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/* -*- tab-width: 4 -*-
* Electric(tm) VLSI Design System
* File:
* Copyright (c) 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Electric(tm) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Electric(tm) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Electric(tm); see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
* Boston, Mass 02111-1307, USA.
package com.sun.electric.database.geometry;
import com.sun.electric.database.CellTree;
import com.sun.electric.database.ImmutableArcInst;
import com.sun.electric.database.ImmutableNodeInst;
import com.sun.electric.database.topology.ArcInst;
import com.sun.electric.database.topology.NodeInst;
import com.sun.electric.database.variable.DisplayedText;
import com.sun.electric.database.variable.EditWindow0;
import com.sun.electric.database.variable.ElectricObject;
import com.sun.electric.database.variable.TextDescriptor;
import com.sun.electric.database.variable.UserInterface;
import com.sun.electric.database.variable.Variable;
import com.sun.electric.tool.Job;
import com.sun.electric.util.math.DBMath;
import com.sun.electric.util.math.FixpTransform;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.font.GlyphVector;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
* Class to define a polygon of points.
public class Poly extends PolyBase {
public static final Poly[] NULL_ARRAY = {};
public static final boolean NEWTEXTTREATMENT = true;
/** when not null, use this graphics */
private EGraphics graphicsOverride;
/** the string (if of type TEXT) */
private String string;
/** the text descriptor (if of type TEXT) */
private TextDescriptor descript;
/** the ElectricObject/Variable (if of type TEXT) */
private DisplayedText dt;
* The constructor creates a new Poly given an array of points.
* @param points the array of coordinates.
public Poly(Point... points) {
* The constructor creates a new Poly given an array of points.
* @param points the array of coordinates.
public Poly(EPoint... points) {
private static Point[] convertPoints(EPoint[] points) {
Point[] newPoints = new Point[points.length];
for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
Point2D p = points[i];
newPoints[i] = p instanceof Point ? (Point) p : from(p);
return newPoints;
* The constructor creates a new Poly that describes a rectangle.
* @param cX the center X coordinate of the rectangle.
* @param cY the center Y coordinate of the rectangle.
* @param width the width of the rectangle.
* @param height the height of the rectangle.
public Poly(double cX, double cY, double width, double height) {
super(cX, cY, width, height);
* The constructor creates a new Poly that describes a rectangle.
* @param rect the Rectangle2D of the rectangle.
public Poly(Rectangle2D rect) {
// /**
// * Method to return the EGraphics which should be used to draw this Poly.
// * It is either layer's default graphics or graphics override, if any.
// * @return the EGraphics to draw this Poly.
// */
// public EGraphics getGraphics() {
// if (graphicsOverride != null)
// return graphicsOverride;
// Layer layer = getLayer();
// if (layer != null)
// return layer.getGraphics();
// return null;
// }
* Method to return the EGraphics which overrides default EGraphics
* for Poly's Layer. If null, use default Layer's graphics.
* @return the String associated with this Poly.
public EGraphics getGraphicsOverride() {
return graphicsOverride;
* Method to set the EGraphics which overrides default EGraphics
* for Poly's Layer. If null, use default Layer's graphics.
* @param graphics graphics override
public void setGraphicsOverride(EGraphics graphics) {
graphicsOverride = graphics;
* Method to return the String associated with this Poly.
* This only applies to text Polys which display a message.
* @return the String associated with this Poly.
public String getString() {
return string;
* Method to set the String associated with this Poly.
* This only applies to text Polys which display a message.
* @param string the String associated with this Poly.
public void setString(String string) {
this.string = string;
* Method to return the Text Descriptor associated with this Poly.
* This only applies to text Polys which display a message.
* Only the size, face, italic, bold, and underline fields are relevant.
* @return the Text Descriptor associated with this Poly.
public TextDescriptor getTextDescriptor() {
return descript;
* Method to set the Text Descriptor associated with this Poly.
* This only applies to text Polys which display a message.
* Only the size, face, italic, bold, and underline fields are relevant.
