Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright 2017-present Strumenta and contributors, licensed under Apache 2.0.
// Copyright 2024-present Strumenta and contributors, licensed under BSD 3-Clause.
package org.antlr.v4.kotlinruntime.tree.xpath
import org.antlr.v4.kotlinruntime.*
import org.antlr.v4.kotlinruntime.tree.ParseTree
import org.antlr.v4.kotlinruntime.tree.xpath.XPathLexer.Tokens
* Represent a subset of XPath XML path syntax for use in identifying nodes in
* parse trees.
* Split path into words and separators `/` and `//` via ANTLR
* itself then walk path elements from left to right. At each separator-word
* pair, find set of nodes. Next stage uses those as work list.
* The basic interface is [XPath.findAll]`(tree, xpath, parser)`.
* But that is just shorthand for:
* ```
* val p = XPath(parser, xpath)
* return p.evaluate(tree)
* ```
* See `org.antlr.v4.test.TestXPath` for descriptions.
* In short, this allows operators:
* - `/` root
* - `//` anywhere
* - `!` invert, this must appear directly after root or anywhere near operator
* And path elements:
* - `ID` token name
* - `'string'` any string literal token from the grammar
* - `expr` rule name
* - `*` wildcard matching any node
* Whitespace is not allowed.
public open class XPath(protected var parser: Parser, protected var xpath: String) {
public companion object {
public const val WILDCARD: String = "*" // Word not operator/separator
public const val NOT: String = "!" // Word for invert operator
public fun findAll(tree: ParseTree, xpath: String, parser: Parser): Collection {
val p = XPath(parser, xpath)
return p.evaluate(tree)
protected var elements: Array = split(xpath)
public open fun split(xpath: String): Array {
val input = CharStreams.fromString(xpath)
val lexer = object : XPathLexer(input) {
override fun recover(e: LexerNoViableAltException): Unit =
throw e
val tokenStream = CommonTokenStream(lexer)
try {
} catch (e: LexerNoViableAltException) {
val pos = lexer.charPositionInLine
val msg = "Invalid tokens or characters at index $pos in path '$xpath'"
throw IllegalArgumentException(msg, e)
val tokens = tokenStream.tokens
val n = tokens.size
val elements = ArrayList(n)
var i = 0
loop@ while (i < n) {
val el = tokens[i]
var next: Token?
when (el.type) {
Tokens.Anywhere -> {
val anywhere = el.type == Tokens.Anywhere
next = tokens[i]
val invert = next.type == Tokens.Bang
if (invert) {
next = tokens[i]
val pathElement = getXPathElement(next, anywhere)
pathElement.invert = invert
Tokens.Wildcard -> {
elements.add(getXPathElement(el, false))
Token.EOF -> break@loop
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown path element $el")
return elements.toTypedArray()
* Convert word like `*` or `ID` or `expr` to a path
* element. `anywhere` is `true` if `//` precedes the
* word.
protected open fun getXPathElement(wordToken: Token, anywhere: Boolean): XPathElement {
if (wordToken.type == Token.EOF) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Missing path element at end of path")
val word = wordToken.text ?: throw IllegalStateException("Expected wordToken to have text content")
val ttype = parser.getTokenType(word)
val ruleIndex = parser.getRuleIndex(word)
return when (wordToken.type) {
Tokens.Wildcard -> {
if (anywhere) {
} else {
Tokens.String -> {
if (ttype == Token.INVALID_TYPE) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("$word at index ${wordToken.startIndex} isn't a valid token name")
if (anywhere) {
XPathTokenAnywhereElement(word, ttype)
} else {
XPathTokenElement(word, ttype)
else -> {
if (ruleIndex == -1) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("$word at index ${wordToken.startIndex} isn't a valid rule name")
if (anywhere) {
XPathRuleAnywhereElement(word, ruleIndex)
} else {
XPathRuleElement(word, ruleIndex)
* Return a list of all nodes starting at [t] as root that satisfy the path.
* The root `/` is relative to the node passed to [evaluate].
public open fun evaluate(t: ParseTree): Collection {
val dummyRoot = ParserRuleContext()
dummyRoot.addChild(t as ParserRuleContext)
var work = setOf(dummyRoot)
var i = 0
while (i < elements.size) {
val next = LinkedHashSet()
for (node in work) {
if (node.childCount > 0) {
// Only try to match next element if it has children
// e.g., //func/*/stat might have a token node for which
// we can't go looking for stat nodes.
val matching = elements[i].evaluate(node)
work = next
return work