com.stripe.model.Payout Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// File generated from our OpenAPI spec
package com.stripe.model;
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
import com.stripe.exception.StripeException;
import com.stripe.net.ApiMode;
import com.stripe.net.ApiRequest;
import com.stripe.net.ApiRequestParams;
import com.stripe.net.ApiResource;
import com.stripe.net.BaseAddress;
import com.stripe.net.RequestOptions;
import com.stripe.net.StripeResponseGetter;
import com.stripe.param.PayoutCancelParams;
import com.stripe.param.PayoutCreateParams;
import com.stripe.param.PayoutListParams;
import com.stripe.param.PayoutRetrieveParams;
import com.stripe.param.PayoutReverseParams;
import com.stripe.param.PayoutUpdateParams;
import java.util.Map;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
* A {@code Payout} object is created when you receive funds from Stripe, or when you initiate a
* payout to either a bank account or debit card of a connected Stripe account. You
* can retrieve individual payouts, and list all payouts. Payouts are made on varying schedules, depending on
* your country and industry.
* Related guide: Receiving payouts
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public class Payout extends ApiResource implements MetadataStore, BalanceTransactionSource {
* The amount (in cents (or local equivalent)) that transfers to your bank account or debit card.
Long amount;
* The application fee (if any) for the payout. See the Connect
* documentation for details.
ExpandableField applicationFee;
* The amount of the application fee (if any) requested for the payout. See the Connect
* documentation for details.
Long applicationFeeAmount;
* Date that you can expect the payout to arrive in the bank. This factors in delays to account
* for weekends or bank holidays.
Long arrivalDate;
* Returns {@code true} if the payout is created by an automated payout schedule and {@code
* false} if it's requested manually.
Boolean automatic;
* ID of the balance transaction that describes the impact of this payout on your account balance.
ExpandableField balanceTransaction;
/** Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. */
Long created;
* Three-letter ISO currency code,
* in lowercase. Must be a supported currency.
String currency;
/** An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. */
String description;
/** ID of the bank account or card the payout is sent to. */
ExpandableField destination;
* If the payout fails or cancels, this is the ID of the balance transaction that reverses the
* initial balance transaction and returns the funds from the failed payout back in your balance.
ExpandableField failureBalanceTransaction;
* Error code that provides a reason for a payout failure, if available. View our list of failure codes.
String failureCode;
/** Message that provides the reason for a payout failure, if available. */
String failureMessage;
/** Unique identifier for the object. */
@Getter(onMethod_ = {@Override})
String id;
* Has the value {@code true} if the object exists in live mode or the value {@code false} if the
* object exists in test mode.
Boolean livemode;
* Set of key-value pairs that you can attach
* to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a
* structured format.
@Getter(onMethod_ = {@Override})
Map metadata;
* The method used to send this payout, which can be {@code standard} or {@code instant}. {@code
* instant} is supported for payouts to debit cards and bank accounts in certain countries. Learn
* more about bank support for
* Instant Payouts.
String method;
* String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
* Equal to {@code payout}.
String object;
/** If the payout reverses another, this is the ID of the original payout. */
ExpandableField originalPayout;
* If {@code completed}, you can use the Balance
* Transactions API to list all balance transactions that are paid out in this payout.
* One of {@code completed}, {@code in_progress}, or {@code not_applicable}.
String reconciliationStatus;
/** If the payout reverses, this is the ID of the payout that reverses this payout. */
ExpandableField reversedBy;
* The source balance this payout came from, which can be one of the following: {@code card},
* {@code fpx}, or {@code bank_account}.
String sourceType;
/** Extra information about a payout that displays on the user's bank statement. */
String statementDescriptor;
* Current status of the payout: {@code paid}, {@code pending}, {@code in_transit}, {@code
* canceled} or {@code failed}. A payout is {@code pending} until it's submitted to the bank, when
* it becomes {@code in_transit}. The status changes to {@code paid} if the transaction succeeds,
* or to {@code failed} or {@code canceled} (within 5 business days). Some payouts that fail might
* initially show as {@code paid}, then change to {@code failed}.
