com.stripe.model.Subscription Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// File generated from our OpenAPI spec
package com.stripe.model;
import com.stripe.exception.StripeException;
import com.stripe.model.testhelpers.TestClock;
import com.stripe.param.SubscriptionCancelParams;
import com.stripe.param.SubscriptionCreateParams;
import com.stripe.param.SubscriptionListParams;
import com.stripe.param.SubscriptionResumeParams;
import com.stripe.param.SubscriptionRetrieveParams;
import com.stripe.param.SubscriptionSearchParams;
import com.stripe.param.SubscriptionUpdateParams;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
* Subscriptions allow you to charge a customer on a recurring basis.
* Related guide: Creating
* subscriptions
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public class Subscription extends ApiResource implements HasId, MetadataStore {
/** ID of the Connect Application that created the subscription. */
ExpandableField application;
* A non-negative decimal between 0 and 100, with at most two decimal places. This represents the
* percentage of the subscription invoice total that will be transferred to the application
* owner's Stripe account.
BigDecimal applicationFeePercent;
AutomaticTax automaticTax;
* The reference point that aligns future billing cycle dates. It sets the
* day of week for {@code week} intervals, the day of month for {@code month} and {@code year}
* intervals, and the month of year for {@code year} intervals. The timestamp is in UTC format.
Long billingCycleAnchor;
/** The fixed values used to calculate the {@code billing_cycle_anchor}. */
BillingCycleAnchorConfig billingCycleAnchorConfig;
* Define thresholds at which an invoice will be sent, and the subscription advanced to a new
* billing period.
BillingThresholds billingThresholds;
/** A date in the future at which the subscription will automatically get canceled. */
Long cancelAt;
* Whether this subscription will (if {@code status=active}) or did (if {@code status=canceled})
* cancel at the end of the current billing period.
Boolean cancelAtPeriodEnd;
* If the subscription has been canceled, the date of that cancellation. If the subscription was
* canceled with {@code cancel_at_period_end}, {@code canceled_at} will reflect the time of the
* most recent update request, not the end of the subscription period when the subscription is
* automatically moved to a canceled state.
Long canceledAt;
/** Details about why this subscription was cancelled. */
CancellationDetails cancellationDetails;
* Either {@code charge_automatically}, or {@code send_invoice}. When charging automatically,
* Stripe will attempt to pay this subscription at the end of the cycle using the default source
* attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email your customer an invoice
* with payment instructions and mark the subscription as {@code active}.
* One of {@code charge_automatically}, or {@code send_invoice}.
String collectionMethod;
/** Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. */
Long created;
* Three-letter ISO currency code,
* in lowercase. Must be a supported currency.
String currency;
* End of the current period that the subscription has been invoiced for. At the end of this
* period, a new invoice will be created.
Long currentPeriodEnd;
/** Start of the current period that the subscription has been invoiced for. */
Long currentPeriodStart;
/** ID of the customer who owns the subscription. */
ExpandableField customer;
* Number of days a customer has to pay invoices generated by this subscription. This value will
* be {@code null} for subscriptions where {@code collection_method=charge_automatically}.
Long daysUntilDue;
* ID of the default payment method for the subscription. It must belong to the customer
* associated with the subscription. This takes precedence over {@code default_source}. If neither
* are set, invoices will use the customer's invoice_settings.default_payment_method
* or default_source.
ExpandableField defaultPaymentMethod;
* ID of the default payment source for the subscription. It must belong to the customer
* associated with the subscription and be in a chargeable state. If {@code
* default_payment_method} is also set, {@code default_payment_method} will take precedence. If
* neither are set, invoices will use the customer's invoice_settings.default_payment_method
* or default_source.
ExpandableField defaultSource;
* The tax rates that will apply to any subscription item that does not have {@code tax_rates}
* set. Invoices created will have their {@code default_tax_rates} populated from the
* subscription.
List defaultTaxRates;
* The subscription's description, meant to be displayable to the customer. Use this field to
* optionally store an explanation of the subscription for rendering in Stripe surfaces and
* certain local payment methods UIs.
String description;
* Describes the current discount applied to this subscription, if there is one. When billing, a
* discount applied to a subscription overrides a discount applied on a customer-wide basis. This
* field has been deprecated and will be removed in a future API version. Use {@code discounts}
* instead.
Discount discount;
* The discounts applied to the subscription. Subscription item discounts are applied before
* subscription discounts. Use {@code expand[]=discounts} to expand each discount.
List> discounts;
/** If the subscription has ended, the date the subscription ended. */
Long endedAt;
/** Unique identifier for the object. */
@Getter(onMethod_ = {@Override})
String id;
InvoiceSettings invoiceSettings;
/** List of subscription items, each with an attached price. */
SubscriptionItemCollection items;
/** Details of the most recent price migration that failed for the subscription. */
LastPriceMigrationError lastPriceMigrationError;
/** The most recent invoice this subscription has generated. */
ExpandableField latestInvoice;
* Has the value {@code true} if the object exists in live mode or the value {@code false} if the
* object exists in test mode.
Boolean livemode;
* Set of key-value pairs that you can attach
* to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a
* structured format.
@Getter(onMethod_ = {@Override})
Map metadata;
* Specifies the approximate timestamp on which any pending invoice items will be billed according
* to the schedule provided at {@code pending_invoice_item_interval}.
Long nextPendingInvoiceItemInvoice;
* String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
* Equal to {@code subscription}.
String object;
* The account (if any) the charge was made on behalf of for charges associated with this
* subscription. See the Connect documentation for details.
ExpandableField onBehalfOf;
* If specified, payment collection for this subscription will be paused. Note that the
* subscription status will be unchanged and will not be updated to {@code paused}. Learn more
* about pausing collection.
PauseCollection pauseCollection;
/** Payment settings passed on to invoices created by the subscription. */
PaymentSettings paymentSettings;
* Specifies an interval for how often to bill for any pending invoice items. It is analogous to
* calling Create an invoice for the
* given subscription at the specified interval.
PendingInvoiceItemInterval pendingInvoiceItemInterval;
* You can use this SetupIntent to collect
* user authentication when creating a subscription without immediate payment or updating a
* subscription's payment method, allowing you to optimize for off-session payments. Learn more in
* the SCA
* Migration Guide.
ExpandableField pendingSetupIntent;
* If specified, pending
* updates that will be applied to the subscription once the {@code latest_invoice} has been
* paid.