* @param descript the Text Descriptor associated with this Poly.
public void setTextDescriptor(TextDescriptor descript) {
this.descript = descript;
* Method to return the DisplayedText associated with this Poly.
* This only applies to text Polys which display a message.
* @return the DisplayedText associated with this Poly.
public DisplayedText getDisplayedText() {
return dt;
* Method to set the DisplayedText associated with this Poly.
* This only applies to text Polys which display a message.
* @param dt the DisplayedText associated with this Poly.
public void setDisplayedText(DisplayedText dt) {
this.dt = dt;
* Method to transformed the points in this Poly.
* @param af transformation to apply.
public void transform(FixpTransform af) {
// Nothing to do
if (af.getType() == FixpTransform.TYPE_IDENTITY) {
// special case for text
if (!NEWTEXTTREATMENT && getStyle().isText() && descript != null) {
// for quadrant rotations, rotate the text angle too
if ((af.getType() & FixpTransform.TYPE_QUADRANT_ROTATION) != 0) {
double m00 = af.getScaleX();
double m01 = af.getShearX();
double m11 = af.getScaleY();
double m10 = af.getShearY();
if (m00 == 0 && m11 == 0) {
// a 90/270 rotation
if (m01 > m10) {
// 270-degree rotation
int ang = descript.getRotation().getAngle();
TextDescriptor.Rotation r = TextDescriptor.Rotation.getRotation((ang + 270) % 360);
descript = descript.withRotation(r);
} else {
// 90-degree rotation
int ang = descript.getRotation().getAngle();
TextDescriptor.Rotation r = TextDescriptor.Rotation.getRotation((ang + 90) % 360);
descript = descript.withRotation(r);
private static final int[] extendFactor = {0,
11459, 5729, 3819, 2864, 2290, 1908, 1635, 1430, 1271, 1143,
1039, 951, 878, 814, 760, 712, 669, 631, 598, 567,
540, 514, 492, 470, 451, 433, 417, 401, 387, 373,
361, 349, 338, 327, 317, 308, 299, 290, 282, 275,
267, 261, 254, 248, 241, 236, 230, 225, 219, 214,
210, 205, 201, 196, 192, 188, 184, 180, 177, 173,
170, 166, 163, 160, 157, 154, 151, 148, 146, 143,
140, 138, 135, 133, 130, 128, 126, 123, 121, 119,
117, 115, 113, 111, 109, 107, 105, 104, 102, 100};
* Method to return the amount that an arc end should extend, given its width and extension factor.
* @param width the width of the arc.
* @param extend the extension factor (from 0 to 90).
* @return the extension (from 0 to half of the width).
public static double getExtendFactor(double width, int extend) {
return extend <= 0 || extend >= 90 ? width * 0.5 : width * 50 / extendFactor[extend];
* Method to construct a Poly for an arc with a given length, width, angle, endpoint, and extension.
* @param len the length of the arc.
* @param wid the width of the arc.
* @param angle the angle of the arc.
* @param endH the head end of the arc.
* @param extendH the head end extension distance of the arc.
* @param endT the tail end of the arc.
* @param extendT the tail end extension distance of the arc.
* @param style the style of the polygon (filled, opened, etc.)
* @return a Poly describing the outline of the arc.
