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// Copyright 2017-present Strumenta and contributors, licensed under Apache 2.0.
// Copyright 2024-present Strumenta and contributors, licensed under BSD 3-Clause.
package org.antlr.v4.kotlinruntime.atn
import org.antlr.v4.kotlinruntime.misc.IntervalSet
import kotlin.js.JsName
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
* An ATN transition between any two ATN states.
* Subclasses define atom, set, epsilon, action, predicate, rule transitions.
* This is a one way link. It emanates from a state (usually via a list of
* transitions) and has a target state.
* Since we never have to change the ATN transitions once we construct it,
* we can fix these transitions as specific classes. The DFA transitions
* on the other hand need to update the labels as it adds transitions to
* the states. We'll use the term Edge for the DFA to distinguish them from
* ATN transitions.
* @param target The target of this transition
public abstract class Transition protected constructor(public var target: ATNState) {
public companion object {
// Constants for serialization
public const val EPSILON: Int = 1
public const val RANGE: Int = 2
public const val RULE: Int = 3
public const val PREDICATE: Int = 4 // e.g., {isType(input.LT(1))}?
public const val ATOM: Int = 5
public const val ACTION: Int = 6
public const val SET: Int = 7 // ~(A|B) or ~atom, wildcard, which convert to next 2
public const val NOT_SET: Int = 8
public const val WILDCARD: Int = 9
public const val PRECEDENCE: Int = 10
public val serializationNames: List = listOf(
public val serializationTypes: Map, Int> = buildMap {
put(EpsilonTransition::class, EPSILON)
put(RangeTransition::class, RANGE)
put(RuleTransition::class, RULE)
put(PredicateTransition::class, PREDICATE)
put(AtomTransition::class, ATOM)
put(ActionTransition::class, ACTION)
put(SetTransition::class, SET)
put(NotSetTransition::class, NOT_SET)
put(WildcardTransition::class, WILDCARD)
put(PrecedencePredicateTransition::class, PRECEDENCE)
public abstract val serializationType: Int
* Determines if the transition is an "epsilon" transition.
* The default implementation returns `false`.
* @return `true` if traversing this transition in the ATN does not
* consume an input symbol, otherwise `false` if traversing this
* transition consumes (matches) an input symbol
public open val isEpsilon: Boolean =
public open fun label(): IntervalSet? =
public abstract fun matches(symbol: Int, minVocabSymbol: Int, maxVocabSymbol: Int): Boolean