PendingUpdate pendingUpdate;
/** Time period and invoice for a Subscription billed in advance. */
Prebilling prebilling;
/** The schedule attached to the subscription. */
ExpandableField schedule;
* Date when the subscription was first created. The date might differ from the {@code created}
* date due to backdating.
Long startDate;
* Possible values are {@code incomplete}, {@code incomplete_expired}, {@code trialing}, {@code
* active}, {@code past_due}, {@code canceled}, {@code unpaid}, or {@code paused}.
* For {@code collection_method=charge_automatically} a subscription moves into {@code
* incomplete} if the initial payment attempt fails. A subscription in this status can only have
* metadata and default_source updated. Once the first invoice is paid, the subscription moves
* into an {@code active} status. If the first invoice is not paid within 23 hours, the
* subscription transitions to {@code incomplete_expired}. This is a terminal status, the open
* invoice will be voided and no further invoices will be generated.
A subscription that is currently in a trial period is {@code trialing} and moves to {@code
* active} when the trial period is over.
A subscription can only enter a {@code paused} status when
* a trial ends without a payment method. A {@code paused} subscription doesn't generate
* invoices and can be resumed after your customer adds their payment method. The {@code paused}
* status is different from pausing collection, which
* still generates invoices and leaves the subscription's status unchanged.
If subscription {@code collection_method=charge_automatically}, it becomes {@code past_due}
* when payment is required but cannot be paid (due to failed payment or awaiting additional user
* actions). Once Stripe has exhausted all payment retry attempts, the subscription will become
* {@code canceled} or {@code unpaid} (depending on your subscriptions settings).
If subscription {@code collection_method=send_invoice} it becomes {@code past_due} when its
* invoice is not paid by the due date, and {@code canceled} or {@code unpaid} if it is still not
* paid by an additional deadline after that. Note that when a subscription has a status of {@code
* unpaid}, no subsequent invoices will be attempted (invoices will be created, but then
* immediately automatically closed). After receiving updated payment information from a customer,
* you may choose to reopen and pay their closed invoices.
One of {@code active}, {@code canceled}, {@code incomplete}, {@code incomplete_expired},
* {@code past_due}, {@code paused}, {@code trialing}, or {@code unpaid}.
String status;
/** ID of the test clock this subscription belongs to. */
ExpandableField testClock;
* The account (if any) the subscription's payments will be attributed to for tax reporting, and
* where funds from each payment will be transferred to for each of the subscription's invoices.
TransferData transferData;
/** If the subscription has a trial, the end of that trial. */
Long trialEnd;
/** Settings related to subscription trials. */
TrialSettings trialSettings;
/** If the subscription has a trial, the beginning of that trial. */
Long trialStart;
/** Get ID of expandable {@code application} object. */
public String getApplication() {
return (this.application != null) ? this.application.getId() : null;
public void setApplication(String id) {
this.application = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.application);
/** Get expanded {@code application}. */
public Application getApplicationObject() {
return (this.application != null) ? this.application.getExpanded() : null;
public void setApplicationObject(Application expandableObject) {
this.application = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
/** Get ID of expandable {@code customer} object. */
public String getCustomer() {
return (this.customer != null) ? this.customer.getId() : null;
public void setCustomer(String id) {
this.customer = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.customer);
/** Get expanded {@code customer}. */
public Customer getCustomerObject() {
return (this.customer != null) ? this.customer.getExpanded() : null;
public void setCustomerObject(Customer expandableObject) {
this.customer = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
/** Get ID of expandable {@code defaultPaymentMethod} object. */
public String getDefaultPaymentMethod() {
return (this.defaultPaymentMethod != null) ? this.defaultPaymentMethod.getId() : null;
public void setDefaultPaymentMethod(String id) {
this.defaultPaymentMethod = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.defaultPaymentMethod);
/** Get expanded {@code defaultPaymentMethod}. */
public PaymentMethod getDefaultPaymentMethodObject() {
return (this.defaultPaymentMethod != null) ? this.defaultPaymentMethod.getExpanded() : null;
public void setDefaultPaymentMethodObject(PaymentMethod expandableObject) {
this.defaultPaymentMethod =
new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
/** Get ID of expandable {@code defaultSource} object. */
public String getDefaultSource() {
return (this.defaultSource != null) ? this.defaultSource.getId() : null;
public void setDefaultSource(String id) {
this.defaultSource = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.defaultSource);
/** Get expanded {@code defaultSource}. */
public PaymentSource getDefaultSourceObject() {
return (this.defaultSource != null) ? this.defaultSource.getExpanded() : null;
public void setDefaultSourceObject(PaymentSource expandableObject) {
this.defaultSource =
new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
/** Get ID of expandable {@code latestInvoice} object. */
public String getLatestInvoice() {
return (this.latestInvoice != null) ? this.latestInvoice.getId() : null;
public void setLatestInvoice(String id) {
this.latestInvoice = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.latestInvoice);
/** Get expanded {@code latestInvoice}. */
public Invoice getLatestInvoiceObject() {
return (this.latestInvoice != null) ? this.latestInvoice.getExpanded() : null;
public void setLatestInvoiceObject(Invoice expandableObject) {
this.latestInvoice = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
/** Get ID of expandable {@code onBehalfOf} object. */
public String getOnBehalfOf() {
return (this.onBehalfOf != null) ? this.onBehalfOf.getId() : null;
public void setOnBehalfOf(String id) {
this.onBehalfOf = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.onBehalfOf);
/** Get expanded {@code onBehalfOf}. */
public Account getOnBehalfOfObject() {
return (this.onBehalfOf != null) ? this.onBehalfOf.getExpanded() : null;
public void setOnBehalfOfObject(Account expandableObject) {
this.onBehalfOf = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
/** Get ID of expandable {@code pendingSetupIntent} object. */
public String getPendingSetupIntent() {
return (this.pendingSetupIntent != null) ? this.pendingSetupIntent.getId() : null;
public void setPendingSetupIntent(String id) {
this.pendingSetupIntent = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.pendingSetupIntent);
/** Get expanded {@code pendingSetupIntent}. */
public SetupIntent getPendingSetupIntentObject() {
return (this.pendingSetupIntent != null) ? this.pendingSetupIntent.getExpanded() : null;
public void setPendingSetupIntentObject(SetupIntent expandableObject) {
this.pendingSetupIntent =
new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
/** Get ID of expandable {@code schedule} object. */
public String getSchedule() {
return (this.schedule != null) ? this.schedule.getId() : null;
public void setSchedule(String id) {
this.schedule = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.schedule);
/** Get expanded {@code schedule}. */
public SubscriptionSchedule getScheduleObject() {
return (this.schedule != null) ? this.schedule.getExpanded() : null;
public void setScheduleObject(SubscriptionSchedule expandableObject) {
this.schedule =
new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
/** Get ID of expandable {@code testClock} object. */
public String getTestClock() {
return (this.testClock != null) ? this.testClock.getId() : null;
public void setTestClock(String id) {
this.testClock = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.testClock);
/** Get expanded {@code testClock}. */
public TestClock getTestClockObject() {
return (this.testClock != null) ? this.testClock.getExpanded() : null;
public void setTestClockObject(TestClock expandableObject) {
this.testClock = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
/** Get IDs of expandable {@code discounts} object list. */
public List getDiscounts() {
return (this.discounts != null)
? -> x.getId()).collect(Collectors.toList())
: null;
public void setDiscounts(List ids) {
if (ids == null) {
this.discounts = null;
if (this.discounts != null
&& -> x.getId()).collect(Collectors.toList()).equals(ids)) {
// noop if the ids are equal to what are already present
this.discounts =
(ids != null)
.map(id -> new ExpandableField(id, null))
: null;
/** Get expanded {@code discounts}. */
public List getDiscountObjects() {
return (this.discounts != null)
? -> x.getExpanded()).collect(Collectors.toList())
: null;
public void setDiscountObjects(List objs) {
this.discounts =
objs != null
.map(x -> new ExpandableField(x.getId(), x))
: null;
* Cancels a customer’s subscription immediately. The customer won’t be charged again for the
* subscription. After it’s canceled, you can no longer update the subscription or its metadata.