public static Poly makeEndPointPoly(double len, double wid, int angle, Point2D endH, double extendH,
Point2D endT, double extendT, Poly.Type style) {
double w2 = wid / 2;
double x1 = endH.getX();
double y1 = endH.getY();
double x2 = endT.getX();
double y2 = endT.getY();
Point[] points = null;
// somewhat simpler if rectangle is manhattan
if (angle == 900 || angle == 2700) {
if (angle == 900) // if (y1 > y2)
double temp = y1;
y1 = y2;
y2 = temp;
temp = extendH;
extendH = extendT;
extendT = temp;
points = new Point[]{
fromLambda(x1 - w2, y1 - extendH),
fromLambda(x1 + w2, y1 - extendH),
fromLambda(x2 + w2, y2 + extendT),
fromLambda(x2 - w2, y2 + extendT)};
} else if (angle == 0 || angle == 1800) {
if (angle == 0) // if (x1 > x2)
double temp = x1;
x1 = x2;
x2 = temp;
temp = extendH;
extendH = extendT;
extendT = temp;
points = new Point[]{
fromLambda(x1 - extendH, y1 - w2),
fromLambda(x1 - extendH, y1 + w2),
fromLambda(x2 + extendT, y2 + w2),
fromLambda(x2 + extendT, y2 - w2)};
} else {
// nonmanhattan arcs cannot have zero length so re-compute it
if (len == 0) {
len = endH.distance(endT);
double xextra, yextra, xe1, ye1, xe2, ye2;
if (len == 0) {
double sa = DBMath.sin(angle);
double ca = DBMath.cos(angle);
xe1 = x1 - ca * extendH;
ye1 = y1 - sa * extendH;
xe2 = x2 + ca * extendT;
ye2 = y2 + sa * extendT;
xextra = ca * w2;
yextra = sa * w2;
} else {
// work out all the math for nonmanhattan arcs
xe1 = x1 - extendH * (x2 - x1) / len;
ye1 = y1 - extendH * (y2 - y1) / len;
xe2 = x2 + extendT * (x2 - x1) / len;
ye2 = y2 + extendT * (y2 - y1) / len;
// now compute the corners
xextra = w2 * (x2 - x1) / len;
yextra = w2 * (y2 - y1) / len;
points = new Point[]{
fromLambda(yextra + xe1, ye1 - xextra),
fromLambda(xe1 - yextra, xextra + ye1),
fromLambda(xe2 - yextra, xextra + ye2),
fromLambda(yextra + xe2, ye2 - xextra)};
if (wid != 0 && style.isOpened()) {
points = new Point[]{points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], points[0]};
Poly poly = new Poly(points);
return poly;
* Method to convert text Polys to their precise bounds in a given window.
* @param wnd the window.
* @param eObj the ElectricObject on which this text resides.
* If that ElectricObject is a NodeInst and the node is rotated, it affects the text anchor point.
* @return true if the text is too small to display.
public boolean setExactTextBounds(EditWindow0 wnd, ElectricObject eObj) {
if (getString() == null) {
return true;
String theString = getString().trim();
if (theString.length() == 0) {
return true;
int numLines = 1;
if (dt != null) {
Variable var = dt.getVariable();
if (var != null) {
numLines = var.getLength();
if (numLines > 1) {
Object[] objList = (Object[]) var.getObject();
for (int i = 0; i < numLines; i++) {
// empty line
if (objList[i] == null) {
String str = objList[i].toString();
if (str.length() > theString.length()) {
theString = str;
Type style = getStyle();
style = rotateType(style, eObj);
Font font = descript != null ? descript.getFont(wnd, 0) : TextDescriptor.getDefaultFont(wnd);
if (font == null) {
UserInterface ui = Job.getUserInterface();
double size = ui.getDefaultTextSize();
if (descript != null) {
size = descript.getTrueSize(wnd);
size = size / wnd.getScale();
if (size <= 0) {
size = 1;
double cX = getBounds2D().getCenterX();
double cY = getBounds2D().getCenterY();
double sizeIndent = size / 4;
double fakeWidth = theString.length() * size * 0.75;
Point2D pt = getTextCorner(style, cX, cY, fakeWidth, size);
cX = pt.getX();
cY = pt.getY();
points = new Point[]{
fromLambda(cX, cY + sizeIndent),
fromLambda(cX + fakeWidth, cY + sizeIndent),
fromLambda(cX + fakeWidth, cY + size - sizeIndent),
fromLambda(cX, cY + size - sizeIndent)};
this.bounds = null;
return false;
Rectangle2D bounds = getBounds2D();
double lX = bounds.getMinX();
double hX = bounds.getMaxX();
double lY = bounds.getMinY();
