commonMain.org.antlr.v4.kotlinruntime.Parser.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright 2017-present Strumenta and contributors, licensed under Apache 2.0.
// Copyright 2024-present Strumenta and contributors, licensed under BSD 3-Clause.
package org.antlr.v4.kotlinruntime
import com.strumenta.antlrkotlin.runtime.System
import com.strumenta.antlrkotlin.runtime.System.PrintStream
import com.strumenta.antlrkotlin.runtime.synchronized
import org.antlr.v4.kotlinruntime.atn.*
import org.antlr.v4.kotlinruntime.misc.IntegerStack
import org.antlr.v4.kotlinruntime.misc.IntervalSet
import org.antlr.v4.kotlinruntime.tree.*
import org.antlr.v4.kotlinruntime.tree.pattern.ParseTreePattern
import org.antlr.v4.kotlinruntime.tree.pattern.ParseTreePatternMatcher
* This is all the parsing support code essentially; most of it is error recovery stuff.
@Suppress("PropertyName", "MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate")
public abstract class Parser(input: TokenStream) : Recognizer() {
public inner class TraceListener : ParseTreeListener {
override fun enterEveryRule(ctx: ParserRuleContext) {
System.out.println("enter ${ruleNames[ctx.ruleIndex]}, LT(1)=${_input.LT(1)!!.text}")
override fun visitTerminal(node: TerminalNode) {
System.out.println("consume ${node.symbol} rule ${ruleNames[context!!.ruleIndex]}")
override fun visitErrorNode(node: ErrorNode) {
// Noop
override fun exitEveryRule(ctx: ParserRuleContext) {
System.out.println("exit ${ruleNames[ctx.ruleIndex]}, LT(1)=${_input.LT(1)!!.text}")
public object TrimToSizeListener : ParseTreeListener {
override fun enterEveryRule(ctx: ParserRuleContext) {
// Noop
override fun visitTerminal(node: TerminalNode) {
// Noop
override fun visitErrorNode(node: ErrorNode) {
// Noop
override fun exitEveryRule(ctx: ParserRuleContext) {
val children = ctx.children
if (children is ArrayList<*>) {
* This field holds the deserialized [ATN] with bypass alternatives, created
* lazily upon first demand. In 4.10 I changed from `Map`
* since we only need one per parser object, and also it complicates other targets
* that don't use ATN strings.
* @see ATNDeserializationOptions.isGenerateRuleBypassTransitions
private var bypassAltsAtnCache: ATN? = null
* The error handling strategy for the parser.
* The default value is a new instance of [DefaultErrorStrategy].
public var errorHandler: ANTLRErrorStrategy = DefaultErrorStrategy()
* The input stream.
protected var _input: TokenStream = input
protected val _precedenceStack: IntegerStack = IntegerStack().also {
* The [ParserRuleContext] object for the currently executing rule.
* This is always non-`null` during the parsing process.
public var context: ParserRuleContext? = null
* Specifies whether the parser should construct a parse tree during
* the parsing process.
* The default value is `true`.
public var buildParseTree: Boolean = true
* When [isTrace]` = true` is called, a reference to the
* [TraceListener] is stored here, so it can be easily removed in a
* later call to [isTrace]` = false`.
* The listener itself is implemented as a parser listener
* so this field is not directly used by other parser methods.
private var _tracer: TraceListener? = null
* The list of [ParseTreeListener] listeners registered to receive
* events during the parse.
* @see addParseListener
* @see removeParseListener
protected var _parseListeners: MutableList = ArrayList()
* The number of syntax errors reported during parsing.
* This value is incremented each time [notifyErrorListeners] is called.
* @see notifyErrorListeners
public var numberOfSyntaxErrors: Int = 0
protected set
* Indicates the parser has `match()`-ed the `EOF` token.
* @see exitRule
public var isMatchedEOF: Boolean = false
protected set
* Whether to trim the internal lists of the parse tree during parsing to conserve memory.