* Any pending invoice items that you’ve created are still charged at the end of the period,
* unless manually deleted. If you’ve
* set the subscription to cancel at the end of the period, any pending prorations are also left
* in place and collected at the end of the period. But if the subscription is set to cancel
* immediately, pending prorations are removed.
By default, upon subscription cancellation, Stripe stops automatic collection of all
* finalized invoices for the customer. This is intended to prevent unexpected payment attempts
* after the customer has canceled a subscription. However, you can resume automatic collection of
* the invoices manually after subscription cancellation to have us proceed. Or, you could check
* for unpaid invoices before allowing the customer to cancel the subscription at all.
public Subscription cancel() throws StripeException {
return cancel((Map) null, (RequestOptions) null);
* Cancels a customer’s subscription immediately. The customer won’t be charged again for the
* subscription. After it’s canceled, you can no longer update the subscription or its metadata.
* Any pending invoice items that you’ve created are still charged at the end of the period,
* unless manually deleted. If you’ve
* set the subscription to cancel at the end of the period, any pending prorations are also left
* in place and collected at the end of the period. But if the subscription is set to cancel
* immediately, pending prorations are removed.
By default, upon subscription cancellation, Stripe stops automatic collection of all
* finalized invoices for the customer. This is intended to prevent unexpected payment attempts
* after the customer has canceled a subscription. However, you can resume automatic collection of
* the invoices manually after subscription cancellation to have us proceed. Or, you could check
* for unpaid invoices before allowing the customer to cancel the subscription at all.
public Subscription cancel(Map params) throws StripeException {
return cancel(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Cancels a customer’s subscription immediately. The customer won’t be charged again for the
* subscription. After it’s canceled, you can no longer update the subscription or its metadata.
* Any pending invoice items that you’ve created are still charged at the end of the period,
* unless manually deleted. If you’ve
* set the subscription to cancel at the end of the period, any pending prorations are also left
* in place and collected at the end of the period. But if the subscription is set to cancel
* immediately, pending prorations are removed.
By default, upon subscription cancellation, Stripe stops automatic collection of all
* finalized invoices for the customer. This is intended to prevent unexpected payment attempts
* after the customer has canceled a subscription. However, you can resume automatic collection of
* the invoices manually after subscription cancellation to have us proceed. Or, you could check
* for unpaid invoices before allowing the customer to cancel the subscription at all.
public Subscription cancel(Map params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path = String.format("/v1/subscriptions/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId()));
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(BaseAddress.API, ApiResource.RequestMethod.DELETE, path, params, options);
return getResponseGetter().request(request, Subscription.class);
* Cancels a customer’s subscription immediately. The customer won’t be charged again for the
* subscription. After it’s canceled, you can no longer update the subscription or its metadata.
* Any pending invoice items that you’ve created are still charged at the end of the period,
* unless manually deleted. If you’ve
* set the subscription to cancel at the end of the period, any pending prorations are also left
* in place and collected at the end of the period. But if the subscription is set to cancel
* immediately, pending prorations are removed.
By default, upon subscription cancellation, Stripe stops automatic collection of all
* finalized invoices for the customer. This is intended to prevent unexpected payment attempts
* after the customer has canceled a subscription. However, you can resume automatic collection of
* the invoices manually after subscription cancellation to have us proceed. Or, you could check
* for unpaid invoices before allowing the customer to cancel the subscription at all.
public Subscription cancel(SubscriptionCancelParams params) throws StripeException {
return cancel(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Cancels a customer’s subscription immediately. The customer won’t be charged again for the
* subscription. After it’s canceled, you can no longer update the subscription or its metadata.
Any pending invoice items that you’ve created are still charged at the end of the period,
* unless manually deleted. If you’ve
* set the subscription to cancel at the end of the period, any pending prorations are also left
* in place and collected at the end of the period. But if the subscription is set to cancel
* immediately, pending prorations are removed.
By default, upon subscription cancellation, Stripe stops automatic collection of all
* finalized invoices for the customer. This is intended to prevent unexpected payment attempts
* after the customer has canceled a subscription. However, you can resume automatic collection of
* the invoices manually after subscription cancellation to have us proceed. Or, you could check
* for unpaid invoices before allowing the customer to cancel the subscription at all.
public Subscription cancel(SubscriptionCancelParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path = String.format("/v1/subscriptions/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId()));
ApiResource.checkNullTypedParams(path, params);
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
return getResponseGetter().request(request, Subscription.class);
* Creates a new subscription on an existing customer. Each customer can have up to 500 active or
* scheduled subscriptions.
When you create a subscription with {@code collection_method=charge_automatically}, the
* first invoice is finalized as part of the request. The {@code payment_behavior} parameter
* determines the exact behavior of the initial payment.