double hY = bounds.getMaxY();
GlyphVector gv = TextDescriptor.getGlyphs(theString, font);
Rectangle2D glyphBounds = gv.getVisualBounds();
// adjust to place text in the center
double textScale = getTextScale(wnd, gv, style, lX, hX, lY, hY);
double textWidth = glyphBounds.getWidth();
double textHeight = font.getSize();
double scaledWidth = textWidth * textScale;
double scaledHeight = textHeight * textScale;
double cX = (lX + hX) / 2;
double cY = (lY + hY) / 2;
Point2D corner = getTextCorner(style, cX, cY, scaledWidth, scaledHeight);
cX = corner.getX();
cY = corner.getY();
double width = glyphBounds.getWidth() * textScale;
double height = font.getSize() * textScale * numLines;
switch (descript.getRotation().getIndex()) {
case 1: // rotate 90 counterclockwise
double saveWidth = width;
width = -height;
height = saveWidth;
case 2: // rotate 180
width = -width;
height = -height;
case 3: // rotate 90 clockwise
double saveHeight = height;
height = -width;
width = saveHeight;
points = new Point[]{
fromLambda(cX, cY),
fromLambda(cX + width, cY),
fromLambda(cX + width, cY + height),
fromLambda(cX, cY + height)};
this.bounds = null;
gv = null; // for GC and glyphBounds
return false;
* Method to return the coordinates of the lower-left corner of text in a window.
* @param style the anchor information for the text.
* @param cX the center X bound of the polygon containing the text.
* @param cY the center Y bound of the polygon containing the text.
* @param scaledWidth the width of the polygon containing the text.
* @param scaledHeight the height of the polygon containing the text.
* @return the coordinates of the lower-left corner of the text.
private Point2D getTextCorner(Poly.Type style, double cX, double cY, double scaledWidth, double scaledHeight) {
double offX = 0, offY = 0;
if (style == Type.TEXTCENT || style == Type.TEXTBOX) {
offX = -scaledWidth / 2;
offY = -scaledHeight / 2;
} else if (style == Type.TEXTTOP) {
offX = -scaledWidth / 2;
offY = -scaledHeight;
} else if (style == Type.TEXTBOT) {
offX = -scaledWidth / 2;
} else if (style == Type.TEXTLEFT) {
offY = -scaledHeight / 2;
} else if (style == Type.TEXTRIGHT) {
offX = -scaledWidth;
offY = -scaledHeight / 2;
} else if (style == Type.TEXTTOPLEFT) {
offY = -scaledHeight;
} else if (style == Type.TEXTBOTLEFT) {
} else if (style == Type.TEXTTOPRIGHT) {
offX = -scaledWidth;
offY = -scaledHeight;
} else if (style == Type.TEXTBOTRIGHT) {
offX = -scaledWidth;
// } if (style == Poly.Type.TEXTBOX)
// {
// offX = -(textWidth * textScale) / 2;
// offY = -(textHeight * textScale) / 2;
int rotation = getTextDescriptor().getRotation().getIndex();
if (rotation != 0) {
double saveOffX = offX;
switch (rotation) {
case 1:
offX = -offY;
offY = saveOffX;
case 2:
offX = -offX;
offY = -offY;
case 3:
offX = offY;
offY = -saveOffX;
return new Point2D.Double(cX + offX, cY + offY);
* Returns new instance of Poly builder to build shapes in lambda units.
* @return new instance of Poly builder.
public static Builder newLambdaBuilder() {
return new Builder(true);
* Returns thread local instance of Poly builder to build shapes in lambda units.
* @return thread local instance of Poly builder.
public static Builder threadLocalLambdaBuilder() {
return threadLocalLambdaBuilder.get();
private static ThreadLocal threadLocalLambdaBuilder = new ThreadLocal() {
protected Poly.Builder initialValue() {
return new Builder(false);
* This class builds shapes of nodes and arcs in lambda units as Poly arrays.
public static class Builder extends AbstractShapeBuilder {
private boolean isChanging;
private final ArrayList lastPolys = new ArrayList();
private Builder(boolean rotateNodes) {
* Returns the polygons that describe node "ni".
* @param ni the NodeInst that is being described.
* The prototype of this NodeInst must be a PrimitiveNode and not a Cell.
