicomart seicomart;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Familymart extends StripeObject {
/** The confirmation number. */
String confirmationNumber;
/** The payment code. */
String paymentCode;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Lawson extends StripeObject {
/** The confirmation number. */
String confirmationNumber;
/** The payment code. */
String paymentCode;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Ministop extends StripeObject {
/** The confirmation number. */
String confirmationNumber;
/** The payment code. */
String paymentCode;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Seicomart extends StripeObject {
/** The confirmation number. */
String confirmationNumber;
/** The payment code. */
String paymentCode;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class OxxoDisplayDetails extends StripeObject {
/** The timestamp after which the OXXO voucher expires. */
Long expiresAfter;
* The URL for the hosted OXXO voucher page, which allows customers to view and print an OXXO
* voucher.
String hostedVoucherUrl;
/** OXXO reference number. */
String number;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class PaynowDisplayQrCode extends StripeObject {
* The raw data string used to generate QR code, it should be used together with QR code
* library.
String data;
* The URL to the hosted PayNow instructions page, which allows customers to view the PayNow
* QR code.
String hostedInstructionsUrl;
/** The image_url_png string used to render QR code. */
String imageUrlPng;
/** The image_url_svg string used to render QR code. */
String imageUrlSvg;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class PixDisplayQrCode extends StripeObject {
* The raw data string used to generate QR code, it should be used together with QR code
* library.
String data;
/** The date (unix timestamp) when the PIX expires. */
Long expiresAt;
* The URL to the hosted pix instructions page, which allows customers to view the pix QR
* code.
String hostedInstructionsUrl;
/** The image_url_png string used to render png QR code. */
String imageUrlPng;
/** The image_url_svg string used to render svg QR code. */
String imageUrlSvg;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class PromptpayDisplayQrCode extends StripeObject {
* The raw data string used to generate QR code, it should be used together with QR code
* library.
String data;
* The URL to the hosted PromptPay instructions page, which allows customers to view the
* PromptPay QR code.
String hostedInstructionsUrl;
/** The PNG path used to render the QR code, can be used as the source in an HTML img tag. */
String imageUrlPng;
/** The SVG path used to render the QR code, can be used as the source in an HTML img tag. */
String imageUrlSvg;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class RedirectToUrl extends StripeObject {
* If the customer does not exit their browser while authenticating, they will be redirected
* to this specified URL after completion.
String returnUrl;
/** The URL you must redirect your customer to in order to authenticate the payment. */
String url;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class VerifyWithMicrodeposits extends StripeObject {
/** The timestamp when the microdeposits are expected to land. */
Long arrivalDate;
* The URL for the hosted verification page, which allows customers to verify their bank
* account.
String hostedVerificationUrl;
* The type of the microdeposit sent to the customer. Used to distinguish between different
* verification methods.
One of {@code amounts}, or {@code descriptor_code}.
String microdepositType;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class WechatPayDisplayQrCode extends StripeObject {
/** The data being used to generate QR code. */
String data;
* The URL to the hosted WeChat Pay instructions page, which allows customers to view the
* WeChat Pay QR code.
String hostedInstructionsUrl;
/** The base64 image data for a pre-generated QR code. */
String imageDataUrl;
/** The image_url_png string used to render QR code. */
String imageUrlPng;
/** The image_url_svg string used to render QR code. */
String imageUrlSvg;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class WechatPayRedirectToAndroidApp extends StripeObject {
/** app_id is the APP ID registered on WeChat open platform. */
String appId;
/** nonce_str is a random string. */
String nonceStr;
/** an unique merchant ID assigned by WeChat Pay. */
String partnerId;
/** an unique trading ID assigned by WeChat Pay. */
String prepayId;
/** A signature. */
String sign;
/** Specifies the current time in epoch format. */
String timestamp;
// package is a reserved word so we append an
// underscore to the private field and expose
// a custom getter and setter
String package_;
public String getPackage() {
return this.package_;
public void setPackage(String package_) {
this.package_ = package_;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class WechatPayRedirectToIosApp extends StripeObject {
/** An universal link that redirect to WeChat Pay app. */
String nativeUrl;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class PaymentMethodOptions extends StripeObject {
AcssDebit acssDebit;
Affirm affirm;
AfterpayClearpay afterpayClearpay;
Alipay alipay;
AuBecsDebit auBecsDebit;
BacsDebit bacsDebit;
Bancontact bancontact;
Blik blik;
Boleto boleto;
Card card;
CardPresent cardPresent;
Cashapp cashapp;
CustomerBalance customerBalance;
Eps eps;
Fpx fpx;
Giropay giropay;
Grabpay grabpay;
Ideal ideal;
InteracPresent interacPresent;
Klarna klarna;
Konbini konbini;
Link link;
Oxxo oxxo;
P24 p24;
Paynow paynow;
Paypal paypal;
Pix pix;
Promptpay promptpay;
SepaDebit sepaDebit;
Sofort sofort;
UsBankAccount usBankAccount;
WechatPay wechatPay;
Zip zip;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class AcssDebit extends StripeObject {
MandateOptions mandateOptions;
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
One of {@code none}, {@code off_session}, or {@code on_session}.
