com.stripe.service.PayoutService Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// File generated from our OpenAPI spec
package com.stripe.service;
import com.stripe.exception.StripeException;
import com.stripe.model.Payout;
import com.stripe.model.StripeCollection;
import com.stripe.param.PayoutCancelParams;
import com.stripe.param.PayoutCreateParams;
import com.stripe.param.PayoutListParams;
import com.stripe.param.PayoutRetrieveParams;
import com.stripe.param.PayoutReverseParams;
import com.stripe.param.PayoutUpdateParams;
public final class PayoutService extends ApiService {
public PayoutService(StripeResponseGetter responseGetter) {
* Returns a list of existing payouts sent to third-party bank accounts or payouts that Stripe
* sent to you. The payouts return in sorted order, with the most recently created payouts
* appearing first.
public StripeCollection list(PayoutListParams params) throws StripeException {
return list(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Returns a list of existing payouts sent to third-party bank accounts or payouts that Stripe
* sent to you. The payouts return in sorted order, with the most recently created payouts
* appearing first.
public StripeCollection list(RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
return list((PayoutListParams) null, options);
* Returns a list of existing payouts sent to third-party bank accounts or payouts that Stripe
* sent to you. The payouts return in sorted order, with the most recently created payouts
* appearing first.
public StripeCollection list() throws StripeException {
return list((PayoutListParams) null, (RequestOptions) null);
* Returns a list of existing payouts sent to third-party bank accounts or payouts that Stripe
* sent to you. The payouts return in sorted order, with the most recently created payouts
* appearing first.
public StripeCollection list(PayoutListParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path = "/v1/payouts";
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
return this.request(request, new TypeToken>() {}.getType());
* To send funds to your own bank account, create a new payout object. Your Stripe balance must cover the payout amount. If
* it doesn’t, you receive an “Insufficient Funds” error.
* If your API key is in test mode, money won’t actually be sent, though every other action
* occurs as if you’re in live mode.
If you create a manual payout on a Stripe account that uses multiple payment source types,
* you need to specify the source type balance that the payout draws from. The balance object details available and
* pending amounts by source type.
public Payout create(PayoutCreateParams params) throws StripeException {
return create(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* To send funds to your own bank account, create a new payout object. Your Stripe balance must cover the payout amount. If
* it doesn’t, you receive an “Insufficient Funds” error.
If your API key is in test mode, money won’t actually be sent, though every other action
* occurs as if you’re in live mode.
If you create a manual payout on a Stripe account that uses multiple payment source types,
* you need to specify the source type balance that the payout draws from. The balance object details available and
* pending amounts by source type.
public Payout create(PayoutCreateParams params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String path = "/v1/payouts";
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
return this.request(request, Payout.class);
* Retrieves the details of an existing payout. Supply the unique payout ID from either a payout
* creation request or the payout list. Stripe returns the corresponding payout information.
public Payout retrieve(String payout, PayoutRetrieveParams params) throws StripeException {
return retrieve(payout, params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Retrieves the details of an existing payout. Supply the unique payout ID from either a payout
* creation request or the payout list. Stripe returns the corresponding payout information.
public Payout retrieve(String payout, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
return retrieve(payout, (PayoutRetrieveParams) null, options);
* Retrieves the details of an existing payout. Supply the unique payout ID from either a payout
* creation request or the payout list. Stripe returns the corresponding payout information.
public Payout retrieve(String payout) throws StripeException {
return retrieve(payout, (PayoutRetrieveParams) null, (RequestOptions) null);
* Retrieves the details of an existing payout. Supply the unique payout ID from either a payout
* creation request or the payout list. Stripe returns the corresponding payout information.
public Payout retrieve(String payout, PayoutRetrieveParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path = String.format("/v1/payouts/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(payout));
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
return this.request(request, Payout.class);
* Updates the specified payout by setting the values of the parameters you pass. We don’t change
* parameters that you don’t provide. This request only accepts the metadata as arguments.