* @return an iterator on Poly objects that describes this NodeInst graphically.
public Iterator getShape(NodeInst ni) {
isChanging = true;
setup(ni.getCellBackup(), null, false, true, false, null);
((PrimitiveNode)ni.getProto()).genShape(this, ni.getD());
isChanging = false;
return lastPolys.iterator();
* Returns the polygons that describe arc "ai".
* @param ni the NodeInst that is being described.
* @return an array of Poly objects that describes this ArcInst graphically.
public Poly[] getShapeArray(NodeInst ni, boolean electrical, boolean reasonable, Layer.Function.Set onlyTheseLayers) {
isChanging = true;
setup(ni.getCellBackup(), null, electrical, !electrical, reasonable, onlyTheseLayers);
((PrimitiveNode)ni.getProto()).genShape(this, ni.getD());
if (lastPolys.isEmpty()) {
isChanging = false;
return Poly.NULL_ARRAY;
Poly[] polys = lastPolys.toArray(new Poly[lastPolys.size()]);
isChanging = false;
return polys;
public Poly getShape(NodeInst ni, PrimitivePort pp) {
isChanging = true;
// setup(ni.getCellBackup(), null, false, true, false, null);
genShapeOfPort(ni.getD(), pp);
assert lastPolys.size() == 1;
Poly poly = lastPolys.get(0);
isChanging = false;
return poly;
public Poly getShape(CellTree cellTree, ImmutableNodeInst n, PrimitivePort pp) {
isChanging = true;
// setup(cellTree, null, false, true, false, null);
genShapeOfPort(n, pp);
assert lastPolys.size() == 1;
Poly poly = lastPolys.get(0);
isChanging = false;
return poly;
public Poly getShape(CellTree cellTree, ImmutableNodeInst n, PrimitivePort pp, Point2D selectPt) {
isChanging = true;
setup(cellTree, null, false, true, false, null);
genShapeOfPort(n, pp, selectPt);
assert lastPolys.size() == 1;
Poly poly = lastPolys.get(0);
isChanging = false;
return poly;
* Returns the polygons that describe arc "ai".
* @param ai the ArcInst that is being described.
* @return an iterator on Poly objects that describes this ArcInst graphically.
public Iterator getShape(ArcInst ai) {
isChanging = true;
isChanging = false;
return lastPolys.iterator();
* Returns the polygons that describe arc "ai".
* @param ai the ArcInst that is being described.
* @return an array of Poly objects that describes this ArcInst graphically.
public Poly[] getShapeArray(ArcInst ai, Layer.Function.Set onlyTheseLayers) {
isChanging = true;
setup(ai.getParent().backup(), null, false, true, false, onlyTheseLayers);
if (lastPolys.isEmpty()) {
isChanging = false;
return Poly.NULL_ARRAY;
Poly[] polys = lastPolys.toArray(new Poly[lastPolys.size()]);
isChanging = false;
return polys;
* Method to create a Poly object that describes an ImmutableArcInst.
* The ImmutableArcInst is described by its width and style.
* @param a an ImmutableArcInst
* @param gridWidth the width of the Poly in grid units.
* @param style the style of the ArcInst.
* @return a Poly that describes the ArcInst.
public Poly makePoly(ImmutableArcInst a, long gridWidth, Poly.Type style) {
isChanging = true;
getTechPool().getArcProto(a.protoId).makeGridPoly(this, a, gridWidth, style, null, null);
isChanging = false;
if (lastPolys.isEmpty()) {
return null;
Poly poly = lastPolys.get(0);
return poly;
public void addPoly(int numPoints, Poly.Type style, Layer layer, EGraphics graphicsOverride, PrimitivePort pp) {
assert isChanging;
Point[] points = new Point[numPoints];
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
points[i] = fromFixp(coords[i * 2], coords[i * 2 + 1]);
Poly poly = new Poly(points);
public void addTextPoly(int numPoints, Poly.Type style, Layer layer, PrimitivePort pp, String message, TextDescriptor descriptor) {
assert isChanging;
Point[] points = new Point[numPoints];
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
points[i] = fromFixp(coords[i * 2], coords[i * 2 + 1]);
Poly poly = new Poly(points);
public void addBox(Layer layer) {
assert isChanging;
long xl = coords[0];
long yl = coords[1];
long xh = coords[2];
long yh = coords[3];
Poly poly = new Poly(fromFixp(xl, yl), fromFixp(xh, yl), fromFixp(xh, yh), fromFixp(xl, yh));
* Type is a typesafe enum class that describes the nature of a Poly.