* This property is set to `false` by default for a newly constructed parser.
public var trimParseTree: Boolean
get() = parseListeners.contains(TrimToSizeListener)
set(value) {
if (value) {
if (trimParseTree) {
} else {
public val parseListeners: List
get() = _parseListeners
override var tokenFactory: TokenFactory<*>
get() = _input.tokenSource.tokenFactory
set(value) {
_input.tokenSource.tokenFactory = value
* The ATN with bypass alternatives is expensive to create, so we create it lazily.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException If the current parser does not
* implement the [serializedATN] method
public val atnWithBypassAlts: ATN
get() {
// Accessing 'serializedATN' is what might throw the UnsupportedOperationException
val serializedAtn = serializedATN
return synchronized(this) {
bypassAltsAtnCache ?: let {
val deserializationOptions = ATNDeserializationOptions()
deserializationOptions.isGenerateRuleBypassTransitions = true
val atnDeserializer = ATNDeserializer(deserializationOptions)
val tempBypassAltsAtnCache = atnDeserializer.deserialize(serializedAtn.toCharArray())
bypassAltsAtnCache = tempBypassAltsAtnCache
* Get the token stream, or set the token stream and reset the parser.
public var tokenStream: TokenStream
get() = _input
set(value) {
_input = DummyTokenStream
_input = value
* Match needs to return the current input symbol, which gets put
* into the label for the associated token ref, e.g., `x = ID`.
public val currentToken: Token?
get() = _input.LT(1)
* The precedence level for the top-most precedence rule.
* It is `-1` if the parser context is not nested within a precedence rule.
public val precedence: Int
get() = if (_precedenceStack.isEmpty) {
} else {
* The set of input symbols which could follow the current parser
* state and context, as given by [state] and [context], respectively.
* @see ATN.getExpectedTokens
public val expectedTokens: IntervalSet
get() = atn.getExpectedTokens(state, context)
public val expectedTokensWithinCurrentRule: IntervalSet
get() {
val atn = interpreter.atn
val s = atn.states[state]
return atn.nextTokens(s!!)
* For debugging and other purposes.
public val dfaStrings: List
get() = synchronized(interpreter.decisionToDFA) {
val s = ArrayList()
for (d in 0.. 0) {
} else {
t = errorHandler.recoverInline(this)
if (buildParseTree && t.tokenIndex == -1) {
// We must have conjured up a new token during single token insertion
// if it's not the current symbol
context!!.addErrorNode(createErrorNode(context, t))
return t
* Registers [listener] to receive events during the parsing process.
* To support output-preserving grammar transformations (including but not
* limited to left-recursion removal, automated left-factoring, and
* optimized code generation), calls to listener methods during the parse
* may differ substantially from calls made by [ParseTreeWalker.DEFAULT]
* used after the parse is complete.
* In particular, rule entry and exit events may occur in a different order
* during the parse than after the parser. In addition, calls to certain
* rule entry methods may be omitted.
* With the following specific exceptions, calls to listener events are
* *deterministic*, i.e., for identical input the calls to listener
* methods will be the same.
* - Alterations to the grammar used to generate code may change the
* behavior of the listener calls
* - Alterations to the command line options passed to ANTLR 4 when
* generating the parser may change the behavior of the listener calls
* - Changing the version of the ANTLR Tool used to generate the parser
* may change the behavior of the listener calls
* @param listener The listener to add
public open fun addParseListener(listener: ParseTreeListener) {
* Remove [listener] from the list of parse listeners.
* If [listener] has not been added as a parse listener, this method does nothing.
* @param listener The listener to remove
* @see addParseListener
public open fun removeParseListener(listener: ParseTreeListener) {
* Remove all parse listeners.
* @see addParseListener
public open fun removeParseListeners() {
* Notify any parse listeners of an enter rule event.
* @see addParseListener
protected open fun triggerEnterRuleEvent() {
for (listener in _parseListeners) {
* Notify any parse listeners of an exit rule event.