public Payout update(String payout, PayoutUpdateParams params) throws StripeException {
return update(payout, params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Updates the specified payout by setting the values of the parameters you pass. We don’t change
* parameters that you don’t provide. This request only accepts the metadata as arguments.
public Payout update(String payout, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
return update(payout, (PayoutUpdateParams) null, options);
* Updates the specified payout by setting the values of the parameters you pass. We don’t change
* parameters that you don’t provide. This request only accepts the metadata as arguments.
public Payout update(String payout) throws StripeException {
return update(payout, (PayoutUpdateParams) null, (RequestOptions) null);
* Updates the specified payout by setting the values of the parameters you pass. We don’t change
* parameters that you don’t provide. This request only accepts the metadata as arguments.
public Payout update(String payout, PayoutUpdateParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path = String.format("/v1/payouts/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(payout));
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
return this.request(request, Payout.class);
* You can cancel a previously created payout if its status is {@code pending}. Stripe refunds the
* funds to your available balance. You can’t cancel automatic Stripe payouts.
public Payout cancel(String payout, PayoutCancelParams params) throws StripeException {
return cancel(payout, params, (RequestOptions) null);
* You can cancel a previously created payout if its status is {@code pending}. Stripe refunds the
* funds to your available balance. You can’t cancel automatic Stripe payouts.
public Payout cancel(String payout, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
return cancel(payout, (PayoutCancelParams) null, options);
* You can cancel a previously created payout if its status is {@code pending}. Stripe refunds the
* funds to your available balance. You can’t cancel automatic Stripe payouts.
public Payout cancel(String payout) throws StripeException {
return cancel(payout, (PayoutCancelParams) null, (RequestOptions) null);
* You can cancel a previously created payout if its status is {@code pending}. Stripe refunds the
* funds to your available balance. You can’t cancel automatic Stripe payouts.
public Payout cancel(String payout, PayoutCancelParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path = String.format("/v1/payouts/%s/cancel", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(payout));
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
return this.request(request, Payout.class);
* Reverses a payout by debiting the destination bank account. At this time, you can only reverse
* payouts for connected accounts to US bank accounts. If the payout is manual and in the {@code
* pending} status, use {@code /v1/payouts/:id/cancel} instead.
By requesting a reversal through {@code /v1/payouts/:id/reverse}, you confirm that the
* authorized signatory of the selected bank account authorizes the debit on the bank account and
* that no other authorization is required.
public Payout reverse(String payout, PayoutReverseParams params) throws StripeException {
return reverse(payout, params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Reverses a payout by debiting the destination bank account. At this time, you can only reverse
* payouts for connected accounts to US bank accounts. If the payout is manual and in the {@code
* pending} status, use {@code /v1/payouts/:id/cancel} instead.
By requesting a reversal through {@code /v1/payouts/:id/reverse}, you confirm that the
* authorized signatory of the selected bank account authorizes the debit on the bank account and
* that no other authorization is required.
public Payout reverse(String payout, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
return reverse(payout, (PayoutReverseParams) null, options);
* Reverses a payout by debiting the destination bank account. At this time, you can only reverse
* payouts for connected accounts to US bank accounts. If the payout is manual and in the {@code
* pending} status, use {@code /v1/payouts/:id/cancel} instead.
By requesting a reversal through {@code /v1/payouts/:id/reverse}, you confirm that the
* authorized signatory of the selected bank account authorizes the debit on the bank account and
* that no other authorization is required.
public Payout reverse(String payout) throws StripeException {
return reverse(payout, (PayoutReverseParams) null, (RequestOptions) null);
* Reverses a payout by debiting the destination bank account. At this time, you can only reverse
* payouts for connected accounts to US bank accounts. If the payout is manual and in the {@code
* pending} status, use {@code /v1/payouts/:id/cancel} instead.
By requesting a reversal through {@code /v1/payouts/:id/reverse}, you confirm that the
* authorized signatory of the selected bank account authorizes the debit on the bank account and
* that no other authorization is required.
public Payout reverse(String payout, PayoutReverseParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path = String.format("/v1/payouts/%s/reverse", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(payout));
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
return this.request(request, Payout.class);