To start subscriptions where the first invoice always begins in a {@code draft} status, use
* subscription
* schedules instead. Schedules provide the flexibility to model more complex billing
* configurations that change over time.
public static Subscription create(Map params) throws StripeException {
return create(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Creates a new subscription on an existing customer. Each customer can have up to 500 active or
* scheduled subscriptions.
* When you create a subscription with {@code collection_method=charge_automatically}, the
* first invoice is finalized as part of the request. The {@code payment_behavior} parameter
* determines the exact behavior of the initial payment.
To start subscriptions where the first invoice always begins in a {@code draft} status, use
* subscription
* schedules instead. Schedules provide the flexibility to model more complex billing
* configurations that change over time.
public static Subscription create(Map params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path = "/v1/subscriptions";
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(BaseAddress.API, ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, path, params, options);
return getGlobalResponseGetter().request(request, Subscription.class);
* Creates a new subscription on an existing customer. Each customer can have up to 500 active or
* scheduled subscriptions.
* When you create a subscription with {@code collection_method=charge_automatically}, the
* first invoice is finalized as part of the request. The {@code payment_behavior} parameter
* determines the exact behavior of the initial payment.
To start subscriptions where the first invoice always begins in a {@code draft} status, use
* subscription
* schedules instead. Schedules provide the flexibility to model more complex billing
* configurations that change over time.
public static Subscription create(SubscriptionCreateParams params) throws StripeException {
return create(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Creates a new subscription on an existing customer. Each customer can have up to 500 active or
* scheduled subscriptions.
When you create a subscription with {@code collection_method=charge_automatically}, the
* first invoice is finalized as part of the request. The {@code payment_behavior} parameter
* determines the exact behavior of the initial payment.
To start subscriptions where the first invoice always begins in a {@code draft} status, use
* subscription
* schedules instead. Schedules provide the flexibility to model more complex billing
* configurations that change over time.
public static Subscription create(SubscriptionCreateParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path = "/v1/subscriptions";
ApiResource.checkNullTypedParams(path, params);
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
return getGlobalResponseGetter().request(request, Subscription.class);
/** Removes the currently applied discount on a subscription. */
public Discount deleteDiscount() throws StripeException {
return deleteDiscount((Map) null, (RequestOptions) null);
/** Removes the currently applied discount on a subscription. */
public Discount deleteDiscount(Map params) throws StripeException {
return deleteDiscount(params, (RequestOptions) null);
/** Removes the currently applied discount on a subscription. */
public Discount deleteDiscount(Map params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path =
String.format("/v1/subscriptions/%s/discount", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId()));
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(BaseAddress.API, ApiResource.RequestMethod.DELETE, path, params, options);
return getResponseGetter().request(request, Discount.class);
* By default, returns a list of subscriptions that have not been canceled. In order to list
* canceled subscriptions, specify {@code status=canceled}.
public static SubscriptionCollection list(Map params) throws StripeException {
return list(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* By default, returns a list of subscriptions that have not been canceled. In order to list
* canceled subscriptions, specify {@code status=canceled}.
public static SubscriptionCollection list(Map params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path = "/v1/subscriptions";
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(BaseAddress.API, ApiResource.RequestMethod.GET, path, params, options);
return getGlobalResponseGetter().request(request, SubscriptionCollection.class);
* By default, returns a list of subscriptions that have not been canceled. In order to list
* canceled subscriptions, specify {@code status=canceled}.
public static SubscriptionCollection list(SubscriptionListParams params) throws StripeException {
return list(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* By default, returns a list of subscriptions that have not been canceled. In order to list
* canceled subscriptions, specify {@code status=canceled}.
public static SubscriptionCollection list(SubscriptionListParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path = "/v1/subscriptions";
ApiResource.checkNullTypedParams(path, params);
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
return getGlobalResponseGetter().request(request, SubscriptionCollection.class);
* Initiates resumption of a paused subscription, optionally resetting the billing cycle anchor
* and creating prorations. If a resumption invoice is generated, it must be paid or marked
* uncollectible before the subscription will be unpaused. If payment succeeds the subscription
* will become {@code active}, and if payment fails the subscription will be {@code past_due}. The
* resumption invoice will void automatically if not paid by the expiration date.
public Subscription resume() throws StripeException {
return resume((Map) null, (RequestOptions) null);
* Initiates resumption of a paused subscription, optionally resetting the billing cycle anchor
* and creating prorations. If a resumption invoice is generated, it must be paid or marked
* uncollectible before the subscription will be unpaused. If payment succeeds the subscription
* will become {@code active}, and if payment fails the subscription will be {@code past_due}. The
* resumption invoice will void automatically if not paid by the expiration date.
public Subscription resume(RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
return resume((Map) null, options);
* Initiates resumption of a paused subscription, optionally resetting the billing cycle anchor
* and creating prorations. If a resumption invoice is generated, it must be paid or marked
* uncollectible before the subscription will be unpaused. If payment succeeds the subscription
* will become {@code active}, and if payment fails the subscription will be {@code past_due}. The
* resumption invoice will void automatically if not paid by the expiration date.
public Subscription resume(Map params) throws StripeException {
return resume(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Initiates resumption of a paused subscription, optionally resetting the billing cycle anchor
* and creating prorations. If a resumption invoice is generated, it must be paid or marked
* uncollectible before the subscription will be unpaused. If payment succeeds the subscription
* will become {@code active}, and if payment fails the subscription will be {@code past_due}. The
* resumption invoice will void automatically if not paid by the expiration date.
public Subscription resume(Map params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path =
String.format("/v1/subscriptions/%s/resume", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId()));
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(BaseAddress.API, ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, path, params, options);
return getResponseGetter().request(request, Subscription.class);
* Initiates resumption of a paused subscription, optionally resetting the billing cycle anchor
* and creating prorations. If a resumption invoice is generated, it must be paid or marked
* uncollectible before the subscription will be unpaused. If payment succeeds the subscription
* will become {@code active}, and if payment fails the subscription will be {@code past_due}. The
* resumption invoice will void automatically if not paid by the expiration date.
public Subscription resume(SubscriptionResumeParams params) throws StripeException {
return resume(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Initiates resumption of a paused subscription, optionally resetting the billing cycle anchor
* and creating prorations. If a resumption invoice is generated, it must be paid or marked
* uncollectible before the subscription will be unpaused. If payment succeeds the subscription
* will become {@code active}, and if payment fails the subscription will be {@code past_due}. The
* resumption invoice will void automatically if not paid by the expiration date.