* @see addParseListener
protected open fun triggerExitRuleEvent() {
// Reverse order walk of listeners
for (listener in _parseListeners.asReversed()) {
* The preferred method of getting a tree pattern.
* For example, here's a sample use:
* ```
* val t: ParseTree = parser.expr()
* val p: ParseTreePattern = parser.compileParseTreePattern("+0", MyParser.RULE_expr)
* val m: ParseTreeMatch = p.match(t)
* val id = m.get("ID")
* ```
public open fun compileParseTreePattern(pattern: String, patternRuleIndex: Int): ParseTreePattern {
val tokenSource = tokenStream.tokenSource
if (tokenSource is Lexer) {
return compileParseTreePattern(pattern, patternRuleIndex, tokenSource)
throw UnsupportedOperationException("Parser can't discover a lexer to use")
* The same as [compileParseTreePattern] but specify a
* [Lexer] rather than trying to deduce it from this parser.
public open fun compileParseTreePattern(
pattern: String,
patternRuleIndex: Int,
lexer: Lexer,
): ParseTreePattern {
val m = ParseTreePatternMatcher(lexer, this)
return m.compile(pattern, patternRuleIndex)
public open fun notifyErrorListeners(msg: String): Unit =
notifyErrorListeners(currentToken!!, msg, null)
public open fun notifyErrorListeners(
offendingToken: Token,
msg: String,
e: RecognitionException?,
) {
val line = offendingToken.line
val charPositionInLine = offendingToken.charPositionInLine
val listener = errorListenerDispatch
listener.syntaxError(this, offendingToken, line, charPositionInLine, msg, e)
* Consume and return the [current symbol][currentToken].
* E.g., given the following input with `A` being the current
* lookahead symbol, this function moves the cursor to `B` and returns `A`.
* ```
* A B
* ^
* ```
* If the parser is not in error recovery mode, the consumed symbol is added
* to the parse tree using [ParserRuleContext.addChild], and
* [ParseTreeListener.visitTerminal] is called on any parse listeners.
* If the parser *is* in error recovery mode, the consumed symbol is
* added to the parse tree using [createErrorNode], then
* [ParserRuleContext.addErrorNode], and then [ParseTreeListener.visitErrorNode]
* is called on any parse listeners.
public open fun consume(): Token {
val o = currentToken
if (o!!.type != EOF) {
if (buildParseTree || _parseListeners.isNotEmpty()) {
if (errorHandler.inErrorRecoveryMode(this)) {
val node = context!!.addErrorNode(createErrorNode(context, o))
for (listener in _parseListeners) {
} else {
val node = context!!.addChild(createTerminalNode(context, o))
for (listener in _parseListeners) {
return o
* How to create a token leaf node associated with a parent.
* Typically, the terminal node to create is not a function of the parent.
* @since 4.7
public open fun createTerminalNode(parent: ParserRuleContext?, t: Token): TerminalNode =
* How to create an error node, given a token, associated with a parent.
* Typically, the error node to create is not a function of the parent.
* @since 4.7
public open fun createErrorNode(parent: ParserRuleContext?, t: Token): ErrorNode =
protected open fun addContextToParseTree() {
val parent = context!!.getParent()
// Add current context to parent if we have a parent
* Always called by generated parsers upon entry to a rule.
* Access field [context] to get the current context.
public open fun enterRule(localctx: ParserRuleContext, state: Int, ruleIndex: Int) {
this.state = state
context = localctx
context!!.start = _input.LT(1)
if (buildParseTree) {
public fun exitRule() {
if (isMatchedEOF) {
// If we have matched EOF, it cannot consume past EOF so we use LT(1) here.