String status;
/** Can be {@code bank_account} or {@code card}. */
String type;
/** Get ID of expandable {@code applicationFee} object. */
public String getApplicationFee() {
return (this.applicationFee != null) ? this.applicationFee.getId() : null;
public void setApplicationFee(String id) {
this.applicationFee = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.applicationFee);
/** Get expanded {@code applicationFee}. */
public ApplicationFee getApplicationFeeObject() {
return (this.applicationFee != null) ? this.applicationFee.getExpanded() : null;
public void setApplicationFeeObject(ApplicationFee expandableObject) {
this.applicationFee =
new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
/** Get ID of expandable {@code balanceTransaction} object. */
public String getBalanceTransaction() {
return (this.balanceTransaction != null) ? this.balanceTransaction.getId() : null;
public void setBalanceTransaction(String id) {
this.balanceTransaction = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.balanceTransaction);
/** Get expanded {@code balanceTransaction}. */
public BalanceTransaction getBalanceTransactionObject() {
return (this.balanceTransaction != null) ? this.balanceTransaction.getExpanded() : null;
public void setBalanceTransactionObject(BalanceTransaction expandableObject) {
this.balanceTransaction =
new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
/** Get ID of expandable {@code destination} object. */
public String getDestination() {
return (this.destination != null) ? this.destination.getId() : null;
public void setDestination(String id) {
this.destination = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.destination);
/** Get expanded {@code destination}. */
public ExternalAccount getDestinationObject() {
return (this.destination != null) ? this.destination.getExpanded() : null;
public void setDestinationObject(ExternalAccount expandableObject) {
this.destination =
new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
/** Get ID of expandable {@code failureBalanceTransaction} object. */
public String getFailureBalanceTransaction() {
return (this.failureBalanceTransaction != null) ? this.failureBalanceTransaction.getId() : null;
public void setFailureBalanceTransaction(String id) {
this.failureBalanceTransaction =
ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.failureBalanceTransaction);
/** Get expanded {@code failureBalanceTransaction}. */
public BalanceTransaction getFailureBalanceTransactionObject() {
return (this.failureBalanceTransaction != null)
? this.failureBalanceTransaction.getExpanded()
: null;
public void setFailureBalanceTransactionObject(BalanceTransaction expandableObject) {
this.failureBalanceTransaction =
new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
/** Get ID of expandable {@code originalPayout} object. */
public String getOriginalPayout() {
return (this.originalPayout != null) ? this.originalPayout.getId() : null;
public void setOriginalPayout(String id) {
this.originalPayout = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.originalPayout);
/** Get expanded {@code originalPayout}. */
public Payout getOriginalPayoutObject() {
return (this.originalPayout != null) ? this.originalPayout.getExpanded() : null;
public void setOriginalPayoutObject(Payout expandableObject) {
this.originalPayout = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
/** Get ID of expandable {@code reversedBy} object. */
public String getReversedBy() {
return (this.reversedBy != null) ? this.reversedBy.getId() : null;
public void setReversedBy(String id) {
this.reversedBy = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.reversedBy);
/** Get expanded {@code reversedBy}. */
public Payout getReversedByObject() {
return (this.reversedBy != null) ? this.reversedBy.getExpanded() : null;
public void setReversedByObject(Payout expandableObject) {
this.reversedBy = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
* You can cancel a previously created payout if its status is {@code pending}. Stripe refunds the
* funds to your available balance. You can’t cancel automatic Stripe payouts.
public Payout cancel() throws StripeException {
return cancel((Map) null, (RequestOptions) null);
* You can cancel a previously created payout if its status is {@code pending}. Stripe refunds the
* funds to your available balance. You can’t cancel automatic Stripe payouts.
public Payout cancel(RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
return cancel((Map) null, options);
* You can cancel a previously created payout if its status is {@code pending}. Stripe refunds the
* funds to your available balance. You can’t cancel automatic Stripe payouts.
public Payout cancel(Map params) throws StripeException {
return cancel(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* You can cancel a previously created payout if its status is {@code pending}. Stripe refunds the
* funds to your available balance. You can’t cancel automatic Stripe payouts.
public Payout cancel(Map params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String path = String.format("/v1/payouts/%s/cancel", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId()));
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
BaseAddress.API, ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, path, params, options, ApiMode.V1);
return getResponseGetter().request(request, Payout.class);
* You can cancel a previously created payout if its status is {@code pending}. Stripe refunds the
* funds to your available balance. You can’t cancel automatic Stripe payouts.
public Payout cancel(PayoutCancelParams params) throws StripeException {
return cancel(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* You can cancel a previously created payout if its status is {@code pending}. Stripe refunds the
* funds to your available balance. You can’t cancel automatic Stripe payouts.
public Payout cancel(PayoutCancelParams params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String path = String.format("/v1/payouts/%s/cancel", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId()));
ApiResource.checkNullTypedParams(path, params);
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
return getResponseGetter().request(request, Payout.class);
* To send funds to your own bank account, create a new payout object. Your Stripe balance must cover the payout amount. If
* it doesn’t, you receive an “Insufficient Funds” error.
