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// Copyright 2017-present Strumenta and contributors, licensed under Apache 2.0.
// Copyright 2024-present Strumenta and contributors, licensed under BSD 3-Clause.
package org.antlr.v4.kotlinruntime
import com.strumenta.antlrkotlin.runtime.System
import com.strumenta.antlrkotlin.runtime.assert
import org.antlr.v4.kotlinruntime.misc.Interval
import kotlin.math.min
public open class UnbufferedTokenStream(override val tokenSource: TokenSource, bufferSize: Int = 256) : TokenStream {
* A moving window buffer of the data being scanned. While there's a marker,
* we keep adding to buffer. Otherwise, [consume] resets, so
* we start filling at index `0` again.
protected var tokens: Array = arrayOfNulls(bufferSize)
* The number of tokens currently in [tokens].
* This is not the buffer capacity, that's `tokens.length`.
protected var n: Int = 0
* `0..n-1` index into [tokens] of next token.
* The `LT(1)` token is `tokens[p]`.
* If `p == n`, we are out of buffered tokens.
protected var p: Int = 0
* Count up with [mark] and down with [release].
* When we [release] the last mark, [numMarkers] reaches `0` and we reset the buffer.
* Copy `tokens[p]..tokens[n-1]` to `tokens[0]..tokens[(n-1)-p]`.
protected var numMarkers: Int = 0
* This is the `LT(-1)` token for the current position.
protected var lastToken: Token? = null
* When [numMarkers] `> 0`, this is the `LT(-1)` token for the
* first token in [tokens]. Otherwise, this is `null`.
protected var lastTokenBufferStart: Token? = null
* Absolute token index. It's the index of the token about to be read via
* `LT(1)`. Goes from `0` to the number of tokens in the entire stream,
* although the stream size is unknown before the end is reached.
* This value is used to set the token indexes if the stream provides tokens
* that implement [WritableToken].
protected var currentTokenIndex: Int = 0
override val text: String =
override val sourceName: String
get() = tokenSource.sourceName
protected val bufferStartIndex: Int
get() = currentTokenIndex - p
init {
// Prime the pump
override operator fun get(index: Int): Token {
val bufferStartIndex = bufferStartIndex
if (index < bufferStartIndex || index >= bufferStartIndex + n) {
val message = "get($index) outside buffer: $bufferStartIndex..${bufferStartIndex + n}"
throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(message)
return tokens[index - bufferStartIndex]!!
override fun LT(k: Int): Token {
if (k == -1) {
return lastToken!!
val index = p + k - 1
if (index < 0) {
throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("LT($k) gives negative index")
if (index >= n) {
assert(n > 0 && tokens[n - 1]!!.type == Token.EOF)
return tokens[n - 1]!!
return tokens[index]!!
override fun LA(i: Int): Int =
override fun getText(ctx: RuleContext): String =
override fun getText(start: Token?, stop: Token?): String =
if (start != null && stop != null) {
getText(Interval.of(start.tokenIndex, stop.tokenIndex))
} else {
override fun consume() {
if (LA(1) == Token.EOF) {
throw IllegalStateException("cannot consume EOF")
// buf always has at least tokens[p==0] in this method due to ctor
lastToken = tokens[p] // Track last token for LT(-1)
// If we're at last token and no markers, opportunity to flush buffer
if (p == n - 1 && numMarkers == 0) {
n = 0
p = -1 // p++ will leave this at 0
lastTokenBufferStart = lastToken
* Make sure we have `need` elements from current position [p].
* Last valid [p] index is `tokens.length - 1`. `p + need - 1` is the tokens
* index `need` elements ahead.
* If we need `1` element, `(p + 1 - 1) == p` must be less than `tokens.length`.
protected fun sync(want: Int) {
// How many more elements we need?
val need = p + want - 1 - n + 1
if (need > 0) {
* Add [n] elements to the buffer.
* Returns the number of tokens actually added to the buffer.
* If the return value is less than [n], then `EOF` was reached
* before [n] tokens could be added.
protected fun fill(n: Int): Int {
for (i in 0.. 0 && tokens[this.n - 1]!!.type == Token.EOF) {
return i
val t = tokenSource.nextToken()
return n
protected fun add(t: Token) {
if (n >= tokens.size) {
tokens = tokens.copyOf(tokens.size * 2)
if (t is WritableToken) {
t.tokenIndex = bufferStartIndex + n
tokens[n++] = t
* Return a marker that we can release later.
* The specific marker value used for this class allows for some level of
* protection against misuse where [seek] is called on a mark or [release]
* is called in the wrong order.
override fun mark(): Int {
if (numMarkers == 0) {
lastTokenBufferStart = lastToken
val mark = -numMarkers - 1
return mark
override fun release(marker: Int) {
val expectedMark = -numMarkers
if (marker != expectedMark) {
throw IllegalStateException("release() called with an invalid marker.")
// Can we release buffer?
if (numMarkers == 0) {
if (p > 0) {
// Copy tokens[p]..tokens[n-1] to tokens[0]..tokens[(n-1)-p], reset ptrs
// p is last valid token; move nothing if p==n as we have no valid char
System.arraycopy(tokens, p, tokens, 0, n - p) // Shift n-p tokens from p to 0
n -= p
p = 0
lastTokenBufferStart = lastToken
override fun index(): Int =
override fun seek(index: Int) {
var tempIndex = index
if (tempIndex == currentTokenIndex) {
if (tempIndex > currentTokenIndex) {
sync(tempIndex - currentTokenIndex)
tempIndex = min(tempIndex, bufferStartIndex + n - 1)
val bufferStartIndex = bufferStartIndex
val i = tempIndex - bufferStartIndex
if (i < 0) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("cannot seek to negative index $tempIndex")
} else if (i >= n) {
throw UnsupportedOperationException(
"seek to index outside buffer: $tempIndex not in $bufferStartIndex..${bufferStartIndex + n}"
p = i
currentTokenIndex = tempIndex
lastToken = if (p == 0) {
} else {
tokens[p - 1]
override fun size(): Int =
throw UnsupportedOperationException("Unbuffered stream cannot know its size")
override fun getText(interval: Interval): String {
val bufferStartIndex = bufferStartIndex
val bufferStopIndex = bufferStartIndex + tokens.size - 1
val start = interval.a
val stop = interval.b
if (start < bufferStartIndex || stop > bufferStopIndex) {
throw UnsupportedOperationException(
"interval $interval not in token buffer window: $bufferStartIndex..$bufferStopIndex"
val a = start - bufferStartIndex
val b = stop - bufferStartIndex
val buf = StringBuilder()
for (i in a..b) {
val t = tokens[i]!!
return buf.toString()
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