public Subscription resume(SubscriptionResumeParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path =
String.format("/v1/subscriptions/%s/resume", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId()));
ApiResource.checkNullTypedParams(path, params);
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
return getResponseGetter().request(request, Subscription.class);
/** Retrieves the subscription with the given ID. */
public static Subscription retrieve(String subscriptionExposedId) throws StripeException {
return retrieve(subscriptionExposedId, (Map) null, (RequestOptions) null);
/** Retrieves the subscription with the given ID. */
public static Subscription retrieve(String subscriptionExposedId, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
return retrieve(subscriptionExposedId, (Map) null, options);
/** Retrieves the subscription with the given ID. */
public static Subscription retrieve(
String subscriptionExposedId, Map params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path =
String.format("/v1/subscriptions/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(subscriptionExposedId));
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(BaseAddress.API, ApiResource.RequestMethod.GET, path, params, options);
return getGlobalResponseGetter().request(request, Subscription.class);
/** Retrieves the subscription with the given ID. */
public static Subscription retrieve(
String subscriptionExposedId, SubscriptionRetrieveParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path =
String.format("/v1/subscriptions/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(subscriptionExposedId));
ApiResource.checkNullTypedParams(path, params);
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
return getGlobalResponseGetter().request(request, Subscription.class);
* Search for subscriptions you’ve previously created using Stripe’s Search Query Language. Don’t
* use search in read-after-write flows where strict consistency is necessary. Under normal
* operating conditions, data is searchable in less than a minute. Occasionally, propagation of
* new or updated data can be up to an hour behind during outages. Search functionality is not
* available to merchants in India.
public static SubscriptionSearchResult search(Map params) throws StripeException {
return search(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Search for subscriptions you’ve previously created using Stripe’s Search Query Language. Don’t
* use search in read-after-write flows where strict consistency is necessary. Under normal
* operating conditions, data is searchable in less than a minute. Occasionally, propagation of
* new or updated data can be up to an hour behind during outages. Search functionality is not
* available to merchants in India.
public static SubscriptionSearchResult search(Map params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path = "/v1/subscriptions/search";
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(BaseAddress.API, ApiResource.RequestMethod.GET, path, params, options);
return getGlobalResponseGetter().request(request, SubscriptionSearchResult.class);
* Search for subscriptions you’ve previously created using Stripe’s Search Query Language. Don’t
* use search in read-after-write flows where strict consistency is necessary. Under normal
* operating conditions, data is searchable in less than a minute. Occasionally, propagation of
* new or updated data can be up to an hour behind during outages. Search functionality is not
* available to merchants in India.
public static SubscriptionSearchResult search(SubscriptionSearchParams params)
throws StripeException {
return search(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Search for subscriptions you’ve previously created using Stripe’s Search Query Language. Don’t
* use search in read-after-write flows where strict consistency is necessary. Under normal
* operating conditions, data is searchable in less than a minute. Occasionally, propagation of
* new or updated data can be up to an hour behind during outages. Search functionality is not
* available to merchants in India.
public static SubscriptionSearchResult search(
SubscriptionSearchParams params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException {
String path = "/v1/subscriptions/search";
ApiResource.checkNullTypedParams(path, params);
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
return getGlobalResponseGetter().request(request, SubscriptionSearchResult.class);
* Updates an existing subscription to match the specified parameters. When changing prices or
* quantities, we optionally prorate the price we charge next month to make up for any price
* changes. To preview how the proration is calculated, use the create preview endpoint.
* By default, we prorate subscription changes. For example, if a customer signs up on May 1
* for a 100 price, they’ll be billed 100 immediately. If on May 15 they switch to a 200 price,
* then on June 1 they’ll be billed 250 (200 for a renewal of her subscription, plus a 50
* prorating adjustment for half of the previous month’s 100 difference). Similarly, a downgrade
* generates a credit that is applied to the next invoice. We also prorate when you make quantity
* changes.
Switching prices does not normally change the billing date or generate an immediate charge
* unless:
* - The billing interval is changed (for example, from monthly to yearly).
- The subscription moves from free to paid.
- A trial starts or ends.
* In these cases, we apply a credit for the unused time on the previous price, immediately
* charge the customer using the new price, and reset the billing date. Learn about how Stripe
* immediately attempts payment for subscription changes.
If you want to charge for an upgrade immediately, pass {@code proration_behavior} as {@code
* always_invoice} to create prorations, automatically invoice the customer for those proration
* adjustments, and attempt to collect payment. If you pass {@code create_prorations}, the
* prorations are created but not automatically invoiced. If you want to bill the customer for the
* prorations before the subscription’s renewal date, you need to manually invoice the customer.
If you don’t want to prorate, set the {@code proration_behavior} option to {@code none}.
* With this option, the customer is billed 100 on May 1 and 200 on June 1. Similarly, if you set
* {@code proration_behavior} to {@code none} when switching between different billing intervals
* (for example, from monthly to yearly), we don’t generate any credits for the old subscription’s
* unused time. We still reset the billing date and bill immediately for the new subscription.
Updating the quantity on a subscription many times in an hour may result in rate limiting. If you need to bill for a
* frequently changing quantity, consider integrating usage-based billing
* instead.
public Subscription update(Map params) throws StripeException {
return update(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Updates an existing subscription to match the specified parameters. When changing prices or
* quantities, we optionally prorate the price we charge next month to make up for any price
* changes. To preview how the proration is calculated, use the create preview endpoint.
* By default, we prorate subscription changes. For example, if a customer signs up on May 1
* for a 100 price, they’ll be billed 100 immediately. If on May 15 they switch to a 200 price,
* then on June 1 they’ll be billed 250 (200 for a renewal of her subscription, plus a 50
* prorating adjustment for half of the previous month’s 100 difference). Similarly, a downgrade
* generates a credit that is applied to the next invoice. We also prorate when you make quantity
* changes.
Switching prices does not normally change the billing date or generate an immediate charge
* unless:
* - The billing interval is changed (for example, from monthly to yearly).
- The subscription moves from free to paid.
- A trial starts or ends.
* In these cases, we apply a credit for the unused time on the previous price, immediately
* charge the customer using the new price, and reset the billing date. Learn about how Stripe
* immediately attempts payment for subscription changes.