public static enum Type {
// ************************ polygons ************************
* Describes a closed polygon which is filled in.
FILLED("filled", false),
* Describes a closed polygon with only the outline drawn.
CLOSED("closed", false),
* Describes a closed rectangle with the outline drawn and an "X" drawn through it.
CROSSED("crossed", false),
// ************************ lines ************************
* Describes an open outline.
* The last point is not implicitly connected to the first point.
OPENED("opened", false),
* Describes an open outline, drawn with a dotted texture.
* The last point is not implicitly connected to the first point.
OPENEDT1("opened-dotted", false),
* Describes an open outline, drawn with a dashed texture.
* The last point is not implicitly connected to the first point.
OPENEDT2("opened-dashed", false),
* Describes an open outline, drawn with thicker lines.
* The last point is not implicitly connected to the first point.
OPENEDT3("opened-thick", false),
* Describes a vector endpoint pairs, solid.
* There must be an even number of points in the Poly so that vectors can be drawn from point 0 to 1,
* then from point 2 to 3, etc.
VECTORS("vectors", false),
// ************************ curves ************************
* Describes a circle (only the outline is drawn).
* The first point is the center of the circle and the second point is on the edge, thus defining the radius.
* This second point should be on the same horizontal level as the radius point to make radius computation easier.
CIRCLE("circle", false),
* Describes a circle, drawn with thick lines (only the outline is drawn).
* The first point is the center of the circle and the second point is on the edge, thus defining the radius.
* This second point should be on the same horizontal level as the radius point to make radius computation easier.
THICKCIRCLE("thick-circle", false),
* Describes a filled circle.
* The first point is the center of the circle and the second point is on the edge, thus defining the radius.
* This second point should be on the same horizontal level as the radius point to make radius computation easier.
DISC("disc", false),
* Describes an arc of a circle.
* The first point is the center of the circle, the second point is the start of the arc, and
* the third point is the end of the arc.
* The arc will be drawn counter-clockwise from the start point to the end point.
CIRCLEARC("circle-arc", false),
* Describes an arc of a circle, drawn with thick lines.
* The first point is the center of the circle, the second point is the start of the arc, and
* the third point is the end of the arc.
* The arc will be drawn counter-clockwise from the start point to the end point.
THICKCIRCLEARC("thick-circle-arc", false),
// ************************ text ************************
* Describes text that should be centered about the Poly point.
* Only one point need be specified.
TEXTCENT("text-center", true),
* Describes text that should be placed so that the Poly point is at the top-center.
* Only one point need be specified, and the text will be below that point.
TEXTTOP("text-top", true),
* Describes text that should be placed so that the Poly point is at the bottom-center.
* Only one point need be specified, and the text will be above that point.
TEXTBOT("text-bottom", true),
* Describes text that should be placed so that the Poly point is at the left-center.
* Only one point need be specified, and the text will be to the right of that point.
TEXTLEFT("text-left", true),
* Describes text that should be placed so that the Poly point is at the right-center.
* Only one point need be specified, and the text will be to the left of that point.
TEXTRIGHT("text-right", true),
* Describes text that should be placed so that the Poly point is at the upper-left.
* Only one point need be specified, and the text will be to the lower-right of that point.
TEXTTOPLEFT("text-topleft", true),
* Describes text that should be placed so that the Poly point is at the lower-left.
* Only one point need be specified, and the text will be to the upper-right of that point.
* This is the normal starting point for most text.
TEXTBOTLEFT("text-botleft", true),
* Describes text that should be placed so that the Poly point is at the upper-right.