String setupFutureUsage;
* Bank account verification method.
One of {@code automatic}, {@code instant}, or {@code microdeposits}.
String verificationMethod;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class MandateOptions extends StripeObject {
/** A URL for custom mandate text. */
String customMandateUrl;
* Description of the interval. Only required if the 'payment_schedule' parameter is
* 'interval' or 'combined'.
String intervalDescription;
* Payment schedule for the mandate.
One of {@code combined}, {@code interval}, or {@code sporadic}.
String paymentSchedule;
* Transaction type of the mandate.
One of {@code business}, or {@code personal}.
String transactionType;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Affirm extends StripeObject {
* Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.
Equal to {@code manual}.
String captureMethod;
/** Preferred language of the Affirm authorization page that the customer is redirected to. */
String preferredLocale;
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
Equal to {@code none}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class AfterpayClearpay extends StripeObject {
* Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.
Equal to {@code manual}.
String captureMethod;
* Order identifier shown to the customer in Afterpay’s online portal. We recommend using a
* value that helps you answer any questions a customer might have about the payment. The
* identifier is limited to 128 characters and may contain only letters, digits, underscores,
* backslashes and dashes.
String reference;
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
Equal to {@code none}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Alipay extends StripeObject {
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
One of {@code none}, or {@code off_session}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class AuBecsDebit extends StripeObject {
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
One of {@code none}, {@code off_session}, or {@code on_session}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class BacsDebit extends StripeObject {
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
One of {@code none}, {@code off_session}, or {@code on_session}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Bancontact extends StripeObject {
* Preferred language of the Bancontact authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
One of {@code de}, {@code en}, {@code fr}, or {@code nl}.
String preferredLanguage;
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
One of {@code none}, or {@code off_session}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Blik extends StripeObject {}
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Boleto extends StripeObject {
* The number of calendar days before a Boleto voucher expires. For example, if you create a
* Boleto voucher on Monday and you set expires_after_days to 2, the Boleto voucher will
* expire on Wednesday at 23:59 America/Sao_Paulo time.
Long expiresAfterDays;
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
One of {@code none}, {@code off_session}, or {@code on_session}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Card extends StripeObject {
* Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.
Equal to {@code manual}.
String captureMethod;
* Installment details for this payment (Mexico only).
For more information, see the installments integration guide.
Installments installments;
/** Configuration options for setting up an eMandate for cards issued in India. */
MandateOptions mandateOptions;
* Selected network to process this payment intent on. Depends on the available networks of
* the card attached to the payment intent. Can be only set confirm-time.
String network;
* We strongly recommend that you rely on our SCA Engine to automatically prompt your
* customers for authentication based on risk level and other requirements.
* However, if you wish to request 3D Secure based on logic from your own fraud engine,
* provide this option. Permitted values include: {@code automatic} or {@code any}. If not
* provided, defaults to {@code automatic}. Read our guide on manually requesting 3D
* Secure for more information on how this configuration interacts with Radar and our SCA
* Engine.
One of {@code any}, {@code automatic}, or {@code challenge_only}.
String requestThreeDSecure;
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
One of {@code none}, {@code off_session}, or {@code on_session}.
String setupFutureUsage;
* Provides information about a card payment that customers see on their statements.
* Concatenated with the Kana prefix (shortened Kana descriptor) or Kana statement descriptor
* that’s set on the account to form the complete statement descriptor. Maximum 22 characters.
* On card statements, the concatenation of both prefix and suffix (including
* separators) will appear truncated to 22 characters.
String statementDescriptorSuffixKana;
* Provides information about a card payment that customers see on their statements.
* Concatenated with the Kanji prefix (shortened Kanji descriptor) or Kanji statement
* descriptor that’s set on the account to form the complete statement descriptor. Maximum 17
* characters. On card statements, the concatenation of both prefix and suffix
* (including separators) will appear truncated to 17 characters.
String statementDescriptorSuffixKanji;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Installments extends StripeObject {
/** Installment plans that may be selected for this PaymentIntent. */
List availablePlans;
/** Whether Installments are enabled for this PaymentIntent. */
Boolean enabled;
/** Installment plan selected for this PaymentIntent. */
Plan plan;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class AvailablePlan extends StripeObject {
* For {@code fixed_count} installment plans, this is the number of installment payments
* your customer will make to their credit card.