If you want to charge for an upgrade immediately, pass {@code proration_behavior} as {@code
* always_invoice} to create prorations, automatically invoice the customer for those proration
* adjustments, and attempt to collect payment. If you pass {@code create_prorations}, the
* prorations are created but not automatically invoiced. If you want to bill the customer for the
* prorations before the subscription’s renewal date, you need to manually invoice the customer.
If you don’t want to prorate, set the {@code proration_behavior} option to {@code none}.
* With this option, the customer is billed 100 on May 1 and 200 on June 1. Similarly, if you set
* {@code proration_behavior} to {@code none} when switching between different billing intervals
* (for example, from monthly to yearly), we don’t generate any credits for the old subscription’s
* unused time. We still reset the billing date and bill immediately for the new subscription.
Updating the quantity on a subscription many times in an hour may result in rate limiting. If you need to bill for a
* frequently changing quantity, consider integrating usage-based billing
* instead.
public Subscription update(Map params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path = String.format("/v1/subscriptions/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId()));
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(BaseAddress.API, ApiResource.RequestMethod.POST, path, params, options);
return getResponseGetter().request(request, Subscription.class);
* Updates an existing subscription to match the specified parameters. When changing prices or
* quantities, we optionally prorate the price we charge next month to make up for any price
* changes. To preview how the proration is calculated, use the create preview endpoint.
* By default, we prorate subscription changes. For example, if a customer signs up on May 1
* for a 100 price, they’ll be billed 100 immediately. If on May 15 they switch to a 200 price,
* then on June 1 they’ll be billed 250 (200 for a renewal of her subscription, plus a 50
* prorating adjustment for half of the previous month’s 100 difference). Similarly, a downgrade
* generates a credit that is applied to the next invoice. We also prorate when you make quantity
* changes.
Switching prices does not normally change the billing date or generate an immediate charge
* unless:
* - The billing interval is changed (for example, from monthly to yearly).
- The subscription moves from free to paid.
- A trial starts or ends.
* In these cases, we apply a credit for the unused time on the previous price, immediately
* charge the customer using the new price, and reset the billing date. Learn about how Stripe
* immediately attempts payment for subscription changes.
If you want to charge for an upgrade immediately, pass {@code proration_behavior} as {@code
* always_invoice} to create prorations, automatically invoice the customer for those proration
* adjustments, and attempt to collect payment. If you pass {@code create_prorations}, the
* prorations are created but not automatically invoiced. If you want to bill the customer for the
* prorations before the subscription’s renewal date, you need to manually invoice the customer.
If you don’t want to prorate, set the {@code proration_behavior} option to {@code none}.
* With this option, the customer is billed 100 on May 1 and 200 on June 1. Similarly, if you set
* {@code proration_behavior} to {@code none} when switching between different billing intervals
* (for example, from monthly to yearly), we don’t generate any credits for the old subscription’s
* unused time. We still reset the billing date and bill immediately for the new subscription.
Updating the quantity on a subscription many times in an hour may result in rate limiting. If you need to bill for a
* frequently changing quantity, consider integrating usage-based billing
* instead.
public Subscription update(SubscriptionUpdateParams params) throws StripeException {
return update(params, (RequestOptions) null);
* Updates an existing subscription to match the specified parameters. When changing prices or
* quantities, we optionally prorate the price we charge next month to make up for any price
* changes. To preview how the proration is calculated, use the create preview endpoint.
By default, we prorate subscription changes. For example, if a customer signs up on May 1
* for a 100 price, they’ll be billed 100 immediately. If on May 15 they switch to a 200 price,
* then on June 1 they’ll be billed 250 (200 for a renewal of her subscription, plus a 50
* prorating adjustment for half of the previous month’s 100 difference). Similarly, a downgrade
* generates a credit that is applied to the next invoice. We also prorate when you make quantity
* changes.
Switching prices does not normally change the billing date or generate an immediate charge
* unless:
* - The billing interval is changed (for example, from monthly to yearly).
- The subscription moves from free to paid.
- A trial starts or ends.
* In these cases, we apply a credit for the unused time on the previous price, immediately
* charge the customer using the new price, and reset the billing date. Learn about how Stripe
* immediately attempts payment for subscription changes.
If you want to charge for an upgrade immediately, pass {@code proration_behavior} as {@code
* always_invoice} to create prorations, automatically invoice the customer for those proration
* adjustments, and attempt to collect payment. If you pass {@code create_prorations}, the
* prorations are created but not automatically invoiced. If you want to bill the customer for the
* prorations before the subscription’s renewal date, you need to manually invoice the customer.
If you don’t want to prorate, set the {@code proration_behavior} option to {@code none}.
* With this option, the customer is billed 100 on May 1 and 200 on June 1. Similarly, if you set
* {@code proration_behavior} to {@code none} when switching between different billing intervals
* (for example, from monthly to yearly), we don’t generate any credits for the old subscription’s
* unused time. We still reset the billing date and bill immediately for the new subscription.
Updating the quantity on a subscription many times in an hour may result in rate limiting. If you need to bill for a
* frequently changing quantity, consider integrating usage-based billing
* instead.
public Subscription update(SubscriptionUpdateParams params, RequestOptions options)
throws StripeException {
String path = String.format("/v1/subscriptions/%s", ApiResource.urlEncodeId(this.getId()));
ApiResource.checkNullTypedParams(path, params);
ApiRequest request =
new ApiRequest(
return getResponseGetter().request(request, Subscription.class);
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class AutomaticTax extends StripeObject {
/** Whether Stripe automatically computes tax on this subscription. */
Boolean enabled;
* The account that's liable for tax. If set, the business address and tax registrations
* required to perform the tax calculation are loaded from this account. The tax transaction is
* returned in the report of the connected account.
Liability liability;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Liability extends StripeObject {
/** The connected account being referenced when {@code type} is {@code account}. */
ExpandableField account;
* Type of the account referenced.
* One of {@code account}, or {@code self}.
String type;
/** Get ID of expandable {@code account} object. */
public String getAccount() {
return (this.account != null) ? this.account.getId() : null;
public void setAccount(String id) {
this.account = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.account);
/** Get expanded {@code account}. */
public Account getAccountObject() {
return (this.account != null) ? this.account.getExpanded() : null;
public void setAccountObject(Account expandableObject) {
this.account = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class BillingCycleAnchorConfig extends StripeObject {
/** The day of the month of the billing_cycle_anchor. */
Long dayOfMonth;
/** The hour of the day of the billing_cycle_anchor. */
Long hour;
/** The minute of the hour of the billing_cycle_anchor. */
Long minute;
/** The month to start full cycle billing periods. */
Long month;
/** The second of the minute of the billing_cycle_anchor. */
Long second;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class BillingThresholds extends StripeObject {
/** Monetary threshold that triggers the subscription to create an invoice. */
Long amountGte;
* Indicates if the {@code billing_cycle_anchor} should be reset when a threshold is reached. If
* true, {@code billing_cycle_anchor} will be updated to the date/time the threshold was last
* reached; otherwise, the value will remain unchanged. This value may not be {@code true} if
* the subscription contains items with plans that have {@code aggregate_usage=last_ever}.
