Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright 2017-present Strumenta and contributors, licensed under Apache 2.0.
// Copyright 2024-present Strumenta and contributors, licensed under BSD 3-Clause.
package org.antlr.v4.kotlinruntime
import org.antlr.v4.kotlinruntime.atn.DecisionState
import org.antlr.v4.kotlinruntime.misc.IntervalSet
* The root of the ANTLR exception hierarchy.
* In general, ANTLR tracks just 3 kinds of errors: prediction errors,
* failed predicate errors, and mismatched input errors.
* In each case, the parser knows where it is in the input,
* where it is in the ATN, the rule invocation stack,
* and what kind of problem occurred.
* @param recognizer The [Recognizer] where this exception originated,
* or `null` if not available
* @param inputStream The input stream which is the symbol source for
* the recognizer where this exception was thrown
* @param ctx The [RuleContext] at the time this exception was thrown,
* or `null` if not available
public open class RecognitionException(
public val recognizer: Recognizer<*, *>?,
public open val inputStream: IntStream,
public val ctx: ParserRuleContext?,
message: String? = null,
) : RuntimeException(message) {
* The current [Token] when an error occurred.
* Since not all streams support accessing symbols by index,
* we have to track the [Token] instance itself.
public var offendingToken: Token? = null
protected set
* The ATN state number the parser was in at the time the error occurred.
* For [NoViableAltException] and [LexerNoViableAltException] exceptions,
* this is the [DecisionState] number. For others, it is the state whose
* outgoing edge we couldn't match.
* If the state number is not known, this method returns `-1`.
public var offendingState: Int = -1
protected set
* The set of input symbols which could potentially follow the
* previously matched symbol at the time this exception was thrown.
* If the set of expected tokens is not known and could not be computed,
* this is `null`.
public val expectedTokens: IntervalSet?
get() = recognizer?.atn?.getExpectedTokens(offendingState, ctx)
init {
if (recognizer != null) {
offendingState = recognizer.state