// LT(1) will be end of file
context!!.stop = _input.LT(1)
} else {
// Stop node is what we just matched
context!!.stop = _input.LT(-1)
// Trigger event on context, before it reverts to parent
state = context!!.invokingState
context = context!!.getParent()
public fun enterOuterAlt(localctx: ParserRuleContext, altNum: Int) {
localctx.altNumber = altNum
// If we have new localctx, make sure we replace existing ctx
// that is previous child of parse tree
if (buildParseTree && context !== localctx) {
val parent = context!!.getParent()
if (parent != null) {
context = localctx
public open fun enterRecursionRule(localctx: ParserRuleContext, state: Int, ruleIndex: Int, precedence: Int) {
this.state = state
context = localctx
context!!.start = _input.LT(1)
// Simulates rule entry for left-recursive rules
* Like [enterRule] but for recursive rules.
* Make the current context the child of the incoming [localctx].
public open fun pushNewRecursionContext(localctx: ParserRuleContext, state: Int, ruleIndex: Int) {
val previous = context
previous.invokingState = state
previous.stop = _input.LT(-1)
context = localctx
context!!.start = previous.start
if (buildParseTree) {
// Simulates rule entry for left-recursive rules
public open fun unrollRecursionContexts(@Suppress("LocalVariableName") _parentctx: ParserRuleContext?) {
context!!.stop = _input.LT(-1)
// Save current ctx (return value)
val retCtx = context
// Unroll so context is as it was before call to recursive method
if (parseListeners.isNotEmpty()) {
while (context !== _parentctx) {
context = context!!.getParent()
} else {
context = _parentctx
// Hook into tree
if (buildParseTree && _parentctx != null) {
// Add return ctx into invoking rule's tree
public open fun getInvokingContext(ruleIndex: Int): ParserRuleContext? {
var p = context
while (p != null) {
if (p.ruleIndex == ruleIndex) {
return p
p = p.getParent()
return null
override fun precpred(localctx: RuleContext, precedence: Int): Boolean =
precedence >= _precedenceStack.peek()
public open fun inContext(context: String): Boolean {
// TODO: useful in parser?
return false
* Checks whether [symbol] can follow the current state in the ATN.
* The behavior of this method is equivalent to the following, but is
* implemented such that the complete context-sensitive follow set does not
* need to be explicitly constructed.
* ```
* return expectedTokens.contains(symbol)
* ```
* @param symbol The symbol type to check
* @return `true` if [symbol] can follow the current state in the ATN, otherwise `false`
public open fun isExpectedToken(symbol: Int): Boolean {
val atn = interpreter.atn
var ctx = context
val s = atn.states[state]
var following = atn.nextTokens(s!!)
if (following.contains(symbol)) {
return true
if (!following.contains(Token.EPSILON)) {
return false
while (ctx != null && ctx.invokingState >= 0 && following.contains(Token.EPSILON)) {
val invokingState = atn.states[ctx.invokingState]
val rt = invokingState!!.transition(0) as RuleTransition
following = atn.nextTokens(rt.followState)
if (following.contains(symbol)) {
return true
ctx = ctx.getParent()
return following.contains(Token.EPSILON) && symbol == Token.EOF
* Get a rule's index (i.e., `RULE_ruleName` field) or `-1` if not found.
public open fun getRuleIndex(ruleName: String): Int {
val ruleIndex = ruleIndexMap[ruleName]
return ruleIndex ?: -1
* Return a list of strings of the rule names in your parser instance
* leading up to a call to the current rule.
* You could override if you want more details such as the file/line info
* of where in the ATN a rule is invoked.
* This is very useful for error messages.
public fun getRuleInvocationStack(ctx: RuleContext? = context): List {
var p = ctx
val ruleNames = ruleNames
val stack = ArrayList()
while (p != null) {
// Compute what follows who invoked us
val ruleIndex = p.ruleIndex
if (ruleIndex < 0) {
} else {
p = p.getParent()
return stack
* For debugging and other purposes.
public fun dumpDFA(dumpStream: PrintStream = System.out) {
synchronized(interpreter.decisionToDFA) {
var seenOne = false
for (d in 0..
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