* Only one point need be specified, and the text will be to the lower-left of that point.
TEXTTOPRIGHT("text-topright", true),
* Describes text that should be placed so that the Poly point is at the lower-right.
* Only one point need be specified, and the text will be to the upper-left of that point.
TEXTBOTRIGHT("text-botright", true),
* Describes text that is centered in the Poly and must remain inside.
* If the letters do not fit, a smaller font will be used, and if that still does not work,
* any letters that cannot fit are not written.
* The Poly coordinates must define an area for the text to live in.
TEXTBOX("text-box", true),
// ************************ miscellaneous ************************
* Describes a small cross, drawn at the specified location.
* Typically there will be only one point in this polygon
* but if there are more they are averaged and the cross is drawn in the center.
CROSS("cross", false),
* Describes a big cross, drawn at the specified location.
* Typically there will be only one point in this polygon
* but if there are more they are averaged and the cross is drawn in the center.
BIGCROSS("big-cross", false);
private final String name;
private final boolean isText;
private Type(String name, boolean isText) { = name;
this.isText = isText;
* Method to tell whether this Poly Style is text.
* @return true if this Poly Style is text.
public boolean isText() {
return isText;
* Returns a printable version of this Type.
* @return a printable version of this Type.
public String toString() {
return "Poly.Type " + name;
* Method to tell whether this is a style that can draw an opened polygon.
* @return true if this is a style that can draw an opened polygon.
public boolean isOpened() {
if (this == OPENED || this == OPENEDT1 || this == OPENEDT2
|| this == OPENEDT3 || this == VECTORS) {
return true;
return false;
* Method to get the "angle" of a style of text.
* When rotating a node, the anchor point also rotates.
* To to this elegantly, the Type is converted to an angle, rotated, and then converted back to a Type.
* @return the angle of this text Type.
public int getTextAngle() {
if (this == TEXTLEFT) {
return 0;
if (this == TEXTBOTLEFT) {
return 450;
if (this == TEXTBOT) {
return 900;
if (this == TEXTBOTRIGHT) {
return 1350;
if (this == TEXTRIGHT) {
return 1800;
if (this == TEXTTOPRIGHT) {
return 2250;
if (this == TEXTTOP) {
return 2700;
if (this == TEXTTOPLEFT) {
return 3150;
return 0;
* Method to get a text Type from an angle.
* When rotating a node, the anchor point also rotates.
* To to this elegantly, the Type is converted to an angle, rotated, and then converted back to a Type.
* @param angle of the text anchor.
* @return a text Type that corresponds to the angle.
public static Type getTextTypeFromAngle(int angle) {
switch (angle) {
case 0:
return TEXTLEFT;
case 450:
case 900:
return TEXTBOT;
case 1350:
case 1800:
case 2250:
case 2700:
return TEXTTOP;
case 3150:
return TEXTCENT;
public Poly.Type rotateTextAnchorIn(TextDescriptor.Rotation rot) {
Poly.Type newStyle = this;
if (rot != TextDescriptor.Rotation.ROT0) {
int angle = getTextAngle();
if (rot == TextDescriptor.Rotation.ROT90) {
angle += 2700;
} else if (rot == TextDescriptor.Rotation.ROT180) {
angle += 1800;
} else if (rot == TextDescriptor.Rotation.ROT270) {
angle += 900;
newStyle = Poly.Type.getTextTypeFromAngle(angle % 3600);
return newStyle;
public Poly.Type rotateTextAnchorOut(TextDescriptor.Rotation rot) {
Poly.Type newStyle = this;
if (rot != TextDescriptor.Rotation.ROT0) {
int angle = getTextAngle();
if (rot == TextDescriptor.Rotation.ROT90) {
angle += 900;
} else if (rot == TextDescriptor.Rotation.ROT180) {
angle += 1800;
} else if (rot == TextDescriptor.Rotation.ROT270) {
angle += 2700;
newStyle = Poly.Type.getTextTypeFromAngle(angle % 3600);
return newStyle;