Long count;
* For {@code fixed_count} installment plans, this is the interval between installment
* payments your customer will make to their credit card. One of {@code month}.
String interval;
/** Type of installment plan, one of {@code fixed_count}. */
String type;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Plan extends StripeObject {
* For {@code fixed_count} installment plans, this is the number of installment payments
* your customer will make to their credit card.
Long count;
* For {@code fixed_count} installment plans, this is the interval between installment
* payments your customer will make to their credit card. One of {@code month}.
String interval;
/** Type of installment plan, one of {@code fixed_count}. */
String type;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class MandateOptions extends StripeObject {
/** Amount to be charged for future payments. */
Long amount;
* One of {@code fixed} or {@code maximum}. If {@code fixed}, the {@code amount} param
* refers to the exact amount to be charged in future payments. If {@code maximum}, the
* amount charged can be up to the value passed for the {@code amount} param.
String amountType;
* A description of the mandate or subscription that is meant to be displayed to the
* customer.
String description;
* End date of the mandate or subscription. If not provided, the mandate will be active
* until canceled. If provided, end date should be after start date.
Long endDate;
* Specifies payment frequency. One of {@code day}, {@code week}, {@code month}, {@code
* year}, or {@code sporadic}.
String interval;
* The number of intervals between payments. For example, {@code interval=month} and {@code
* interval_count=3} indicates one payment every three months. Maximum of one year interval
* allowed (1 year, 12 months, or 52 weeks). This parameter is optional when {@code
* interval=sporadic}.
Long intervalCount;
/** Unique identifier for the mandate or subscription. */
String reference;
* Start date of the mandate or subscription. Start date should not be lesser than
* yesterday.
Long startDate;
/** Specifies the type of mandates supported. Possible values are {@code india}. */
List supportedTypes;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class CardPresent extends StripeObject {
* Request ability to capture this payment beyond the standard authorization
* validity window.
Boolean requestExtendedAuthorization;
* Request ability to increment
* this PaymentIntent if the combination of MCC and card brand is eligible. Check incremental_authorization_supported
* in the Confirm response
* to verify support.
Boolean requestIncrementalAuthorizationSupport;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Cashapp extends StripeObject {
* Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.
* Equal to {@code manual}.
String captureMethod;
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
One of {@code none}, {@code off_session}, or {@code on_session}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class CustomerBalance extends StripeObject {
BankTransfer bankTransfer;
* The funding method type to be used when there are not enough funds in the customer balance.
* Permitted values include: {@code bank_transfer}.
Equal to {@code bank_transfer}.
String fundingType;
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
Equal to {@code none}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class BankTransfer extends StripeObject {
EuBankTransfer euBankTransfer;
* List of address types that should be returned in the financial_addresses response. If not
* specified, all valid types will be returned.
Permitted values include: {@code sort_code}, {@code zengin}, {@code iban}, or {@code
* spei}.
List requestedAddressTypes;
* The bank transfer type that this PaymentIntent is allowed to use for funding Permitted
* values include: {@code eu_bank_transfer}, {@code gb_bank_transfer}, {@code
* jp_bank_transfer}, {@code mx_bank_transfer}, or {@code us_bank_transfer}.
* One of {@code eu_bank_transfer}, {@code gb_bank_transfer}, {@code jp_bank_transfer},
* {@code mx_bank_transfer}, or {@code us_bank_transfer}.
String type;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class EuBankTransfer extends StripeObject {
* The desired country code of the bank account information. Permitted values include:
* {@code BE}, {@code DE}, {@code ES}, {@code FR}, {@code IE}, or {@code NL}.
One of {@code BE}, {@code DE}, {@code ES}, {@code FR}, {@code IE}, or {@code NL}.
String country;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Eps extends StripeObject {
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
Equal to {@code none}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Fpx extends StripeObject {
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
Equal to {@code none}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Giropay extends StripeObject {
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
Equal to {@code none}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Grabpay extends StripeObject {
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
Equal to {@code none}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Ideal extends StripeObject {
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
One of {@code none}, or {@code off_session}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class InteracPresent extends StripeObject {}
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Klarna extends StripeObject {
* Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.
Equal to {@code manual}.
String captureMethod;
/** Preferred locale of the Klarna checkout page that the customer is redirected to. */
String preferredLocale;
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
Equal to {@code none}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Konbini extends StripeObject {
* An optional 10 to 11 digit numeric-only string determining the confirmation code at
* applicable convenience stores.
String confirmationNumber;
* The number of calendar days (between 1 and 60) after which Konbini payment instructions
* will expire. For example, if a PaymentIntent is confirmed with Konbini and {@code
* expires_after_days} set to 2 on Monday JST, the instructions will expire on Wednesday
* 23:59:59 JST.