Boolean resetBillingCycleAnchor;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class CancellationDetails extends StripeObject {
* Additional comments about why the user canceled the subscription, if the subscription was
* canceled explicitly by the user.
String comment;
* The customer submitted reason for why they canceled, if the subscription was canceled
* explicitly by the user.
* One of {@code customer_service}, {@code low_quality}, {@code missing_features}, {@code
* other}, {@code switched_service}, {@code too_complex}, {@code too_expensive}, or {@code
* unused}.
String feedback;
* Why this subscription was canceled.
One of {@code cancellation_requested}, {@code payment_disputed}, or {@code
* payment_failed}.
String reason;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class InvoiceSettings extends StripeObject {
* The account tax IDs associated with the subscription. Will be set on invoices generated by
* the subscription.
List> accountTaxIds;
Issuer issuer;
/** Get IDs of expandable {@code accountTaxIds} object list. */
public List getAccountTaxIds() {
return (this.accountTaxIds != null)
? -> x.getId()).collect(Collectors.toList())
: null;
public void setAccountTaxIds(List ids) {
if (ids == null) {
this.accountTaxIds = null;
if (this.accountTaxIds != null
.map(x -> x.getId())
.equals(ids)) {
// noop if the ids are equal to what are already present
this.accountTaxIds =
(ids != null)
.map(id -> new ExpandableField(id, null))
: null;
/** Get expanded {@code accountTaxIds}. */
public List getAccountTaxIdObjects() {
return (this.accountTaxIds != null)
? -> x.getExpanded()).collect(Collectors.toList())
: null;
public void setAccountTaxIdObjects(List objs) {
this.accountTaxIds =
objs != null
.map(x -> new ExpandableField(x.getId(), x))
: null;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Issuer extends StripeObject {
/** The connected account being referenced when {@code type} is {@code account}. */
ExpandableField account;
* Type of the account referenced.
* One of {@code account}, or {@code self}.
String type;
/** Get ID of expandable {@code account} object. */
public String getAccount() {
return (this.account != null) ? this.account.getId() : null;
public void setAccount(String id) {
this.account = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.account);
/** Get expanded {@code account}. */
public Account getAccountObject() {
return (this.account != null) ? this.account.getExpanded() : null;
public void setAccountObject(Account expandableObject) {
this.account = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class LastPriceMigrationError extends StripeObject {
/** The time at which the price migration encountered an error. */
Long erroredAt;
/** The involved price pairs in each failed transition. */
List failedTransitions;
* The type of error encountered by the price migration.
* Equal to {@code price_uniqueness_violation}.
String type;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class FailedTransition extends StripeObject {
/** The original price to be migrated. */
String sourcePrice;
/** The intended resulting price of the migration. */
String targetPrice;
* The Pause Collection settings determine how we will pause collection for this subscription and
* for how long the subscription should be paused.
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class PauseCollection extends StripeObject {
* The payment collection behavior for this subscription while paused. One of {@code
* keep_as_draft}, {@code mark_uncollectible}, or {@code void}.
String behavior;
/** The time after which the subscription will resume collecting payments. */
Long resumesAt;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class PaymentSettings extends StripeObject {
/** Payment-method-specific configuration to provide to invoices created by the subscription. */
PaymentMethodOptions paymentMethodOptions;
* The list of payment method types to provide to every invoice created by the subscription. If
* not set, Stripe attempts to automatically determine the types to use by looking at the
* invoice’s default payment method, the subscription’s default payment method, the customer’s
* default payment method, and your invoice template settings.
List paymentMethodTypes;
* Configure whether Stripe updates {@code subscription.default_payment_method} when payment
* succeeds. Defaults to {@code off}.
* One of {@code off}, or {@code on_subscription}.
String saveDefaultPaymentMethod;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class PaymentMethodOptions extends StripeObject {
* This sub-hash contains details about the Canadian pre-authorized debit payment method
* options to pass to invoices created by the subscription.
AcssDebit acssDebit;
* This sub-hash contains details about the Bancontact payment method options to pass to
* invoices created by the subscription.
Bancontact bancontact;
* This sub-hash contains details about the Card payment method options to pass to invoices
* created by the subscription.
Card card;
* This sub-hash contains details about the Bank transfer payment method options to pass to
* invoices created by the subscription.
CustomerBalance customerBalance;
* This sub-hash contains details about the Konbini payment method options to pass to invoices
* created by the subscription.
Konbini konbini;
* This sub-hash contains details about the SEPA Direct Debit payment method options to pass
* to invoices created by the subscription.
SepaDebit sepaDebit;
* This sub-hash contains details about the ACH direct debit payment method options to pass to
* invoices created by the subscription.
UsBankAccount usBankAccount;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class AcssDebit extends StripeObject {
MandateOptions mandateOptions;
* Bank account verification method.
One of {@code automatic}, {@code instant}, or {@code microdeposits}.
String verificationMethod;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class MandateOptions extends StripeObject {
* Transaction type of the mandate.
One of {@code business}, or {@code personal}.
String transactionType;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Bancontact extends StripeObject {
* Preferred language of the Bancontact authorization page that the customer is redirected
* to.
One of {@code de}, {@code en}, {@code fr}, or {@code nl}.
String preferredLanguage;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Card extends StripeObject {
MandateOptions mandateOptions;
* Selected network to process this Subscription on. Depends on the available networks of
* the card attached to the Subscription. Can be only set confirm-time.
String network;
* We strongly recommend that you rely on our SCA Engine to automatically prompt your
* customers for authentication based on risk level and other requirements.
* However, if you wish to request 3D Secure based on logic from your own fraud engine,
* provide this option. Read our guide on manually
* requesting 3D Secure for more information on how this configuration interacts with
* Radar and our SCA Engine.
One of {@code any}, {@code automatic}, or {@code challenge}.