* If your API key is in test mode, money won’t actually be sent, though every other action
* occurs as if you’re in live mode.
If you create a manual payout on a Stripe account that uses multiple payment source types,
* you need to specify the source type balance that the payout draws from. The balance object details available and
* pending amounts by source type.
public static Payout create(Map params) throws StripeException {
return create(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* To send funds to your own bank account, create a new payout object. Your Stripe balance must cover the payout amount. If
* it doesn’t, you receive an “Insufficient Funds” error.
* If your API key is in test mode, money won’t actually be sent, though every other action
* occurs as if you’re in live mode.
If you create a manual payout on a Stripe account that uses multiple payment source types,
* you need to specify the source type balance that the payout draws from. The balance object details available and
* pending amounts by source type.
public static Payout create(Map params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path = "/v1/payouts";
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
BaseAddress.API, ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, path, params, options, ApiMode.V1);
return getGlobalResponseGetter().request(request, Payout.class);
* To send funds to your own bank account, create a new payout object. Your Stripe balance must cover the payout amount. If
* it doesn’t, you receive an “Insufficient Funds” error.
* If your API key is in test mode, money won’t actually be sent, though every other action
* occurs as if you’re in live mode.
If you create a manual payout on a Stripe account that uses multiple payment source types,
* you need to specify the source type balance that the payout draws from. The balance object details available and
* pending amounts by source type.
public static Payout create(PayoutCreateParams params) throws StripeException {
return create(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* To send funds to your own bank account, create a new payout object. Your Stripe balance must cover the payout amount. If
* it doesn’t, you receive an “Insufficient Funds” error.
If your API key is in test mode, money won’t actually be sent, though every other action
* occurs as if you’re in live mode.
If you create a manual payout on a Stripe account that uses multiple payment source types,
* you need to specify the source type balance that the payout draws from. The balance object details available and
* pending amounts by source type.
public static Payout create(PayoutCreateParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path = "/v1/payouts";
ApiResource.checkNullTypedParams(path, params);
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
return getGlobalResponseGetter().request(request, Payout.class);
* Returns a list of existing payouts sent to third-party bank accounts or payouts that Stripe
* sent to you. The payouts return in sorted order, with the most recently created payouts
* appearing first.
public static PayoutCollection list(Map params) throws StripeException {
return list(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Returns a list of existing payouts sent to third-party bank accounts or payouts that Stripe
* sent to you. The payouts return in sorted order, with the most recently created payouts
* appearing first.
public static PayoutCollection list(Map params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path = "/v1/payouts";
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
BaseAddress.API, ApiResource.RequestMethod.GET, path, params, options, ApiMode.V1);
return getGlobalResponseGetter().request(request, PayoutCollection.class);
* Returns a list of existing payouts sent to third-party bank accounts or payouts that Stripe
* sent to you. The payouts return in sorted order, with the most recently created payouts
* appearing first.
public static PayoutCollection list(PayoutListParams params) throws StripeException {
return list(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Returns a list of existing payouts sent to third-party bank accounts or payouts that Stripe
* sent to you. The payouts return in sorted order, with the most recently created payouts
* appearing first.
public static PayoutCollection list(PayoutListParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path = "/v1/payouts";
ApiResource.checkNullTypedParams(path, params);
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
return getGlobalResponseGetter().request(request, PayoutCollection.class);
* Retrieves the details of an existing payout. Supply the unique payout ID from either a payout
* creation request or the payout list. Stripe returns the corresponding payout information.
public static Payout retrieve(String payout) throws StripeException {
return retrieve(payout, (Map) null, (RequestOptions) null);
* Retrieves the details of an existing payout. Supply the unique payout ID from either a payout
* creation request or the payout list. Stripe returns the corresponding payout information.
public static Payout retrieve(String payout, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
return retrieve(payout, (Map) null, options);
* Retrieves the details of an existing payout. Supply the unique payout ID from either a payout
* creation request or the payout list. Stripe returns the corresponding payout information.
public static Payout retrieve(String payout, Map params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path = String.format("/v1/payouts/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(payout));
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
BaseAddress.API, ApiResource.RequestMethod.GET, path, params, options, ApiMode.V1);
return getGlobalResponseGetter().request(request, Payout.class);
* Retrieves the details of an existing payout. Supply the unique payout ID from either a payout
* creation request or the payout list. Stripe returns the corresponding payout information.
public static Payout retrieve(String payout, PayoutRetrieveParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path = String.format("/v1/payouts/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(payout));
ApiResource.checkNullTypedParams(path, params);
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
return getGlobalResponseGetter().request(request, Payout.class);
* Reverses a payout by debiting the destination bank account. At this time, you can only reverse
* payouts for connected accounts to US bank accounts. If the payout is manual and in the {@code
* pending} status, use {@code /v1/payouts/:id/cancel} instead.