Long expiresAfterDays;
* The timestamp at which the Konbini payment instructions will expire. Only one of {@code
* expires_after_days} or {@code expires_at} may be set.
Long expiresAt;
* A product descriptor of up to 22 characters, which will appear to customers at the
* convenience store.
String productDescription;
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
Equal to {@code none}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Link extends StripeObject {
* Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.
Equal to {@code manual}.
String captureMethod;
/** [Deprecated] This is a legacy parameter that no longer has any function. */
String persistentToken;
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
One of {@code none}, or {@code off_session}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Oxxo extends StripeObject {
* The number of calendar days before an OXXO invoice expires. For example, if you create an
* OXXO invoice on Monday and you set expires_after_days to 2, the OXXO invoice will expire on
* Wednesday at 23:59 America/Mexico_City time.
Long expiresAfterDays;
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
Equal to {@code none}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class P24 extends StripeObject {
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
Equal to {@code none}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Paynow extends StripeObject {
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
Equal to {@code none}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Paypal extends StripeObject {
* Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.
Equal to {@code manual}.
String captureMethod;
/** Preferred locale of the PayPal checkout page that the customer is redirected to. */
String preferredLocale;
* A reference of the PayPal transaction visible to customer which is mapped to PayPal's
* invoice ID. This must be a globally unique ID if you have configured in your PayPal
* settings to block multiple payments per invoice ID.
String reference;
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
One of {@code none}, or {@code off_session}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Pix extends StripeObject {
/** The number of seconds (between 10 and 1209600) after which Pix payment will expire. */
Long expiresAfterSeconds;
/** The timestamp at which the Pix expires. */
Long expiresAt;
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
Equal to {@code none}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Promptpay extends StripeObject {
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
Equal to {@code none}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class SepaDebit extends StripeObject {
MandateOptions mandateOptions;
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
One of {@code none}, {@code off_session}, or {@code on_session}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class MandateOptions extends StripeObject {}
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Sofort extends StripeObject {
* Preferred language of the SOFORT authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
One of {@code de}, {@code en}, {@code es}, {@code fr}, {@code it}, {@code nl}, or {@code
* pl}.
String preferredLanguage;
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
One of {@code none}, or {@code off_session}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class UsBankAccount extends StripeObject {
FinancialConnections financialConnections;
* Preferred transaction settlement speed
One of {@code fastest}, or {@code standard}.
String preferredSettlementSpeed;
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
One of {@code none}, {@code off_session}, or {@code on_session}.
String setupFutureUsage;
* Bank account verification method.
One of {@code automatic}, {@code instant}, or {@code microdeposits}.
String verificationMethod;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class FinancialConnections extends StripeObject {
* The list of permissions to request. The {@code payment_method} permission must be
* included.
List permissions;
* For webview integrations only. Upon completing OAuth login in the native browser, the
* user will be redirected to this URL to return to your app.
String returnUrl;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class WechatPay extends StripeObject {
/** The app ID registered with WeChat Pay. Only required when client is ios or android. */
String appId;
* The client type that the end customer will pay from
* One of {@code android}, {@code ios}, or {@code web}.
String client;
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
Equal to {@code none}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Zip extends StripeObject {
* Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method
* to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any
* required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment
* method can still be attached to a Customer after
* the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses {@code setup_future_usage} to
* dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network
* rules, such as SCA.
Equal to {@code none}.
String setupFutureUsage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Processing extends StripeObject {
Card card;
* Type of the payment method for which payment is in {@code processing} state, one of {@code
* card}.
String type;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Card extends StripeObject {
CustomerNotification customerNotification;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class CustomerNotification extends StripeObject {
* Whether customer approval has been requested for this payment. For payments greater than
* INR 15000 or mandate amount, the customer must provide explicit approval of the payment
* with their bank.
Boolean approvalRequested;
/** If customer approval is required, they need to provide approval before this time. */
Long completesAt;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class TransferData extends StripeObject {
* Amount intended to be collected by this PaymentIntent. A positive integer representing how
* much to charge in the smallest
* currency unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00 or 100 to charge ¥100, a zero-decimal
* currency). The minimum amount is $0.50 US or equivalent in
* charge currency. The amount value supports up to eight digits (e.g., a value of 99999999
* for a USD charge of $999,999.99).
Long amount;
* The account (if any) the payment will be attributed to for tax reporting, and where funds
* from the payment will be transferred to upon payment success.
ExpandableField destination;
/** Get ID of expandable {@code destination} object. */
public String getDestination() {
return (this.destination != null) ? this.destination.getId() : null;
public void setDestination(String id) {
this.destination = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.destination);
/** Get expanded {@code destination}. */
public Account getDestinationObject() {
return (this.destination != null) ? this.destination.getExpanded() : null;
public void setDestinationObject(Account expandableObject) {
this.destination = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);