String requestThreeDSecure;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class MandateOptions extends StripeObject {
/** Amount to be charged for future payments. */
Long amount;
* One of {@code fixed} or {@code maximum}. If {@code fixed}, the {@code amount} param
* refers to the exact amount to be charged in future payments. If {@code maximum}, the
* amount charged can be up to the value passed for the {@code amount} param.
String amountType;
* A description of the mandate or subscription that is meant to be displayed to the
* customer.
String description;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class CustomerBalance extends StripeObject {
BankTransfer bankTransfer;
* The funding method type to be used when there are not enough funds in the customer
* balance. Permitted values include: {@code bank_transfer}.
Equal to {@code bank_transfer}.
String fundingType;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class BankTransfer extends StripeObject {
EuBankTransfer euBankTransfer;
* The bank transfer type that can be used for funding. Permitted values include: {@code
* eu_bank_transfer}, {@code gb_bank_transfer}, {@code jp_bank_transfer}, {@code
* mx_bank_transfer}, or {@code us_bank_transfer}.
String type;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class EuBankTransfer extends StripeObject {
* The desired country code of the bank account information. Permitted values include:
* {@code BE}, {@code DE}, {@code ES}, {@code FR}, {@code IE}, or {@code NL}.
One of {@code BE}, {@code DE}, {@code ES}, {@code FR}, {@code IE}, or {@code NL}.
String country;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Konbini extends StripeObject {}
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class SepaDebit extends StripeObject {}
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class UsBankAccount extends StripeObject {
FinancialConnections financialConnections;
* Bank account verification method.
One of {@code automatic}, {@code instant}, or {@code microdeposits}.
String verificationMethod;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class FinancialConnections extends StripeObject {
Filters filters;
* The list of permissions to request. The {@code payment_method} permission must be
* included.
List permissions;
/** Data features requested to be retrieved upon account creation. */
List prefetch;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Filters extends StripeObject {
* The account subcategories to use to filter for possible accounts to link. Valid
* subcategories are {@code checking} and {@code savings}.
List accountSubcategories;
/** The institution to use to filter for possible accounts to link. */
String institution;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class PendingInvoiceItemInterval extends StripeObject {
* Specifies invoicing frequency. Either {@code day}, {@code week}, {@code month} or {@code
* year}.
* One of {@code day}, {@code month}, {@code week}, or {@code year}.
String interval;
* The number of intervals between invoices. For example, {@code interval=month} and {@code
* interval_count=3} bills every 3 months. Maximum of one year interval allowed (1 year, 12
* months, or 52 weeks).
Long intervalCount;
* Pending Updates store the changes pending from a previous update that will be applied to the
* Subscription upon successful payment.
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class PendingUpdate extends StripeObject {
* If the update is applied, determines the date of the first full invoice, and, for plans with
* {@code month} or {@code year} intervals, the day of the month for subsequent invoices. The
* timestamp is in UTC format.
Long billingCycleAnchor;
* The point after which the changes reflected by this update will be discarded and no longer
* applied.
Long expiresAt;
/** The number of iterations of prebilling to apply. */
Long prebillingIterations;
* List of subscription items, each with an attached plan, that will be set if the update is
* applied.
List subscriptionItems;
* Unix timestamp representing the end of the trial period the customer will get before being
* charged for the first time, if the update is applied.
Long trialEnd;
* Indicates if a plan's {@code trial_period_days} should be applied to the subscription.
* Setting {@code trial_end} per subscription is preferred, and this defaults to {@code false}.
* Setting this flag to {@code true} together with {@code trial_end} is not allowed. See Using trial periods on
* subscriptions to learn more.
Boolean trialFromPlan;
/** Prebilling stores the time period and invoice for a Subscription billed in advance. */
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class Prebilling extends StripeObject {
/** ID of the prebilling invoice. */
ExpandableField invoice;
/** The end of the last period for which the invoice pre-bills. */
Long periodEnd;
/** The start of the first period for which the invoice pre-bills. */
Long periodStart;
* Whether to cancel or preserve {@code prebilling} if the subscription is updated during the
* prebilled period.
* One of {@code prebill}, or {@code reset}.
String updateBehavior;
/** Get ID of expandable {@code invoice} object. */
public String getInvoice() {
return (this.invoice != null) ? this.invoice.getId() : null;
public void setInvoice(String id) {
this.invoice = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.invoice);
/** Get expanded {@code invoice}. */
public Invoice getInvoiceObject() {
return (this.invoice != null) ? this.invoice.getExpanded() : null;
public void setInvoiceObject(Invoice expandableObject) {
this.invoice = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class TransferData extends StripeObject {
* A non-negative decimal between 0 and 100, with at most two decimal places. This represents
* the percentage of the subscription invoice total that will be transferred to the destination
* account. By default, the entire amount is transferred to the destination.
BigDecimal amountPercent;
/** The account where funds from the payment will be transferred to upon payment success. */
ExpandableField destination;
/** Get ID of expandable {@code destination} object. */
public String getDestination() {
return (this.destination != null) ? this.destination.getId() : null;
public void setDestination(String id) {
this.destination = ApiResource.setExpandableFieldId(id, this.destination);
/** Get expanded {@code destination}. */
public Account getDestinationObject() {
return (this.destination != null) ? this.destination.getExpanded() : null;
public void setDestinationObject(Account expandableObject) {
this.destination = new ExpandableField(expandableObject.getId(), expandableObject);
/** Configures how this subscription behaves during the trial period. */
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class TrialSettings extends StripeObject {
/** Defines how a subscription behaves when a free trial ends. */
EndBehavior endBehavior;
/** Defines how a subscription behaves when a free trial ends. */
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public static class EndBehavior extends StripeObject {
* Indicates how the subscription should change when the trial ends if the user did not
* provide a payment method.
* One of {@code cancel}, {@code create_invoice}, or {@code pause}.
String missingPaymentMethod;
public void setResponseGetter(StripeResponseGetter responseGetter) {
trySetResponseGetter(application, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(automaticTax, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(billingCycleAnchorConfig, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(billingThresholds, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(cancellationDetails, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(customer, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(defaultPaymentMethod, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(defaultSource, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(discount, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(invoiceSettings, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(items, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(lastPriceMigrationError, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(latestInvoice, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(onBehalfOf, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(pauseCollection, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(paymentSettings, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(pendingInvoiceItemInterval, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(pendingSetupIntent, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(pendingUpdate, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(prebilling, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(schedule, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(testClock, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(transferData, responseGetter);
trySetResponseGetter(trialSettings, responseGetter);