* By requesting a reversal through {@code /v1/payouts/:id/reverse}, you confirm that the
* authorized signatory of the selected bank account authorizes the debit on the bank account and
* that no other authorization is required.
public Payout reverse() throws StripeException {
return reverse((Map) null, (RequestOptions) null);
* Reverses a payout by debiting the destination bank account. At this time, you can only reverse
* payouts for connected accounts to US bank accounts. If the payout is manual and in the {@code
* pending} status, use {@code /v1/payouts/:id/cancel} instead.
* By requesting a reversal through {@code /v1/payouts/:id/reverse}, you confirm that the
* authorized signatory of the selected bank account authorizes the debit on the bank account and
* that no other authorization is required.
public Payout reverse(RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
return reverse((Map) null, options);
* Reverses a payout by debiting the destination bank account. At this time, you can only reverse
* payouts for connected accounts to US bank accounts. If the payout is manual and in the {@code
* pending} status, use {@code /v1/payouts/:id/cancel} instead.
* By requesting a reversal through {@code /v1/payouts/:id/reverse}, you confirm that the
* authorized signatory of the selected bank account authorizes the debit on the bank account and
* that no other authorization is required.
public Payout reverse(Map params) throws StripeException {
return reverse(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Reverses a payout by debiting the destination bank account. At this time, you can only reverse
* payouts for connected accounts to US bank accounts. If the payout is manual and in the {@code
* pending} status, use {@code /v1/payouts/:id/cancel} instead.
* By requesting a reversal through {@code /v1/payouts/:id/reverse}, you confirm that the
* authorized signatory of the selected bank account authorizes the debit on the bank account and
* that no other authorization is required.
public Payout reverse(Map params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String path = String.format("/v1/payouts/%s/reverse", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId()));
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
BaseAddress.API, ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, path, params, options, ApiMode.V1);
return getResponseGetter().request(request, Payout.class);
* Reverses a payout by debiting the destination bank account. At this time, you can only reverse
* payouts for connected accounts to US bank accounts. If the payout is manual and in the {@code
* pending} status, use {@code /v1/payouts/:id/cancel} instead.
* By requesting a reversal through {@code /v1/payouts/:id/reverse}, you confirm that the
* authorized signatory of the selected bank account authorizes the debit on the bank account and
* that no other authorization is required.
public Payout reverse(PayoutReverseParams params) throws StripeException {
return reverse(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Reverses a payout by debiting the destination bank account. At this time, you can only reverse
* payouts for connected accounts to US bank accounts. If the payout is manual and in the {@code
* pending} status, use {@code /v1/payouts/:id/cancel} instead.
By requesting a reversal through {@code /v1/payouts/:id/reverse}, you confirm that the
* authorized signatory of the selected bank account authorizes the debit on the bank account and
* that no other authorization is required.
public Payout reverse(PayoutReverseParams params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String path = String.format("/v1/payouts/%s/reverse", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId()));
ApiResource.checkNullTypedParams(path, params);
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
return getResponseGetter().request(request, Payout.class);
* Updates the specified payout by setting the values of the parameters you pass. We don’t change
* parameters that you don’t provide. This request only accepts the metadata as arguments.
public Payout update(Map params) throws StripeException {
return update(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Updates the specified payout by setting the values of the parameters you pass. We don’t change
* parameters that you don’t provide. This request only accepts the metadata as arguments.
public Payout update(Map params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String path = String.format("/v1/payouts/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId()));
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
BaseAddress.API, ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, path, params, options, ApiMode.V1);
return getResponseGetter().request(request, Payout.class);
* Updates the specified payout by setting the values of the parameters you pass. We don’t change
* parameters that you don’t provide. This request only accepts the metadata as arguments.
public Payout update(PayoutUpdateParams params) throws StripeException {
return update(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Updates the specified payout by setting the values of the parameters you pass. We don’t change
* parameters that you don’t provide. This request only accepts the metadata as arguments.
public Payout update(PayoutUpdateParams params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String path = String.format("/v1/payouts/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId()));
ApiResource.checkNullTypedParams(path, params);
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
return getResponseGetter().request(request, Payout.class);
public void setResponseGetter(StripeResponseGetter responseGetter) {
trySetResponseGetter(applicationFee, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(balanceTransaction, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(destination, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(failureBalanceTransaction, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(originalPayout, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(reversedBy, responseGetter);